Boston Institute of Cosmetic Dentistry. Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine: description, services, specialists and reviews

Ronkin Konstantin, Shvartsman Ivetta

President, Vice President of the Boston Institute Aesthetic Medicine

The idea of ​​opening dentistry in Russia did not come to us right away. After receiving our education in America, we decided to organize a training institute in Boston aesthetic dentistry, where groups of Russian-speaking doctors from different countries. And due to difficulties with visas, the idea was born to transfer my studies to Russia. In Moscow, in addition to teaching, we often had to consult patients. Over time, there were so many of them that we decided to open our own clinic.

Boston Institute Aesthetic Medicine was created by analogy with our American clinic DreamSmileDental - one of the leading clinics in Boston both in terms of treatment quality standards and technology. It is truly unique: and it’s not about the environment and equipment, but about the specialists, whose training takes more than three years. All doctors of the clinic become our like-minded people. We infect them with an idea that, in our opinion, is somewhat broader and deeper than the applied understanding of the specialty of a dentist. First of all, we are talking about a holistic approach to human treatment! Therefore, one of the significant differences between the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine and other clinics is that they care not only about the patients’ teeth, but also about their health in general.

Energy, a strategic approach and the ability to “think big” help us to always be one step ahead. Everything new that appears in the dental field abroad is immediately transferred to Moscow to our clinic. We are proud to have pioneered the development of many cutting-edge dental technologies in Russia, such as 3D modeling, three-dimensional radiography, bite correction using transparent Invisalign aligners, Luma Cool teeth whitening system and many others. Moreover, it was at the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine that it was first proposed to use biometric research for the treatment of temporomandibular joint pathology!

We are ready to confirm our status not only with the availability of first-class technologies, but also with the ability to create comfort! In our clinic nothing will remind you of true goal Your visit: pleasant atmosphere, caring doctors and the most modern technologies will make your visit to the dentist as comfortable as possible. This is exactly how, in our opinion, a patient should feel in a clinic with VIP status!

Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine - the world's best specialists, a huge selection dental services and endless care for your health!

And healthy sleep is the key to excellent health and good mood. If there are any problems related to teeth or snoring, then they need to be solved. Aesthetic Medicine has been helping people with this for more than 20 years. Highly qualified specialists work here who do everything possible to make patients comfortable. People coming to the clinic are not afraid to trust their health.

History of the institute

The institute, working in the field of aesthetic dentistry, appeared in 1995 in the USA thanks to two specialists who decided to start their activities in the dental field. They developed and implemented new technologies. The main goal of the clinic was to help patients and create perfect smiles.

The institute developed quite quickly. In 2006, its branch was opened in Moscow. Specialists from America and Russia have united. Thanks to this event, they came to our country latest technologies, which were created at the head clinic and were successfully tested there. As a result of the emergence of a branch of a foreign institute in Russia, the quality of dental services has increased.

The Institute is currently

In 2014, the institute expanded the list of services provided. From that moment on, they began to deal not only with teeth and bringing a smile to an impeccable state, but also with plastic surgery and eliminating sleep problems. In connection with such changes, the clinic was renamed. It became known as the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. Important Event happened in 2015. Branch American clinic appeared in another Russian city- St. Petersburg. Patients can rest assured professional qualities specialists working here. The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine conducts monthly training courses for doctors, introducing employees to the technologies being implemented and their advantages.

Advantages of the clinic

One of the advantages of the institute is that it brings together unique world-famous specialists. They are Some of the Russian doctors are even superior to their American colleagues, which is why the creators of the clinic plan to bring foreign citizens with serious disorders and pathologies to Russia for treatment.

The advantages, of course, include advanced technology. Their presence is evidenced by reviews of the clinic. The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine is equipped with the latest science and technology. There are modern diagnostic and medical devices, safe and new pain management techniques are used. All elements necessary for dental restoration (crowns, veneers) are manufactured specifically in Canada, in one of the best laboratories in the world.

