How to use dental floss correctly. How to floss. According to special structure processing, dental flosses are

Regular and high-quality cleaning oral cavity– the key to healthy teeth and gums. A toothbrush is indispensable for these purposes, but it has one significant drawback - it cleans only the surface of the teeth, without penetrating into hard-to-reach places. For complete removal To remove leftover food, you need another device called floss or dental floss. How to choose and use floss correctly so that it brings maximum benefit?

What is floss used for?

Human teeth have five surfaces: outer, inner, chewing, cutting edge, and two lateral surfaces. Most food debris accumulates on the side surfaces or between the teeth, where a toothbrush simply cannot reach.

“Deposits” and plaque that are located in the interdental spaces also cause gum disease, so they should be gotten rid of as often as possible (preferably after every meal).

It is for these purposes that flosses are used, because neither a toothbrush nor chewing gum, nor a toothpick is effective enough to clean the sides of teeth.

Types of floss

Dental floss presented in stores and pharmacies differ in material, cross-section and other characteristics. Each variety has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account when choosing floss.

Table. Types of floss based on material of manufacture.

Absence harmful substances, good cleaning propertiesLow strength
Small diameter, high strength, durableRelatively low efficiency
High efficiency, strength, durabilityHigh cost

According to the nature of the cross-section, flosses can be round or flat. Round ones can be used by people with large dental gaps, while flat ones are suitable for those with narrow gaps between teeth.

Some manufacturers of dental floss coat them with wax - waxed floss is easy to use, but cleans the interdental spaces worse than unwaxed floss.

In addition, low-quality waxed floss can leave microscopic pieces of wax between the teeth, which reduces the effect of its use.

Also, some flosses are impregnated with special compounds that help better cleansing teeth and maintain good oral health. Substances used to impregnate dental floss include:

  • sodium fluoride - prevents caries and strengthens enamel;
  • chlorhexidine - has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect;
  • neutral polymers - reduce the coefficient of friction and help the floss to clean the interdental spaces as efficiently as possible;
  • antiseptics - restore the microflora of the oral cavity and prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria;
  • menthol - freshens breath and makes the process of brushing your teeth much more enjoyable.

Typically, floss is produced in the form of skeins, packaged in special containers equipped with a cutter. Some are equipped with a special handle that facilitates the process of cleaning the oral cavity, and electric flosses are considered the most convenient - they perform all the necessary manipulations without human intervention (based on the principle of an electric toothbrush).

Contraindications to the use of floss

Like any other dental device, dental floss has a number of contraindications for use. First of all, it is the presence in the teeth carious cavities– the use of floss can lead to chipping of hard tissues.

With and others acute diseases You should also avoid flossing until your oral cavity has been sanitized.

How to use floss?

In order for dental floss to bring maximum benefit, you must strictly follow the rules for using the device.

How to use dental floss - oral hygiene, cleaning gums from food debris

Step 1. Wash your hands well with soap.

Step 2. Cut a piece of floss approximately 45 cm long.

Step 3. Wrap the ends of the dental floss around the index or middle fingers of both palms (some people find it convenient to clean between the teeth with the thumb and index fingers of one hand), leaving at least 2.5 cm of free space between them. You can use a special floss holder (flossette or flosser) resembling a two-pronged fork.

Silver Care set - dental floss and fork holder

Step 4. Place the floss between the teeth until it touches the gum. After this, carefully move the thread, cleaning side surfaces teeth. Move from one tooth to another, use a clean section of floss.

Step 5. Using caution, remove the used floss and then throw it away (re-brushing your teeth with used floss is not recommended).

Safety precautions

IN dental practice It is not uncommon for people to damage their gums when using floss. To avoid such troubles, you need to know safety precautions when using dental floss.

Dental floss should not be used too often - 1-2 times a day is enough to effectively clean the mouth. In addition, flosses cannot replace toothbrush and other dental care devices.

What are superflosses?

People with crowns, bridges or braces are recommended to use so-called superflosses - devices that combine the functions different types dental floss. They consist of three types of fiber - hard, absorbent and regular, which is used to make regular floss. The hard parts of the device easily penetrate between the parts of bracket systems and into the spaces between bridges, the absorbent parts well adsorb plaque from hard-to-reach places, and regular floss allows you to clean areas free of orthodontic structures.

