Caries treatment system icon. Innovative caries elimination using Icon technology is a worthy alternative to classical treatment. Why is superficial caries dangerous?

ICON is a new technology in the treatment of the most common disease of the oral cavity, that is, caries, which manifests itself as brown spots on the surface of the teeth, indicating the activity of harmful bacteria. It is on them that the action of the ICON technique is concentrated and it is called “infiltration”.

Treatment of caries using the ICON method consists of filling the affected areas with a polymer composition that clogs the carious cavity and completely stops the proliferation of bacteria. In addition, ICON (AYKON) returns the previous density to the tooth tissues, which is disturbed during the course of the disease, they become more resistant to the effects of acids, while their natural composition is not disturbed.

Features of caries treatment using the ICON method

  • Minor destruction of dental tissues during treatment, which occurs without preparation.
  • The procedure is quick and lasts 20-25 minutes.
  • No drill or anesthesia is used, and the patient does not feel pain.
  • Healthy areas of the tooth are not subject to the stress that occurs during classical treatment.
  • The area treated using ICON technology does not visually stand out from other teeth.
  • The surface of the teeth retains its original shape.
  • The technique helps only if the disease has not progressed to the stage of deep caries. Otherwise, the technology will be powerless, and the use of the classical format of caries treatment cannot be avoided. This is why you need to visit your dentist regularly.

How is caries treated without a drill using the ICON method?

First, the surface of the affected tooth is cleaned using dental products, after which the dentist treats the surface of the tooth with a special gel. Next, a special ICON infiltrate is applied to the affected area, blocking the pathological process.
After this, they are illuminated with a polymerization lamp to harden the liquid, and polish the tooth surface to achieve ideal smoothness and shine.

Icon - innovative treatment of caries!

Innovations in the 21st century have revolutionized dental treatment. If previously one could only dream of treatment without drilling, today it is a common practice. The Icon method is the latest generation technology that is used to treat caries using a microinvasive method. For treatment, the infiltration concept is used, which enters the pores and strengthens the tissue. To date, dental treatment without drilling using this method has no analogues.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

The Icon treatment method is used when caries is at an early stage, as well as when the enamel is destroyed.

Contraindications include deep carious lesions, as well as problems with enamel. In addition, this method cannot be performed on patients with thin enamel and exposed roots. For deep caries, traditional drilling is used. The use of Icon is possible only in the initial stages of caries development. If the disease is detected in time, treatment with cutting-edge technology will prevent further damage to the tooth. You can identify the problem at an early stage using x-rays.

Infiltration dentistry has come into use not so long ago. This procedure does not use a drill, so the patient does not feel any pain, and the treatment lasts only 20 minutes. Icon involves the use of a special latex plate that protects the oral cavity from the area that is affected.

The technique was created by doctors from the German company DMG, which produces dental devices and occupies a leading position. To date, the technology has been successful in European clinics.

Technology Feature

The Icon Method treats tooth decay by filling the cavity with a special material that restores the natural color of the tooth tissue. The fact is that even at the beginning of the disease, caries allows acids to negatively affect tissue, penetrating deeper and deeper into the thickness of the enamel. Dentin is damaged and the roots become inflamed. This technology seals damaged areas, inhibits the development of caries and stops tissue destruction.

This material appeared on the Russian market in 2009. Now many Russian clinics use it. Patients are interested in whether this procedure is painful. The Icon technique does not cause any pain. Therefore, no anesthesia is required.

The difference between this technology and traditional technology is that Icon is not a filling material. During preparation, the dentist removes hard tissue. Thanks to the new technique, it is possible to preserve the tooth 100%, prolonging its life.

Benefits of the Icon Method

This method has many advantages:

  • Caries treatment is carried out without drilling, so healthy areas of tissue are not damaged.
  • The development of the disease stops the moment the doctor notices the problem area.
  • At the end of treatment, the appearance of the treated tooth is no different from its healthy “neighbors”.
  • The service life of the tooth is extended.
  • No pain, no need for anesthesia and drilling of hard tissue.
  • Treatment is carried out in one stage.
  • The success of the technique is confirmed by x-rays.

Disadvantages of the Icon Method

The following features cannot be fully considered disadvantages, since the cause is the human factor. Treatment of caries using the Icon method is not a panacea for all types of caries. Deep caries cannot be treated without drilling, even if the patient demands the use of Icon and is willing to pay for it. You cannot begin such treatment if it is not possible to take an x-ray, since it is difficult to assess without an image how severe the damage to dentin is.

