Why does the distance between teeth increase? How to fix a gap between your front teeth. How to remove interdental gaps in adults

When milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones, not a single dentist can tell how correctly they will stand in the dentition and relative to each other. For every fifth person, this period ends with the formation of a diastema. This material will discuss in detail the varieties of this dental defect and ways to eliminate gaps between the front teeth.

Gap between front teeth - diastema

In medicine, an interdental gap of up to 6 mm in the midline between the frontal incisors is called a diastema. The term itself is translated from Greek as “distance”.

At its core, such a gap is considered a pathology in dentistry. He has different shapes: rectangular, narrowed downward, but more often triangular.

Dentistry has several methods for correcting this defect. Their choice is determined by the reason that provoked the problem.

Causes of occurrence in adults

Low position upper labial frenulum

As medical statistics show, in 90% of cases of diastema, heredity is to blame - if there is a gap between the parents’ incisors, then there is a possibility of its formation in children.

In addition, dentists also name factors that lead to the formation of interdental spaces. This:

  1. Low position of the upper labial frenulum. The width of the diastema is determined by what the frenulum is attached to: the upper labial fold, the tissue of the gingival nipple, or the middle of the gum.
  2. Incorrect cutter sizes. Pathology appears if their values ​​are not commensurate with the parameters of the gums, i.e. incisors are small.
  3. Delayed appearance of incisors. Normally, their eruption occurs after the gums have grown and formed. If this does not happen, a gap will definitely appear.
  4. Insufficient inclination of incisors. The manifestation of diastema is associated with jaw deformation, during which the incisors change the angle of inclination, location and direction of growth. This condition is caused by the habit of gnawing objects or the child’s desire to constantly suck fingers.
  5. Pathological phenomena in the gum, leading to disruption of the tone of its tissues. In this case, fan eruption of the incisors and the formation of a diastema are observed.
  6. Mechanical impact in the area of ​​the anterior teeth: damage, forced removal. If you don't implant an implant or don't put a crown, the incisors will definitely move.
  7. Missing several chewing teeth : the frontal units are involved in chewing food, which inevitably leads to divergence of the incisors.
  8. Periodontal tissue diseases– weakening and thinning of the jaw bone is observed, leading to displacement of the incisors.
  9. Swallowing disorder. When swallowing saliva, the tip of the tongue normally rests on the palate. If there is such a problem, the tongue constantly puts pressure on the front teeth, causing them to diverge.

Most of these causes can be eliminated or corrected, which prevents or stops the gap between the front teeth from growing larger. But some still suggest long-term treatment at the orthodontist.

Important: you cannot ignore or ignore the occurrence of diastema. The pathology will not disappear on its own, but will only increase in size over the years, because the teeth may move further apart.

In a child between baby teeth

The growth of the jaw bone in children is completed by the age of 6 years. Until this time, dentists do not advise parents to worry about diastema in children. At this age, a gap between the lower or upper teeth of up to 5 mm is considered normal and indicates the correct course of development of the dentofacial apparatus.

Parents need to sound the alarm if there is a delayed change of baby teeth to permanent ones. Their later loss, as well as the child’s habit of thumb sucking, are considered to be the reasons for the formation of a gap.

Advice: to avoid problems with the location and condition of teeth, your child should be taken to the pediatric dentist at least 2 times a year.


Based on the reason that led to the gap, orthodontists classify it into the following types:

Name Description


Found in childhood when the parameters of the jaw exceed the size of the baby teeth. When they are replaced with permanent ones, the incisors are aligned and the cleft disappears.


Diastema, preserved after tooth replacement and bite formation, or developed during adult life. It does not go away on its own and requires adjustment. The size of the gap affects the degree of speech distortion and the purity of sound pronunciation.


Both incisors change their position symmetrically with respect to each other.


Only one incisor is deflected, while the second one remains in the correct position.

Teeth position

There is another classification of diastemas, based on the position of the incisors:

Offset names Description
Corpus-lateral The location of the incisor itself and its root changes. The causes of diastema are the lack of several elements in the dentition, compaction of the jaw bone and low attachment of the frenulum to the lip.
Lateral (lateral) Only the crown parts of the incisors are deviated, and the roots are positioned correctly. A similar result is obtained when the teeth are too complete, when there are habits of biting nails and gnawing on objects.
Medial There is a shift at the level of the root system, i.e. The incisors grow incorrectly initially. At the same time, they deviate from each other to the sides and simultaneously rotate around their own axis. Diastema is difficult to correct because the incisors need to be aligned in several directions at the same time. The reason is the growth of one or more “extra” elements between the first pair of incisors.

