The cat is bleeding. Bleeding in cats (general information)

There are different situations, when kittens, cats and cats start bleeding and here you need to know what happens and why in most cases. Such knowledge allows you to immediately decide on first aid, and also allows you to roughly understand how the treatment of the problem that has arisen will proceed.

It is clear that the article is purely informational, since treatment can be prescribed only after the cat has been examined by a veterinarian, since no one undertakes to make a diagnosis in absentia.

A cat has bleeding before birth, during pregnancy, from the uterus, during childbirth, cannot give birth, after birth, what to do and why this happens

A pregnant cat started bleeding before giving birth, which means there was a miscarriage. This is possible if the cat is still very young, has been injured, or has become infected infectious disease. The cat's owner may not even notice that the cat has miscarried, since the cat licks and eats the remains of the fetus.

If the cat there's blood coming out from the uterus, then this is piametra. You need to get an injection of dicenone. Possible bleeding.

If the fetus is large or does not lie correctly in the womb, then the cat cannot give birth for a long time. Need to lubricate the cat's vulva soap solution and, wearing sterile gloves, use your finger to guide the kitten in the desired direction. If the birth is prolonged and the cat is exhausted, you need to urgently call a veterinarian. During childbirth there should be no blood, since the cat gnaws the umbilical cord itself, but if blood still comes, then you need to cut the umbilical cord with sterile scissors and tie it.

If a cat bleeds after giving birth, tissue has ruptured. For minor bleeding, it is enough to give the cat a hemostatic drug. If the blood flows for a long time and large quantities, then surgery is needed. The cause of heavy bleeding may be an infection or perhaps a fetus remaining in the uterus. Need urgent surgery and treatment with antibiotics.

The cat has bleeding in the stomach, what can you do to help?

For gastritis and perforated ulcer The cat may have bleeding in the stomach. You can only help an animal in a special clinic.

A cat bleeds during estrus, from the nose, anus, ear, rectum treatment

When a cat is in heat, there should be no bleeding. If there is bleeding during estrus, you should contact your veterinarian; the uterus may need to be removed.

If your cat's nose is bleeding, you need to calm your pet, then put it on the cat's nose. cold compress. If there is a single bleeding, you don’t have to worry; if blood flows from the nose constantly, you should seek help from a specialist.

If blood is detected in a cat's area anus You also need to urgently contact the clinic. Such bleeding is possible when a cat is infected with nematodes.

Treatment is carried out with Prazitel for cats, Profender, Polyvercan. With otitis media, blood comes from the animal's ear. You need to carefully clean the ear with a cotton swab soaked in saline solution, then drip in drops of Otibiovet or Aurican. If the ear disease is advanced, antibiotics should be administered.

Bleeding from the rectum occurs in cats when improper diet pet. Cats should not be given low quality dry food. With constant feeding of such foods, gastrointestinal diseases are guaranteed. After examining the animal's rectum, you need to give the cat Almagel before meals; a decoction of chamomile is useful. The animal must have a diet.

A cat bleeds when it goes to the toilet from the urethra
urination, near the eyes, throat, from the mouth, under the tail

With kidney disease, the cat is coming blood from urethra. If your cat appears to be bleeding near the eye, there may be a tick attached to that area.

If there is a problem with the lungs, the animal bleeds from the throat. If a cat has inflamed gums, then blood comes from the mouth. Blood can appear under a cat's tail for several reasons: worms, ticks, gastrointestinal disease.

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Cats are very neat animals, but sometimes owners notice that some kind of bump has appeared on the tail of their pets. What could it be? Bump n...

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Hemoperitoneum (often called hemabdomen by veterinarians) is the presence of blood in abdominal cavity. It is characterized by the accumulation of blood between the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and the mucous membrane of the abdominal wall. Bleeding in cats mainly occurs due to injuries, tumors and hematomas.