Another disadvantage is the patient’s relaxation. After treatment, he forgets about this tooth, although control is necessary to prevent the pathology from re-developing.

Stages of treatment using the Icon method

  1. The tooth is insulated with a thin latex film.
  2. A special gel with a corrosive effect is applied to the crown, which opens the pores in the area with caries.
  3. The cavity being treated is dried with warm air.
  4. An infiltrate is applied to the affected area.
  5. A curing lamp is directed to the area to cure the material.
  6. The insulating film is removed.
  7. The tooth is polished to a smooth and shiny result.

After the procedure is completed, the patient can immediately lead his usual lifestyle without changing his diet.

Treatment of caries without drilling teeth

In most cases, caries formation occurs where the lesion is not immediately visible. These are the interdental areas where the teeth are close to each other. Cleaning in this case is impossible or very difficult. It is in such places that caries develops. Even the dentist does not always notice the disease in the initial stages. Only an x-ray can reveal the disease.

The modern Icon method is an alternative to traditional healthy tissue preparation. With an innovative technique, the damaged area is covered with a special preparation using an ultra-thin device. The drug impregnates and completely fills the tissue, and a white spot forms in the place where caries is present. This is what indicates illness. The stain is thoroughly dried and soaked in the preparation. The procedure will not take more than 20 minutes and will not cause any discomfort. The color of the enamel does not change. At the end of the procedure, the doctor guarantees 80% that filling will not be needed in the next few years.

A simple example is given to understand the technology. If you take a marker and apply a little coloring element to lump sugar, a colored spot will appear on the surface. Transforming the example into human teeth, the sugar is the affected area and the marker is a colorless monobond. It is absorbed into the carious area and hardens. As a result, the growth of caries stops. After the procedure, carious stains disappear or acquire a tooth color that is indistinguishable from natural.

Icon procedure cost

The price of treatment using the Icon method starts from 3,000 rubles and depends on the location of the caries and the volume of the lesion.

A drill always evokes a feeling of fear in everyone. Of course, who likes to hear buzzing and drilling in the tooth, which is sometimes accompanied by even unpleasant sensations. But technology has long stepped forward, so now there is a unique method of restoration that does not use standard methods of cleaning the dental cavity. One of these is the Icon caries treatment technology. Due to the fact that this method of treatment does not use a drill, it has become quite popular among many patients. But still, before using this method, you need to carefully study its features.

The name of the Icon treatment technology comes from the abbreviation Infiltration Concept, which means “infiltration concept”. It was first invented in Germany by DMG, then introduced into the practice of European dentists and then began to be used in Russia. In Russia, they began to use it not so long ago, only 6 years ago. But, despite its short lifespan, it has become a fairly popular technology; the thing is that during it there is low interference in the functioning of the human body.

Attention! The principle of Icon technology is based on the fact that during it the doctor introduces a special polymer composition into the affected area. The main task of this composition is that it completely closes the open cavity and stops the process of further spread of bacteria.

Also, using this technique, it is possible to completely restore the density of the structure of dental tissue, making it stronger and more resistant to the effects of acidic environments that can be observed in the oral cavity.
With the help of infiltration, you can stop the process of spreading carious lesions at the “white spot” stage without the use of a drill. Due to the fact that no drilling is performed during treatment, a large amount of dental tissue can be preserved.

ICON is a modern method of treating superficial caries without anesthesia and without a drill. The essence of the technique is to seal tooth enamel damaged by caries with a special innovative material.


The Icon infiltration treatment method has a number of features:

  • This treatment method is effective when dental caries is not yet in an advanced stage. If it is used already at advanced stages, then its use will not give any results and will be ineffective;
  • Using this method, increased strengthening of the structure of dental tissue is ensured, which can subsequently protect against acid attack.

    Important! It is worth considering that during this technology a thin layer of dental tissue is burned out, but this is still much less than when using a drill.

    After the Icon infiltration method, the enamel does not crack and retains its original structure;

  • This treatment method cannot always stop the spread of the carious lesion, sometimes it continues to spread. In these cases, the tooth structure is restored and treatment is performed according to the classical method.

Impregnation of the enamel with colorless monobond is Icon infiltration. This method allows you to get rid of caries at the spot stage. With its help, natural remineralization of carious lesions occurs.


