How to use dental floss correctly, how often? Dental floss is an absolute necessity when brushing your teeth. Dental floss.

Dental floss is a product designed for daily oral care. With its help, it is possible to thoroughly clean the interdental spaces from food debris and plaque. Dental floss is recognized as one of the most useful inventions for hygiene procedures. Their regular use is an excellent prevention of oral diseases.

In order to ensure maximum cleansing of all hard-to-reach areas, taking into account the anatomical characteristics of each person, various flosses are produced. Therefore, it is worth talking about their features. We will also discuss the benefits of use and how to use dental floss.

Before we begin to study the features of the device, let’s consider the benefits of dental floss. It’s not for nothing that flossing is strongly recommended in dentistry:

  • The floss allows you to clean the interdental spaces well (a brush cannot cope with this task).
  • Using floss does not require special skills.
  • The device is quite compact. It can be used anywhere (in a restaurant, while traveling, on a picnic).
  • The benefit of flossing for teeth is also that it prevents the formation of stones and soft deposits that cause caries and gum disease.

But, as we know, everything has its shortcomings and disadvantages. If used incorrectly, even the best quality dental floss can cause harm.

For example:

  • Frequent flossing is not recommended.
  • Floss is an unnecessary irritant to already inflamed gums.
  • There is a risk of harm to yourself, in particular, mechanical damage to soft tissues.

In order to reduce the harm of dental floss to zero, you need to consult a specialist before using it. He will not only help you choose a floss, but will also explain in detail how to use it. However, the device in question is not the only preventive measure. You should also not forget about periodic visits to the dental office.

Terms of use

One of the most common questions asked in dentistry is how to properly brush your teeth. Flossing incorrectly can lead to serious problems.

Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings, the following rules should be applied:

  • About 50 cm of thread is taken, most of which is wrapped around the middle fingers.
  • You need to clean the interdental space carefully, moving smoothly from top to bottom, holding the floss firmly between your index finger and thumb.
  • The dental floss should gently reach under the gum line. In this case, you do not need to apply excessive force, as you risk injuring delicate tissues.
  • Do not use thread that has already been used. Bacteria move from one tooth to another unit.
  • It's not just the molars and premolars that need to be cleaned. For some inexplicable reason, many often do not pay attention to the front teeth and fangs, on which plaque and microbes accumulate no less.
  • You need to follow a certain sequence: clean from left to right, starting from the top row.

Types of dental floss

There is a wide range of types of dental floss. But they all have their own characteristics and are not suitable for every person. If you are thinking about purchasing dental floss for the first time, we recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with its varieties.

It’s worth starting with the fact that there are dental flosses for home and professional hygiene. Pharmacies and specialty stores offer a variety of customized oral cleaning devices.

Try not to skimp when choosing. After all, high-quality floss for personal hygiene is not only convenient to use, but also safe. Professional threads should be used strictly according to the recommendations of a specialist, who must first assess the condition of the oral cavity.

The dentist will also help you decide on the cross-section of the floss. The round shape and tape-shaped devices are chosen by people with large gaps between the teeth. Threads of this type will be able to efficiently clean the desired areas.

For those who have minimal spaces between teeth, the best dental floss is flat floss. It easily fits into narrow crevices, cleaning them safely. There are also voluminous flosses on sale for effective teeth cleaning, which expand upon contact with saliva.

It is important to know that threads also differ in the principle of surface treatment. The nylon variety can be coated with wax (waxed) or untreated (unwaxed).

If floss is coated with wax, it penetrates into narrow spaces much more easily. However, unwaxed threads clean the tooth surface better because during the procedure they are divided into individual fibers and provide greater contact.

Non-waxed monofilament is also good for cleaning surfaces and practically does not tear in hard-to-reach places. Such single-filament flosses are most often made from expensive material - Teflon.

