Professional teeth cleaning using the Air Flow method. Pros and cons of brushing teeth using the Air Flow method

The article was written by a periodontist with more than 19 years of experience.

Air flow teeth cleaning occurs by exposing the teeth to compressed air, water and fine particles of sodium bicarbonate. This method was developed by the Swiss company EMS (Electro medical system), and as we can see, it has much in common with sandblasting.

Indications for use –

  • removal of pigment and bacterial plaque,
  • removal of small hard dental deposits,
  • polishing tooth enamel,
  • polishing the surface of roots in periodontal pockets up to 5 mm deep.

Air Flow devices manufactured by EMS (Switzerland) and NSK (Japan) –

The devices can be made either in the form of a separate block (Fig. 1) or in the form of a special tip that is attached to the dental unit (Fig. 2-3). Big difference between devices different manufacturers does not exist, but some doctors say that the flow of NSK's water-air spray with abrasive is somewhat softer.

In addition to the classic “Air Flow”, there is also the “Air-Flow Perio” system, which is designed for polishing the surface of the roots in deep periodontal pockets (more than 5 mm deep). Air-Flow Perio is a good alternative, which is used in patients with periodontitis also for removing subgingival plaque and polishing the surface of the roots.

Air Flow: price 2019

The price range for this service is very wide. Much will depend on the equipment: the cost of a service using an original EMS device will be an order of magnitude higher than working with an NSK AirFlow handpiece. Accordingly, this will greatly affect the final cost of the service.

In addition, the price depends on whether you need to do only Air flow, or whether you need a comprehensive cleaning, which will also include ultrasonic cleaning + fluoridation of teeth after the procedure. Such a comprehensive cleaning in the regions will cost starting from 2500 rubles, in Moscow - from 3500-4000 rubles (in economy class clinics).

If you only need to do Air Flow, the price is different clinics Moscow ranges from 2,500 thousand to 5,000 rubles.

Air Flow cleaning: how it works

As we have already said: the device creates a mixture of compressed air, water and particles of a fine abrasive substance (sodium bicarbonate). This mixture is applied to the teeth under high pressure. Particles of sodium bicarbonate hit the plaque, as if knocking it off the enamel, and the water-air spray washes away the abrasive particles and fragments of the removed plaque.

When using this method Damage to tooth enamel is completely eliminated due to the size and special shape of sodium bicarbonate granules. In addition, for patients with damaged or particularly sensitive enamel, it is possible to use the “Air-Flow Soft” powder version, which contains an abrasive with a smaller particle size.

However, the manufacturer guarantees that when using Air-Flow Classic powder, which has a standard abrasive particle size, you will not get scratches on the surface of your teeth. This is achieved by giving the abrasive particles a rounded shape, carried out using special equipment.

How does the procedure take place?

As we have already said, this method allows you to effectively shoot without too much thick layer plaque and tartar, so if you have massive supra- and subgingival dental plaque, the dentist will first do. And only after that, with the help of Air flow, it will remove all remnants of plaque, pigment spots from the teeth, and polish the teeth.

The duration of the procedure depends on the number of teeth, the degree of their contamination, and the density of plaque. But on average it ranges from 30 to 60 minutes. First, the patient's lips are lubricated with Vaseline to prevent them from drying out, and a saliva ejector is placed under the tongue. You may feel slight pain during the procedure if you have sensitive tooth necks.

Air flow teeth cleaning requires protecting the patient's eyes from microbes that are carried out of the mouth by the air flow, as well as from accidental ingress of abrasive particles. Therefore, patients wear safety glasses before the procedure, and wear a cap to keep their hair clean.

Air flow teeth cleaning: video procedure

Important: In the first 3 hours after the procedure, you will not drink coffee and tea, smoke or eat foods that stain teeth enamel (for example, wine, beets...). It will be ideal if you purchase to maintain the achieved whiteness of your teeth at the proper level. This brush is especially necessary for smokers and strong tea/coffee lovers.

