Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition. Review of sports nutrition manufacturers. The best sports nutrition from Russian manufacturers

The company has several awards and diplomas. The main office is located in St. Petersburg. The range includes food, equipment, clothing, symbolic souvenirs and keychains, dispensers, magazines, creams, gels, bags, cosmetics for performances and other accessories.

Every day, random products are selected and discounted. Discounts are guaranteed for a certain order amount, their size is 5, 10, 15%. There is a cumulative discount system. When ordering before 15.00, delivery is carried out on the same day.

You can track your shipment by parcel number. Standard search string. No additional filtering. The popularity rating of products, brands and categories, as well as customer reviews of specific products are presented. There is no possibility of cash on delivery; payment in cash is possible upon delivery within St. Petersburg. Separate sections present the company's video projects and bodybuilding news.

In general, the reviews about the store are not bad, but cases of prolonged delivery of goods are periodically mentioned.

This store appeared in 2008. The assortment does not differ significantly from the other stores mentioned and is represented by the same leading manufacturers. An additional product search by brand is possible.

Discounts and sales apply. One of the differences between the store and the rest is that the maximum discount amount, depending on the order amount, will be 20%, while in most it does not exceed 10-15%. There is no toll-free telephone line, only the Moscow one. No online consultation. There is a blog with articles and a forum where interesting information is discussed.

Within Moscow, to receive your order on the same day, you must place it before 10 am. There is not a wide choice of payment options, only bank transfer and electronic money. The first method is quite inconvenient if you need to place an order, for example, on the weekend, since the bank payment will be processed only on Monday, and will be credited to the store’s account on Tuesday. When placing an order on the website, only the order amount is displayed; the delivery cost is not added and is indicated only upon receipt. If you cannot pay for your order within three days, you can contact the store and the reserve will be extended.

Consumer reviews note timely delivery to any convenient location, prices for the range are among the best. There are also negative reviews that note cases of the courier being late, but always with a warning. A case is mentioned when a client received a product with an expired expiration date, contacted the managers and successfully replaced the product with a similar one. Overall the store's reputation is positive.

3. Privetatlet

The relatively young store offers products from proven and well-known brands such as Optimum, Dymatize, VPX, MuscleTech, Twinlab and others. The store's assortment includes sports nutrition, shakers, bandages, cases, hooks, belts, gloves and clothing.

In addition to the convenient division of goods into categories, you can search by manufacturer, gender and purpose. There are promotions and special offers. In the first case, selected goods are offered at reduced prices by 10-20%, in the second - discounts are calculated depending on the order amount and amount to 5, 7, 10%. Please note that additional discounts do not apply to orders from the special offers category.

Online chat is available, it does not work around the clock, on weekdays until 22.00. Authorization through a social network and the ability to order a call back are available. The knowledge base section provides recommendations regarding nutrition. Orders within Moscow are delivered on the same day if placed before 13.00, and the next day if later. For other regions of Russia, sending an order is possible only after prepayment. Payment can be made using any electronic money. Many positive reviews emphasize the stable reputation and reliability of the store.

4. 2bestrong

The store has been in existence since 2009 and offers sports nutrition from leading foreign brands. All products are divided into detailed categories. Well-known brands Mutant, Myprotein, Nutrex, STS, Cellucor, Chef Jays, Driven Sports, Dymatize Nutrition and others are represented.

You can select products by manufacturer. The site offers not only sports nutrition, but also offers related accessories, including shakers and cocktail bottles. There is a cumulative discount system and a guaranteed one, which depends on the order amount and can be 5, 7, 10, 12 and 15%. Every day, a product is selected at random and given a 15% discount. Placing an order is possible without registration.

Online consultant available. One of the disadvantages is that courier delivery is possible only for residents of Chelyabinsk, and delivery of orders to other regions of Russia is carried out by postal carriers. It is preferable to use the services of TK Baikal-Service, since it offers free delivery and delivers it faster than Russian Post. The site has a section of articles with detailed information about ways to get back in shape and gain weight.