It is worth noting that basically the hygiene devices in question are impregnated with certain medicinal substances. Such compositions provide additional care for the oral cavity. For example, floss soaked in menthol deodorizes the tooth surface, and fluoride strengthens the enamel. Chlorhexidine threads reduce the growth of harmful bacteria.

How often can you floss?

If a person uses a toothbrush every day, then he knows very well that nothing compares to the feeling of freshness in the mouth after brushing. It is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures several times a day, after rinsing the mouth with a special product. What about floss? How often should I floss?

If gum damage has already occurred, then you should seek help from specialists. The doctor will assess the extent of irritation and inflammation and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment, after which you can return to daily use of dental floss.

It is worth remembering that gums often bleed when first used, but do not worry. You should sound the alarm only when this problem bothers you regularly.

It’s worth talking separately about people who decide to get prosthetics. There are no special restrictions on the frequency of use. If there are implants, the hygiene device in question should consist of natural fibers (preferably silk). Flossing is done very carefully.

How to replace dental floss?

No exception is the case when the thread may unexpectedly run out, and the nearest pharmacy will not have it. What to do in such a situation? Many, in search of an alternative replacement, use ordinary wool or silk threads, which, naturally, is unacceptable.

Using a floss not intended for hygienic procedures can easily damage teeth and gums and cause infection. Some dentists recommend using oral irrigators. In order to at least slightly remove food debris, you can occasionally use toothpicks, or in extreme cases, sugar-free chewing gum.

You need to use dental floss in any case, as it will have a positive effect on the condition of your teeth and gums and protect them from the influence of pathogenic microflora. When used daily, the device effectively eliminates bad breath if it is associated with rotting food particles. By gently massaging the soft tissues, you can strengthen the gums while removing food debris from the interdental spaces.

Experts draw attention to the fact that regular use of even the best dental floss does not exempt you from hygienic procedures using paste and brush. The device is a good addition for the prevention of dental diseases.

A beautiful, healthy smile always attracts and puts you at ease. On the shelves of modern stores there are a lot of brushes, various toothpastes and mouthwashes. But dentists assure that simply brushing your teeth is not enough, you need to use additional oral hygiene products. Therefore, today we will figure out how to use dental floss correctly and is it really necessary?

Why is thread needed?

Plaque accumulates daily, leaving a yellow discoloration on the teeth, providing bacteria with a comfortable environment for reproduction. A toothbrush helps to clean it, the problem is that the bristles can clean the front and back walls, but with their help it is impossible to get into the interdental space.

You can remove pieces of food with a toothpick, although dentists strongly do not recommend doing this, as there is a high risk of damaging soft tissues. You can clean plaque between your teeth and prevent the formation of tartar only by using dental floss.

Several special terms have appeared in dentistry to refer to such a procedure. Flossing is brushing your teeth using dental floss, and flossing is the English term for it. To get a good result, you need to choose the right floss.

Classification of dental floss

All divisions are based on the characteristics of the material, thickness or length of the floss. You should choose them based on the characteristics of your jaw structure.

  1. Round, flat and ribbon threads. The former do a good job of cleaning, but are not suitable for people with narrow interdental spaces. The latter will be able to penetrate into the smallest cracks. Tape threads are designed for wide spaces.
  2. The surface of the thread may or may not be treated with wax; such a product is called waxed or unwaxed. The wax floss glides gently and easily over the enamel and remains consistent throughout the entire procedure. Unwaxed thread breaks down into fibers, covers a larger surface area and cleans more effectively. However, using such a product is more difficult.
  3. A brush – floss – is a thread attached to a plastic handle; this product is more convenient for cleaning the space between the molars.

To prevent oral diseases, threads can be impregnated with medicinal compounds, the main ones include:

  1. Chlorhexidine, which disinfects surfaces and creates antibacterial care.
  2. Sodium chloride is used to strengthen enamel and prevent caries.
  3. Aromatic impregnations do not have a beneficial function; menthol is used to freshen breath and create a pleasant feeling of cleanliness.

