Symbols of the dental formula. Rules for filling out a dental formula. MOD - medial-occlusal-distal cavity, i.e. placed on the chewing, mesial and distal contact surfaces of the tooth crown

Human teeth are the only organs that cannot be restored; their condition plays an important role in the digestive process.

Bad habits accelerate the destruction process and become a reason for frequent visits to a specialist.

When coming to an appointment, the patient often cannot understand what the doctor is talking about, since dentistry widely uses formulas designed to name each type of teeth.

Types of teeth

The human dental system belongs to the heterodont type. According to the norm, there are 32 teeth, but their number can be 28. Each has its own purpose. Dental formulas help distribute molar processes into groups based on their shape, location, and purpose.

Such numbering greatly facilitates the work of specialists. For constants, various conditional expressions (formulas) have been created, slightly similar in the systematics of construction.

Understanding a dentist is not so difficult; it is enough to understand the dental formula and remember its diagram.

Rows of dental crowns are arches located on the upper and lower jaws, consisting of:

  • 4 (2 side, 2 central);
  • 6 (possibly 4).

If we talk about molars, their number can be four, which corresponds to the norm. Molar wisdom teeth are considered a defect and are removed. As dentists say, this is a relic of the past. For ancient people, they were indispensable for grinding hard food; the shape of the jaw allowed them to cut through without problems.

Video about dental anatomy:

Until three or four years of age, children have a limited number of teeth. They start from about six months.

The functions performed are identical to the permanent ones, while the teeth differ in their characteristic features:

  • they are much smaller in size, have a delicate, bluish tint;
  • dentin is not so developed, and the pulp is noticeably enlarged;
  • the content of mineral compounds in enamel is much less.

To calculate the required number of teeth in children of different ages, a separate formula has been created:

N – required number of teeth
n – child’s age in months

For example, 14 - 4 = 10 - in a year and two months the child will have 10 teeth. This system has a significant drawback - it has a limited period of use; after the child reaches two years of age, it is no longer suitable.

Children's arches number ten teeth:

  • 4 incisors – 2 lateral, 2 central;
  • 2 fangs;
  • 4 premolars.

Types of dental formulas

When diagnosing diseases and carrying out treatment in dentistry, special numberings and designations of the radical processes are used to simplify the work of a specialist.

In such formulas, teeth can be indicated by numbers, symbols or letters.

The following systems are practiced:

  • universal ordinal, its other name is American alphanumeric;
  • Zsigmondy-Palmer;
  • Viola;
  • Haderupa.

All of them are relevant, have their differences and are successfully practiced by specialists.

Universal (US alphanumeric)

The formula is understandable for any average person; you don’t need to have a deep understanding of medicine to decipher it.

Marking is done in capital letters; their number on the upper and lower arc is displayed next to it.

The numbers are located below and above, respectively:

  1. I - incisors, 8 pieces in total;
  2. C — fangs, 4 pieces;
  3. P - premolars, 8 pieces;
  4. M - major molars.

The children's formula is depicted according to the above notations.

For a child, the calculation is identical. The only difference is the absence of three pairs of molars, resulting in ten on one arch.

Zsigmondy-Palmer formula

It was created back in 1876, but is still widely used in dental practice today. It is quite easy to read, its second name is square-digital. Bone formations are marked with a sequence of numbers from one to eight.

There are 32 teeth; for simplicity, two conventional lines are drawn vertically and horizontally in the diagram.

Each number denotes four molar processes located parallel to each other on different sides of the axis:

  • 1- central incisors;
  • 2 – lateral incisors;
  • 3 – fangs;
  • 4 and 5 – first, second premolars, respectively;
  • 6, 7, 8 – first, second, third molars, respectively.

To distinguish the location of the crowns, symbols are used - corners.

For dairy products, Roman numerals are used. The principle remains the same, the only difference is the absence of molars.

Viola system

It has been practiced since 71 of the last century, recommended by WHO for practice in specialized educational institutions.

