Find out how to take care of your teeth. Why is it important to take care of your teeth from a young age? Leaders in dental diseases in children

A smile can heal, can lift your spirits, and even save the world!

Where to begin?
The most important and significant point for all of us, without exception, is oral care. infancy. And here we cannot do without the help of adults. The right approach to the matter will make it possible to preserve the child’s teeth for as long as possible. excellent condition. Here you need to be extremely careful, it is entirely up to you how the ship sails into a big life.

First visit to the dentist?:
If your baby is doing well, nothing causes mommy to worry. Then your first visit should take place at six months.

What should the dentist pay attention to?
1. Condition of the maxillofacial apparatus.
2. Condition of the bridles of the upper and lower lip, and also pay attention to the frenulum of the tongue.
Many mothers do not even suspect this and the first trip to the dentist occurs much later. And this has deplorably serious consequences. Incorrect positioning of the bridles can lead to correct location teeth after eruption. It can also affect tooth growth. Moreover, all this can and will have a negative impact on the development of your baby’s speech. If suddenly the doctor discovers a problem, then react immediately than used to be a problem will be resolved, the better for your baby. There is definitely no need to delay in this matter. Tested from my own experience.

This is approximately the picture of small teeth that should be seen by the age of three. Of course, everything is individual for each child, but ideally it should look exactly like this. And after the age of three, you and your baby should attend 2 times per year dentist is a MUST! Even if nothing worries you and your baby, just go for a consultation and this will also not be superfluous for prevention.

At what age do teeth begin to decay?
It has been proven that children’s teeth begin to decay from the age of three! Therefore the most the best option for you and your baby, this is a timely response. If suddenly you have a small hole, it is better to immediately fill it at a very early stage of development.

Try from the very beginning early age teach your child not to be afraid of his dear dental uncle or aunt. This may make this task easier for you in the future by visiting the dentist.

When do the first baby teeth start to fall out?
Already at the age of six, the first teeth begin to fall out. Which we hide under the pillow so that the mouse will come and drag them into the hole. And in return she gave me a beautiful new little white tooth. This procedure will take us several years to replace the entire mouth with new permanent teeth.

At what age should you start brushing your teeth?
Dentists agree on one common opinion and say that it is necessary to brush your teeth from the moment they appear. You may ask the question, but how is this possible? Don’t worry, now there are special brushes designed specifically for such delicate purposes. Correct name: children's silicone finger toothbrush. The procedure should be done twice a day. In the morning after meals and in the evening before bed. For many children, such a procedure will only be a joy.

At what age should you brush your teeth with toothpaste?
The age range on the toothpaste tube should be 6 months to 3 years. I know for sure that now there are pastes that indicate from 0 to 2 years or from 0 to 4 years.

At what age should sweets be given and is it possible to give them at all?
Of course, it is possible and even necessary. Doctors recommend giving sugar and sweets after a year, but only in moderation. Here is the most best assistant will become a tradition that only you must directly teach. I ate the candy and rinsed my teeth with water.

Why should you limit sweets?
When in between teeth for a long time contains sugar, it tends to affect the child’s teeth, both milk and permanent. Because sugar has one very bad property, its rapid transformation into lactic acid, which, in fact, corrodes tooth enamel small tooth. Dear mothers, children still need sugar. Just remember how much joy sweets bring to children. Come up with an exchange: sweets for brushing your teeth. This will be the best win-win option!

Dear mothers, smile more often: raised corners of your lips help activate muscle memory, returning us to the irreplaceable state of infancy.

And never forget to properly care for your baby's teeth. The most precious thing you have.

Everyone knows the feeling when you sit in front of the door of the dental office and listen with bated breath to the sounds coming from behind closed door. And reproaches addressed to myself frantically rush through my head: I didn’t brush well, I didn’t listen, now it’s going to get to my teeth, it’s my own fault, oh...

Which toothpaste is best for brushing your teeth? (cartoon from open sources)

As they used to say in the old days, “even teeth wear out with time”! However, they “wear out” a lot precisely because of people’s negligence; many of us remember daily dental care only in moments of acute toothache.

