What is an inlay for dental prosthetics? Ceramic inlays for teeth

Currently, it is developing very rapidly: old materials are being replaced by modern ones, some techniques are no longer used, and every year new methods of treating and restoring defects and anomalies of the dentition appear. And this applies not only to prosthetics, but also to ordinary treatment of caries. Such tabs have high aesthetics, because... do not contain metal, which negatively affects surrounding tissues.

What is a ceramic inlay?

Ceramic inlay is the best way dental restoration. It is used in case of severe destruction as an individual pin on which the crown is fixed, as well as for restoration chewing teeth after tissue preparation for the treatment of caries. Such inlays are made from different materials, which you need to pay attention to when choosing a treatment method.

Types of tabs:


Such inlays are used when it is necessary to completely restore the tooth stump for further fixation of the crown. As a rule, they are used for prosthetics of central teeth for better aesthetics. After all, inlays are also made of metal, having the appropriate color, and they would be visible through the metal-free ceramics of a permanent crown.


These ceramic inlays are used on premolars and molars when 1-2 tooth surfaces are destroyed, most often on the chewing surface of the tooth. Such an inlay can achieve not only aesthetics and functionality, but also durability compared to an ordinary composite filling.

Recovery tabs come from different materials, each of which has advantages over others. In addition, the patient always has the right to choose the method of tooth restoration, and, therefore, for the right choice you should know everything about the material.

Basic materials for restorative ceramic inlays:


They can be made of gold or metal alloys (chrome-cobalt or silver-palladium). Even if such inlays do not match the color of your own teeth, they last longer than fillings. It is preferable to install gold inlays, because... It is used in 900 gauge, which allows for a perfect fit of the inlay, almost completely eliminating the gap between the tooth and the edge of the inlay. There is no need to worry about aesthetics, because back teeth the interlocutor will not be able to see it.

Zirconium dioxide

This is one of the varieties of metal-free inlays that can be matched to the color of the tooth so that no one will ever guess that the tooth was once treated. By the way, the process of making such a tab today is completely automated, excluding human factor And possible errors when it is cast from a cast.

Pressed ceramics

Inlays are made from pressed ceramics under the influence of high temperatures. This material should be chosen by those who care about aesthetics on their chewing teeth.

Metal ceramics

This is a fairly new material that has proven negative among dentists. It is similar in cost to porcelain inlays, but is noticeably inferior to them in functionality and service life.

Pros and cons of inlays before fillings

The main advantages of tabs include:

  • absence of shrinkage and abrasion of the material;
  • no color change from food coloring;
  • high aesthetics;
  • service life.

There is only one disadvantage to this type of prosthetics - the price of the inlays. They are several times higher than the cost of a composite filling, and besides, the tooth is restored not in one visit, but in several. Initially, the method of treatment is discussed with the patient, then all tissues affected by caries are removed from the tooth, after which an individual impression is taken. Next, he goes to the laboratory to dental technicians, who use this impression to make an inlay. During its manufacture, the tooth is covered with a temporary filling, which is then removed, and a restorative inlay is fixed in its place.

Weak point Inlays, like fillings, have a place of fixation, i.e. the gap between your tissues and the tab. For inlays it is minimal, which helps to avoid the risk of recurrent caries. But subject to poor hygiene in oral cavity complications cannot be avoided. Such structures do not require special care; you just need to clean your teeth with a brush and floss. complete removal raid.

Unfortunately, not all patients can afford to put a ceramic inlay instead of a filling, because its cost is several times higher. But when choosing this method of tooth restoration, the patient will be able to ensure dental health for as long as possible. for many years, while the filling requires replacement after a couple of years, not to mention high risk relapse of caries.

Cost of ceramic inlay

Treatment of the tooth stump under the tabfrom 400 rub
Removing the tab from the root canalfrom 2100 rub.
All-ceramic inlaysfrom 10,000 rub.
Manufacturing a single-piece individual inlay with a pinfrom 3400 rub
Making a collapsible individual tabfrom 5500 rub
Production of a single-piece individual inlay from gold-containing materials. mat. (without material cost)from 5500 rub
Manufacturing of an individual inlay from a silver-containing alloy (without cost)from 5500 rub

When the usual is no longer able to save the situation, a ceramic tooth inlay will help, the price of which, of course, is higher than that of a filling, but much lower than that of a full-fledged prosthesis. This design is made as a fragment of a dental unit and completely restores its destroyed part. It not only gives the tooth its original shape, but also protects it from further damage and destruction, and, if necessary, can become a support for permanent prosthetics (crown or bridge).

