Why does an adult grind his teeth in his sleep, what to do about it: causes and treatment of grinding at night. Psychosomatic causes of pathological tooth wear. Bruxism The relationship between faith and dental disease

A person simply does not notice most habits in himself, but he is often angry at similar manifestations in other people.

One of these unpleasant moments is involuntary grinding of teeth, which in medical terminology is called bruxism.

About the violation seriously

Bruxism in adults is a condition of involuntary clenching of teeth, resulting in grinding.

This may be a consequence of certain processes in the body or a harmful addiction, which is noted much more often. This habit does not pose a serious health hazard, but it does create some problems.

This uncontrollable grinding of teeth intensifies at night when a person is sleeping, which puts extra stress on the temporomandibular joint.

The consequence of creaking is also damage to the enamel, and abrasion of teeth, a negative impact on the facial muscles, joints, and the emotional state of the person himself and his loved ones, for whom grinding prevents them from resting.

The disease is more common, but age and gender do not play a role in this issue.

Some interesting statistics

According to statistics, bruxism most often occurs before the age of 7 years - 30-50% (usually by the age of 7 in children the problem disappears on its own), in while in adults the same figure is only 10-15% of the total population.

But it is also assumed that bruxism is much more common in adults, so the statistics are inaccurate. Lonely people grinding their teeth are not even aware of their condition because they have no one to tell about it.

In the daytime form of the disorder, the person himself notices its manifestations and tries to control his condition.

Nature of the disease

According to some scientists, bruxism is a sleep disorder, like somnambulism (sleepwalking), enuresis, snoring, nightmares and apnea (stopping breathing during sleep).

This assumption has not been officially confirmed, because this phenomenon has not been fully studied. There are suggestions that teeth grinding at night is a response to involuntary activity during sleep, when a person talks in a dream, experiences hallucinations, and is between sleep and wakefulness.

It is known for sure that bruxism occurs in aggressive people who are trying to suppress anger, as well as in citizens prone to stress and emotional stress, which often entails work activity. In any case, grinding your teeth at night can lead to serious consequences.

What Causes Teeth Grinding?

Teeth grinding is not an independent disease. It only indicates psychological or physiological disorders in the body.

If bruxism is detected in an adult, then before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination to find the cause that provoked the presented pathology.

Physical reasons include:

Psychological causes of bruxism include:

  • uncontrolled nervous excitability;
  • protracted stressful situation (passing exams, waiting, family difficulties);
  • drugs, withdrawal syndrome due to nicotine or alcohol addiction.

Stress is a common cause of teeth grinding. 70% of all identified cases are the consequences of nervous tension and frequent worries. The most sensitive and emotional people are more likely to develop this problem.

Lifestyle can also influence the formation of a “bad habit”: alcoholism and smoking, excessive use of antidepressants, consumption of caffeine in large doses.

All this provokes stimulation of the cerebral cortex during night sleep. A person suffers from insomnia, which increases the risk of bruxism.

What is the danger

Delayed treatment entails harmless consequences:

  1. First of all, a patient who grinds his teeth all night feels pain in the maxillofacial area, because the muscles and joints of the face are under constant tension and this causes pain.
  2. In addition, from the constant grinding, the chewing surface of the teeth wears off, they become loose and become, and the aesthetic appearance of the teeth deteriorates.
  3. Bruxism radiates pain to the ears, maxillary sinuses, the patient wakes up with a headache in the morning, hearing gradually begins to deteriorate, and facial asymmetry slowly develops.
  4. Human insomnia begins to torment, nervousness, irritability, overexertion and even depression appear.

If the disorder suddenly appears in an older person, then you should undergo an examination, because teeth grinding may indicate epilepsy.

In addition, a person cannot sleep in the same room with someone; it is difficult for him to build a family life. Several cases of divorce have been officially recorded precisely because of teeth grinding while sleeping.

How to identify the problem yourself?

A person suffering from bruxism may not know for a long time that he grinds his teeth in his sleep. He should be alerted to the following accompanying symptoms:

These signs also indicate other diseases, but it is worth paying attention to the condition of the teeth. If they are worn out, dentures are damaged, or the bite has changed, then there is a possibility of bruxism and you should consult a specialist.

Therapy - a full range of measures

Treatment of bruxism is divided into two stages: dental and psychological, because the cause of grinding lies in the psychological state of the patient, and the dental stage is needed to prevent consequences for the teeth.

Treatment can be started independently, where the compression of the upper and lower jaw should be controlled. They should not touch, thus reducing tooth friction.

Dental stage

Several times a day you should relax your muscles: spread your jaws, while pursing your lips. Stay in this position for several minutes. If teeth grinding occurs during sleep, then such exercises should be performed before bed.

You can control bruxism during the day by doing some exercises for your chin:

  • position your head straight;
  • relax your jaw and open your mouth;
  • gently move your chin back;
  • do the exercise in front of a mirror to control the correct position of the upper and lower jaw;
  • repeat the exercise 15 times; for quick and desired results, at least 3 sessions per day should be performed - this exercise will help correct the bite and relax the temporomandibular joint.

Psychological stage

Psychological treatment of bruxism involves relieving stress in the patient. Daily deep breathing will help you get rid of psychological stress: inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

In addition, it is necessary to exercise the patient physically, because physical exercise will help not only relieve nervous tension and stress, but also produce endorphins. It's good to do yoga - it relaxes the whole body and muscles, including the facial ones.