Air flow whitening –

Teeth whitening Air flow occurs by removing from the tooth surface absolutely all surface contaminants that can change the color of the tooth (bacterial and pigment plaque). However, you must understand that Air flow cannot change the natural color of the hard tissues of the teeth - the latter can only be achieved through dental procedures.

Thus, Air flow whitening occurs only by removing external contaminants from the surface of the teeth - almost exactly the same as the abrasive type. It is only natural that such pastes will be much less effective than professional cleaning or chemical bleaching.

Air flow: reviews

Air flow teeth cleaning has extremely positive reviews, and patients, speaking about the shortcomings, remember only the pain in the area of ​​the necks of the teeth during the procedure. The temperature of the water-air spray is slightly lower than body temperature, and therefore people with increased sensitivity of the enamel may well experience moderate discomfort, which, however, is quite tolerable.

Advantages of Air flow –

  • High-quality cleaning of tooth enamel, root surfaces in periodontal pockets - from bacterial and pigmented plaque, even in the spaces between teeth.
  • An amazing feeling of freshness in the mouth after the procedure, as well as the smoothness of the teeth enamel.
  • The procedure causes less discomfort than ultrasonic cleaning, which may be important for people who are afraid of dental procedures.
  • Air-flow and Air-flow Perio allow you to remove the bacterial film with endotoxins from the surface of the roots in periodontal pockets. This is very important in patients with periodontitis, and allows, in combination with

IN lately increasingly dental offices people began to visit not only with health problems oral cavity, but also those who simply want to restore lost whiteness to their teeth.

It's no secret that snow-white smile is an additional attracting factor to a person, and the availability of professional whitening procedures offered today makes dreams of a smile without embarrassment come true. In particular, we're talking about about a new product in this area – the procedure for professional oral hygiene using the Air Flow method.

What is the technique?

In fact, this procedure cannot be called whitening, in the sense that it will not be able to give your teeth a whiteness that you could not even dream of before. It's just very high-quality cleaning, during which plaque, stains and stone are removed.

As a result, your teeth will still whiten, but only to your own natural shade. Very good effect will be noticeable in a person who has some bad habits(for example, constantly drinking coffee).

The main feature of the service is that As a result, the enamel remains intact. For this work it is used special device, which “can” simultaneously spray water, air and abrasive powder.

The latter is sodium bicarbonate, or more simply, ordinary soda. When used in pure form the enamel surface will inevitably be damaged, but in such close coexistence it becomes completely safe and copes well with any darkening of the teeth.

The cleaning composition penetrates into all the far corners of the oral cavity, and does an excellent job of removing contaminants in the interdental space.

Indications for the procedure

The main indication for this procedure is severe pigmentation of the teeth. An unsightly and persistent plaque can appear due to drinking tea, coffee, red wine, and, to a greater extent, due to smoking.

In addition, you should try this new product on your own teeth in the following cases:

  • In case of treatment of orthodontic diseases to reduce the number pathogenic bacteria in hard-to-reach places.
  • As a prophylaxis against periodontitis and periodontal disease, as well as for chronic inflammation dental pockets.
  • As a preparatory operation before professional whitening.
  • When using prostheses, implants, braces, veneers and other restorative elements. High-quality hygiene of foreign materials in the maxillofacial system is the key to the absence of infectious diseases in the future.

Let's see short video about the procedure for brushing teeth using the Air Flow method:


Despite such successful use of this method of cleaning the oral cavity, some categories of citizens will still have to abandon it for the following reasons:

  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract(bronchitis, asthma). The procedure may cause difficulty breathing.
  • The need for a salt-free diet, since the cleaning composition contains a certain amount of salt.
  • Use of drugs that affect processes salt metabolism in the body.
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Very common caries;
  • Increased sensitivity of teeth.
  • The enamel is too thin.
  • Negative reaction of the body to citrus flavor.

How is the procedure performed?

