Device for dental floss. How to use dental floss correctly, how often? Types. Which is better: waxed or unwaxed

Daily use of floss (or dental floss) allows you to remove food debris and plaque in places where the bristles of a toothbrush cannot reach. By using dental floss, you not only completely clean your teeth, but also take care of the health of your gums. In addition, floss allows you to get rid of the cause of halitosis (bad breath). The process of flossing may seem daunting and quite tricky at first, but over time it will become easier and easier. Start with the basics: learn how to properly hold and secure dental floss, and then move on to flossing techniques. Finally, get into the habit of flossing to keep your teeth and gums healthy for years to come.


Part 1

Learn to hold dental floss correctly

Pull out a piece of thread 46–61 cm long. Approximately this length of thread is needed to make it easier for you to twist and fix the ends with your fingers. In addition, each tooth should be treated with a new, clean section of floss. That is why it will be much more convenient to immediately cut the thread longer.

  • If you pulled out a piece of thread that was too short, it's okay. Just use it and pull out a new section when you need new, clean thread.

Twist the ends of the dental floss around your middle fingers. First wind the thread onto middle finger one hand, and then on the finger of the second hand - it will be more convenient. Just make a few turns around your middle fingers until the thread is taut. But don’t overdo it - don’t pull the thread too hard so that it cuts into the skin of your fingers and disrupts microcirculation. The turns of the thread around your fingers should be light enough, but at the same time reliable, so that you feel comfortable.

  • If you feel that the floss is too tight, simply unwind it and rewind it.
  • Pinch a section of thread approximately 2.5-7.6 cm long between your thumb and forefinger. Thus, fix the thread (2.5-7.6 cm long) between the thumb and index finger of the right and left hand - you will have a separate fragment of the thread. It is with this fragment that you will clean the interdental spaces. Gradually, moving from tooth to tooth, move your fingers, moving to a clean piece of floss that you will use to clean the next tooth.

    • You can use pieces of thread of any size - the main thing is that you are comfortable. If it is more convenient for you to use a longer section of thread, do so, just spread your hands a little further.

    Part 2

    Floss your teeth
    1. Start with the maxillary central incisors and brush the teeth in each segment one at a time. Get used to starting with the central incisors and then moving to the right or left side to clean the entire dentition. Try to always start on the same side so that it becomes a habit.

      • When flossing, follow roughly the same procedure to ensure that you don't miss any teeth.

      Advice: For example, you can start from the space between the central incisors and then move to the right. Once finished, return to the central incisors and proceed to the left side of the dentition.

      Try to thread the dental floss into the interdental space just below the gum line, but don't persist. You need to use dental floss very carefully. First, make a few back-and-forth movements, and then slowly move it just below the edge of the gum.

      • Do not press on the dental floss or force it as far as possible beyond the gum line. Careless handling of the floss can cause injury to the gum mucosa and cause bleeding. You should always be very careful when flossing near the gum line.
    2. Move your fingers back slightly so that the section of floss you are using to treat the contact surface of the tooth is bent in the shape of the letter “C”. This way, you can treat every tooth surface as efficiently as possible. Once you reach the bottom of the tooth, slide the floss up and down its surface, going slightly beyond the edge of the gum. Work the thread in the way that suits you best.

      • It is very important to thoroughly clean the space below the gum line - it is this manipulation that helps protect the teeth and gums from further formation of tartar. However, as mentioned above, you should not go too deep with the thread, otherwise you will simply injure your gums.
    3. It is necessary to make 8-10 back-and-forth movements of the floss on each surface of the tooth. Move the floss from top to bottom and bottom to top, sliding along the surface of the tooth. This will help remove food debris and plaque, which accumulates most quickly on the contact surfaces of the teeth.

      • If you still feel food debris between your teeth after flossing, unwind a clean section of the floss and floss the area again.
    4. As you move on to the next tooth, move the floss to ensure you are using a new clean area each time. To do this, simply move your fingers to dislodge the section of floss located between them. When using an entire section of floss, simply unwind a clean section of floss from your fingers. Thus, this brushing technique allows you to use a new clean section of the floss for each tooth - making brushing more effective.

      • If you run out of dental floss, simply unwind a new piece. But usually this is not necessary.

      Advice: Your gums may begin to bleed a little. This is quite normal phenomenon, especially if you've just started flossing. In just a couple of days there will be no trace of bleeding left. If your gums bleed continuously for 3-5 days or longer, it is best to see your dentist to make sure your gums are healthy. Most likely, nothing serious happened, but it is always better to be sure.

