The cat is considered a sacred animal in different countries. Why were cats considered sacred animals in ancient Egypt?

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Bogdanova Yulia

Anyone who has a cat need not be afraid of loneliness. /Daniel Defoe/
A person is as cultured as he can understand a cat. /Bernard Shaw/
Only cats know how to get food without labor, a home without a castle, and love without worry. /U.L. George/

The veneration of animals can be seen in all the major religions of the ancient world. Sacred animals were revered in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome. But there was a unique attitude towards cats in Egypt. Here they were valued and deified. Why did cats become sacred animals?

Egypt 2000 BC uh
On the one hand, this was due to the economy of the country, which “specialized” in growing grain crops and cats were the best choice for protecting huge barns from all kinds of rodents.

Egypt 1550-1425 BC

But, watching the cats, people paid attention to her cleanliness and touching care for her offspring, and cats are also distinguished by their playfulness and ability to cuddle up to humans. All these qualities corresponded to the goddess of fertility, motherhood and fun - Bast. Therefore, this goddess was personified with a cat. BAST - was considered in Ancient Egypt the goddess of fertility and the patroness of love. She served as a symbol of the Sun and Moon, provided protection to the souls of the dead who fell into afterlife, and was also responsible for the fertility of animals and people. People prayed to her for a cure for many diseases. She had the head of a cat and mysterious cat eyes.

Goddess Bast

The habits and characteristics of the cat were amazing: the ability to quietly and imperceptibly disappear and appear, sparkle with eyes in the dark, remaining next to the person, and have an independent disposition. All this shrouded the cat race in mystery.
Egyptian priests believed, and this belief has survived to this day, that cats are capable of taking on human karma.
To ensure the integrity of such an amazing animal in the Ancient world, there was only one way - to declare it sacred.

Egypt 664-380 BC

The priests of Ancient Egypt declared cats sacred, and since then mere mortals had no right to touch cats, and only the pharaoh could own them. Thus, the cat became an object of religious cult for the Egyptians. This was reflected in the fact that these animals were immortalized in sculptures and paintings, and they were honored as a deity. Harm caused to a cat was punishable by severe punishment, and killing an animal was punishable by death. For a dead cat, the owner was supposed to mourn for several days and shave his eyebrows as a sign of great sadness.

Cat mummy. France. Louvre.

The body of the deceased animal was mummified and, after a complex, solemn funeral ceremony, was subject to burial in a special cat cemetery. This is confirmed by archaeological data: in 1890, during excavations ancient city Bubas-Tisa, near the temple of the goddess Bast, scientists discovered more than 300 well-preserved cat mummies.
In Ancient Egypt, cats enjoyed almost the same honor and respect as the pharaoh (ruler of the state).

There is also a known case when generals used cats in battles with the Egyptians. Knowing how the inhabitants of Egypt revered sacred animals, the Persian king Cambyssus ordered live cats to be tied to the shields of his soldiers. It was cruel to animals, but the population of Egypt surrendered without a fight so as not to harm the cats.

Egypt 3rd century BC

It was forbidden to take these animals outside of Egypt, but according to legends, the Greeks stole several pairs of cats. Soon the animals multiplied and became very popular in Greece. They have successfully replaced semi-wild weasels and ferrets, which were previously used to control rodent pests.
Villagers appreciated the benefits that cats brought and tried to tame them. Gradually, cats got used to living next to humans and at the same time maintaining the independence characteristic of these animals.

Egypt 3rd century BC

From Ancient Greece cats found their way to other European countries, where they also began to enjoy well-deserved respect, since they turned out to be not only excellent hunters, but also devoted friends of man. In addition, the Greeks greatly appreciated beauty in everything, and the cat is a beautiful and graceful animal.

Italian fresco in PompeI 70 AD

Ancient scientists and philosophers wrote about cats in scientific treatises. For example, the famous Roman historian Pliny the Elder first described the anatomical and physiological characteristics cats in his book Natural History.
In Europe, the cat was initially considered the guardian of the hearth and personified freedom and independence. Although Europeans, unlike the ancient Egyptians, did not consider the cat a sacred animal, they treated it with great respect. Then the cat began to be perceived differently, because obscurantists associated it with the devil and witchcraft and exterminated it with the most in cruel ways, supposedly destroying their satanic power. Black cats were considered accomplices of Satan; rumor ascribed to them the qualities of creatures dangerous to people. This happened with the encouragement of church ministers. After some time, rats - carriers - spread across Europe. terrible disease, bubonic plague, which killed more than half the population of European countries.