The algorithm for using superflosses is as follows.

Step 1. Wash your hands well.

Step 2. Place the thin end of the superfloss under the arch of the bracket system or dental bridge, pull the thread until the absorbent part of the device is in the area that needs to be cleaned.

Step 3. Move back and forth to clean your teeth and orthodontic structures from plaque and food debris.

Famous floss manufacturers

Flosses are manufactured by companies that produce toothpastes, brushes and other products for oral hygiene. When choosing a device, it is better to give preference famous brands, well proven in the market.

Can I use regular thread instead of floss?

Dental floss– convenient and effective remedy for cleaning interdental spaces, but there are times when it is not available. Can I use regular sewing floss to clean my teeth? Theoretically, this is possible, but in this case there is a high probability of damaging the gum tissue and causing infection, so if floss is not available, it is better to use a regular toothpick.

Flosses are a convenient and effective means for oral hygiene, which, when used correctly, can reduce the risk of developing caries and other dental diseases by 15-20%.

Video - Dental floss. How to use? How to choose the right one?

This article will tell you about the benefits of flossing your mouth and how to use dental floss.

What is dental floss - floss, disposable dental floss, what does it look like: photo

Dental floss is necessary to clean teeth where no brush can. It is able to penetrate into any cracks and spaces between the teeth, taking out all the leftover food. Floss is another medical name dental floss.

Flosses are divided into the following types:

  • With waxed thread(it’s easier for them to penetrate any hard-to-reach place, but the nick breaks easily and quickly during cleaning).
  • With unwaxed thread(gives weak friction force)
  • With synthetic thread(characterized by elasticity and strength)
  • With silk thread(has high strength and rarely breaks).

IMPORTANT: Any floss thread is impregnated with a special substance that makes it easier to glide over tooth enamel.

In pharmacies, as well as stores with household and cosmetics You can purchase the following types of dental floss:

  • Round dental floss(ideal for cleaning those teeth that have wide spaces and large crevices).
  • Flat dental floss(suitable for cleaning those teeth where the space between them is too narrow).
  • Tape dental floss(differ in that they are able to swell upon contact with saliva).
  • Bulk dental floss(suitable for soft cleaning, especially if there are wide gaps between the teeth).

Modern manufacturers often impregnate floss with some kind of aromatic or medicinal composition. Most often it is fluoride (to strengthen enamel), menthol (for a fresh smell) and others. Regular use of floss (both during brushing and after eating) can prevent the occurrence of many diseases of the teeth and gums.

Flossing is also a type of dental floss. It is intended for cleaning only the interdental space. It looks quite primitive - a handle with a stretched piece of thread. The most popular type of floss is ribbon. It looks like a small box with a lid containing a spool of 50-meter thread.

Why should you floss? Contraindications to using dental floss

It is important to know when you should absolutely not use thread:

  • If you have periodontal disease(this way you can spread the infection from a diseased tooth to a healthy one).
  • If there is a carious cavity(so as not to break off part of the tooth affected by caries).
  • If your gums bleed a lot(so as not to aggravate the disease and provoke inflammation).
  • If there are orthopedic and metal structures in the mouth(you can only use “superfloss”).
  • For small children(so as not to injure the delicate baby gums).

Dental floss is a necessity for every person. After any meal, tiny particles of food remain between the teeth. If you do not remove them (and a regular brush cannot do this), you can cause them to begin to rot and spoil your teeth, as well as inflame your gums.

How to properly brush your teeth with dental floss: instructions, advice from dentists

  • Take the floss box and open the lid
  • Rewind required quantity threads (for some a short piece of 2 cm is convenient, for others 8-10 cm).
  • Each box should have a special metal hook that cuts the thread and therefore you do not need to look for scissors and other tools.
  • Wind the thread around the middle and index finger mediocre
  • Place the floss between your teeth and begin to move it back and forth, pushing out any remaining food.
  • You can also wrap a thread around the tooth and use both ends on the front part of the jaw to clean the space behind the tooth and on the sides.
  • Throw away the floss you used to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly. clean water, medical liquid or herbal decoction.

Video: “Proper flossing”

How to floss correctly: before or after brushing your teeth?

It is recommended to use dental floss exactly the same number of times as you eat. Of course, not everyone is able to follow such recommendations, but if you can do it 1-2 times (morning and evening), that will be enough. It is advisable to floss your teeth before brushing, since bristles and toothpaste can penetrate into those spaces where you have already removed food debris.