The whole procedure takes no more than half an hour and does not cause any painful sensations
. There is only a pleasant lemon flavor. Before work, the doctor lubricates the patient’s lips with Vaseline to prevent them from drying out.

The client's eyes are covered with special safety glasses, and a cap is put on his head. Preparatory stage completed, and the doctor proceeds to the main stage.

A dental vacuum cleaner is inserted into the patient's mouth under the tongue, which will suck out excess liquid and cleaning results. Otherwise, the client would have to swallow the waste material or constantly spit it out. This work is carried out by an assistant.

At the same time, the doctor treats each tooth with smooth circular movements using a special device, holding its tip in a certain position (at an angle of 300). When brushing teeth using the Air Flow method, it is not allowed to touch the gum tissue.

After the work is completed, fluoride gel is applied to the patient’s teeth, which is designed to strengthen the enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.

At the moment of impact on tooth enamel Using this method, the cleaning composition removes the natural protective film (cuticle). It is independently restored from saliva within several hours.

Therefore, immediately after the procedure and some time later (or better yet, wait a day), patients are not recommended to eat foods that have pigmenting elements (for example, tea and coffee), as well as solid foods.

You should also refrain from the desire to smoke. And the feeling of increased sensitivity for several days after the procedure should be considered a normal condition.

Listen carefully to your dentist's advice regarding your next oral care routine. I'll have to change the brush(there will definitely be bacteria on the old one that you tried so hard to get rid of), and buy mouthwash.

Experts advise repeating this cleaning at least once a year to maintain natural color and overall oral health.


Today, this technique is one of the the most effective preventive procedures for oral diseases. With its help, the nutrient medium in which they reproduce is completely destroyed. harmful bacteria and microorganisms, and even the color of the teeth changes by 1-2 tones.

You can only count on such a result if the procedure is carried out by a professional and experienced specialist. The price of the service may vary depending on the qualification level of the clinic and the doctor, but in general the amount is 1000-1500 rubles per session is quite acceptable.

However, the Air Flow procedure itself is not carried out separately. As a rule, it is part of a complex for cleaning the surface of teeth from plaque. It cannot remove stone (hardened deposits), so in such cases the Air Flow service is complemented by ultrasonic cleaning.

In addition, the tooth surface after treatment with a water-air-soda composition needs to be polished. This separate species services, for which you will also have to pay.

Well, you will need to prepare an additional amount in order to apply a strengthening composition with fluoride on top of the enamel after all the manipulations. On average, full complex services depending on the level of service of the clinic, it may cost up to 4000 rub.

Many clinics offer free consultation for this service. Professional doctor will assess the condition of your oral cavity at first glance and will tell you whether it is possible to at the moment carry out such a procedure, and what needs to be supplemented with it.

Dental clinics often hold various promotions and provide discounts, including for teeth cleaning using Air Flow technology.

In the central part of Russia, a full range of teeth cleaning services costs on average 2,500 – 3,000 rubles. In the cities of the Urals, this procedure can be performed for 1500 – 2000 rubles. You will have to pay from 1000 rubles for the service in Siberia and the Far East.

Advantages and Disadvantages

When choosing a method for professional teeth cleaning, Air Flow is worth paying attention to, if only because of the price. Other methods may provide a better whitening effect, but you will have to pay several times more for them (up to 15,000 rubles).

In addition, the obvious advantages of this procedure include:

  • Gentle effect on fabrics, enamel is not damaged during operation;
  • Complete safety of the service - no seal will be damaged during cleaning;
  • Thorough oral hygiene (even in the most secluded corners there will be no bacteria left);
  • Excellent prevention of caries formations;
  • Minor impact on the tooth surface with a leveling effect (teeth become smooth and absolutely even to the touch).

There are not so many disadvantages of this method, and you can easily “put up with” them:

  • Inability to remove hard deposits of tartar (if there is such a need, then together with Air Flow the doctor performs ultrasonic cleaning).
  • The inability to make your own teeth whiter than they actually are (why - already described above);
  • The whitening process is only available for the visible part bone tissue(and another question - how important is this for the patient);
  • When using the device, there is a possibility of damage to the gums (therefore, you should only contact a qualified specialist).