Icon infiltration technology has a number of advantages, including the following:

  1. During its implementation, a small level of destruction of the structure of the dental tissue is observed, while the treatment is carried out without preparation;
  2. Quick implementation of the procedure, the period of which is about 20-25 minutes;
  3. During this treatment method, no drill or anesthesia is used, so the patient does not feel pain;
  4. During the Icon method, there is no stress on healthy areas of the teeth, which are often observed with the classical method of treatment;
  5. The area treated using the Icon technology is not visually distinguished and does not differ in any way from the structure of healthy teeth;
  6. After this treatment method, the tooth structure retains its original condition.

The drug for the treatment of dental caries using the Icon method allows you to treat teeth without using a drill machine. Treatment without drilling helps preserve healthy tooth tissue, minimizing mechanical intervention, and the absence of anesthesia makes the procedure more comfortable.


The disadvantages include the following nuances:

  • this method will be effective only for superficial caries. In severe stages of caries, methods of preparation and removal of dental tissue are used;
  • Icon technology costs almost twice as much as other classical methods;
  • the use of this method requires a highly qualified doctor and the development of innovative technologies;
  • Many dentists believe that this procedure is not effective in treating carious lesions.

The result of dental treatment using the infiltration method is the compaction of the porous part of damaged enamel, the creation and maintenance of more resistant dental tissue to aggressive irritants.

How is the procedure performed?

The Icon method technology is performed in several stages:

  1. At the first stage, a thorough cleansing is performed, and dental plaque is also removed. First of all, the soft plaque is cleaned off;
  2. It is important that the area to be infiltrated is completely dry, which is why many dentists use a rubber dam. During treatment, a latex base plate is installed, which ensures the isolation of the treated teeth from the oral cavity for the period of treatment;
  3. Next, the teeth are wedged using special wedges. This procedure is quite unpleasant, but it can be tolerated. The instruments are used to move the teeth away from each other;
  4. After this, the hard tissues of the tooth are prepared for infiltration.

    Important! A special gel with an etching structure is applied to the affected area; this product contains sodium hypochloride and amino acids.

    This product is left for a couple of minutes, after which a porous surface opens, on which the doctor carries out other medical manipulations;

  5. The gel is washed off using a water-air spray, then the tooth surface is thoroughly dried;
  6. Next, a special nozzle is used, which was developed by DMG. Two different polymers are applied to the tooth surface in two stages. The first polymer is applied and left for 3 minutes, then exposed. The second type of polymer is applied for 1 minute. After the defect is completely sealed and filled, the carious lesion is sealed with infiltrate;
  7. The result is visible immediately after this procedure. The tooth becomes white, and it is no different from other healthy teeth.

The main stages of the procedure: isolation of the tooth using a rubber dam – treatment of the affected surface with a special gel – drying of the pores using an alcohol solution – application of infiltrate to the tooth surface – polymerization – polishing of the surface.


Despite the fact that this procedure has a gentle effect and allows you to restore damaged tooth structure without using a cavity preparation with a drill, its use has some contraindications.
You should not use dental infiltration using the Icon method if you have the following contraindications:

  • the presence of medium or deep carious lesions;
  • if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components used during this procedure;
  • the presence of fluorosis or enamel hyperplasia.

In other cases, the Icon procedure is not prohibited. This treatment technology can be used even during pregnancy and early childhood, because it has a gentle effect.

Attention! The drugs used during this procedure are absolutely hyperallergenic. But before using them, it is still recommended to conduct the necessary examination and pass the appropriate tests.

To carry out this technology, it is required that the doctor has extensive experience, as well as high equipment of dental clinics. For this reason, few dental clinics and doctors undertake this procedure. Also, many old-school dentists do not believe in the effectiveness of this method at all.
Whether this method of treatment is worth using is not a clear question. Of course, at the first stage, when the carious lesion looks like a white spot, the use of standard treatment methods with a drill can only worsen the condition of the teeth, especially since during drilling there is a large loss of tooth tissue. In these cases, a cavity is formed that must be filled with filling material. But caries treatment using Icon technology is carried out without preparation, so it is often used at the initial signs of damage. Special polymer products allow you to restore the structure of teeth without cleaning with a drill. In any case, the choice is always up to the patient, and of course depends on the condition of the lesion and the dentist’s recommendations.

  • Essence of the procedure
  • Advantages
  • Indications
  • Flaws
  • Conclusion
  • Contraindications Icon

Modern dentistry demonstrates a number of persistent trends, including: painlessness, focus on preventive effects, the use of the most gentle techniques and the desire to avoid preparation procedures.

All these trends are fully consistent with the innovative method of treating carious formations - Icon.

The name of this technology comes from the merger of two terms - Infiltration CONcept, which translated from English means “infiltration concept”.

