Alternative cancer treatment. What are the options? Alternative Treatment

Unproven treatments for ALS

Alternative treatments, also known as unproven treatments, can offer hope. Doctors who offer these options often say they are more effective than riluzole and claim they can cure the disease or significantly reduce its progression. However, these beautiful words not supported by any scientific evidence.

Examples of such treatments include, for example, stem cell therapy, snake venom treatment and detox regimens, brain surgery, treatment of ALS with prednisone and cytostatics.

What is the evidence?

The gold standard for demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of a new therapy in a selected sample of patients is clinical trials. They confirm not only that the method works, but also its safety.

Problems with treatment methods that have not undergone clinical trials:

  • lack of reliable data supporting effectiveness;
  • may have serious side effects;
  • lack of independent assessment;
  • there may be a lack of scientific validity.

Before starting clinical trials, you must obtain scientific basis for a new drug and the most promising results laboratory research. Once the clinical trial begins, researchers will closely monitor a large sample of ALS patients receiving the test drug and then compare the findings to another sample of patients receiving a placebo.

By participating in such studies, ALS patients do not pay the cost of the experimental drug, but there are still some risks.

There are several ways to ensure the reliability of the results of a clinical trial:

  • Participation in a study of a large sample of patients. Thanks to this approach, scientists take into account the fact that ALS develops differently in each person, and reduces the likelihood that the drug's effect is random.
  • Presence of a placebo group allows researchers to obtain a clearer picture of the effect of the test drug and ensure that the positive effect is not due to psychological factor, increased attention from medical staff and any other influence.
  • Blinding of study patients and investigators during study drug distribution. In this case, no one knows which group gets the experimental drug and which gets the placebo. This eliminates the possibility of systematic error in objective and subjective treatment results.

In addition to determining the effectiveness of the test drug, the objectives of a clinical trial include answering the following questions:

  • Is the treatment safe and what are the risks? For example, does the drug make the condition worse, or are the side effects of the therapy more dangerous to the patient than the disease itself?
  • What is the optimal dose of the new drug?
  • What are the metabolic transformations of the drug?

After a clinical trial is completed, its methods and results are reviewed by another group of scientists before publication in a scientific journal.

Questions to ask before turning to alternative treatments:

  • What does the patient's physician think about this treatment? Some treatments conflict with medications. Beware of individuals who are too aggressive in pushing unproven treatments.
  • What evidence is there to support this treatment? The most reliable source of information about any treatment method is the results of clinical trials. If a treatment facility claims that a particular treatment is “clinically proven,” check the name of the scientific journal in which the results were published. this study. The research report on the website is not considered a reliable source of information. It is not worth paying for treatment if the results of clinical trials are not made public.
  • What is the risk? Ask about side effects and how they were documented. Clarify how the medical institution organizes the observation period for patients after the end of therapy, how side effects are recorded and how they are assessed. It is also necessary to calculate the financial risk if the treatment is very expensive.
  • How did you hear about this treatment method? Newspapers, magazines and Internet sites do not always contain links to reliable sources of scientific evidence.
  • Will I have to travel to another country to start treatment? Are you ready to pay the costs?
  • Is it stated that this method treatment is effective against several diseases? Even if the clinical manifestations are similar, the mechanisms of development of many diseases differ from each other and require different approaches to treatment. Most proven treatments treat one or two diseases.

What about the evidence from other ALS patients about the effectiveness of unproven therapies?

Publications promoting unproven methods of therapy are usually supported by testimonies from patients themselves, for whom these methods allegedly had success. Such stories appear sporadically in the press and on the Internet.

When working with anecdotal evidence, keep in mind that:

  • The patient's belief in the effectiveness of therapy itself contributes to the appearance of effectiveness. The “placebo effect” is quite common and may contribute to some improvement immediately after therapy. However this effect is short-term in nature no more than a few weeks and is accompanied by subsequent deterioration of the condition.
  • In some cases, people feel that their well-being after therapy with a new method should improve, especially if they have put in a lot of effort and/or spent a lot of money on treatment, or if others have helped them financially.
  • Each person's experience with ALS is different. For some, the disease progresses more slowly than for others. The fact that one or two ALS patients lived longer on average or their disease progressed more slowly is not direct evidence in favor of a new treatment.
  • Some patients with positive treatment results may not have ALS. There are a number of diseases in which activity is observed motor neurons and whose symptoms are very similar to those of ALS. The pathological basis of these diseases is different from ALS and their progression may be completely different.