How to get rid of diastema

Dentists offer several ways to eliminate the gap between the incisors, based on the reason for its formation, the size and financial capabilities of the patient.

Remove using artistic restoration, aesthetic filling

The restoration technique involves building up the walls of the incisors with a composite material with a gap of 6 mm or more. To ensure that the extension site is not visible to others, the dentist carefully selects the polymer that can be used to close the gap, based on its shade and properties.

The downside of this method is the risk of caries at the junction of the polymer and the incisor, and a change in color by the material. After restoration, it is important to monitor your diet and exclude solid foods that destroy the polymer.

The cost of the procedure is 10 thousand rubles.

Aesthetic filling technology is similar to veneering. It is carried out when a diastema has arisen after the growth and alignment of the jaw arches has been completed, or as a result of little effect from the placement of leveling structures.

Removing the gap in this way costs 10-15 thousand rubles. (it all depends on the size of the gap and the type of material used).

Fix it with veneers

These are thin plates that can be used to close the diastema in a short time (2-3 hours). This method is used if, in addition to this defect, there are no other anomalies in the growth and development of the dental system, and the gap between the incisors is slightly expanded.

Among the advantages of the technique:

  • aesthetics;
  • the patient selects the material for their manufacture;
  • there are no visible traces of treatment;
  • the effect is longer than in restoration;
  • the likelihood of relapse is minimal.

The disadvantages include long-term addiction and high price.

The cost of this service is 15 thousand rubles. when installing therapeutic veneers, 35 thousand rubles. – when placing orthopedic ones.

Using crowns

For diastemas larger than 8 mm, dentists offer patients prosthetics. The incisors are usually mounted ceramic crowns.

They not only hide the gap, but also do not distort the overall aesthetics, since the material accurately imitates the color and properties of enamel.

The disadvantage of prosthetics is the need to grind down healthy adjacent teeth.

The procedure will cost 15-20 thousand rubles.

Using operation

Surgical intervention is usually performed on children, and only when they are found to have:

  • massive and low attached frenulum;
  • abnormally small incisor sizes;
  • their shape is incorrect.

The operation proceeds quickly, under local anesthesia. The laser is used to excise soft tissue or remove teeth (if necessary). Subsequent movement of the incisors and narrowing of the gap occurs with the help of orthodontic design, which is placed during bite correction.

A similar service costs from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

With orthodontic braces

The placement of braces is recommended for diastemas of 6 mm, abnormal growth and rotation of the incisors around the axis.

The correction has the following advantages:

  1. The method is safe, without extraction or excision of tissue.
  2. Modern braces are aesthetically pleasing and invisible to others.


  1. The method is the longest of all.
  2. Contraindicated for children under 10 years of age.
  3. Wearing involves correction of locks once every 3-4 months.

The cost of braces varies and depends on the type, location of the product and material. On average, the price of a structure for one jaw is 30 thousand rubles.

Using a mouth guard

These are removable devices. In appearance, they resemble “covers” that are put on the dentition. By pressing on the teeth, they shift and align them, reducing the width of the diastema.

Mouthguards are an aesthetic design. Made individually for each person. Correction with them involves 20-22 hours of wearing per day, and the duration of the course, depending on the width of the gap, lasts from 3 months. up to 3 years.

Their removal is allowed only during meals and hygiene procedures.

The cost of one mouthguard is 10 thousand rubles, but given that the course will require from 10 to 24 pairs of caps, the total cost increases.

Fighting diastema at home

The pathology of incisor development and growth cannot be corrected at home. The method of eliminating diastema is selected individually for the patient based on the reason for its formation.

But in alternative medicine There is advice on how to narrow a gap using thread. To do this, cut a thread 30 cm long, tie it around both incisors and tighten it tightly, leaving it in this state overnight.

Similar actions must be performed every day for 6 months. up to 1.5 years. As practice shows, this method is ineffective and is accompanied by pain and bleeding gums.

Photos before and after diastema treatment

What can it lead to?

Diastema, even if small in size, changes the quality and lifestyle of a person. Besides distortion appearance, it is fraught with the occurrence of:

  • periodontitis;
  • dyspalia (impaired pronunciation of certain sounds).

For some people, the gap reduces social activity, narrows the circle of communication. A person rarely smiles or covers his smile with his hand and withdraws into himself.

But there are also those who perceive it as a “highlight” or a certain feature of their appearance, and do not strive to get rid of it. Therefore, a person must answer the question of how important it is to eliminate or leave a diastema.

Many people suffer from gaps between their teeth. Unpleasantness not only affects the aesthetic perception of one’s appearance, but also creates discomfort in everyday life. Fortunately, modern medical approaches include a number of tools and methods to eliminate this defect. However, is this feature an imperfection?

