Atlant company treats people's spine. What is Atlanta editing? Collection and use of personal information

2. Impact using vibration devices

In this method, the joint itself is not reduced; I would call this method kinesiological (relaxation of the muscles and ligaments around the joint). This procedure also has positive results.

Currently, numerous clinics and representatives of clinics offer this simple procedure for adjusting the atlas, conduct quite interesting lectures, I will immediately make a reservation that the procedure works, but it works with one condition, if after it you do special gymnastics every day to stretch the ligaments of the cervical apparatus, to achieve muscle elasticity.

That is, in this way, you really change your body for the better. But if you decide that once you go through this procedure, you will receive
fixed result and you can sit back, you will most likely be disappointed, because in most cases, this procedure provides only temporary relief for a month or two, maybe more, but in the end everything will return to normal.

Now I was talking about birth or old injuries. Some Atlas righters say that the final correction of the first cervical vertebra (atlas) will require regular physical exercises to develop the cervico-occipital joint and cervical ligaments, lasting up to several years. So you need to be prepared for such scenarios.

That is, during this time you restore normal neck mobility and relieve the consequences of birth and other injuries to the atlas for the whole body. This is all true.

What happens during this procedure? The muscles and ligaments relax, with the help of special tests the achieved result is revealed, freer movement of the cervical spine is achieved, etc. The joint begins to work.

But those bone blocks that were formed at the joint itself, and this joint consists of the first cervical spine or atlas and the condyles of the occipital bone, which are congruent surfaces, seem to be embedded in one another, thus ensuring their fixation, the possibility of displacement and rotation along different axes .

Based on this, it is important to understand that if the problem of the atlas was caused by a birth injury, then the joint itself begins to form in a new way, the dimensions of the articular surfaces change, as a result of the injury the joint becomes underdeveloped and a displacement of the entire skull occurs, that is, the skull begins to shrink as if from one side, and on the other hand, the joint may seem absolutely normal and working, the same applies to the bones of the skull; they may seem correctly formed, but this is not always the case.

Our body has compensation mechanisms that are unique in their complexity, all parts of the body are interconnected and all tensions associated with the atlas and cervical region are transmitted along the spine and, as a rule, already affect the condition of the pelvic bones, the position of the feet, which in turn affects the development and vital activity of the whole organism.

If there were no falls on the sacrum, injuries to the pelvic bones and legs, then, as a rule, the incorrect position of the pelvis and feet may indicate some problems of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas, some bone shifts in our bone skull. Of course, by freeing the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the first cervical vertebra of the atlas, we do not eliminate the real problem. And this is where many years of daily special gymnastics will be needed, which will allow the bones to begin to form in a new way.

In general, bone is formed along electromagnetic force lines that pass precisely along the so-called stress points, so when we change these stress points, new bone tissue actually begins to form and the bone structure itself begins to change. Of course, the earlier this happens, the easier it will be to correct.

Atlanta reduction is a procedure that requires high medical qualifications and extensive experience. Inept manipulations can be useless and even harmful. A safe way to put the cervical vertebrae in place are neck stretches and special exercises that can be performed at home.

Let's look at how to straighten a cervical vertebra yourself without dangerous manipulations and expensive procedures.

The structure of the first cervical vertebra differs from other vertebral discs. It is larger, its lateral processes are elongated, and the vertebral foramen is much wider than that of other cervical vertebrae. Changes in structure and special shape are associated with an important function. Atlas supports the human skull and ensures its movable connection with the spine.

Atlas performs a unique function: it provides a flexible and strong connection between the head and neck - the most mobile vertebral section, in which the brain is located, vessels, nerves, and lymphatic ducts are intertwined.

The spinal cord passes through the central vertebral foramen. Arteries and nerve fibers extend through small openings in the transverse lateral processes. Fiber plexuses provide communication between the brain and internal organs. They transmit signals that control the functioning of organs and cells, contract or relax muscles, compress or relax blood vessels.

Muscle fibers are attached to the surface of the protruding processes. They keep Atlas in the correct position, do not allow it to turn, move, and pinch nerves and blood vessels.

The correct position of a person’s joints and vertebrae is determined by the development of the muscular corset. The muscles of the neck and shoulders hold the Atlas, Axis and other cervical vertebrae in the correct position. The stability and correct position of the spine depends on the development and formation of the muscle corset.

Displacement of the vertebrae can occur due to muscle weakness or as a result of injury. Often, displacement of the first spinal disc occurs during childbirth, when the baby's head passes through dense tissue. Displacements can also be the result of an unsuccessful fall or blow.

