Violation of the alkaline balance in the body. Violation of the acid-base balance in the body: symptoms, treatment, causes, signs

Most diseases of civilization are based on one common denominator. This is a phenomenon called "acid-base balance"

It is an indisputable fact that almost all modern representatives of "civilized peoples" face the problem of health in one way or another throughout their lives. Being the children of modern "civilized" parents - hyper-busy and super-preoccupied with solving many problems created by an extremely complex and contradictory society, they can afford all modern pleasures (pleasures) with virtually impunity, based on their predisposition and heredity.

True, then, having matured, for some reason they often give birth to sick and weak children, who often can no longer afford to lead a cheerful lifestyle of their parents.

We are deeply convinced that all people should carefully monitor the preservation of their start-up capital called health, without losing or wasting it in vain.

Every day, every minute, it is necessary to be conscious in order not to cause harm consciously or unconsciously. own body or soul.

If this happens, then both the body and the soul send us warning signals. We should recognize them and listen to them!

If we learn this, we will be rewarded with a long, happy, healthy life.

Most diseases of civilization are based on one common denominator. This is a phenomenon called "acid-base balance". Knowing this phenomenon, one can easily understand all the causes of diseases. modern civilization and ways to overcome them.

About the fundamental meaning acid-base balance known to any person who is at least to some extent interested in health issues, not to mention any specialist in this field. And in the same way, many people know about the benefits of soda. But nevertheless, as practice shows, we are still not fully aware of the impact that acidification of the body has on our lives. And the main reason for this unawareness is that over the past half century, such an acidic state has already become so widespread that it is perceived as the norm ....

It has long become the norm, for example, early baldness in men PMS women... Although, if you look at the painting, then neither ancient world, nor in the Middle Ages we practically will not meet bald young men. Only the elderly, whose face is furrowed with deep wrinkles! And now, even among active athletes, the percentage of bald people is quite large ... PMS is now the norm, unstable health after 30 is the norm, a bouquet chronic diseases 50 is the norm. And all these states exist only against the background of a shift in the acid-base balance to the acid side ...

Acidification of the body - chronic acidosis - has become the norm so much that no one really shouts about it anymore, especially since commercial medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, in fact, are vitally interested in such an "acidic" state of people. For such a state is a 100% guarantee of the endless need of people for treatment and medicines ...

Try not to change the water in the aquarium for a couple of months! It will not alkalize, but it will acidify, because breathing, as you know, generates carbon dioxide at the exit, and in general, all waste products of living organisms are chemically acidic. And if you continue to let the aquarium environment become acidic, soon the fish for some reason will start to get very sick ... And you will call a "fish doctor" to them, who will treat them with pleasure. But then they will die anyway, because no matter how they are treated - even with stem cells or cloned organs - the poor fellows will die, because their habitat has become simply incompatible with life.

Our body is also a kind of container, in which fish cells swim in water - intercellular (interstitial) fluid. And all this lives thanks to the blood - also a liquid ... And what do we have now in our "human kingdom"? For example, according to WHO statistics, 8 million people a year die of cancer in the world. 8 million! At the same time, of course, most of them are necessarily treated, most often treated for more than one year ...

If we calculate how much these several million people invest in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, I think it will become quite obvious to us that no one is interested in giving up such profits. And the question is - what attitude will the owners of this entire pharmaceutical-medical system have towards such people as, for example, Dr. Simoncini, who treats some very common types of cancer in just 4-5 sessions.

And what? Sodium bicarbonate solution! Those. plain soda! A penny product! 4-5 sessions is a fact. And Dr. Simoncini is also a fact. Live and well, has thousands of successful cancer cures..

And the theory of Tulio Simnochini is simple: cancer is a consequence of the vital activity of fungi, mainly of the genus Candida.

So, as you know, fungi only live in acidic environments. And of course, the products of their vital activity are also acidic, up to toxic, belonging to the group of aflatoxins ... And as soon as the environment becomes alkaline, i.e. returns to the norm, which should be in human body, then the fungus leaves, disappears by itself along with all its waste products ...

Acids and alkalis are in the body in a very close relationship, like day and night. They must be in balance, and the preponderance must be on the alkaline side, since we humans belong to the "alkaline half of the kingdom of nature."

The vitality and health of a person lies in alkalis, more precisely in alkaline compounds - minerals ah and trace elements, otherwise the normal pH level of the blood would not be in the indicated range 7.35 - 7.45. E this zone can only be slightly disturbed, otherwise a critical, life-threatening condition may occur.

To prevent strong fluctuations in this pH, the human metabolism has various buffer systems.

One of them - hemoglobin buffer. It immediately decreases if, for example, anemia (anemia) sets in. The kidney is the most important organ of the buffer system, removing excess acid. The lung regulates the acid-base balance by exhaling carbon dioxide. Therefore, conscious exhalation is important, which must be supported by breathing exercises.

The liver is also an important pH-regulating organ, according to new research. Her full biochemical strength also lies in alkaline area. This should be taken into account in all liver diseases!

What does the body do if, despite the accurate work of all these organs, acids remain in the metabolic process?

These acids are neutralized according to all the laws of chemistry:

alkali metals such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium replace hydrogen in acids by combining with the acid residue, resulting in compounds called salts.

Salt is already chemically neutral, no more reaction takes place with it.

Such salts, i.e. neutralized acids, in theory, should be excreted by the kidneys, but due to the general peroxidation of the blood, they are not completely excreted, and then the body is forced to deposit these salts inside itself (primarily in connective tissue), and these forcedly deposited salts are colloquially called "slags".