Conservative and traditional medicine

Drug treatment involves reducing the activity of the masticatory muscles. Here they resort to the use of sedatives and hypnotics, magnesium and calcium, B vitamins, and Botox injections.

Among the folk remedies for bruxism, a warm compress in the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint helps - the heat relieves spasm and prevents the jaw from clenching. Before going to bed, you should also chew carrots or chewing gum so that your muscles get a workout and don’t contract at night.

To prevent tooth wear and breakage, dentures can be used - these are overlays on the teeth to prevent the jaws from touching.

For preventive purposes, you should normalize your psycho-emotional state, learn self-massage and relaxation techniques, and get rid of bad habits. This is the only way to prevent the development of a problem that has a destructive effect on a wonderful smile.

Yulia Zotova

Front teeth– show teeth, 4 front + fangs. Aggression in a good way. Grab it with your teeth and don't let go. This is my territory!!! Grab and hold. Problems – CONFLICT, or PROBLEM WITH AGGRESSION. Gnawing on the granite of science. If you knock out your teeth, it's self-punishment. The aggressiveness of the environment causes tooth loss and damage.

Lateral teeth– chew and grind, the topic of assimilation of circumstances, how to deal with the situation, make it digestible.

Upper lateral teeth– the topic of decision making.

Lower side– taking responsibility for your decisions. On the left is personal, on the right is social. Holes in the upper teeth, decision making.

Hurt without destruction, the painfulness of the decision-making situation.

Inserted teeth– to have something to make decisions with. Become more decisive. This is the same as gaining decision-making skills. You have to pay for this experience.

Weak enamel. The person is vulnerable. He made a decision, but something happened and he is ready to change it. Or, on the contrary, insensitivity to external circumstances in making a decision - if the enamel is strong, but is destroyed from the inside.

Tartar. A person makes his own life difficult. He burdens himself with unnecessary worries. Hung up additional solutions. Instead of 1, I made 101 decisions.

Teeth whitening– if we’re going to make a decision, then it’s for the ages, and forever.

Periodontal disease. The person seemed to decide to join the fight, aggression, anger, but either did not or did not finish the job. The feeling of tension and anger remained. Periodically. Chronic condition of unexpressed aggression - swollen gums, unexpressed aggression. Fear of carrying out aggression due to the expectation of negative consequences. Hidden chronic irritation. When the object of invisible aggression is removed, periodontal disease also goes away.

Stomatitis– ulcers. Inflammation. An ulcer is an insult that eats away at you. They are holding something offensive in their mouth, either they are holding their own offensive words, or they are holding someone else’s words, an insult. And they do not dare to chew, or digest, or express and release.

Cheek biting. The desire to hide information that causes concern. From myself, from everyone.
Tongue biting- self-punishment, when you blurt out too much and punish yourself.
Pip on the tongue, - internal conflict about what was said.

Louise Hay

Teeth symbolize decisions.
Dental problems - long-term indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for subsequent analysis and decision making.

Mouth symbolizes the perception of new ideas.
Bias. Closed mind. Inability to perceive new thoughts.

Liz Burbo

Mouth (diseases)

Physical blocking
The mouth is a facial cavity that connects to the digestive tract and respiratory tract. The description below is true for all mouth related problems including ulcers, pain, etc.

Emotional blockage
Since the mouth is the upper part, the entrance of the digestive system, any of its diseases indicate a person’s refusal to “swallow” and assimilate some new idea, and the source of this idea can be either another person or the patient himself. Such a refusal is a rash, hasty decision. A problem with the mouth suggests that the person should be more calm and open: a new idea may be useful.
If a person bites the inside of his mouth, this is a sign that he wants to hide some information that is causing him anxiety.

Mental block
If you have any problems in your mouth, realize that you were overcome by fear, that you reacted too quickly to something, and that nothing bad will happen if you allow yourself to reconsider the decision you made too hastily. It will benefit both you and, no doubt, someone else. Try to think that any new idea is useful until you are convinced otherwise. Inflammations and ulcers in the mouth also arise as a result of bad thoughts that you kept in yourself for a long time before expressing them. Try to keep track of such thoughts and don't let them linger in your head for too long. Allow yourself to say what you want to say without thinking about other people's reactions.


With the help of lips, a person can grab food, make sounds, breathe, whistle and kiss; lips also serve to protect teeth. In metaphysics upper lip associated with the desires that we carry within ourselves, and lower lip- with the environment in which we develop. If a person bites his lip, he is angry with himself for saying something unnecessary, for letting it slip.

Gums (pain)

Physical blocking
Gums are that part of the oral mucosa that covers the roots of the teeth. The description below applies to gum pain. If your gums are bleeding, see also the article bleeding.

Emotional blockage
A person whose gums hurt cannot put into practice an already made decision, because he is afraid of the consequences. He is also afraid to express his desires and needs, and experiences despair and helplessness.

Mental block
You must find out how real and justified your fears are. If you have failed often before, this does not mean that you will not succeed this time either. Remember that there are no mistakes in life, there are only experiences that make you wiser and help you cope with new problems. Your body wants you to set goals and move towards them gradually, without trying to get everything at once. Believe in your strength and ability to create your own life.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment
To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself questions:
“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?” (This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.)
Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

Bad breath

Physical blocking
A healthy person's breath has virtually no odor. If bad breath is caused by a physical disease - a disorder digestion, dental caries etc. - see the corresponding article. The description below applies primarily to cases where bad breath is not associated with any pathology.