      Don't forget to clean the distal surfaces of your wisdom teeth. You will have to move your fingers a little further to reach the floss to the wisdom teeth and clean all the surfaces of each of them. Floss along the distal (i.e. farthest) surface of your wisdom teeth. Do not forget to clean all surfaces of the upper and upper wisdom teeth in the same way. lower jaw right and left.

      • Typically, gum inflammation and caries occur first on the lateral group of teeth, because they are the most difficult to properly clean. Therefore, try to floss as best you can on all surfaces.
    5. After you have flossed the teeth of the upper jaw, move on to the teeth of the lower jaw. Again, start from the center and move first one way, then the other. Try to clean the segments in the same order each time. It will be much more beneficial to floss your teeth on the lower jaw in the same order as on the upper jaw - this will help you form the habit much faster.

      • Again, try to brush your teeth in the same order with the same technique each time.

    Part 3

    Maintain optimal levels of oral hygiene
    • Dentists have different recommendations regarding when to floss, so it's best to get your dentist's opinion if you don't. preventive examination he will recommend that you floss. It all depends individual characteristics your body. It's possible that your doctor will tell you to floss after brushing your teeth.

    Another option: You may find it more convenient to floss after brushing your teeth to remove any remaining plaque from your teeth. contact surfaces. If you want to floss after brushing your teeth, this is a perfectly acceptable option. This will not stop you from enjoying the clean and fresh effect after using dental floss.

  • If you find it difficult to use dental floss, try an analogue - a flosser. Flossing is extremely important to maintain optimal level oral hygiene, so it is important to floss every day. But in some cases, people still cannot get used to dental floss and use it correctly. Fortunately, today there is worthy analogues, which may suit you much more than classic dental floss. For example, you can try the following options:

    • “Flossers” are small “handles” in the shape of the letter Y, with dental floss stretched between the arms. Perhaps it will be more convenient for you to use this analogue.
    • “Superflosses”, which have the property of expanding in wider spaces and, conversely, shrinking in narrow ones. Superflosses can be useful and effective if you have wide interdental spaces and no contact points between the teeth.
    • Special dental floss, thanks to which you can effectively clean the space between orthodontic structures.
    • Irrigators - effective additional funds oral hygiene. Irrigators also help get rid of food debris between teeth and remove plaque from contact surfaces. Their action is based on the supply of a jet of water under pressure, which washes away plaque and food debris. But this hygiene product cannot be used as a replacement for dental floss.
  • Benefits, contraindications, types and subtleties of choosing dental floss. Proper use of the device, features and secrets of use for adults and children.

    Why do you need dental floss?

    Daily proper care for the condition oral cavity- the key to a fresh and radiant smile. People are accustomed to using toothpastes, powders and brushes, but their use is not enough to clean interdental spaces; dental floss can easily cope with this task.

    Threads designed for personal use, have various packages that are convenient for unwinding and cutting such a product. As a rule, the packaging is a miniature plastic box in which ordinary floss is placed. It is practical to use and prevents clogging of the still untouched thread located inside it. This typical box holds 50 meters of thread, which is why it has unique property always be at hand and in right moment help in cleaning interdental spaces.

    The important thing is that you should use dental floss not only every day, but also correctly, this is how you can effectively remove all food residues and dental plaque.

    If you follow all the principles of proper use of dental floss, they will:

    • Adjust the level of acidity in the oral cavity;
    • Will help prevent the formation of caries;
    • Will get rid of bad smell from the mouth;
    • They will remove plaque from your teeth, giving you a snow-white, beautiful smile.

    Contraindications to flossing

    Dental floss can help any person monitor the condition of the oral cavity, but before using it you need to consult a specialist. For certain dental conditions, flossing can lead to a number of deteriorations in your health.

    Main contraindications:

    1. Bleeding from gums. After repeated use of dental floss, small damage may form on the gums, which, after the next contact with it, can in turn cause an acute inflammatory process.
    2. Caries. During the procedure for cleaning interdental spaces, the thread may get caught in an area damaged by caries, as a result of which there is a likely risk of breaking off a piece of the tooth at the site of its damage.
    3. Prosthetics and bridges. In a situation where you have dentures installed, dentists prescribe the use of floss, which combines the properties of different types of dental floss.

    Features of choosing dental floss

    Dental floss was invented back in 1815, it was invented by the dentist Levi Farmley, who prescribed patients to use silk thread to clean their teeth.