Dental floss: how often to use?

It is good to use dental floss regularly, but not often, so as not to injure the delicate gums and cause bleeding. The optimal number of times a day is during morning and evening brushing.

Can dental floss damage a tooth or gum?

You can damage the oral cavity with floss only in the following cases:

  • Predisposition of gums to bleeding
  • Inflammatory processes of the gums
  • If there is extensive caries (the tooth may break off)
  • If you have a filling in your mouth (especially an old one), it can be destroyed.

Video: “The benefits of dental floss. How to use dental floss?”

Important for the health of gums and teeth careful hygiene oral cavity. However, brushing alone is often not enough. It is necessary to remove food debris from the interdental spaces.

With ineffective oral hygiene, plaque forms after each meal, which leads to caries. In addition, it is not always possible to brush your teeth immediately after eating. The modern rhythm of life simply does not allow this. For example, at work. In this case, it is advisable to use a special floss to clean your teeth. Another name for this device is floss. Doctors advise using it several times a day, as well as additionally cleaning the space between the teeth before bed, after the usual brushing. Why do you need dental floss? It prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth during sleep. This hygiene aid can be very helpful, but before purchasing the right floss, you should learn how to use dental floss correctly.

Today there is a wide range of these dental products. The appearance of different flosses is widely presented in the gallery of our website. You can choose the one that suits you by studying the video and photos. Dental floss, depending on the material of manufacture, can be natural or artificial. The first types of products are made from silk, and the second are based on non-natural, but no less durable materials: acetate, nylon or nylon.

Floss is effective additional means oral hygiene

When choosing this hygiene product, there is no clear answer to the question of which dental floss is better. The fact is that the bite, shape and condition of teeth are different for all people. Therefore, when purchasing floss, it is better to consult a dentist. Your doctor will individually select one or another type of hygiene accessories.

By shape, there are flat, ribbon and round flosses. Using flat devices, it is convenient to clean the narrow spaces between teeth. Round ones are used for large gaps between teeth, and strip flosses are prescribed for cosmetic defects position of the incisors (diastema) or with significant gaps between other teeth (trema). Understand this large quantities dental devices is, at first glance, a difficult task. However, today many people understand how necessary floss is sometimes. How to choose and how to use this product correctly is worth studying in detail.

They also produce voluminous products that, in contact with saliva in the oral cavity, become larger and fluff up. This makes it possible without damaging soft fabrics gums, thoroughly clean the space between the teeth.

Some models of cleaning threads are impregnated with wax. This allows the floss to easily glide between your teeth to clean them.

Appearance of waxed dental floss

Dentists prescribe such waxed products to people who are using such hygiene products for the first time. Wax-coated models are much more convenient to use. They make brushing your teeth comfortable. However, unwaxed floss provides better removal of food debris from the mouth and is better at removing plaque. Such threads are separated into fibers and clean the entire surface of the enamel.

There are also threads with and without impregnation. Today flosses saturated with sodium fluoride are produced. They not only perform a hygiene function, but are also an excellent means of caries prevention. These types of floss strengthen the enamel in the part of the tooth surface that is difficult to reach with a brush. Menthol products freshen breath, and threads with chlorhexidine effectively disinfect.

Antibacterial floss

In this case, you can additionally use therapeutic and prophylactic compositions, covering the dental floss with them yourself before the procedure.

There are dental floss designed for independent use at home and those that are used only in dental clinics under the supervision of a doctor.

Contraindications to flossing

It should be remembered that self-medication and even simply the wrong selection of hygiene products can play a cruel joke on you. There are a number of dental conditions for which flossing can be dangerous. The main contraindications include:

  1. Bleeding gums due to periodontal disease. With frequent intensive use of floss, wounds may appear on the gums and an inflammatory process may develop.
  2. Caries. Having cavities in one or more teeth while flossing can also be dangerous. When carrying out the procedure for cleaning interdental spaces, there is a possibility that a piece of the tooth may break off.
  3. Crowns or bridges. If you have orthodontic microprostheses in your mouth, dentists recommend using a special superfloss dental floss. This device combines the functions different types dental floss.

