Aesthetic dentistry: before and after. Aesthetic dentistry

Or darkened tooth enamel entails serious problems: a person is embarrassed to smile, and sometimes his diction is even impaired. With the help of many modern medical methods and products can restore the lost whiteness of teeth, give them the correct shape or close diastemas (gaps between teeth). That is why whitening, bonding, installation of crowns or veneers, restoration and contouring of teeth have become widespread today. And these procedures are not always performed only in for cosmetic purposes, many of them can cope with medical problems eg fix .


That's all today more people resorts to teeth whitening procedure. Some people want to get rid of stains on their enamel, while others simply dream of a snow-white smile. The enamel darkens as a result of excessive tea or coffee consumption, taking certain medications, or age-related changes, and whitening can help in all of these cases.

The procedure is carried out in dental office under the supervision of a doctor, however, most patients prefer to whiten their smile at home. Finding beauty without leaving home begins with selecting mouthguards (plastic “covers” for teeth) and the amount of active gel applied to them individually for each patient. The result is a snow-white smile after just two weeks (the duration of the procedure may vary). In a dentist's office, one whitening session will last between 45 and 60 minutes, but multiple treatments may be required.

Bonding(adhesive fixation)

Bonding is one of the most effective restorative procedures for teeth. You only need one per visit to the dentist, and the results will be visible for several years. The composite material that is applied allows not only to “complete” the broken dental crown, but also fill in the small ones carious cavities and chips. In addition, by applying a natural-colored material to the entire surface of the tooth, stains on the enamel are masked.


When the majority dental procedures To restore a tooth is no longer effective; crowns will help maintain a beautiful smile. This is the most financially expensive method of dental restoration, however, it also gives the most long-lasting results.


A modern alternative to a crown is the installation of veneers, thin porcelain or plastic plates that are fixed to the surface of the front teeth. Like bonding, veneers are designed to hide tooth defects and improve their color. The procedure for installing veneers is carried out after consultation with a dentist; it is practically painless, therefore, as a rule, it does not require additional anesthesia. To begin with, the tooth on which the veneer will be installed is processed in a special way: it is removed from its front surface. the thinnest layer enamel, equal in thickness to the veneer itself. It is then fixed to the treated surface using a special light-curing adhesive. If you want to install porcelain veneers, you need to prepare for several visits to the dental office, since such onlays are made in a laboratory.


Give the tooth the required form, size and location will help cosmetic contouring of teeth. In addition, this procedure can be used to cope with minor bite defects.

Ideally, contouring is indicated for patients with healthy teeth who only want to slightly correct their smile. Before the procedure, dental x-rays are ordered to determine whether the pulp can withstand the appropriate load.

What to choose?

Before deciding on any cosmetic procedure, you must definitely consult a doctor, because the choice will depend not only on you, but also on the condition of your teeth. You can ask the dentist the following questions:

  • What will the resulting teeth look like?
  • How will the procedure take place?
  • What materials and methods will be used?

In turn, he is obliged to provide the patient with:

  • Photos of teeth “before” and “after” the procedure.
  • Patient reviews, which is also a kind of guarantee of the quality of treatment.
  • Documents confirming qualifications (make sure that he has a certificate for carrying out a specific treatment).

Aesthetic dentistry aimed at improving the quality and appearance of teeth. Modern methods and materials allow you to correct both congenital and acquired defects associated with the shape, color and location of teeth. As a result of certain procedures, you can achieve a flawless, radiant smile. Your teeth will not only be beautiful, but also healthy.

What does aesthetic dentistry include?

  • Cosmetic restoration of teeth;
  • Whitening;
  • Orthodontics (correction of bite and position of teeth);
  • Teeth decoration.

Cosmetic (artistic) dental restoration

This method of aesthetic dentistry is aimed at solving the problems of aesthetics of the tooth being restored, in contrast to conventional restoration. It is used to correct the length, shape and color of a tooth, making it identical to other teeth.