Emotional blockage
A bad smell of this kind comes as if from the depths of a person’s soul and indicates that this person is experiencing severe internal pain, as well as hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge - towards himself or towards people who have somehow hurt him; Thoughts about this cause him deep shame - that's why he doesn't even want to acknowledge them - and gradually kill him from the inside. With the help of this unpleasant smell, he keeps people close to him at a distance, although in fact he needs their presence more than anything else.

Mental block
If you think you have bad breath, ask a few people who know you well. Find out if this smell is associated with any disease. If not, then he is saying that you should reconsider your attitude towards some things, since it greatly harms you. There is no wound that cannot be healed by true forgiveness. You don't have to feel helpless anymore. Also get rid of the false shame that you have maintained within yourself for so long. Tell yourself that you are a nice, pleasant person, and become like that in reality. (The stages of forgiveness are described at the end of this book.)

To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself questions:
« If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?"(This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.)
Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

Teeth (diseases)

Physical blocking
Dental problems include any pain caused by caries, fracture (crack) of the tooth or loss of enamel. People often think of uneven teeth as a problem, but it is more of an aesthetic problem. Teeth grinding is also considered a problem.

Emotional blockage
Since teeth serve to chew food, they are associated with the way a person chews new ideas or circumstances in order to better assimilate them. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations. Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and is not able to bite someone in real life or stand up for himself. Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Caffin:

The eight right teeth of the upper jaw are associated with a person’s desire to manifest, to express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world. The eight left teeth of the upper jaw are associated with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself. The eight right teeth on the lower jaw are associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction. Eight left teeth in the lower jaw are associated with the manifestation of sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental block
Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you must improve your relationship with your mother.

Also, the four upper incisors (front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and the four lower incisors represent the place your parents occupy. Any problem with your teeth means that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need. Instead of having a grudge against someone, take care of your own desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself.

If you are suffering from increased tooth wear- that is, if the enamel is gradually erased from them, this means that you allow your loved ones to use you. As a rule, the one who most often allows himself to be used is the one who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself in any way externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue to use you, try to feel true, unconditional love for them.

Grinding (gnashing) of teeth, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you accumulated anger and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake. But this is only a temporary relief. You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth. To do this, you must go through all the stages of forgiveness described at the end of this book.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment
To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself questions:
“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?” (This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.)
Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

Dental caries

Physical blocking
Caries is the most serious dental disease. It begins by exposing the surface of tooth enamel to acids (especially those found in sugar). The enamel is gradually destroyed, and the acids penetrate deeper, invading the bone, or dentin, and creating a cavity there. At this stage, the tooth becomes very sensitive to cold, sweet and sour foods. When caries reaches the pulp, inflammation occurs, which excites the branches of the nerve, and toothache begins.

Emotional blockage
Since teeth are necessary for chewing, that is, preparing food for digestion, caries indicates that a person does not want to accept someone or something. He feels intense rage, and therefore cannot take action and express his desires.

Caries also indicates that a person does not allow himself to laugh and takes life too seriously. If you want to find out what area of ​​your life the unsatisfied desires that caused tooth decay relate to, see the article Teeth.

Mental block
Caries means that your stubbornness only harms you: it causes the same pain in your soul as a bad tooth causes pain in your body. Instead of being constantly angry and keeping this anger inside, you should reconsider your attitude towards what is happening around you and understand that not all people think the way you do. Learn to laugh at yourself, see the funny in people and events. Also, stop thinking that sugar can make life more enjoyable and eat as little of it as possible.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment
To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself questions:
“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?” (This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.)
Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


See article Teeth, with the addition that the person is exhausted and is making his life more difficult.

Jaws (diseases)

Physical blocking
The jaws are the bony foundation of the middle and lower parts of the face. The most common jaw problems include pain, fractures and dislocations.

Emotional blockage
Since the jaw ensures the normal functioning of the teeth, problems with it indicate suppressed anger, which prevents a person from expressing himself correctly. If the jaw is dislocated, that is, it does not close and generally moves poorly, this indicates that the person is struggling to restrain himself and is about to explode. He can no longer control himself, just like he can't control his jaw. He urgently needs to “let off steam”, since any delay is fraught with serious damage to his health.

Mental block
Since the jaws and teeth allow us to bite and chew food in order to better digest it, problems in this part of the body indicate that a person is preventing himself from biting into life or having a stranglehold on what he needs. Your body wants you to check how real the fears are that force you to restrain your emotions and constantly control yourself. You have everything you need to overcome these fears. For more information about jaw problems, see the article Teeth.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment
To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself questions:
“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?” (This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.)
Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

Tongue (diseases)

Physical blocking
Language is an organ composed of muscles and mucous membrane and plays an important role in chewing, speaking and swallowing. The taste buds on it allow us to distinguish between sweet, salty, sour and bitter. The following problems are associated with language: ulcers, Cancer, damage, tumor, numbness, burn And tongue biting.

Emotional blockage
Most tongue problems indicate that a person feels guilty about what they eat. These problems can also arise in a person who blames himself for not keeping his mouth shut, that is, for saying something unnecessary. Language has many functions, and therefore in order to accurately determine which area of ​​​​life the feeling of guilt relates to, you should use additional questions.

If a person bites his tongue, he feels guilty about what he said or was about to say.