Displacement of the cervical vertebra during childbirth is also called birth trauma. It occurs in 95% of the population of post-Soviet countries. Such a high percentage of injuries is associated with the traditional technique of childbirth, which was abandoned in Western countries back in the 70s of the last century.

Traumatic displacements of joints in violation of their correct position are called dislocations and subluxations. When any of the cervical vertebrae is displaced, the flow of blood passing through the veins and arteries through the lateral processes is disrupted. The passage of nerve impulses is also disrupted. Severe displacement leads to compression of the spinal cord, disability or death.

Schematic representation of the Atlanta displacement

The proximity to the skull and the specific shape of the location provide the Atlas with a large number of nerve fibers passing through it. Even small shifts of the vertebra lead to disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses. This disrupts the functioning of many internal human organs, which receive incorrect, insufficient or untimely impulses-commands from the brain.

Also, the result of the Atlanta shift is various displacements in other parts of the spine. The Atlanta rotation “pulls” the cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. A person begins to develop scoliosis, kyphosis and other problems caused by a curved spine.

How to correct cervical vertebrae: general rules

The amount of displacement of the first cervical vertebra determines the nature of the manifestation of unhealthy symptoms. With small displacements, increased fatigue and periodic problems with the functioning of internal organs and digestion are possible. With significant displacements, the outflow of blood is disrupted, intracranial pressure increases, migraines and severe headaches form.

In order to put the joint in place, use the following general rules. The displaced joint is stretched and slightly rotated. The neck is lengthened and in this position, the chin and head are rotated. Such actions make it possible to restore the correct articulation and remove subluxation.

How to edit an Atlas - yourself or with a chiropractor

Manual therapy is a branch of medicine that works with various displacements and dislocations. However, the cervical vertebrae are so tightly intertwined with a large number of nerve fibers that only an experienced, qualified specialist - a vertebrologist - can correctly put them in place.

Illiterate manipulations by a chiropractor can lead to disability. Moreover, the consequences of the displacement sometimes do not appear immediately, but within 2-3 weeks, after a temporary visible improvement.

A chiropractor is a doctor who treats patients with his own hands.

If you are not confident in the qualifications of the chiropractor, it is better to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself - with a special massage, relaxation and certain physical exercises for the neck.

How to straighten the Atlas yourself: neck stretching

In order to put Atlas in place, use inverted hangs upside down.

What is important is fate:

The human head accounts for 7% of his weight, and this is up to 6-7 kg for an adult. Which is quite enough to stretch the Atlas joint and the base of the skull.

The displaced vertebra is held in the wrong position by spasmed muscles. Complete relaxation of the muscles leads to the fact that the vertebrae occupies the correct place. Based on this theory, the popular Atlanta editing technique, known as Atlasprofilaks or Atlasprofilaks, works. In this expensive procedure, the neck muscles are relaxed using a vibrating massage device. As a result of their complete relaxation, the vertebra painlessly takes its correct place.

Exercises for editing Atlanta - Makeeva gymnastics

To adjust Atlanta independently, turn/tilt the head while stretching the neck and fixing it in a turned/inclined position. Fixation or delay is performed at the moment of maximum stretching. And a straight, elongated neck allows you to exclude all cervical vertebrae from rotation and concentrate bending loads on the area of ​​the connection between the Atlas and the skull.

The feeling of pain when performing exercises for editing Atlanta indicates the presence of pathology


  • Neck stretching, in which you need to stretch your head up, shoulders down, move your head back as much as possible, keeping your chin parallel to the floor.
  • Tilts of the chin down, in which the neck remains vertical and the crown continues to stretch upward.
  • Head tilts, in which the nose remains motionless and the head turns with the right or left ear up, rotating around the tip of the nose.
  • Lifting the chin to the sides from a lower position when the chin is pressed to the neck.

When performing these exercises, you may feel pain in the upper neck. Soreness indicates a pathological process, the presence of subluxation and inflammation of the cervical vertebra.

Each exercise is performed 8 times with fixation in the extreme rotated position for 10-15 seconds.

Reduction of cervical vertebrae using the method of Dr. Makeev uses similar exercises to the method of doctor Shishonin, who developed a complex of gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis.

How to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself? Here is a description of a technique that allows you to independently, without expensive manipulations, put your cervical vertebra in place. To perform this you will need a small soft roller with a diameter of about 10 cm (it can be rolled out of a blanket or purchased in a store). To edit, you need to lie on a trestle bed or floor on your back and place a cushion under your neck.

When self-medicating, you need to lie on a hard, flat surface.

The presence of a cushion in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae ensures their bending and stretching. In this case, maximum tensile stresses will be formed directly above the roller. Therefore, to reduce Atlas, the roller is placed closer to the head - near the base of the skull.