Is it possible to avoid discomfort related to dental diseases? How to keep your teeth and gums healthy? Is it possible not to experience toothache? Many of us dream of not knowing or hearing about toothache, believing that this is unlikely. But, this is real and should precede the absence of toothache. dental prophylaxis.

Dental prophylaxis - This is a complex of inextricably linked and mutually complementary activities, both organizational and therapeutic in nature: proper hygiene, mode, good nutrition(it should contain enough proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts), regular dental checkups, etc.

How to keep your teeth healthy?

Healthy teeth should be business card every person, because it is not only beautiful, but also prestigious. How often do you visit the dental office? Many of us only have unbearable toothache, forgetting that at the dentist you can not only get a filling or implant, but also undergo an examination, get advice or consultation on dental care.

Long before the appearance severe pain, dental problems begin, about 80% of people suffer from hidden dental diseases, and do not go to dental clinic. Inflammation of the gums is accompanied by bleeding during cleaning, but often we do not pay attention to this. If the gums bleed continuously and persistently, then this is a sure sign of gingivitis; it can subsequently lead to periodontitis and tooth loss, and the process can only be restored by initial stages diseases.

To prevent the occurrence of these dental diseases, they need to be properly cared for using special means care A consultation with a specialist dentist is simply necessary for you, and you can’t go anywhere without it, when in others, less important cases, you would do well yourself. The main thing in the oral cavity is to neutralize bacteria and prevent them from attaching to the surfaces of the teeth. By attaching to the teeth, bacteria form a layer of plaque, and then the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and pests is inevitable.

Teeth must be brushed daily and thoroughly, removing plaque and performing preventive measures. inflammatory processes gums using medicated rinses; your dentist can recommend them correctly.

Healthy teeth should be the calling card of every person

The secret to proper teeth brushing

The most important thing in the process of brushing your teeth is to remove plaque from all surfaces of the tooth, because... it is in the raid that they are concentrated pathogenic bacteria. If there is a child in your home, the parent’s task is to teach the child to brush his teeth correctly from the first years of his life!

How to make cleaning movements correctly?

  • We clean the front surface of the teeth - the movements of the brush are directed from the edge of the gum to the edge of the tooth;
  • We clean the back surface of the teeth - the movements of the brush are directed from the edge of the gum to the edge of the tooth;
  • Don't forget to clean the chewing surface;

Regular teeth brushing and hygiene oral cavity minimizes your trips to the dentist; you will only visit the dental clinic for a routine examination.

What are the secrets of a beautiful smile?

We are taught how to brush our teeth correctly from childhood, but we learn from experience what is beneficial or harmful to teeth. In order not to experiment on your teeth, you should know a few useful things.

Perhaps a secret will be revealed to someone, but the use green tea, especially Georgian, affects dental health. The most useful is the second brew, because the first is enriched with caffeine, and the second with fluoride. But everyone knows that tea, even green tea, stains your teeth, so be sure to brush them after drinking this drink.

Dairy products are very good for teeth, but to absorb calcium you need to consume vitamins and meat.

About smoking. Cigarettes not only stain teeth yellow, nicotine blocks the transport of oxygen and food poisoned by nicotine, alcohol and drugs is deposited on the stomach, thighs and blood vessels. At the same time, the necessary oxygen does not reach distant parts of the body (arms, legs, gums).

To enrich your body with vitamins, it is better to consume vegetables and fruits grown in domestic conditions. Our bodies have been producing enzymes for centuries to break down vitamins and are more likely to take vitamin C from onions than from pineapple.

If the color of the teeth has already changed from drinking tea, coffee, or cigarettes, then the dentist can easily help by applying an acid-free whitening paste. She will be able to restore the natural whiteness of teeth. Acidic preparations will also return your whiteness, but only temporarily, because the acid eats away microparticles of the tooth, only then these pores are quickly filled with coloring enzymes. And because of frequent procedure The tooth loses enamel and quickly deteriorates.

