The biggest dog in the world. The largest dog breeds Great Dane named Giant George


According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest dog in the world is currently considered to be a blue Great Dane named George. Typically, individuals of this dog breed weigh no more than 60-70 kg, but the weight of this dog is as much as 114 kilograms! His height is 2 m 13 cm, and his length from nose to tail is 221 cm!

According to the pet's owner, Dave Nasser from Arizona, the animal was brought into the house by his wife Christy - at that time the puppy was only seven weeks old. However, even then he had outstanding dimensions.

George continued to grow and the couple's daughter began to ride him like a pony. Despite its gigantic size, the record holder is very loyal and kind, although it takes up a lot of space and also knocks down many objects along its path. He loves to sleep on his owners' bed, leaving practically no room for them to sleep. The funny thing is that George is afraid of small dogs (such as Chihuahuas) and swimming in the pool for fear of drowning. And in general the pet is quite cowardly.

The pet eats a lot - every day he gobbles up to several kilograms of food. Despite all the difficulties, Dave and Christy love George, because thanks to him they visited, in particular, the Oprah Winfrey show, and also got into the Guinness Book of Records.

By the way, the dog has his own website and page on


Another record holder is a wolfhound named Bulldozer. This name was given to the dog by its owner Alexander Khudyakov - when he saw the trail left behind by an unusually large puppy walking through freshly fallen snow, he instantly formed an association with construction equipment. The weight of the Bulldozer, meanwhile, reaches 130 kilograms, so it should be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The dog is famous for its magnificent character. So, the wolfhound is simply unshakable - the neighbor boys simply love to ride him, but if he doesn’t want to do this, then there is no way to force him. But the guys are unable to move 130 kg of weight. Why, guys, not even every adult man can move him... At the same time, the Bulldozer never attacked or bit anyone.

Of course, the dog has excellent physical characteristics. True, he does not participate in battles, but he is an excellent household guard and saves livestock from attacks by predators, for example, a jackal or a wolf.

Over the eight years of his life, Bulldozer has won so many awards that they barely fit on the top shelf of the closet. The now middle-aged dog eats about one kilogram of meat and a pan of porridge per day. Alexander also walks with him every day.

Over the course of his long life, by dog ​​standards, the huge dog produced a considerable number of offspring, all of them champions. For example, granddaughter Elita is the Russian champion in conformation, and Yars is the Russian champion in testing. True, the weight of the “relatives” is much lower, but still very considerable - about 90 kilograms.

English Mastiff

If we talk about breeds, then the English Mastiff takes first place. It is believed that the ancestor of this beautiful breed is the Tibetan Mastin, which lived in the territories of such states as Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Assyria and Ancient Greece. Not long ago, during archaeological excavations near the city of Nineveh, scientists discovered a vase that was created in 612 BC - it depicted a large dog in armor, very much reminiscent of today's mastiffs. The same breed of dog, clad in chain mail, was used by Alexander the Great in the war against the Persians.

Already in the 11th century AD, these dogs were used to supervise slaves, hunt and military service. Moreover, the cost of the dog was enormous - 20 hounds and greyhounds were given for one such pet!

Today the mastiff is a fairly expensive dog that requires appropriate care.

It is distinguished by its volumetric, angular head, which creates the impression of massiveness and a large body. Six is ​​short. The color can be varied - from peach to dark; there is a black mask on the face. The eyes are small, but widely spaced. The ears are quite large and normally lie on the cheeks. The neck is of medium length, muscular. The teeth are strong, sharp, the fangs are powerful. The tail is quite thick and rarely rises above the level of the back when excited. The paws are large.

The average weight of a dog is about 70-75 kilograms, some specimens reach 100 kg (such cases are very rare). Height - 70-80 cm. Life expectancy is on average 8-10 years, but some individuals live up to 17 years.

Great Dane

The next step up is the Great Dane breed. Some specimens of this breed can reach a height of up to 80 cm at the withers, females are slightly smaller. The weight of some individuals is about 100 kg!

Despite their appearance, Great Danes have an unusually good-natured character, they are loyal to their owner and love children. But they treat strangers quite reservedly. By the way, this breed loves to hug, but holding such a “dog” is extremely difficult even for a strong man, not to mention women or children.