Plague in Europe
After such circumstances, the cat regained popularity. Even the church changed its attitude towards these animals, which also contributed to the return of universal affection for cats.
But even in times of religious fanaticism, there were enlightened people who retained the ability to think rationally. Some monasteries continued to breed cats to catch rodents, which continued to harm people's food supplies. Perhaps thanks to this, cats were not completely exterminated when their numbers in Europe were greatly reduced.
The cat can be called a truly mystical animal, since many signs are associated with it that exist to this day, and the interpretation of these signs is often the opposite in different countries.

Cats gradually populated the countries of Asia when the active development of trade between Europe and Asia began.

There is a version about a rather original way how the first cat came to the East: it was exchanged for a piece of silk fabric.

Ancient China. Processing silkworm cocoons
The attitude towards this animal in the East was quite peculiar. On the one hand, cats continued to protect the harvest of silkworm cocoons from mice and rats, and the silk trade is an important part of the economies of Japan and China. But besides this, cats performed another function - they served as a kind of talismans that invariably brought peace, prosperity and family happiness. This is how the East appreciated the charm of these animals. Even today, many people are convinced that the mystical qualities of a living talisman intensify with age: the older the cat, the more happiness it brings to its owners.
Every Chinese had to have a small ceramic figurine of a cat, which not only decorated the house, but also drove away evil spirits from its inhabitants. The presence of these animals was believed to promote meditation.

I have read several versions explaining why the cat earned the title of sacred animal in Egypt. The Egyptians were the first to domesticate the cat and were able to appreciate it. The cult of the cat in this country has reached its full apogee and there are many reasons for this, both religious and economic.

Reasons for the cult of cats in ancient Egypt

1. Scientists have suggested that the cat’s extreme fertility played a significant role in the formation of the cult. The ancient Egyptians depicted the revered goddess of motherhood and fertility Bast (Bastet) as a woman with a cat's head. Sometimes the supreme god of the Sun, Ra, appeared in the form of a cat who entered into battle with a serpent. Even a cat’s ability to change its pupil was considered the highest gift; the same ability was described in myths by the god Ra.

2. Cats helped the Egyptians protect their crops from damage caused by rodents. Cat-catchers helped avoid the plague, and their hostility to snakes was also associated with the divine principle: according to legend, God Ra went down into the dungeon every night to destroy the snake Apophis.

3. Egyptian priests have always been considered the best specialists in the magical arts and interpretations in the world. From their point of view, a cat living in a family contributed to the well-being of this family and performed the function of karmic unloading of the family. The Egyptians saw the cat as the embodiment of the soul of a deceased relative, so a kitten that strayed by chance was revered and surrounded by care and attention.

4. The Egyptians believed that cats could smell and protect against evil spirits their home, it was assumed that even vampires were capable of falling from the soft paws of a cat.

The cat is a sacred animal

The Egyptians revered cats, fed and looked after them, mummified them after death and observed mourning, long time they were prohibited from being taken out of the country. Killing a cat was considered a terrible act and was punishable by death. Even during a natural disaster, the cat was the first to be rescued from the house. One day, the Egyptians destroyed the Greek quarter, destroying and dispersing its inhabitants, only because one of the Greeks drowned the kittens.

After the ban on the Bast cult, cats ceased to be an object of worship, but even now in Egypt they try not to offend them; obviously, the genetic memory of their ancestors makes itself felt.

We are so used to our furry for a pet who will always come up and comfort us if we feel sad, who will purr loudly, curled up in a ball on our laps and burying his wet, cold nose in our hand. Of course, a cat is the most gentle and at the same time freedom-loving and rebellious pet.

For example, it’s not easy to put your cat in your purse and drag it all day around the city and to boutiques for animals, let alone small dogs. And there is no reason to carry them, because they are hunters and love to lie down in the shade, watch for birds, and then, when they see their owner, beg for “Kitekat”.

