What does a medical diagnostician do? Functional diagnostics. What research methods are used in functional diagnostics

Functional diagnostics doctor called a specialist who studies the condition of the patient’s organs and identifies the presence of functional disorders even before the onset of anatomical transformations in the body.

Responsibilities of a functional diagnostics doctor

  • Constant control and organization of functional research by department staff;
  • Developing reasonable work schedules for yourself and for the nursing staff of the department;
  • Management of the work of nursing staff of the department;
  • Monitoring the correctness of ECG readings;
  • Conducting an analysis of completed studies, as well as developing conclusions on them;
  • Organization and implementation of advanced training for department employees;
  • Conducting classes on teaching functional diagnostics to clinic doctors;
  • Discussion, if necessary, of the results of functional studies with the attending physicians of the medical institution and their consultation on issues of functional diagnostics;
  • Increasing your own level of professional qualifications and theoretical knowledge;
  • Conducting a systematic analysis and generalization of the department’s experience;
  • Ensuring proper maintenance of primary documentation in accordance with approved forms;
  • Proper organization of work activities of department personnel with the introduction of work organization measures and the use of the experience of the best medical institutions;
  • Timely familiarization of department employees with all official documents (orders and instructions of the administration, methodological recommendations, etc.);
  • Compliance with the principles of deontology.

What diseases does the Functional Diagnostics Doctor treat?

A functional diagnostics doctor does not treat and does not prescribe drug therapy; he has a different task. If the question arises about what diseases the doctor treats, then the question is rather about what organs and systems he examines. These may be the following types of examinations:

  • Examination and assessment of external respiratory functions;
  • Cardiological functional diagnostics;
  • Functional diagnostics of the digestive organs;
  • Endocrinological functional examination;
  • Gynecological functional diagnostics;
  • Neurological functional diagnostics;

A functional diagnostics doctor conducts an examination in order to clarify, correct, and confirm the preliminary diagnosis determined earlier. The diagnosis is made based on an analysis of all the results, thus, a functional study is an aid in diagnosis, and not a treatment for the disease.

When should you contact a Functional Diagnostics Doctor?

Ideally, every reasonable person should understand the full value of their main resource - health, and regularly undergo medical examinations, including a comprehensive examination of the functions of organs and systems. If this is carried out, the question “when should you contact a functional diagnostics doctor” simply will not arise. Unfortunately, most often patients end up in the diagnostic room on the direction of the attending physician, that is, when the first symptoms of the disease already appear.

  • Before you go on a long trip, especially to countries with climates and conditions that are unusual for the body;
  • In advance, before carrying out various health activities - a trip to resorts, sanatoriums, and so on (often functional diagnostics and other studies are mandatory);
  • , fitness;
  • A comprehensive examination is necessary for those who practice conscious parenting before conceiving.


The main types of functional diagnostic studies performed by a doctor

  • Electrocardiography;
  • Echocardiography;
  • Electroencephalography;
  • Spirometry;
  • Daily monitoring of blood pressure and ECG;
  • Veloegrometry (VEM);
  • Impedancemetry;
  • Pure tone threshold audiometry;
  • Conducting an examination of external respiration functions.

The doctor’s advice on functional diagnostics primarily concerns the well-known saying “Bene dignoscitur bene curatur”, which translated means - well defined, means well treated. A comprehensive study of the functions and resources of systems and the state of organs is necessary not only for those who are already sick, but also for those who are classified as relatively healthy people. Modern technologies, methods and advanced diagnostic equipment make it possible to identify minimal, initial changes and disorders at the functional level with maximum accuracy, which means a unique opportunity for quick and effective treatment.

A functional diagnostics doctor is a specialist whose task is to assess the dynamic state of the body and its systems. A paid functional diagnostician at Alfa Health Center assesses:

  • Cardiovascular system, which includes EEG, Holter, ECHO-CG, Dopplerography of neck vessels, ABPM...;
  • Respiratory system: peak flowmetry, assessment of respiratory function...;
  • Nervous system: REG, EEG….