Customer reviews characterize the store on the positive side. There are such advantages as the ability to pay via QIWI, reasonable prices, communication with managers via Skype, and timely delivery. The assortment is not very wide, however, you can order the required product and it will be delivered to the store, and then forwarded to the client.

5. BioMan

The company was founded in 1999, and by 2000 it had become one of the leading ones. It is a direct supplier of the world's leading brands such as Nutrabolics, BSN, Nutrex, Guam, Hempz and others.

The store's product line has a wide selection. Conveniently divided into categories. An advanced search is possible by brand, sale, rating, popularity. The discount section presents products with reduced prices by 5-15%. The system of discounts depending on the amount of goods is 5, 7, 10 and 15%. Discounts of 5% for regular customers, which you can become by making a purchase of 5,000 rubles or more.

Promotions with prize drawings are also held periodically. You can place an order online 24 hours a day, or by phone on weekdays until 10 p.m., and on Saturdays until 5 p.m. There is a number for free calls, you can order a call back. The website provides ratings of current products and customer reviews on the effectiveness of individual drugs. You do not need to register to place an order. The ease of ordering and accessibility of design distinguishes the site. One of the advantages is the availability of all payment methods, not only cash, but also any type of electronic money. Also, if you place an order before 15.00, you can receive it on the same day. There is a consultation section where any user can ask a question and receive an answer from a qualified specialist Mikhail Dyakonov, vice president of WFF and president of WBBF.

The store has good reviews, which note the range, prices and fast delivery, which indicates stability and reliability.

6. BodyBuildingRussia

The online store has existed since 2008. We offer a wide range of sports nutrition, shakers, bags, cases, creams, T-shirts and magazines.

The site provides ratings of brands and popular products. The store is almost completely automated. Place an order, choose a specific flavor, insure the ordered goods - all this can be done online. There is no option to pay for your order by cash on delivery; cash payment is only possible for pickup or delivery by courier. However, in case of cancellation of the order, the amount is returned to the consumer.

The store provides fast delivery, since the parcel is formed after placing the order; when the store receives the prepayment, the parcel is already completely ready for dispatch. Delivery in Moscow is carried out the very next day after placing the order, if agreed with the manager, it is possible on the same day. To other cities of Russia it takes on average 3-15 days. Delivery times to a specific region are indicated on the website. You can track the status of your order; there is no need to register. You can search for a product by manufacturer and product. There are useful sections - product reviews and a bodybuilding forum. There is a system of discounts for a certain order amount in the amount of 5, 7 and 10%.

The reputation of the store is confirmed by exclusively positive reviews, the fast dispatch of goods after receiving payment, the quality of the products, and the reliability of package packaging are noted.

7. Doping

It has existed since 2004 and offers a full range of sports nutrition, accessories, magazines, and clothing. The product is divided into categories and tastes. All products are guaranteed to be in stock. The price is indicated taking into account all additional costs.

You can search for a product on the site indicating the price category. When ordering over 7,500 rubles, you will receive the magazine “Iron World” as a gift. Discounts depending on the purchase amount are 5, 10, 15 and 18%. Delivery is possible within the Moscow Ring Road, carried out immediately after confirmation of the order. Payment in cash to the courier. An additional 3% discount is provided when meeting the courier in the metro. When meeting near the metro, delivery is free. If you cancel your order, you must pay the shipping cost. To receive your order on the same day, you must arrive before 2 p.m. When ordering to the regions, you must print a receipt from the store’s website and pay the cost of services at the bank cash desk. The store features a section with useful articles. Feedback is possible from 9.00 to 21.00. The order remains in reserve for three working days, if payment is not made, it is disbanded.

The store’s long-standing reputation is supported by numerous customer reviews, which note the coherence of the service and courier service.