The process of salt deposition is similar to the behavior of sugar in a cup of water, coffee or tea. One spoon dissolves without residue. The second and third remain mostly undissolved and settle at the bottom of the cup. The fourth will not be able to dissolve at all ...

Moreover, remember: if the cup stands like this for a day or two, then the sugar at the bottom will cake, compact so that it becomes a dense mass, a lump ... This is exactly what happens in our body.

The more acidic the blood becomes, the less salts can dissolve.

And, accordingly, the more of them are deposited throughout the body ... Unfortunately, in our time, the deposition of toxins in the connective tissue has moved from an intermediate position to a final one, and the "slagging" of the body begins, in other words, POISONING PROCESS, which underlies aging and all age-related diseases.

Chemically aging process of our body is nothing more than the removal of minerals from tissues and organs in order to neutralize acids.

A particularly possible disruption of the acid-base balance is reflected in the work of our most important organ - the heart. This is very strong muscle, which is in progress permanent job spends a lot a large number of energy. Thus, it is necessary good exchange substances. In this case, the resulting carbon dioxide and lactic acid must be very quickly removed from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart muscle.

If " vehicle"- blood - as a result of its own acidification, has exhausted its ability to collect acids, then this may lead to stagnation of acids in the heart muscle. The worst consequence of this is a heart attack.

In the working muscles of the arms and legs, we feel muscle pain during overload. The same thing happens in the heart muscle. If at the same time there is no alkaline buffer salt, then heart pains appear, weak pulse, heartbeat failures and other problems.

According to Dr. Kern, a well-known therapist and heart attack- one of the big acid catastrophes that can occur in the body.

This also includes:


necrosis of the legs (the so-called "smoker's leg") and all types of circulatory disorders.

Along with the hemoglobin buffer, our metabolism has the most important sodium bicarbonate buffer.

Sodium bicarbonate, or colloquially baking soda, is chemical compound, which is formed in certain cells of the stomach from sodium chloride ( salt), carbon dioxide, and water.

If there are pains in the heart, which we can now explain as pains from an excess of acid, then naturopathy should be resorted to.

One can, for example, use sodium bicarbonate ( baking soda) to quickly get rid of the acid. Sodium bicarbonate can be swallowed as a tablet or powder, or dissolved in water and consumed as ALKALINE DRINK.

Alkaline compresses, washings, alkaline baths also quickly help. using this simple, affordable yet extremely effective tool.

It is necessary to understand the basic prerequisites for health. And in the first place here is, of course, an understanding of the meaning of water.

Water is the most important solvent for organic substances, which only in dissolved form enter into the necessary chemical reactions exchange. Metabolic reactions in our body are typical "reactions in an aqueous solution" for a chemist.

Therefore, in the process of metabolism, it is necessary to see the fundamental dependence of the flow biochemical reactions our body from the quality of the basis of all these reactions - water.

And the quality of water, first of all, depends on the level of pH.. As already mentioned, pure water contains an equal amount of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions.

This creates a balanced state. Water is chemically and energetically neutral. This can be compared to the scale of a thermometer. In a thermometer, the zero point corresponds to the neutral point, since we measure either cold or heat. At the top of the thermometer scale shows the level of heat, at the bottom - the level of cold. On a pH scale from 0 to 14 average value 7 indicates a neutral level, the pH of human blood is about 7.35, i.e. lies in the weakly alkaline zone. In the same way, we feel best when we are weak. warm temperature, about + 20-22 ° С.

A parallel can be drawn between both phenomena, and they can be considered absolutely equivalent! Our metabolism occurs in an acid-base balance. But this equilibrium is not chemically neutral, but chemically weakly alkaline. Understanding this point is at the heart of our entire system.

In general, there are many local zones in the body where acid prevails.

Let's take the digestive tract.

From mouth to anus, v digestive tract alternately dominated by either alkaline or acidic environment.

If the environment of saliva is slightly acidic or neutral, then gastric juice sour. If an alkaline environment prevails in bile and pancreatic juice, then the environment in small intestine naturally also alkaline, and in the colon - almost a neutral balance, provided that the person eats right!

Blood can fulfill its vital important features only as long as the underlying regulatory processes are in equilibrium.

The blood pH indicators during life remain not lower than 7.0 and not higher than 7.8. Changes in the pH in the direction of decrease or increase are a threat to life. When the blood pH is below 7.35, in other words, when hyperacidity, we are talking about ACIDOSIS (from lat. acidus - sour). When the blood pH is above 7.45, due to the excess alkaline environment or lack of acid (acid deficiency), we are talking about alkalosis.

Therefore, it is so important, along with consumed nutritional and biologically active substances when choosing food, take into account the acid-base balance. In this case, a change in eating habits can greatly strengthen the recovery forces of the body. Due to this, aggressive methods will be applied to the body less.

Medications are by no means a substitute for a well-chosen diet, as they usually themselves are chemically acidic.

Restoration of impaired metabolism is impossible without the correction of basic functions.

Therefore, despite the fact that during metabolism, acidic metabolic products (hydrogen ions, H + ions) constantly enter the blood, the pH coefficient of the blood healthy people remains constant.

Respiration and kidneys are very important to ensure this balance.

The kidneys excrete metabolic products (metabolites) that cannot be removed from the body in a gaseous manner. They are called "non-volatile" or "permanent" acids.

No less important is the constant removal from the body of volatile, gaseous toxins formed during metabolism.