We will describe the method of how to straighten the cervical vertebrae yourself, step by step:

  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to warm up the neck muscles - with a light massage or using a needle roller - the Lyapko iplicator.
  • Lying on a cushion, you need to turn your head to the right and left.
  • After 8-10 warm-up turns, they begin direct editing - they help with their hands to turn the head further. In this case, reciprocating movements are used, in which at the extreme point the head is pushed with the hand (by the chin) and returned a little back, after which it is pushed again, and so on several times. During the procedure, the roller is located under the neck - in the area of ​​​​the base of the skull.

The described Atlanta editing techniques are accessible, inexpensive and safe. They allow you to put the vertebra in place and maintain its correct position.

Also, performing exercises allows you to strengthen the neck muscles and prevent possible shifts and misalignments of the cervical vertebrae.

Reviews about the editing of Atlanta by Grazhdankin, Burlakovsky, Karimov and other specialists literally overwhelm the Russian-language sector of the Internet. And there is nothing surprising about this. If you believe the statistical information published by some publications, more than 80% of the citizens of our country currently suffer from problems caused by the displacement of this vertebra. Many people don’t even suspect that they need an Atlas edit. Reviews, by the way, contain an abundance of stories where people suffered from various symptoms, not knowing what to do, and only after a specialized technique for influencing the spine did they feel better.

Believe it or not?

Like any other assurances about health problems, containing the statement that 80-90% of our fellow citizens suffer from some pathology, the statistics on this situation also raise doubts. Reviews about editing Atlanta contain many stories of people who were helped in specialized, highly focused centers, while official medicine was powerless. It is fair to want to doubt the honesty of such opinions. Indeed, if everything is so obvious, why are there not numerous reviews about editing Atlanta in government agencies?

And yet it is difficult to argue (if you believe the responses on the World Wide Web): this event really helps against a wide range of problems, and primarily saves those suffering from headaches. Reviews about the atlas correction also contain references to improved neck mobility literally after the first procedure, and the effect lasts for a long time.

Features of the problem

When reviews from specialists about the correction of the atlas tell us why so many people need this type of treatment, the emphasis is on birth trauma: supposedly it is this that provokes problems with the spine in a huge number of cases. As professionals say, maternity departments in our country actively use in their work “turning the handle” and other similar techniques, which in advanced European countries have long been a thing of the past. But to this day, when it first comes out, the baby’s head is turned, which is accompanied by a characteristic crunching sound. It is this moment that later, as some experts assure, affects a person’s entire life, until he decides to get his Atlas edited. Reviews after such an event from many (if you believe in the veracity of the information on the Internet) are positive.

In the past (this was practiced everywhere until 1995), at the time of the birth of the baby, the midwife held the head, preventing rupture of the tissue of the mother's perineum. This, of course, helped maintain maternal health (however, not always), but it increased the pressure on the neck. Such compression provoked displacement of the vertebrae, from which the correction of the atlas should save. Reviews show that the procedure is not always effective: apparently, assurances that it will save 80% of the population are frankly exaggerated.

Spine: a fragile system

Even slight (as it seems to an adult) pressure on a child’s spine can provoke an injury, the consequences of which, as some reviews say, adjusting the atlas quite successfully eliminates. During childbirth, not only this vertebra can be damaged, but also other parts of the neck. Such damage has a strong and negative impact on the child’s health, and in the absence of correct timely diagnosis, accompanies him throughout his life, causing inconvenience. In some cases, complications manifest themselves immediately. As can be seen from the reviews of the Atlas correction in Moscow, many find out about the presence of an injury only after months, years, decades, often by accident.

Certain doubts about the reliability of such responses are raised by the fact that people learn about the injury by visiting a new medical center specializing in such services through an advertisement. Previously completely healthy, they immediately find themselves diagnosed as soon as they cross the threshold of the health complex. They are advised to urgently correct the atlas; reviews from doctors in this clinic usually seem reliable; doctors strongly recommend not to delay. It is up to the client to believe it or not, but it is worth understanding that the information is not always true. As can be seen from the reviews of doctors, many people need correction of the atlas, but it cannot be said that this is such a widespread injury, from which almost all of the country suffers.

Hoax or not?

At the same time, we cannot say that this is an absolute scam. Indeed, sometimes it is necessary to edit the atlas. Negative reviews are mainly associated with situations where a person ends up with untrustworthy doctors who are trying to earn more money at the expense of the quality of the services provided. At the same time, a certain percentage of people actually suffer from such problems with the spine and need specialized medical care. But you need to choose a doctor not anyhow and only because, according to rumors, Sergey Smolyakov, for example, does the best editing of Atlanta (there are reviews about this on the Internet). You need to take a responsible approach to choosing a doctor so as not to meet with dishonest, dishonest specialists. A local doctor can provide good assistance in choosing an institution.