Each process is marked with two numbers. The first is the square of the location of the teeth, there are only four of them. Counting begins from left to right and right to left, starting from the top arc.

It deciphers like this:

  • Upper left part – 1, right – 2;
  • Lower right part – 3; left – 4.

The second digit is the serial number of the tooth, counting from one to eight. For example, if the 4th molar on the upper jaw on the right hurts, its number corresponds to 24. A similar tooth located on the left has number 14.

The formula used for children is similar, but the values ​​of the quadrants begin with five.

Using this scheme, it is important to know the basic principles:

  1. From the age of 6, the child’s upper and lower incisors, located in the center, change from numbers 51.61 and 81.71 to numbers 11.21 and 41.31.
  2. Closer to 9 years, the lateral incisors change - 52, 62 and 82.72 to 12.22 and 42.32.
  3. By the age of 10, fangs grow on the lower arch.
  4. At the age of 11, the upper fours are replaced.
  5. By the age of 12, the upper canines, fives, and lower fours must be replaced, and premolars appear.
  6. The age of 12-13 years is marked as adolescence, by this time the primary molars completely fall out, and permanent molars grow in their place.

Haderup formula

Developed on the basis of the Zsigmondy-Palmer system, the difference lies in the designation of the upper arc with the “+” symbol and the lower arc with the “-” symbol, respectively. Next, indicate the number of the process from one to eight.

The location of the “+” and “-” signs may vary depending on the side of the teeth (left or right, respectively). The designations for children are slightly different; a zero is written before the serial number.

The presented systems have their differences, advantages and disadvantages. For example, the universal formula is inconvenient for determining the left and right sides; this often leads to errors in the treatment process.

A similar problem can arise when using the Handerup system. The Zsigmondy-Palmer formula is also used for operations of the maxillofacial part of various complexities. In routine diagnosis and treatment, there is a high chance of errors occurring.

The best option is the Viola system. It is indispensable in diagnosing various diseases and their treatment.

Despite all the individual characteristics of each person, the location of the teeth and their name are the same for everyone. This is explained by the fact that dental elements begin to form long before birth (approximately 2-3 months of embryogenesis), and at birth the child has all the dental buds located deep in the jaw.

Children over two years old have 20 primary teeth in their dentition.

In both adults and children, the dentition is symmetrical - the upper and lower jaws have the same number of teeth of the same name (the midline of the face is taken as the reference point).

The table shows the order of the teeth and their correct names.

Serial number Dairy Permanent
1 central incisor central incisor
2 lateral incisor lateral incisor
3 fang fang
4 first molar first (small) premolar
5 second molar second (small) premolar)
6 first (large) molar
7 second (large) molar
8 third (large) molar

In adults, the number of permanent teeth can vary from 28 to 32 (this depends on whether wisdom teeth have erupted or not)

As can be seen from the table, only the front teeth (incisors and canines) have the same names and locations in children and adults. The rear (or “root”) have significant differences.

Why is tooth numbering necessary?

All human teeth have their own specific location according to numbers. But how can you tell whether it is located on the upper or lower jaw, or on the left or right? You can use full formulations (for example, the first permanent molar of the upper jaw on the right). But such cumbersome names create certain difficulties for dentists and can often cause mistakes, which are especially dangerous if the patient undergoes the removal of a diseased tooth.

In order to optimize the work of doctors and simplify the designation of tooth numbers as much as possible, special numberings were invented.

Tooth numbering schemes in dentistry

Currently, tooth numbers in dentistry are systematized according to several schemes:

  1. Universal numbering system.
  2. Square-digital or Zsigmondy-Palmer system.
  3. Haderup system.
  4. American numbering or alphanumeric system.
  5. European numbering Viola or WHO system.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each of them.

Universal system

This numbering scheme is based on assigning each permanent tooth a specific number from 1 to 32. In primary occlusion, each tooth has its own letter. In this case, the count is carried out from the right half of the upper jaw clockwise from the wisdom tooth.