Perhaps these are the most basic points that can cause a negative reaction among clients. For the rest, those who have already tried this new technique, do not see significant shortcomings, and are ready to periodically repeat the procedure.


The Air Flow procedure was recently included in the list of services provided by dental clinics, but very quickly found its fans. Painlessly cleaning soft plaque, while returning your teeth to their natural shade for such a modest fee is the ultimate dream of many.

And judging by the reviews, those who want to apply for repeated procedure not a little. If you have similar experience, please share it in the comments. Perhaps your story will help a person who is still in doubt decide to transform his appearance.

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  • Svetlana

    February 8, 2015 at 6:50 pm

    I have experienced the whitening procedure using this technology myself more than once. After it, the teeth are truly completely cleaned, even in those places where you can’t reach them with a brush. They become a little lighter, apparently due to the removal of plaque, but are more sensitive, although this passes quickly. There are undoubtedly advantages, because thanks to such thorough cleansing, the spread of caries, the main destroyer of our teeth, stops.

  • Lyudmila

    February 17, 2016 at 10:01 pm

    Apparently this good procedure, which does not cause any pain, which is very important to me. But, to my regret, I can’t do it yet, because I’m feeding a child, and this is contraindicated. Although, I really want to, for little money, it is indicated that it costs about 4 thousand rubles per course, with repetitions once a year, to improve oral hygiene.

  • Anastasia

    April 21, 2016 at 0:15

    I did this procedure last year. Let me start with the fact that it was a little painful at the very beginning, when they brushed their teeth with a skyler (if I remember correctly), but when a stream with a sweetish taste was put into the mouth, discomfort there wasn't. After the procedure, the teeth became very white, but, unfortunately, the sensitivity of the teeth increased. After 2 weeks everything returned to normal.

  • Sabina

    July 1, 2016 at 1:00 p.m.

    Personally, I am more than satisfied with Air Flow cleaning; I do it about once every six months. Significantly removes soft plaque on my “slightly crooked” ones lower teeth. You can't clean it out with a brush. And the teeth themselves are definitely a shade whiter, I can’t say anything about sensitivity, it doesn’t bother me.

    True, then I strictly do not drink coffee and black tea and other coloring products for 2 days, maybe it’s prejudice and overkill, but I do exactly that!

  • Maria

    January 14, 2017 at 1:41 am

    Air flow cleaning is a wonderful procedure. Both I and my teeth are delighted with it. I do it constantly, on average once every six months or a year. It is also good to go through it immediately before visiting the dentist, so that defects and holes for filling can be better seen, since it is easier to treat caries when it is minimal. After the procedure, there is a very unusual sensation in the mouth: the teeth are all smooth, clean, and every crevice is visible. About a week after the procedure, I find any excuse to look at my teeth in the mirror. Well, after some time, of course, everything returns to normal, as smoking and cigarettes do their job.

Surely you have heard that you should undergo hygienic cleaning at the dentist 2 times a year. No matter how carefully you take care of your teeth, problems will still appear over time. yellow plaque. It can only be eliminated using professional methods - ultrasound or the Air Flow method.

But which is better: ultrasonic cleaning or Air Flow? Each method is good in its own way. Which procedure should you choose to achieve an ideal result?

How does ultrasonic teeth cleaning work?

The scaler tip produces ultrasonic waves that crush dental plaque into small particles. Then these particles are simply washed off with water. It is very important that ultrasound not only removes tartar on the visible surface of the enamel, but also copes with bacterial deposits in the interdental space and under the gum.

At the end of the session, the tooth surface is polished with nylon pads and abrasive paste.

Typically, no anesthesia is needed. But if you sensitive enamel or gums are inflamed, it is better to apply local anesthetic with lidocaine. The session takes 20-40 minutes depending on the amount and volume of dental plaque.