Mental block
If you often blame yourself for the fact that you like to eat a lot or eat deliciously, the following saying can help you: “It’s not what goes into your mouth that hurts, but what comes out of it.” No matter what you blame yourself for, a sore tongue tells you that your wrong ideas about right and wrong, good and bad, are harming you. You have to get rid of these ideas. Allow yourself to experience situations and emotions that develop unconditional love in you. Try to express yourself and don't be afraid to seem awkward.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment
To understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself questions:
“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?” (This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.)
Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.

Salivary glands (problems)

Physical blocking

The salivary glands produce saliva, which performs many important functions, such as: moisturizes the walls of the oral cavity, facilitates the swallowing of food and helps transform it into a homogeneous mass, and ensures the initial digestion of starches. The main problems associated with the salivary glands are: SALIVA HYPERSECRECTION, SALIVA HYPOSECRECTION and MUMPS.

Emotional blockage

When they say about a person that he has drooling, this means that he really wants something. Thus, hypersecretion of saliva indicates that a person has too many desires. He is impatient because he wants to move too quickly and absorb too many new ideas; he doesn’t even have time to think whether he needs these ideas at all. His hyperactivity is often caused by the desire to make other people happy.

It is also possible that this person is accumulating saliva in order to spit on someone. He wants to do it, but he holds back, and saliva accumulates in his mouth.

Hyposecretion, that is, a lack of saliva, indicates the opposite: a person is very suspicious and does not want to swallow what comes from others - insults, reproaches, deception, etc. For fear of being made a fool, he misses many favorable opportunities and does not move forward. This person usually seems drier and more indifferent than he really is. He may also be suppressing his desires.

Mental block

If you suffer from excess saliva, your body wants you to stop swallowing everything that others feed you. No one in this world is capable of making another person happy. You can give another person your love and attention, but only he can decide whether it makes him happy or not. In addition, if you learn to save your energy and spend it on your own needs, your anger and aggression towards other people will stop, and the desire to spit on some person or situation will disappear. You must also recognize your needs and be realistic in your desire to meet them.

Ecology of health: Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it...

Do you have problems with your teeth? Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of dental problems.

Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems:

Emotional blockage.

Since teeth serve to chew food, they are associated with the way a person chews new ideas or circumstances in order to better assimilate them. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations.

Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and is not able to bite someone in real life or stand up for himself.

Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michele Cuff-fen:

EIGHT RIGHT TEETH OF THE UPPER JAW associated with a person’s desire to manifest and express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world.

EIGHT LEFT TEETH OF THE UPPER JAW connected with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself.

EIGHT RIGHT TEETH ON THE LOWER JAW associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction.

EIGHT LEFT TEETH ON THE LOWER JAW associated with the manifestation of sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental blockage.

Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you must improve your relationship with your mother.

Besides, FOUR UPPER INCISERS(front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and FOUR LOWER INCISERS- the place your parents occupy.

Any problem with your teeth means that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need. Instead of having a grudge against someone, take care of your own desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself.

If you are suffering from WEAR teeth - that is, if the enamel is gradually worn off from them - this means that you are allowing your loved ones to use you. As a rule, the one who most often allows himself to be used is the one who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself in any way externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue to use you, try to feel true, unconditional love for them.

in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems.

Problems in the mouth area show you that you are to a certain extent unable to accept new impressions and ideas. You are guided by ossified views and adhere to old patterns of behavior. Say "Welcome" to new ideas and concepts! and accept new things readily. Be fluid and open, then your mouth will again become capable of receiving food.

With our teeth we bite. They are an expression of whether we can achieve our goal, energetically get down to business and overcome difficulties, whether we can show our teeth to someone, snarl. Bad teeth are a sign that you do not demonstrate your punching power well and cannot show your aggressiveness to the outside world, and you don’t see it or don’t want to notice it.What is it that is so hard for you to get your teeth into?

Often you cannot decide to do something and suppress your inner aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and recognition of others if you allow your aggressiveness or desires to manifest themselves. Be completely yourself, no matter what others expect of you. Accept your aggressiveness, let it show, don't judge yourself for it. This way, aggression can be transformed into a positive creative force that will help you achieve your goals with ease. Be honest with yourself.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems.

The skeletal system and teeth receive strength from faith, firmness and cleanliness in a person’s desires, will, speech, emotions, thoughts and actions.

Faith strengthens the immune system of the skeletal system, it also gives enthusiasm and joy in work, which leads to an increase in the strength of the skeletal system and teeth.

Mistrust reduces immunity. As well as the strength of the skeletal system and teeth.

Unbelief causes suppression of the immune system and causes infectious processes in the skeletal system and teeth.

Strength of character gives perseverance and elasticity of the skeletal system and teeth.

Weakness leads to decreased resistance and increased softness of the skeletal system and teeth.

Stiffness causes increased fragility of bones and teeth.

Cleanliness in character leads to a decrease in inflammatory processes in bone tissue.

Sloppiness increases inflammation in bone tissue.

Pinching causes increased sensitivity of bone tissue and teeth.

There is external and internal purity.

  • External cleanliness means cleanliness of the body.
  • Inner purity is purity of actions.

Both types of purity depend on purity of mind and purity of mind.

There is a dirty, defiled mind, and a pure mind. A pure mind always has pure, sublime thoughts. We can check whether our mind is pure or not. What are we thinking about, such a mind. If the mind is dirty, then there is a high probability of developing inflammatory processes in the bone tissue and oral cavity.