  • Traumatic injury is the most common cause
  • Intra-abdominal tumor or abdominal tumor - may rupture, bleed, or destroy a blood vessel, causing blood to leak into the abdominal cavity.
  • A hematoma is a collection of blood that can burst, causing bleeding.
  • Coagulopathies - blood clotting disorders

Internal bleeding can be detrimental to your pet depending on the degree of blood loss.


  • lethargy
  • loss of consciousness
  • bloating
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages
  • rapid breathing
  • Pale mucous membranes (eg gums)

Other signs that may indicate chronic blood loss include:

  • lack of appetite
  • lethargy
  • periodic weakness
  • weight loss

When your cat has internal bleeding and you, not knowing what to do, are looking for advice on this topic on the Internet on forums, we recommend not to self-medicate or experiment on your beloved cat. The fact is that the reasons internal bleeding there are quite a few in an animal, and the consequences of your experiment may disappoint you and your family.


A thorough examination of the medical history and physical examination have great value for a correct diagnosis. Your veterinarian may recommend the following tests:

  • Abdominal x-ray
  • Laparoceptesis - puncture (collection of fluid using a needle and syringe from the abdominal cavity)
  • Fluid analysis
  • Complete blood count

Depending on your pet's condition and the results of initial tests, you may need additional research. These may include:

  • Biochemical blood test
  • Coagulation (blood clotting test)
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Treatment depends on the cat's condition and the cause of the hemoperitoneum. Therapy usually includes:

  • Droppers
  • Blood transfusion
  • Abdominal bandaging
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Painkillers
  • Vitamin K for intoxication
  • Emergency surgery

Care and maintenance

Internal bleeding is emergency and first veterinary aid should be provided as soon as possible. Place your pet in a warm, comfortable and calm environment. If fractures are suspected, be careful when moving your pet.

Bleeding is the release of blood from a blood vessel as a result of its damage. There are venous, capillary, arterial and mixed bleeding.

At arterial bleeding bright red blood pours out in a strong pulsating stream. At venous bleeding blood flows out slowly, in a stream, but not pulsating, its color is darker. Capillary flow is characterized dark blood, which is released from the entire damaged surface in a sluggish stream or drops.

Bleeding in cats is conventionally divided into non-traumatic and traumatic. Non-traumatic bleeding occurs as a result of pathology vascular wall blood vessels at various diseases, including atherosclerosis, oncology, purulent inflammation etc. Traumatic bleeding appears after mechanical damage walls of blood vessels. Damage to the walls of blood vessels can occur as a result of impact, cut, compression, or crushing.

Bleeding can be internal or external. In internal bleeding, blood flows into the lumen of a hollow organ or body cavity. Internal bleeding in cats is difficult to diagnose. Signs of such bleeding are drowsiness, weakness, pallor of the mucous membranes, and loss of consciousness. Internal bleeding can lead to the death of an animal even with relatively little blood loss due to compression of vital organs, such as the brain, by the spilled blood.

External bleeding is easily diagnosed, as it is clearly visible even with minor injuries.

What are the dangers of bleeding for cats?

An animal's body contains a certain amount of blood. As a result of bleeding, some amount of blood is lost from the bloodstream. Minor blood loss passes without a trace for the cat’s body. Severe blood loss due to damage to large blood vessels (vena cava, carotid arteries) lead to rapid death. Damage to smaller blood vessels also poses a risk to the cat's health and life.

After significant blood loss, blood pressure drops, acute anemia develops, oxygen delivery to organs and tissues is disrupted. As a result, tissue hypoxia occurs, cell death occurs and the death of the body as a whole occurs. The maximum volume of blood shed that leads to instant death, depends on the age of the animal and its individual characteristics. Cats that have lost 2/-3-3/4 of their total blood volume, as a rule, cannot be saved.

How to stop bleeding in a cat

At the first sign of bleeding in your pet, immediate action should be taken. Timely stopping of bleeding allows you to prevent critical blood loss and save the life of the animal.