8. MegaSila

The MegaSila company has existed for more than 8 years. In principle, the assortment is good, but not as extensive as in the other stores mentioned, and there are no additional accessories for sale. Courier delivery is possible in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Delivery to other regions of the Russian Federation is possible with prepayment, there is no cash on delivery, but payment by any electronic money is available. In Euroset and Svyaznoy stores you can pay for the ordered goods without additional commission.

There is an online consultant on the website; you can order a call back or call yourself (the call will be paid). The store is open even on Sunday. A section for articles and news has been created. Promotions and discounts apply. Cumulative rates are 5, 10 and 15%, and one-time rates for a certain order amount are 5, 8, 11 and 15%. When purchasing a certain type of product, another package is given as a gift.

Possibility to compare several products. You can postpone the item for later; the function is available only to registered users; registration is not required to place an order. User-friendly design, no advanced search option.


Are you looking after your health? Choose high-quality sports nutrition!

Today, on the shelves of sports nutrition stores there are a huge number of various brands, the manufacturers of which assure about the high quality of their products and advise the use of their products. However, no one knows what is actually hidden in the composition of the products. To do this, sports nutrition stores conduct various studies of sports nutrition products in order to understand this problem and help their customers make the right, and most importantly, safe choice!

When choosing sports nutrition, you should pay attention to many factors - the brand, the presence of quality certificates, external factors (for example, packaging violations), and you should not forget about the expiration dates of the products.

One of the criteria for choosing a purchase is the cost of the product. During times of crisis, a large number of people prefer inexpensive sports nutrition products. Usually, these are drugs from a Russian manufacturer. Few people know that in fact, products on the domestic market are only packaged in factories in our country, and the ingredients are purchased in other countries. That is, the product is mixed from ready-made components. In turn, in factories in Europe and America, sports nutrition goes through a full production cycle - from scratch. Of course, this improves the quality of the products. All stages of production undergo careful control and many checks. All products receive quality certificates and other necessary documents and only then enter the sports nutrition market. Such drugs are expensive, but they guarantee safety for human health.

What should you pay attention to when choosing high-quality sports nutrition?

  • Place of sale of sports nutrition.

Do not make purchases at dubious points of sale. Do not trust new online stores or stores in the basement of a residential area. The likelihood of stumbling upon a fake increases significantly and you may become the owner of a low-grade supplement.

  • Manufacturer's choice.

It is recommended to give preference to companies that are located in countries with a well-developed sports nutrition industry. These include German and American manufacturers. In these countries, special control is carried out over the quality and production technology of sports nutrition. The consumer can only check the integrity of the packaging of the purchased product.

  • Availability of quality certificates
  • Packaging integrity
  • Best before date

The sports nutrition store Athletic Food has compiled a rating of manufacturers who have proven the quality of their products and have deservedly become popular among consumers.


1) Optimum Nutrition is an American manufacturer that has a large range of sports nutrition products. Already in the 90s, the brand had a wide range of products and was famous among athletes.

2) BSN - the manufacturer’s products are exported to 90 countries. The company was founded in 2001 in the USA. The brand has proven itself well among athletes of various types.

3) MusclePharm - founded in 2003 and distributes its products in more than 120 countries. The products are sold in more than 35,000 sports nutrition stores.

4) SAN is an American company that has been producing innovative products since 1996. When producing products, new scientific research is taken into account, which helps improve the quality of sports supplements.

5) Nutrex is a manufacturer that since 2002 has been pleasing its consumers with sports nutrition, which is based on the latest scientific achievements. The first sports supplement company to develop liquid capsules.

6) Dymatize Nutrition is an American company founded in 1994. Produces more than 300 types of additives with various effects. The manufacturer offers everyone the same products that are used by world-class athletes for individual training.

7) Weider is a sports nutrition manufacturer whose products have virtually no negative reviews. The company monitors new developments in sports nutrition and regularly pleases its consumers with new products.