For those who wear dentures or teeth straightening systems, there is a separate type of floss; it combines the characteristics of different types of products, ensuring maximum efficiency.

Flossik and flosset

New devices invented for convenience have received such funny names. The structure of a flossette is similar to a toothbrush, but instead of bristles it has a stretched thread. It is convenient to use on the road or at work. The only disadvantage of the device is its high cost. A new piece of skein is measured for each tooth, but it cannot be replaced, therefore, when the supply is exhausted, the flossette must be disposed of.

Flossik is a disposable device. A nylon thread is stretched over a plastic handle; the structure of the floss resembles a slingshot. In terms of its effectiveness, it is inferior to dental floss, but it is more convenient to take it on the road and use it as a handy device.

Whatever thread you choose, before purchasing you should make sure that you have no contraindications to its use.


Dental floss can easily damage the gums, injure the mucous membrane, and therefore create a path for infection. To minimize the risk of complications, you should make sure that you do not have the following problems:

  1. Bleeding and inflammation of the gums, flossing can damage the delicate mucous membrane.
  2. Caries, damaged enamel is easy to chip off.
  3. Bridge implants or crowns require special hygiene items.

If none of the points apply to you, then you can start caring for your teeth with floss. The main thing is to follow some rules.

Floss technique

Most people have flossed at least once and can attest that it doesn't require any special skills. But you need to take some precautions so as not to harm the health of your teeth and gums.

  1. It is necessary to use a thread before you start cleaning with a paste and brush.
  2. Wash your hands and prepare a piece of the required length in advance, 40 cm is a convenient size.
  3. For comfortable use, wind the piece as follows: most of the thread is wound on the middle finger of one hand, the tip is wound on the middle finger of the other hand. As a result, a segment of 5-7 cm remains in the middle with which you work. Change the spacing of the floss for each tooth to avoid transferring plaque and germs.
  4. Stretch the thread between your fingers and carefully insert it into the space between the teeth, be careful, the movements should be smooth, as the thread can cause a deep wound. The floss should press against the enamel. Make 5-7 movements up and down, this will be enough.
  5. Carry out similar actions with each tooth.

The technique seems very simple, but at the same time it requires some skills.

  1. Take your time and don't use brute force.
  2. Never use regular woven thread; it will not glide as smoothly across the enamel.
  3. If after the first brushing your gums begin to bleed, you should not stop flossing. At first, such a reaction is acceptable, soon the gums will become stronger, the microcirculation of blood in them will improve and the discomfort will disappear.
  4. You cannot neglect the rules for changing a section of thread or reusing it.

When the main points of using floss are indicated, it is worth paying attention to children's oral hygiene.

Dental floss for children

Children's teeth need proper hygiene no less than adults. If you can trust a child of 8-10 years old to use floss independently, then you can introduce him to the device under the supervision of his parents earlier.

Parents need to explain to the child what the thread is needed for and what precautions should be taken. Children's gums are even more delicate and easily wounded. Please note that you need to be careful when replacing baby teeth with molars, when the root becomes loose and the base of the tooth is exposed.

It is better for adults and children to floss their teeth after every meal; if this is not possible, then carry out a full procedure in the evening. A comprehensive approach will provide the best results, so combine the use of a brush, paste, thread and rinse.

Possible complications

There is an opinion among dentists that dental floss can spoil the structure of the tooth and negatively affect its condition. Evidence for this theory is based on cases of improper use of thread.

Inflammation of the gums appears as a result of wounds and microcracks caused by floss. Careful handling of soft tissues will help to avoid them, and subsequent rinsing of the mouth can prevent the risk of infection.

Sometimes patients forget that dental floss cannot be considered as an independent means of hygiene. The space between the teeth makes up 40% of the total, so you can’t do without a brush.

If your gums bleed for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps you suffer from periodontitis and flossing is contraindicated for you.

The above arguments suggest that the advantages of using dental floss are much greater than the disadvantages. Its correct use will lead to strengthening the health of teeth and gums, preserving a beautiful smile for a long time.