The dental formula of a permanent set according to the universal system looks like this:

Diagram: numbers of permanent teeth of the upper and lower jaw

Milk teeth are marked according to the same principle, but only using letters of the Latin alphabet:

Zsigmondy-Palmer system

This numbering is the most imperfect, since it still indicates the teeth under numbers without a more precise indication of their location. At the same time, Arabic numerals from 1 to 8 are used for the permanent set, and Roman numerals (I-V) are used for numbering dairy products.

The digital system does not exclude errors when carrying out diagnostic or therapeutic measures, therefore, today it is used only by orthodontists (for example, when installing and marking braces) or maxillofacial surgeons. And entries on it in the patient’s medical record are made only on a special diagram.

Haderup system

Numbering according to the Haderup system also applies to digital numbers. To designate the teeth of an adult, Arabic numbers 1-8 with a plus or minus sign in front of them are used. The “+” sign is used to number the upper ones, and the “-” sign to indicate the lower ones.

The numbers of children's teeth are similarly written in Arabic numerals with the signs “+” or “-”, but at the same time the number “0” is placed in front of them.

The inconvenience of such a system is the need to indicate the location of the tooth on the left or right side of the jaw.

American alphanumeric system

This numbering is widespread in the USA. The alphanumeric system is based on assigning a letter value to each group of teeth (capitals for a permanent set, and capitals for a primary set), as well as a digital code that indicates the location of the tooth in a correct bite.

Letter meanings of teeth:

  • I (i) - permanent (deciduous) incisors;
  • C (s) - permanent (deciduous) fangs;
  • P - premolars (absent in primary dentition);
  • M (m) - permanent (deciduous) molars.

American numbering also does not take into account the left- or right-sided position of the tooth, which can cause certain difficulties.

European international numbering Viola

Today, this is the newest and most advanced teeth numbering system. Its essence lies in the fact that the jaws are divided into segments (2 on top and 2 below), each of which is assigned its own number. For adults, numeric values ​​are used 1-4, and for children - 5-8. As a result, each tooth receives a two-digit number, the first digit of which indicates a specific segment, and the second - a serial number.

The convenience of the Viola system lies in the absence of cumbersome names while accurately indicating the location of the required tooth and the minimal risk of error. This numbering is indispensable when sending a patient for an x-ray, as well as when identifying teeth on a panoramic image.

How to determine the tooth number - practice with examples

Determining which teeth numbers are quite simple, you just need to practice a little with examples.

Tooth number 37 - which one is it?

To an unknowing person who is not familiar with the numbering systems in dentistry, it may seem that we are talking about an extra 5 teeth in the mouth. But that's not true. According to the Viola system, teeth with numbers starting with three are located on the lower jaw on the left. And serial number 7 corresponds to the second molar. This means the 37th tooth is the second lower molar on the left.

What number corresponds to the upper right wisdom tooth (eight)?

The third molar will be designated differently in different systems.

  • In the universal number scheme - number 1.
  • According to the Zsigmondy-Palmer scheme - “upper right eight”.
  • According to the Haderup system - “+8 on the right”.
  • In the American scheme - “upper M3 on the right”.
  • According to the Viola system - number 18.

For a school-age child, the dental formula says that next to tooth 21 there is tooth 62. How can this be?

In children at 6-7 years old (less often at 8-9 years old), the replacement of milk teeth begins. Therefore, both teeth from a temporary set and already erupted permanent teeth can be located in the mouth at the same time. In this situation, they are numbered according to the Viola system, and their numbers indicate that the central upper incisor on the left (number 21) has already been replaced by a molar, but the lateral incisor is still from the primary bite (therefore it is marked under number 62).

Numbering for an abnormal number of teeth

If a person has a normal number of teeth in his mouth, then their numbering does not cause difficulties and remains constant both at a young age and after 60 years.

If some teeth are lost (for example, due to various diseases or developmental anomalies), then in the dental formula next to the corresponding number its absence is simply indicated.