The color can be very different, but there are three main groups: blue, black and marbled, brindle and fawn.

Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhounds are a hunting breed. The height of males can reach 80 cm, females - 70 cm, but the weight is no longer amazing - up to 60 kg. The wolfhound, although muscular, has an elegant physique.

This breed was developed by the Irish Celts, who were interested in large dogs. True, they were interested in breeding a smooth-haired breed, but the wire-haired ones eventually began to predominate, probably due to local climatic conditions.


The full name of the breed is Scottish Deerhound or Deerhound. As you might guess, it was bred for the purpose of unarmed deer hunting.

It is believed that these dogs appeared in the 16th century AD. At the same time, there is evidence that deerhounds appeared before our era. In Scotland, at first, this breed was bred exclusively by local nobility for deer hunting. Only after the dog became known outside its homeland did it become much more popular.

The maximum height of deerhounds is 72 centimeters, and their weight does not exceed 45 kilograms. The body is powerful and lean, muscular. The most popular colors are brown, sand and gray.

Deerhounds are excellent hunters. They are able to instantly respond to the slightest rustle. They are very active, they need to be constantly on the move, but they practically do not show aggression.


Leonbergers were bred in the German city of the same name, in honor of which they received their name. The creator of the breed is Heinrich Essig, born at the beginning of the 19th century. He crossed three breeds: the Serbernard, the Landseerva and the Pyrenean mountain dog, resulting in the Leonberger - a strong and brave dog.

Leonbergers have a balanced character and are great with children. At the same time, they are very strong dogs, capable of guarding anything. Therefore, by the way, these dogs are often used as guards.

The height of some males can reach 75 cm and weight 80-90 kg.


A fairly popular breed of dog today, which at one time was used exclusively as a working dog in Canada. Its homeland is the island of Newfoundland, after which it received its name.

These dogs are not just incredibly beautiful, they are also very smart. Scientists believe that Newfoundlands are capable of making independent decisions in various situations. This probably happened due to the fact that the inhabitants of the island once used dogs in a variety of circumstances: some helped carry heavy loads, others looked after children, others were just four-legged friends... Therefore, if you need a dog that will perform If everything you say is unquestioning, then the Newfoundland is at least not the best choice, because the dog may ignore your request or simply fulfill it in his own way. But in critical situations, he almost always makes the right decision.

Interestingly, Newfoundlands are completely devoid of aggression. They don’t even know how to bite properly, although you can’t tell that when looking at a dog...

The maximum height of males reaches 71 cm, and weight is about 70 kg.

The most famous, largest dogs in the world - they are truly huge. What's the biggest dog you've ever seen?

Great Dane named George

George became a world record holder: the largest dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. The distance from the base of its tail to its nose is 2 meters 21 centimeters, and its weight reaches 111 kilograms. This Great Dane looks more like a small horse than a dog.

American Dave Nasser, George's owner, got the pet when he was 7 months old. The couple did not expect that the puppy would grow into such a giant. When the Great Dane was little, he slept with his owners, and now George has his own huge bed.

Thanks to his height, the dog can sit on the sofa almost like a human.

Hercules - English Mastiff

An English mastiff named Hercules has significantly outgrown the standards of his breed. In centimeters, Hercules is inferior to George, but due to his muscularity, he surpasses him in weight. Hercules has a neck of 96 centimeters and weighs about 128 kilograms.

The dog's owner, G. Flynn, claims that the dog's weight is natural. He did not try to speed up Hercules's increase in size with a special diet. The dog had a regular dog diet, but he grew and grew.

Samson - a cross between a Great Dane and a Newfoundland

The Great Dane/Newfoundland mix gave the world an amazing dog. Her weight reaches 130 kilograms and her height exceeds 2 meters.

Samson came into the Woods Family as a gift as a 6-month-old puppy and has now become Britain's largest dog.

Samson loves to eat. Loves turkey leg, gets it every day for lunch.
The owners consider their dog ideal and unique. They love him for his obedience and devotion. They often play with him. It's funny how Samson likes to sit on the couch like a human.

Newfoundland Boomer

The length of the dog is 2 meters 13 centimeters. Body weight exceeds 80 kilograms.
Boomer eats more than a kilogram of food per day. The dog drinks from the sink without placing his front paws on the table. When a dog approaches a car, its eyes are at the same level as the eyes of the person sitting there.