This method was developed and patented in 2008 by German dentists, after which it was successfully tested in many European countries, as well as in the USA and Japan. The procedure was able to successfully replace the previously widely used fluoridation technique due to its superiority.

Essence of the procedure

The basic principle of infiltration is the use of special substances to treat cavities caused by caries. This method is called microinvasive - one that has a minimal degree of penetration into dental tissue.

The developer, DMG Corporation (Germany), proposes to get rid of caries stains not by mechanical (drilling), but by chemical (dissolving and blocking) methods. We are talking specifically about the treatment of caries, and not about simple lightening of the surface of the teeth, which belongs to the field of aesthetic dentistry.

The Icon infiltrant gel, specially synthesized by scientists, is a special polymer substance with a viscous structure. Outwardly it evokes an association with the texture of resin, but of a different color. The gel is applied to the surface of the tooth and penetrates the enamel. After this, the activation of its action begins. The gel eliminates lesions, blocks further spread of the disease and “seals” the enamel. The infiltrating polymer helps neutralize cariogenic acids that cause destruction of the tooth body.

In the process of using the infiltration substance, remineralization of the carious surface occurs. Damaged areas are healed, and healthy areas receive additional prevention for the future.

The enamel, which under the influence of caries has acquired a porous structure and has become fragile, is strengthened after using the gel. Particles of the infiltrating substance fill the pores, making the tooth insensitive to adverse environmental factors.

Main functions of infiltration gel:

  • destruction of carious formations;
  • preventing their further spread;
  • improvement of the general condition of tooth enamel.

The Icon method is suitable for the treatment of vestibular and proximal surfaces. After the procedure, the teeth look natural: their natural shape does not change, a uniform color remains, stains and painful formations disappear.

The entire process takes place without pain or discomfort, so patients do not need to use anesthetic drugs. This makes it possible to use the infiltrating gel in the treatment of people who, due to their age, special health conditions or allergies, are forced to refuse pain relief during routine dental procedures.

The infiltrating substance has a good effect not only on molars, but also on baby teeth, so treatment with Icon gel can be prescribed even to small children. The effectiveness of the technique is more than 80%. This is precisely the indicator of cases where it was possible to avoid further development of caries and tissue destruction after one infiltration treatment procedure.


The developers of Icon technology set themselves the goal of providing the ability to treat caries without the use of drilling equipment. This is the key advantage of the innovative technology, which avoids pain and surgical intervention in the treatment of caries.

The main advantages of the Infiltration CONcept technique:

  • minimizing physical and psychological discomfort for the patient;
  • gentle effect that does not cause damage to healthy tooth tissues;
  • the ability to get rid of carious formations without drilling;
  • suitable not only for adults, but also for the youngest patients with caries;
  • can be used in hard-to-reach places that are difficult to reach during treatment with a drill;
  • You can get rid of caries in one visit to the dentist;
  • The infiltration procedure itself takes about 20-25 minutes;
  • after treatment, the natural shape of the tooth is completely preserved;
  • no need for filling.

After using the special infiltration gel Icon, not only the healing of diseased teeth is observed, but also the improvement of the condition of healthy ones. They become stronger, less susceptible to destructive factors - for example, sweet foods.

Due to its wide range of advantages, painlessness and short duration of action, the use of the Icon method is indicated for the treatment of caries in children in whom drills and other dental equipment cause panic. Applying a unique gel to sore areas does not cause pain or fear in children.


The main indication for using the infiltration method is caries in the initial stage.

Applying a disinfecting gel is also recommended after removing braces. This treatment procedure is often accompanied by the appearance of specific dark spots on the enamel. Icon's innovative technology helps not only to cure the area affected by caries, but also to lighten tooth enamel in places where it is darkened.

Another indication is the need to treat hard-to-reach places on the tooth, the interdental space. Sometimes the lesion reaches areas where drilling is impossible. The application of the gel is not limited to the visible side of the teeth, so it can be used to treat even the side and back walls, as well as microscopic cracks and chips.

Treatment of carious diseases using infiltration treatment is indicated even when other methods cannot be used, for example, if a pregnant patient contacts the dentist.

Contraindications Icon

The list of contraindications to the use of the Ikon procedure is limited. It includes:

  • special cases of allergic reactions to one of the components of the substance;
  • presence of defects in tooth enamel;
  • too deep lesions that have reached the deep layers of dentin;
  • the child's age is less than three years;
  • fluorosis

If serious violations of tooth enamel are detected, the use of the gel will not give the desired effect and may cause pain to the patient. Therefore, for advanced cases of caries, it is better to use classical techniques that require drilling.