“It is often difficult to turn off emotions and think rationally, especially for family members and friends who always want to do what is best. Taking dubious and unproven treatments at face value, in my experience, often contributes to complicating the situation.
Following these methods can be very tedious, time-consuming and expensive, but most importantly, they can give false hope, which will result in additional stress if the method turns out not to work.”

Charlie Fletcher, ALS patient

Non-traditional treatments and complementary therapy for ALS

Term alternative medicine combines techniques that are used in folk medicine different countries. Knowledge of a hundred and even a thousand years ago is increasingly being used, including in conjunction with traditional methods treatment.

For many people living with ALS, this type of therapy can help reduce stress and discomfort, which in turn can help relieve some symptoms.

Important! Before choosing any type of alternative medicine, visit your doctor first to determine whether it will have an adverse effect on your current treatment program. It is also very important to undergo any therapy of this nature from an experienced practitioner.

Alternative medicine offers options for working with the body, mind and spirit. This holistic approach is likely to help some people feel “more in control” of the situation.

Relaxation is thought to reduce anxiety and stress, which arise from the many challenges faced by people with ALS and their caregivers. Alternative medicine can help people relieve some symptoms associated with:

  • tension/stress;
  • anxiety/panic attacks;
  • depression;
  • pain;
  • problems with muscles and bones;
  • weakening of breathing;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • insomnia/fatigue.

Below is the description various types alternative medicine and complementary therapy. They can help a person in their fight against ALS and relieve symptoms such as anxiety or pain. However, the doctor should not state that therapy will change the rate of disease progression.

Complementary, or supportive, techniques include massage, acupuncture, aromatherapy and meditation.

Physicians specializing in the use of alternative medicine methods must understand the basic clinical problems that they will have to deal with when treating people with ALS. These problems include:
  • problems with speech and communication;
  • fatigue and fatigue;
  • nutrition through a gastrostomy tube;
  • breathing problems (note: some natural oils have contraindications for respiratory dysfunction!);
  • muscle spasms;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain.

Professionals should also be aware of any medications a person with ALS is taking to avoid complications during their treatment.


Acupuncture it is part of traditional Chinese medicine that has been around for over 5,000 years. It is based on the theory that energy flows through the body along certain channels known as meridians. The therapy aims to work with the entire body by accessing these channels. Chinese doctors are confident that energy should flow freely and evenly, be in balance, and then a person will be healthy. If the flow is blocked, the body experiences stress.

During an acupuncture session, thin needles are inserted into the canals. This technique is believed to help stimulate the flow of energy, resulting in vitality intensify, the joy of life appears, and sleep becomes more restful. Each session must meet the specific requirements of a particular person. Before starting the course, the doctor should study the patient's medical history, lifestyle and diet.

Alternative methods of treatment are gaining increasing popularity in many countries, as many patients want to be treated with them and at the same time use conventional ones. medical supplies. But some patients do not consider it necessary to tell their doctor this.

In this regard, doctors advise patients to cooperate with or inform their doctor for their own good, regardless of whether he approves of the alternative treatment or not.

This advice is given due to the fact that combining alternative treatment and conventional therapy can cause harm to health. In this article, we will briefly look at some of the alternative treatments that are most commonly used to give the reader an idea of ​​them. This - herbal treatment, vitamins and minerals, homeopathy, manual therapy, massage, acupuncture.

Herbal treatment:

The most common alternative treatment method is herbal treatment. Despite the fact that medicinal herbs have been used for centuries medical purposes, only a few plants have been studied by scientists. And there are even fewer plants that have been studied that are safe and effective. Information about most medicinal herbs is based only on experience of their long-term use.