They are so playful that they have already unraveled all of grandma’s balls around the apartment and conquered Everest several times by climbing onto the curtains. Perhaps cats cause a lot of trouble: damaged furniture, hair all over the house - but how can you blame this fluffy, because a cat is a sacred animal.

However, everyone knows about this, even the smallest children, although people often do not take this fact into account. Let's just restore justice and find out why this animal with pink pads on its paws received this high title.

The meaning of cats in the culture of ancient Egyptians

It all started in Egypt. There are many legends that explain holiness by an elementary economic factor: they say that the stoats did not know how to catch mice, and the grain harvest was spoiled due to rodents, and then she comes, Mademoiselle Cat, who at once copes with pests, saves the Egyptians from hunger, and therefore instantly rises to the heavens, that is, to the pharaoh and queen.

But this is not the only reason why the cat became a Cat and acquired immunity. The priests, who were revered in Egypt no less than the dynasty of the pharaoh, saw in the cat a karmic mission: ridding the home and family in which the animal lives from adversity and stagnant bad energy.

It was also believed that a cat is the embodiment of a deceased person, usually the owner.

Why else were these animals revered, considering them sacred creatures?

  1. We admired the gracefulness of these animals, their ability to appear and disappear almost unnoticed and silently;
  2. Fertility and the ability to care for offspring also became an invaluable asset;
  3. Cleanliness and independent character distinguished cats from other animals.

For all these merits, cats were given special honor: they were fed the best food, looked after them, never offended them. Rich Egyptians after death pet His body was embalmed and buried in cemeteries designed specifically for cats. Rats and mice were embalmed along with them so that they would accompany them in the afterlife.

Energy potential of the animal

Egypt died down, and the mystical significance and influence of cats is still one of the mysterious pages in the study of animal psychology. Speaking of reincarnation, indeed, a cat is capable of absorbing a certain matrix and energy of a deceased person, thereby cleansing the house. But, in addition, the animal is capable of resembling living owners, which is also explained by the energy, the flows of which the pet captures.

Often a cat is able to see the spirit of a deceased person, when people do not have such abilities. There are many known cases when a cat froze in the doorway, looked into the room and meowed loudly, looking somewhere in the air. And in all cases it was in those houses where a person had recently died.

  • In the East, the role of cats is significant: in China, they are considered a kind of symbol of motherhood, and also a guardian of culture. Until now, the inhabitants of this country believe in the animal’s ability to scare away evil spirits. The Chinese believe that if you walk around a sown field with a cat in your arms, the harvest will certainly be abundant;
  • In Japan almost complete absence rats and mice are associated precisely with the magical influence that not only living cats have, but also their figurines and images;
  • It is noteworthy that in ancient times the Japanese awarded a person who became famous in any field with the title Master Cat. This once again emphasizes the respect for the glorious furry pet. In modern Japan, Cat Day is celebrated annually, which is a national holiday. This happens on February 22, because three deuces in a row in Japanese(22.02) sound like a cat's meow;
  • In America they believe that a stray black cat that you shelter will bring happiness into your home. They are considered harbingers of good luck, despite all the prejudices associated with black cats.
  • In Slavic culture, the cat is still considered the guardian of the family hearth. In addition, weather changes are often predicted by the behavior of cats. For example, if you notice that an animal is thoroughly washing its ears, then you can wait for rain. If a cat rushes around the house, jumps and scratches objects, you should expect strong winds. When a cat is in a playful mood, rolling on the ground is a sure sign that a rainstorm is about to begin.

And evil spirits are afraid of cats. That is why when moving to new home is the first to cross the threshold furry pet, who, with his throne-like procession through the new apartments, drives out evil spirits and bad energy. There is also plenty of mysticism in stories where ghosts literally attacked the animal, trying to kill it. That is, a cat is a lightning rod for strong evil spirits - evil spirits focus on the pet and do not touch the person. Although terrible cases are certainly rare. In ordinary life, the furry man simply cleans our house and scares bad aliens from a parallel world.

There are cases when a cat died instead of its owner, taking over in some way the fate of fate. This was also practiced in Egypt, only there for the pharaoh, of course. died who agreed to die and accepted a special ritual.