    Nowadays, the market for oral care products offers a huge number and variety of products. hygiene products. All people have different anatomical features of the structure of the oral cavity, teeth, and gums, so it is very important to carefully choose dental floss.

    When purchasing a thread, you should be guided by specific selection rules. In most cases, there are no restrictions for flossing, but it is not undesirable to ignore a simple visit to a dentist, because only he can accurately explain the condition of a person’s teeth and gums and whether there is a need to start brushing teeth with similar means.

    By appearance cross section Dental floss is classified as follows:

    • Rounded - suitable for those people who have a large space between their teeth;
    • Flat - designed for those patients whose teeth are placed close to each other (such threads easily pass into the interdental spaces and capture the largest plane of the tooth);
    • Tape teeth - for people who have the largest gap between their teeth.
    According to completeness, a voluminous thread is distinguished, which is prescribed to patients with some dental diseases, since it tends to swell when it interacts with saliva, more effectively cleaning from fragments of remaining food.

    According to special structure processing dental flosses are:

    1. Waxed, treated with wax - dentists recommend such threads for children, as well as adult “beginners” who are just beginning to “adopt” this dental product;
    2. Non-waxed - they have a high cleaning property; they are intended to eliminate plaque from the entire surface of the teeth.
    Types of floss for cleaning teeth according to the presence of impregnation:
    • Without special impregnation - floss without impregnation has only ordinary cleaning properties, like a toothbrush.
    • Soaked medicines- for example, a thread treated with a menthol mixture will provide you with fresh and pleasant smell from the oral cavity. Fluoride impregnation is used to prevent caries, but such flosses do not have a significant anti-caries result, when compared with ordinary threads. The therapeutic effect of threads impregnated with an antiseptic is also insignificant: this type of product is not recommended for use by children, in addition, they are in no way suitable for continuous use.
    Let's look at the types of dental floss according to their purpose:
    1. For personal use - a special floss that will help clean your teeth if you are prescribed to wear braces and dentures;
    2. For special application- they are used by dentists in clinics at the appointments of those patients who turned to them for cleaning the oral cavity.
    Dental floss can be made from the following materials:
    • They are almost never made from natural silk due to its main drawback - fragility;
    • Nylon is the most common type of floss, because... combines price/quality properties well;
    • Teflon fibers are the strongest threads, but they are also more expensive than their other predecessors.
    To make a choice of dental floss, just try several types of products and settle on the one with which you will be most comfortable, and be guided by your own anatomical features structure of teeth and gums.

    The most popular and effective flosses include:

    1. Oral B Essential floss. A thin thread that fits even into the smallest spaces between teeth. Strong enough. According to the impregnation, it is divided into those that include menthol treatment and those that do not contain any impregnation. There is a special holder on the package that makes it easier for the owner to use the thread.
    2. Colgate "Optic White". Compacted dental floss is prescribed to avoid the formation of tartar. Easily passes into interdental spaces, treated with a mint solution, which provides a pleasant smell from the mouth immediately after use.
    3. Lacalut dental floss. A thread impregnated with a wax solution with a rounded cross-section. Useful for beginners for initial use of floss, it has mint impregnation.

    How to use different types of dental floss

    As is already known, dental floss is divided into processed (waxed) and unprocessed (non-waxed). Next we will look at the features correct use each of these types.

    How to use waxed dental floss

    Waxed dental floss is a special thread that is impregnated with wax during processing. Thanks to this, it has a dense structure, which makes it possible not to disintegrate into small fibers when used. Impregnation also improves the sliding effect of the floss, which is why it passes freely into the narrowest interdental spaces.

    Treated dental floss is very elastic, so there is a risk of damage when using it. soft fabrics jaws below. Doctors suggest using such flosses for children, as well as for people who want to start using dental floss.

    Dentists recommend using waxed floss after your next meal. Don't rely on complete replacement flossing a toothbrush with toothpaste in general. You should brush your teeth as usual twice a day, but you should use dental floss before brushing.

    How to properly use non-waxed dental floss

    Unwaxed dental floss is a floss that is not treated with wax. Similar floss shows high level cleaning the oral cavity. Divided into fibers, such dental floss copes better with the surface of the teeth. The fibers of such products thoroughly clean each tooth, removing plaque.

    To determine how well the interdental spaces have been cleaned, you should rub the tooth with floss until a characteristic squeak appears.

    It is more difficult to use unwaxed thread than waxed one, so before you start using it, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the technique of cleaning interdental spaces and get your hands on waxed products first.