A functional diagnostics doctor in Moscow does not simply decipher indicators that are automatically calculated in many modern devices. Our specialists have knowledge in the relevant fields of medicine, which allows us to give accurate and reliable conclusions. Many doctors in our clinic are not just functional diagnosticians, but also have specialization in specific areas of medicine.

Functional diagnostic doctors in Moscow

It is necessary to clearly understand that a functional diagnostician does not treat any diseases, he simply conducts an examination in order to provide maximum reliable information to the attending physician and confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis. All diagnostic results should be assessed by a highly specialized specialist, who is guided by the clinical picture and general condition of the patient.

In our clinic, many functional diagnostic doctors have a highly specialized specialty, for example, a cardiologist or a neurologist, which allows them to most reliably assess the patient’s condition, conduct a more in-depth diagnosis and make an accurate diagnosis.

Making an appointment with a functional diagnostician

You can find out about the price of an appointment with a functional diagnostician, as well as sign up for a specific study, by calling the numbers listed on the website or from the clinic administrators. Our center also hosts receptions

The human body is a complex system in which everything is interconnected, and deviations and malfunctions in the functioning of an organ lead to problems and changes in others. This functional interaction has a serious impact not only on the general state of health, but also on the course of diseases, especially if the disease has become chronic and all tests are normal. At the same time, the person’s condition can hardly be called satisfactory; he feels constantly unwell.

To find out why some organs do not cope with their work fully, cannot adapt, or are destroyed under the influence of pathogenic processes, people turn to diagnostic doctor .

Who is a diagnostician?

Quite often, a patient for whom a general practitioner or other medical specialist prescribes referral for diagnostics , wonders why the therapist himself cannot make a diagnosis and wonders who this diagnostician is.

To obtain a specialization as a diagnostician, a doctor or a student completing his education must undergo training in the specialization “functional diagnostics”. And also be able to apply in practice the knowledge and skills acquired during the training process. After completing training and having a certain amount of experience in the chosen specialty, the doctor is assigned a qualification category.

What does a diagnostician do?

The Department of Functional Diagnostics is engaged in a comprehensive and thorough study of human organs or entire systems to identify possible pathologies at the earliest stages, in order to find possible malfunctions and disturbances in the functioning of the body, before clinical manifestations and obvious disturbances in the functioning of the body appear. The diagnostician conducts:

  • examination of a patient from a so-called risk group or with a hereditary predisposition in order to identify the disease in the initial stages and prevent its development;
  • identifies and evaluates functional changes in the functioning of organs and their anatomical features;
  • examines changes in the body’s condition, its improvement or deterioration during treatment;
  • conducts various tests, both stress and drug tests, and measuring function to select the most effective treatment methods;
  • determines how effective the therapist’s prescriptions are;
  • conducts necessary examinations of patients before surgical interventions;
  • conducts a medical examination.

The doctor also issues an opinion, advises doctors on issues related to his specialization, and participates in medical commissions to consider particularly complex cases of disease.

What diseases does a diagnostician treat?

A doctor engaged in functional diagnostics does not conduct direct treatment, does not prescribe a therapeutic course of medications, and does not perform surgical interventions. He studies the systems of the human body, and these can be various examinations, including:

  • assessment of external respiration parameters in various lung diseases or suspected functional changes;
  • functional diagnosis of cardiac problems;
  • diagnosing the functions of the digestive system;
  • checking how efficiently the kidneys and the entire urinary system are working;
  • examination of female genital organs and mammary glands as prescribed by a gynecologist;
  • endocrine system research;
  • diagnostics of the central nervous system.

TO diagnostic doctor Usually the patient is referred by a therapist or medical specialist - endocrinologist, urologist, pulmonologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, neurologist.

The doctor conducts an examination, with the help of which he can either confirm the diagnosis with which the patient was sent for examination, or recommend that the doctor who referred the patient to him make certain adjustments to the treatment plan, based on functional diagnostic data. The final diagnosis is made by the patient’s attending physician, taking into account all the data on the patient’s condition and the dynamics of the disease, diagnostic data, and the results of all necessary tests. It must be understood that all functional studies only help in accurate diagnosis or determination of whether the disease is developing or recovery is occurring, but are not treatment in themselves.