Pros and cons of ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning occurs without mechanical or chemical effects on the enamel, so the method is considered non-contact and completely safe. Designed to remove hard limestone plaque - tartar, which cannot be removed at home.

This is not only a hygienic, but also an aesthetic procedure. After removing the tartar, the enamel acquires a natural white tint and goes away. bad smell from the mouth.

Subgingival stone is the cause of chronic inflammatory diseases: gingivitis, periodontitis. Therefore the method ultrasonic cleaning A scaler is an excellent prevention.

Benefits of ultrasonic cleaning

  • does not erase or damage enamel;
  • completely cleanses hard coating, including in hard-to-reach places;
  • counteracts pathogenic bacteria;
  • returns teeth to their natural shade.


The ultrasound method is contraindicated for patients suffering from cardiac arrhythmia, asthma, chronic bronchitis, as well as those who have a pacemaker. It is not suitable for cleaning dental implants and dentures, as vibration waves can damage their structure. The first trimester of pregnancy is also a contraindication to ultrasonic teeth cleaning.

Features of the Air Flow procedure

Air Flow is a sandblasting device made in Switzerland for removing soft bacterial plaque on teeth. Applies when dental plaque It has not yet had time to harden and turn into stone.

The essence of the procedure

The abrasive mixture is delivered through a thin tip under high pressure. The paste consists of fine powdered sodium bicarbonate (soda), as well as water and air. A powerful jet hits the dental plaque, washing it away from the enamel. At the same time, the surface of the teeth is polished and ground, becoming smooth and shiny.

Air Flow is considered absolutely safe, since the soda crystals are very small and cannot damage teeth. However, if the enamel is too thin, sensitive and weakened, postpone the session until later.

The method is also used to prepare the dental surface before aesthetic and medical procedures: whitening, fluoridation, installation of veneers, braces so that the enamel is perfectly smooth and clean.

Pros and cons of Air Flow abrasive cleaning

Advantages of the method

  • safe, painless procedure;
  • removes yellow and brown coating from wine, coffee, cigarettes, eliminates age spots;
  • prevents further accumulation of plaque and the formation of hard tartar;
  • Suitable for cleaning the surfaces of implants, crowns, orthopedic products in the mouth.


  • not suitable for removing tartar;
  • does not clean subgingival deposits;
  • does not have a bactericidal effect on enamel and gums (although it removes bacterial plaque).

Contraindications include illness respiratory system, periodontitis, the presence of multiple carious lesions in the oral cavity, pregnancy.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning and Air Flow: comparative characteristics

Now we can summarize and compare the two methods.


Ultrasonic cleaning

Air Flow procedure


Removing tartar and subgingival deposits. Prevention of caries and gingivitis.

Removing soft pigmented plaque. Preparing the surface before whitening and installing braces.

All patients, but especially those who suffer from bleeding and inflammation of the gums.

Smokers, coffee and tea lovers.


Presence of implants or dentures in the mouth, respiratory diseases, pregnancy.

Diseases of the respiratory system, depleted enamel, deep caries. Pregnancy.

How often to go

About once every 6 months

As needed - approximately once every 3-6 months

Duration of the procedure

20-40 minutes

20-30 minutes


Painless. Possible slight discomfort in sensitive areas.



Lightens enamel by 1-2 tones. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, sterilizes the tooth surface.

Lightens enamel by 1-2 tones. Eliminates "smoker's plaque". Prevents the formation of tartar.


Dentists often prescribe comprehensive teeth cleaning, which includes both ultrasonic and abrasive treatment. This is relevant for patients who have not seen a dentist for a long time or have a “neglected” condition of their teeth. Therefore, one method is not enough here.

Air Flow cleaning is perhaps the most popular method of professional oral hygiene. He's different high quality cleaning and is the best way prevent common dental diseases. Many procedures, such as fillings and orthodontic treatment, are performed only after.

