How to silver baby teeth video. How often is the procedure required? What is the essence of silvering teeth?

Big problem It has become that many parents turn a blind eye to diseases of baby teeth, citing their rapid loss and replacement with permanent ones.

Without wishing harm to their children, mothers and fathers simply do not see the point in treatment. However, dentists have proven that pathologies that arise on replacement teeth subsequently affect the permanent ones.

The best way to practice cleanliness is to stay home with your puppy for some time. Take him out whenever he wakes up after eating or after being used. Observe, as quickly as possible, who sends signals to the puppy when he wants to do a need, and whenever he is about to do something, go out with him. Say the command, wait for the puppy, and after completing the necessary tasks in your assigned place, praise the puppy.

Some plants that are present in your garden and home can be poisonous to dogs. They can cause the dog not only to irritate the skin or mucous membranes, but also poison or even cause death. You must be aware of all the plants that are around the dog and the dangers removed.

One of the most common techniques, despite possible alternatives, used for the prevention and treatment of caries of primary teeth is silvering. What is it and is silvering really necessary for babies? We’ll tell you in this article.

The meaning of the procedure

Silver plating is very simple procedure which will help protect thin and vulnerable negative impacts enamel of primary teeth from the appearance of the most common dental problemcaries.

Good development of each puppy is one game. Best option, of course, when you play with your dog, you, the owner. However, there are times when you don't have time or the dog needs to be left home alone and the puppy needs to play by himself. To do this, however, you will need to purchase toys, because otherwise the play and bite finds something in your home alone. Every toy is not for four-legged friend fits, it is very important to think about your choice. The market has very special toys that are suitable not only for puppies, but they are also very popular with adult or elderly dogs.

In some cases it is used at the most early stages of this disease, stopping further development.

The essence of the procedure is that the enamel is covered thin layer special drugs, which form a durable film. She has antiseptic properties and prevents the enamel from being exposed to bacteria that can cause caries.

Tiger knot of a cotton swab on a thread. What should you consider when choosing a toy? Size: The safety of toys depends on the size of the breed. Every dog ​​has different size oral cavity, and you need to make sure that the toy you choose cannot be swallowed by your dog. Most toys are made from digestible material. Most dogs love to play ball, but never give their dogs balls that are too small. Favorite toys are also toys, but large breeds It is useful to use them only as a dog training tool because these toys are mostly made of soft material, the dog can tear and some parts can be swallowed, which is definitely not healthy for him.

The opinion of the head of one of the children's clinics about different methods prevention of caries in children:


With timely use of the technique, as well as with its correct application, the baby can not be subjected to classical treatment caries when it is necessary to use a drill.

Also, remember that these toys eliminate sounds that may irritate you, even if your puppy has great joy from them. Material: The toy should be made of a hard material so that the dog can chew, but not so hard that it hurts the dog when he bites. The dog may chew the toy for a long time and intensively, so it must be made of hygienic and hygienic materials. The surface of the toy should not be such as to highlight toxic substances when chewing.

The toy should also consist of several parts that can be swallowed by the dog. They are very inappropriate for a dog to have rag toys that will soon tear. Shape: Although it may seem minor, the shape of the toy is very important when choosing. The toy should not have sharp edges, a toy with irregular shape may also become lodged between the dog's teeth and may cause the dog to panic.

Silvering procedure completely painless– this is one of its main advantages. After all, many children younger age They are afraid of the dentist and the instruments he uses.

Also among the advantages is the fact that caries can be prevented altogether. In addition, on initial stage when demineralization has begun, the doctor has the opportunity to temporarily stop the process of enamel destruction.

Dog stomach stones can also be included in toys. Among dogs they are also very popular, especially puppies are very happy to chew because it makes the eruption of the second teeth easier. Chewing gum is made from genuine leather and made in all possible forms and sizes, making them attractive to dogs. They also have different tastes, so it's up to you to let my friend choose the ones that best suit their taste. However, these delicacies should not be given to the dog too often, as they usually do not receive a balanced diet.

In this way, the tooth is preserved until the child grows up, and it will be possible to carry out deep treatment and restoration.

The head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Moscow State Medical University talks about the pros and cons of the procedure:


Like most preventive methods, silvering also has a number of disadvantages. However, if the procedure is carried out in a timely manner, then, in most cases, they can be considered insignificant.

Use it as a reward for training. chewing gum from buffalo skin gum buffalo skin. In fact, Streptococcus mutanus, which lives in the mouth, is responsible for the development of tooth decay. When she does too well because her child doesn't brush his teeth well or his parents don't brush well, it increases the likelihood of tooth decay.

If this happens, it will cause the pulp to become inflamed and the tooth will harbor infection. There is a risk that decay will affect other teeth, especially those around you. In addition, it will gradually expand from the dental teeth to the permanent teeth, which will gradually begin to rotate.