8) VPLab is a sports nutrition manufacturer from the UK that takes into account all modern advanced technologies in production. The products are made from high quality raw materials, which are imported from all over the world.

9) Olimp – Sports supplements have been produced in Poland since 1990. Has many awards, as well as international quality certificates HACCP (an organization that monitors the quality and safety of food products.

10) BioTech - products are sold in more than 50 countries around the world. In Europe there are more than 100 hypermarkets of this company with sports supplement products.

How to check the quality of sports nutrition?

  • Proteins

Protein is a protein that has certain properties. To check the quality of the protein, take a spoonful of the product and stir it in water at a temperature of 70 degrees. High quality protein must coagulate. For comparison, the flour dissolves completely.

Review of domestically produced proteins from Boris Tsatsouline

  • Amino acids

Must taste bitter

  • Gainers

A gainer is like food and must meet criteria such as good absorption, absence of discomfort after consumption, a feeling of a surge of energy and the appearance of strength. There is no clear guide to identifying the quality of mass gainers.

  • Multivitamin complexes

It should be borne in mind that high quality sports nutrition may not be suitable for a person for individual reasons. These include allergic reactions to any components of the product. Side effects may occur (always indicated in the instructions for use). This does not mean the products are of low quality. In addition, you should always adhere to the rules for taking a sports supplement, since violations of the dosage can lead to the development of various health problems.


The modern sports nutrition market has a huge number of drugs with different effects. The consumer faces a big problem in choosing a sports supplement. It is recommended to choose sports nutrition from well-known manufacturers. High-quality supplements are produced abroad. The undisputed leaders in the production of sports nutrition are the USA and Germany. As for Russian producers, we can say this - most of them remain at the level of foreign food of the 1980s. They make low quality food from questionable ingredients. This is due to the fact that there are huge cost savings in the production of additives using raw materials, and there is no high-tech equipment. A survey was conducted among athletes and coaches, the results of which indicate that most of them do not use sports nutrition from a domestic manufacturer and do not recommend it to all trainees.

Therefore, you should focus on well-known and proven manufacturers from America and Europe.

Sports nutrition is a group of food products designed specifically for athletes and active people. It helps to increase muscles, strength and endurance faster. In its current form, sports nutrition, as a biological supplement, appeared only in 1934, although even the Spartans and ancient Greeks knew that by eating certain foods, you can improve your physical condition. This knowledge formed the basis for the development of modern additives, of which there have been a huge number recently, so understanding them is quite difficult.

The best sports nutrition manufacturers

There are a huge number of types of sports nutrition: protein shakes, vitamin-mineral complexes, fat burners, anabolic complexes, keratin, agrin, etc. The list of trademarks for each type of product is no less varied. The following are the best brands with brief descriptions.

Domestic companies

Russian sports nutrition manufacturers can easily compete with European and American ones in terms of the quality of their products. But they also have a big advantage in their market - an affordable price. For those who trust domestic manufacturers, we present a list of popular brands:


The products of this company entered the sports nutrition market only in 2016, although even before that, its products were used by athletes of national and foreign teams.


  • all products taste good;
  • extensive list of products;
  • European companies are suppliers of raw materials.


  • not all products look good;
  • some products are unreasonably overpriced;
  • does not produce anabolic, testosterone, vitamin-mineral complexes.


The brand entered the Russian market in 2014. Its products are rapidly gaining popularity thanks to reviews from famous athletes and coaches.

  • products are well digestible;
  • pleasant to the taste;
  • balanced;
  • rarely cause side effects.


  • do not produce agrin, BCAA, fat burners, anabolic, testosterone, vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • not always good consistency;
  • take a long time to dissolve.


The company was formed in 2014 in Perm and was initially focused on the market of its native city. Then it gradually gained popularity and has now spread not only throughout the country, but also beyond its borders. A distinctive feature of the company is the desire to take into account the wishes of athletes when producing products.