Cosmetic restoration is used when chips and cracks appear, it allows you to get rid of interdental spaces and disguise an old filling. By using modern materials You can change the color of one or more teeth, correct the position of a tooth in a row.

What materials are used for cosmetic restoration?

  • Composite filling material used to eliminate small defects and allows you to complete all the work in one visit to the doctor.

    It has many shades, thanks to which a highly qualified dentist can easily recreate the natural shade of the tooth being restored. However, over time composite material darkens, so it is not recommended to restore the front teeth in this way. Also, this method is not suitable for severe tooth decay.

  • Veneers are plates up to 0.7 mm thick that are installed on outside front teeth.

    They perform only a cosmetic function and are used as an alternative to restorative materials, whitening and crowns. With the help of veneers, you can disguise crooked and worn teeth, chips and a yellow tint. They are made of composite materials and ceramics, which allows you to achieve a natural shade.

How do composite dental veneers differ from ceramic ones?

Composite veneers are made from filling materials in the dentist's office (in one visit). Their disadvantages include their short service life (they darken over time) and fragility. It can also be difficult to restore the natural color and transparency of a tooth.

Ceramic veneers made of zirconium dioxide and porcelain do not have the disadvantages of composite ones, and therefore are more expensive. They are reliable, durable and identical to natural teeth. Ceramic veneers are installed in 2 visits. At the first appointment, the tooth is ground down a little and an impression is made; at the second appointment, the finished veneer is glued.

What is better: dental veneers or a crown?

Veneers have a significant advantage over fixed prosthetics (installation of a crown). They allow you to keep your teeth as healthy as possible, because... The procedure does not involve removal of nerves or extensive grinding. In the absence of contraindications, it is preferable to choose the installation of veneers.

Teeth whitening

Changing the color of teeth is associated with the abrasion of the snow-white enamel, under which there is dentin - dental tissue that has a yellowish tint. Another reason is exposure of teeth to dyes (foods or medications). Mostly people with natural dark color teeth.

Teeth Lightening and Whitening: What's the Difference?

Lightening involves the use of gentle techniques to return teeth to their natural shade. This can be achieved, for example, with the help of a professional AIR cleaning FLOW, aimed at eliminating plaque and tartar. Whitening – lightening the natural color of teeth by several shades.

Which method of professional teeth whitening is the most gentle?

The newest one is very popular complex system whitening teeth ZOOM, which allows you to achieve snow-white smile and not damage tooth enamel. The method involves the use of a special gel, the action of which is activated by a lamp. At the end of the procedure, the teeth are treated with fluoride. Whitening lasts on average about an hour and a half, and the result is a change in the shade of teeth by an average of 8 tones.

How to whiten teeth at home?

The most effective is professional home whitening teeth using mouthguards and gel, which is controlled by the dentist. Mouthguards (plates) are made from a dental impression. They are filled with gel and worn for several hours (usually overnight) for 2 to 3 weeks.

How harmful is professional whitening to teeth?

Most modern professional systems do not contain acids. Special technologies and materials (gels) do not act on tooth enamel, but on the pigment itself, which is then removed. If the gel contains hydrogen peroxide, then before teeth whitening it is recommended to carry out fluoridation, which helps strengthen the enamel. For whitening to be safe, the procedure must be performed by an experienced, qualified dentist.


A branch of aesthetic dentistry aimed at correcting bites and straightening uneven teeth.

In what ways can a bite be corrected?

This can be done using braces made of various materials or a transparent acrylic aligner, which is invisible on the teeth. Ceramic braces made to match the color of teeth are very popular. The cheapest are metal devices. The most effective systems are Damon System and Damon System Q. Invisible to others are lingual braces made of metal, which are installed on inner side teeth. The lingual brace system “Incognito” (Germany) is very comfortable to wear.

Teeth decoration

Both precious metals and stones and costume jewelry that do not oxidize in the mouth and do not cause irritation (rhinestones, fionites) can be used as jewelry. Jewelry may have different shapes: circle, star, dolphin, etc. They are fixed to the tooth using liquid filling material and can last for life.