  • Inability to use on late stages caries development in children, when, in addition to damage to the enamel, the disease also affects dentin. In this case, external protection from bacteria does not make sense, since the destruction process occurs in the internal layers.
  • It does not always help to protect against the development of caries even in the early stages, if the process develops on chewing surfaces due to their complex structurepresence of fissures.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to carry out thorough cleaning of the surface of the teeth professional method, which can be a problem in some cases when babies experience fear or similar feelings.

There is another drawback, which many consider the most significant, regarding the aesthetic side of the treatment. After the procedure places where drugs were applied, become dark, almost black. This is what scares off many parents and children, although it does not affect the effectiveness of the technique.

A small child with streptococci most often infects the mother. When he feeds him, he usually licks his spoon or the bottle on his bottle. It doesn't have of great importance if she has her teeth alone. Therefore, dentists recommend it to women who want to get pregnant to get rid of all the tooth decay. This will reduce the amount of streptococcus and, logically, the risk of their baby becoming infected later. It is more prone to infection because its oral microflora is still being created and has not yet been fully stabilized.

When to start oral hygiene with a child? Mom should lightly wipe her mouth with a tissue or clean diaper immediately after the first breastfeeding or drink from a bottle. This is important under the lips, especially the upper ones, where there are small salivary glands, so these places are deteriorating. In addition, the child is accustomed to the feeling of a clean mouth and to the fact that he kisses after eating. Regular and consistent care is essential if parents are to protect their child from complications and pain.

A video with a brief answer to the question about the effectiveness of such caries prevention:


There are quite a lot of cases when the silvering procedure is used, which indicates the effectiveness and versatility of the technique in pediatric dentistry:

To visit the dentist, it is best to come with your child when the gums are first cut off. This is the sixth month of life. And then he has to go there every six months. It's not easy important prevention, but also psychology. The child does not turn off the first visit to the dentist with teeth or a gap, in short, with pain. In addition, they will have good opportunity avoid these inconveniences. At the very least, parents should take their child to the dentist by age two.

When parents start brushing with a toothbrush, they should choose one that has a small head that fits his mouth and a soft, straight fiber to make it as pleasant as possible. There are different toothpastes for children than for adults. This is due to the fact that after two to three years, children swallow almost the entire amount of paste. Adult pastes would then have white teeth stains from too large quantity fluoride in the body. Parents should brush their child's teeth by age three.

  • Prevention pathological processes V hard tissues milk teeth.
  • Treatment of caries on initial stagewhite spot stage.
  • Thinning enamels and increased sensitivity teeth in children.
  • Appearance of signs demineralization.
  • Appearance cracks and minor chips on the surface.
  • For prevention dental diseases in regions where it is noted lack of fluoride and its connections in natural waters, and fluoridation drinking water is not produced.
  • To prevent caries relapse.
  • As a means for significant extending the service life of installed fillings.

It is good for your child to visit regularly toothbrush or a dental hygienist to show them how to brush their teeth. The doctor or hygienist can correct mistakes he makes. In addition, they will also check how the brush looks. It is important for parents to change it over time. This indicates the first signs of bending or other deformation of the bristles. It's also useful when parents sometimes pour it out hot water to get rid of bacteria that settle on the bristles.

When it comes to dental care, this should be increased despite the idea. Their glass doesn't contain as many minerals as other teeth, making it easier for her to get cavities. Teaching your child to brush their teeth regularly, in addition to the right way, is important to avoid unnecessary problems in time. If they do not learn basic oral hygiene habits in early childhood, will start from the very beginning. In addition, damaged teeth and painful procedures at the dentist will ensure that dental surgery is eliminated to the greatest extent possible.

Photo after the procedure


Despite the effectiveness of the technique in many cases, which makes it popular, sometimes its use is undesirable and even contraindicated.

  • Medium and deep caries. At the same time, through the drugs used, the teeth can be harmed, since the inner layers of the tooth are affected, which are more sensitive to various influences.
  • Presence of other complex dental diseases.
  • Possibility of development for the baby allergic reaction on the drug used.
  • Availability severe somatic diseases.

Description of the technology

The silvering process is very simple and only takes a few minutes. After cleaning the smooth surfaces of the teeth, the dentist begins to treat them.

Practical books. Many useful tips can be found in the book Dental Care healthy child or in the book Dental care and dental care." We can do a very good job of avoiding teeth in children. Her maternal behavior and her own oral hygiene. Zdenek Brukal, i.e. my expert's opinion and my previous assumptions and, in fact, the real thing.