Another advantage that the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine has is the use of integrated approach to treatment. In order for a person to feel good and be satisfied with the result, it is necessary to rid him of the shortcomings that he points out. For example, some patients come to have their teeth fixed and some changes made to their face. To solve this problem, the clinic has a dentist and plastic surgeon. They plan and carry out treatment together to achieve maximum results.

Functional and aesthetic dentistry

This is one of the clinic's services. The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine in Moscow and St. Petersburg offers fast and most comfortable dental treatment. It usually consists of 3 stages:

  1. Visiting a doctor. At this stage, the specialist examines oral cavity patient, offers treatment options, selects suitable color future structures, their shape.
  2. Preparing teeth. The doctor removes the patient's old fillings and installs new ones. If the installation of veneers was planned, then temporary structures are placed on the person’s teeth.
  3. Completion of treatment. On the third visit, the doctor installs permanent structures made of a certain shape, size and color on the patient’s teeth.

Functional and aesthetic dentistry services also include bite correction, professional whitening teeth, treatment of dysfunctions of the temporomandibular joint, prevention of gum diseases, elimination unpleasant odor from the mouth. All procedures are carried out without fear and pain, because specialists use anesthesia, sedation or the unique NuCalm technique if necessary. The latter refers to listening to special music that promotes relaxation.

Maxillofacial and plastic surgery

The list of services of the institute includes maxillofacial surgery. The clinic has specialists who treat jaw fractures and eliminate existing defects, perform bone plastic surgery, surgically correct the bite, remove diagnosed tumors of the salivary glands.

The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine in St. Petersburg and Moscow also offers plastic surgery:

  • mammoplasty (increase or correction of asymmetry);
  • bodies and faces;
  • liposuction and abdominoplasty;
  • treatment of varicose veins;
  • lifting and lipolifting using PRP (human plasma enriched with platelets with growth factors).

Healthy sleep clinic

Each person needs about 7-8 hours daily for a good mood and well-being. healthy sleep. The reasons why a person does not get enough sleep are associated with sleep apnea (interruption of breathing during sleep), snoring. A special clinic was created at the institute to treat sleep disorders.

It has specially equipped bedrooms for patients in which research is carried out:

  • a person is connected to machines before going to bed;
  • devices record respiratory flow, snoring, body position, electrocardiogram, etc.;
  • All information is sent to a computer, where it is stored for further analysis.

Other specialists at the clinic

The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine (Moscow and St. Petersburg) offers the services of other specialists:

  • ENT doctor. People turn to this specialist for problems such as tinnitus, hearing loss, chronic runny nose, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.
  • Osteopath. This doctor does not use any medications or invasive techniques in his work. He carries out diagnosis and treatment using his hands. All functional problems can be treated with osteopathic correction - pain in the head and face, fatigue, illness internal organs and musculoskeletal system.
  • Kinesiotherapist. Kinesiotherapy is one of the types physical therapy. A specialist working in the clinic conducts classes with patients and recommends them some exercises to perform at home.

Some clinic specialists

One of the clinic’s specialists is Konstantin Ronkin. He is the founder and president of the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. Patients make appointments with this American specialist for aesthetic rehabilitation, treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and malocclusion. Konstantin Ronkin is the most the best specialist in Russia, because he developed many advanced dental technologies and introduced new concepts and techniques.

Another founder of the institute is Ivetta Shvartsman. She is a specialist in the field of aesthetic rehabilitation, treatment of sleep apnea and malocclusion pathologies. Yvette Shvartsman has Premier Provider Super Elite status. It is awarded to a small number of doctors in America. This status indicates that Ivetta Shvartsman is one of the best specialists.

Prices for services at the clinic

The Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine falls into the “premium” category in terms of prices for treatment, dental restoration and plastic surgery. The cost of some services is as follows:

  • a visit to an American specialist, consultation on some issues and drawing up a treatment plan will cost 12,600 rubles in Moscow and 9,450 in St. Petersburg;
  • visit Russian specialist, choosing a suitable treatment regimen will cost 4140 rubles in Moscow and 3465 in St. Petersburg.