Choosing Cleaning Air teeth Flow, you can decide immediately the whole complex problems: careful removal of deposits, lightening of pigmented areas and polishing of tooth enamel. In this article we will tell you everything about Air Flow technology: how hygiene is done, what contraindications and features of the procedure are, what is not allowed after brushing your teeth, and much more.

What is Air Flow?

Air Flow teeth whitening is based on the principle of treating enamel with a fine mixture of water, air and sodium bicarbonate from a sandblaster. Spherical shape of solid particles and high blood pressure together they have a gentle polishing effect. One of the components (sodium bicarbonate) is more familiar to you as ordinary baking soda, but it is simply impossible to achieve such an effect using it at home. Hygienic cleaning takes about an hour.

Airflow Air Flow allows you to clean not only the front side of the teeth, but also the most difficult to reach areas. This procedure can be performed even after veneers or crowns have been placed. Air Flow has proven itself to be the best professional hygiene to keep teeth in perfect condition.

Advantages of the system

The popularity of Air Flow teeth cleaning among dentists and their clients is no coincidence. This technique has objective advantages that are difficult to dispute. Let's look at just a few of them.

  1. Air Flow allows you to not only perfectly clean the enamel, but also slightly whiten it. Due to 100% removal of plaque and pigmentation, teeth acquire their natural shade. Thanks to cleansing, tooth enamel becomes lighter by an average of 2 shades. Air Flow whitening gives a pleasant aesthetic effect.
  2. The mixture used to polish enamel is completely safe for health. It does not injure the tissues of teeth and gums. It turns out that there is only a superficial effect, but penetration into the structure does not occur. It is because of this that the number of contraindications to Air Flow cleaning is minimal compared to other similar procedures.
  3. Professional cleaning does not cause any painful or even unpleasant sensations. The device nozzle is directed only towards hard tissues, which are completely insensitive to physical influence.

Thanks to these advantages, professional teeth cleaning using the Air Flow method is widely used in dental practice. The cost of the procedure is quite affordable, the average price is in the range from 2 to 3.5 thousand rubles. You can see in the photo how teeth are cleaned in the dentist's chair.

This technique can be called universal, since dentists recommend it in the most different cases. The most common indications for cleaning:

  • lightening of pigmented areas after removing braces;
  • cleaning teeth from plaque and stains resulting from drinking coffee, strong tea or smoking;
  • high-quality prevention of periodontal disease;
  • preparing enamel for further whitening.

Professional cleaning using the Air Flow method is often used by dentists to prevent the formation of caries in people with. The absence of gaps reduces the quality of self-hygiene, as a result, plaque accumulates and the destruction of tooth enamel begins. Regular professional cleanings can help prevent further dental problems.

Technique of the procedure

To bring even greater clarity to the mechanism of action, we will consider the approximate technique of the procedure. In any dentistry, cleaning is done in approximately the same way. There are minimal differences, but they are not significant.

  1. Your doctor will ask you to wear a cap and safety glasses to protect your hair and eyes from dust particles.
  2. To prevent you from experiencing discomfort from dry lips, Vaseline is applied to them.
  3. A saliva ejector tube must be placed under the tongue.
  4. The doctor turns on the device and, directing the nozzle at an angle of 30 to 60 degrees, begins processing the enamel, avoiding contact with the gums, dentin and root cement.
  5. Each tooth is treated separately using gentle circular movements.
  6. After cleaning, the teeth are coated with protective varnish.
  7. The dentist gives advice and recommendations after cleaning regarding dental care over the next few days.

The entire session takes about an hour, after which you can enjoy impeccably clean teeth.

Who is contraindicated for cleaning?

Due to the fact that there is no penetration into the structure of the teeth, and all components are completely safe for humans, there are practically no contraindications. It is recommended to refrain from using this method only in three cases:

  • when diagnosed bronchial asthma;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with severe allergies to citrus fruits.

After cleaning, doctors strongly recommend that you refrain from drinking any drinks and foods that can stain your teeth enamel for at least 3 hours. The same goes for smoking. It's even better if you give up all of the above for a few days.