Used to stop bleeding in cats pressure bandage, pressing the vessel with your fingers, tourniquet.

It is recommended to apply a pressure bandage for capillary bleeding, minor arterial or venous bleeding. Apply to the wound gauze pad, put a roll of bandage or cotton wool rolled into a tight ball on it, then bandage it tightly.

Pressing the vessel with your finger is the most accessible way in any situation. temporary stop arterial bleeding. The artery should be clamped slightly above the wound and in the place where the artery is adjacent to the bone. At finger pressure the bleeding stops almost instantly, but the person is not able to squeeze the bleeding vessel for a long time. That's why this method It only allows you to gain time for the further use of other methods of stopping bleeding, in particular, applying a tourniquet.

The tourniquet should be applied 5-7 cm above the wound. Some cloth or bandage should be placed under the tourniquet. The tourniquet can compress the artery for no more than 15 minutes in summer, and 30 minutes in winter.

After temporary cessation of severe bleeding, the animal should be taken to a doctor as quickly as possible to completely stop the bleeding, treat the wound and bandage it.

If internal bleeding is suspected, the cat should be urgently taken to the clinic to confirm or refute the diagnosis. While the animal is being transported to the clinic, it cannot be given water, food, an enema or any medications. You can apply a cold compress to the intended area of ​​impact.

When you need to see a doctor urgently

1. External bleeding does not stop, and blood has been flowing or oozing for more than 15 minutes.

2. External bleeding was stopped, but the animal lost a lot of blood and its condition worsened (shortness of breath, lethargy, pale mucous membranes appeared).

3. The animal begins to bleed blood from natural orifices or the feces are dark red in color; the animal experiences bloody vomiting, blood in the urine, and blood from the nasal passages.

4. There is no blood coming out of the wound, nor are their natural openings coming out, but the cat’s condition is rapidly deteriorating.

5. One or both eyes of your pet are red.

6. The cat developed hematomas (voluminous, elastic swelling) under the skin on the paws (lower leg, thigh, shoulder), on the outer ear, on the mucous membrane oral cavity or skin.

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A cat may have discharge normal reaction body. However, it is impossible to understand and diagnose a possible disease on your own. Therefore, having discovered the presence similar problem your pet, you need to seek help from a veterinary clinic to get advice and advice from a doctor.

Reasons for appearance

Discharge from the uterus in cats can occur for several reasons, which are generally considered abnormal and pose a threat to the health of the animal. Conventionally, all failures can be divided into two categories, which will accurately indicate the negative and neutral causes of these formations:


  1. Estrus.
    Discharge in a cat during heat is completely normal and should not cause any particular concern to the owner. The estrus stops within a few days. Also, at this time, the pet owner may notice changes in the animal’s behavior - there is excessive activity, playfulness, the female arches her back.
  2. Postpartum period.
    After childbirth, greenish liquid may come out for some time, but gradually it becomes light and soon disappears completely.
  3. Pregnancy.
    For the most part, discharge during pregnancy in a cat signals that natural processes are occurring in the body that prepare the animal for the birth of offspring.


  1. Decaying placenta.
    When childbirth is not entirely successful, the placenta or part of it remains inside. So, the owner can watch spotting in a cat or a little watery. This indicates that the decomposition process has begun inside the body. Most likely, the animal will require surgical care.
  2. Genital infections.
    If the female has pink discharge with a possible reddish tint, this indicates a urogenital disease of the bladder, urinary tract, uterus. They are odorless but have a thick texture.
  3. Cancer.
    Cancer can manifest itself not only as a general suppression of the immune system. Cancer cells affect many systems, not leaving the genitourinary system unattended. If the cat purulent discharge from the uterus and with a characteristic odor, this indicates the danger that threatens the pet. Pus is a process of destruction that begins to occur from within.
  4. Inflammation of the genital organs.
    In this case, mucous membranes and watery discharge. The animal restlessly licks itself below, becomes somewhat aggressive and alarmed. There may be pain when trying to urinate.
  5. Uterine injury.
    Damage to an internal organ will always be accompanied by abundant and dense bloody discharge at the cat. The animal will need urgent medical care and absolute rest so as not to aggravate the injury.
  6. Defects in the location of the ureter or sphincter dysfunction.
    This problem can cause the urine to become inflamed or irritated, which can then lead to purulent discharge in the cat.
  7. Disturbances in the functioning of the rectum.
    Due to this problem, liquid feces can penetrate into the vagina.