They must be immediately removed from the body before they form toxic acids.. published

from the book Peter Entshur "Removal of toxins - the path to health"


How are things with your acid-base balance? Did you know that our body has ideal indicator pH level, which is 7.365?

When the balance is disturbed, various diseases arise in our body.

Our habits such as sleep, stress, smoking and most of all the foods we consume affect the pH level in our body.

How to determine if the acid-base balance in your body is disturbed, and what needs to be done to restore it.

Acid-alkaline state

Signs Your Body Is Too Acid

The more acidic your body is, the harder it is for your immune system to fight disease, bacteria, and even cancer.

If your diet is dominated by meat and dairy products, sugar and processed foods, then your body is forced to use alkaline minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium) to neutralize the resulting excess acid.

Because of this, vital mineral reserves are depleted, which negatively affects health. Some scientists even believe that severe acidosis can promote the growth of malignant cells and tumors.

Here are a few signs that your body is too acidic:

Signs that your body is too alkaline

Most often it occurs with an excess of bicarbonate in the blood, sudden loss acidity of the blood, low levels of carbon dioxide. The cause of this condition may be some kind of disease, but if the pH rises above 7.8? condition may become critical.

Here are the main signs that your body is too alkaline:

How to restore the acid-base balance in the body?

Our body is an amazing system that itself is able to restore the acid-base balance. However, when there is a shift in one direction or another, it comes at a heavy cost to us.

For example, when our body becomes too acidic, the blood takes alkaline-forming elements from digestive enzymes and creates less favorable environment for digestion.

It is for this reason that the food we consume can affect the development of certain diseases. The body takes away from one area to balance the pH and interferes with the proper functioning of other functions.

    Our diet consists mainly of oxidizing foods (meat, cereals, sugar). We consume far fewer alkalizing foods, such as vegetables and fruits, and there are not enough of them to neutralize the excess of oxidizing foods we eat.

    Habits such as smoking, addiction to coffee and alcohol have an oxidizing effect on the body.

    Our body is approximately 20 percent acidic and 80 percent alkaline. It is recommended to consume approximately 20 percent acidic foods and 80 percent alkaline foods..

    Acid-base balance not to be confused with stomach acidity. A healthy stomach has an acidic pH, which is necessary for the digestion of food. It's about about pH biological fluids, cells and tissues. Alkalinity occurs mainly after digestion. For example, lemons and oranges are considered acidic, but once digested, they provide our body with alkaline minerals.

    Foods can be oxidizing or alkalizing and. Give preference to fresh fruits and vegetables, such as: lemons, apricots, grapes, pears, cabbage? beets, lettuce, cucumbers. Also drink more water, and avoid sugary carbonated drinks.

    If you feel like you suffer from alkalosis(excess alkali), you first need to find out the cause. For example, you may be taking medications that cause potassium and chloride deficiency. severe vomiting can also lead to metabolic alkalosis.

Here are some more small tips on how to adjust the pH level in the body.

    Drink more water

    Eat less acid-producing foods

    Eat more greens and kale

    Avoid processed foods and fast food

    Include green juices and smoothies in your diet

    get busy exercise

    Meditate to Reduce Stress

Violation of the acid-base balance can manifest itself in the form acidosis or alkalosis. Acidoses are characterized by an increase in the concentration of hydrogen ions compared to the norm. As a result, the pH value decreases. In cases where the concentration of hydrogen ions decreases and alkaline components accumulate, a state of alkalosis is observed. This raises the pH value. The limit incompatible with life occurs when pH = 8. Depending on the mechanism of development of disorders, four types of acid-base balance disorders are distinguished, although more often they are mixed: metabolic and respiratory acidosis, metabolic and respiratory alkalosis (Table 1). The degree of compensation is compensated, subcompensated and uncompensated forms.

Table 1 - Changes in acid-base balance and their origin

Change in acid-base balance

Indicators for assessing the acid-base state

HCO 3 --, mmol/l

pCO 2, mm Hg Art.

metabolic acidosis

Respiratory acidosis

metabolic alkalosis

Respiratory alkalosis

Compensated acidosis or alkalosis are characterized only by a change in the concentration of HCO3 -, CO 2 and H +, which are aimed at normalizing pll and proceed without changes in the pH value of the blood: it is respectively 7.40-7.35 (compensated acidosis) and 7.40-7.45 (compensated alkalosis ). However, when acidic or alkaline metabolic products continue to accumulate in the tissues of animals, the degree of increase or decrease in CO 2 in them becomes such that compensation for these changes becomes impossible. Then subcompensated acidosis develops in the animal body (blood pH is 7.34-7.25) or alkalosis (pH is in the range of 7.46-7.55), i.e. the change in the pH value is still insignificant (Table 2).

The deepening of the pathology causes irreversible changes in the indicators of acid-base balance. Uncompensated acidosis develops (blood pH below 7.25) or alkalosis (pH more than 7.55).

Table 2 - Indicative indicators of different degrees of acidosis and alkalosis

Degree of violation




metabolic acidosis refers to the most frequent and severe violations of the acid-base balance, which is based on the primary increase in the content of non-volatile acids in the body or the loss of alkalis. It develops as a result of violations of intermediate metabolism in tissues and the accumulation of organic acids (lactic, pyruvic, acetoacetic, etc.), phosphates, sulfates; with insufficient release or decay of these metabolites by the affected organs - the liver, lungs, kidneys, intestines, when animals are fed low-quality feed (sour pulp, bard, silage, haylage) containing an excess of organic acids (butyric, acetic, lactic). At the same time, bicarbonates are used to neutralize their isomers; they are not metabolized in animal tissues and are excreted in the form of sodium and potassium salts.