The dog's owner, Caroline Webber, has applied to have her pet registered in the Guinness Book of Records.

St. Bernard Benedictine Jr. Black Forest Hof

An unusual dog was given an unusual name. St. Bernard Benedictine Jr. Schwarzwald Hof does not pretend to be long in height, but “takes” with his weight. This dog is the heaviest St. Bernard in the world. He was born in 1982, his height is 99 centimeters and his weight is 140.6 kilograms.

Do you want to get a big dog?

If, after reading this, you, like us, want to get yourself a big dog, here is a list of the largest breeds.

Average weight Irish wolfhound 48–56 kilograms, height - 90 centimeters;
- English Mastiff weighs about 80–110 kilograms, its height is 70–80 centimeters;
- Great Dane weighs on average 45–55 kilograms, height – 70–80 centimeters;
- weighs about 60–68 kilograms, height – 70–75 centimeters;
- Mastino Neapolitan weighs on average 68–80 kilograms, its height is 65–80 centimeters;
- has an average weight of 70–80 kilograms, height – 70–75 centimeters.

Especially to add extra centimeters to height and kilograms to weight. Overeating leads to obesity and serious health problems.

In the past, breeders tried to crossbreed dogs that were large in size and strong. These qualities were useful for hunting and protection. However, there is no universal height or weight at which a breed is officially classified as "giant". There is only an unofficial opinion that biggest dogs in the world- those that weigh 45 kg or more. However, their height can vary greatly, as some breeds are strong and heavy, while others are tall and thin. The heaviest dog that ever lived was a St. Bernard named Benedictine, who weighed an incredible 166 kg.

Despite their menacing body proportions, most of the largest dog breeds are good-natured, calm pets. If you're thinking about getting yourself a really big four-legged companion, we're happy to make your choice easier with this list.

10. Deerhound

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 50 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 35-43 kg.

These greyhounds were bred to hunt deer. The predecessors of the Deerhound were the dogs of the Scots and Picts, who helped people hunt ungulates. For a long time the breed was unknown outside of Scotland and only in 1892 was it officially recognized. Deerhounds are very hardy, have instant reactions and a very keen sense of smell. They rarely bark, and are very trusting of people, so they are unlikely to be good guards. But this is a great dog for a hunter.

9. Irish Wolfhound

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 86 cm and 55 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 86 cm and 48 kg.

A very ancient breed of hunting dogs. The first written mention of Irish wolfhounds appears in the records of the Roman consul in 391 AD. Unlike other members of the top 10 largest dogs in the world, Irish Wolfhounds have a diverse range of personalities and are renowned for their individualism. They are rarely stupid or aggressive.

8. Komondor

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 60 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 50 kg.

Hungarian Shepherds are one of the largest dogs, the photo of which looks like “oh, a living mop!” There is a version that they appeared as a result of crossing ancient shepherd dogs and wolves. Komondors helped shepherds and protected livestock and other property. Easily recognizable thanks to their long, cord-like coat, these dogs are one of Hungary's national treasures. They adapt well to urban conditions and are good guards.

7. Leonberger

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 75 cm and 68 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 52 kg.

Sometimes these dogs are called "gentle lion", although the name "Leonberger" comes from the German city of Leonberg. The Leonberger is easily recognizable due to its luxurious, water-resistant coat. These dogs are generally very loyal, intelligent, and playful, making them ideal companion animals. Unfortunately, Leonbergers do not live long - on average, 7 years.

6. Tosa Inu

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 82 cm and 100 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 65 cm and 90 kg.

The Tosa Inu was originally bred in the Japanese kingdom of Tosa as a fighting dog. Representatives of the breed vary significantly in size. The Japanese breed as a whole weighs between 36 and 61 kg, while breeders outside of Japan have focused on producing dogs that weigh between 60 and 100 kg. The Tosa Inu was crossed with large European dog breeds such as the Mastiff, St. Bernard, and Bull Terriers to produce a larger, stronger animal.

5. Caucasian Shepherd

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 81 cm and 110 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 76 cm and 76 kg.