Different approaches to one issue

While some say that the gap between a child’s teeth looks extremely cute and touching, and adds zest to the appearance of an adult, others are convinced that this is an important imperfection, in order to hide which one can completely abandon the habit of openly smiling. In science, this structural feature of the jaw is called a diastema. Dentists urge it to be assessed not just as a cosmetic feature, but as an important defect that needs to be corrected. The fact is that such a structure becomes the reason increased load on certain teeth. They are destroyed quite quickly, and periodontal disease appears.

Where did the problem come from?

There are several reasons why there is a gap between teeth. Most often, this feature is due to genetic reasons, hereditary factor. Sometimes cracks appear in people if their baby teeth lingered longer than the average period, and their replacement with permanent ones was accompanied by complications. The reason may be an abnormal structure, development of the incisors, or a too low-set upper lip.

Even habits can play a role - for example, many people bite pencils and nails, which leads to the formation of a gap between the teeth. The reason may be other factors of a psychosomatic nature. The likelihood of gaps appearing in the absence of any tooth is increased, since gaps lead to the spreading of existing ones.

Nuances of the problem

A gap between the front teeth can appear in both children and adults - no age restrictions there is no defect to form. IN adolescence and at a more tender age, the prerequisite for the formation of diastema is the change of teeth from temporary to molars. Genetics and individual growth characteristics play a role. But for the adult population, the cause is more often gum pathologies, psychosomatic factors, and removal operations. permanent teeth.

If a gap appears between your front teeth, you should not delay going to the dentist, since this feature is associated with certain dangers. The most primary is aesthetic. It would seem that it does not deserve mention, but many of our contemporaries, having once discovered a diastema, not only refuse to smile, but gradually plunge into the abyss of complexes associated with appearance. This becomes the basis for serious depressive disorders, which can lead to the most negative consequences. Psychological problems caused by a simple gap between the teeth can cause extremely difficult social adaptation.

Danger factor

A large gap between the teeth can cause caries and lead to periodontitis. People who do not take measures to combat the defect more often suffer from destruction of the enamel covering their teeth.

The presence of a gap can cause malocclusion. This often leads to incorrect diction. Over time, this factor becomes the foundation for jaw deformation. The process occurs gradually, slowly, so it is often very difficult to notice.

See a doctor for help

The doctor will tell you how to fix gaps between teeth at your appointment. Modern people have access to an abundance of different technologies to eliminate the defect, however, the best option must be selected by a qualified specialist, otherwise there is a risk of harming oneself. When determining the best approach, the doctor identifies why the defect was formed and evaluates all the features of the situation (number of cracks, their size). Additionally, the oral cavity is examined to evaluate general condition all tissues and organs. Of course, the doctor will take into account the client’s wishes.

Telling how to remove the gap between the front teeth, the doctor may suggest performing a restoration operation, resorting to plastic surgery, frenulum adjustment. You can make a cosmetic correction of the defect and take advantage of the possibilities of orthodontics.

What is what?

The simplest method to remove a gap between teeth is cosmetic correction. In terms of financial costs it will also cost much less blood than other options. The doctor will put a special filling that can attract the teeth to each other, and the defect disappears. True, you cannot do without shortcomings. Cosmetic correction is only suitable for people with healthy, strong gums. Only a small gap can be corrected in this way. Finally, a filling is a relatively short-lived solution, and over time you will have to either repeat the procedure or correct the teeth in another way.

Another common method of eliminating gaps between teeth is restoration. It costs a lot, and the event itself is troublesome, but productive. The doctor uses special technologies and equipment to fuse dental tissue. Typically, a composite material is used in the work, the shade matching the natural color tooth enamel. The procedure requires pain relief and in most cases is completed in one approach. There are practically no disadvantages, but restoration is applicable only to healthy gums and teeth.

There is an option

If a gap has appeared between the teeth, the doctor may suggest resorting to surgical plastic surgery. This technology has proven itself for for many years active use. At a fairly affordable price, the result is high quality if you manage to make an appointment with a qualified doctor. To make adjustments, the doctor uses crowns. The method gives long-lasting results and allows you to correct not only a crack, but also some other dental problems. No shortcomings have yet been identified.

In some cases, lumineers and veneers are used. Gaps between teeth can be eliminated with dentures. The patient puts on masking systems when needed and removes them as needed. Veneers are recommended to be used if the gums are poor condition. Removable dentures Elderly people are more often chosen, but in some cases the doctor recommends that young people also resort to this option, if there are indications.