Infant fragility

As soon as a person is born, his body is sensitive and delicate, and the musculoskeletal system consists of soft tissues - it has yet to become strong in the future. Turning, no matter how carefully it may be, is associated with a certain danger, which many to this day do not understand, do not even know. Just like a young mother cannot control during childbirth what happens to her baby and how the midwife behaves. As can be seen from the statistics, health often becomes weaker already at home, and problems with the spine, if they begin, rarely manifest themselves while in the maternity hospital.

Historical moments

But in Ancient Rome, some babies had their necks specially turned - however, this was only practiced with the children of slaves. It was in the interests of the noble class to raise people underdeveloped, depressed, and it was for this purpose that the structure of the spine was disrupted. It is believed that in many ways this practice prevented uprisings for a long time, and Spartacus, who led the oppressed class, was able to do this because he was born into a free family and his body did not suffer from the harsh methods of population control used in that era. There were even specially trained people who turned the child's neck correctly - this was not life-threatening, but it disrupted the normal development process.

What about today?

Of course, people from Ancient Rome don’t work in our hospitals and they don’t break anyone’s necks on purpose, however, the likelihood of getting one is still quite high. The risk is greater for those who are forced to resort to the help of doctors during childbirth, but babies born naturally are healthier. It is these people in the future, when faced with charlatan doctors, who will probably write negative reviews about the Atlas correction - after all, they do not need such an event at all, and in some modern clinics they do it to just anyone, just to earn more money.

To avoid falling for scammers, you need to carefully evaluate the company’s offer. It should be understood that the human spine is indeed responsible for many things, but not all health problems are caused by such an injury. If a clinic has one answer to seven problems, it’s not worth working with. But Burlakovsky (reviews of the Atlas edit confirm this) is a doctor you can trust (if, of course, all the responses are true). There are only positive opinions about his activities on the Internet.

Why do I feel bad?

If the spine was injured during childbirth and the atlas was displaced, this can negatively affect a person’s health with age. Injuries, bruises, falls, and active sports have a strong impact. As Rinat Karimov assures, the Atlas edit (reviews about his treatment technique on the Internet are also positive) can help with a wide range of diseases, if they were provoked by this particular problem.

The fact is that the spine can compress an artery, causing a compression effect on the brain. In fact, the body is forced to adapt to the displaced position of the head, which is why pressure tension accumulates over time. Numerous distortions often occur, for which only editing the atlas will help. Reviews about Konstantin Grazhdankin, Burlakovsky, Karimov are positive - if you believe the stories on the Internet, people come to them from other cities, and these specialists really help. At the same time, you need to understand that not every problem is caused by deformation, so impact on the spine may not produce results.

What does it lead to?

As can be seen from the reviews about the correction of the atlas by Ilya Burlakovsky, at the appointment the specialist will tell you exactly what health problems may be associated with the incorrect position of the spine, and what develops on its own and no manipulation of the atlas will help. In general, the position of this vertebra affects the musculoskeletal system, and also leads to a decrease in intellectual and mental abilities. Many people with severe deformities have problems with awareness.

As Ilya Burlakovsky (Moscow) assures, correction of the atlas (reviews of the course of treatment with this specialist confirm his statements) can help with some cases of allergies, rheumatism, and joint diseases. This effect on the human body helps stop inflammatory processes in the intestinal tract, makes migraines weaker, and helps with diabetes. You can cope with various pathologies that affect the organs and systems of the body. There is a chance to leave frequent dizziness, disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, epilepsy and sclerosis in the past. Editing the atlas, as professionals assure, helps with chronic problems.

Symptoms and causes

As those who practice treatment with Atlas edit assure, modern doctors, when identifying diseases in humans, only try to combat the manifestations of the problem, but do not eliminate the cause that provoked the pathology. But the correct approach to correcting the spine, as many experts note, helps to understand what provoked disturbances in the functioning of the body’s systems. It is also noted that it is impossible to give a complete list of diseases against which Atlas correction is effective - it is so long.

A reasonable modern person will think twice about whether to believe such assurances. It is no secret that different diseases are provoked by different reasons, and the mechanisms of their treatment are quite different. For example, diabetes is currently considered an incurable disease - you should not hope that a specialist, by massaging your neck for a couple of minutes, will make the problem a thing of the past forever. At the same time, restoring the anatomically correct position of the vertebra will certainly help with a number of disorders, including headaches and poor posture. Of course, promises to get rid of any chronic and incurable diseases are tempting, but you need to treat them extremely critically.