Warnings from cats are also not uncommon, when more sensitive animals can predict cataclysms or natural disasters. By the way, they not only save their owners from natural disasters, but also from people. For example, there was a case when a cat scratched thieves who threatened the female owner of the animal. The seasoned pet tore the intruders' clothes to shreds and for a long time chased the criminals along the road away from his home.

Of course, these are not all unique stories, let alone that we are still at the subconscious level afraid of black cats and clutching at the button. In general, the Egyptians are a wise people, and it is certainly not for nothing that they awarded the harmless furry animal the status of a sacred animal. And the cases described above only confirm this, although, of course, this is not all about cats.

In any case, a cat will want to protect and stand up for its owner only when it loves its breadwinner, so the cat needs to be groomed and cherished and, of course, respected and adored. Then the pink pads will hide their claws and reciprocate your feelings.

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After the death of Alexander the Great, the Greek dynasty reigned in Egypt. The country was freed from the yoke of the Persians and finally began to live a peaceful and calm life. But suddenly, violating all political predictions, a bloody uprising occurred in the former capital - the city of Memphis. Angry Egyptians razed the city's Greek quarter to the ground, killing some of its inhabitants and dispersing the rest. The reason for the uprising was that one of the Greeks committed a terrible crime that chills the soul of every devout Egyptian - he drowned newborn kittens.



In Egypt there was a special attitude towards cats. These animals were highly valued - and for good reason.

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Cats appeared in this country about 2000 BC and were almost immediately declared sacred animals. Of course, there was also an economic factor at work here: Egypt was a country specializing in the production of grain crops. Someone had to guard the huge warehouses with the richest reserves of grain. Initially, they tried to adapt stoats to this work, but the small animals did not cope well with such difficult work. The task was only up to the cats that appeared later.



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IN ancient world there was only one reliable way to ensure the animal's integrity - to declare it sacred. But it seems that this is not the only reason that forced the Egyptians to solve the problem in this way.


Among occultists Egyptian priests have always been considered a chosen caste, best versed in magic in the world. This belief has been known since ancient times; medieval authors wrote that of all the magical arts that have ever existed, 90% went to Egypt.

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From the point of view of the priests, a cat living in a family also performed the task of karmic unloading of the clan and contributed to its well-being. It is still generally accepted that an abandoned kitten picked up on the street will definitely bring good luck to the house. Moreover, it was believed that a cat appears in a house for a reason.


According to the Egyptians, it embodied the soul of a recently deceased person close to home. Most often - the deceased owner.

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There was one famous case when a real cat invasion began in one apartment. Homeless animals have chosen not just a staircase as a place to live, but a rug under the apartment doors. What could be done with them? I had to let them in and then give them to friends. So in three years, more than a dozen cats changed, and, strangely, they all resembled someone they knew well. Taking a closer look at them, it was discovered that the behavior of almost every cat displays character traits inherent in family members who once died. The similarity was so clear that the thought arose: maybe the dead are really returning to the house, now in the form of a cat?


However, over time, the issue was resolved differently. The last cat that appeared in the house was unlike any other cat that had lived there before. It seemed that the pattern had been broken. However, taking a closer look at him, it turned out that he looks like the narrator himself!

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The solution to the phenomenon turned out to be quite simple - these animals simply absorb the mental matrix of the one who once lived in the house, thus clearing the energetic atmosphere in the apartment from the karmic accumulations of the people who lived here. The mental matrix is ​​inherently a circuit connecting a person. It is she who regulates how he should feel, think and act. Not only is it the cause of almost every disease in existence, but it also dictates how we should respond to different situations and what actions to take. After all, really in real life we often react automatically - not rationally, but in the way that our matrix and the matrices of our ancestors prescribe to us. This happens even when the actions we take can lead to disaster.



Cats destroy the influence of matrices by absorbing negative information.. When there is too much such information, the cat, of course, dies, but manages to cleanse its owner. It is on this dependence that the belief that cats have a healing effect on humans is based. The significance of a cat is really great, it is not for nothing that a cat is a sacred animal.