Orthodontists will help

One option for eliminating gaps between teeth is braces. The technology is completely safe, its use is not associated with any additional risk for oral cavity. Currently, the technology is widespread for correcting the position of teeth in children and adolescents, since the effectiveness is observed if the teeth are still growing. For an adult patient, braces are often pointless and inconvenient to use. They are noticeable, so it’s hesitant psychological problem complexes due to external shortcomings. To correct the gap between teeth, you should use the system for a long time, which is not always possible in adulthood.

Relatively recently it was developed new approach to eliminate gaps between teeth. It is based on familiar braces, but optimized. It's about about invisible systems, kappas. These are transparent covers that are attached to the incisors. The elements can be removed as needed - for example, before eating.

When is it relevant?

For adult patients, braces (including improved models) are recommended if the problem progresses. The system is useful if a person suffers from bite problems or develops other pathologies affecting the jaws. Equally important affordable price. On the other hand, doctors recommend using braces and similar systems only if there are obvious indications for using such a method. But for young patients, this option is the only approach universally approved by dentists.

Is surgery necessary?

In some cases, the gap between the teeth can be eliminated by slightly adjusting the frenulum. It is shortened by cutting off a small piece. The approach is relevant if the problem is secondary, caused by incorrect size or structure of the frenulum upper lip. After surgical intervention And recovery period the teeth will not come together instantly - it takes some time. True, none special events no need, just wait, and after some time the jaw will return to normal.

I don't want to see a doctor!

Many people suffering from the described deficiency are panicky about visiting the dentist. Of course, I would like to believe that you can get rid of lye at home, but in practice this is impossible. Home manipulations recommended by traditional healers are variations of the braces described above, but often involve the use of some kind of independent systems, which can only worsen the situation. The best option- visit a specialist doctor who will advise which braces to choose, tell you how to use them at home, and also give general characteristics situation, will explain why the problem arose and which of the other correction methods in this case will be most successful.

Strictly prohibited

There is an opinion that you can tighten your teeth yourself, and this will completely solve the problem of the gap. What they don’t use! However, the most common option is to use floss to connect teeth. Such an event will not give any positive effect, but can provoke a disruption in the functionality of the protective coating, the tissue that forms the tooth. Ultimately, this leads to diseases of both teeth and gums.

Such homemade dentures become a place of accumulation of food residues, which means that putrefactive processes begin almost immediately and a focus of inflammation is formed. The technique is truly barbaric, and its results will sooner or later force you to go to the doctor for full dental treatment. It will cost much more than easy installation braces, which would help at the very beginning.

And I feel so good!

Some people read that a gap between teeth adds a special charm and makes a person more sweet and attractive. This opinion undoubtedly has its place, but it does not eliminate the need to adjust the position of the teeth. Sooner or later, the diastema will begin to grow, causing secondary problems, disrupting the health of the oral cavity. It’s not just about the aesthetic component: fan-shaped spread of teeth and loss due to buoyancy threaten.

Traditional medicine

With diastema traditional healers It is recommended to use some special compounds, compresses and infusions, which should improve the condition of the teeth. Most often, medicines are prepared using oak bark, calendula and chamomile. Having visited the doctor, it is worth clarifying whether such measures are necessary in a particular case? Usually the doctor gives a prescription for herbal tea, which should be used for regular rinsing of the mouth.

Infusions bring the greatest effect in the long term if you practice rinsing regularly. They improve the health of the oral cavity, help eliminate the tendency to minor bleeding, and make the dental tissues denser. Over time, the looseness of teeth disappears, and small gaps may even disappear on their own. This is explained by an increase in the density of teeth. Compresses come to the rescue if a person feels as if his teeth are not sitting tightly and his gums look loose. True, this is only effective when mild manifestations problems. If the symptoms worsen, you need to urgently make an appointment with the dentist to determine the cause and deal with it, and not with the manifestations of the problem.

What's the right way?

Normal condition teeth - contact individual elements side by side. In this case, gaps are formed, but they are microscopic in size. It will not be a problem to clean such teeth during a hygiene procedure. If there are microscopic gaps, the load is distributed evenly throughout the row. The problem can be not only gaps between the teeth, but also a too tight fit, when neighboring specimens literally rub against each other.

Diastema or gap between teeth is a fairly common phenomenon, a defect that spoils the aesthetic appearance of a smile.

It is not as safe as it seems, periodontal diseases may occur, because it affects the teeth heavy load, they become less stable.

Why do teeth come apart?