How to use dental floss - video

In our article, you will discover useful information about an important additional attribute for brushing your teeth called “dental floss”, its types, purpose, and how to use it correctly.

Brief characteristics of dental floss

Dental floss (otherwise called “floss”)- This is an effective means for performing hygienic procedures in the oral cavity in the interdental spaces. Use the functions of floss as an addition to a toothbrush in order to eliminate food debris in the thin spaces between the teeth that the toothbrush cannot reach.

There are two types of dental floss:

  1. Natural.
  2. Artificial.

Natural flosses are made from silk, and artificial flosses are made from thin synthetic fibers.

When to floss

Many consumers who have just discovered such an effective invention are wondering: when can and should you use such an invention and how often to do it?

If you want to protect yourself as much as possible from caries and other dental diseases, then you need to use floss:

  1. In the morning, after sleep.
  2. In the evening, before bed.
  3. After every meal.

Even during small snacks, if there is such an opportunity to use floss and clean the spaces between teeth, this opportunity cannot be ignored. The health of your teeth directly depends on the frequency of such hygiene procedures.

How to properly floss your teeth

For those who decided to use floss for the first time, we offer step-by-step recommendations:

  1. Tear off 40-50 cm of thread, fasten it on the middle fingers of both hands so that after winding, a few centimeters of free edge remain between the fingers.
  2. Then hold the floss between your thumb and forefinger and gently move it between your teeth.
  3. Wrap the floss around the base of each tooth so that it goes slightly under the gum and lightly move it across the tooth.

Such procedures should be done carefully so as not to injure the gums. A separate piece of floss is used for each tooth.

How to use dental floss correctly.

Features of using dental floss by children

Despite the fact that this cleaning procedure is very effective and necessary, it is recommended that children use floss no earlier than 8-10 years of age, due to the fact that children’s gums are very sensitive and can be easily injured.

The principle of using thread for children is exactly the same as for adults. It is recommended to use waxed varieties only for children; they are not so dangerous.

The child should perform the first flossing procedure exclusively under the guidance of an adult.

Features of cleaning with braces

Flossing teeth with braces.

If your teeth are wearing braces, this is not a reason to stop using floss.

With braces, the principle of using floss is exactly the same as without them, only a few more nuances are added:

  1. The floss must be pulled between the teeth above the braces.
  2. After cleaning the space between the teeth and near the gums, you should also clean the empty space under the wire.

Of course, the procedure for using floss in the presence of braces is somewhat more complicated and takes more time, but it is still necessary to carry out such manipulation at least 1-2 times a day.

Features of cleaning with crowns

Be careful when inserting the floss to the gum so as not to damage it.

If you have crowns, it is absolutely necessary to floss underneath them, as food debris can get stuck under the crown and cannot be reached with a toothbrush. Dental floss can reach underneath the crown and gently remove these debris.

To clean between and under crowns, you must use a heavy-duty floss called superfloss. This is a solid nylon fiber that does not tear and has excellent stretch.

To effectively floss crowns, you must follow the instructions for use:

  1. Prepare a piece of thread 40 cm long.
  2. The piece is then wound around the middle finger of the right hand. It is best to leave the index finger free.
  3. The thread on the left hand must be wrapped so that there remains a section in the center of at least 8-10 cm.
  4. You should start flossing your teeth from the upper jaw.
  5. To do this, insert the floss into the space between the teeth and gently guide it to the gums.
  6. Movement along the enamel should be from top to bottom.
  7. Then the thread is removed and a new piece is used for further cleaning according to the same principle.

In other words, to clean a dental crown with superfloss, you need to circle it around the root with the crown and then clean the crown from top to bottom.

Species diversity

Using floss does not replace, but complements, brushing your teeth.

The range of dental floss is quite wide. As mentioned above, there are flosses: artificial and natural.