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What is described above is only a part positive influence cats. There are other factors too. So, one woman replaced four cats in her house in two years. They all died under different circumstances. Curious about why her pets were dying, she turned to the seer. During the session, the chain of trance visions developed as follows: on the line of her husband’s fate there were signs signifying death, destined for an accident . The cats took on all these troubles, dying instead of the owner.




This phenomenon is not something new. Even in the ancient world, there was a tradition according to which the death of a dying king could voluntarily be taken upon himself by one of his confidants. It often happened that the person who gave such consent actually died, and the king recovered. In this case, the cats took on the role of the victim, dying instead of the owner.

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Exists folk sign: if the cat does not get along in the house, then you should purchase an animal of a different color. Thus, with the same positive impact the cat will be much less exposed to blows on its owner. If the owner treats his pet tactfully, then the cat always remains loyal to him and often helps him out of big troubles.



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There is a well-known case that happened in England at one time. The woman worked as a nurse at the hospital. One day, when she returned home after work, she was suddenly grabbed by thieves operating in the apartment. I couldn’t stand being treated like this by the hostess. domestic cat- quite a massive animal. A few minutes later, both crooks rushed out of the house with their clothes torn to shreds and badly scratched. The angry cat chased them for a whole kilometer.

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No less interesting story said a woman living in a village near St. Petersburg:


“I once climbed into the attic for hay, threw down an armful and went for another. While walking around the hole, she stepped on something, lost her balance and fell straight down on her back. There was nothing to grab onto. It’s not scary to fall with your back on the hay, but below there were attachments to the tractor and walk-behind tractor. Most likely, I would have smashed my head on this pile of iron. I realized all the consequences while sitting on the floor, in the hay. And when I flew with my back into the hole, I had no time to think. But at some point, at the edge of the hole, the eyes of my cat Bagheera flashed. She rushed forward sharply, and her sharp claws dug into the sleeve of her quilted jacket. For a split second, Bagheera managed to delay my fall, but this was enough to change its direction. The heavy felt boots went down, I landed safely on my feet in the soft hay with a crampon on my sleeve. Afterwards, Bagheera limped for a long time, her claws were not removed. Now she is in perfect order, slender, lean, black with shiny fur.”

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Cats often exhibit a sense of precognition. They seem to feel what kind of trouble threatens their owner, and if possible they try to “spread straws”. Of course, more often this happens if the owner suits them. In the end, the owner himself determines the form of relationships with his animals.

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Cats have one more property: they interfere with vampires. According to ancient Egyptian legends, vampires die from cat scratches. In reality, of course, this is not the case, but nevertheless cats have the ability to resist vampirism in any form. There are often people who pathologically cannot tolerate these animals and experience a feeling of hatred towards them. Remembering the mentioned cat ability, I would like to ask: why would it be?



Evil spirits really don't like cats. One of the women living in the village said that in her house periodically there were strange cases poltergeist. At the same time, the cat, calmly sleeping on the Russian stove, was suddenly lifted up by some unknown force, and then hit the floor with all its might, killing it to death. She claimed that the brownie did not like cats, but most likely it was a much more powerful and negative demonic force. Apparently, cats living in the house largely prevented this force from exerting its influence on people.


It is curious, but this family in the village was considered unclean. There were quite a few black witches in it, and the narrator herself, after some time, died a very difficult death, which, as we know, is typical of black sorcerers. Later, her relatives reported that not only did cats not take root in their house, but no plants grew either. What was happening in the village was a poltergeist, initiated by the unconscious abilities of a born fighter.



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The ancient Egyptians had a much deeper knowledge of magical arts than modern people. Naturally, they knew much more about the occult influence of cats. This knowledge allowed them to consider the cat a sacred animal. But even with the knowledge that we have, we can confidently say that such an attitude towards these pets has sufficient grounds.

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For several centuries, archaeologists have found rock paintings, vases, and figurines depicting cats in Egypt. And this may already be a sign that even in ancient times the Egyptians revered and respected these animals. Cats were decorated, given various gifts and worshiped. According to scientists and according to documents that have survived to this day, cats occupied a special place in the history of the peoples inhabiting the Nile Valley. It was in Egypt that the cat was first tamed and domesticated. The pharaohs treated cats that lived in palaces with even more reverence. On the day the cat died, the pharaohs went into seventy days of mourning. Why did the Egyptians fall in love with cats? There are several versions.