Features of application

For those who are getting floss for the first time, it is useful to know how to properly brush your teeth with dental floss. This device is produced in special packages complete with a small cutter.

Dental floss packaging

Before you floss your teeth, you should make sure you have cut off enough floss. The piece of product that was used to clean one gap cannot be used for other areas. You need to take another piece of thread wound around your fingers.

Floss technique

It is important to choose the right dental floss. First of all, it must be strong and not tear when it is pulled out of the gap between the teeth. Sometimes this happens if there are chips or irregularities on the enamel surface.

Using floss for baby hygiene

Children can be trusted to brush their teeth with floss on their own no earlier than 9–10 years of age. At the same time, acquaintance with this oral hygiene product can be carried out much earlier.

It is very important to teach your child to brush his teeth correctly.

To avoid damage to the gums, the procedure should be carried out under parental supervision. It’s better if mom or dad themselves show the child how to use dental floss for the first time. Photos and detailed instructions floss applications can be found on our website.

It is very important to learn how to use floss correctly, since incorrect use of this dental instrument can lead to gum injury. During the procedure, you should not make unnecessary efforts. If your gums begin to bleed during brushing, you should immediately stop the procedure and rinse your mouth with warm water. saline solution. You can resume cleaning only after the bleeding has stopped.

If your gums are injured, it is important to consult a dentist immediately.

If you are sure that you need dental floss, a special step-by-step technique will tell you how to use it correctly:

  1. Need to prepare a piece of floss 40 cm long. This piece of thread should be enough for effective cleansing interdental spaces. Remember to use a clean portion of the floss for each area.
  2. Twice wrap it with thread middle finger right hand . The index finger remains free. This makes the procedure more convenient.
  3. Then left hand you need to wrap the floss so that the piece of thread in the center was 8–10 cm.
  4. It is recommended to start cleaning from the teeth upper jaw. Need to insert the thread into the spaces between the molars and carefully guide it all the way to the gums. In this case, you cannot put in significant effort.
  5. Should apply the floss to the enamel and run the thread from top to bottom several times. Then you should repeat these steps with the remaining teeth.
  6. After you need pull out the dental floss and wrap the used piece of floss around the finger of your right hand.Insert a clean piece of the product into another interdental space and repeat the procedure.

This sequence of actions will help you properly clean your mouth when using floss for the first time.

The process of brushing teeth with floss

By following these simple recommendations, you can effectively clean the space between your teeth. If you doubt the correctness of carrying out such a hygiene procedure yourself, consult a dentist. The dentist will help you choose suitable look floss and will explain how to use such a tool correctly so as not to injure the gingival nipple.

Frequency of flossing

How many times a day should you floss? Normally, this should be done after every meal. If you did not have the opportunity to floss during the day, you need to thoroughly clean your mouth in the evening before going to bed.

For effective hygiene oral cavity, you need to use dental floss regularly

Ideally, you should brush your teeth with a regular brush, then floss, and then use a mouthwash or herbal balm.

Advantages and disadvantages of use

There is an opinion among dentists that the use of dental floss can be harmful to the health of teeth and gums. Despite the many positive feedback Regarding the use of this hygiene product, some doctors claim that flossing can lead to damage to the structure of the teeth.

Everyone knows that healthy teeth and gums are very important for the condition of the human body as a whole. Therefore, you should understand how necessary dental floss is in daily oral hygiene. The benefits or harms of such hygiene products require detailed consideration.

What are the benefits of flossing?

If there is no inflammation of the gums, you can safely use dental floss to clean the interdental space and remove plaque. The use of this product will protect the oral cavity from the growth of bacteria and will be an excellent prevention of dental diseases.

Using floss makes it easy to get rid of food debris stuck between teeth and along the edges of the gums where a toothbrush cannot do it.

The main purpose of dental floss is to remove pieces of food stuck between teeth and eliminate bacteria.

Floss allows you to remove food particles stuck between your teeth.

Disadvantages of dental floss

As various studies show, sometimes the use of floss for oral hygiene causes inflammatory processes. As a rule, misuse Dental floss leads to injuries and microscopic scratches of soft tissue. Gums with wounds and damage become vulnerable to the spread of infection. Sometimes this can even lead to tooth loss.

If blood appears while using floss, you should consult a dentist. Periodontitis may be dangerous disease and requires immediate treatment

Do not forget that dental floss is only auxiliary oral hygiene. It cannot completely replace a toothbrush. Traditional brushing combined with flossing will help effectively clean your teeth and gums, keeping them healthy.