Let's look at the main causes of gaps between the front teeth:

  • Heredity. One of the parents has such a pathology.
  • The frenulum is attached low to the lips, lower and upper.
  • The cord of the frenulum of the upper lip is excessively compacted.
  • Milk teeth were later replaced by permanent teeth.
  • Lack of prostheses for a long time on site extracted tooth, adjacent teeth trying to close the void, thereby forming cracks.
  • Inconsistency between jaw bones and teeth size.
  • The tooth buds are positioned incorrectly or there are neoplasms.
  • An incorrect swallowing reflex in childhood can lead to such a pathology.
  • In a child with baby teeth, this is a functional defect; when replaced with permanent teeth, the gaps disappear.
  • One of the complications of periodontal disease is a gap between the front teeth;
  • Congenital growth defects of incisors.


Conditional classification of diastemas

By type:

  • False. Observed in early age, the bite is usually not structured.
  • True. It can only be corrected with special treatment.
  • Symmetrical.
  • Asymmetrical. Gap upper teeth, does not match the ones below.

According to the position of the teeth:

  • Hull displacement. The roots are in a natural position, and the roots are deviated.
  • The crowns are deviated laterally. Displaced in space, the roots are twisted and immobile.
  • Complex displacement of crowns and roots.

What to do with a gap between teeth?

Only a dentist or orthodontist can correct this problem. Treatment is carried out using the following methods:

  • Artistic camouflage of the gap.
  • Orthodontic treatment methods.
  • Installation of veneers, crowns.
  • Surgical treatment.


An absolutely safe type of defect correction. There is no need to remove teeth and surrounding tissue. Before applying braces, the teeth are cured and professional cleaning. Braces can be metal, ceramic, plastic or combined options, for more effective treatment. Braces are invisible (outwardly not visible to people around you).

Treatment with braces is very effective, it provides not a temporary, but a permanent result; you can remove not only wide front gaps, but also close the gaps of other teeth.

But there are also disadvantages of this treatment:

  1. You will have to wear them for a long time (about 2-3 years), visit the dentist every month, carefully care for your braces, and give up certain types of food;
  2. There is no way to remove them yourself;
  3. The older biological age, the longer the treatment;
  4. Contraindicated for children under 10 years of age.

Their undoubted advantage is that they are removable before eating, this is especially important. Mouthguards can only be worn at night. They are plastic, transparent, almost invisible, and thanks to the special material, after regular use, teeth whiten by one tone.

If the crack is not large, this treatment method will help to easily fix this problem. Using a special filling, which is polymerized under the influence of a special ultraviolet lamp, interdental tissue is built up from one to 3 layers. The number of layers depends on the initial width of the hole.

Advantages artistic restoration:

  • The patient chooses the composite material of the filling, its shade himself, from the color palette presented to him by the dentist;
  • Photopolymer fillings completely fill the gap;
  • Minimum time investment, from 30 minutes to two hours;
  • For artistic restoration, the use of anesthesia is not required, it is painless;
  • There are no contraindications for using a photopolymer filling;
  • Does not require special care;
  • There are no complications;
  • Restoration can be performed for children, pregnancy, and cancer.

Veneers or crowns

The use of veneers is a revolutionary method, but quite expensive.

They consist of the thinnest layer of porcelain, are attached to the front part of the tooth, and the result of the correction is immediately visible.

Positive qualities of using veneers:

  • Visually, the crack disappears completely;
  • Only the doctor and the patient know that the treatment was carried out, since there are completely no visible traces of the treatment;
  • Possibility of choice: all-ceramic, metal-ceramic, ceramic;
  • Possibility of changing the color of teeth, thanks to a variety of shades;
  • Does not require long-term adaptation to “new” teeth;

Lumineers (composite resins) are often used to repair the hole. But the effect is temporary, after certain time restoration and polishing of lumineers is necessary.


Frenectomy – means removal of the frenulum surgically. Performed for children younger age. After such an operation, the cleft closes itself. Operations are performed to excise the soft tissues of the lips or tongue, and remove abnormally growing teeth. After surgical treatment orthodontic treatment is mandatory.

How much does it cost to seal a gap? There is no clear answer to this question, since the price is individual and depends on each specific case.

In cases where the gap is formed due to periodontal disease, treatment by a periodontist is necessary. Once gum health is restored, braces or bridges are used to move the teeth back to their original location.


Traditional treatment at home

If you are not eager to seek help from dentists, try correcting the defect at home. Folk way Reduce the gap using sewing thread. Wrap a 30 cm piece of thread around the incisors and tighten tightly, leaving overnight or for 12 hours. Slight pain is possible.

This method of treatment gives the first results from one year to several years. Before self-medicating, you should consult a dentist so as not to worsen the situation.

As a result, knowing the numerous treatment methods and the benefits of each of them, you need to think carefully and choose a treatment method that is acceptable to you.