It is recommended to clarify the cost of other services by phone or in person by coming to the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. It is impossible to predict prices on your own; it is impossible to determine how much money will be spent. The fact is that the treatment is developed taking into account the individual criteria and wishes of the patient himself.

Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine: reviews

All patients who visited the clinic leave positive reviews about the specialists. While visiting the institute, people do not feel afraid. The environment is very pleasant. The treatment takes place without pain, because doctors strive to make patients feel comfortable and able to relax. Positive Feedback left by many people who had severe pathologies. At the institute, such patients were able to get rid of their problems in a short time, correct their appearance to the desired results, and bring their smile to an ideal state.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine (BIEM) is a place where truly true professionals work. They offer effective solutions existing problems, taking into account the wishes of patients and their financial condition. The opinions of people who seek help are always listened to and discussed. After treatment, specialists give important recommendations and offer a course of hygiene and care activities.

I'm not a big fan medical institutions. Whether it's a clinic or a dentist's office, the ubiquitous smell of medicine immediately hits your nose and simply twists your stomach with fear. Therefore, when I was on my way to an interview in " BIEM” (“Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine”), my imagination painted terrible pictures: how they sat me in a dentist’s chair and drilled my teeth with a drill. Imagine my surprise when I was met on the threshold nice girl, and not in a white coat, but in ordinary clothes. And there was absolutely no hospital smell! The situation in " BIEM"In general, it looks more like a fashionable salon than a clinic. Attention to customers is felt in everything: from a cup of coffee kindly offered by the staff to decorative cosmetics placed in the restroom. So, if your makeup has been slightly damaged by the dentist’s work, you can easily put yourself in order “without leaving the cash register.” I was able to talk with one of the founders of “,” an expert in the field of aesthetic dentistry, Konstantin Ronkin. In an exclusive interview with PEOPLETALK, he spoke about the work of the clinic, its advantages, and why you should not skimp on your health.

The founders of the Boston Clinic of Cosmetic Dentistry were me and Dr. Yvette Schwartzman. When I met Yvette at Tufts University in Boston, she already had a big medical experience in Riga (Latvia). We met and decided to create our own dental clinic, and this happened in 1993. True, the clinic then opened not in Russia, but in an American city Boston. We successfully treated patients, provided thorough staff training, and only then, having established work in Boston, began to gradually move to Moscow. Almost 10 years ago we opened the first Russian center " BIEM"and began treating patients at the same level as we did in America. We are also proud of our new clinic branch in St. Petersburg, which opened early last year.

Yvette Shvartsman and Konstantin Ronkin

It used to be easier to maintain the standards we held to in America. Now, in conditions of import substitution, difficulties arise with medicines. But all this can be solved. We are still working with those drugs that have already proven themselves. After all, when it comes to the patient’s health, we will not stand behind the price. All our technologies have been proven, and the services that we offer in Russia are first tested in Boston, and then it all appears here.

Our work is aimed at preventing diseases, and this concept includes not only teeth, we see the overall picture of human diseases. Our center deals with joint dysfunction, treats headaches and much more. " BIEM"is a dental and medical center. Doctors of different specialties work here: a cardiologist, a neurologist, an ENT specialist, and so on, that is, all those people who are involved in the treatment of sleep apnea syndrome, which has become a general medical problem.

We adhere to the high level that we initially stated, and, of course, this requires effort and constant staff training. I, Yvette and our doctors spend about 100 hours a year on training, while the generally accepted norm is 20. For example, two years ago we took all of our staff from both offices to a large dental conference held in the Bahamas, a year ago we attended a conference in Las Vegas, and now we are preparing a trip to Madrid. In general, we travel a lot and study all the time, because we cannot stand still, we need to keep up with the times and technologies. Dentistry is developing very rapidly, and it so happens that we always use the newest, most modern. This applies to everything: treatment methods, diagnostics, materials, equipment, and so on.