  • a diverse range of products;
  • there are products for women;
  • reasonable price.


  • It is not possible to buy products in all cities;
  • the package does not include a measuring spoon;
  • peculiar taste.

This company unites a number of other Russian brands: XXI Power, Junior (Young Athlete), MD, ARTLAB, Shaper, Leader. Entered the market in 1998. Today its range includes about 200 varieties of sports supplements.

  • high percentage of tolerance;
  • reasonable price;
  • good solubility;
  • has HACCP certification.


  • the quality does not always correspond to the price (it falls short);
  • the composition does not always correspond to what is stated;
  • may cause stomach upset;
  • The taste is not for everyone.

Among the Ukrainian brands of sports nutrition, the following should be noted:


The company started operating in 2001. The ingredients are ordered from China, Europe, America and here they are already mixed with flavoring additives and packaged.

  • quality sources of raw materials;
  • the company interacts openly with consumers;
  • hermetic packaging, tamper evident;
  • affordable price.


  • production is not fully automated, so defects are common;
  • taste and solubility are not for everyone;
  • may cause stomach upset if you are lactose intolerant.

Rhino nutrition

Quite a popular brand with a wide range of products.


  • foreign raw materials;
  • high-tech production;
  • reasonable price.

  • not fast delivery;
  • taste is not for everyone;
  • average dissolution rate.

European companies

The European sports nutrition market is strictly controlled, so only high-quality and certified products are presented here.

The leading brands among manufacturers are:


The owner of the brand is England, where the company was born in 2004. It provides its products, the range of which includes about 2,000 products, in more than 50 locations around the world.


  • high quality (certificate according to ISO9001 standard from SGS with UKAS accreditation);
  • there are no doping impurities in the products;
  • good taste.

There are practically no disadvantages. Some consumers do not like the taste and quality of product dissolution.

Did you know? MyProtein is certified Class A for food safety. As of 2015, it is the only European sports nutrition brand with such a certificate.

Power system

German manufacturer of sports nutrition products and supplements. The products are suitable for both professional athletes and amateurs.

  • has a full set of necessary products;
  • excellent quality;
  • the products are highly effective;
  • there is a safety certificate;
  • high tolerability rates;
  • There are no doping substances in the products.


  • high price;
  • taste is not for everyone;
  • Counterfeits are often found on the market in the CIS countries.


Another German brand that was born in 1977 and conquered the market in the 90s of the last century. It lost its position a little after the release of the American brand Weider. Nowadays it is inferior to her only in a little way.


  • good taste;
  • does not cause distress;
  • quite effective;
  • excellent quality;
  • There is a women's line.


  • high price;
  • to see the result, it is advisable to use the products in combination;
  • new products are slowly being introduced into production.

American companies

The American sports nutrition market is the most developed. The range of its products is very wide, and the consumer’s attention is attracted by “flashy” advertising (marketing ploy). The following brands are the leaders here:

Optimum Nutrition

Founded in 1986 in the States. Has a wide range of products. Very popular all over the world.


  • considered the best manufacturer of sports nutrition for professional athletes;
  • effective;
  • There are lines for both beginners and professionals;
  • high quality.


  • unreasonably inflated price;
  • no new developments are underway;
  • peculiar taste.

Did you know? Optimum Nutrition produces the world's most popular protein, 100% Whey Gold Standard. This is also the most popular product in the brand's line.

She was born in 1936. Over time, it absorbed a number of companies involved in vitamins, herbal supplements, and energy drinks, and since 1957 it began independently producing products for athletes. It entered the world market three decades later.

  • high quality;
  • fairly high efficiency;
  • variety of tastes;
  • well absorbed.


  • mainly aimed at those athletes who train systematically (there is no line for beginners);
  • high price.

Important! The products of American companies are not subject to mandatory certification, so their quality control is carried out by the manufacturers themselves.