If a person’s thoughts and will are not strong, not persistent, then the teeth are not strong either, they quickly begin to crumble and fall out. And there are overly rigid and categorical thoughts, then the teeth will also suffer on the left. Quality: persistence, firmness, confidence. Inconsistency, indecision, uncertainty, desecration, uncleanliness, injustice, rigidity, aggressiveness in thoughts cause dental suffering on this side.

If a person has lost a tooth- this means that he did not act as expected. Excessively violent activities lead to the fact that a person loses his teeth. You see that everything is natural and there are no accidents.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of dental problems.

Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for subsequent analysis and decision making.

Harmonizing thoughts: My decisions are based on the principles of truth, and I know that only the right things happen in my life.

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values...

But all this is not the goal, but only the means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, illnesses, problems and other troubles come as feedback from the Universe. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, takes the right Path!

There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of gum problems.

Gums are that part of the oral mucosa that covers the roots of the teeth. The description below applies to gum pain.

Emotional blockage.

A person whose gums hurt cannot put into practice an already made decision, because he is afraid of the consequences. He is also afraid to express his desires and needs, and experiences despair and helplessness.

Mental blockage.

You must find out how real and justified your fears are. If you have failed often before, this does not mean that you will not succeed this time either. Remember that there are no mistakes in life, there are only experiences that make you wiser and help you cope with new problems. Your body wants you to set goals and move towards them gradually, without trying to get everything at once. Believe in your strength and ability to create your own life.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of problems with gums.

Just as your gums are the foundation for your teeth, self-confidence and self-belief are the foundation for your ability to get things done and to bite. Gum problems indicate a deficiency in this area, usually due to the fear of losing the love of those around you. You don't have the courage to crack hard nuts, you're too vulnerable and sensitive. When you learn to love and respect yourself, you will become independent of the love and respect of others and will find within yourself the strength to realize your real desires. And then you will be able to truly love others, because love will be in you.

Wonderful! Reiki will help you regain lost faith in yourself.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the occurrence and healing of gum problems.

Inability to carry out decisions. Lack of a clearly expressed attitude towards life.

Harmonizing thoughts: I am a determined person. I go to the end and support myself with love.


Lack of joy in the decisions you make in life.
Harmonizing thoughts: I believe that only right actions take place in my life. There is peace in my soul.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev in his book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

A healthy person's breath has virtually no odor. Bad breath can be caused by a physical disease - DIGESTIVE disorder, DENTAL CARIES, etc. The description below applies primarily to cases where bad breath is not associated with any pathology.

Emotional blockage.

A bad smell of this kind comes as if from the depths of a person’s soul and indicates that this person is experiencing severe internal pain, as well as hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge - towards himself or towards people who have somehow hurt him. Thoughts about this cause him deep shame - that's why he doesn't even want to acknowledge them - and gradually kill him from the inside. With the help of this unpleasant smell, he keeps people close to him at a distance, although in fact he needs their presence more than anything else.

Mental blockage.

If you think you have bad breath, ask a few people who know you well. Find out if this smell is associated with any disease. If not, then this means that you should reconsider your attitude towards some things, since it greatly harms you. There is no wound that cannot be healed by true forgiveness. You don't have to feel helpless anymore. Also get rid of the false shame that you have maintained within yourself for so long. Tell yourself that you are a nice, pleasant person, and become like that in reality.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

You breathe out what is in your thoughts, and if it smells bad, then something in your intentions is rotten or spoiled. And in this case, the symptom makes us honest with ourselves and shows what we are like internally. Therefore, pay attention to the world of your thoughts, what are they primarily aimed at? If your thoughts are again filled with love, friendliness and honesty, then you will exhale only goodness, your breath will again become pure and others will again be able to enjoy smelling you.

And here Reiki will lead you to self-knowledge.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Disease” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

Your “dirty” thoughts and feelings, your past are so outdated that they have already “stank.” It's time to bring something new and fresh into your life.

A young guy came to see me. He held a handkerchief near his mouth.

Doctor,” he said, “a year ago I started having bad breath.” I don't know what this is connected with.
- Maybe from inflammation in the nasopharynx?

But the doctors examined me and found nothing. And I feel that something is wrong there.

From communicating with the subconscious, it turned out that the cause of the problem was an unpleasant situation that happened just a year ago. And for a year now, the guy has been harboring anger and a desire for revenge.

I was able to convince him to reconsider his attitude towards the past and learn a positive lesson from it.

“Change your rotten old thoughts that have been preventing you from living all this time with new, fresh ones that will bring only pleasant experiences into your world,” I told him.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of bad breath.

Angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. The past gets in the way.

Harmonizing thoughts: I'm happy to part with the past. From now on I express only love.

WISDOM TOOTH (with obstructed slot)

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of a wisdom tooth with an obstructed eruption.

You don't make room in your mind to lay a solid foundation for later life.

Harmonizing thoughts: I open the door to life into my consciousness. There is ample space within me for my own growth and change.


Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about the possible metaphysical causes of tartar.

From them you will learn about frozen, undeveloped aggressive moods that have actually petrified. This condition indicates to you that you must better consciously solve your problems, then they will not need to be deposited on your teeth.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about the possible metaphysical causes of caries.

Emotional blockage.

Since teeth are necessary for chewing, that is, preparing food for digestion, caries indicates that a person does not want to accept someone or something. He feels intense rage, and therefore cannot take action and express his desires.

Caries also indicates that a person does not allow himself to laugh and takes life too seriously. If you want to find out what area of ​​your life the unsatisfied desires that caused caries relate to, see the article TEETH (PROBLEMS).

Mental blockage.