But there are diseases of the dental system, which are characterized by an increase in the number of teeth with an atypical arrangement. With such options, the use of any numbering schemes is difficult and most often dentists refuse to use them. In this case, complete information about the number of teeth, their description and location is entered into the patient’s medical documentation.

There are several schemes for determining the identity of a tooth.

Zsigmondy scheme denotes the permanent dentition teeth in Arabic numerals along the four quadrants of the jaws, starting from the midline of the face. Thus, the formula of permanent teeth will look like:

American scheme provides for serial numbering of teeth in a clockwise direction, starting with the upper right wisdom tooth and ending with the lower right wisdom tooth. Thus, the first right molar will be number 3, and the first left molar will be number 14.

FDI (International Dental Federation) and WHO scheme. According to this scheme, each tooth has a two-digit designation: the first number indicates the quadrant number (starting from the upper right side), and the second number of the tooth in each quadrant (starting from the midline).

Permanent teeth

Right side Left side
quadrant 1 quadrant 2
18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
quadrant 4 quadrant 3

Temporary teeth

Right side Left side
Quadrant 1 (5) Quadrant 2(6)
55 54 53 52 51 61 62 63 64 65
85 84 83 82 81 71 72 73 74 75
quadrant 4(8) quadrant 3(7)

The numbering of teeth in each quadrant begins with the central incisor and ends with the third molar. Also, each quadrant of the upper and lower jaw has a digital designation, which increases clockwise. Temporary teeth are numbered in quadrants 5,6,7,8.

The results of the examination of the dentition are recorded in the formula starting with the last molar of the upper jaw on the right, and ending with the last molar of the lower jaw on the right, i.e. in the same direction as the examination of the dentition.

To record the results of an examination of the dentition and an individual tooth, there are notations:

« ABOUT" – missing tooth, " WITH" - caries, " P" - seal, " R" - pulpitis, " Pt" – periodontitis, " R" - root, " TO" – crown, " AND" - artificial tooth, " I, II, III» – degree of tooth mobility

Security questions:

1. What is percussion? Comparative percussion?

2. How is palpation performed?

3. Dental formula according to WHO.

4. Rules for recording the examination in the dental formula.

5. What is a dental patient record?


1. Propaedeutic dentistry: Textbook for medical universities / edited by E.A. Bazikyan. – M: GEOTAR-Media, 2008. – P. 3

2. Therapeutic dentistry: Textbook for students of medical universities / ed. HER. Borovsky. – M: Medical Information Agency, 2006. – S.

3. Practical therapeutic dentistry: Textbook / A.I. Nikolaev, L.M. Tsepov. – 6th ed., revised. and additional – M.: MED press-inform, 2007. – P.



Target: study additional methods of examining a dental patient: radiography, thermometry, EDI.

Thermometry – The method is based on the reaction of the dental pulp to temperature stimuli: cold and heat. Thermometry can be carried out using cold or warm water or air. Gutta-percha heating pluggers can be used to determine the reaction to hot foods.

X-ray examination:

Dense tissues absorb X-rays, soft ones -

Types of X-ray examination:

· targeted dental (intraoral) radiographs (Fig. 1);

Figure 1

· panoramic radiographs;

· orthopantomogram (Fig. 2);

Figure 2

· radiovisiorgaf (less dose, but less sensor resolution).

X-ray research methods allow you to determine:

· Condition of teeth: position, condition of hard tooth tissues, root canals, roots, degree of formation

Condition around the apical tissues

Condition of bone tissue

Condition of the temporomandibular joint

Sinus condition

· Presence of neoplasms, sequestration

Department of Pediatric Dentistry KrasSMA

GOU VPO "Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy"

Federal Agency for Health and Social Development"

Department of Pediatric Dentistry




Approved at the department meeting

Protocol No. 211

Head Department of Pediatric Dentistry

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education KrasSMA Roszdrav

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Tumshevits O.N. ______________

Compiled by: Ass. Surdo E.S.