    How to floss teeth for adults and children

    Every person, from small children to adults, needs to keep their mouth clean. The use of dental floss is an integral component of effective oral hygiene, regardless of age. But the rules for brushing teeth are different for a child and an adult.

    How to floss your child's teeth

    Children should be entrusted with this activity from the age of eight or ten, when they are ready to consciously and independently resort to it. But it is recommended to introduce them to this procedure early, using the example of their parents.

    When children start using dental floss, parents are obliged to help them, and after mastering the knowledge, the child will be able to do this in the future on our own. Children are happy to do this procedure, because they often just like the external outlines of the box where the floss is located, the body of which is made in the shape of various animals.

    Children should floss between meals.

    How to properly floss as an adult

    How can adults properly brush their teeth with dental floss? This question is asked not only by beginners, but also by those people who are already using this remedy. There is a certain technique for cleaning teeth, which is no less important than the correct choice of floss and its model.

    In order to clean your teeth efficiently and, most importantly, safely with dental floss, you should understand the following rules:

    • Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hands, because... When brushing, you will come into contact with your teeth, so it is recommended to protect yourself from harmful substances entering the oral cavity.
    • The thread should be torn off with a length of 20 to 45 centimeters. If you have not used this cleaning method before and are afraid of cutting the floss incorrectly, it is better to measure its length using a ruler.
    • The first end of the thread is wound around the middle or index finger right hand, and the other is screwed onto the same finger of the second hand. This event It is recommended to do it in such a way that one of the fingers holds only the floss, and the remaining part of it is wound on the other. Remember that there should be a gap of thread between your fingers, the length of which is approximately 5 centimeters.
    • Then you need to stretch the floss tightly, open your mouth freely and insert it into the interdental space. Try to keep your touch gentle and soft; it is unwise to apply too much force to the thread. We begin cleaning by moving the product back and forth.
    • Then we will move the thread up and down. To do this, you need to press the floss to the side plane of the tooth and move it from top to bottom along this surface (6-7 movements are enough).
    • The dental floss should be carried to the gums; such movements make it possible to remove plaque and remnants of consumed food from under it. But be very careful not to damage it!
    • Be sure to brush both the upper and lower rows of teeth. Once you've finished with one tooth, move on to the next, but remember, cleaning an individual tooth requires using an unused piece of floss to prevent harmful bacteria and particles from entering the mouth.

    How to floss while wearing braces

    Many people believe that floss and braces cannot be used at the same time. But this assumption is incorrect, since teeth with a bracket system installed on them require more thorough and ongoing care.

    Teeth with dental structures must be brushed according to the following rules:

    1. For this type of teeth, it is better to choose a floss coated with wax so that it does not cling to the braces.
    2. For cleaning, floss should be taken in pieces of about 25 centimeters.
    3. Initially, you should clean the area under the positioned bracket system, and then proceed to the interdental distances between the teeth.
    How to brush your teeth with dental floss - watch the video:

    Proper dental care is the key to oral health. Constant cleansing reduces the risk of tooth decay and other diseases. Do not forget that, in addition to cleaning the oral cavity with dental floss, it is recommended to periodically visit the dentist for preventive purposes.

    Dental floss. Benefit or harm? How to use it correctly and when? Dentists' advice on choosing and using floss.

    In addition to brushing your teeth with a brush and toothpaste, dentists recommend using dental floss. It penetrates into hard-to-reach places and helps remove plaque where it is impossible to reach with a regular brush. But what is it, how to use it correctly, what types are there. We will take a look at these and other features below.

    The benefits and harms of dental floss

    It is used to cleanse the interdental space. But is it safe? Is it possible to harm her? This can only happen if correct use. Otherwise, this hygiene product has only a positive effect.
    Attention! Under no circumstances should floss be replaced with regular thread or anything else. All such actions will lead to injury to the gums and oral cavity.
    Benefits of dental floss:
    • Deep cleaning of the interdental space, inaccessible to other means
    • Normalization of acidity levels in the oral cavity
    • Prevents the appearance of caries
    • Helps fight bad breath
    However, there are a number of contraindications, such as bleeding gums, the presence of dentures or bridges, caries. Therefore, before you start actively using this hygiene product, you should visit your dentist and consult.