But in recent years, scientific research has been conducted that has confirmed that some plants are effective in treating light form depression, age-related memory loss and benign hypertrophy prostate gland. For example, one of the plants studied is cohosh (black cohosh), the root of which was boiled and used by the American Indians for menstrual cycle and childbirth. Modern research has shown that black cohosh extract is effective in eliminating unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

It is believed that natural preparations safer than synthetic ones, and this explains the great demand for them. Most often, this point of view is quite justified, but still some herbal preparations There are side effects, especially when taken along with medications. According to a survey, of the 44% of adults who regularly take medications prescribed by a doctor, 18.4% take herbs and large doses vitamins It is necessary to know the possible dangers of such treatment.

Take, for example, one very well-known plant, advertised as a natural remedy for edema and weight loss - it can cause increased blood pressure and increase heart rate.

Other herbs may increase the risk of bleeding. When taken in combination with medicines to reduce blood clotting, then there may be serious consequences. For example, ginger, Chinese ginkgo and feverfew reduce blood clotting and taking them during epidural anesthesia is especially dangerous: if bleeding occurs near the spinal cord, paralysis can occur.

You should also be careful when chronic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, taking medications and herbs together. In addition, if the patient is undergoing a procedure that requires anesthesia, it is very dangerous to take St. John's wort, ginseng and other herbs, as they cause severe surges in blood pressure. St. John's wort can enhance the effect of painkillers and narcotics.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, one must also remember about the danger to the child’s health if the mother combines taking medications with medicinal plants. Therefore, you should definitely talk to your doctor about alternative treatment methods.

In recent years, it has been increasingly reported that medicinal plant preparations do not have a reliable quality guarantee and contain impurities of heavy metals and other harmful substances. In addition, some herbal products contain little or no ingredients listed on the package. This suggests that any pharmaceutical products should be purchased from reputable suppliers.

Vitamins and minerals:

Research shows that taking vitamins and minerals is effective for the treatment and prevention of many diseases and even for the prevention of certain developmental defects. But the daily doses of vitamins recommended by official sources are considered safe and beneficial, while the benefits of large doses are not sufficiently supported by facts. Large doses of vitamins and minerals are known to interfere with the absorption or action of other nutrients, and may cause serious side effects.


Homeopathy as a therapeutic system began to be used in the 18th century and was considered softer and more gentle compared to the treatment methods popular at that time. Homeopathy is based on the law of small doses, i.e. when preparing homeopathic medicines, active substance is diluted many times, sometimes so much that not even a molecule remains of the original substance.

But practice shows that, unlike placebos, homeopathic medicines are somewhat effective for asthma, allergies and childhood diarrhea. And since the degree of their breeding is high, they are considered harmless. Experts note that “in the treatment of underdiagnosed chronic diseases, homeopathy for many people is effective means. And if homeopathy is used in accordance with its capabilities, then it becomes an “assistant” for modern medicine and replenishes the arsenal of existing remedies.” But if there is a potential threat to the patient’s life, it is more reasonable to use “classical” types of treatment.

Manual therapy:

Some alternative treatments rely on manual techniques. The most common of these is manual therapy (chiropractic). healing effect which is achieved by eliminating disorders in the musculoskeletal system of the spine. Therefore, chiropractors or chiropractors use manual techniques to manipulate the spine and adjacent muscles.

Since official medicine cannot always eliminate pain in the lumbosacral spine, many patients who have undergone manual therapy sessions experience significant relief. But it is worth noting that for other symptoms not related to pain, there is very little evidence about the benefits of this method.

It is important that the treatment is carried out by an experienced chiropractor, then side effects are less likely to occur. And yet we must not forget that manual therapy techniques cervical spine dangerous due to the occurrence serious complications, including stroke and paralysis. To reduce the risk of complications, each patient is recommended to undergo thorough examination to determine the degree of danger for him of this type of therapy.


The benefits of massage have long been recognized in all cultures. It is known that massage can relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and remove accumulated toxins. Doctors recommend massage for back pain, indigestion, and headaches. After a course of massage, most patients note an improvement in their well-being. This is explained by the fact that 80% of all diseases are caused by stress, and massage is a good stress reliever.