In ruminants, the cause of metabolic acidosis is feeding feeds containing an excess amount of easily soluble carbohydrates - grain concentrates, potatoes, sugar beets. The share of concentrates in the energy supply of high-yielding cows is often 50 - 56%, instead of the maximum - 45%. Easily digestible carbohydrates (starch, sugar) are quickly fermented with the formation of an excess amount of lactic acid, which causes the development of rumen acidosis and, as a result, metabolic acidosis. In addition, highly productive cows in the first 8-10 weeks of lactation do not compensate for the costs of plastic and energy material for milk production through the consumption of feed, that is, they develop a negative energy balance. This deficiency is compensated by the internal reserves of the body (lipomobilization syndrome), which is accompanied by excessive formation of ketone bodies and the development of metabolic acidosis ( ketoacidosis).

Metabolic acidosis is the result of many pathologies - diarrhea of ​​various etiologies, cardiovascular insufficiency, hypoxia caused by lung diseases and anemia, kidney damage, diabetes, ketosis, alimentary dystrophy. The mechanism of development of metabolic acidosis in these diseases is different. So, with diarrhea of ​​various etiologies, especially in newborn young animals, the excretion of a large amount of bicarbonates from the body, dehydration, circulatory disorders and the resulting hypoxia, starvation are important. The excretion of hydrogen ions through the intestines decreases. As a result of starvation, there is a deficiency of energy compounds, which leads to the mobilization of fat from the depot and the accumulation of products of incomplete oxidation. fatty acids, especially acetoacetic and β-hydroxybutyric. In a severe acidotic state, the pH value venous blood in calves it decreases to 7.25, which is normally 7.39-7.41, and the concentration of bicarbonate HCO3 is up to 14 mmol / l or less (normally 25-30).

Especially often, metabolic acidosis develops with hypoxia caused by cardiovascular insufficiency, lung damage (pneumonia, edema), posthemorrhagic and other types of anemia. Under such conditions, anaerobic oxidation of glucose (glycolysis) increases, and lactic acid accumulates in the body, the content of which determines the amount of acidosis, therefore this type of metabolic acidosis is called lactic acidosis.

In kidney diseases (acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), the excretion of strong organic acids with urine decreases, sulfites and phosphates are retained in the blood and tissues, which displace extracellular bicarbonate. In this case, the alkaline reserve of the blood decreases, which causes acidosis, azotemia and hyperphosphatemia. With damage to the tubules of the kidneys, acidosis is caused by a decrease in the excretion of hydrogen ions in the urine.

Metabolic acidosis is characterized by a decrease in blood pH, bicarbonate and blood buffer bases, partial pressure of carbon dioxide, and a significant deficiency of buffer bases.

The most powerful metabolic acidosis compensation systems are the bicarbonate buffer system and the kidneys. The mechanism of pH recovery by the kidneys is aimed, on the one hand, at reducing the concentration of H + ions in the plasma by excreting their excess in the urine in the form of organic acids, hydrophosphate ions and ammonium chloride, and on the other hand, increasing the reabsorption of bicarbonate (NaHCO 3) from the urine in the convoluted tubules.

Due to the development of acidosis in the body of animals, various metabolic and functional disorders occur. Changes in protein, energy, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism are characterized by dysproteinemia, activation of ammonium genesis, ketonemia, accumulation of free fatty acids, lactic and other organic acids, inhibition of the Krebs cycle, and intensity of mitochondrial oxidation. Tissue acidosis stimulates protein catabolism. In the liver, the use of amino acids for protein biosynthesis is inhibited, as a result of which their total number in the free state increases. Therefore, when chronic course the body of animals loses a significant amount of non-protein nitrogen. Long-term condition uncompensated acidosis causes the mobilization of Ca 2+ , Na + and P from the bones, which negatively affects the state of the bone tissue.

In metabolic acidosis, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen decreases. This means that the formation of oxyhemoglobin in the lungs becomes more difficult, but with moderate acidosis, hemoglobin gives oxygen to the tissues more easily.

Under the influence of acidic metabolic products, myocardial function is suppressed and heartbeat(at pH<7,25). Сосуды миокарда сужаются, что приводит к уменьшению в них кровообращения. Вследствие снижения АД уменьшается кровоснабжение головного мозга и почек, нарушается выделительная функция почек, и в организме накапливаются токсические продукты обмена веществ, в частности аммиак.

With metabolic acidosis, there are signs of a violation of water-salt metabolism. Due to the retention of water in the intercellular environment and hemodynamic disturbances, tissues become hydrophilic. At the same time, an electrolytic reorientation occurs in the cell, in which the content of H + , K + , Na + , Cl - , organic acids in the blood plasma increases and - HCO3 - decreases.

Acidosis reflexively enhances the function of the adrenal glands. In the blood, the level of catecholamines, in particular adrenaline, increases, which ensures that blood pressure is maintained within normal limits. Acidemia reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and causes ulcers in it. In cows with acidosis, the cellulolytic activity of the rumen microflora decreases, the content of acetic acid decreases and propionic acid increases.