Natural floss is made from silk. Their main disadvantage is their ability to burst. Therefore, such thread is produced on a much smaller scale than artificial thread.

Synthetic products, in turn, are divided into:

  1. Nylon. This is a cheaper option.
  2. Teflon. More expensive threads that glide better than nylon ones.

Depending on the presence of spraying, such hygiene products are:

  • Waxed;
  • Unwaxed.

Waxed thread (treated with wax) is less traumatic and safer; it does not delaminate during cleaning and does not injure the gums. The unwaxed variety is more dangerous, but also more effective; it exfoliates and removes food debris better.

Waxed and unwaxed threads.

The shapes of floss are:

  1. Flat.
  2. Round.

Round floss has a large volume and is intended for those with wide gaps between teeth. Flat threads are smaller in volume and are better suited for people whose teeth fit tightly together.


According to the nature of impregnation, flosses also vary:

  1. Antiseptic– impregnated with chlorhexidine. This thread prevents bacteria from entering the gum even if it is injured.
  2. Anticarious– impregnated with sodium fluoride.
  3. Flavored– with menthol aroma to give fresh breath.

According to their purpose, flosses are divided into:

  • Professional– used only by professionals in specialized dental offices.
  • Individual– can be used at home.

You should consult your dentist about which variety is best to choose.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Dental floss has both its pros and cons.

Contraindications for use

In the presence of inflammatory diseases, floss can easily damage the gums, thereby promoting the spread of infection. Thus, the situation with sore gums may worsen even more.

Dental floss. Benefit or harm? How to use it correctly and when? Dentists' advice on choosing and using floss.

In addition to brushing your teeth with a brush and toothpaste, dentists recommend using dental floss. It penetrates into hard-to-reach places and helps remove plaque where it is impossible to reach with a regular brush. But what is it, how to use it correctly, what types are there. We will take a look at these and other features below.

The benefits and harms of dental floss

It is used to cleanse the interdental space. But is it safe? Is it possible to harm her? This can only happen if used incorrectly. Otherwise, this hygiene product has only a positive effect.
Attention! Under no circumstances should floss be replaced with regular thread or anything else. All such actions will lead to injury to the gums and oral cavity.
Benefits of dental floss:
  • Deep cleaning of the interdental space, inaccessible to other means
  • Normalization of acidity levels in the oral cavity
  • Prevents the appearance of caries
  • Helps fight bad breath
However, there are a number of contraindications, such as bleeding gums, the presence of dentures or bridges, caries. Therefore, before you start actively using this hygiene product, you should visit your dentist and consult.

How to properly floss your teeth

To avoid causing any injury to your gums, you need to know what this product is and how to use it correctly.
Let's look at a few simple rules.
  • First of all, you need to wash your hands
  • Next, you need to unwind the required amount of product. One-time cleaning takes about 40 centimeters
  • Then you need to wind the ends of the thread around your middle fingers. Hold the middle between your thumb and index finger
  • Advice. Use a new piece of thread for each interdental gap. This way you can eliminate the possibility of transferring germs.
  • You need to floss gently so as not to damage your gums.
  • Interdental spaces are cleaned from top to bottom
  • To remove plaque, you need to stretch the thread behind the tooth in the shape of the letter “c”, carefully clean it, without sudden movements.
  • Repeat all steps for each interdental gap
Attention! It is important to brush the outermost teeth. Most dental diseases begin with them.

How often should you floss?

Floss should be used daily. But how often should you use it during the day? Dentists recommend using it after every main meal. This way you can get rid of food particles remaining in the interdental crevices. Therefore, it is an excellent prevention of caries and other dental diseases. It is also important to combine cleansing with floss, brush with paste, mouth rinse, etc.

Dental floss should be used before or after brushing your teeth

With this hygiene product you can clean all the hard-to-reach places that the bristles of a toothbrush cannot handle. On the question of when it is better to use dental floss: before or after brushing your teeth, dentists have different opinions. But in one thing they are exactly the same. It should be used regularly. Then your teeth and gums will be healthy. And when exactly to use floss is everyone's choice. Based on your preferences and needs.