Dangerous diseases


This is an inflammatory process in the vagina. Its symptoms are manifested not only in discharge from the perineum, but also in the process when the female often licks under her tail. Very often, owners may notice that their pet, which suffers from discharge, is attracted to cats. In such a situation, it is important not to confuse vaginitis with estrus and consult a doctor in time. If the disease is not treated in a timely manner, it can develop into other forms:

  • Cystitis;
  • Pyometra;
  • Spread of infection;
  • Endometritis, etc.


This is a disease that includes inflammatory processes in the uterine mucosa. Endometritis can have two forms - chronic and acute.

Chronic endometritis does not affect the health of the animal in most cases. The animal is in timely estrus. The female can walk with the cats, but fertilization does not occur. There is another option - if fertilization occurs, then the kittens may die in the womb or be born premature.

Acute endometritis is characterized by worsening general condition cats. She becomes apathetic and her appetite decreases significantly. If the animal is not treated in time, in 100% of cases it dies.
Thus, acute endometritis even more dangerous than its chronic form.

Separately, it is necessary to highlight a disease to which cats and dogs are susceptible - pyometra.


This is a complex inflammation of the uterus in which the animal suffers from the accumulation of pus, mucus or blood in the vagina.
This disease is divided into hematometra (blood accumulation) and hydrometra (fluid accumulation). Also, the disease has two forms:

  • The open form is characterized open neck uterus. At the same time, the discharge brown in a cat (but it can also be whitish in color, and reddish) freely exit through the genital loop;
  • The closed form has no secretions. Closed pyometra is more dangerous. With it, pus accumulates in the uterine cavity and can lead to peritonitis, inflammation of the abdominal cavity, intoxication and uterine rupture, and, as a result, death.

Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences, including the appearance malignant tumors, infection and death.

Pets cannot openly tell their owner about a health problem. The only way to control your well-being is constant monitoring of behavior and external symptoms. If a cat has endometritis, then you can detect discharge from the loop; if it is demodicosis, there will be hair loss, but there are not always obvious external expressions of problems.
Thus, internal bleeding does not appear without a thorough examination. Blood and plasma accumulate in body cavities and pathologists can only talk about the presence following symptoms: anemia of the mucous membranes - best diagnosed on the conjunctiva; general lethargy; pain on palpation; the presence of other pathologies – fractures, lameness; decreased body temperature; increased heart rate; thirst; possible congestive abdominal hyperemia; strong oppression. Internal bleeding in dogs and cats is a symptom of other diseases. Most often this is a gap internal organs in case of falling from a height, injuries. Often internal bleeding is complicated...

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Bleeding is the outpouring of blood from vessels due to a violation of their integrity or porosity (that is, permeability of the vessel walls). Occurs by various reasons, in most cases as a result of traumatic injury, although there are also provoking diseases that lead to changes in the vascular wall. If you have a cat, you definitely need to know the symptoms of bleeding and tactics for dealing with such emergency situation.

Types of bleeding in cats

Bleeding in cats is divided into:

Traumatic - occurs due to mechanical damage to blood vessels. The causes of traumatic blood loss are impacts, ruptures, compression, cuts or crushing. Non-traumatic - develop as a result of various pathologies vessels or surrounding tissues (for example, with arrosion, wall dissection), as well as malignant tumors, purulent inflammation, atherosclerosis and others pathological conditions. Another reason is the broken...