We were the first to contribute to Russian market office teeth whitening, and in America they were one of the pioneers in this matter. Although many doctors came up and said: “What are you doing? You're ruining your teeth!" They told all sorts of tall tales. But not much time has passed, and now there is probably no clinic that does not offer teeth whitening. Later, the same thing happened with the concept of using physiology in dental treatment. The so-called neuromuscular dentistry. This is what we brought to the Russian market, what we teach, conduct lectures and conferences on this topic.

By the way, three years ago we started using the NUCALM system, which can significantly reduce stress in patients in general throughout their lives, and dental office in particular, and also makes any dental procedure more enjoyable. Patients in our clinic listen to special music, and stress decreases at a physiological level. You'll see, again not much time will pass, and it will be on every corner.

We use advanced technologies not because we want to be the first, but it just happens that way. If technology allows us to treat better, then we use it. Therefore, we are distinguished in the market high quality, innovative approach And short terms treatment.

Which politician would I like to see in my seat? I think the answer is obvious. (Laughs.) I can’t say that I have any ambitions to treat celebrities. I just want to see patients in the chair who care about their health. Sometimes the treatment we provide is not just about getting rid of tooth decay. We've treated enough serious illnesses, and our treatments can prolong people's lives. This is the work of not only the doctor, but also the patient, because treatment sometimes takes six months. And I welcome any patient who comes to us with the idea of ​​helping himself.

Quality treatment costs money. We use one of the best laboratories in the world, which is located in Canada, and those materials that are necessary for the patient, regardless of their price. Therefore, the cost of the treatment itself is quite high. Our doctors spend a lot of time and money on training, and, of course, we try to maintain a high level of service in this complex process. So, if we talk about pricing, we are somewhere in the middle of the premium class.

We do not plan to expand in other cities of Russia. Our plans are to expand the list of services. For example, we recently opened a center for the treatment of sleep disorders, since this is a very big problem and many patients have obstructive sleep apnea. The role of dentists in identifying and treating sleep apnea is very, very large. This is a new area in dentistry, and it requires certain knowledge, training, and study. We built an entire center for treatment and are now helping our patients. Plastic surgery– also has its place, we help each other in creating ideal aesthetics. Many malocclusion pathologies are associated with breathing disorders - nasal breathing, for example, here otolaryngologists already help us.

Someone immediately cuts out clinics where the pricing policy is a little higher than he expected, and goes to specialists whose prices are “unbeatable.” But in most cases this is the wrong choice. Let me give you an example from yesterday. A 40-year-old man came to us. For many years he suffers from symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. He beat out many inexpensive specialists, but together he spent much more on them than his budget expected! In most cases, on average, treatment of such patients takes us about 3 months and we achieve positive result. This is what people pay money for. You can go for years and spend 10 times more money on consultations, or you can pay a little more, but get to a person who really understands this. We have our own approach. For our clinic, for me personally, the main thing is to cure the patient, and not just treat him.

Even if our services seem expensive at first glance, we advise you to follow the updates on the website. We often have promotions and discounts reaching up to 40–50%. And this treatment is based on advanced and innovative technologies. Is it worth it? I think yes. So come to us for treatment!

Contacts of the branch in "BIEM" in Moscow

  • Address: Michurinsky Prospekt, 7, bldg. 1
  • Phone: +7 495 988-00-96
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Official website:
  • Opening hours: Mon – Fri from 8.00 to 21.00, Sat from 8.00 to 16.00, Sun – closed

I wanted to express my deep gratitude pediatric dentist Verabova Inna Ivanovna! Thanks to this doctor, my daughter not only healthy teeth, but also complete absence fear of dental treatment and visiting the dentist! Thanks to all the staff of the BIEM clinic for the warm atmosphere, service and health of my daughter!



7 495 988-00-96

Good afternoon Thanks for kind words! We are always happy to help you!