Which dental floss is better: waxed or unwaxed?

There are several types of floss, including waxed and unwaxed. But which dental floss is best? Let's look at the positive and negative sides of each.
Waxed. Pros.
  • Usually coated with wax, which promotes good glide and penetration into hard-to-reach places
  • Cleans well even with fillings, and also if the teeth are very close to each other
  • High strength. Almost impossible to break
  • The shape holds well and does not delaminate.
  • Suitable for beginners. Easy to use
Waxed. Cons.
  • Wax may remain in the spaces between teeth. Needs additional cleaning
  • Due to the fact that it slides easily, some plaque may remain
Unwaxed. Pros.
  • Cleans interdental spaces well. The thread fits tightly to the teeth
  • A squeaking sound appears, indicating high-quality cleaning.
Unwaxed. Cons.
  • Low strength. May tear
  • It is difficult to clean interdental spaces if the teeth are not aligned or very close. There is a risk of gum injury
Attention! If the floss is stuck between the teeth, do not pull it out with great force. There is a risk of injuring your gums. You need to carefully pull it out using tweezers. You can also try to get it out using a thinner product. If none of the methods succeed, you should contact your dentist.
So, the thread can be waxed or unwaxed. Which one is better depends on the individual characteristics, needs and preferences of the person.

Features of flossing with braces

Many people think that cleaning with braces is impossible with this hygiene product. However, if you have braces, this does not mean that you cannot floss. On the contrary, it is not only possible to use, but even necessary. Of course, the cleaning procedure will be somewhat more complicated, but nevertheless feasible.
Let's take a closer look at the cleaning process with braces.
  • You need to use a product that is coated with wax. This way the glide will be better, the thread will not get stuck in the braces
  • The length of the floss must be at least 25 centimeters
  • First you need to thoroughly clean under the braces, and then the interdental space
  • Repeat this procedure with each tooth.
Advice for parents. It may be difficult for the child to cope with this procedure independently. Give him help, at least at first, until he gets used to it. Later he will do everything himself.

How to use dental floss: video

In this video you will find tips and recommendations from your dentist on using floss, as well as step-by-step instructions for the correct use of this hygiene product.

There is an expression “naturally, like brushing your teeth.” They say that brushing your teeth is by default such an ordinary activity that it can serve as a standard of norm. But this applies to a toothbrush and toothpaste, but not everyone is used to using dental floss. Surely many have not even thought about how to use dental floss correctly and have not even held it in their hands, choosing more familiar oral hygiene devices in the store. Although in many situations, using dental floss is just easier than fiddling with a brush.

And if you decide to take care of your dental health, we advise you to learn how to use dental floss correctly. Believe me, it won’t take much time, but it will bring great benefits not only to the teeth and gums, but to the entire body. Moreover, even braces will not be an obstacle: you can and should use dental floss with braces, and we will also be happy to talk about this in this article.

What is dental floss? Why use dental floss?
A toothbrush is essential, but not perfect. The design of the brush, regular or improved, traditional mechanical or modern electric, allows you to treat only part of the surface of each tooth (top, outside and inside). At the same time, pieces of food stuck between the teeth almost always remain there, and you have to remove them with toothpicks or other equally traumatic methods. So dental floss, or floss, is not a replacement or an alternative to a toothbrush, but an additional device that allows you to achieve greater cleanliness of the oral cavity. In addition, it is much more convenient to carry dental floss with you and use it outside the home.