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Home care

Hemoperitoneum (also called hemabdomen) is the presence free blood in the abdominal cavity of a dog. Blood accumulates in the space between the inner lining of the abdominal wall (serosa) and the internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

Some reasons include:

Traumatic injuries - these are the most common cause of intra-abdominal bleeding Tumors in the abdomen - these can rupture, bleed slowly, or destroy the blood vessel itself, causing blood to leak into the abdominal cavity Hematomas - grouped local collections of blood that can rupture and bleed Coagulopathies - bleeding disorders which can cause bleeding, including in the abdominal cavity

Bleeding into the abdominal cavity is usually considered an emergency!

Most frequent symptoms:

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Causes of hemoperitoneum in cats
Home care

Hemoperitoneum (hemoabdomen) is an accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity, occurs after intra-abdominal bleeding, when blood accumulates in the space between abdominal wall and abdominal organs.

Hemoperitoneum is a potentially life-threatening situation. The abdominal cavity is a large space that can hold a significant amount of blood. At the same time, the abdominal muscles are stretched, and an increase in abdominal volume becomes obvious. An enlarged abdomen can cause discomfort or pain, leading to agitation and stress, and pressure on the diaphragm can interfere with breathing.

Rapid loss of blood into the abdominal cavity leads to decreased tissue perfusion (blood supply) and fall blood pressure, which may cause shock. Loss of blood leads to anemia, mucous membranes turn pale. If such a patient is not given immediate veterinary care, fast...

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Internal bleeding in a cat is very dangerous symptom, which under no circumstances should be ignored. Internal bleeding does not always have pronounced clinical signs, therefore, if you feel something is wrong, it is better to take the animal to the veterinarian once again to make sure that there is no danger to the pet’s life.

You can contact our clinic around the clock - we will always help you!

Making a diagnosis of “internal bleeding” requires special studies - ultrasound and x-ray, and collection of tests. Since our branches have their own veterinary laboratory, all studies are carried out within the clinic, which means you can get quick and accurate results of all examinations performed.

Internal bleeding in a cat - symptoms

Symptoms of internal bleeding in a cat are as follows:

Scarlet foam that is released when a cat coughs (very danger sign which requires...

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Bleeding is the release of blood from the lumen of blood vessels or cavities of the heart due to a violation of the integrity of their walls.
Blood can be released drop by drop, flow in a stream, or beat in a powerful pulsating stream. The volume of blood lost can vary from a few drops to several liters. And all this will be called bleeding.

Depending on the type of damaged vessel, bleeding is distinguished between arterial, venous, capillary and mixed. Bleeding may coincide in time with the onset of exposure to a damaging factor (primary bleeding), or it may begin after several hours or even days (secondary).

If blood flows freely outward, it is called external bleeding; if it rushes into any natural cavity of the body, it is called internal bleeding. It can also forcibly make its way into the surrounding tissues, forming so-called extravasates, bruises and hemorrhages.

External bleeding is clearly visible even with minor injuries,...

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If the owner, while trimming his pet's claws, suddenly hears a squeal, this indicates that a living part was touched during the procedure. This is a hypersensitive area that is located above the dog's "nail". This nasty cut can bleed quite profusely.

Nail structure in dogs

The dog's claw consists of hard and spongy parts. The inner material has a pinkish tint and is called the “body”. It contains nerves and blood vessels.

The structure of a dog's claw.

If during a “manicure” the owner accidentally injures his pet, there is no need to worry. Minor bleeding is not dangerous.

How to stop bleeding from a nail

There are 3 proven ways to stop heavy bleeding:

Special pencil; antibacterial soap; potassium permanganate.

Heavy bleeding can be stopped using a special pencil.

IN critical situation need help...

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Internal bleeding in cats

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Internal bleeding in cats is characterized by bleeding into the abdominal or pleural cavity, occurs hidden, there are practically no visible traumatic injuries.

Blood that pours into cavities associated with the external environment ( bladder, stomach, lungs) can come out during vomiting, with feces, with sputum, etc. this bleeding is called overt internal bleeding.