Many thanks to Ekaterina Zuboreva for professional approach and friendly attitude. It was my first time and I was pleased with the consultation and treatment of caries. You can feel the caring attitude and high competence of the doctor. For me, these are the decisive factors for visiting this clinic and this dentist again. St. Petersburg.



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

I try to treat my health carefully, so the place, the atmosphere, and the clinic staff are important to me. It’s not always possible to find “your thing,” but in the case of this clinic, I’m very glad that I found a place where I really like it. Anna Vilesova turned out to be my specialist the first time, and all other times too) It’s significant for me when a doctor answers your questions in detail, explains in understandable human language, gives recommendations (how often to do procedures, how to maintain the condition of your teeth at home, and where not to there should be no amateur performance). And in general, you feel when a person is pleasant and attractive not only as a specialist, but also simply as a person in general. But the most important thing in all this is quality and results; with Anna, I know what I’m paying money for and that I will continue to turn to her. And a few words about the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine clinic - this place is very modern both aesthetically and in terms of equipment. Therefore, I am very pleased)!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

Our beloved doctor Ekaterina Zubareva works at the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. We have been going to her for examinations and dental treatment since I was two years old. The child adores the doctor, attends appointments with pleasure, opens his mouth without problems, lets him do all the manipulations, because Ekaterina is a professional with a capital P! Sensitive approach to the child, friendly and kind, very patient. immediately puts the child at ease, he is comfortable and not afraid. Caries treatment takes place without anesthesia in just a few minutes! This is a very very big plus. I'm glad we have such a doctor! The service at the clinic is at a very high level. It's nice and calm there. Smiling, responsive and attentive administrators. I recommend!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

In 2017 I did a comprehensive dental treatment from Dr. Konstantin Ronkin with the installation of veneers on all teeth. He placed a crooked veneer on front tooth. He pretended not to notice, but in response to my question he said that “it’s natural to have crooked teeth.” To my written official complaint chief physician Nellie Volchek made me feel guilty: “Why didn’t you tell the doctor right away?” After demanding to explain the reason, Dr. Konstantin Ronkin simply did not show up to install veneers on me. lower jaw. Dr. Yulia Staennaya, who had to do this instead of him, was unable to provide sufficient anesthesia for the entire process, and for the last 5-6 teeth I writhed from hellish sensitivity when the teeth were treated with acid and even just blowing air. And grinding the teeth “a little bit” for veneers in fact turned out to be a strong grinding of 40-50%. By the way, the ground teeth are not shown to the patient... VIP clinic, treatment at the cost of a Mercedes GLE class. The leading doctor makes mistakes that he does not admit, and the patient is to blame. There is no talk of any compensation; as a result, the VIP clinic suddenly turns out to be the dentistry of the USSR under a beautiful sign. Draw conclusions. Understand all the details before you pay millions up front for a pig in a poke.



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

Perhaps the most best clinic which I was in! Professionals in their field. All on top level. I especially want to mention Dr. Igor Martynov and Dr. Ekaterina Zubareva. I didn’t plan for that amount, but now I want to be treated only at the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. I can really recommend it to my friends and acquaintances!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

2 years ago

Over the past two years, I have had problems sleeping, I woke up often, my sleep was shallow, it seemed as if I was not sleeping at all. After an examination, a somnologist made a diagnosis: Obstructive apnea - severe hypopnea. I tried CPAP therapy, but this device seemed barbaric to me. Learned about a new method apnea treatment at the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine clinic through bite correction. I went there with slight skepticism, thinking that if there was no help here, I would have to get used to the device. The first thing that struck me was the cleanliness, friendly and well-trained staff. Everything was done quickly and professionally, and when I met Dr. Ronkin, my faith in success grew stronger. After thorough examination They made me an intraoral mouthguard, which I had to sleep with every night. To be honest, at first I had to get used to foreign objects in my mouth, but then I stopped noticing them. My sleep became deeper, I woke up less often, in general, my nightlife began to improve. After a six-week course, I had a control polysomnography and all my apneas disappeared. I was incredibly happy! Thanks a lot Dr. Ronkin, Yulia Stoennaya and all the staff for qualified assistance, knowledge and desire to help! Wishing you further success, happiness and prosperity!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