As a rule, dental floss is packaged in a small case that can easily fit in a small cosmetic bag or even in a pocket. Inside the case, the floss is rolled into a tight roll, and at the exit from the case there is a small cutter built in that separates the amount of thread you need. For better cleaning of interdental spaces, dental floss is made of different diameters and different shapes in cross-section:

  • Round dental floss is suitable for regular and wider gaps between teeth.
  • Flat floss is designed for narrower spaces between teeth that are small and/or tightly packed together.
  • Dental floss, which changes volume when wet, is thin in the package, but becomes wider when it is wetted by saliva in the mouth.
This variety of configurations applies to synthetic dental floss: nylon, acetate, Teflon and nylon. But earlier, and sometimes still, dental floss was made from natural silk. Regardless of the material, dental floss may be unimpregnated or have additional impregnation:
  • Waxed dental floss, due to its wax-coated surface, penetrates between the teeth more easily and glides without damaging the gums.
  • Menthol dental floss, like toothpaste or chewing gum, freshens breath and leaves a pleasant aftertaste in the mouth.
  • Fluoridated dental floss helps prevent tooth decay and strengthens tooth enamel in the most vulnerable areas.
As you can see, dental floss is a rather complex device, and in order to use dental floss correctly, you must first choose the right dental floss. If you've never flossed before, buy dental floss coated with wax. This will protect you from the risk of floss getting stuck between your teeth.

How to brush your teeth and floss
Using dental floss requires a certain skill, time and privacy; it cannot “invisibly” clean your teeth like a toothpick. But on the other hand, it cleans much better, and even with a menthol taste, it does not irritate the digestive system, like chewing gum. And mastering the use of dental floss is not difficult:
Those who are just starting to use dental floss often complain of bleeding gums. In general, this is not a disaster yet, but you need to pay attention and determine the cause of the bleeding. On the one hand, it could be the careless and rough use of dental floss that you simply cut yourself with. On the other hand, out of habit, the gums react this way to a new load for them. If you notice such a problem, do not give up flossing, but use it with extreme caution in the coming days and watch your body’s reaction.

How often should I floss?
Learning to use dental floss is not that difficult - the main thing is not to forget about it and use it regularly. And this question is also asked by beginners: how often can and should you use dental floss? Firstly, as we have already found out, dental floss does not replace a toothbrush, which means it does not replace the need to brush your teeth with toothpaste in the morning and evening. Secondly, there are clearly defined rules for using dental floss:

  • Dental floss is used daily because food particles get stuck and plaque forms in the spaces between teeth every day.
  • It is advisable to floss after every meal. If you follow such regularity, you will soon feel and even visually notice a positive result.
  • If you cannot or do not want to floss during the day, floss at least once a day, in the evening, after regular brushing.
    To get used to flossing, choose floss with a pleasant-tasting impregnation. As for the wax coating, once you start using waxed dental floss, eventually switch to unwaxed floss. It doesn't glide as smoothly, but it cleans much better.
How to properly floss with braces
Wearing braces comes with many restrictions. In particular, there is a stereotype that it is impossible and even prohibited to floss teeth with braces. In fact, this is quite possible, and even recommended by dentists. After all, pieces of food additionally get stuck not only between the teeth, but also under the braces, which is absolutely not allowed. To use dental floss with braces, you will have to try:
  1. Unwind and cut off the required amount of floss.
  2. One end of the piece is on the index finger, and the other, free end, is threaded between the gum and the bracket.
  3. With your other hand, grasp the end of the floss and pull gently to clean the space between your teeth.
  4. To floss all your teeth, you will have to remove the floss each time and re-thread it under the base of the brace.
  5. The main thing in this process is not to rush, so as not to damage either the gums or the braces. It is advisable to perform cleaning at home or at least in a quiet environment.
There are special dental flosses for those who wear braces. If you can’t find such flosses, regular, but waxed ones will do. There are also flossers for children, but if your child has braces and wants to floss, help them do it or be there to monitor their actions.

Brushing your teeth with floss is correct and necessary, although it is unusual. But once you start, you will soon get used to it, and flossing will become as normal for you as a toothbrush. Moreover, the sooner you start using dental floss, the better it is to preserve the integrity and whiteness of your teeth enamel, because it suffers the most in the places where the teeth touch. I wish you health and a dazzling smile!