    How to properly floss your teeth

    To avoid causing any injury to your gums, you need to know what this product is and how to use it correctly.
    Let's look at a few simple rules.
    • First of all, you need to wash your hands
    • Next you need to rewind required quantity products. One-time cleaning takes about 40 centimeters
    • Then you need to wrap the ends of the thread around your middle fingers. Squeeze the middle between the large and index fingers
    • Advice. Use for each interdental gap a new piece of thread. This way you can eliminate the possibility of transferring germs.
    • You need to floss gently so as not to damage your gums.
    • Interdental spaces are cleaned from top to bottom
    • To remove plaque, you need to stretch the thread behind the tooth in the shape of the letter “c”, carefully clean it, without sudden movements.
    • Repeat all steps for each interdental gap
    Attention! It is important to brush the outermost teeth. Most dental diseases it starts with them.

    How often should you floss?

    Floss should be used daily. But how often should you use it during the day? Dentists recommend using it after every main meal. This way you can get rid of food particles remaining in the interdental crevices. Therefore, it is an excellent prevention of caries and other dental diseases. It is also important to combine cleansing with floss, brush with paste, mouth rinse, etc.

    Dental floss should be used before or after brushing your teeth

    With this hygiene product you can clean all the hard-to-reach places that the bristles of a toothbrush cannot handle. On the question of when is it better to use dental floss: before or after brushing your teeth, dentists have different opinions. But in one thing they are exactly the same. It should be used regularly. Then your teeth and gums will be healthy. And when exactly to use floss is everyone's choice. Based on your preferences and needs.

    Which dental floss is better: waxed or unwaxed?

    There are several types of floss, including waxed and unwaxed. But which dental floss is best? Let's consider the positive and negative aspects each.
    Waxed. Pros.
    • Usually coated with wax, which promotes good glide and penetration into hard-to-reach places
    • Cleans well even with fillings, and also if the teeth are very close to each other
    • High strength. Almost impossible to break
    • The shape holds well and does not delaminate.
    • Suitable for beginners. Easy to use
    Waxed. Cons.
    • Wax may remain in the spaces between teeth. Needs additional cleaning
    • Due to the fact that it slides easily, some plaque may remain
    Unwaxed. Pros.
    • Cleans interdental spaces well. The thread fits tightly to the teeth
    • A squeaking sound appears, indicating high-quality cleaning.
    Unwaxed. Cons.
    • Low strength. May tear
    • It is difficult to clean interdental spaces if the teeth are not aligned or very close. There is a risk of gum injury
    Attention! If the floss is stuck between the teeth, do not pull it out with great force. There is a risk of injuring your gums. You need to carefully pull it out using tweezers. You can also try to get it out using a thinner product. If none of the methods succeed, you should contact your dentist.
    So, the thread can be waxed or unwaxed. Which one is better depends on the individual characteristics, needs and preferences of the person.

    Features of flossing with braces

    Many people think that cleaning with braces is impossible with this hygiene product. However, if you have braces, this does not mean that you cannot floss. On the contrary, it is not only possible to use, but even necessary. Of course, the cleaning procedure will be somewhat more complicated, but nevertheless feasible.
    Let's take a closer look at the cleaning process with braces.
    • You need to use a product that is coated with wax. This way the glide will be better, the thread will not get stuck in the braces
    • The length of the floss must be at least 25 centimeters
    • First you need to thoroughly clean under the braces, and then the interdental space
    • Repeat this procedure with each tooth.
    Advice for parents. It may be difficult for the child to cope with this procedure independently. Give him help, at least at first, until he gets used to it. Later he will do everything himself.

    How to use dental floss: video

    In this video you will find tips and recommendations from your dentist on using floss, as well as step by step instructions on the correct use of this hygiene product.

    Cleaning the interdental space – no less than important point in oral hygiene than removing plaque from the front and back surfaces of incisors and molars.

    To ensure the effectiveness and safety of the procedure, it is worth understanding what dental floss is and how to use it correctly.

    Elements of the dentition consist of five surfaces, each of which needs regular and thorough cleansing of the smallest particles of food and plaque, which serves as a place for the accumulation and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

    Using a brush, both manual and electric, it is possible to remove deposits from the cutting blade, as well as the front and rear parts tooth

    Even the thinnest bristles cannot penetrate into the interdental spaces and the cervical area, so in these areas there is an increased formation of bacterial plaque, which hardens over time, turning into stone.

    Changes in acidity caused by the activity of bacteria entail a deterioration in the quality of enamel, the development of caries and inflammation of the gum tissue.

    A large assortment of these devices makes it possible to select a thread of a shape and thickness that is convenient for a particular user, which eliminates the possibility of injury to even sensitive gums.