2 years ago

Many thanks to Dr. Levon Snegirev and his sensitive assistant Madina for the most comfortable and painless treatment teeth! Doctor Snegirev is a true professional in his field and a doctor from God! I will definitely recommend the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine to my family and friends, because healthy and beautiful teeth are the key wellness body as a whole and a great mood!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

2 years ago

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Levon Snegirev and his sensitive assistant Madina for the most comfortable and painless dental treatment. Doctor Snegirev is a true professional in his field, a doctor from God! I will definitely recommend the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine to my family, since healthy and beautiful teeth are the key to good health of the body as a whole, and a great mood!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

3 years ago

The reason for visiting the clinic of the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine was a malocclusion and general condition teeth. Contacted different places, but did not find the expected response. Your clinic was recommended by an old friend of mine who was very pleased with the treatment and I saw a noticeable result in her after the treatment. Now she has absolutely Hollywood smile. And I knew what significant changes had occurred in her not only externally, but also internally. The result was obvious, and I understood what I would have to pay money for. I am 100% satisfied with my result!!! I was not deceived in my expectations, although I have a rather capricious character)). During the consultation, Dr. Ivetta Shvartsman offered me two expanded and detailed plan treatment of choice. I had a lot to think about and choose. I liked both, but I chose the maximum range of services and I don’t regret it. I'm very pleased. The result is amazing!!!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

3 years ago

High professionalism, quality and quantity of services provided, the fight for every tooth, distinguishes the specialists of the Dental Spa clinic from others dental clinics. In 2014, on the recommendation of relatives, she turned to the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry (BIED) for dental care to correct mistakes made by doctors in one of the well-known departmental clinics in Moscow. The Dental Spa has a calm and friendly atmosphere, pleasant music, and a cozy interior. Smiling and attentive administrators offer delicious coffee, tea or mineral water. My doctor was very kind and sensitive, patient and attentive Levon Snegirev. After the examination, a treatment plan was drawn up: re-treatment of dental canals, tooth extraction and dental implantation, prosthetics. I had root canals treated by a wonderful endodontist, Svetlana Orlova, who carefully and painstakingly saved and treated my seemingly hopeless teeth. And she succeeded. He removed my teeth, he did the most complicated operation by raising the bottom maxillary sinus and installed the implants very responsive and friendly maxillofacial surgeon David Nazaryan. Doctor Nazaryan has a unique ability to instill faith, hope, successful outcome surgeries and a positive recovery process. All the implants and periosteum installed by him took root, the recovery process went without complications, for which I am sincerely grateful and grateful. I would also like to mention the anesthesiologist-resuscitator Andrei Zaitsev, who, when preparing for the operation, tells funny stories and puts the patient in a positive mood. In addition, I periodically come to the clinic to see the wonderful, kind and very wise osteopathic doctor Shakhnoza Usmanova, who, with her soft hands straightened my spine, removed pain syndromes caused in the knees, shoulder joints and hands. I still can’t understand the method of treatment using only the laying on of hands, but I no longer feel pain in my joints and hormonal injections into the joints, I don’t need the mud applications that doctors recommend! On the recommendation of Dr. Usmanova, I made an appointment with kinesiotherapist Dr. Albert Davydov, who developed for me unique complex physical exercise to maintain: muscle tone, musculoskeletal system, active work internal organs. I don’t hide the fact that before my classes with Dr. Davydov I was skeptical about physical exercise and didn’t really believe in the result, but decided to try. Thanks to this technique, my posture changed, the functioning of internal organs improved, great mood regardless of weather changes. It really works! I can’t help but note the work of the clinic’s assistants, who are always very smiling, sensitive, ready to help, their work is not very noticeable and appreciated, but they are great! Today I have snow-white smile! Correct gait and straight back! This is the result I was striving for and the team of professionals at the Dental Spa clinic helped me with this! The services of this clinic are, of course, a little expensive, but I was very pleased with the result. They didn’t impose additional services, they wrote recommendations, and you decide for yourself whether it’s worth using additional services this particular clinic or contact another doctor. I trust the doctors of this clinic, so I will definitely visit the clinic again if the need arises and recommend it to my loved ones.