Excellent rodent fighter

The most basic and widespread food product in Ancient Egypt were various cereal crops(barley, wheat). Rodents were a real disaster for people. Even a small population of mice could destroy all a family's grain reserves, thereby dooming the family to starvation. The Egyptians needed to preserve their crops, and cats could be good protectors. There could also be cats good hunters, catch not only rodents, but also birds, which also caused great damage to crops.

Features of the religion of Ancient Egypt

Initially, before the formation of religion with the Pantheon of Gods, there was a Cult of Animals in Egypt. People worshiped various animals and revered them for their power and strength. The Egyptians simply adored cats. They worshiped this animal so much that they practically made them gods. The cat's glowing eyes in the dark made the ancient Egyptians feel trembling fear. The ability of a cat to appear silently and disappear just as silently evoked respect mixed with horror, attributing it to magical properties accessible only to Gods. The Egyptians admired these soft and furry creatures. There is evidence in historical literature that when a Roman cart driver accidentally ran over a sacred animal, he was immediately killed by an angry crowd that attacked him. If in Egypt a cat was killed by someone, then it was considered terrible crime and was punishable by death. Also, on pain of death, the export of cats from the country was prohibited.

goddess Bastet

It was in Egypt that cats were given various gifts. There are many examples of this: the god Ra was depicted as a red cat. Lady of the home, female beauty and fertility goddess Bastet (Bast) was depicted as a woman with the face of a cat. In honor of this goddess, temples were built and annual holidays were held, and the priests made sacrifices both to the goddess Bastet and to the cats that lived at the temples. The cat was loved for its cleanliness and immense care for its offspring. And these properties were also attributed to the goddess Bastet.

If there was a fire in the house, people would rush into the fire to make sure there were no cats left there. Dead cats were mummified and buried with special honors, and the family shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of grief. The cult of Bastet was officially banned by Pharaonic decree in 390 AD. Thus, religious interest in cats began to wane in Egypt, and although they remained as pets, they were no longer objects of worship in temples.

Love played a cruel joke

But such a great love for cats once turned out to be a different side for the Egyptians. In 525 BC. Egypt was attacked by the Persians. Persian king, Cambyses II, decided on an insidious, vile cunning. Using knowledge of the great love and religiosity of the Egyptians for cats, he ordered his warriors to attach cats to their shields. Thus, the Egyptians faced a difficult choice - break the law and kill a sacred animal, or surrender almost without a fight. In the end, we chose the second one. Thus, Cambyses II, thanks to his sophisticated cruelty and knowledge of the laws of another country, was able to conquer Egypt.

Only wealthy people could keep a cat in their home, since the cat required special care, which was not very cheap. Cats didn't just eat mice. The cats were given the best pieces of meat or fish.

Cats in Egypt today

Cats and people have lived together for more than 6,000 years. Despite this, unlike other domestic animals (cows, horses, dogs), the cat managed to maintain its primitive independence and free character. Today, in Egypt, the cat is as common a pet as in many other countries. Some people are avid cat lovers, while others can’t stand these fluffy creatures. But, nevertheless, living under one roof for such a long time could not help but leave its mark on the behavior of both people and cats. As before, they try not to offend cats (so as not to incur the wrath of the Gods). A person constantly uses cat motifs in his creativity, be it fine arts, sculpture or cinema. Love and respect for cats seems to be already in the Egyptians' genes.

The Sphynx is Egypt's most famous cat

The Sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion (a member of the cat family) and the head of a man, falcon or ram. The word itself Greek origin and is translated as “strangler.” The ancient Egyptian name of this creature could not be established. Such statues personified the pharaoh defeating his enemies. The statue of sphinxes was installed in temples and near burial vaults. The most famous Great Sphinx - one of the oldest sculptures on Earth - is located in Giza, on the west bank of the Nile, near the Pyramid of Cheops.

Currently, there is also a breed of Sphynx cats, which in turn is divided into:

– Canadian Sphynx;

– St. Petersburg Sphynx or Peterbald.