    There are several types of floss. Each of them is designed to perform a specific task, taking into account the width of the interdental spaces, the condition of the gums and enamel.

    When deciding which floss to purchase, first of all, you need to understand for what purposes it is needed - preventive or therapeutic:

    1. Prophylactic threads are not impregnated and are intended for daily use to eliminate plaque in the absence of enamel and gum diseases.
    2. Special impregnation is used in medicinal threads, which has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Depending on the goal that needs to be achieved, you can select flosses treated with special compounds based on mint, menthol, chlorhexidine and other drugs.

    No less important factor– the material from which the floss is made. All commercially available dental flosses are divided into three groups:

    1. Silk. They have a small thickness and high cleaning properties. However, due to the heterogeneous fibrous structure, such products are not recommended for use by people with orthodontic structures, fillings or various prostheses. The thread may touch the protruding parts of the devices and delaminate.
    2. Nylon. Flosses are made from many synthetic fibers woven into one thread. Such products are very durable and can be used when installed orthodontic structures. Also, people with small interdental spaces should pay attention to nylon threads.
    3. Teflon. Threads made from this material have high strength due to the fusion of several fibers into a single whole, therefore they are often used in the presence of orthodontic or orthopedic systems.

    Some manufacturers offer threads that increase in volume under the influence of saliva. Such products efficiently remove plaque in a small space between the molars, without damaging the gums.

    By shape

    Considering anatomical structure dentition, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the thread. There are two common varieties:

    1. Round thread has a standard cross-section and is designed to remove plaque from people with medium-width interdental spaces. Dentists often recommend using this particular floss due to its high contact with the surface being treated.
    2. Flat floss It has minimal thickness, as a result of which it can be used in cases of high crowding of teeth and small space between them. Large width The product provides maximum coverage of the molar area and high-quality removal of bacteria.

    By surface type

    When choosing floss for the first use, it is important to decide on the type of its surface:

    1. Waxed products coated with special wax, due to which they do not delaminate and glide easily, preventing damage to the gums. These threads are intended for learning. hygiene procedures using thread.
    2. Unwaxed floss during use, they are separated into small fibers, providing maximum contact with the tooth surface. By increasing the friction force, plaque is removed more quickly and effectively. Dentists recommend wax-free products when you already have the skills to use floss.

    Detailed instructions

    Dental floss is quite easy to use, so it can be used by both adults and children over 8 years old.

    The technology for their use is as follows:

    1. Before touching the thread, wash and dry your hands thoroughly. After this, about 30 cm of fiber is cut using the built-in knife. In the future, this length can be adjusted up or down, based on need.
    2. The thread is wound around the middle fingers of both hands as follows: Most of the thread should be fixed on one hand, so it is wrapped around the finger several times. The tip of the product is secured to the finger of the second hand with one turn. The free space between the hands should be about 6-7 cm.
    3. Using the thumb and index fingers of both hands, a 2-3 cm piece is fixed and carefully inserted into the interdental space to the gum line.

      Smooth sweeping movements remove plaque from the neck of the tooth. Then, moving the fiber back and forth, the entire height of the molar is processed, from the base to the cutting part. To effectively remove plaque, you need to floss over the tooth from bottom to top at least 5 times.

    4. After processing the first section of the row, proceed to the next ones. Each time the piece of thread is changed to the unused one by one turn of the thread on the middle finger of both hands.
    5. It is advisable to start flossing your teeth with the most distant molars, paying attention to both the space between the teeth and their front surface.

    While flossing your teeth, you need to monitor the condition of your gum tissue. If it is painful and bleeding, you should refuse the procedure.

    We present detailed video instructions on using dental floss.

    Features of application

    Despite the relative ease of use, insufficiently careful handling of dental floss can lead to injury to soft gum tissue.

    Therefore, when brushing your teeth, you must be extremely careful and not make sudden movements.

    The following points must also be taken into account:

    • there are no restrictions on the frequency of flossing - this procedure can be performed after every meal or 1-2 times a day;
    • Dentists recommend using floss before cleaning your teeth with a brush and paste;
    • soreness and bleeding of the gums may indicate incorrect selection of the thickness of the thread or a violation of the technique of performing the procedure;
    • Dental floss can also be used when wearing orthodontic systems. It is better to give preference to a special superfloss, the structure of which is more designed for such structures;
    • Each interdental space must be treated with a new piece of thread to avoid infection in microcracks on the gum surface.