Caries says that your stubbornness only harms you: it causes the same pain in your soul as a bad tooth causes pain in your body. Instead of being constantly angry and keeping this anger inside, you should reconsider your attitude towards what is happening around you and understand that not all people think the way you do. Learn to laugh at yourself, see the funny in people and events. Also, stop thinking that sugar can make life more enjoyable and eat as little of it as possible.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes.

GRINDING of teeth, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you have accumulated anger within yourself and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake. But this is only a temporary relief.

You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of teeth grinding.

Grinding of teeth at night shows helpless aggression. The desire to actually bite is suppressed during the day, so the sharpness of the teeth decreases slightly at night. Be aware of your aggressiveness, your frustration and helplessness, do not push them into the night. (See also the information above on dental problems.)


Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes about the possible metaphysical causes of periodontal disease.

All this is due to the fact that a person is distrustful and sloppy. Mistrust reduces immunity, and sloppiness increases inflammatory processes. Periodontal disease begins when the gums become involved in the disease and purulent processes begin. This means that distrust and negativism have reached a fairly high level.

The same can be said about sloppiness. Even the horse obeys these laws. People have always determined the stamina and obedience of horses by their teeth; if a horse has good teeth, it means it will be calm and hardworking. published

Teeth a person needs to gnaw, bite, tear, grind, grind. Teeth, from the point of view, they understand both the food with which we constantly deal, and the information, problems, situations that we encounter every day. Also, teeth have an important component of the survival program of humans as a species, which is based on the manifestation of their aggression. We can say that teeth sometimes act as our weapons when we are powerless to fight back.

This method of psychodiagnostics (or psychosomatics) reveals the causes of dental disease, as well as the psychological portrait of people whose teeth hurt and deteriorate.

It is generally accepted that aggression is evil. But from our point of view this is not so. Konrad Lorenz conducted an in-depth study of this issue, which can be read about in his book “Aggression is the so-called evil.” This issue was also studied by Erich Fromm, who wrote a book about it, “The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness.” They examined this problem quite thoroughly, and to understand it more deeply, we recommend reading these books.

Aggression- This is, first of all, the instinct of self-preservation of man as a species on this planet. If it weren't for her, we would have been eaten a long time ago. And no one would write this article, and no one would read it. When faced with situations that pose a threat to life, both ancient and modern people choose one of two options - kill or run away. If the opponent is much superior to us in strength, the amount of adrenaline in the blood and the awareness of the meaning of fighting to the death, we retreat. But if we have something to die for and we understand that the chances of victory are very high, then we enter into battle. And here teeth will be very useful to us.

If we consider the human body as a weapon for protection and killing, then it is not so adapted for survival in an aggressive environment. We have soft skin and no sharp fangs or claws. It is clear that the current era is crammed with martial arts and the ability to kill with bare hands, but for some reason it seems that a naked karateka is unlikely to be able to resist a saber-toothed tiger and, most likely, will choose a quick climb up a tall tree as a self-defense technique. But teeth give a person the opportunity to gnaw the enemy’s throat, bite off part of the flesh, etc. The damage can be quite significant in proportion to the potential.

Children understand this well even in kindergarten and primary school, when one of their peers mercilessly bites and gnaws. But what is very important, he does this with confidence that his actions are honest and correct. All children avoid this child, are afraid to go into conflict with him and, if possible, give in. And he doesn’t even need to use his hands; it’s enough to leave a mark of his teeth on the opponent’s skin.

In adults, this program then disappears due to social education, but it does not die out. Believe me, if a situation arises in which a person has no other choice, he will bite his throat. At the seminar, they described to us a case where a special forces soldier, who was tied up by his opponents, bit two people to death and thanks to this he was able to survive and escape. So it’s not for nothing that prison films often show prisoners with metal fixations on their teeth.

Often in history, the more powerful have tried to force others into obedience and submission. And our era in this regard is no different from the old times. If you consider it, that is, as a weapon, and a warning about the possibility of biting, then you will understand why so much artificial positivity is put on a smile. By type, if a person smiles, it means he is glad and happy to see you. Sometimes it makes sense to look at it from a different angle - a smiling person afraid and threatening so that you are also afraid of him. It is unlikely that anyone will have the feeling when meeting a dog baring its teeth on the street with visible fangs that it is glad to see a person. No, she warns that she has nowhere to retreat, and she is ready to take the fight. The hand will definitely not rise to stroke her.

When teeth problems begin when they deteriorate, when teeth crumble (psychosomatics), then the main reason is calcium leaving the body. By nature, our body is made perfectly. Everything is interconnected, everything is checked, everything is adjusted so that we live, survive and do not know grief. Therefore, the body will never remove what it needs to work. When uric acid is not excreted from the body, when glucose is not absorbed. It turns out that calcium who is responsible for strength, reliability, strength of our support and resilience, the body does not need it, since it goes away. If it is not needed, it means that a person is not ready to defend his fulcrum, he loses reliability and strength. And if we take into account that teeth still make it possible to show constructive combat aggression, it turns out that we begin to be afraid. There is a fear of showing your anger, your dissatisfaction with the situation that has developed. In a word, a person cannot clatter his teeth and warn that he is angry and very dangerous. Teeth according to psychosomatics will deteriorate from caries when a person becomes overly social, adapts to the environment in fear of losing social recognition and position. There is a high proportion of this behavior when a person, instead of acting alone, strives to become part of the crowd.