Internal bleeding is often caused by injury of various nature:

· Fall from a height.

· Strong blows, kicks.

· Injuries resulting from a collision with a car, etc.

Clinical signs of pathology

In cats, bleeding can be local or general:

· General. They are characterized by significant blood loss and symptoms of acute anemia. Blood pressure is reduced, pulse is increased and breathing is weak, hemoglobin is reduced.

· Local. At...

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Blood normally moves along the vascular bed, leaving it outside the vessel and pouring into organs, cavities, tissues and environment called bleeding. Bleeding is never a normal sign.

What kind of bleeding can there be?

Bleeding is classified not only depending on its cause and the damaged vessel, but also on the abundance, location of the effusion and some other criteria.

Bleeding is usually divided into:

By origin: pathological (caused by disease), traumatic; by place of discharge: external, internal; by degree of expression: hidden, obvious; by severity: mild, moderate, severe, massive, lethal; according to the vessel that was damaged: capillary, venous, arterial, parenchymal (if organ tissue is damaged), mixed.

Based on the time of occurrence of bleeding, it is also customary to divide it into primary, which opens immediately after damage to the vascular wall, and secondary (early and late)....

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Diseases of the reproductive system in domestic animals are always dangerous. And the problem here is not even that the dog may remain infertile, everything is much worse. Serious " side effects", which include uterine bleeding. If it is not stopped in time, your pet may die.

By the way, if a dog is bleeding from the external genitalia, this does not indicate uterine bleeding. It is possible that the lesion is located somewhere in the vagina. How to determine this? It's quite simple. In the case when blood comes from the uterus, clots “fall out” from the external genitalia, the blood may be darker. With vaginal hemorrhage, it flows continuously and the color is lighter. In addition, in this case there are always some visible predisposing factors. In particular, this often happens after mating, and also as a result mechanical injuries.

Predisposing factors

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Bleeding in cats: when medical help is required

Bleeding occurs as a result of damage to the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. It can lead to acute anemia, tissue hypoxia and even fatal outcome. Timely detection of bleeding in cats can often save the animal's life. However, the elimination of its consequences must take place with the participation of specialists.

Types of bleeding

In cats, as well as in all mammals, there are four types of bleeding:

Capillary. Blood of a rich dark color is released in a drying stream or in separate drops. Venous. Dark-colored blood flows out in a stream of medium strength. Arterial. Blood of a bright red hue is released in a powerful, periodically pulsating stream. Mixed. It has all the symptoms, usually occurs when serious injuries.

Along with this, bleeding may be:

External, that is, blood flows from wounds and injuries during external environment. Internal. State...

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Bleeding in cats

The cause of bleeding in cats can be any trauma or injury. Also, bleeding is possible in case of illness, obvious or hidden. Read more about the types, symptoms and treatment in this article.
Bleeding can be external or internal. The first is easy to determine by the type of blood; it flows freely from the wound.
Internal bleeding is more difficult, but it can be diagnosed if you know the symptoms and notice them in time. Internal bleeding is very dangerous because in half of such cases surgical intervention is required.
Symptoms of internal bleeding are: a lethargic appearance of the animal, lack of appetite and increased thirst, rapid enlargement of the abdomen (abdominal cavity) and its pain. The pupils of the cat's eyes become cloudy, and the tips of the ears become cold. Most often, these symptoms hide another pathology, such as ruptures or diseases of internal organs.
You must be able to independently provide first aid to your pet...

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Bleeding is the flow of blood from damaged blood vessels. It can be external, then it is easy to see, or internal. External bleeding can be primary, if it occurs immediately after the wound appears on the body, or secondary, if it occurs after some time. Internal bleeding is more dangerous due to the difficulty of localizing it and limited options for stopping the bleeding.

How to recognize internal bleeding?