If you carry out the procedure according to all the rules and follow the recommendations of your doctor, you can forget about caries and gum disease for a long time. Correct prevention and hygiene will give you a dazzling smile.

Floss is an effective additional means of oral hygiene. Appearance of waxed dental floss. Antibacterial floss. Packaging of dental floss.

Teeth are normal Oral hygiene How to use dental floss, basic rules

How to use dental floss - video

For recent years Various inventions and devices that help maintain health and beauty have become firmly established in our lives and everyday life. One of these items is dental floss, which is also called floss and is intended for hygiene procedures molars.

Each tooth has five anatomical sides or surfaces: chewing, lingual, buccal and two interdental. The first three surfaces of the teeth are cleaned with toothbrushes, read the article about toothpastes, but the interdental surfaces can only be cleaned with dental floss. This is due to the fact that not a single brush, not a single dentist’s instrument, not a single other device, with the exception of dental floss, is capable of thoroughly cleaning the parts of the teeth that are in contact with each other.

A device as simple as dental floss, with regular use can prevent common pathology - in half of the cases. Moreover scientific research have shown that the caries prevention effect of flossing does not depend on the type or type of dental floss, so use the one you like best. In principle, different types of dental floss are designed to care for teeth with various features, for example, wide or narrow distances between teeth, presence, etc.

Many people don't use floss because they simply have no idea , what varieties are available, how to choose the right one, etc. Firstly, the threads are available in round or flat, with the former intended for people who have wide gaps between adjacent teeth, and the second - for those who have a tight fit of teeth to each other. Sometimes floss gets soaked certain compounds. Impregnation may consist of special medicinal or prophylactic drugs, for example fluorides or chlorhexidine. There are impregnations that simply have pleasant aroma, which provides a pleasant feeling when flossing.

Dental floss can be waxed and unwaxed. Waxed thread is smoother and penetrates between teeth more easily, so it is preferable to start using floss with such threads. Non-waxed floss has a huge advantage over waxed floss - it cleans the surfaces of teeth from plaque and bacteria much better, so after learning how to use the waxed version, switch to non-waxed floss.

Today, the following materials are used for the production of dental floss - natural silk, synthetic fiber - nylon or Teflon. Silk thread has good cleaning properties and is small in thickness, but it breaks too often and easily. Dental floss made of nylon and Teflon have an undoubted advantage over silk, since they practically do not tear. The properties of these materials are approximately the same, but Teflon threads are much more expensive. Therefore, it is optimal to choose floss made of nylon.

Having chosen floss, be sure to start using it, because learning how to use dental floss is as easy as shelling pears. First, pull about 35 cm of thread from the spool and wind its ends around the index fingers of your right and left hands so that there is a free gap of about 10 cm. Pull the floss tightly between the index fingers. It is in this taut state that you carefully insert the floss between your teeth, but do not pull it too hard so as not to injure your gums.

Once the floss is between your teeth, gently press it against the surface of one of your teeth and rub it with the floss using a simple up and down motion. Then move the floss a little and thoroughly clean the surface of the other adjacent tooth in the same way. After this, pull out the thread. Clean all the spaces between adjacent teeth in the same way. Use a new, clean section of floss to clean each gap.

Watch another video on how to use dental floss:

Benefits, contraindications, types and subtleties of choosing dental floss. Proper use of the device, features and secrets of use for adults and children.

Why do you need dental floss?

Daily proper care taking care of the condition of the oral cavity is the key to a fresh and radiant smile. People are accustomed to using toothpastes, powders and brushes, but their use is not enough to clean interdental spaces; dental floss can easily cope with this task.

Threads designed for personal use, have various packages that are convenient for unwinding and cutting such a product. As a rule, the packaging is a miniature plastic box in which ordinary floss is placed. It is practical to use and prevents clogging of the still untouched thread located inside it. This typical box holds 50 meters of thread, which is why it has unique property always be at hand and in right moment help in cleaning interdental spaces.

The important thing is that you should use dental floss not only every day, but also correctly, this is how you can effectively remove all food residues and dental plaque.