It has been in existence since 1968 and provides a wide range of products. It has its own production facilities.

  • has products suitable for allergy sufferers;
  • There are products for beginners;
  • The company was created by pharmaceutical specialists who develop gentle products.


  • overpriced;
  • some consumers note the appearance of nausea and heaviness after consuming the product;
  • On the market of the CIS countries it is not always possible to find a real brand.

Top 10 best sports nutrition companies

You have looked through the lists of the most popular brands among different countries that produce sports nutrition. Now check out the ranking of the world's best brands.

Optimum Nutrition

The company was founded by the Costell brothers. So that their brainchild could break into the market, they decided to focus on the quality of the goods. Highly qualified specialists were hired who worked painstakingly on each new product.
The accent was chosen correctly. Today the company is famous throughout the world for its excellent quality - this has allowed it to take a leading position among other brands.

Despite the fact that product certification is not mandatory in America, specialists regularly check the quality of both initial and final products to eliminate all possible contamination options.


It is the leader in the European sports nutrition market. The Multipower brand is German, so the company places its main emphasis on quality. The recipe has remained unchanged for many decades.

Any new product undergoes a series of trials and tests before going into production. Each stage of production is carefully controlled, which allows us to minimize the occurrence of side effects after taking the product.

It is extremely unprofitable to counterfeit branded goods, since production turns out to be very expensive, so the likelihood of purchasing a fake is extremely low.


Full company name: Bio-Engineered Supplements and Nutrition; it is one of the largest producers. It was established with the goal of creating and producing scientifically developed sports nutrition that helps correct the figure and improves endurance and overall well-being.

The company's product range is wide and is found in more than 90 countries around the world, but manufacturers place their main emphasis on the production of proteins, gainers and amino acids. It was acquired in 2011 by Glanbia.


It emerged in 1994 and at the stage of its formation was actively promoting products among participants in student, Olympic, professional weightlifting and track and field world tournaments. The products also found their place among football players, basketball players, baseball players, and hockey players.
Nowadays, all products of the American company are tested in real conditions, which allows specialists to more accurately tailor the brand to the consumer. In addition, every stage of production undergoes thorough testing.


Throughout its existence (since 1995), the American company has been guided by the rule: a good product can only be obtained through painstaking research work. This policy allowed the brand to enter the rating of high-quality products, which have remained unchanged for more than a decade.

Here, fifty world and slightly fewer local patents are responsible for the quality of products, protecting brand products from counterfeiting. Many world celebrities among athletes and bodybuilders prefer sports nutrition from this brand.


The company was founded in 1936 by the founder of the International Federation of Bodybuilders, Joe Weider. Initially, it was engaged in the production of protein mixtures, but after the acquisition of Great American Foods, thanks to its production base, it began to produce supplements for athletes.
Later, after purchasing several more enterprises, it reached a higher level of production, expanding its range and capacity. Now one of the company's representative offices is located in Germany, and it satisfies all the needs of the European market.

There are two lines in production: for athletes (Body Shaper) and for athletes (Global Line), which have their own characteristics.


Since 1988, the Swiss company has been producing elite supplements for athletes. Its products undergo strict controls at all stages of production, including transportation and storage.

As flavoring additives, the company uses substances that provide a taste as close to natural as possible. Thanks to this, as well as their high efficiency, Sponser products are valued by European Olympic organizations, sports federations and famous athletes.


In 1968, the company was founded by David Belan, who had previously worked on the development of liquid nutritional supplements. The new company initially worked in this direction. In 2003, it was bought by ISI Brands Inc, which then became one of the largest manufacturers of liquid additives.
Today Twinlab boasts a wide range of products. The experience David gained in pharmaceutical production was not in vain. The products of his brand are famous for their excellent quality, which is subject to total control.

Gaspari Nutrition

Another American sports nutrition brand. The company began its life's journey in 1996 thanks to bodybuilder Rich Gaspari, who began creating a bioengineering laboratory for the development of high-quality supplements.