For detailed information about aesthetic dentistry procedures and contraindications, please contact our specialists by calling: (812) 324-71-41.

Everyone dreams of a Hollywood, glamorous smile. And not in vain, because having dazzling smile, we become more successful in our personal lives and careers. It has been proven that people with beautiful smile are more often successful, and their social status and a higher reputation.
Do you really believe that there is nothing you can do if your teeth start to deteriorate?
Remember that modern dentistry can give you beautiful and healthy smile, even if your teeth are severely damaged, destroyed and deformed.
Chapter aesthetic dentistry includes following procedures: whitening, restoration, grinding, cleaning, prosthetics, braces, veneers, dental jewelry.

Teeth whitening makes your smile much brighter. The effect of whitening in a dental office is instantaneous, but if you decide to whiten your teeth at home, you will have to be patient and spend up to two weeks. These procedures make it possible to achieve a uniform color of all teeth, hide unsightly stains on the patient’s teeth, and also whiten teeth that have become darker as a result of certain procedures.
Tooth shape correction is a very popular service among patients. Many would like to change appearance our teeth, since nature does not always give us straight teeth. In this case, you may be offered to install a special thin porcelain “petal” - a veneer. This way you can correct the shape and color of the tooth at the same time.
An orthodontist provides teeth correction services. Incorrect position Teeth decay in patients is, unfortunately, a very common occurrence. Often this not only interferes with proper and thorough chewing of food, but also spoils the smile. Modern dentistry makes it possible to correct the position of your teeth. You can also get rid of wide gaps between teeth. Orthopedic procedures are performed not only for children, but also for adults, who tend to care more about their appearance than children.
Dental jewelry, also known as skyes, are various jewelry made of gold or precious stones. Such jewelry makes your smile more attractive. This rhinestone can be attached or removed at any time without causing damage. And the procedure itself is fast and safe.
Aesthetic dentistry also offers restoration of severely damaged teeth.
Many clinics provide their patients with special inserts, onlays, crowns, bridges, etc.
Inserts - dental material based on porcelain, which has exceptional strength. These inserts “fill in” the missing part of the tooth. Externally, they are indistinguishable from real teeth.
Onlays - used if most of the tooth is damaged and the patient does not want to get a crown. The onlay makes it possible to preserve a significant part of the tooth structure.
A crown is, figuratively speaking, a cap that covers a tooth that is too damaged. Today, many clinics offer special cosmetic crowns that are almost indistinguishable from real teeth.
A bridge is used if the patient has lost part of his teeth. This method is much more functional and aesthetic. A bridge prosthesis is made from materials that, when placed in the oral cavity, do not differ in their aesthetic properties from natural teeth.

Consultations on Aesthetic Dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry - addresses and prices

  • Aesthetic dentistry in Moscow

    1545 addresses, prices from 6 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in the Moscow region

    309 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in St. Petersburg

    795 addresses, prices from 70 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Barnaul

    75 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Belgorod

    1 address, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Vladivostok

    61 addresses, prices from 2,000 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Vladimir

    2 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Volgograd

    79 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Voronezh

    12 addresses, prices from 4,500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Yekaterinburg

    121 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Izhevsk

    39 addresses, prices from 100 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Irkutsk

    89 addresses, prices from 1,000 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kazan

    11 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kemerovo

    24 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Kirov

    20 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Krasnodar

    213 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Krasnoyarsk

    63 addresses, prices from 5,500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Nizhny Novgorod

    167 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Novosibirsk

    152 addresses, prices from 500 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Omsk

    60 addresses, prices from 150 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Orenburg

    30 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Penza

    47 addresses, prices prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Perm

    76 addresses, prices from 100 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Rostov-on-Don

    147 addresses, prices from 300 prices
  • Aesthetic dentistry in Ryazan

We can say that aesthetic dentistry is plastic surgery for teeth. It has long gained great popularity in the West, and today it is becoming increasingly in demand in our country. It can significantly improve the appearance of teeth, but the services are quite expensive. Achievements in aesthetic dentistry are based on the most modern developments scientists. High quality tools and devices are used. In addition, it is very important to choose good specialist. He must have a certificate giving him the right to carry out all types of procedures used.