To some extent, tooth decay is infectious disease. Some microorganisms that live in the mouths of children and adults feed on our diet, breaking down the sugars that pass through our mouths to produce acids that break down hard tooth tissue. But where did they come from and how did they get into the baby's mouth? These microorganisms, let's call them caries microorganisms, are present only in the mouth of humans and domestic animals, unless the animals are fed a diet similar to humans. Carious microorganisms are even present in the intestines and feces or on the skin or throat, they live on the surface of the teeth in the dental microbial coating and saliva.

Simply apply to the desired areas using a cotton swab. apply required quantity of the drug used, and then left for several minutes until a specific film forms.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about all the pros and cons of silvering in this video:

To be able to live in the mouth, they need teeth, they do not hold edentulous teeth. This means that even when a child has a tooth in his mouth, he does not have any decaying microorganisms. After the teeth start to erupt, it opens like this. The source of this infection is usually the mother or another person in the family who has the greatest contact with the child. IN oral cavity adult, decaying microorganisms are present in the dental microbial coating, saliva, but most of them are found in untreated dental caries.


The main drug is considered 30% silver nitrate. It is because of this that the technique got its name. However there are more modern drugs, For example, silver fluoride diamine, which is a complex of compounds silver and fluorine.

There are different trade names, which can be used, for example, Argenat or Saoraid.

Transmission from mother to child or another adult child is saliva. It is important to know that both milk and permanent teeth eruption into the mouth is incomplete and is very prone to etching by these bacterial acids and lasts about two years, during which the tooth surface matures and hardens minerals from saliva.

Therefore, the transmission of harmful microorganisms should be eliminated as much as possible, even if it ends up being the same. So what should my mom do? During pregnancy, the pregnant mother should have good teeth if she has decay or bad fillings and learn to brush her teeth regularly. During the first 6 months after birth, the transfer of microorganisms into the baby's mouth, as we know, does not pose a threat. Mom uses the time to recheck her teeth and correct any mistakes or bad seals.


The price of silver is low. It amounts to from 150 to 30 rubles. However, there are several factors that influence the final cost. First of all, this is the number of teeth being processed - the more there are, the larger the amount required.

It is also important which drug will be used. More expensive are modern formulations that contain fluorides, which help strengthen the enamel.

She gets used to brushing her teeth regularly, especially when she feels the need to show motherly love by kissing the baby on the mouth or in the hands. Oral hygiene is affected when a child begins to trim his baby teeth. As soon as the first teeth appear, they begin to pay, in addition to what is in the previous paragraph, the ban certain types risk practices among mothers, which, unfortunately, are common. It is important to teach older children and grandmothers about these prohibitions and protect them. Dads and granddads aren't as risky, and when they are there, they also learn and watch.

What determines the frequency of the procedure?

One of the features of the technique of silvering baby teeth is the need to repeat it. Depending on many factors, dentists may recommend a procedure. every 3–6 months to maintain the health and integrity of the enamel. Among these factors are:

  • age baby;
  • type of feeding– artificial or natural (breast);
  • level of oral hygiene and the ability of parents to carefully monitor this, as well as periodically practice preventive examinations at the dentist;
  • various nutritional features;
  • individual characteristics structure and quality of enamel.

An important factor is the reason for which the silvering was carried out. For example, if it is only preventative measure, which was used without external reasons, and due to the difficulties of going to the dentist, an interval of 4–6 months is sufficient.

Psychological side of the issue

Sometimes there may be negative psychological consequences for the child after the procedure. This is due to the strong deterioration of dental aesthetics. After all, people are accustomed to normal color enamel – white or slightly yellowish.

For the most part, children do not experience such difficulties, since they do not yet understand what their teeth should be like. However, kids go to preschool educational institutions– kindergartens where others can point this out to them.

The worst thing is if the baby is shy and reserved by nature, and in the garden they will tease and laugh at him. Then the child may simply withdraw even more, experiencing stress, not talk and simply be afraid to open his mouth.

That is why parents should prepare their baby for the procedure in advance, telling them in detail what to expect. It is necessary to emphasize that despite appearance, his teeth will be healthy and will not hurt.

The black color remains until the tooth is restored or falls out, when it comes " tooth fairy"or a mouse.

Sometimes children are even proud of this enamel color, responding to the ridicule of their peers that these are not “black” but “silver” teeth. Then the ridicule subsides on its own.

All this can and should be told to the baby, warning that if you don’t silver plate it now, then later the teeth may hurt and you will have to drill and fill them.

Alternative Methods

Now dentists have developed some alternative methods for preventing and preventing the development of caries in the early stages.

Their main advantage is that the enamel does not turn black after the procedure:

  • The main alternative is considered remineralization therapy, which can be carried out both in conditions dental clinic, and at home.

    The essence of the technique is to coat the enamel with special compounds that contain various elements to strengthen the enamel and restore its structure. In most cases this is fluoridation, that is, treatment with fluoride preparations that strengthen the enamel.