A lot of experiments and research carried out on high-quality installations and using high-quality raw materials allowed the company’s products to quickly enter the world market and take a leading position there.

Today it is one of the most beloved brands in America and is highly popular in the CIS countries.

Universal Nutrition

The company was founded in 1977 thanks to Victor Rubeno, who chose for his brainchild a path of constant development that continues to this day.
At the dawn of the 1990s, Universal Nutrition surprised consumers by releasing ready-made protein and energy shakes in a variety of bottled flavors. Thanks to strict adherence to the chosen path, the company has a wide range of products and constantly pleases its consumers with high-quality new products.

The main products of the brand are proteins and energy drinks. In addition to the fact that the company produces sports nutrition, it regularly organizes seminars and competitions for amateur athletes.

Important!Tomake the right choice With such a variety of brands, preference should be given to brands with a long history, producing a wide range of products (targeted at different categories of consumers), of high quality and having certificates.

So, now you are aware of the world's best sports nutrition manufacturers. Of course, this rating is conditional, so you should not think that if a certain brand takes the first position, then the others are not worth attention. All brands of sports nutrition have their positive and negative sides, so you need to judge without bias.

Video: overview of all sports nutrition

Good day, dear User!

On this page you can see the results of voting by more than two and a half thousand people on the question “The best sports nutrition brand in your opinion.” Your result is now also part of this survey.

Dymatize 15448
Weider 5743
Universal 4136
Optimum Nutrition 26298
Power System 3027
Ultimate Nutrition 5375
SAN 6935
Axis Labs 600
Muscle Tech 6208
Multipower 3373
Twinlab 2268
Prolab 1010
Syntrax 2799
Dynamic Development 575

Let's summarize briefly:

From 1st to 3rd place are the “GIANTS” of sports nutrition, which have their own production and research bases.

Dymatize Nutrition is a sponsor of the US Olympic team; at the moment, the company's facilities have placed a government order for the production of special nutritional mixtures for the US Army and Navy. Comments are unnecessary here, the 1st place is unambiguous, especially since the company profiles itself in the affordable/budget price segment and can afford low prices.

Optimum Nutrition is another “Giant Manufacturer” in the American ratings, occupying the undisputed 1st place. In our country, its place can be explained by its relatively high price in relation to the same Dymatize. Optimum has been producing dry formulas for a very long time, and has a branch (branch) producing baby food. In the case of Optimum, talking about quality and raw materials is a sign of bad manners; consistently good results year after year.

Muscle Tech is a leader in the development of innovations in sports nutrition and more, the company spends huge sums annually on the creation of new products and substances. The only existing company that has a contract with the US Ministry of Health for more than 3 years, many laboratories of this company are located in the legendary Silicon Valley, all (you heard right, absolutely all) Muscle Tech products undergo mandatory CLINICAL APPROBATION. It has its own production base, specialized in the production of specialized nutrition for athletes and medical needs (parenteral, etc.). The only negative is the price, but you have to pay for quality.

The rest of the companies in the ranking are solid “middle”, some have an incredible track record of fighting for the sports nutrition market: Ultimate Nutrition (35 years on the market), Universal Nutrition (25 years on the market) and Twinlab (15 years on the market) with their own production bases. But those who use the proprietary technological recipes of the leaders (as an option for one of the top three), often produce only effective and proven products. The result is like the saying “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne.” The remaining companies are small companies that place their orders at the facilities of the “giants”, have their own technological recipes, but cannot compete with the “giants” in production volumes and prices.

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The issue of choosing sports nutrition is especially acute for a beginner who is just starting his first steps in sports. Our sports nutrition rating based on sales in Russia will help you avoid mistakes and choose the most effective product. But with its help you can purchase really worthwhile supplements that will help you achieve results.