And do not overuse teeth whitening with soda, just rinse your mouth. Common cause dark color teeth is tartar, and only a dentist can remove it. Never try to do this yourself.

Parody of Hollywood smile(taken from open sources)

Preservation healthy teeth is one of the important conditions for maintaining the health of the whole organism. Teeth are known to be necessary for chewing food in general. Well-chewed food is easily swallowed, well digested, and well absorbed by the body. Poorly chewed food is poorly digested, disrupts the normal functioning of the digestive organs, and often leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines. When chewing food, it is crushed into very small particles and thus prepared for the action of digestive juices. If food is swallowed in large pieces, then digestion is disrupted, and a large number of gases, bloating and colicky pain may appear.

When we eat, small pieces of food almost always remain in the spaces between our teeth. These pieces soon begin to rot and destroy teeth. First, a small dark spot appears on the tooth, and after a while a barely noticeable pit (depression) forms in this place. Food gets stuck in it, where it lingers for a long time, rots, and this causes the tooth to deteriorate even more. Soon a small hollow will form in this place. If the tooth is not treated, the cavity becomes deep and pain appears. The pain may subside for a while. However, after some time the tooth will inevitably decay and will need to be removed.

Pathogenic microbes nesting in a diseased, decaying tooth penetrate into the tissue surrounding the tooth and cause inflammation. These microbes can often cause diseases such as tonsillitis, heart disease, joint disease, and kidney disease.

This is interesting. Eight hours after brushing your teeth, they are already teeming with bacteria - streptococci, there are also a number of rod-shaped bacteria - actinomycetes. After a day, the teeth are covered with a dense layer of these “settlers”, and long rod-shaped and filamentous organisms are added to them, including fusobacteria, which produce foul-smelling compounds.

Then clusters of streptococci appear in the form of corn cobs. If you don't brush your teeth for even longer, special dental spirochetes multiply. After three weeks, bacteria cover the surface of the teeth with a layer two dozen cells thick (15 microns). The presence of healthy teeth, especially the front ones, has important

for normal diction, i.e. for clear and distinct pronunciation of syllables and words, for normal speech. We must also not lose sight of the fact that healthy teeth

They serve as decoration for the face, but bad teeth or missing teeth spoil the appearance and make the face ugly. The most important means of maintaining healthy teeth are: good nutrition, i.e. food containing sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts (calcium salts, phosphorus, fluorine, etc.), vitamins, as well as proper care

for teeth. .

It is important that solid foods (crusts of bread, raw carrots, etc.) are chewed with teeth on both sides. All teeth should be involved in chewing.

  • Basic requirements for dental care:
  • Teeth should be brushed 2 times a day - in the morning and before bedtime; rinse your mouth after eating warm water
  • , especially if you ate sweets;
  • avoid eating very cold food after hot food and vice versa to avoid cracking of tooth enamel;
  • do not allow children’s teeth that are not yet strong to bite into hard candies, sugar, or nuts;
  • regularly monitor the condition of the teeth and begin tooth treatment immediately after detecting its damage;

It is not permissible to use other people's toothbrushes. Dairy products are being replaced permanent teeth . Between the ages of 6 and 12 years, baby teeth gradually fall out and permanent teeth erupt. By the age of 12, the child has erupted 28 permanent teeth

. An adult, after wisdom teeth erupt, has 32 permanent teeth. These teeth serve a person throughout his life, and therefore it is very important to keep them healthy from the very moment they erupt. Exists misconception that baby teeth do not need to be treated. They say that permanent teeth will replace them. But that's not true. Firstly, premature loss of baby teeth leads to impaired chewing of food, which leads to diseases tract. And secondly, pathogenic bacteria from diseased teeth penetrate healthy teeth and destroy them. Everyone needs treatment baby tooth

, fight for it!