Respiratory acidosis develops with an excess of CO 2 in the body and an increase in pCO 2 ( hypercapnia) due to decreased pulmonary ventilation. Hypoventilation of the lungs and hypercapnia are observed in bronchitis and pneumonia, alveolar emphysema, atelectasis and pulmonary edema, malignant tumors, exudative pleurisy, pneumothorax, cardiovascular insufficiency, increased intra-abdominal pressure (rumen tympany, acute gastric dilation, intestinal flatulence), decreased excitability respiratory center with brain injuries, cerebral hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure, overdose of analgesics, sedatives and anesthetics; inhalation of air with a high concentration of CO 2 and prolonged lack of O 2 . Hypercapnia leads to the development of hypoxia, which causes insufficient oxidation of intermediate metabolic products in tissues and the accumulation of acid metabolites, that is, metabolic acidosis joins respiratory acidosis and mixed acidosis develops.

Respiratory acidosis leads primarily to dysfunction of the nervous system and blood circulation. An increase in the concentration of CO 2 causes the development of acidosis in the brain tissue, vasodilation and an increase in blood flow. The supply of blood to the brain increases only to a certain limit, and a further increase in pCO 2 and vasodilation causes plasma to leak through the vascular wall and increase the fluid that separates the brain cells from the vascular bed. In this case, the diffusion of oxygen from the blood into the cells is disturbed, as a result of which hypoxia of the nervous tissue develops. Hypoxemia stimulates glycolysis, therefore, the formation of lactic acid increases, which complicates the acidosis of the brain tissue and further expands the vessels of the brain. Plasma diffusion increases, increases hypoxia, and thus a vicious circle is formed.

Acidosis inhibits the contractility of the heart muscle due to the direct effect of an increased concentration of H +, it also causes spasm of the venous vessels, as a result of which the volume of circulating blood increases, which leads to an increase in volume and pressure in the vascular bed of the lungs, an overload of the right ventricle and can cause pulmonary edema. An increase in pCO 2 leads to narrowing of the arterioles of the lungs and an increase in resistance in them, which also overloads the right ventricle and can lead to its insufficiency, especially in patients who have already developed cor pulmonale syndrome.

Respiratory acidosis is compensated by the kidneys in the same way as in metabolic acidosis: Na 2 HPO 4 + H 2 CO 3 → NaH 2 PO 4 + NaHCO 3 . In addition, due to the accumulation of CO 2 is the excitation of the respiratory center, which leads to hyperventilation of the lungs due to tachypnea. Sometimes due to this, it is possible to achieve the maximum elimination of CO 2 from the blood through the lungs. To neutralize CO 2 to H 2 CO 3, the main components of buffer systems, primarily hydrocarbon systems, are also used. The development of the compensation process is rapid, but it is possible to notice signs of an increase in HCO 3 only after 2-3 days from the onset of acidosis. Therefore, treatment procedures for respiratory acidosis should be aimed at improving alveolar ventilation.

metabolic alkalosis develops with the accumulation of alkalis in the body, increased loss of non-volatile acids, excessive excretion of H + by the kidneys. It occurs in ruminants when they are fed an excessive amount of legumes, green mass, vetch-oat and pea-oat mixtures, other feeds rich in proteins: pea turd, cake, meal and nitrogen-containing non-protein substances (urea and other salts). In this case, a large amount of ammonia is formed in the rumen, which reacts with acids, neutralizing them. When interacting with water, ammonia forms ammonium hydroxide and ammonium ion, as a result of which the pH of the rumen content shifts to the alkaline side (7.5-8.2). The reserve alkalinity of the blood rises to 64 vol% CO 2 or more, and the pH of the urine to 8.4 and above. Metabolic alkalosis develops in ruminants when the abomasum is displaced, since the number of ciliates in the rumen decreases (up to 50-60 thousand per 1 ml) and the concentration of short-chain fatty acids (65 mmol / l versus 120 in healthy cows). The content of abomasum passes into the rumen, the amount of chlorides in the rumen increases, and in the blood it decreases, as a result of which alkalosis develops. In animals with a single-chamber stomach, alkalosis develops during vomiting due to the loss of hydrochloric acid.

Metabolic alkalosis is characterized by an increase in blood pH, buffer bases, carbonic acid anion (HCO 3 --).

Respiratory alkalosis develops with excessive excretion of CO 2 from the body (hypocapnia), resulting from hyperventilation of the lungs, which is observed with direct exposure to the respiratory center of various toxic products (including ammonia), in the initial stages of pneumonia and with encephalomyelitis. The partial pressure of CO 2 decreases, so the pH value of the blood increases. Alkalosis is compensated by the kidneys, which excrete HCO3 ions - and retain H + ions. The reaction of urine becomes alkaline.

The main consequence of respiratory and metabolic alkalosis is a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the vessels of the brain, heart, and lungs, while blood pressure decreases and blood flow through these organs decreases. The mechanisms for eliminating alkalosis consist in the use of acidic components of buffer systems, but they are much weaker compared to the mechanisms for eliminating acidosis.

Acid-base balance is the basic principle of maintaining health. Acid-base balance largely depends on the diet and diet and the work of the endocrine organs. Regulates the acid-base balance of the body, the liver and its secreted bile, which has an alkaline reaction. The acid-base balance in the body can be disturbed with the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The easiest way to restore the acid-base balance of the human body is to normalize the diet and diet.

One of the conditions for proper digestion, and hence good health, is maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. Acids and alkalis enter the body from the outside, i.e. through food, and are also formed as a result of metabolism.

According to the teachings of many doctors, the human body can only survive if there is a balance between acids and alkalis. The body has certain regulatory mechanisms, the so-called buffer systems, which constantly maintain a balance between acids and alkalis. But, as it turned out, some certain factors create such a load on the body that the buffer systems no longer work. These factors are primarily unhealthy lifestyle and unfavorable diet.