Why is aesthetic dentistry needed?

We need aesthetic dentistry because... It’s rare that anyone can boast of naturally beautiful teeth. In addition, the appearance of a person’s teeth deteriorates greatly with age. Cracks, dark spots, and chips appear on their enamel. Teeth may also become crooked. People with dental problems are often embarrassed to smile or open their mouths. This negatively affects their self-esteem. Currently, aesthetic dentistry is developing at a very fast pace. It is very important that aesthetic services dentist's procedures are painless and cause virtually no discomfort to the patient. A positive result won't keep you waiting long.

Bite correction

Correcting the bite and changing the position of the teeth on the jaw is the most time-consuming and unpleasant of all processes. Teeth are straightened using permanent equipment – ​​braces. They are special brackets that are strung on an arch. These braces place constant pressure on the teeth and cause them to straighten. You need to wear them for quite a long time; it is impossible to take them off during this time. Braces can ruin a patient's appearance. But today they are made either almost invisible or decorated in different ways.

Dental restoration

Dental restoration is carried out using a light-curing composite with ceramic particles. Bonding is also used. This procedure makes it possible to simultaneously solve both functional and aesthetic problems. In the tooth using artificial material a specialist can fill in its missing parts. This material is practically indistinguishable in appearance from natural enamel. Experienced professional knows how to individually select color, saturation and transparency for each patient with maximum accuracy.

Bonding is usually prescribed for carious lesions. It allows you to increase the length or width of the tooth. This procedure also creates a protective covering when part of the tooth root is exposed. The restored tooth surface cannot be distinguished from the natural one. Restoration differs from a filling precisely in that it pursues not only therapeutic, but also aesthetic purposes. Restored teeth function just like real teeth. The restoration is usually completed with contouring, which is the grinding and polishing of the teeth. This allows you to improve their shape.

Crowns and bridges

Crowns and bridges have long been used to disguise a damaged tooth. Aesthetic dentistry is distinguished by its use of metal-free technologies. In this case, it is possible to achieve maximum closeness to the natural appearance of the teeth. Crowns are attached using the most modern adhesive materials. They allow for stable fixation. In addition, after the procedure, the patient does not experience the sensation of a foreign body in the oral cavity.

Veneers are considered the main alternative to crowns on the front teeth today. They are also often called "venirs". This name is more correct, because in the original it sounds like veneers. Veneers were invented about 30 years ago. Back then they were made of plastic. Currently, they are very thin, translucent ceramic overlays. Veneers are very popular, especially among celebrities.

These crowns make it possible to as soon as possible very effective in changing the appearance of teeth for the better. This procedure is carried out painlessly. It does not require grinding of the tooth body. In addition, there is no need to remove nerves. Almost instantly, damaged front teeth can become perfectly straight and straight. In this case, a specialist strengthens the onlays on the surface of the tooth using special procedures.

The tooth does not suffer; veneers even protect it from damage. Veneers can be Hollywood or classic. The first group is mainly for visual effect. They are a petal overlay that covers the tooth only from the front. The second group is functional full overlays. There are also Lumineers. They are the thinnest and very durable linings. All types of veneers are practically not susceptible to negative impact tea, coffee and tobacco.

Clinical whitening

This procedure is prescribed when it is necessary to improve only the color of the teeth. Eat various types clinical whitening. In aesthetic dentistry, laser is most often used. It is effective and durable. In this case, a preparation containing a little hydrogen peroxide is applied to the tooth enamel. The tooth is irradiated with short laser flashes. Photobleaching is also used. Irradiation is performed with a halogen lamp. At the end of the procedure, the doctor applies amorphous calcium phosphate to the tooth, which fills microcracks.