If you follow all the principles of proper use of dental floss, they will:

  • Adjust the level of acidity in the oral cavity;
  • Will help prevent the formation of caries;
  • Will get rid of bad smell from the mouth;
  • They will remove plaque from your teeth, giving you a snow-white, beautiful smile.

Contraindications to flossing

Dental floss can help anyone monitor the condition of their oral cavity, but before using it, you should consult with a specialist. Under certain dental diseases Flossing can lead to a number of health problems.

Main contraindications:

  1. Bleeding from gums. After repeated use of dental floss, small damage may form on the gums, which, after the next contact with it, can in turn cause an acute inflammatory process.
  2. Caries. During the procedure for cleaning interdental spaces, the thread may get caught in an area damaged by caries, as a result of which there is a likely risk of breaking off a piece of the tooth at the site of its damage.
  3. Prosthetics and bridges. In a situation where you have dentures installed, dentists prescribe the use of floss, which combines the properties of different types of dental floss.

Features of choosing dental floss

Dental floss was invented back in 1815, it was invented by the dentist Levi Farmley, who prescribed patients to use silk thread to clean their teeth.

Nowadays, the market for oral care products offers a huge number and variety of products. hygiene products. All people have different anatomical features of the structure of the oral cavity, teeth, and gums, so it is very important to carefully choose dental floss.

When purchasing a thread, you should be guided by specific selection rules. In most cases, there are no restrictions for flossing, but it is not undesirable to ignore a simple visit to a dentist, because only he can accurately explain the condition of a person’s teeth and gums and whether there is a need to start brushing teeth with similar means.

By appearance cross section Dental floss is classified as follows:

  • Rounded - suitable for those people who have a large space between their teeth;
  • Flat - designed for those patients whose teeth are placed close to each other (such threads easily pass into the interdental spaces and capture the largest plane of the tooth);
  • Tape teeth - for people who have the largest gap between their teeth.
According to completeness, a voluminous thread is distinguished, which is prescribed to patients with some dental diseases, since it tends to swell when it interacts with saliva, more effectively cleaning from fragments of remaining food.

According to special structure processing dental flosses are:

  1. Waxed, treated with wax - dentists recommend such threads for children, as well as for adult “beginners” who are just beginning to “adopt” this dental product;
  2. Non-waxed - they have a high cleaning property; they are intended to eliminate plaque from the entire surface of the teeth.
Types of floss for cleaning teeth according to the presence of impregnation:
  • Without special impregnation - floss without impregnation has only ordinary cleaning properties, like a toothbrush.
  • Soaked medicines- for example, a thread treated with a menthol mixture will provide you with fresh and pleasant smell from the oral cavity. Fluoride impregnation is used to prevent caries, but such flosses do not have a significant anti-caries effect, when compared with ordinary threads. The therapeutic effect of threads impregnated with an antiseptic is also insignificant: this type of product is not recommended for use by children, in addition, they are in no way suitable for continuous use.
Let's look at the types of dental floss according to their purpose:
  1. For personal use - a special floss that will help clean your teeth if you are prescribed to wear braces and dentures;
  2. For special application- they are used by dentists in clinics at the appointments of those patients who contacted them for cleaning the oral cavity.
Dental floss can be made from the following materials:
  • They are almost never made from natural silk due to its main drawback - fragility;
  • Nylon is the most common type of floss, because... combines price/quality properties well;
  • Teflon fibers are the strongest threads, but they are also more expensive than their other predecessors.
To make a choice of dental floss, just try several types of products and settle on the one with which you will be most comfortable, and be guided by your own anatomical features structure of teeth and gums.

The most popular and effective flosses include:

  1. Oral B Essential floss. A thin thread that fits even into the smallest spaces between teeth. Strong enough. According to the impregnation, it is divided into those that include menthol treatment and those that do not contain any impregnation. There is a special holder on the package that makes it easier for the owner to use the thread.
  2. Colgate "Optic White". Compacted dental floss is prescribed to avoid the formation of tartar. Easily passes into interdental spaces, treated with a mint solution, which provides a pleasant smell from the mouth immediately after use.
  3. Lacalut dental floss. A thread impregnated with a wax solution, with a rounded cross-section. Useful for beginners for initial use of floss, it has mint impregnation.

How to use different types of dental floss

As is already known, dental floss is divided into processed (waxed) and unprocessed (non-waxed). Next we will look at the features correct use each of these types.