The animal has become lethargic, there is pallor of the external mucous membranes, with gastric, uterine, and pulmonary bleeding, when coughing, blood literally bubbles from the mouth, there may be diarrhea with traces of blood, vomiting, intermittent breathing, the abdomen has significantly increased in volume, pain from touching it. On the bends of the limbs with inside(knee, shin, shoulder) hematomas appeared, elastic to the touch. Redness of the eyes is observed. In any case, if you notice pronounced signs of ill health, it is better to contact...

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Gastric and intestinal bleeding in cats

When swallowing sharp foreign objects, injuries, as well as various intestinal diseases - acute and chronic - gastric and intestinal bleeding in cats can be observed. Minor bleeding can be identified by tarry stool when the animal defecates. At heavy bleeding The cat defecates frequently and the stool is dark in color.
The cat needs rest, an ice pack or a cold compress on the belly in the sacral area. She cannot be fed, given an enema or given laxatives. After providing first aid, contact a veterinarian.

Bleeding from the rectum in cats manifests itself in the staining of stool with scarlet blood. The cause of bleeding is most often damage to the rectal mucosa hard stool, including the remains of undigested food and wool.
In older cats, bleeding can occur due to various diseases of the rectum:...

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Bleeding is the release of blood from a blood vessel as a result of its damage. There are venous, capillary, arterial and mixed bleeding.

During arterial bleeding, bright red blood flows out in a strong pulsating stream. With venous bleeding, blood flows out slowly, in a stream, but not pulsating, its color is darker. Capillary flow is characterized by dark blood, which is released from the entire damaged surface in a sluggish stream or drops.

Bleeding in cats is conventionally divided into non-traumatic and traumatic. Non-traumatic bleeding occurs as a result of pathology of the vascular wall of blood vessels in various diseases, including atherosclerosis, oncology, purulent inflammation, etc. Traumatic bleeding occurs after mechanical damage to the walls of blood vessels. Damage to the walls of blood vessels can occur as a result of impact, cut, compression,...

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According to the encyclopedia, bleeding is the outflow of blood from blood vessels when the integrity or permeability of their walls is violated.

Blood can flow out in separate drops, a trickle, or a powerful pulsating stream. Blood loss can range from a few drops to several liters. And all this will be called bleeding.

Depending on which vessel is damaged, bleeding is divided into types:

Capillary, venous, arterial, mixed.

If bleeding begins immediately negative impact This is primary bleeding. But it can begin in a few days. This bleeding is secondary.

Blood can

To flow freely out of an external wound (external bleeding), to fill a natural cavity inside the body (internal bleeding), to force its way into nearby tissues (bruises, hemorrhages).

Bleeding may vary depending on the reasons...

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These injuries account for approximately 8% of all injuries. This includes all injuries caused by an animal falling, car injuries, injuries caused by heavy and blunt objects, etc. We will look at all types of compression injuries using an example fallen cat. This is due to the fact that these injuries are the most severe and usually simultaneously include all the injuries characteristic of compression injuries.

So, first aid for a fallen animal

Most often, such injuries occur in cats, especially in the spring and autumn. Cats very often, out of curiosity, under the influence of hormones or hunting instincts, go out onto the balcony, jump onto the windows, from where they fall.

What to do when you find a cat after a fall?

Firstly, any injury of this kind can be accompanied by fractures of the limbs, skull, and spine. Therefore, try to move the animal as little as possible. Try to carefully, practically without changing your body position, move...

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First of all, it depends on your knowledge whether you can determine whether the pet is healthy. While watching it carefully, do not forget that it is living creature, which loves you, but it does not know how to speak.

Home veterinary first aid kit

Treatment of animals requires special training and practical skills not only when choosing a treatment method, but also when choosing drugs and the method of introducing them into the body of a sick pet. Each medicine used in certain quantities. Dose is quantity medicinal substance, prescribed to a sick animal for one dose. A dose of medicine that improves the condition of a sick animal and does not have a harmful effect on the body is called therapeutic or curative; and the dose that causes in the body...