Side effects from massage are rare. Common sense will tell the patient in what cases massage is contraindicated, for example, on burned areas, on limbs affected by thrombosis, etc. There is no information that when oncological diseases massage increases the development of metastases.

Although massage is becoming increasingly popular, patients are concerned about the qualifications of massage therapists. Therefore, it is worth finding out whether the doctor has received a license, so as not to end up with a non-professional.


The treatment system – acupuncture or acupuncture – has gained considerable popularity throughout the world. To achieve a therapeutic effect, certain areas of the body are pricked with needles. Research data over the past decades has shown that this method gives good results, as acupuncture releases neurochemicals such as endorphin, which relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Acupuncture is effective for many diseases and can replace drug anesthesia. WHO has recognized that acupuncture can be used to treat 104 diseases. In addition, this method is applicable and effective for post-operative and muscle pain, cramps during menstruation, motion sickness, and vomiting associated with pregnancy or chemotherapy.

Acupuncture rarely causes serious side effects, but some patients experience painful sensations, numbness, tingling. By keeping needles well sterilized or using disposable needles, the risk of infection is minimized.

It is worth being attentive to the fact that many acupuncturists do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of medicine, so they cannot determine accurate diagnosis diseases or recommend other treatment methods that are more suitable in your case. It would be unwise to contact such an acupuncturist, especially for chronic diseases.

So, the choice of alternative treatment methods is wide. This article briefly discusses only a small portion of the many methods available. And in the future, perhaps others not mentioned in this article will gain universal recognition, or, conversely, will be forgotten, and some will acquire notoriety.

  • Complementary medicine refers to non-traditional practices used alongside traditional medicine.
  • Alternative medicine refers to non-traditional practices used in place of traditional medicine.
  • Integrative Medicine - medical care, which uses all adequate therapeutic approaches(traditional and alternative) within a framework that focuses on the therapeutic relationship and the whole person.

KAM has been widely used in the United States for decades. Almost 40% of the adult population uses some form of CAM, most often to treat pain or anxiety or to manage cholesterol levels. Its use is also common among patients with chronic pain, cancer, hepatitis C or other conditions that cannot be cured. The most commonly used methods include medicinal herbs.

Some types of CAM therapy are now offered in hospitals and are sometimes reimbursed by insurance companies. Some traditional medical schools, including 45 North American medical schools, part of the academic consortium “Integrative Medicine Health Centers,” provide education about CAM and integrative medicine.
Wide philosophical differences distinguish traditional and alternative approaches to healing.

Because patients are concerned about criticism, they do not always voluntarily provide physicians with information about their use of CAM. Therefore, it is very important for physicians to ask their patients specifically, openly, and without judgment about the use of CAM. Learning about patients' use of CAM can build rapport, trust, and provide an opportunity to discuss the benefits and risks of CAM. Doctors can also identify and avoid potential dangerous interaction between drugs and CAM therapies or dietary supplements, monitor patient progress, refer patients to certified or licensed CAM practitioners, and learn from the experiences of patients with CAM.


There are 3 types of support for CAM therapies.

  • Use of the drug over a period of time ranging from decades to centuries.
  • Evidence of established physiological mechanisms of action (e.g. modification of valerian γ activity -aminobutyric acid[GABA] in the brain).
  • Efficacy as demonstrated in clinical trials.

A significant amount of information about CAM is available in peer-reviewed publications, evidence-based reviews, expert panel papers, and authoritative textbooks; much of it has been published in languages ​​other than English (eg German, Chinese). However, most CAM therapies have not been tested in representative clinical trials and likely will not be for the following reasons:

  • industry has no financial incentive to fund research;
  • CAM therapies may be difficult to study using conventional methodology;
  • Manufacturers of CAM products are not required to demonstrate effectiveness in treating specific diseases.

Thus, the FDA allows the marketing of dietary supplements and the use of CAM devices, but significantly limits claims of effectiveness. Typically, dietary supplement manufacturers may make claims to benefit body structure or function (e.g., improve cardiovascular diseases), but not the benefit of the disease (for example, treats hypertension).