Many people dream of a beautiful smile without flaws, but this is hampered by the presence of a hole between the front teeth. With development aesthetic dentistry and orthodontics, the problem of correcting this defect has become less urgent. Improved modern techniques provide the opportunity to remove the gap between teeth without surgical intervention and in as soon as possible. Before eliminating the gap between the front teeth, you need to consult with a specialist; an experienced dentist will help solve the problem and give you the opportunity to get rid of the discomfort associated with the unaesthetic gap between the frontal units of the dentition.

The article provides detailed information about the reasons for the formation of a gap between the front teeth, how to correct the defect using classical methods and surgical intervention. In addition, you can find out what types of gaps exist between teeth, and what is the difference between a trema and a diastema.

Difference between diastema and trema

In dentistry, a gap between teeth, which can appear both at an early age and at a more mature age, is called a diastema. According to medical statistics, every fifth person on the planet has encountered this problem, so it is considered quite common. As a rule, a small gap between the front teeth, the size of which can reach 1 cm, does not bring any trouble to its owner, only aesthetic discomfort.

Between the units of the side rows I learned the name of the trema. This phenomenon is less common than diastema and does not pose a problem since it is out of sight. Trema can appear during active jaw growth, during the period of appearance and growth of baby teeth.

The favorite location for diastema is the front teeth of the upper row, but in practice there are cases when a small gap could appear between the frontal units of the lower row of teeth.

Additional information! Dental treatment for diastema involves the use of a number of therapeutic, orthodontic and orthopedic dentistry methods. Surgery is much less often required.

Causes of pathology

The reasons for the appearance of gaps between teeth are usually the following factors:

  1. the process of replacing temporary teeth with permanent ones was delayed, as a result of which the replacement of milk units with new ones occurred too late;
  2. the patient has bad habits, negatively affecting the position of the teeth. For example, the habit of chewing a pencil can provoke the development of pathology;
  3. genetic factor. The predisposition to gap formation can be inherited;
  4. the frenulum of the upper lip is located too low;
  5. the absence of one or more units of the upper dentition, resulting in displacement of the remaining teeth. They seem to be trying to occupy the vacated space;
  6. The size of the jaw greatly exaggerates the size of the teeth. Such a discrepancy can lead to the formation of many gaps between the teeth of both the upper and lower rows;
  7. previous oral disease. In this case, diastema is a complication, the onset of which is associated with improper or untimely treatment or its absence;
  8. presence of bad habits in infancy. Thus, excessive use of the pacifier can provoke deformation of the jaw with the subsequent appearance of an unfortunate gap;
  9. presence of an abnormal swallowing reflex. Patients with this pathology tend to, when swallowing food, press their tongue not to the upper palate, but to front teeth. Periodic pushing causes the anterior units to gradually move, resulting in a gap.
  10. Patients suffering from periodontal disease, a disease characterized by deformation of the gum tissue, are at risk. In this case, the diastema acts as a complication of the disease.

Important! Diastema does not pose a threat to health, but in the absence of timely treatment its size may increase, after which the previously barely noticeable chip turns into a clearly visible hole.

Types and forms of diastema

In dentistry, there are 2 types of diastema, the features of which we will dwell in more detail.

So, diastema can be:

  1. true;
  2. false.

The main differences between a false diastema and a true one:

  • the gap appears during the period of replacement of temporary teeth with permanent ones;
  • As the jaw develops and teeth grow, the gap disappears, so treatment is not required.

Features of a true anomaly:

  1. pathology develops mainly in adulthood, when the process of formation of molars is already completed;
  2. correction of the position of the teeth and elimination of the gap is carried out with the help of a specialist.

According to the method of localization of the gap, the following types of diastema are distinguished:

  • symmetrical. Both units of the dentition are displaced, resulting in a gap;
  • asymmetrical. Only one unit of the row moves, the second remains in its place.

Diastema forms:

  • the dental crown moves, but the tooth root remains in the same place;
  • The position of both crowns and roots changes.

Modern ways to solve the problem

Although diastema is not classified as dangerous dental diseases, many patients prefer to get rid of such a “zest” by eliminating it. With the development of cosmetic dentistry, as well as orthodontics and orthopedics, correcting such defects has become much easier.

To the most popular therapeutic methods solutions to the problem include:

  • aesthetic restoration;
  • veneering;
  • installation of braces and bracket systems;
  • installation of crowns;
  • use of mouth guards

IN difficult cases surgical intervention may be required.

Pay attention! Only a doctor can tell which method of eliminating diastema should be used in each specific case after examining the oral cavity and making an accurate diagnosis.