When should you get diagnosed?

It’s good when a person understands that his health is of great value, and his condition needs to be taken care of, not undermine it with bad habits, not expose himself to unnecessary and unjustified risks, and regularly visit doctors, and ideally, undergo a full medical examination, including comprehensive diagnostics.

In this case, it is clear that the diagnosis is carried out during a general examination; as a rule, such a medical examination is recommended once a year, if there are no health problems, and twice a year to visit a doctor who specializes in the treatment of an existing chronic disease. But usually the patient comes to diagnostic doctor's office by referral when the attending physician has discovered obvious signs of the disease and needs confirmation of research to draw up an accurate treatment plan.

In addition, there are still certain moments when you should undergo a health check. Quite often, people go on long business trips, work in rotation, go to study in another city, go on vacation to other countries, especially when traveling to countries where the climate and living conditions differ sharply from those familiar to the human body.

Before going for treatment to a sanatorium or, for example, a balneological resort, you also need to undergo a diagnosis, because, perhaps, the procedures that will be offered in the sanatorium will not only not help a person, but may even cause harm.

If you decide to play sports or visit a fitness center, diagnostics won't hurt either.

Recently, more and more young couples who have decided to become parents are approaching this issue consciously and quite seriously. Comprehensive diagnostics will help identify existing problems and correct them with medication or surgical treatment, if indicated. All diseases and disorders in the functioning of body systems are much easier to prevent or cure in the initial stages of the disease, especially since modern technologies and excellent diagnostic equipment that allows one to achieve good results in identifying problems make it possible to identify all possible abnormalities in the body at a very early stage.

Diagnostics carried out using special medical equipment are called functional if they provide an explanation for certain disorders of the internal organs. This examination applies to both acute and chronic pathologies. A specialist who knows how to use special equipment and can issue an intelligent conclusion with a detailed explanation, assesses the condition of the systems and the features of their operation. A functional diagnostician will find an explanation for certain symptoms through a detailed examination of the organs.

Reception features

A consultation with a functional diagnostician in Moscow and the Moscow region will not leave many questions regarding health unanswered. First, the patient will have a conversation with the doctor. Before the questionnaire, the doctor examines the medical history. A visual examination with elements of palpation allows you to identify areas to which a functional diagnostician should pay special attention when using medical equipment. The following systems fall under professional analysis:

  • cardiovascular;
  • nervous;
  • respiratory.

You should not go to an appointment with a functional diagnostician to receive treatment recommendations. This doctor in Moscow and the Moscow region belongs to a group of specialists who study disorders of the body. Only a highly specialized doctor will correctly describe the course of the treatment program. A functional diagnostician often works in tandem with the following specialists:

  • cardiologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • neurologist.

Based on the results of the examination, the diagnostician issues a general conclusion. In the document, the doctor describes the identified disorders, the stage of the pathological process and reveals in detail the features of the clinical picture. The results will form the basis for making a diagnosis. The price of a comprehensive examination is in the price list of services.

Research methods

The Delomedica Medical Center (Diamed LLC) is equipped with all the necessary modern diagnostic equipment. Within the walls of the clinic you can do:

  • electroencephalography (EEG or echoencephalography);
  • electrocardiography (ECG);
  • echocardiography;
  • Holter ECG;
  • daily blood pressure monitoring (ABPM);
  • pulse oximetry.

In addition to the basic diagnostic techniques described, various tests are used (hydrogen, treadmill, Holter, etc.). You can contact the Delomedica medical center (Diamed LLC) for any deviation, from headaches and pressure changes to suspicion of a progressive tumor process. In each individual case, a functional diagnostician selects methods according to the clinical picture, current diseases, age and health status of the patient. You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone. Contact us at a convenient time and don’t skimp on your own health! The prices of professional medical care will not shock you.