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

3 years ago

I contacted this clinic in 2014 on the advice of my friend Yulia Staennaya. I was extremely pleased. Firstly they gave me full diagnostics dental conditions with detailed explanations, caries was cured. Secondly, they identified mistakes made by the previous doctor (it turned out that the doctor left a broken instrument in the previously treated canal!). Here I had my canal treated using a microscope without any problems. Thank you for your professionalism.



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

3 years ago

I went to the Boston Institute clinic to have the tooth removed because it was badly damaged and another clinic told me that it would be impossible to restore it... But at a consultation at the Boston Institute, the doctor assured me that the tooth could be saved. At the same appointment, the tooth was treated, a crown was ordered and within a couple of weeks it was installed! I am very grateful to all the specialists of the clinic for the pleasant atmosphere, polite staff and saved tooth!



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

3 years ago

We had a consultation with a 9-year-old child with Evgenia Shikova to correct the child’s bite. After the consultation, we received a preliminary estimate for correcting the bite in the amount of 240,000 rubles. When asked why it was so expensive, Evgeniya replied that we were paying for her “Head”, we clarified - Maybe you have some kind of special equipment? or technology?, to which the answer was that they use techniques “like everyone else” and the cost of treatment is high due to Evgenia’s deep knowledge in this area. After the consultation, we inquired about Evgenia Sh.’s education. She graduated from Ryazan Medical Center in 2011. We have nothing against Ryazan honey, but 4 years of experience with such loud statements caused rejection of treatment in this clinic. Although maybe in vain...



7 495 988-00-96 Moscow, Michurinsky Ave., 7 to 1

Most likely, Pavel, the doctor did not convey her answer to you in an understandable form. It is absolutely certain that the Boston Institute uses the newest and most advanced technologies that have just been approved for wide use. clinical application, techniques. Moreover, our main difference from other clinics in Moscow and Russia is that we are the first to introduce technologies that have appeared on the American market of dental services, including orthodontics, because, thanks to our managers and leading specialists, we have this opportunity directly. Such new technologies, for example, include those we use in orthodontic treatment, the Acceledent device, which speeds up orthodontic treatment by 2 times and makes orthodontic treatment more effective, functional devices of the new generation ALF, Somnomed aligners, which allow you to simultaneously correct difficulty breathing at night, which very often accompanies malocclusion. We create our original devices jointly with leading laboratories in Canada and Australia, and also have the opportunity to test complex functional diagnostics K7 from Myotronics, the effectiveness of our orthodontic treatment at its different stages. Speaking about qualifications, the doctor meant that the main specialist supervising all orthodontic patients in our clinic (including you, if you were our patient), Dr. Ronkin K. (DMD, LVIF, ICCMO), is one of the “platinum” doctors, 8 people in the world who have the richest and most successful experience in orthodontic treatment of patients using the Invisalign method. Every year he actively participates in postgraduate education courses conducted by the Las Vegas Institute of Dentistry, and organizes the training of his colleagues in the clinic. Dr. Shikova, whom you visited, as well as all our other orthopedic doctors, completed LVI courses in the USA and trained at Dr. Ronkin’s Boston Clinic, and are also members of ICCMO - International Cranio-Mandibular College. Moreover, our Institute annually organizes in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg International 2-3-day symposiums for orthopedic doctors and orthodontists throughout the country with the invitation of the most famous specialists in this field from the USA, Canada and other countries of the world, helps in organizing internships for Russian dentists abroad, and also has its own training center, in which all advanced techniques, in theory and practice, are shared with domestic colleagues. Chief physician of BIEM Volchek N.Sh.