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Pathological accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity is a common diagnosis in clinical practice. emergency care small animals. Pathological accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity should be considered an important diagnosis in any patient, but if it is associated with a systemic decrease in pressure, it is necessary to quick action. In most cases, the most common causes of abnormal accumulation of blood in the abdominal cavity are neoplasia and trauma. Intra-abdominal damage is present in 6.3 - 13% of animals injured as a result of a collision with vehicle. In a retrospective study of 27 dogs and 1 cat with abnormal abdominal blood collection due to trauma that required blood product transfusion, the source of bleeding was identified in 12 patients. The most frequently identified source of bleeding was injury to the spleen, liver, and kidneys. Overall mortality was 27%.

The purpose of the initial physical examination...

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Uterine bleeding (Haematometra) is the process of blood leaking from damaged blood vessels of the uterus, including through the external genitalia.

Bleeding from the genitals in dogs is quite common occurrence. If we have bleeding from the external genital organs, then it is usually called external bleeding, if the bleeding is from the uterus is coming into the abdominal cavity - internal bleeding.

Causes of bloody discharge from the genitals

Various neoplasms of the vagina and uterus (venereal sarcoma, etc.). Traumatic injuries, including birth injuries. Abortion. Endometritis. Diseases of the urinary system ( urolithiasis in dogs, cystitis, urethritis, nephritis). Violation of the blood clotting process, including in case of poisoning, hemophilia. With a variety of hormonal imbalances in the dog's body. Normally, spotting may occur during estrus, up to three weeks after birth.

Clinical picture. Symptoms of uterine bleeding in a dog entirely...

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Rules for first aid for bleeding from wounds in cats, cats and kittens Bleeding from wounds chest in cats, cats and kittens Bleeding from wounds to the abdominal cavity in cats, cats and kittens Bleeding from falls from a height and car collisions in cats, cats and kittens Bleeding from wounds to the eyelids in cats, cats and kittens Bleeding from jaw injuries in cats, cats and kittens kittens Bleeding from nasal injuries in cats, cats and kittens Bloody vomiting in cats, cats and kittens Stomach and intestinal bleeding in cats, cats and kittens Bleeding from the rectum in cats, cats and kittens Blood in the urine in cats, cats and kittens Vaginal ( uterine) bleeding in cats The causes of traumatic injuries can be very different, including violations of the rules. home care cats. Accidents can occur at any time of the year, at any age of the animal, regardless of gender and breed.
Injuries strike...

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Detecting internal bleeding in dogs is difficult as there are no distinctive symptoms for this condition. Consequently, treatment is often delayed, which can be fatal for your pet.
Internal bleeding, also called hemoperitoneum, which translates to blood in the abdominal cavity, is a life-threatening condition in dogs. This is often the result of injury or a blood clotting disorder. In the absence of strong and specific signs internal bleeding, you often have to look for subtle clues from your dog's behavior.


Possible symptoms of internal bleeding in dogs are the following:
Subcutaneous (under the skin) bruises.
Increased breathing effort.
Pale mucous membranes (especially gums or inner surface lips).
Nausea or vomiting.
Difficulty breathing.
Excessive thirst
Blood in dog feces, urine.

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Injuries in cats

The causes of traumatic injuries can be very different, including violations of the rules for keeping cats at home. Accidents can occur at any time of the year, at any age of the animal, regardless of gender and breed.

Injuries overtake a cat unexpectedly, so it is important for its owner not to get confused in the current situation and skillfully provide first aid. first aid to the injured animal.

When starting first aid, we must not forget about precautions: an injured cat, experiencing pain from injury, may react aggressively to your actions. At the same time, the forms of assistance to the cat depend on what caused the accident.

TO traumatic injuries include wounds, bleeding, bruises, concussions, fractures, falls from a height, frostbite, burns, panaritium, bites of relatives and other animals, sun and heat stroke, being hit foreign bodies, and also...

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