How to use waxed dental floss

Waxed dental floss is a special thread that is impregnated with wax during processing. Thanks to this, it has a dense structure, which makes it possible not to disintegrate into small fibers when used. Impregnation also improves the sliding effect of the floss, which is why it passes freely into the narrowest interdental spaces.

Treated dental floss is very elastic, so when using it, the risk of damaging the soft tissues of the jaw is lower. Doctors suggest using such flosses for children, as well as for people who want to start using dental floss.

Dentists recommend using waxed floss after your next meal. Don't rely on complete replacement flossing a toothbrush with toothpaste in general. You should brush your teeth as usual twice a day, but you should use dental floss before brushing.

How to properly use non-waxed dental floss

Unwaxed dental floss is a floss that is not treated with wax. Similar floss shows high level cleaning the oral cavity. Divided into fibers, such dental floss copes better with the surface of the teeth. The fibers of such products thoroughly clean each tooth, removing plaque.

To determine how well the interdental spaces have been cleaned, you should rub the tooth with floss until a characteristic squeak appears.

It is more difficult to use unwaxed thread than waxed one, so before you start using it, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the technique of cleaning interdental spaces and get your hands on waxed products first.

How to floss teeth for adults and children

Every person, from small children to adults, needs to keep their mouth clean. The use of dental floss is an integral component of effective oral hygiene, regardless of age. But the rules for brushing teeth are different for a child and an adult.

How to floss your child's teeth

Children should be entrusted with this activity from the age of eight or ten, when they are ready to consciously and independently resort to it. But it is recommended to introduce them to this procedure early, using the example of their parents.

When children begin to use dental floss, parents are obliged to help them, and after mastering the knowledge, the child will be able to do this in the future on our own. Children are happy to do this procedure, because they often just like the external outlines of the box where the floss is located, the body of which is made in the shape of various animals.

Children should floss between meals.

How to properly floss as an adult

How can adults properly brush their teeth with dental floss? This question is asked not only by beginners, but also by those people who are already using this remedy. There is a certain technique for cleaning teeth, which is no less important than the correct choice of floss and its model.

In order to clean your teeth efficiently and, most importantly, safely with dental floss, you should understand the following rules:

  • Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, because... When brushing, you will come into contact with your teeth, so it is recommended to protect yourself from harmful substances entering the oral cavity.
  • The thread should be torn off with a length of 20 to 45 centimeters. If you have not used this cleaning method before and are afraid of cutting the floss incorrectly, it is better to measure its length using a ruler.
  • The first end of the thread is wound on the middle or index finger of the right hand, and the other end is wound on the same finger of the second hand. This event It is recommended to do it in such a way that one of the fingers holds only the floss, and the remaining part of it is wound on the other. Remember that between your fingers there should be a gap of thread, the length of which is approximately 5 centimeters.
  • Then you need to stretch the floss tightly, open your mouth freely and insert it into the interdental space. Try to keep your touch gentle and soft; it is unwise to apply too much force to the thread. We begin cleaning by moving the product back and forth.
  • Then we will move the thread up and down. To do this, you need to press the floss to the side plane of the tooth and move it from top to bottom along this surface (6-7 movements are enough).
  • The dental floss should be guided to the gums; such movements make it possible to remove plaque and remnants of consumed food from under it. But be very careful not to damage it!
  • Be sure to brush both the upper and lower rows of teeth. Once you've finished with one tooth, move on to the next, but remember, cleaning an individual tooth requires using an unused piece of floss to prevent harmful bacteria and particles from entering the mouth.

How to floss while wearing braces

Many people believe that floss and braces cannot be used at the same time. But this assumption is incorrect, since teeth with a bracket system installed on them require more thorough and ongoing care.

Teeth with dental structures must be brushed according to the following rules:

  1. For this type of teeth, it is better to choose a floss coated with wax so that it does not cling to the braces.
  2. For cleaning, floss should be taken in pieces of about 25 centimeters.
  3. Initially, you should clean the area under the positioned bracket system, and then proceed to the interdental distances between the teeth.
How to brush your teeth with dental floss - watch the video:

Proper dental care is the key to oral health. Constant cleansing reduces the risk of tooth decay and other diseases. Do not forget that, in addition to cleaning the oral cavity with dental floss, it is recommended to periodically visit the dentist for preventive purposes.