A dog breed popular in Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the North Caucasus region. “Caucasians” are very capricious and intelligent, ideal guards, but they require a strong hand. It is enough to watch any video of a Caucasian Shepherd to understand how dangerous such a giant can be for an inexperienced dog owner and those around him.

4. Newfoundland

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 71 cm and 120 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 66 cm and 55 kg.

These fluffy beauties were originally bred as working dogs for fishermen. Huge, intelligent Newfoundlands are known for their excellent swimming abilities. A relative of Newfoundlands is the longest dog in the world - Boomer (213 cm in length and 90 cm in height). Boomer is a Landseer breed derived from Newfoundlands.

3. English Mastiff

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 156 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 91 kg.

In third position of the rating are giants who are “terrible on the outside but kind on the inside.” The English Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds in the world in terms of body weight. The first reviews of these massive dogs date back to the 6th century BC. And during the Roman conquest of England, the loyalty and strength of the mastiffs impressed even Caesar. The heaviest mastiff in the history of the breed was a male named Aikama Zorbo, who weighed 156 kg.

2. St. Bernard

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 90 cm and 166 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 100 kg.

St. Bernards were originally bred for mountain rescue tasks in the Italian and Swiss Alps. The proportions of the St. Bernard are enormous - at the withers they can reach 90 centimeters and often weigh 120 kilograms. And the record holder reached 166 kg. Saint Bernards are very fond of small children and really dislike small dogs.

A 3-year-old Great Dane named Zeus from Otsego, Michigan, was listed in the new 2013 Guinness World Records as the largest dog ever recorded. Its height is 111.8 centimeters from leg to withers. I invite you to learn more about this gigantic dog, as well as admire the beautiful photographs of the majestic dog. LifeGlobe has many other articles about dogs that can be found in the Nature section. The surprising thing is that Zeus was only a few centimeters ahead of the previous record holder, about whom we also already wrote. Moreover, the dog named Giant George was of the same breed.

The previous record holder was Giant George, who was only 2 centimeters behind Zeus. These photos, published September 13, 2012 and taken November 3, 2011, show a 3-year-old Great Dane named Zeus. He is mentioned in the 2013 Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in the world. The Great Dane reaches 2.2 meters in height when standing on its hindquarters. The giant dog from Michigan in the United States eats a 14-kilogram bag of food every day and weighs 70.3 kilograms.

In this photo, Zeus stands over the owners' other dog, an adult shepherd. Comparing the dimensions, you can imagine how huge it is.

Zeus sits next to a hostess named Denise Durlag in their dining room. The largest dog in the world is larger than any of its owners.

And this is how a huge dog rests lying on the sofa.

Kevin Durlag waits for his dog to decide to come back into the house.

Zeus can easily reach the kitchen faucet to drink water.

Kevin stands next to his four-legged friend, the largest dog in the world named Zeus.

Dog is different from dog! There are tiny mini dogs that society ladies carry in their purses, and there are real giants, not much inferior in size to small horses.

1. Hulk - pit bull

Hulk is the largest pit bull in the world, he will blow your mind with his charm! Despite some prejudices, as well as their menacing appearance, pit bulls are very friendly creatures. Proof of this is a big dog with a huge heart - the Hulk. It’s not for nothing that he was nicknamed that; you must admit, the nickname suits him very well, because whatever one may say, the Hulk is the largest pit bull in the world. The four-legged record holder is not even three years old yet, and he already weighs 79 kg,
Don't let its appearance fool you. The dog's owners Marlon and Lisa are professional dog breeders, so Hulk is incredibly calm and disciplined, he knows his place and is ready to sacrifice his life to protect his owner. In addition, this giant is very playful and friendly, you will not be able to resist his charm.

2. Aikama Zorba

This was the name of a dog living in Great Britain, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in the world. In November 1989, when Zorba stepped on the scales, the shooter fell just short of 156 kg; this rare representative of the Mastiff breed also reached an impressive 94 cm in height. At the same time as Zorba, the St. Bernard Benedict, who had fattened up to 146 kg, also lived on the globe. By the way, it is St. Bernards and mastiffs that are recognized as the largest dog breeds. Not in weight, but in height they are still superior to Great Danes; Irish wolfhounds were also considered the largest in the world.