  • With some reservations, as an alternative to silvering, we can offer fissure sealing. However, during this procedure, only the chewing surfaces of the teeth are coated with a special composition that prevents the access of bacteria.

Watch a story about the fluoridation procedure for children's teeth:

A child's fragile baby teeth are most susceptible to developing caries. Firstly, the enamel of such teeth is still quite soft; cracks and holes easily form on it, ideal for the accumulation of microbes. Secondly, few parents teach preschool children oral hygiene, which gives bacteria everything necessary conditions for development. This is why protective techniques for baby teeth are popular these days, one of which is silver plating.

Silvering of teeth for children (photo below) is carried out to prevent the development of caries and gum disease in the early stages.

This also allows you to delay regular trips to the dentist, so in the future children will not perceive the manipulation room as a place for “torture.” Kids don’t want to sit quietly for more than 10 minutes, especially when the “scary uncle” in a white coat tries to put iron instruments in his mouth. But the silvering procedure does not cause such unpleasant associations.

The silver plating procedure does not cause unpleasant associations

Keep in mind that, unlike other dental procedures, silvering cannot be done at home using improvised means. The thing is that the material can react with plaque, which in the future will cause complications when cleaning your teeth.

Many doctors have encountered a situation where parents are trying to use the service for financial gain, rather than being guided by the dentist’s testimony. Some people simply do not have the time and money to regularly take their child to the dentist, buy him expensive toothpastes and special brushes.

This measure is indicated only when demineralization of the enamel becomes noticeable until it is deeply damaged. That is, the procedure is prescribed in the early stages of dentin damage.

If an unqualified doctor offers a service at an advanced stage of the lesion, then silver can reach the pulp and simply destroy it. Pulp death occurs asymptomatically, without causing discomfort or pain. Therefore, neither the baby nor his family notice anything until the tissues decompose and possible occurrence gangrene.

So, the reasons for prescribing the teeth silvering procedure for children:

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Let's look at the pros and cons of silvering baby teeth (before and after photos are shown below).

Let's start with positive impact enamel material:

  1. The procedure itself is very simple, quite quick and absolutely painless, which will not cause unpleasant associations with the dental office in the child.
  2. The material used for manipulation is environmentally friendly and natural, does not contain toxins, impurities or highly allergenic components.
  3. The method is accessible to the middle class and gives a long-lasting effect, which relieves parents of the need to take their baby to doctors every month.
  4. Is in a great way prevent the development of caries, destruction of teeth and enamel, the formation of chips and cracks on it.
  5. Silvering allows you to delay the disease just long enough for the baby to grow up and change baby teeth to molars.

Let's now take a look at negative consequences and features of the event:

The essence of the event and stages of implementation

Silvering of baby teeth in children is carried out using antiseptic composition– silver nitrate.

The event is indicated for children over 2.5 years old, when the bite is fully formed.

So, the baby receives a doctor’s consultation, indications, contraindications and possible allergies on the material used and antiseptics. Anesthesia and the use of abrasive materials during manipulations are not provided.

Next, take a cotton pad soaked in a special medical solution. It wipes the surface of the enamel, after which a coating appears on it gray shade. By the way, the procedure is carried out only on the smooth part of the tooth, avoiding use on the chewing area.

The plaque is fixed, resulting in the appearance of a dense dark film that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, cariogenic microbes, etc.

In addition to silver nitrate, other preparations containing silver and fluorine began to be used for manipulation. Popular products include Arginate and Saforide. Their active ingredients react with enamel and dentin, resulting in the formation of calcium fluoride and silver phosphate. They clog the dentin channels, thereby destroying germs and bacteria.

Above we looked at how and why children’s teeth are silvered. It remains to establish how often the procedure should be performed.

But still, the number of sessions will depend on other factors: the type of feeding (breastfeeding, complementary feeding, artificial feeding), the age of the baby, dietary features, regularity of necessary oral hygiene, etc.

Contraindications for the event:

  • in the baby’s diet, as well as the water he drinks, there is high content fluorine;
  • caries in the middle or deep phase.

Other types of tooth preservation from caries

Since the silver plating method is considered obsolete in most European countries, a lot of alternative options to preserve the health of baby teeth. They involve a more modern and relevant approach to the procedure, allowing you to achieve long-lasting results without the use of unaesthetic materials.

Before silvering your child’s teeth (photos are presented below), you should familiarize yourself with other similar procedures, such as fluoridation, remineralization, ozonation, fesure sealing, etc.

Whatever method you choose for yourself, remember that dental procedures do not replace literate daily hygiene child's oral cavity. In addition to caries, other pathologies and diseases can lie in wait for a young body, such as periodontal disease, periodontitis, fistula, stomatitis, etc.