Dental ceramic inlays: features and purpose

In essence, a ceramic inlay is a kind of filling that exactly repeats the shape of the destroyed area of ​​the dental crown and closes the resulting cavity. But at the same time, they are made in the laboratory and allow you to restore even such serious and extensive damage that fillings are powerless.

Inlays allow you to quickly, effectively and inexpensively restore teeth. Their installation is considered prosthetics, and the structures themselves are called microprostheses.

There are two types of such structures: restorative (they are used to restore the shape and color of teeth) and stump ones. The ceramic core inlay is intended for the restoration of the dental crown and can be used as a support for an artificial crown.

For ceramic inlays, indications for installation are serious damage to the coronal part (from 30%), defects that cannot be eliminated with filling material, increased abrasion of dental tissue, as well as the need to create reliable support for a bridge. For small cavities, it is not recommended to install such microprostheses; it is also undesirable to install them during bruxism and insufficient hygiene oral cavity.

Pros and cons of ceramic dental inlays

Microprostheses of this kind can be made from high-quality composite materials, ceramics, glass-ceramics (special materials based on glass), metal alloys, often precious.

Of all existing species For microprostheses, ceramics are the most popular because they are very reliable and durable, have impeccable aesthetics and high strength. You can equally successfully install ceramic inlays on the front and chewing teeth

The advantages of ceramic structures are:

The only disadvantage of ceramics is its rather high cost compared to other materials.

Yakovleva Marina Stepanovna, dentist-therapist at the 32 Dent clinic: “When proper care In the oral cavity, the service life of microprostheses can be significantly extended. We usually give our patients individual recommendations on the selection of toothpastes and other care products that will help improve the condition of their teeth and extend the “life” of the installed structure.”

How is a ceramic inlay installed?

The installation process takes place in several stages:

  • Hygienic teeth cleaning, color selection to match the enamel shade.
  • Preparation of tooth tissue and taking an impression.
  • Manufacturing of a microprosthesis in the laboratory.
  • Installation of the structure using special dental cement.

Ceramic tooth inlay - price in Moscow

In Moscow clinics, the price for ceramic inlays is determined taking into account the materials used, the degree of destruction of the coronal part, as well as manufacturing features. If the clinic does not have its own dental laboratory and the production is carried out externally, the price of the microprosthesis will increase. In 32 Dent clinics, the cost of ceramic inlays starts from 18,000 rubles, this amount includes all related procedures and installation.

Inlays are tooth fragments from modern filling materials, which replace its destroyed parts. Such products help in cases where the tooth can no longer be saved with a conventional filling. Dental prosthetics with inlays makes it possible to correct various defects, restore the original shape of a destroyed element, and also provide protection from destruction.

Inlay restoration is a fast, reliable and high-quality way to preserve damaged smile elements and return them to their original shape, color and functionality. Advantages method:

Inlays make it possible to restore the shape of teeth.

  • a tooth restored in this way retains its appearance and functionality,
  • the tab is much stronger and more reliable than a conventional filling,
  • the materials used for restoration by this method do not shrink,
  • food coloring resistance,
  • make it possible to prepare for the fixation of crowns and bridges,
  • preventing enamel abrasion,
  • efficiency increases, since the materials from which the inlays are made are compatible with various products.

Expert opinion. Dentist Gorodetsky A.V.: “The structure is fixed using special dental cement. Inlays are often used under a crown (in cases where the tooth is significantly damaged, but the root is intact). This method of restoration makes it possible to prepare them for prosthetics. Such products consist of a top part and a pin and are not used as independent elements, but only as a support for bridge structures.”

Indications and contraindications

Main testimony to use tabs are:

  • defects of the coronal part that cannot be corrected with filling,
  • wedge-shaped defect,
  • pathological abrasion of enamel,
  • the tooth is destroyed by more than 30%,
  • in order to improve the fastening of the bridge.

But this type restoration has some contraindications:

  • active caries,
  • steep slopes of hillocks,
  • bruxism,
  • poor oral hygiene,
  • small depth of the cavity of the damaged element.


Inlays can also be the basis for bridges.

Products are made from modern high-quality materials that differ high performance durability and have a wide selection of shades. They are restorative (used to recreate the original shape and color), and it is also possible to restore teeth using core structures (they make it possible to recreate the crown part of the damaged tooth). Species recovery tabs:

  1. Metal ones are most often cast from gold and its alloys. In most cases, they are used for chewing teeth, since they are not highly aesthetic. This is very reliable option restoration of teeth, much stronger than conventional fillings.
  2. Ceramic products are distinguished by high aesthetic qualities and are used mainly for front teeth.
  3. Metal ceramics are inferior in quality to ceramics.
  4. Composite products quickly fade and change their original color.