Design research into CAM therapies poses challenges beyond those faced by researchers of conventional therapies.

  • Therapy cannot be standardized. For example, there are different acupuncture systems, and the content and biological activity of extracts from the same plant species differ from each other (chemical identification and standardization of active ingredients is not considered part of CAM).
  • Diagnoses cannot be standardized; The use of many CAM therapies (eg, traditional herbal medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture) is based on the unique characteristics of the patient rather than a specific disease or disorder.
  • Double or single blind study often difficult or even impossible. For example, patients cannot be randomized because it is unclear whether they meditate. Patients who practice reiki cannot be randomized due to uncertainty about whether they use internal energy healing.
  • Results are difficult to standardize because they are often specific to the individual rather than to the target or form (like the average blood pressure, glycated hemoglobin levels and mortality).
  • Placebos are difficult to develop because... it is difficult to determine the effective component of CAM therapy. For example, in massage, the effective component may be touch, the specific area of ​​the body being massaged, the massage technique used, or the time spent with the patient.

From a conventional research perspective, the use of placebo is especially important in the presence of subjective disease outcomes (eg, pain, nausea, stomach upset) and when symptoms are observed - intermittent, spontaneous, or both (eg, headache); Such phenomena and disorders are often the targets of CAM therapy. However, CAM systems present the placebo effect as nonspecific healing effect, arising as a result of a therapeutic interaction and inseparable from a specific treatment. In practice, alternative therapy is intended to optimize the patient's ability to self-heal (placebo), as well as to produce therapeutic effect. Thus, many CAM practitioners strive to improve the quality of their healing practices and therapeutic relationships. Studying the effective components of CAM therapy without compromising the therapeutic integrity of the therapy remains a methodological challenge.


Although the safety of CAM therapy has not been studied in clinical trials, most methods provide a good indication of safety. Many CAM treatments (eg, non-toxic herbal medicine, mind-body modalities such as meditation and yoga, body-based practices such as massage) have been used for thousands of years without evidence of harm, and many are unlikely to cause harm. . However, there are some safety considerations.

  • Using an alternative approach to treat life-threatening diseases that can be effectively treated conventionally (eg, meningitis, diabetic ketoacidosis, acute leukemia) may be the greatest risk of CAM rather than the risk of direct harm from CAM therapy.
  • Toxicity from certain herbal preparations (eg, hepatotoxicity from pyrrolizidine alkaloids, Atractylis gummifera, chapparral, dubrovnik, celandine, gin bujuan, kava, pennyroyal, etc.; nephrotoxicity from Aristolochia; adrenergic stimulation from ephedra).
  • Contamination (eg, heavy metal contamination of some Chinese and Ayurvedic herbal medicines; contamination of other products such as PC-SPES, and some Chinese herbs from other medicines).
  • Interactions between CAM therapies (eg, herbal drugs, micronutrients) and other drugs (eg, induction of cytochrome P-450 enzymes by St. John's wort leads to decreased activity of antiretrovirals, immunosuppressants, and other drugs), especially when the drug has a narrow therapeutic index.
  • As with any physical manipulation (including basic techniques such as physical therapy), injury (such as nerve damage or spinal cord as a result of spinal manipulation in patients at risk, bruising in patients with bleeding disorders).

Current warnings about harmful food additives are available on the FDA website. Historically, the FDA has not tightly regulated the dietary supplement industry. However, new FDA regulations now require good manufacturing practices to ensure the quality and safety of dietary supplements.

To avoid injury due to physical manipulation, patients should seek out CAM practitioners who have graduated from accredited schools and are professionally licensed. The incidence of complications is very low when a chiropractic or acupuncture session is performed by professionals who have all the necessary supporting documents.


There are generally five categories of alternative medicine:

  • alternative medical systems;
  • psychosomatic medicine;
  • biologically based practices;
  • manual and body practices;
  • energy medicine.

The name of many therapies only partially describes their components.

Alternative medical systems are complete systems, with an explanation of disease, diagnosis and therapy.