Features of the procedure

Technologically, the process of caries treatment using Icon is carried out in stages:

  • mechanical cleaning of the tooth surface is performed;
  • bacterial plaque is removed;
  • a special latex plate is placed on the teeth to isolate them;
  • Dental wedges are used to reach hard-to-reach areas;
  • the diseased area is treated with a disinfectant;
  • holding time – three minutes;
  • the gel is washed off with water;
  • The tooth enamel is dried with a stream of air.

At the final stage, the cleaned areas are treated with a polymer substance and illuminated under a lamp. The finishing touch is grinding the tooth surface.

The entire Icon procedure usually takes no more than half an hour and does not require the patient to return to the dental office.

After finishing the work, the dentist must instruct the patient about the specifics of oral care. Post-procedure requirements are minimal: it is enough to refrain from smoking and drinking coloring drinks (tea, coffee) for the next two to three hours.


Like any other, even the most innovative technology, Icon has a number of disadvantages. They do not negate the positive impression of this method of treatment, but must be taken into account for its correct use.

Firstly, infiltration is not effective if carious lesions develop intensively and reach the internal tissues of the tooth.

Secondly, infiltration gel can only be used on a smooth surface; the presence of deep cracks and chips is unacceptable.

Thirdly, working with infiltration equipment requires special training of the dentist. Otherwise, Icon treatment may not be effective. In addition, incorrect assessment of the extent of carious damage can lead to penetration of the gel all the way to the nerve.

The last drawback of the Icon method relates to the economic component of the procedure. Due to its innovation, it remains expensive, so it is not yet very popular.


In general, the infiltration technique over its relatively short period of existence has proven itself to be effective and comfortable for the patient. The use of the innovative Icon gel allows you to successfully combat the initial manifestations of carious lesions and prevent their further development.

Safety, painlessness and short duration of manipulation make this procedure universal. All of the above factors provide good prospects for the use of Icon technology for the treatment of caries.

For most of the population, the sound of a dental drill evokes indescribable horror, which is why the need to visit the dentist’s office makes the knees tremble.

The dental industry is rapidly evolving towards providing patients with painless and effective treatment.

The German Icon technology, actively used by European dentists, refers specifically to such methods of therapy.

General overview

Icon technology has recently appeared in modern dentistry, but is already in great demand among patients.

The technique was developed in Germany in collaboration with the Charité Institute and the University of Kiel. This development offers patients microinvasive treatment of the initial stages of caries, while preserving dentinal tissue.

The technique involves painless therapy, excluding the use of a drill. Using the infiltration method, initial caries with lesion depths E1, E2 and D1 is completely cured.

Operating principle

Under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, tooth enamel is demineralized in some places, which leads to the development of caries, and in severe cases, tooth extraction.

If you pay attention to the condition of your teeth in time and identify the development of pathology at an early stage, you can correct the situation by resorting to the Icon method.

The operating principle is based on the fact that The area of ​​the tooth affected by caries is filled with a polymer composition, the main task of which is to seal and stop the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

It is possible to stop the growth of bacteria in one visit to the dentist, which is undoubtedly a huge advantage of the technology.

During the procedure, the enamel is not destroyed, and the natural appearance of the tooth is preserved. In addition, Icon preparations restore the density of tooth enamel, thereby providing increased resistance to acidic environments.

Technology and infiltration materials

The infiltration method of treatment is successfully used in pediatric and adult dentistry, due to a number of features:

  • the possibility of treating caries in the early stages without using a drill;
  • there is no need to use anesthetic drugs;
  • manipulations do not cause the formation of microcracks, and the dentin structure is strengthened;
  • the appearance of the tooth is preserved, which does not spoil the patient’s smile.

During the procedure, special materials are used, including a gel based on hydrochloric acid, ethanol and a composite material that hardens under the beam of a polymer light lamp.

Kits for infiltration treatment come in two types:

  • for smooth surfaces, used in places located near the mucous membrane;
  • for proximal surfaces, used in areas of contact of a diseased tooth with healthy units.

The kit includes medicinal formulations and all necessary tools.

The active elements of the drugs act exclusively on the cavity damaged by caries, without affecting healthy tissue.