Some children are afraid to have their teeth treated. They think the treatment hurts. It is not right. Today, dental treatment is usually carried out without pain - the doctor will give an anesthetic injection. There is virtually no pain when injected. Treatment cannot be delayed. If a diseased tooth is not treated, it will eventually decay completely. It is very important to notice the beginning of tooth damage in time. If the tooth damage is small, then the treatment will be quick and completely painless. If the tooth is already destroyed, the treatment will be lengthy, and you may lose the tooth altogether. Taking care of the child's health - important task every child-loving parent. In particular, mothers and fathers must pay due attention to caring for oral health

your child. Unfortunately, this rule is not always observed. Some adults mistakenly believe that since baby teeth are to be replaced soon, then there is no need to worry too much about their safety.

This opinion is wrong for so many reasons. We list only the main ones.

Why is it important to properly care for baby teeth?

Firstly, premature loss of baby teeth can cause problems with bite, diction, and can also lead to facial asymmetry.

Secondly, many dental diseases can cause gastrointestinal disorders.

And thirdly, diseases can become the primary source of indigenous disease. That is why it is very important to properly and regularly care for your oral cavity, paying special attention to hygiene procedures.

How to care for baby teeth? 1. Regular brushing of teeth, turned into a habit. At the same time, it is important not only to maintain the quantity hygiene procedures , but also their duration, as well as choosing the right toothbrush

and pasta according to age. Parents should also remember to regularly replace children's toothbrushes.

2. Rinsing the mouth after eating.

3. Refusal to take sweet drinks at night or during sleep - tea, juice. As a last resort, after administration it is necessary to rinse the baby’s mouth with clean water. 4. Habit formation proper nutrition , correction of the child’s diet. This is not only a choice in favor healthy dishes

And you should also remember that, no matter how thorough oral hygiene is, no matter how competently parents perform preventive actions, they should not avoid “dates” with specialists in any case. And all because the emergence and development dental diseases have the most influence various factors, including genetic ones. The quality of water in the region, the nutrition of the child and mother during pregnancy, and much more play a role. Moreover, the sooner the disease is detected, the sooner it will be started and the more successful the treatment will be.

It must be remembered that dental diseases in children are characterized by particular transience, so visits to the dentist should be regular and frequent (3-4 times a year).

And there is no need to be afraid of the occurrence psychological problems in connection with such “dates”. Today, there are non-contact methods for caries treatment that do not cause any pain or discomfort in the child. And, what is especially pleasant, such methods are now used not only by pediatric dentistry in St. Petersburg, Moscow or Kyiv, but also provincial clinics. The main thing is to try to find an institution that can provide such services.

By the way, advisory support for their employees will not be superfluous. Qualified dentists will tell you exactly how to care for children’s teeth, help you choose the right brush and toothpaste, and share other secrets of maintaining oral health. Moreover! Some clinics regularly hold promotions providing such services for free.

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By the age of 2.5-3 years, a child usually has all 20 baby teeth. They have thin layer enamels easily deteriorate without proper care. Caries is the most common dental disease, when the crown of a tooth is affected, a cavity forms in the enamel, and if it is not cured, the nerve is affected and toothache. Unfortunately, this disease occurs in both three year olds- It is quite possible for baby teeth to develop caries.

To prevent tooth decay, try to examine your child's teeth every day. If there are any changes in the color of the enamel or the appearance of plaque, consult your pediatric dentist immediately! For preventive care, the child must be shown to the dentist at least once every six months. At the age of 2-3 years, the dentist performs professional cleaning teeth, if necessary, coats them with a fluoride-containing composition.

If a specialist notices incipient caries (at first it is white spot on the enamel), then it is possible to slow down the development of the cavity through the procedure of enamel remineralization. If a cavity has already occurred, then caries must be treated.

Modern dental offices make it possible to turn treatment into painless procedure, distract the child during therapeutic procedures. However, parents should follow some rules for visiting the dentist. Firstly, it is best to go to the dentist in the morning. Secondly, the child must be completely healthy and calm. Thirdly, there is no need to “prepare” the child by explaining to him what awaits him - the doctor himself will find the right words; You can, perhaps, tell the baby that he is being taken to the doctor to brush his teeth - everyone does this, both mom and dad. And finally, do not use the words: “It doesn’t hurt”, “It’s not scary” - they will only cause anxiety in the child.