    Using floss allows you to achieve the following results:

    • get rid of plaque and food residues that accumulate in hard-to-reach areas of the dentition;
    • reduce the risk of developing caries;
    • eliminate bad smell from the oral cavity, resulting from insufficiently thorough cleaning of teeth;
    • support acid-base balance thanks to various impregnations.

    These points do not mean that you should abandon your toothbrush in favor of floss. Only a combination of these hygiene products can provide the most effective oral care.


    Despite the many positive points, failure to follow the rules for using floss can lead to the following negative consequences:

    • bleeding, inflammation and soreness of the gums due to excessive pressure on them with floss;
    • spread of infection as a result of the formation of microcracks;
    • failure of parts and elements of orthodontic structures.


    Some people find flossing inconvenient, especially outside the home. In this situation, it is worth paying attention to special devices that simplify this procedure - flossers.

    There are two types of flossers on sale, differing in design and principle of operation:

    1. Manual flosser It is a plastic holder with a synthetic thread stretched between the edges.

      This device can be either disposable or with replaceable fiber. Despite the fact that such a device can always be carried with you and used after every meal, it has several disadvantages.

      The standard thickness of the floss can cause discomfort for people with small interdental spaces. In addition, the design of the flosser does not allow removing plaque from the cervical area.

    2. Electromechanical flosser consists of two elements - a plastic case in which the motor mechanism is located, and a special bleaching tip.

      When the device is turned on, the removable nozzle makes up to 10 thousand rotations per minute, delicately removing bacterial plaque from the gum pockets and interdental space.

      In addition, the vibrations produced by the device help strengthen the gums and improve their trophism. The electric flosser operates on batteries and has up to 15 nozzles included.

    To learn about what types of dental floss there are and for what purposes each type is used, see the video.

    Using dental floss has long been a part of everyday life for most people. When used correctly, it helps to efficiently clean the dentition from food debris and serves as a good prophylactic against periodontal diseases.


    Dental floss is a thin, flat or round fiber that can easily slide between teeth. Despite the apparent simplicity of dental floss, it is multifunctional and is aimed at solving several problems at once:

    • removing plaque from the visible part of the tooth;
    • cleaning the crown under the gum line;
    • cleaning of orthodontic or orthopedic structures: braces, crowns, implants. Using thread will maintain the integrity of their fixation.

    Floss is used as a device that complements basic cleaning. In addition, the thread can be used for high-quality cleaning in situations where standard treatment with a brush is not available, for example, when having a snack in a cafe or at work.

    On at the moment floss is the only device that is always at hand and is capable of completely removing plaque from crowns.

    Varieties and selection

    Now on the shelves of pharmacies and stores you can see a wide variety of dental floss, differing not only in manufacturers, but also in their characteristics.

    First of all, floss is divided into types depending on material of manufacture:

    • silk. They are distinguished by a multi-fiber heterogeneous structure, which ensures the highest quality cleaning.

      Wax coating ensures the integrity of the fiber during the cleaning procedure and causes less trauma to the dental and gum tissue. Fiber with a wax layer is recommended for beginners;

    • nylon- These are artificial monofilaments with increased smoothness. Due to its high elasticity and minimal cross-section, the nylon type is well suited for people with narrow interdental spaces and crowded crowns.

      Nylon thread is ideal for cleaning orthodontic structures;

    • Teflon. This type is the most durable, but also the most expensive. Just like nylon, Teflon is made in the form of a monofilament, which cleans the interdental space and braces well.

    If we consider this product according to form, then two types can be noted:

    1. Round. They are a regular floss of a standard shape and are recommended for people with wide interdental spaces.
    2. Tape. Their width exceeds the standard shape by 3 times, and their cross-section is 2 times smaller. This allows the fiber to be used to clean narrow areas.

    Flosses can also be divided according to their purpose:

    • preventive– are fibers that do not have impregnation;
    • medicinal– fibers are treated with special drugs that have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, remineralizing or soothing effects.

      Most often in stores you can find floss impregnated with chlorhexidine, menthol, and sodium fluoride.

    Flossstick and flosset

    In the classic version, floss goes on sale in the form of a compact closed spool on which the thread is wound. But besides this option, you can also find similar products on the shelves, but with different names: flosset or flossstick.

    Pharmacists often offer them as a substitute for dental floss, but the devices have a completely different shape.


    A flosser is a device used to clean the teeth using floss. It allows for cleansing without twisting the fiber around your fingers.

    The device includes several elements that represent a single system: a handle-container and a two-fork thread tensioner. A spool of floss is installed inside the container handle or its end.