In this article, we told you everything you need to know about the Air Flow technique. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a useful video in which you can listen to the opinion professional dentist about this procedure and get a visual representation of its implementation.

The Air Flow procedure is an abrasive teeth cleaning that is performed with a sandblaster in the dentist's office. Its principle is softening and delicate scraping of plaque from the enamel. The method is effective against persistent age spots from coffee, tea, cigarettes. In addition, it also prevents caries and gingivitis.

Cleaning or bleaching?

Air Flow gives a double effect - professional teeth cleaning and whitening.

Basic principles of the procedure:

  1. Enamel cleaning occurs due to exposure to a strong jet (water, air and abrasive paste).
  2. The special Prophy-Mate tip delivers the mixture under high pressure, washing away plaque and polishing the enamel.
  3. Baking soda or calcium-containing powders are used as an abrasive, which are gentle on the surface of the teeth.
  4. The procedure gives cosmetic effect, because it brightens the enamel to a natural shade. Teeth look 2-3 shades lighter.

This is an excellent alternative to expensive and not always safe chemical bleaching. However, if your goal is to make your smile look snow-white in Hollywood, you should additionally undergo laser or photo whitening.

How does the procedure work?

The session lasts about 30-40 minutes and consists of the following stages:

  • the patient puts on plastic glasses to protect eyes from splashes;
  • a saliva ejector is placed in the oral cavity;
  • the doctor sets the nozzle at an angle of 50-60 degrees in relation to the dentition and cleans each tooth from all sides without affecting the gums;
  • the pressure of the sandblaster is adjusted depending on the volume of dental plaque;
  • the remaining material is collected by a special suction tube;
  • at the end of the procedure, the tooth enamel is coated with a protective fluoride varnish;
  • After the session, it is not recommended to consume coloring food, drinks or smoke for 2-3 hours.

Advantages of the method

  • It is painless and comfortable, does not require anesthesia;
  • allows you to clean even the most difficult to reach areas - fissures (grooves on chewing teeth) and interdental spaces;
  • brightens enamel, artificial crowns, fillings;
  • does not damage enamel and gums;
  • After the procedure there is no hypersensitivity of the teeth.

Ultrasound or Air Flow?

The main task of abrasive cleaning is to remove soft pigmented plaque. However, this procedure is not able to cope with tartar. Ultrasonic cleaning is used for this.

A special scaler attachment creates ultrasonic vibration that literally breaks hard limestone deposits into small particles.

Then follows the second stage - mechanical cleaning with a special brush with abrasive pastes.

As you can see, ultrasonic method- this is the heavy artillery in the fight against different types raid. Air Flow is more suitable for smokers and coffee lovers.

The cost of the procedure is about 4000 rubles. (2 jaws), an ultrasonic cleaning session will cost approximately 3,000 rubles.

Contraindications to the procedure

The method is safe for health, but still has some contraindications:

  • asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases (due to the threat of an attack of suffocation);
  • inflammatory diseases periodontal disease in the acute stage;
  • thinned, weak enamel, as well as its increased sensitivity to temperature and mechanical stimuli;
  • bruxism, which is characterized by pathological abrasion teeth;
  • deep carious lesions;
  • childhood.

Air Flow during pregnancy

However absolute contraindications There is no use for Air Flow while pregnant; the main thing is to consult your doctor first.

It is worth abandoning the procedure in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the laying of all the child’s organs occurs, as well as the formation of the placenta. Therefore, it is better to limit any stress on the body.

The safest time for hygienic teeth cleaning is the second trimester of pregnancy.

Cleaning results in the “before” and “after” photos

Air Flow whitening price

The procedure can be performed in almost every dentistry. The price of the service is from 1500 rubles. The cost depends on the novelty of the device, as well as the level dental clinic. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to carry out hygienic cleaning every 4-6 months.

On our website you can find the closest dentist to your home, as well as find out prices for all popular services. To do this, use the convenient search system.