3. Great Dane named Zeus

A three-year-old Great Dane named Zeus from Otsego, Michigan, was listed in the new 2013 Guinness Book of World Records as the largest dog ever recorded. Its height is 111.8 cm from leg to withers. The Great Dane reaches 2.2 m in height while standing on its hind legs. A giant dog from Michigan in the US eats a 14kg bag of food every day and weighs 70kg. Zeus can easily reach the kitchen faucet to drink water.
The largest dog of 2013 is taller than any of its owners.

4. Newfoundland

The popular giant dog breed originates from the northeast coast of Canada. They were originally used as working dogs for fishermen due to their webbed feet, water-repellent coat, and innate swimming abilities. These dogs are natural rescuers, they typically weigh 60-70 kg, some members of the breed have been known to weigh up to 90 kg. The largest Newfoundland weighed 120 kg, they are known for their gigantic size, enormous strength and easy-going nature. In addition, they have high intelligence and the ability to make independent decisions. As for enormous strength, this is not an exaggeration - the strongest dog in proportion to its own weight is a Newfoundland named Barbara Alens weighing 44 kg, which dragged 2289 kg on a concrete surface.

5. Irish Wolfhound

One of the tallest dogs in the world. The Irish Wolfhound has the longest history full of greatness, the Celts used their ancestors for hunting, the outstanding size, strength and speed of the Irish Wolfhounds marked the beginning of massive demonstrative baiting of animals with their help. Unfortunately, this also led to a reduction in the breed's population to a critical level. By the beginning of the 19th century, it had practically disappeared and only thanks to an enthusiast named Richardson, who traveled the length and breadth of the British Isles in search of an old-type female Irish Wolfhound, today we can acquire these muscular, curly-haired dogs.

6. Leonberger

This beautiful breed will not leave anyone indifferent. This breed was developed in 1940 in Germany. The breeder wanted to breed dogs that would look like a lion, so she had to cross a long-haired St. Bernard and a Newfoundland. The result was a very strong and powerful dog weighing 60-70 kg. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by their mobility combined with balance. By the way, Leonbergers often work as water rescuers. Very gentle character, obedience and goodwill, these are the reasons why some people are simply in love with the breed. They love their family, adore children - playing with them, calmly react to every word of the owner, but along with this good nature the dog has serious watchdog qualities and abilities.

7. Caucasian Shepherd

A very large shepherd dog of the Caucasian breed, it is the oldest breed of dog, it is more than 3000 years old. It was bred in the Caucasus, which is why it got its name. Their height is usually from 70 cm at the withers, and they usually weigh up to 70 kg. They were bred specifically to protect flocks of sheep, which is why the dog has a very dense undercoat and thick, long hair. thanks to it, the dog can stay in the cold for a very long time; usually they merged with the herd of sheep, which they protected due to the fact that from afar they had a vague resemblance to a lamb and thus protected the herd from attacks by marauders or wolves. This breed has excellent fighting and guard qualities. endurance, courage and strength.

8. Anatolian Shepherd

A brave shepherd originally from Turkey, distinguished by his lightning-fast reaction and vigilance. He has a distrustful, but very balanced character. This breed weighs up to 68 kg, and their height is up to 79 cm. Although they are most often described as herding dogs, they are actually guard dogs, protecting herds from jackals and wolves, even bears.

9. Tibetan Mastiff

A very ancient breed of dog, and the first written mentions of them date back to 1000 BC. This working dog breed, bred in Tibet for herding and guarding domestic animals, is considered one of the most expensive dogs in the world. The weight of an adult Tibetan Mastiff is from 45 to 72 kg, and the height is from 60 to 77 cm.

10. Freddie is the biggest dog in the world

A Great Dane named Freddy loves chicken and peanut butter, but is also not averse to chewing on the sofa; he has quite a few of them on his conscience. The four-year-old dog lives with his owner - this Great Dane is a Guinness Book of Records record holder, weighing 92 kg. The owner maintains the dog together with her sister; they spend more than $18,000 a year. This dog is 2.28 m tall when he stands on his hind legs. One look at him is enough to understand that he is simply a huge beast. Owners Freddie Claire and her sister Fleur are absolutely devoted to this unique creation. He set a Guinness record for the largest dog in the world! In Claire's case, this love of pets meant that she had no time for her personal life; she had another Great Dane. although not a record holder, it also requires attention and care.