Modern inlays can be made in one of three ways: direct, indirect and computer modeling. The direct method involves making a structure based on an impression that was taken from a specific tooth. Indirect method– impressions are taken from both jaws; during production, the patient’s bite and other individual characteristics are taken into account.

They make it possible to make a structure that will accurately replicate all the bends and irregularities of the damaged tooth. To do this, a photograph of the patient’s tooth and both jaws is taken, and then using computer program a model of the future product is recreated.

Crown inlay

For metal-free crowns, zirconium dioxide inlays are used.

What material should I choose for the crown inlay? It depends on many factors, but the main thing is what the crown itself is made of:

  1. For metal and metal-ceramic crowns Products made from the Cobalt + Chrome alloy are best suited.
  2. Alloys suitable for ceramics precious metals: “Gold + Platinum” or with ceramic lining.
  3. For metal-free zirconium dioxide crowns on the front teeth, inlays made of the same material are used, since the metal, for example, will be visible through the crown.
  4. Titanium products are biologically inert, but they are very fragile.
  5. Alloys “Silver + Palladium” or pure silver have bactericidal properties, but contribute to the formation of pigmentation on the gums.
  6. The alloys “Chrome + Cobalt” and “Chrome + Nickel” are quite strong and do not shrink.

First, the dentist examines the oral cavity, prepares the tooth, and takes impressions. While the inlay is being manufactured, a temporary filling is installed. The product is fixed with special cement and then polished.

How much does the design cost? The price can vary from $30 to $130 depending on the materials and complexity of the work.

The stump inlay for an artificial crown is very good option to restore a severely damaged tooth. Consult with experienced specialists dental clinic"DentaBravo" - perhaps this method will be optimal in your case.

What are stump inlays?

The stump is the tab installed under the crown. This orthopedic product has a lower (root) and upper (coronal) part. The bottom one looks like a pin; it is fixed in the tooth root canal with special cement. Upper part The inlay is shaped like a tooth stump—the artificial crown is subsequently attached to it.

When is prosthetics using stump inlays used?

Stump inlays are used in cases where restoration with filling is not possible. Indications for their use may include: complete or significant destruction of the coronal part of the tooth (with a healthy root), defects in the shape or position of the tooth, damage to the supragingival area of ​​the tooth. This structure can also serve as a support for a bridge.

What types of stump inlays are there?

According to the design features and manufacturing method, stump pin inlays are either collapsible or cast (non-removable). Based on the material of manufacture, there are metal (gold, titanium, cobalt-chrome, etc.), metal-ceramic and all-ceramic inlays.

What is better: restoration with a stump insert or a pin?

Compared to pins stump inlays are better fixed in the root canals, have greater strength due to the uniform distribution of the load over the entire surface of the structure. The advantages include the need for minimal tooth preparation for inlays. Restoring a tooth on a pin takes less time (done in one visit to the doctor) and is a more economical option

What are collapsible and non-removable stump inlays?

Cast (non-removable) stump inlays are used more often because their production is much simpler. They are monolithic products that consist of a platform that replaces a defective tooth and pins that provide reliable fixation in the root canals. A collapsible stump inlay is used for multi-channel teeth. Some pins of this design are made removable.

What are the advantages of ceramic core inlays?

The main advantage of a ceramic inlay is its aesthetics, which is why it is most often used for prosthetics of front teeth. If the patient decides to install a metal-free crown, then the inlay should be made of ceramics. Otherwise, the metal will shine through the ceramic layer and change its color. For the manufacture of such inlays, zirconium oxide ceramics is used, which makes the structure quite strong and reliable.

What are the advantages of metal inlays?

The main advantage of such structures is high strength. Metal stump inlays are used when prosthetics with metal-ceramic or metal crowns, they are ideal for restoring chewing teeth that bear significant stress.

What are the advantages of gold inlays and silver palladium inlays?

Stump inlays made of silver-palladium alloy are installed on severely damaged teeth. The main advantage of such products is the high bactericidal properties of silver. Gold inlays are the safest and most reliable option. Gold does not cause allergies and does not enter into chemical reactions, therefore products made from this material are not subject to corrosion and destruction.

What are the quality criteria for stump inlays?

High quality made and installed tooth inlay for crown It must be securely fixed in the root canals, distribute pressure evenly over its entire surface, and withstand intense chewing loads for a long time. The design of the stump inlay and an artificial crown placed on it must look aesthetically pleasing and not stand out in any way in the dentition.

What is the cost of prosthetics with core inlays?

Prosthetics with core inlays are quite expensive dental service, since the manufacture of these structures is a rather complex and labor-intensive process. The cost of the tab is influenced by the material from which it will be made and the complexity of the particular case. Approximate prices work at the DentaBravo clinic are indicated in the price list and table below, and a more accurate calculation is possible only after consultation with our specialist.