Spine problems - human problems

The displacement of the atlas, like any other vertebra, provokes numerous health problems. Against the background of such a disorder, scoliosis quickly develops, the spine is curved, and hernias appear between individual elements. Often, a violation of the position of the atlas is observed simultaneously with osteochondrosis, articular, and muscle pathologies. Quite often, many people suffer from different leg lengths.

When a cervical vertebra is displaced, the arteries that carry blood to the brain are damaged. This negatively affects attention, consciousness, and negatively affects memory and clarity of thinking. People suffer from headaches; systematic loss of consciousness and dizziness may occur.

Who will help?

For all of the listed pathologies, as well as any other serious symptoms, you should not self-medicate. First of all, you need to visit a doctor and find out what caused the problem. The doctor will conduct special studies, including laboratory and instrumental, ultrasound, CT, MRI, on the basis of which he will provide the patient with information about negative processes in the body. If a displacement of the cervical spine is detected, the doctor may advise visiting a specialist in straightening the atlas.

If information about the patient’s health condition is such that the cause of the disease turns out to be something not related to the atlas, going to a specialist to restore the position of this vertebra is unlikely to bring tangible benefits. There may be certain improvements - for example, the headache may disappear, but you should not count on getting rid of oncology or diabetes. If a displacement of another vertebra is detected, then you need to undergo a course of treatment under the supervision of the attending physician - adjusting the atlas will also not have an effect. If you observe unpleasant symptoms, you should not immediately diagnose yourself and go to a specialist to restore the position of the spine - it is likely that the cause of the problem lies elsewhere, and money will simply be thrown away.

Bringing the body back to normal: what does it give?

If the doctor advised you to attend procedures to correct the atlas, you need to make an appointment with a good specialist. The event is not easy, during it the impact is on the cervical spine, which can be life-threatening if not handled properly. When registering for a clinic, you need to check with the specialists whether they have education and documents confirming completion of specialized courses.

If it was really a problem of the cervical vertebra, then correcting its position will help not only get rid of headaches and dizziness: the body will gain new strength and opportunities for regeneration, which will have a positive effect on the functioning of various organs and systems. Your overall health should improve. The displacement disappears, the need to adapt to the anatomically incorrect position disappears, and gradually everything inside the body returns to normal.

Doctor, will I live?

It seems that if such a large percentage of the population really needs to edit the Atlas, then how do we live then? Almost everyone needs to rush to the doctor immediately! Experts promoting the idea that the position of the atlas is incorrect in 80-90% of people operate with the following facts: most of our fellow citizens are sick with something. These diseases are caused by a disorder of the spine, which means they indicate a problem with the atlas and can be used to calculate statistics. At the same time, such professionals argue that people are forced to survive in difficult conditions without understanding how to recover from symptoms, often without even realizing that they can leave health difficulties in the past. Many suffer from mental disorders and cannot build normal relationships with other members of society, and the reason is that the cervical spine was injured at birth.

Of course, with a sound analysis, such assurances seem frankly exaggerated, so you can only believe them with great caution. At the same time, it cannot be denied that many, many of our fellow citizens actually have various kinds of diseases. Explaining all of them to injuries to the cervical spine seems an unreasonable generalization, but a certain percentage of problems may well be caused by just such a reason.

Atlas production: it helps!

As numerous reviews assure, such an event in some cases helps restore the same length to the legs. Others who have undergone treatment note that their gait returns to normal and their posture improves. Some say that after the edits it became easier and more enjoyable to engage in sports, fitness, and yoga. Some even think that it is now easier to cope with work tasks.

It is noted that editing the atlas helps eliminate headaches. Also, an unpleasant syndrome occurs in the back. Incorrect position of the atlas often provokes pain in the lower back, shoulder blades, and neck. Correcting the cervical vertebra can help restore posture, mobility of the shoulder girdle, and correct the position and shape of the neck. Some reviews note that with such an event it has become easier to cure herniated discs and arthrosis.

Is it dangerous?

The cervical spine is an extremely sensitive place. The technique of influencing it was first invented at the beginning of the last decade of the last century. The author, Rene Claudius Schumperli, called his method Atlasprofilax. Tests have shown that correcting the position of the atlas just once allows you to maintain the vertebra in the anatomically correct position for the rest of your life. It was then discovered that in some patients the atlas was subluxated, while in others it was completely dislocated. In 1996, the new technology was widely used on patients who had been undergoing treatment for many years under the supervision of the author of Atlasprofilax. It is believed that since then only the author himself has been able to restore health to more than 10 thousand people.

Beware of fakes! Atlas correction using the Swiss method is carried out by doctors at the Atlas-Standard clinic.