Proof. There have been several well-designed studies on Ayurvedic practices. The use of Ayurvedic herbal combinations is currently being studied to relieve symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and for the treatment of diabetes.

Application. After determining the balance of the doshas, ​​practitioners develop treatments specifically for each patient.

Possible side effects. Some herbal combinations used include heavy metals(mainly lead, mercury and arsenic) because they are believed to have therapeutic effects. No cases of heavy metal poisoning have been reported.


It is believed that small dose stimulates the body's healing mechanisms. Treatment is based on the patient's unique characteristics, including personality and lifestyle, symptoms and general condition health.

Proof. The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies for various diseases has been studied. No study has clearly shown the effectiveness of any specific homeopathic remedy, although some studies have shown positive results(eg, one well-designed, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial showed a greater therapeutic effect than placebo in the treatment of diarrhea in children). Homeopathy is commonly included in health care practices in Europe and India.

Application. Homeopathy has been used to treat various diseases, such as allergies, rhinitis, digestive problems, musculoskeletal pain and dizziness. The effects of homeopathic solutions on joint pain, fragility and quality of life in fibromyalgia are being studied.

Possible side effects. Homeopathy is well tolerated and has few risks; Allergic or toxic reactions are occasionally observed.

Unlike herbs and dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA as drugs and can be purchased at a pharmacy or with a doctor's prescription. Because so little active ingredient remains after dilution, active ingredients are tested before dilution. Homeopathic remedies have been temporarily exempted from restrictions on the amount of alcohol (a common diluent) they can contain. However, the label must include the following information:

  • manufacturer's name;
  • labeling “homeopathic”;
  • at least one of the indications for treatment;
  • instructions for safe use;
  • active ingredient and its dilution rate, unless specifically excluded. Conventional physicians should not assume that homeopathic remedies taken by a patient are biologically inactive. Patients often mistakenly use the term "homeopathic" to refer to food additives which they accept. In addition, the FDA allows many herbal remedies to be registered and labeled as homeopathic if they undergo a certain pharmaceutical process.


Proof. Chinese medicine traditionally uses formulas containing mixtures of herbs to treat various diseases. Traditional formulas can be learned; for example, it has been shown to be effective in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. A single herb used on its own may not be as effective and may have side effects. However, current standard research favors the study of individual herbs. For example, Tripterygium wilfordii has demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties and clinical effectiveness in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and astragalus may benefit patients with lung cancer. Various Chinese herbs have been studied as treatments for hepatitis and fibrosis. Some studies show effectiveness, but data are limited.

Possible side effects. One of the problems is the standardization and quality control of Chinese herbs. Many are unregulated in Asia, may be contaminated with heavy metals from contaminated groundwater, or may be adulterated with drugs such as antibiotics or corticosteroids. However, high quality products are available from certain manufacturers that meet proper production practice FDA.

So-called alternative medicine has hundreds and thousands of years of history and successful use. Behind traditional classical medicine, also called drug therapy, - fundamental research, on which considerable public money is spent. For every thousand dollars spent on advanced medical research, only one dollar is spent on alternative medicine. And yet alternative treatments have millions of fans. How effective are alternative treatments? In what cases should you resort to it?


One of the most pleasant procedures. It is used in the form of various types of massage with essential oils, baths or inhalations. Properly selected oils can relieve nervous and muscle tension, relieve neuralgia, overwork, insomnia, and depression. And, conversely, give vigor and increase efficiency and overall tone of the body. The action of aromatherapy is based on the ability of molecules chemicals penetrate through the skin into the blood and act in a certain way on the nerve endings, causing the necessary reaction.


In 1796, physician and pharmacist Professor at the University of Leipzig S. Hahnemann formulated the basic law of homeopathy: like is treated like, that is, in case of illness, the drug that causes symptoms similar to this disease in a healthy person helps. The mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines is still not fully understood. Unlike “chemical” drugs, homeopathy does not act on pathogenic factors, but on the body’s regulatory systems, thereby increasing its “combat capability” and forcing it to independently fight the disease. In homeopathy, the basic principle of medicine is fully realized - to treat the patient, not the disease. Therefore, homeopathic medicines are selected strictly individually. Homeopathic doctors are skeptical about homeopathy from regular pharmacies: there will be no harm from them, but there will be zero benefit.