The parathyroid gland is responsible for the level of calcium in the body. But if the parathyroid gland is calcium, like strength and strength, then it is anxiety and a sense of security.

Look at the statistics of people on the planet who are sick caries. There are about 97% of them. At the same time, excavations of ancient settlements show that caries existed already 5 thousand years ago. By type, this explains that not everything is so bad. The further we go in the world of total control called “democracy”, the more the stranglehold of control through consumption tightens, the more we lose the ability to resist the system. If we again raise the statistics, then the more developed the country, the higher the percentage of people with caries. For example, in Africa and Asia the number of people suffering from caries is several times less than in old Mother Europe.

We were traveling around Nepal and this was one of the things we noticed about the locals. On this occasion, we wrote an article "", which we recommend reading

Often women's teeth crumble, during pregnancy. And doctors explain everything by saying that, you see, all the calcium goes to the child and the woman spends her reserves, which she needs to replenish with artificial ones in the form of dietary supplements and/or through a huge amount of calcium. But the basis for calcium withdrawal is not the child, but the fear of losing one’s attractiveness, the fear of being dependent on a man, the fear of an unknown future. It could be anything. From the fear of childbirth itself with drawing in your imagination pictures of various kinds of complications or fear for the life and health of the child. This could be fear associated with choosing an unsuitable partner or uncertainty about the partner who got her pregnant. Need to search exactly what is she afraid of, where exactly did she lose her support?. We have seen many women who carried children and did not have any problems with their teeth.

It is often said that teeth deteriorate or caries occurs because the child eats a lot of sweets. For their part, scientists explained that large amounts of carbohydrates contribute to processes that corrode enamel. But from the point of view of the nature of the product itself and its influence on the character of the person who eats this product, sweets, sugar, glucose are substitute for love. We dwelled on this in detail when we examined it. So, when parents, and especially grandparents, cannot give their children normal, healthy love, they put their children on a “candy diet.” If we go back to teeth, then the child begins to show aggressiveness towards others through a lack of understanding and love on their part. And instead of working with this, the child is asked to eat sweets and not make a fuss. They buy his kindness and love, but the aggression does not go away. It doesn’t get a way out and the body gives the order “calcium out!”, which creates the precondition for caries. It is also quite common for children whose parents live with the child to have dental problems. You can identify it by the frequent use of phrases like:“we are still wearing diapers”, “we are already two years old”, “we love sweets very much.” These are mothers who have accepted the fact that the child is an autonomous and free citizen of this world.

Caries or crumbling teeth (psychosomatics) when a person is afraid, but does not go into battle. This is the fear of showing aggression. It can also cause a condition where the tooth aches or hurts. You can recall historical sketches when, before buying a gladiator, they looked into his mouth to see how intact his teeth were. The gladiator was not supposed to be a coward afraid of pain and death. He should not have shied away from the enemy, but had to give a fight and, most importantly, a spectacle, so that people would save his life and come to see him again by paying money.

It is important which teeth deteriorate in a person. To do this, you need to understand the coding and classification of the dentition.

Classification of dentition

Top row

  • Home as a place where we can put down our roots and stand firmly on our feet
  • Work is like the work of our life, which fills us with meaning and gives us the opportunity to fully realize our creative potential.
  • Family as the ability to love and constantly develop relationships with a partner.
  • The meaning of our life or existence, as an understanding of why we run around this ball called Earth.

So teeth, like weapons, protect, protect and prevent others from trampling on this space.

Bottom row

These teeth are more responsible for attacking, attacking and trying to invade someone else's territory. Pick up, seize, run over. And most importantly, they are more mobile and situational. If the upper teeth are inserted into the upper jaw, which is an integral and immovable part of the skull, then the lower teeth sit in the lower jaw, which is mobile and can both move forward and retract. They work more in the tactical and operational space, here and now.

Anterior incisors

These are teeth whose function is to bite off a share of the overall piece. You can, of course, tear with your fangs, as predators do in the animal world, but mostly we do this with our front teeth. These teeth are responsible for workaholism, activity and initiative, the ability to get involved in tasks and problems and solve them, cutting off piece by piece. From the animal world, the most “toothy” are beavers, muskrats, horses, and rats. It is difficult to find more workaholic and active animals.


Fangs are sharp teeth whose function is to bite, that is, to kill. Killing does not mean useless cruel destruction, but the ability to protect one’s body as a species. Note that animals most often show their upper canines. This is a signal of protection (top row) and readiness to attack to death (fangs). If you add up these factors, it becomes clear that the animal is pressed against the wall and there is nothing else left for it. But there is an option to agree so that there is no fight - the one who drove the animal into a corner retreats.

Again, how important fangs are is shown by old age. Almost all of a person's teeth fall out, but the fangs are the last to go! He will eat liquid food, porridge or finely ground puree, but he will still have the ability to kill in order to survive and not become mere prey for the enemy.

Fangs are a top-level argesofactor. This is our old, not yet forgotten animal program. No matter how much we become “homo sapiens intellectualus,” we will always have one last argument with which we can defend ourselves and arrange our “day of wrath.”

Molars (chewing) teeth

We need chewing teeth to thoroughly grind food. Grind over the problem, task, situation and most importantly, do it monotonously, patiently. To some extent, these teeth contain patience, endurance, and will. There will also be such a thing as the ability to wait and not expect an instant miracle or success.