Most back and neck diseases are in one way or another associated with displacement of the atlas vertebra, which connects the skull to the upper part of the spinal column.
The atlantoaxial joint, in which the first vertebra is located, is firmly pressed on all sides by muscles that prevent it from changing its position. But with sharp blows and impacts, the vertebra can shift, and the same muscles will firmly fix it in a new, incorrect position. Due to the displacement of the vertebra, diseases and disturbances in the functioning of the body occur. People have been suffering from them for years, whereas realigning the atlas could immediately solve many problems.

Correcting the atlas will have a beneficial effect on the entire cervical spine

In medical practice, neck injuries in infants during childbirth are common, but a safe way to eliminate the consequences of subluxation of the first cervical vertebra (atlas, atlas, C1) has appeared quite recently.

The leading specialist of our center, neurologist Dmitry Aleksandrovich Verkhutin, talks about how today you can cure the spine and eliminate headaches using the European method.

Why is atlas correction needed?

In most cases, the atlas can become displaced due to birth trauma, which occurs when the baby is pulled by the head from the birth canal or from the uterus during a caesarean section. In fact, during any type of childbirth, the likelihood of getting this injury is very high due to excessive stress on the baby’s cervical spine.

In the photo: caesarean section is one of the common causes of atlas subluxation

The second reason is injuries or accidents, especially if a person receives a sharp blow to the sternum and above or falls head down.

In the picture: a schematic representation of the incorrect position of the atlas vertebra

Even a slight displacement of a vertebra leads to compression of the vertebral artery, nerves and vital vessels running through it. It is often impossible to correct a vertebra naturally - the displaced atlas does not automatically fall into place. If additional injury (accident) occurs, the consequences of the displacement are aggravated.

Important to know

You cannot leave a vertebra displaced: sooner or later it will make itself felt with numerous problems. Headaches, distorted posture and many other pathologies will appear. We dedicated it to this.

The essence of the Swiss method of editing the atlas

Until the Swiss technique appeared, manual reduction of the vertebra was used, and the diagnosis of spinal diseases was carried out only using x-rays. But, firstly, this method of correcting the position of C1 was very dangerous, and secondly, it did not guarantee anything in the long term. The fact is that muscles have memory, and the position of the first vertebra is fixed, among other things, due to the fact that the muscles take a certain shape. And even if, with the help of manual therapy, it is possible to put the vertebra in place, the muscles still shift it into a curved position over time.

In addition, when a vertebra is displaced, the muscles often spasm. It's not easy to knead them. This greatly interferes with the process of gentle realignment of the vertebra and reduces the effectiveness of the procedures. People have been going to osteopaths and chiropractors for years, but the situation has not changed dramatically, there has been no improvement.

When the muscles are exposed to vibration of a certain frequency, which cannot be reproduced using improvised objects or manually, the neck muscles completely relax. The effect lasts for approximately 15 minutes. These are not very pleasant, but tolerable and non-painful sensations. When the muscles are completely relaxed, the vertebra falls into place, and immediately the muscle “corset” secures the vertebra and remembers its new position. The doctor performs the procedure, observes the process and records sensations. Before and after the procedure, control images and kinesiological tests are taken, which make it possible to assess the presence of atlas displacement. Diagnostics shows whether the flexion of the limbs has improved, how freely a person can turn his head, and whether the spine is curved. The patient's further actions are to follow the doctor's recommendations.

In the photo: Chiropractor E.V. Tirlikas, specialist in the Swiss method

Proper correction of the atlas makes it possible to reliably restore the correct position of the atlas and allows you to eliminate most of the diseases and consequences caused by displacement of the atlas. The price of the service fully justifies the desired result. The procedure allows you to cure so many ailments that you would probably end up spending a lot more money on general health improvement and visiting an osteopath and other specialists and clinics to restore the health of the spine and the whole body.

The main advantage of this treatment method is the guarantee of its reliability. Editing the atlas is done once; a repeat procedure is not required or is carried out in exceptional cases. The cost of our Atlanta editing procedure is completely justified. Any other symptomatic treatment of diseases caused by displacement of the first vertebra would be more expensive. After realigning C1, the spine is automatically aligned, and displacement of other vertebrae is eliminated. Vascular diseases go away, blood circulation, function and condition of the brain improve, because there is no compression of the arteries passing through the spinal column.

Patients who come to our clinic for the second time are often those who have suffered a neck injury after repositioning the atlas, for example, after sports activities or injury. Then the edit is done again. After a one-time correction, we recommend visiting an atlas specialist approximately a year later to make sure that everything is in order with the vertebra.