    Through a special hole, the fiber is fed to the ends of the tensioner forks and is fixed there.

    All the user has to do is clean it and then pull out the used piece of wire and tear it off. This way the tensioner will again have a clean piece of thread.

    Thanks to their ease of use, flossets are becoming increasingly popular. Currently, there are flossets with a semicircular (wide) and fork-shaped (narrow) tensioner. The narrow model is recommended for use for oral hygiene in childhood.

    Compared to regular dental floss, flossing has both advantages and disadvantages. To the benefits of this device include:

    • possibility of application for people of any age;
    • convenience use;
    • The device does a good job of removing plaque. with abnormal structure jaw apparatus or its injury;
    • the device will be indispensable for people with pathology of the finger joints;
    • more hygienic tool than ordinary thread, as it precisely delimits the areas of the fiber used.

    The device also has some disadvantages:

    • high cost device;
    • limited fiber length and the inability to change the coil. If the thread runs out, you will have to buy a new device;
    • difficulty cleaning molars;
    • high risk of jamming or tearing threads in the presence of dentures or low-quality fillings. At the same time, it is very difficult to install the thread in the tensioner forks;
    • Compared to the classic thread version, the device is quite volumetric. Therefore, most often it is used only at home.


    Flossstick is a disposable device that combines the functions of dental floss and toothpick. Externally, flossstick differs from flosset. The only similar element is the thread tensioner, which is mounted on a thin flat handle.

    The end of the handle has a point and acts as a toothpick. The device is already ready to use and can only be used once. After the cleansing procedure, it is impossible to replace the fiber.

    To manufacture the device, highly flexible plastic is used, which allows it to reach all areas of the oral cavity.

    Most often, the product goes on sale in sets of 4–8 pieces. As a rule, up to 5 pieces are enough for a day. Just like regular dental floss, floss stick can be purchased with fiber treated with some kind of impregnation.

    Advantages of flossstick over conventional dental floss:

    • simplicity and convenience use;
    • efficiency;
    • high fiber twist allows for better quality cleaning;
    • variety of assortment.

    The disadvantages of this device include:

    • Excessive fiber tension often leads to injury to gum tissue;
    • all devices use fiber same size and shape, which makes it difficult to use with a non-standard dentition structure;
    • high probability of rupture in the presence of fillings and prostheses.

    Instructions for use

    Using dental floss does not require any serious skills. But to achieve high quality cleaning, must be adhered to certain rules applications, which include the following steps:

    1. Before starting the procedure it is necessary wash and dry your hands.
    2. From the reel extend line fibers no more than 40 cm long. For the first use, this length is the most optimal. The fiber will be comfortable to hold in your hands and, theoretically, it will be enough to process all crowns.

      After just a few procedures, you can adjust this length and choose the most convenient one for yourself.

    3. Extended segment tear off with a special knife, which is equipped in containers of almost all floss models.
    4. Two free fiber ends wrap around the ends index fingers so that between them there remains a segment no longer than 7 cm. As a rule, 3 cm is enough to process one crown. To prevent loose thread from interfering with cleaning, it is recommended to wrap it around your fingers several turns.
    5. Secure the thread by pressing it thumb to the index finger, and carefully insert into the space between the crowns.
    6. Cleansing begins at the gum line. To do this, floss is placed on the neck of the tooth, slightly bringing the fiber under the gum line. Going around the crown, the thread should gradually lift up, as if sweeping it out from under the gums.
    7. Then smoothly proceed to clean the side surface of the crowns, making back-and-forth movements and gradually moving up to the cutting part. The best quality cleansing can be achieved by at least 5 such movements.
    8. After processing one crown, it is necessary to release a new section of fiber and continue the cleaning procedure in the same way.
    9. If bleeding is noticed during the procedure, the use of floss should be temporarily stopped.

    Despite the difference in design, the instructions for using flosset and flossstick are not much different from using standard dental floss. The only difference is that in this case the stage of cutting and winding the fiber around the fingers is eliminated. Otherwise the procedure is similar:

    1. The tensioner is positioned so that the thread is above the interdental space.
    2. Without any extra effort, the floss is inserted between the crowns and stops at the gum line. After this, the surface of the crown is cleaned with reciprocating movements.
    3. Exactly the same movement removes plaque from the lateral and chewing parts of the tooth.
    4. When using a floss stick, it is advisable to rinse the fiber with water before processing the next tooth. If the treatment was carried out with flossing, then it is necessary to pull out a new piece of thread.