Please note that it is in this zone that “wisdom teeth” lie, which appear in everyone at one time or another. For some, they immediately deteriorate and go away, while for others, only they remain in the row of chewing teeth. By “wisdom” we mean precisely patience. As they say, “if it grinds, there will be flour.” But people, driven by the current increased speed of technology development, no longer want to wait. “Why, I’m already 25 years old, and I haven’t yet earned money for my house and a good brand car.”

As an indicator of professional selection, we recommend not hiring people whose chewing teeth have deteriorated or are missing. Especially if this work is related to the ability to overcome negative scenarios and situations. This is exactly what they are not ready for! But the “grabbers” of them are just right - “stole, drank, went to jail”!

This was especially well understood in ancient times, when there was no resume or recommendations from a previous employer. The slaves and horses looked into their mouths to understand how undeveloped they were and whether they had the potential to plow a lot and productively. To some extent, the level of teeth can be determined by the strength of the molars.

Left side of the dentition

It is supervised by the right hemisphere, and is responsible for such concepts as: feelings, family, emotions, past, former and acquired.

Right side of the dentition

It is supervised by the left hemisphere, and is responsible for such concepts as: work, career, success, ambitions, business, future, money, prospects and plans.

Review of negative and positive physical forms for healing.

1. WISDOM TOOTH— (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

You are not making room in your mind for laying a solid foundation for later life.

I open the door to life into my consciousness. There is vastness in me space for my own growth and change.

2. WISDOM TOOTH— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Not giving the mental space to create a solid foundation.

Possible positive thought form

I open my consciousness to life. There is a lot of room for me to grow and change.

3. TOOTHACHE— (Guru Ar Santem)


Criticism of society, any societies.

This may include both criticism of the government, reforms, laws, and condemnation of doctors, police, merchants - any societies that make up the social structure. If someone criticizes another person or the activities of an entire organization with the goal of improving it, helping to understand something, then this may not cause a toothache. But when we sit in the kitchen, drink tea and scold the state, then our emotional energy flies out and hits this structure in the astral plane. This is an attack from our side and astral society has the right to fight back.

4. TOOTH CALCULUS— (Liz Burbo)

5. TEETH (PROBLEMS)— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Resentment towards father.

Possible positive thought form

I forgive all insults to my father. I imagine him as a little boy and my heart swells. Love to him.

6. TEETH (PROBLEMS)— (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Dental problems include any pain caused by CARIES, TOOTH BREAKAGE, or LOSS OF ENAMEL. People often think of uneven teeth as a problem, but it is more of an AESTHETIC problem. GRINDING OF TEETH is also considered a problem.
Emotional blockage

Since teeth serve to chew food, they are associated with the way a person chews new ideas or circumstances in order to better assimilate them. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations. Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and is not able to bite someone in real life or stand up for himself. Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Caffin:

The eight right teeth of the upper jaw are associated with a person’s desire to manifest, to express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world. The eight left teeth of the upper jaw are associated with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself. The eight right teeth on the lower jaw are associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction. Eight left teeth in the lower jaw are associated with the manifestation of sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental block

Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you must improve your relationship with your mother.

Also, the four upper incisors (front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and the four lower incisors represent the place your parents occupy. Any problem with your teeth means that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need. Instead of having a grudge against someone, take care of your own desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself.

If you suffer from teeth WEAR - that is, if the enamel is gradually worn away from them - this means that you are allowing your loved ones to take advantage of you. As a rule, most often he allows himself to be used That who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue to use you, try to feel real, unconditional love for them. Love .

GRINDING OF TEETH, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you have accumulated anger and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake. But this is only a temporary relief. You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth. To do this, you must go through all the stages of forgiveness described at the end of this book.

7. TEETH, DENTAL CANAL— (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

Unable to bite into anything with his teeth. No convictions. Everything is destroyed. Teeth symbolize the ability to make decisions. Indecisiveness. Inability to analyze ideas and make decisions.

Possible positive thought form

I have laid (laid) a solid foundation for my life. My beliefs support me. I make good decisions and feel confident knowing that I always do the right thing.

8. DENTAL CARIES— (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Caries is the most serious dental disease. It begins by exposing the surface of tooth enamel to acids (especially those found in sugar). The enamel is gradually destroyed, and the acids penetrate deeper, invading the bone, or dentin, and creating a cavity there. At this stage, the tooth becomes very sensitive to cold, sweet and sour foods. When caries reaches the pulp, inflammation occurs, which excites the branches of the nerve, and toothache begins.
Emotional blockage

Since teeth are necessary for chewing, that is, preparing food for digestion, caries indicates that a person does not want to accept someone or something. He feels intense rage, and therefore cannot take action and express his desires.

Mental block

Caries means that your stubbornness only harms you: it causes the same pain in your soul as a bad tooth causes pain in your body. Instead of being constantly angry and keeping this anger inside, you should reconsider your attitude towards what is happening around you and understand that not all people think the way you do. Learn to laugh at yourself, see the funny in people and events. Also, stop thinking that sugar can make life more enjoyable and eat as little of it as possible.

9. PARADONTOSIS— (Guru Ar Santem)


Criticism, shaking of foundations.

Again we find the action of the law of similarity. Gums are the foundation for teeth. When a person condemns the foundations of a family, clan, clan, people, or some society, then by doing so he undermines them. The foundations may be imperfect, they may contain violations of natural laws, but some people still need them and there is no point in criticizing them - society will fight for its foundations, laws, moral principles developed over centuries. Jews have one foundation, Ukrainians have another. A Ukrainian married a Jewish woman, ended up in her family and cannot resist criticism, as a result - periodontal disease.