Editing Atlanta and possible risks

Perhaps the most important question that many ask themselves is the question of the safety of the method. Can editing the Atlas lead to negative consequences?

Correction of a displaced cervical vertebra and safety are often two mutually exclusive concepts in people's minds. After all, we have been told for many years that the cervical region is a forbidden area for manipulation. Only general massage of the collar area and various procedures were allowed, for example, physiotherapy in the form of electrophoresis with antispasmodics (drugs that suppress muscle spasms). These methods are considered safe.

Gentle traction is usually used in trauma departments and is a common way to realign C1. And if we consider methods such as manual therapy and traditional methods of treating the musculoskeletal system, they still cause serious criticism from specialists.

Difference from manual therapy

Taking into account the above, it is worth emphasizing that during the procedure according to the Swiss method, the impact on the movable joint is not direct, but indirect, through the surrounding muscles of the human neck. A special effect on the short muscles of the neck forces them to return the first cervical vertebra to its natural anatomical position. This reduction of the atlas allows you to eliminate the occurrence of a traumatic situation and put the vertebra in place in one session. Very rarely a second session is needed.

A special device is used that vibrates the craniovertebral (upper cervical) spine. Only specialists trained in the Swiss technique can use the device, guaranteeing patient safety. It doesn’t take long to realign the vertebra: it takes no more than 30 minutes. The device relaxes the neck muscles, which allows the vertebra to be inserted into place. Then the muscles again clamp the cervical vertebrae and remember their new position. The vertebra will no longer move back. This alignment guarantees lifelong results, unlike massage and neck manipulation by chiropractors. Secondary adjustment of the atlas may be necessary if, for example, after the procedure, an injury and displacement of the vertebrae occurs.

This is the main difference between the method and manual therapy, and this is its naturalness and safety. It is absolutely safe for children, even very young ones. For children, it is better to have the atlas edited as early as possible, before concomitant pathologies develop, including cerebral palsy or many other unpleasant diseases. Treatment always takes longer and is more expensive than prevention. If you compare the cost of a chiropractor’s services and the price of vertebral realignment, you will see that the Swiss method is a more than profitable method of recovery. And this opinion is constantly confirmed by reviews, which are becoming more and more numerous.

Alternative techniques

The modern medical services market provides ample opportunities for atlas reduction. But many people can’t find a good specialist for a long time. All modern methods and treatment procedures (physiotherapy, massage, osteopathy) do not provide long-term and reliable results. Of all the listed methods, osteopathy provides the most positive effect. But due to muscle memory, the result does not last long, at best - several years. Then everything has to be done again.

Osteopathy is a system that helps to heal the violation of the structural and anatomical relationships between body parts and organs, it involves gentle treatment of your spine. In osteopathy there is no single approach to treatment; it includes a symbiosis of methods of homeopathy, reflexology, and Chinese traditional medicine. And although osteopathy helps to heal the body, eliminate various diseases and the consequences of injury to the cervical spine, it is not omnipotent, its capabilities are limited.

In osteopathy, a gentle effect is applied to the muscles and ligaments; the chiropractor uses methods of pressing, stretching, massage, relaxing and returning the muscles to their normal position. Osteopathy methods are in some sense close to the operating principle of our device, while manual therapy has a harsh effect on the muscles, which in a situation with an incorrect position of C1 does not give the expected effect and does not eliminate the root cause of pain. Sometimes manual therapy even worsens the patient’s situation, since spasmed muscles, after a quick stretch, just as quickly return to their original position. Diseases are returning.

All this becomes a serious burden for the body. Studies of the clinical picture of diseases of patients with a displaced atlas have shown that manual therapy in most cases leads to the opposite result: a person wants to realign a vertebra after displacement or injury, but in the end the problem is not solved and even worsens. In addition, manual therapy is, in principle, considered a rather dangerous method, since when attempting to displace a vertebra, a pinched nerve or spinal cord injury can occur. The cervical region in this sense is the most traumatic.

Improper correction of atlas subluxation and vertebral displacement can be fatal. When contacting chiropractors and osteopaths, ask if they have a basic medical education in the specialties of orthopedist, neurologist, traumatologist, or similar. Professionals engaged in such practice must also complete additional training courses.

But neither osteopathic doctors nor chiropractors know how to reliably restore the position of the C1 vertebra. Most doctors in this field don’t even bother with reduction. The vertebra is 100% and permanently put in place only using the Swiss method of straightening the atlas. There are no other modern alternative treatment methods that guarantee a similar result.