Teeth decoration

Teeth decoration is the latest trend in aesthetic dentistry. Teeth can be decorated with various applications from precious metals, Swarovski crystals, imitation tattoos. Often disguised with jewelry dark spot or tooth damage. These decorations are attached to the surface using special glue; they can be removed at any time. They last up to 6 months. In this case, you must follow the recommendations for oral hygiene.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Aesthetic dentistry deals with painless dental restoration modern means using special photopolymer materials, restoring the tissues and functions of teeth, taking into account the aesthetic wishes of the patient.

Creating artificial teeth that are completely similar to natural ones in functionality, shape and color shades is a task that requires a doctor to highly qualified and good aesthetic taste.

Achievement best result also involves changing, if necessary, the location of teeth in the oral cavity, correcting minor defects such as chipping, establishing correct bite, eliminating large gaps between teeth.

What is the dental restoration procedure?

IN general case restoration of teeth implies the complete or partial restoration of their lost functions, as well as shape and color.

Direct methods include restoration methods in which all operations are performed directly on the tooth. These methods include placing a filling. By definition, a filling only covers some of the surface of the tooth.

Seal Serves to protect teeth damaged by caries. Most often, the mixture for making permanent inexpensive fillings includes fine quartz sand (to give the material hardness) and plastic. Ceramic fillings last longer, look aesthetically pleasing, but are also more expensive.

Also, composites for making fillings differ in the method of hardening (chemical and photohardening). In the first case, one requirement is imposed on the filling material: it must be durable in order to last a long time.

Light hardening also serves aesthetic purposes and is used mainly for filling teeth in the anterior row.

Crown, unlike a filling, covers the entire visible part of the tooth and is fixed with a special compound. Crowns are used to restore the anatomical integrity of teeth damaged by caries, mechanical damage or those that have lost their natural color, as well as to strengthen teeth and give them an aesthetic appearance.

Installation of a crown refers to indirect methods of tooth restoration, since its production takes place in laboratory conditions, and the whole process is quite labor-intensive and lengthy. Crowns made of metal (steel coated with titanium nitride, gold), ceramics or metal-ceramics are mainly used.

Modern types of dental restoration

Requirements for dental restoration methods are constantly growing, so dentistry does not stand still. Modern views Dental restorations allow you to restore oral health, remove visible dental defects, and make your smile attractive again.

Dental restoration using composite materials

The direct method of dental restoration using composite materials is one of the best modern techniques. The essence of the method is to regenerate the tissue structure of a damaged tooth layer by layer, taking into account the upcoming loads, the color shade of the layer and the degree of its transparency. In particular, the outer layer, imitating enamel, is able to refract and reflect incident light in a natural way.

"Such composite materials can glow under ultraviolet light. This method of restoring teeth is very popular among nightclub patrons."


Vining refers to indirect method. Using this technology, you can completely change the “appearance” of an individual tooth or the entire dentition at once. The veneering technology allows a composite material to be applied to the surface of the tooth, as a result of which the surface is covered with the resulting hard plate.

The material is selected in such a way that its color does not differ from the color of the enamel of the patient’s other teeth, and the color of the coating is preserved for a long time. Making veneers takes a minimum of time, which allows you to quickly (faster than making crowns) and relatively inexpensively (unlike the cost of dentures) to restore teeth.

"The use of veneering makes it possible to get rid of significant defects teeth, including irregularities in shape and size. "

Installation of ceramics using the CEREC method

Perhaps the most modern and in a fast way dental restoration is the CEREC method using the latest computer technologies. Ideally, you can install a solid ceramic inlay or a crown in just one day, and the high degree of adherence of the ceramics to the tooth surface virtually eliminates relapses of caries.

The method is unique in that it allows you to do without making dental impressions. The optical device scans oral cavity in the area of ​​expected impact and transmits information to the computer.

"With the help of a special software 3D modeling of the crown or veneer being manufactured is performed in the presence of the patient. "

Then, using an automatic cutter under computer control, the designed product is cut out with high precision from a selected piece of ceramic. Of course, this technology requires certain knowledge and skills from the dentist, but this method is the future.