Treatment of caries using the infiltration method can be used in the following cases:

  1. Removing braces. In this case, chalky spots appear on the teeth at the places where the braces are attached. The Icon technique stops the progression of the disease and preserves the integrity of the enamel.
  2. Initial stage of caries. The infiltration method allows not only to eliminate the affected tissue, but also to lighten the enamel.
  3. Caries damage in hard-to-reach places. The composition is able to penetrate into the interdental spaces.
  4. Childhood or pregnancy. The treatment process itself does not cause pain and does not cause harm to health, which allows it to be used to treat children, pregnant women and patients with contraindications to anesthetic drugs.


Despite its safety and effectiveness, infiltration technology also has a number of contraindications. These include:

  1. Late stages of the disease. In this case, the deep layers of dentin are affected, and the active substance is simply not able to have the proper effect. It is more advisable to resort to the classical method.
  2. Children under 3 years of age. Due to the concentrated acids in the composition of the preparations, use on children under three years of age is not practiced. In addition, not every small patient will be able to sit through the entire procedure, fulfilling the dentist’s requests.
  3. Individual intolerance to the elements of the drug. This phenomenon is rare, but if you are allergic to any component, the specialist will refuse to perform the procedure.

Stages of implementation

Treatment using Icon technology takes no more than 20-25 minutes. The process itself is divided into preparation, pickling, drying and infiltration.

The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The dentist cleans the tooth surface from food debris and bacterial plaque.
  2. Using a rubber dam (latex plate), the teeth are isolated from the mucous membrane.
  3. Using medical wedges, the dentist slightly spreads the teeth, allowing the drug to penetrate even the most inaccessible places.
  4. An etching gel is applied to the area affected by caries. Leave for a few minutes.
  5. The gel is washed off with a stream of water, and the tooth itself is dried with an air stream.
  6. The first polymer is applied and illuminated with a lamp for 3 minutes. The second polymer closes the carious cavity and is kept under the lamp for a minute.


As a rule, after treatment you do not need to follow any special instructions. The basic rule is to stop smoking, drinking coffee and other coloring drinks or foods for 2 hours.

Of course, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory hygiene measures familiar from childhood:

  • oral hygiene procedures twice a day, paying special attention to brushing your teeth in the evening;
  • use floss (dental floss) to remove food debris;
  • rinse your mouth after eating.


The advantages of the technique include:

  • high efficiency, as well as complete prevention of the development of caries in the early stages;
  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • no repetition required;
  • aesthetic result and improved dental condition.

The video talks about the benefits of caries treatment using an innovative method.


Despite its positive features, the infiltration method has a number of disadvantages:

  • high efficiency only for superficial caries, and in advanced cases treatment will not bring the desired result;
  • not every clinic can provide this service;
  • the cost of the method is significantly higher than classical filling.


Most patients note a positive result of treatment. However, this does not mean that the technology is a miracle of medicine and will save in all cases.

The deeper the carious lesion, the worse the result. This is due to the fact that not all dentin layers are reached during the etching process.

Thus, if you already have an average degree of caries damage, you should not expect a Hollywood smile from the procedure, so as not to be disappointed with the result.


Like all innovative technologies, the technique is expensive. However, in our time, even primitive methods of caries treatment are not cheap.

On the Internet you can find many clinics that offer a variety of prices for this procedure, but on average you will have to pay from 2 to 7 thousand rubles for processing one unit.


Until recently, there were only two ways to treat early caries - prevention through fluoride treatment and an invasive technique involving preparation and restoration of the affected tissue.

Undoubtedly, one of the analogues is classical preparation with filling with a composite material (installation of a filling), which involves the use of a drill.

There are also more modern methods, which, unfortunately, are not relevant in all cases.

For example, remineralization is carried out at the initial stages of disease development. This method involves restoring the mineral composition of the protective layer and removing deposits . This technique helps to compact the enamel and enhances its resistance to carious lesions..

There is also an ART method, where instead of a drill, excavators are used, which literally “scrape off” tissue affected by caries. Afterwards, the cavity is filled with glass ionomer cement, which releases fluoride into the tissue, thereby preventing the development of caries.

Dentists' opinions

Dentists have an ambivalent attitude towards infiltration treatment. Some believe that this procedure is effective and necessary in modern dentistry.

Other experts consider it an ineffective and unnecessary technique, remaining adherents of classical methods of treatment.

Pediatric dentists have a special relationship with Icon technology, arguing for its effectiveness, ease of use, and the absence of any pain in children.

In addition, the gentle method will allow children in the future not to feel afraid of visiting the dentist’s office.

In the video, a specialist answers frequently asked questions regarding Icon dental treatment technology.