LESSON No. 2 (IVsemester)

Lesson topic:


Form of organization of the educational process:

Practical lesson.

Relevance of the topic:

The first stage of a dentist’s work is the collection of factual material, i.e., identifying the symptoms of a painful condition. The final diagnosis depends on how complete and objective the information received is. The development of science contributes to the emergence of new methods for diagnosing the condition of the oral cavity. In this regard, it is important to formulate a procedure for examining the patient in which all factors contributing to the development of oral diseases will be taken into account and recorded.

Purpose of the lesson:

1 . General goal.

To teach how to examine a patient with registration of all factors influencing the formation of the patient’s dental status.

2 .Learning goal.

Study the anatomy of the maxillofacial region and oral cavity;

Learn to select instruments for examining the oral cavity;

Practice skills in conducting preventive examinations.

3 . Psychological and pedagogical:

Develop an action algorithm for the requirements for organizing a dental office and disinfection methods. pre-sterilization treatment and sterilization of dental instruments.

Location of the lesson:

Treatment rooms in dental clinics, dental rooms in preschool educational institutions and schools, classrooms. Lesson duration – 90 minutes.

Lesson equipment:

Tables, set of dental instruments, dental unit.


Stages of practical training



and equipment

Organization of the lesson

Checking Attendance

and appearance of students

Formulation of the topic and purpose

An explanation of the topic, its relevance, and the purpose of the lesson is provided.

Control of the initial level of knowledge and skills

Testing, individual oral questioning, frontal questioning

Disclosure of educational-target issues

Instruction of students (indicative basis of activities, outpatient cards)

Independent work of students

(current control)

The structure of hard tissues of the tooth, periodontium and oral mucosa.

Methods of specialization of dental instruments.

Antiseptic treatment of dentist's hands.

In the dental office of a children's clinic, school;

Master the recording of dental formulas using various recording systems, practice skills in recording dental formulas.

Final knowledge control in writing.

Solving situational problems.

Tests, situational tasks.

Homework (for next lesson)

Educational and methodological developments for the next lesson, individual development tasks

Topic summary:

Inspection methods Vdentistry.

The first stage of a dentist’s work is the collection of factual material, i.e., the appearance of symptoms of a painful condition. The development of science contributes to the emergence of new methods for diagnosing the condition of hard tissues of teeth and periodontal tissues. In this regard, it is important to formulate a procedure for examining the patient in which all factors contributing to the development of oral diseases will be taken into account and recorded. The final diagnosis depends on how complete and objective the information received is.

Examination methods are divided into basic (clinical) and additional (instrumental and laboratory).

When examining a patient, there is a certain order. Clinical examination consists of the following stages:

Interview: collection of complaints, collection of life history, collection of medical history.

Objective research:

examination of the skin of the maxillofacial area, examination of the vestibule of the oral cavity,

examination of the oral cavity itself.

Recording a dental formula .

For brevity of recording the dental formula, a graphical-digital system is used. A tooth is designated by a serial number placed in the corresponding quadrant:

Permanent teeth

right 87654321112345678 left side 87654321|12345678 side

Temporary teeth

rightV IV III II I | I II III GUVleft side V IV IIII I | I II IIIIV V side

Teeth can be written as part of a graphical numerical dental formula:

6 | first permanent molar of the maxilla on the right,

| IY first primary molar of the maxilla on the left.

WHO international two-digit system: a tooth is designated by two numbers. The first digit of the number indicates the side of a particular jaw, and the second - the serial number of the tooth.

For permanent teeth: the right half of the upper jaw is designated by the number 1, the left - 2, the lower left - 3, the right - 4:

1 | 2

18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

48 47 46 45 44 43 42 411 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 For primary teeth, quadrant designation: reference a 5 [ 6 s left 8 | 7 55 54 53 52 51 J6162 63 64 65 85 848382 81 |71 72 73 74 75 Examples: tooth 17 - 7J - permanent second molar of the upper jaw on the right,

tooth 23 - |3 - permanent canine of the upper jaw on the left, tooth 53 - Ш| temporary canine of the upper jaw on the right.