The foods we eat go through different stages of metabolism in the body. When digesting some, acids are formed, and therefore they are called "acid-forming", when digesting others, alkalis are formed, and therefore such products are called "alkali-forming".

Food products are divided into strongly acid-forming, weakly acid-forming, weakly and strongly alkaline-forming.

Highly acidic foods include: meat, sausage, fish, eggs, cheese, sweets, white flour products, alcohol, coffee.

Weakly acid-forming foods include: cottage cheese, sour cream, nuts, wholemeal flour products.

Basic alkaline-forming foods

Weakly alkaline-forming foods include: dry fruits, raw milk, mushrooms.

Major highly alkaline-forming foods include: vegetables, fresh fruits, potatoes, green salad.

In general, we can say that highly concentrated products have an acid-forming effect, i.e. foods high in protein, as well as concentrated carbohydrates (sugar, refined white flour).

Alkaline-forming "live" products act: vegetables, fruits, herbs.

Violation of the acid-base balance due to nutrition and acidification of the body with products

Acidification of the body with products does not always occur and not for everyone. How does our body deal with acids created by itself? In the process of digestion of foods rich in carbohydrates, polycarbonic acid accumulates. It is transported through body fluids to the lungs and exhaled as carbon dioxide. Yet excess acid remains in the body. As a result, mainly urea and uric acid are formed. They remain in the body until excreted through the kidneys and shift the acid-base balance towards acid. If after that acid is added to the tissue already ready for the release of the rest of the acid through food, the body will be even more acidified and an acid-base balance will be disturbed.

Another group of acids to be excreted occurs during the digestion of foods containing sulfur and phosphorus, such as meat. Phosphate is also found as an additional substance in Cola drinks, meat and sausage products. This means that these products act in the body acid-forming. At the same time, it is nutrition that can restore the acid-base balance in the shortest possible time.

When consuming mainly acid-forming foods, the body can become acidic. According to many doctors, acidification of the body is the cause of many diseases.

Indicators of acid-base balance in the human body

For the normal functioning of the body, the constancy of the internal environment is necessary. The human body strives to keep the ratio of acids and alkalis in balance with the help of various buffer systems. You can judge the acid-base state in the body by the pH value. These are peculiar indicators of acid-base balance in the human body, which can be determined in the laboratory.

The so-called pH value (hydrogen intensity) is a dimensional number in resolving the alkaline or acidic nature of the internal environment. The pH value range is from 0 to 14. A pH value of 7 indicates the neutral point. Lower values ​​indicate an increasingly acidic environment, while higher values ​​indicate an increasingly alkaline environment. Relatively easy to measure, blood pH is, according to Dr. Hay, one of the parameters for controlling the acid-base balance in the body. A finely organized buffer system, the joint action of the lungs, kidneys, liver and connective tissue create conditions for the constant maintenance of an acid-base ratio of pH in the blood in the range from 7.36 to 7.44. When these boundaries of the acid-base ratio are shifted up or down, it can become life-threatening. The normal value of blood pH ranges from 7.4, i.e. this indicates a light alkaline environment. Life-threatening are pH values ​​below 7.0 or above 7.7.

Signs and symptoms of overacidification and acidification of the human body with an excess of acid

Acidification of the human body is very dangerous for health, because the balance is disturbed. As mentioned above, the body has the ability to maintain an acid-base balance. But with a constant long-term high content of acid in the human body, an excessive load on the body occurs, and sooner or later a failure may occur, the so-called diseases of civilization will appear. The first signs of acidification of the body can manifest as chronic fatigue, poor concentration, depression. Then come chronic headache, muscle cramps. Arthrosis, cardiovascular problems - all these are consequences and symptoms of acidification of the body. While the body is young, there is still enough space for transporting and depositing the unremoved excess acid in the body. First of all, they are deposited where they interfere least of all: connective tissues, walls of blood vessels, the eyeball, joints, muscle tissue, under the skin. And so, year after year, acids and acid salts are deposited in the internal organs, which leads to many diseases with age. To neutralize excess acids, the body needs minerals that come with alkaline-forming foods. But if acid-forming foods predominate in the diet, then he is forced to take minerals from the alkali reserves in the skeleton to maintain the acid-base balance, acidification of the body gradually leads to decalcification, osteoporosis.

There is a close relationship between the nature of nutrition and acidification of the body.

The following factors lead to acidification of the body:

1. The predominance of concentrated animal proteins in the diet.

2. Consumption of unnatural products for the body. Industrially processed, refined foods rich in carbohydrates (eg sugar, premium flour).

3. Wrong selection of products. When incompatible foods are digested, the digestive organs are overloaded and digestion is delayed. This was proved by the Russian physiologist Academician Ivan Pavlov. And due to slow digestion, acids are formed.

Regulation of acid-base balance during acidification of the body: what to do?

If there is an acidification of the body, what to do and how to normalize it, bring it back to normal? This question is asked by many, since the regulation of acid-base balance allows you to restore lost health.

Man's health is in his own hands. We can help our body in the fight against acidification, in maintaining the acid-base balance.