Aesthetic artistic restoration

Artistic restoration methods help get rid of unwanted gaps by building up the missing tissue between the teeth. To ensure that the artificially created fabric does not differ from natural fabric, the most suitable composite color is selected. The abnormal gap is filled with a special interdental filling, after which the problem area is veneered. Aesthetic restoration allows you to eliminate a chip in literally one visit to the dentist.

Advantages of the method:

  1. does not cause pain, accordingly, does not require anesthesia;
  2. there are no contraindications, even for pregnant women and patients with cancer;
  3. does not lead to complications;
  4. does not require special care.

Installation of veneers and crowns

This method has both pros and cons. Thus, the advantages include the absence of the risk of re-development of the pathology and the effectiveness of the technique. After installing veneers or crowns, no traces of the previously existing gap remain. Minus - high cost services. Vining can hardly be classified as an accessible and inexpensive treatment method.

Installation of bracket systems

The problem of unwanted gaps between teeth can be solved with the help of an orthodontist. Compared to veneering, the installation of braces is not as expensive, however, the duration of treatment is somewhat different. On average, it lasts from six months to 2 years.

After examining the oral cavity and taking appropriate measurements, the orthodontist makes an impression of the jaw, on the basis of which the braces system is subsequently produced.

Pay attention! Choosing braces for at the moment so wide that problems with aesthetic discomfort, as a rule, do not arise. Moreover, some systems, say sapphire braces or colored braces, on the contrary, attract patients with their appearance and add some uniqueness to the image.

How to remove gaps between teeth using aligners

In addition to braces, the orthodontist may suggest installing mouthguards, a kind of bags for the teeth, with which you can change their position and give the correct shape. As a result, the teeth move closer to each other and the gap disappears.

Advantages of mouth guards:

  • visually invisible because they are made of transparent materials;
  • Outperforms staples in terms of effectiveness;
  • can be easily and quickly removed, so that during chewing food does not clog the trays;
  • the gel inside the bags performs a whitening function, so a visit to the dentist for this purpose is no longer required;
  • Simultaneously with the elimination of diastema, it can also solve other dental problems, such as crooked teeth and malocclusion.

Operative methods

Indications for use surgical method is an abnormal location of the frenulum of the upper lip. In order for teeth to grow correctly in the future, correction is required, and this can only be done through surgery. Positive result can only be achieved if the operation is performed in adolescence.

To prevent the development of oral pathologies, it is recommended to visit the dentist at least 2 times a year. An experienced dentist will be able to diagnose any disease initial stage, which will allow you to get rid of the problem as early as possible and prevent the development of complications.

Video: how to remove gaps between teeth

Gaps between teeth occur in many people, and it is almost impossible to predict their occurrence. Often this pathology is hereditary in nature. There are two types of gaps: trema (between the lateral teeth) and diastema (between the upper front incisors). The presence of a gap affects the aesthetics of the dentition. Although, with regard to diastema, this issue is quite controversial. If, for example, a gap between two front teeth is a serious flaw for some, spoiling the beauty of a smile, then others see a certain zest in it, and psychics associate a person’s determination and success with it.

In dentistry, diastema is distinguished between false and true. In the first case, it is considered a functional deviation that occurs in children with baby teeth and disappears on its own, that is, when the temporary dentition is replaced by a permanent one. In the second case, a gap appears between the permanent incisors.

Why do gaps form between teeth?

Rare teeth can be either a hereditary defect or a consequence of various factors. It happens that they are formed due to a mismatch between the size of the teeth and the jaw: when the teeth are too small for the jaw, the spaces between them become wider, and when they are too large, the jaw seems to be overcrowded with teeth. Anomalies in size and shape are often observed in the upper lateral incisors, and this leads to the formation of a gap between the central incisors of the upper dentition. Among the anomalies there may be either a small height of some teeth or their absence. In general, with partial edentia, healthy teeth It is common to move towards the vacant place. This is how the front teeth can diverge if a person has lost their chewing teeth. Gaps are also formed due to the incorrect location of the rudiments of dental units, sometimes due to neoplasms.

A frenulum that is too large contributes to diastema. In normal condition, it represents a bridge that goes to the gum from the upper lip along its inner side and is located above the 2 central teeth. However, with pathological growth, the bridge can pass between these teeth, blocking the natural closure of the space between them.

The appearance of a gap is possible due to bad habits in childhood (thumb/pacifier sucking). Gaps can cause periodontal problems. A gap is formed when bone tissue, on which the dentition is based. In people who have lost a large amount of it, their teeth lose stability and become loose.

Sometimes diastema is caused by a violation of the swallowing process. Usually, when a person swallows, his tongue presses into upper sky. With swallowing dysfunction, the tongue rests on the front incisors, as if pushing them. Over time, the teeth move forward, and a gap appears between them.