What causes tooth decay? The immediate cause is rotting of food debris stuck between the teeth. The plaque formed during this process contains a huge number of microorganisms that secrete lactic acid during their life, which destroys the enamel. In an increasingly deteriorating environment, our water and food contain an insufficient amount mineral salts that make the enamel strong - fluorine, calcium. Therefore, weak enamel is destroyed quickly. The situation gets worse if the child loves sweets and is used to eating cookies or candy between meals. Sugar sticks plaque to the teeth like glue, and the destruction of enamel occurs even faster.

The first means to prevent caries and preserve teeth is oral hygiene. Baby teeth need to be brushed almost from the moment they appear. Up to 2 years of age, the adult himself brushes the child’s teeth with special silicone brushes. Already a two-year-old child should be taught to do this himself; up to the age of 3, an adult still helps the child to do this. this procedure. A three-year-old child can brush his teeth on his own; you just need to teach him to do it correctly.

Teeth are brushed from top to bottom - only this movement removes all accumulated plaque. Time is no less important - teeth must be brushed for at least 2 minutes. After finishing brushing, make sure your child rinses his mouth thoroughly. You should brush your teeth in the morning and before bed, and after eating, rinse your mouth every time.

For babies, special children's toothpastes are produced that contain fluoride and have a mild pleasant taste. Children's toothbrushes are selected for the child according to his age, have soft bristles, and have a beautiful design. You can put an hourglass in the bathroom, which will teach your baby to brush his teeth at the right time.

In order for the child’s teeth to be healthy, the mother needs to eat properly during pregnancy. Caries negatively affects the formation of the dental buds of permanent teeth, as well as the formation of the bite.

In addition, bite formation is influenced by hereditary factors, as well as various infectious, inflammatory diseases, hypertrophy palatine tonsils, deviated nasal septum, various bad habits(finger sucking, addiction to pacifiers, bottles with pacifiers). You should visit a pediatric orthodontist no later than 5-6 years old, especially if there are hereditary aggravating factors ( malocclusion from parents). Treatment by an orthodontist is effective when the replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones begins.

Time tested

Many people mistakenly think that baby teeth do not require special care.

(from the book “Mother and Child” by V.N. Zhuk, 1906)

Many people completely mistakenly think that baby teeth, remaining for a very short time, do not require special care, special care for their cleanliness. This is a big mistake, because teeth are not given for decoration alone, but for nutrition, which in a child, as in an adult, is equally bad with bad and diseased teeth. Finally, diseases of primary teeth have a great impact on the permanent teeth that subsequently appear. Keeping your teeth clean and wiping after every meal requires so little time, and yet will preserve beauty and health.

Regarding care, let us remind you the following. A child’s teeth are still relatively soft, and therefore are more easily exposed to harmful influences. With frequent feeding, as well as during vomiting, food debris accumulates in the child’s mouth, and fermentation develops and acids appear. In the same way, with thrush, when acids form in the stomach (acid vomiting), abundant secretion of acidic saliva occurs and the teeth begin to deteriorate. Thus, bad teeth, sour saliva and acids in the stomach depend on one another. Consequently, in addition to hereditary predisposition or, more correctly, salt starvation of the mother during pregnancy, tooth damage occurs primarily from poor nutrition the child himself; and conversely, good white teeth are a sign good nutrition(which is why people pay attention to them when choosing a nurse). By the best means To prevent this, keep your mouth clean and eat age-appropriate foods.

The custom of giving food to children from the mouths of adults or moistening the nipple with their saliva is the main reason the fact that in children very often barely erupted teeth are already beginning to rot, since the carious process spreads through saliva. There is a widespread belief in society that children’s teeth turn black and deteriorate from excessive consumption of sweets, and yet they do not pay attention to direct transmission carious process through kisses, food, etc.