Questions for self-control:

1. The structure of the maxillofacial region and the oral cavity.

2. The structure of hard tissues of the tooth, periodontium and oral mucosa.

3. Methods of sterilization of dental instruments.

4. Antiseptic treatment of the dentist’s hands.

5. Recording the dental formula using various recording systems.

6. Methods of dental examination of children of different ages.

Test tasks and situational tasks on the topic of the lesson (see appendix)

List of UIRS topics:

1. Features of the structure and development of the maxillofacial region in children.

2. New methods for diagnosing dental diseases.

3. Features of the structure of the oral mucosa in children.

List of practical knowledge and skills:

    Know the algorithms for examining a child’s oral cavity.

    Be able to fill out a dental formula.

    Learn algorithms for dental examination of children of different ages.


1. List the main and additional methods of examining the oral cavity.

Basic literature:

Persin L.S. et al. Pediatric dentistry, M.: Medicine, 2006. – 639 p.

Further reading:

    Vodolatsky M.P. et al. Prevention and epidemiology of dental diseases: Textbook. – Stavropol: Iz-vo SGMA, 2004. – 200 p.

    Radnaev S.N., Lyulakina E.G., Parilov V.V. The importance of ergonomics in the prevention of occupational diseases of dentists. In the book: University pedagogy. Krasnoyarsk, 2002. - P.52 - 53.

    Alyamovsky V.V., Bakhturina G.I., Buyankina R.G., Duzh A.N. Activity of dental caries in preschool children in Krasnoyarsk and methods for its calculation. Methodological recommendations for students. Krasnoyarsk, 2001. - 14 p.

    Alyamovsky V.V., Bril E.A., Narykova S.A. Sanitary educational work among preschool children in the system of primary dental prevention. Educational and methodological manual for students. Krasnoyarsk, 2001. - 25 p.

    Terekhova T.N., Popruzhenko T.V. Prevention of dental diseases, Textbook. – Minsk: Belarus, 2004. - 526 p.

    Tumshevits O.N. Prevention of pathology of the dental system during unfavorable antenatal and postnatal periods of development. - Krasnoyarsk: KrasSMA publishing house, 2005. 225 p.

    Tsarev V.N. – Antimicrobial therapy in dentistry: Manual / original text by V.N. Tsarev and R.V. Ushakov. – Moscow: LLC “Medical Information Agency”, 2006. – 144 p.

    Trezubov V.N. - Dental office: Equipment, materials, tools: Textbook / author's text V.N. Trezubov, L.M. Mishnev, M.M. Soloviev and O.A. Krasnoslobodtseva; Ed. V.N. Trezubov. – 2nd ed., add. And processed..- St. Petersburg: Spets.lit., 2006.- 144 p.

Human teeth are bony formations in the mouth that play a major role in the processes of processing food, the formation of speech skills and a smile.

Types of teeth and their number

Normally, an adult has 28-32 teeth, each of which has its own purpose. It is customary to divide all teeth into temporary (baby) and permanent (molar). Each of the teeth belongs to one of four groups, depending on its functions. Belonging to a particular group is determined based on the shape of the tooth, its internal structure and place in the dentition.

Note! Teeth are the only organs in the human body that cannot be restored. Improper care and bad habits lead to tooth decay.

According to the functions they perform, teeth are divided into four types:

  • incisors– necessary for a person to easily separate pieces of food;
  • fangs– designed for crushing separated pieces;
  • premolars– help to compress food as much as possible;
  • molars– needed for chopping pieces of food.

Note! The largest of all the teeth in the jaw are the molars.

The teeth form two arches above and below. Each of them contains 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 small molars (premolars) and 6 large molars. Out of 6 molars, the norm can be only 4, since not all people have wisdom teeth.