We strongly recommend that you avoid the services of home-grown specialists who do not have a medical education, who offer to set the atlas using dubious methods (stretching the neck, pressing the heel on the vertebrae of the cervical spine, steaming the neck in a bathhouse and subsequent massage, and even fortune telling, magic and esotericism). Don't put your health and life in danger! Avoid charlatans and pseudo-specialists who have nothing to do with our center and are not official. Ask all questions about the method and quality of service by calling 8-800-707-76-46 (free call from all Russian regions).

Why can’t editing the Atlas be postponed?

If the atlas is displaced, this will certainly lead to unpleasant consequences for the body, sometimes irreversible, for example, to cerebral palsy, other serious malfunctions of the central nervous system, and sometimes to degenerative changes in the spine.

Treatment of the spine and diseases of the musculoskeletal system often does not lead to the desired result. Therefore, correction of the atlas is recommended for very young children soon after birth, who have a history of indications of various pathologies, including spinal curvature. In general, it should be remembered: the sooner the displacement and the results of injuries are eliminated, the less depressing consequences and deterioration in health there will be. You can read the opinions and reviews of patients who have undergone the procedure.

In the picture: subluxation of the atlas vertebra negatively affects the entire musculoskeletal system

Studies have shown that if a displacement of the atlas is detected and after successful correction, people suffering from migraines (long-term headaches), dizziness, various pains in the neck, back, osteochondrosis, experience significant improvements, and some even experience a complete elimination of symptoms and problems with health. The human body simply begins to function as it should with a healthy spine. After editing, not only the position of C1 is restored. Often, other vertebrae that were forced to move to compensate for the load on the spinal column also fall into place.

To understand the essence of the procedure and the relationship between C1 correction and health and painful manifestations, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts in this area: the significance of the first cervical vertebra and the consequences of its displacement during childbirth and injuries.

How many sessions are needed?

Correction of the position of the atlas according to the Swiss method is done once, rarely again. However, you need to monitor your condition, follow simple recommendations and take reasonable precautions.

Today, the Swiss method of adjusting the atlas described in this article is proven, effective and safe, capable of returning the first cervical vertebra to its natural place, improving health, and getting rid of many ailments.

Reduction of the atlas is done only if there are indications for it. In order to get more information about the procedure and find out whether you have displacement and problems associated with it, you need to make an appointment with a specialist, and specifically with an atlas specialist who knows the nuances of treating subluxation using the Swiss method. You need to tell your doctor about all the symptoms and diseases of the body that bother you.

After treatment, you should monitor their manifestations: you will certainly notice a positive dynamics of recovery. Such common diseases as scoliosis, chondrosis, high blood pressure, dystonia, migraines, from which thousands of people suffer, are sometimes provoked only by subluxation of the atlas. There will be no displacement, there will be no consequences. It is safe to say that adjusting the atlas will save you money. Most likely, after diagnosis, many diseases that would have had to be diagnosed and treated separately, and possibly to no avail, will disappear. Some diseases will generally go away on their own, without additional exposure.

It is believed that the source of human cardiovascular diseases are completely different reasons. But many years of experience in our work, accumulated observations and recording of anamnesis, analysis of the clinical picture of diseases and observation of patients after C1 correction prove that a lot depends on the correct position of the atlas. Patients noticed that after reduction the swelling of the soft tissues of the neck and face went away, and the swelling of the body generally went away, which could not be removed either by massages, or sports, or physiotherapy, or medications. It is noted that after the procedure, most people’s bite changes; the person holds their head differently.

Correction of the position of the C1 vertebra is also possible after a spinal injury, but in such situations additional examination is required. These are special cases, and recommendations are given individually. Contact our doctors in advance and ask any questions you may have.

MRI picture: subluxation of the first cervical vertebra (atlas)

Important! Putting the atlas in a normal position is by no means a panacea for all ills. But repositioning does solve a huge number of health problems.

Make an appointment in advance, find out if there are any contraindications for the procedure from our specialist. It doesn’t matter why the displacement occurred: whether it was a birth subluxation or the atlas shifted later. Repositioning into place is done according to a single scheme.

How to get an appointment with a specialist?

The correction is being made not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Atlas-Standard clinic specialists regularly travel to other cities. Just leave a request on the website and follow the schedule.

Take care of your neck!

Do not trust your neck to incompetent specialists and people without medical education. And especially don’t try to straighten a vertebra at home yourself. This can lead to disastrous results. The result can be lost money or, even worse, serious health damage and even death. In Russia there is only one center that is guaranteed to provide specialized and high-quality atlanta editing services - this is the Atlas-Standard center. Specialists undergo annual training at the academy, which is run by the owner of the AtlasPROfilax brand. Deceiving patients in the field of Atlanta editing is very common: the method becomes popular, and scammers become more active in order to make money.