How to close interdental gaps

It is not difficult to diagnose an anomaly associated with the expansion of spaces between teeth in a person. When you smile, you can notice a dark gap in the upper dentition between the central teeth. This is a diastema. It usually has no symptoms if it is formed due to a discrepancy between the size of the jaw and the size of the teeth. But if the interdental space increases over time due to periodontal diseases, abnormal growth of the frenulum, etc., then this process does not go unnoticed. It is very important to understand what could have caused such a deviation. The patient usually notices the slow discrepancy of the front teeth himself. The increase in the gap is noticeable during hygiene procedures- brushing teeth and flossing. Some people experience problems when eating food. painful sensations and discomfort. The dentist will indicate the process of formation of a tooth gap during the examination. Thanks to carefully developed diagnostics, as well as long-term planning, it is possible to select optimal treatment for any specific case in order to meet the patient's needs.

Orthodontic method

The size of the diastema may vary. Some people's teeth can be as much as 10mm apart. Modern orthodontics has its own methods for correcting this anomaly. Braces are installed to move teeth and correct defects. Solving a problem this way takes quite a lot of time. The duration of gap correction depends on the specific clinical case. The recovery time is influenced by both the patient’s age and the size of the discrepancy. So, for example, it may take several months to eliminate an anomaly in a child, while for an adult patient it may take several months to solve this problem. dental problem It will take from six months to 2 years, since his jaw has already formed. It is worth noting that the orthodontic method is the safest and also permanently solves the problem. After all, when installing braces, tooth tissue is not damaged. In terms of aesthetics modern braces do not cause any difficulties. To correct the gap, dentists also offer mouthguards - designs with the same operating principle as braces. The orthodontic method allows teeth to gradually move naturally.

Installation of lumineers and veneers

The use of plates is considered the fastest and most affordable method of closing interdental gaps. Lumineers, made from a composite to match the shade of the client’s tooth enamel, are installed from the gap side directly onto upper incisors. The plates naturally continue the tooth and it is almost impossible to discern from the outside that it is an artificial material. But Lumineers change color over time. Moreover, caries can occur at the junction of the tooth and the plate. Therefore, if a patient decides to eliminate a diastema using lumineers, he must remember that in order to “refresh” the result, he will have to periodically visit his doctor to grind the surface of the tooth and apply a new layer of material on top.

Veneers are installed on the front surface of central teeth as simply as lumineers. Before fixing the veneer, the specialist polishes the enamel a little, protects the tooth with a special gel and glues the plates. In addition to grinding off the enamel, this method There are several other significant shortcomings. Over time, the patient will have to change veneers. Compared to lumineers, their cost is an order of magnitude higher. To make the records look natural, they try to make them thinner. Therefore, due to their fragility, veneers can break. However, this method allows the patient to close the gap in one go and is one of the most popular.

Other methods

When a gap occurs, the lack of tooth walls is compensated by building up using composite material. If the tooth root is healthy, we begin to build up the crown part. This procedure is absolutely painless, has no contraindications and is available even to pregnant women. You can also close gaps between teeth using crowns. But in this case, turning is required. If teeth diverge due to partial edentia, prosthetics will help avoid trouble.

If the frenulum is incorrectly positioned, the dentist suggests surgically correcting the bridge. This operation is called frenectomy. The interdental space closes on its own if it is done in early childhood. In older children or adults, after frenectomy, the gaps are closed with braces, or a specialist suggests one of the methods described above.

If the gaps between teeth are caused by periodontal diseases, then, first of all, you will need the help of a periodontist. And only after the health of the gums has been restored can you move the teeth back into place. This is often done using curly braces. Sometimes a specialist suggests installing a bridge to close the gaps.

Is it worth covering a gap between teeth?

Before you fight diastema, think about whether it’s worth doing. After all, the situation also has its advantages. Thanks to a sufficiently large gap, teeth are less susceptible to caries. Food particles usually accumulate in the interdental spaces, plaque is deposited, and tartar forms. With larger interdental spaces, better hygiene is available. Of course, it is extremely necessary to correct the gap if it interferes with diction, or if the process of teeth moving apart is actively progressing due to periodontal problems. But often people go to correct a gap, believing that it makes their appearance unattractive. Or maybe, if the increased interdental distance does not negatively affect a person’s life, then it is not worth touching it, so as not to further injure the oral cavity. After all, even some celebrities not only do not hide their diastemas, but try to flaunt them, believing that they add sexiness to them. For example, Lily Aldridge does not allow photographers to fix her gap using Photoshop.