1 Optimum Nutrition

American sports nutrition at an affordable price, on the sales market for 30 years, which may well be considered the winner of the sports nutrition rating. The brand has many products that work as efficiently as possible - vitamin complexes, many essential acids. With a wide variety of tastes, when an athlete can choose from a dozen options, some note a specific taste in some products.

The brand has been named brand of the year many times, and the title of best protein Gold Standard Whey has belonged to the company's product for a decade now. Amino acid complex BCAA 5000 Powder is very popular due to the absence of soy and instant absorption. It can also be purchased in capsules, which is quite convenient. The general opinion of all athletes is that they are of high quality, but expensive.

A high-quality product, like many products marked “Made in Germany”. Multipower Formula 80 Evolution protein is well absorbed, perfectly satiates and does not cause any disorders. To achieve results, you will need to purchase the entire complex, consisting of gainer, protein and creatine. Since this is a very popular brand, there is a risk of encountering a fake. Its price is above average, and if you come across a very cheap product, then it is 100% counterfeit.

There are several series of nutrition for different categories of athletes and a separate line for girls, designed to acquire the desired relief. In addition, it can be used to stabilize hormonal levels.

3 Universal Nutrition

A Japanese manufacturer with a worldwide reputation and long-standing traditions. His motto is quality above all. The product range is wide - more than 150 items. Jointment OS nutritional supplements for ligaments and joints are an excellent means of preventing injuries and sprains. Probably every athlete has tried the Animal Pak vitamin complex, as it is the best drug that provides the body with energy. Universal Nutrition amino acid supplements have only positive reviews.

German food is of good quality in a wide range - there are almost all types of nutritional supplements with very rare reviews of intolerance. The brand is widely distributed in retail chains and therefore it is easy to find counterfeits. Many athletes note the fat burner L-carnitin Fire as an excellent drug that greatly speeds up the process of losing weight.

Russian products that everyone knows about, largely thanks to advertising. But it has many other advantages - good tolerability, competitive price. You can choose a whole complex that will complement each other. Gainer Turbo Mass is ideal for beginner athletes, as it is well absorbed and does not contain side effects.


Acceptable mid-range price. These are potent and safe professional complexes. There is even nourishment for joints. But due to a weak advertising campaign, they are not widespread enough and sometimes problems arise with finding products.

Protein S.A.N 100% Pure Platinum Whey has a lot of positive reviews. It dissolves well, has a good taste and smell and, most importantly, a tangible result.

The company has been on the sports nutrition market for a very long time with a large assortment (more than 500 items). Constantly introduces the latest pharmaceutical advances to keep up with the times. This is an ideal product for beginners, as there is a whole complex designed to maintain the health of a novice athlete. There is a sports food for allergy sufferers.

8 Ultimate Nutrition

A very good product at a low price. The assortment is large, since the American company has been operating and successfully developing since 1979. There are many flavors, the mixtures quickly dissolve and are absorbed. With this nutrition you can build muscle mass in a short time and without problems. But at the same time, the gainer contains a high content of fructose and molasses, which, in addition to giving the drink a sweet taste, also requires individual selection of dosage.

A brand for the middle class, focusing on a large and constantly updated assortment. With the help of Super Amino 6000 amino acid, you can normalize sleep and quickly restore strength after training. Elite proteins are very effective and promote rapid weight gain. ISO-100 is the best whey protein isolate and only hydrolyzate. But some athletes complain about unsatisfactory taste and poor solubility of nutrition.

10 BSN

An American company with 15 years of experience in the production of sports nutrition, widely known to all athletes for its Syntha 6 protein. Many note high-quality fat burners at a good price. And all athletes, without exception, note the excellent solubility of Cellmass 2.0 creatine. However, 10% of consumers complain of gastrointestinal side effects.

High class products, but with a small range. There are very few products for beginners. At the same time, bodybuilders praise the Mega Mass 4000 gamer, which allows you to effectively build muscle mass.