The condition and health of the jaw elements has a direct impact on the digestive process. Thanks to the presence of healthy teeth, normal nutrition is provided, which affects the growth of the body and its normal development.

Note! There are no medications in the world that can affect the shape of teeth, since it is genetically determined.

Names and formulas of teeth

When making a diagnosis, the dentist is guided by certain patterns and numbering of teeth. The numbers and letters reflect the order in which they are located, which makes it easier for dentists to make a diagnosis and determine the tooth that needs to be treated.

Special designations that are used to indicate the location of teeth are called a dental formula. Today, several recording systems for this scheme are actively used. The dental formula is the final result of jaw sanitation. Temporary teeth in the formula are represented by Roman numerals, and permanent teeth by Arabic numerals.

There is a universal dental chart, which is usually called the alphanumeric method. In the generally accepted formula, each type of tooth is designated in capital letters without indicating the quantity:

  • I – incisors;
  • C – fangs;
  • P – premolars;
  • M – molars.

When treating children, lowercase letters will be used instead of capital letters. Arabic numerals indicate the location of the tooth in the row.

According to the schematic drawing, the formula looks like:

If you decipher the record, it turns out that the patient has two pairs of incisors, one pair of canines on the upper jaw, two pairs of premolars and three pairs of molars. This formula works to maintain a permanent 32 tooth bite.

Reasons for creating a dental formula

Human teeth, despite their visual similarity, have certain differences. Each tooth is individual and designed to perform its function. Thanks to numbering in the dental field, examination of the patient’s oral cavity is optimized to the maximum.

Clear and concise markings help to accurately record information in the patient's chart. In this case, the use of the same numbering system is observed. This is necessary so that the new doctor can decipher the medical history and past treatments that were performed by another dentist. Different dentists cannot use an individual billing system, as this will change the patient's hospital history.

Numbering of teeth at dentists

In addition to the dental formula, dentists use special numbering. It starts from the middle of the row and moves in different directions to the end of the jaw. For example, doctors call molars “eights” or “sixes.”

The first number is assigned to the two front teeth, and the formations immediately behind them are given the second number. Both canines, which are located behind the incisors, are numbered “threes”. The teeth following them are written in the form of numbers 4 and 5. The last three molars in the row have further serial numbers: 6, 7 and 8.

This numbering greatly simplifies the designation of teeth for dentists. But in addition to the number, the dentist needs to know in which segment of the jaw a certain tooth is located. To clarify records about the condition of the patient’s teeth, the entire jaw is virtually divided into four zones.

Note! The order of counting teeth starts from the upper arch of the jaw, starting from the right edge, and is carried out clockwise.

On the upper arc, tens are visualized from the beginning of the row, and the next zone at the top left is called twenties. The bottom of the jaw is marked according to the same principle: the teeth on the left are called thirty, and those on the other side are called forty. When diagnosing the oral cavity, the number of the zone in which it is located is added to the number of the tooth being examined. So each tooth is assigned a number.

The World Health Organization has developed its own form for recording dental formulas. In it, each tooth is designated by a number, as is each segment of the jaw. The entry looks like this:

Table 1. Dental formula according to the WHO method

Note! In the WHO formula, for convenience, the numbers increase clockwise.

Video - Anatomy of teeth

Numbering in pediatric dentistry

Due to the nuances of the anatomy of the children's jaw, numbering in dentistry for children is carried out differently. A child’s milk teeth, which usually appear between 4 months and six months, erupt simultaneously with the formation of the roots of permanent teeth. Because of this, both permanent and temporary teeth will be visible on the x-ray. The constants already have their own numbers, so children's teeth are counted from the next tens.

Note! To count temporary teeth in children, there is a special formula in which the letter N indicates the number of teeth, and n indicates the child’s age. The formula is as follows: N = n – 4

Understanding the numbering of teeth and deciphering the formula of adult teeth will help the patient better understand their dentist. With the help of generally accepted values, the meaning of treatment becomes clear and the diagnosis recorded in the hospital record is clarified.