For this you need:

  • organize your diet so that alkaline-forming foods predominate in it. These are, first of all, vegetables, herbs, fruits, soybeans;
  • when compiling the menu, it is advisable to follow the rule: 80% of the products should be alkaline-forming, acid-forming products should be no more than 20%, for example, 100 g of meat and 400 g of vegetables, herbs, or 100 g of potatoes (vermicelli) and 400 g of vegetables, herbs;
  • reduce consumption of foods high in protein and concentrated carbohydrates;
  • eat foods that have not been chemically processed;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • monitor the adequate intake of vitamins and trace elements in the body;
  • give the body healthy physical activity, such as gymnastics, yoga, swimming, cycling;
  • during hard physical work, make sure that the load falls mainly on the muscles, and not on the joints;
  • take medications only when absolutely necessary;
  • as often as possible to be in nature.

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Acid-base balance is the balance in our body of acid and alkali. If we want to be healthy, we must maintain the acid-base balance in our body, that is, maintain the correct pH balance.

Man consists of two components: alkali and acid. It has been proven in nature that there should be 3-4 times more alkalis in the body than acids, and we should have such a ratio. If we violate this ratio, we get sick.

Nature so ordered that it endowed our body with organs and systems that are responsible for the acid-base balance of our body. First of all, it is the blood, the excretory system (kidneys) and the respiratory (pulmonary) regulation system.

Medical research has proven that our health directly depends on the acid-base balance of the blood. Blood pH values ​​from 7.35 to 7.47 are normal, with blood pH below 6.8, the body falls into a coma.

The cause of most diseases is the oxidation of the body. This medical condition is called acidosis. Today, 8 out of 10 people suffer from this disease. Sodium accumulates in their organs and muscles, and potassium disappears, which blocks energy and biochemical processes in the cells, and as a result, they die.

When the body shifts to the acid side, inflammatory processes intensify, the body quickly ages and wears out, when the body shifts to an alkaline environment, the work of the kidneys is facilitated and the body feels more healthy and active.


The acid-base ratio in our body is disturbed due to the isolation of modern man from nature. Modern man has not only excluded physical labor from his life, but also reduced any movement, as such, to a minimum: at home and in the office - he sits, after going out the gate - he changes into a car or some other transport, and so every day , year after year.

At the same time, the lungs are deformed, they no longer need as much air as with physical effort, they decrease in volume, the chest becomes narrow and undeveloped.

The second factor that violates the acid-base ratio in the body is malnutrition. Of course, this is also facilitated by the modern rhythm of life, the modern food industry and modern society.Dry food, preference for refined foods, sweets, pastries, carbonated drinks - all this disrupts the acid-base composition and leads our body to various diseases.

All foods can be divided into two types: acidic and alkaline. All protein foods: meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, dairy products, cereals, rye bread, simple carbohydrates, simple sugars, that is, sweets - they all sharply acidify the body. Vegetables, most fruits and nuts are alkalized.

During our life, all the poisons and slags that accumulate in our body belong to acids (!)


Previously, it was possible to buy special test strips in pharmacy chains, which were not very expensive and were available to everyone, but today it is almost impossible to get them. Either because of their low cost, or because they are very troublesome to store (at high humidity they lose their purpose - they become unusable), but pharmacy chains have practically stopped buying them.

So how do you know the acid-base state of your body? It turns out that in order to find out what state your body is in, it is not at all necessary to resort to tests. Try to resort to the method of yogis:

  • To determine the acid-base state of the body. It is necessary to cover each nostril with your finger in turn and take a slow breath in and out. If you breathe easier through the left nostril, then acid prevails in the body, and if through the right, then alkali.


How to increase the alkaline composition of blood in our body, how to make our blood, from thick and acidic, become more liquid, fluid and alkaline?

To bring the body's pH back to normal, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of meat, sweets, pastries and adding red vegetables and fruits, as well as nuts to the diet - they are the richest in alkali.

Also move more, make sports your hobby. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with physical exercises to the point of fainting. Daily walks in the fresh air, not burdensome daily exercises or aerobic exercise on an exercise bike will be sufficient.

  • Exercises to restore acid-base balance. There are also certain breathing techniques to restore the alkaline balance in the body. If we breathe alternately with one and the other nostril for about 10 minutes, then our energy structure of the body will be harmonized. In particular, the acid-base balance in our body is associated with this energy structure.

You can normalize the acid-base pH of the body by using baking soda.


  • In the human body, animals and plants, the role of soda is to neutralize acids, increase the body's alkaline reserves, and maintain normal acid-base balance. In humans, the pH of the blood should be within the normal range of 7.35-7.47. If the pH is less than 6.8 (very acidic blood, severe acidosis), then the death of the organism occurs (TSB, vol. 12, p. 200). The causes of acidosis are poisons in food, water and air, drugs, pesticides.
  • Nowadays, most people suffer from hyperacidity of the body (acidosis), having a blood pH below 7.35. At a pH less than 7.25 (severe acidosis), alkalizing therapy should be prescribed: taking soda from 5 g to 40 g per day (Therapist's Handbook, 1973, p. 450, 746).
  • Soda, destroying acidosis, increases the alkaline reserves of the body, shifts the acid-base balance to the alkaline side (pH about 1.45 and higher). In an alkaline organism, water is activated, i.e. its dissociation into H+ and OH- ions due to amine alkalis, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, RNA and DNA nucleotides. In activated water, all biochemical processes improve: protein synthesis is accelerated, poisons are neutralized faster, enzymes and amino vitamins work more actively, amino drugs work better.
  • A healthy body produces highly alkaline digestive juices for digestion. Digestion in the duodenum occurs in an alkaline environment under the action of juices: pancreatic juice, bile, juice of the Bruttner gland and juice of the mucous membrane of the duodenum. All juices have a high alkalinity (BME, ed. 2, vol. 24, p. 634). Pancreatic juice has pH=7.8-9.0. Enzymes of pancreatic juice act only in an alkaline environment. Bile normally has an alkaline reaction pH = 7.50-8.50. The secret of the large intestine has a strongly alkaline pH = 8.9-9.0 (BME, ed. 2, v. 12, Art. Acid-base balance, p. 857). With severe acidosis, bile becomes acidic pH = 6.6-6.9 instead of the normal pH = 7.5-8.5. This impairs digestion, which leads to poisoning of the body with products of poor digestion, the formation of stones in the liver, gall bladder, intestines and kidneys. In an acidic environment, opistarchosis worms, pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, etc. live quietly. In an alkaline environment, they die.
  • In an acidic body, saliva has an acidic pH = 5.7-6.7, which leads to a slow destruction of tooth enamel. In an alkaline organism, saliva is alkaline: pH = 7.2-7.9 (Therapist's Handbook, 1969, p. 753) and the teeth are not destroyed. To treat caries, you need to take soda twice a day (so that saliva becomes alkaline).
  • Soda, neutralizing excess acids, increases the alkaline reserves of the body, makes urine alkaline, which facilitates the work of the kidneys (saves mental energy), saves glutamine amino acid, and prevents the deposition of kidney stones.
  • A remarkable property of soda is that its excess is easily excreted by the kidneys, giving an alkaline urine reaction (BME, ed. 2, vol. 12, p. 861). “But one should accustom the body to it for a long time” (MO, part 1, p. 461), because alkalization of the body with soda leads to the removal of a large amount of poisons (slags) accumulated by the body over many years of acidic life.
  • In an alkaline environment with activated water, the biochemical activity of amine vitamins increases many times: B1 (thiamine, cocarboxylase), B4 (choline), B5 or PP (nicotinomide), B6 ​​(pyridoxal), B12 (cobimamide). Vitamins having a fiery nature (M.O., part 1, 205) can fully manifest it only in an alkaline environment.
    In the acidic environment of a poisoned organism, “even the best plant vitamins cannot bring out their best qualities.
  • To combat roundworms and pinworms, piperazine amine alkali is used, supplementing it with soda enemas (Mashkovsky M.D., vol. 2, p. 366-367).
  • Soda is used for poisoning with methanol, ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, karbofos, chlorophos, white phosphorus, phosphine, fluorine, iodine, mercury and lead (Therapist's Handbook, 1969). In case of methanol poisoning, the intravenous daily dose of soda reaches 100 g (Therapist's Handbook, 1969, p. 468).
  • A solution of soda, caustic soda and ammonia is used to destroy (degas) chemical warfare agents (CCE, vol. 1, p. 1035).
  • For quitting smoking: rinsing the mouth with a thick solution of soda or smearing the oral cavity with soda: soda is placed on the tongue, dissolves in saliva and causes an aversion to tobacco when smoking. Doses are small so as not to disrupt digestion.
  • A great self-poisoning of people with psychic poisons comes from fear, anxiety, irritation, discontent, envy, malice, hatred. With the loss of psychic energy, the kidneys cannot retain a high concentration of soda in the blood, which is then lost along with the urine. This is another cause of acidosis: the loss of psychic energy leads to the loss of alkalis (soda). To correct acidosis, 3-5 g of soda per day is prescribed (Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines, 1985, vol. 2, p. 113).
  • Drinking soda is relatively safe for humans. When taken orally, it is possible to alkalize not only the contents of the stomach, but also other secreted body fluids. Therefore, it is used to prevent the formation of stones in the biliary and urinary tract, the irritating effect of acid on the wall of the stomach and duodenum in case of peptic ulcer, gastritis or acid poisoning.
    For the same purpose, doctors recommend drinking soda for purulent rhinitis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, laryngitis and bronchitis, as well as for:
    1. Prevention and treatment of cancer
    2. Treatment for alcoholism
    3. Treatment of all types of drug addiction and substance abuse
    4. Removal of lead, mercury, cadmium, thallium, barium, bismuth and other heavy metals from the body.
    5. Removal of radioactive isotopes from the body, prevention of radioactive contamination of the body.
    6. Leaching, dissolving all harmful deposits in the joints, spine, stones in the liver and kidneys; that is, the treatment of radiculitis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, gout, rheumatism, urolithiasis, cholelithiasis; dissolution of stones in the liver, gallbladder, intestines and kidneys.
    7. Strengthening attention, concentration, balance and performance in unbalanced children.
    8. Purification of the body from poisonous substances produced during irritation, anger, hatred, envy, doubt, discontent, etc., harmful feelings and thoughts of a person (Frontiers of Agni Yoga, vol. 8, pp. 99-100).

Therefore, take a soda, and yours will always be in order.

It is necessary to take soda 2-3 times a day - in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, on an empty stomach, for 30 minutes. before meals or 2 hours after meals. You need to start with small doses - 1/5 teaspoon, gradually increase the dose, bringing up to 1/2 teaspoon. Soda is diluted in a glass of boiled hot water. Large doses of soda with water are not absorbed and cause diarrhea.

Complications. The drug is relatively safe. However, complications sometimes appear with long-term intake of drinking soda orally in high doses. The first symptoms of an overdose are loss of appetite, nausea, headache and pain in the abdomen. Possible vomiting. If the intake of soda is not stopped, seizures may develop.
Contraindications. Taking the drug orally is contraindicated in low acidity of gastric juice and while ingesting a large amount of alkaline mineral waters, as well as other antacids (for example, aluminum hydroxide or magnesium oxide).