Dmitry Rastorguev, homeopathic doctor

“I am sure that homeopathy is useful for any disease, since it does not treat any specific disease, but restores the body’s ability to recover. Even if it is impossible to refuse chemical drugs, then, as a rule, when homeopathic treatment their dose may be reduced. Special group patients include pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants and allergy sufferers, for whom homeopathy is the safest and effective method drug treatment."

Homeopathic medicines are packaged in “grains” the size of a pinhead. Concentration active substance in them is different and is indicated by a number after the name. IN home medicine cabinet useful to store the following drugs: Arnica 30 helps with injuries: the bruise resolves much faster. Ignacy 30 will restore peace of mind after suffering stress. Aconite 30 will bring down the temperature during the flu and provide first aid.


Treatment with rational nutrition. Most people associate this treatment with diets for weight loss or with those prescribed for gastritis, diabetes mellitus, kidney diseases. Indeed, successful treatment in these and many other cases is unthinkable without dietary nutrition. There are even miraculous cases of healing from very serious diseases solely through dietary adjustments. But diet therapy is also indicated practically healthy people. Scientists have established: a balanced diet is when about 600 substances are regularly supplied to the human body. A lack of any of these elements leads to quite serious disorders in the body. Thus, with a lack of iron in food, the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. And a lack of calcium causes brittle nails and hair and is fraught with fractures. Potassium deficiency causes disruptions in heart rate, iodine - diseases thyroid gland, fatty acids omega-3 - problems with attention and memory, carotenoids zeaxanthin and lutein - weakened vision. In most cases, the situation can be corrected without any medications by adjusting your diet. In general terms the formula rational nutrition looks like this: vegetables and fruits, fish, lean meat and seafood, whole grain cereals and legumes, vegetable oil, low-fat dairy products and eggs, nuts and seeds. However, in lately Particular emphasis is placed on foods containing antioxidants. These substances neutralize free radicals, which are the cause of many diseases. They are found in blueberries, tomatoes, red wine, and green tea. The use of dietary supplements (BAA) also refers to diet therapy. The most famous dietary supplements are vitamin-mineral complexes and antioxidants. Doctors place great hopes on the antioxidant Q 10 (today it is known that it helps in the treatment of diseases cardiovascular system, migraines and Parkinson's disease). Another group of popular dietary supplements are probiotics, or live microorganisms. They are found in all natural fermented milk products.


Often the feeling of fatigue appears due to insufficient oxygen supply to the body. We breathe deeply only in a state of emotional excitement, but our everyday breathing is shallow. Gymnastics is based on full (in yoga terminology) breathing, which fills every cell of the body with oxygen. Having mastered this technique, you can quickly and easily minimal costs energy to restore efficiency and vigor. You can also use breathing exercises in the workplace. And outside the city you should definitely use this technology.


The essence of massage is the mechanical effect on numerous nerve receptors in various layers of the skin, tendons, muscles, walls of blood vessels and internal organs. Massage activates the movement of lymph and blood, stimulates the release of endorphins, joy hormones, and suppresses the release of stress hormones. Depending on the intensity of the impact, massage can be either a pleasant soothing and relaxing procedure (the relaxing effect is enhanced when used aromatic oils), and active therapeutic method. Massage can be manual or using special devices. It is indispensable for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, injuries, insomnia, headaches, and depression. IN Chinese medicine massage is considered very effective means treatment. It differs from the European one in a much greater depth of influence and, according to Chinese doctors, can help with serious diseases. Massage is contraindicated for chronic diseases in the acute stage, elevated temperature, skin, cancer and infectious diseases.


It involves using your hands to influence the organs and structures of the body in ways that allow you to remove functional blocks, restore fluid circulation in the human body and balance. Osteopathy is based on the assertion that the body has enormous, inexhaustible capabilities for self-correction. The osteopath's task is to help him realize these possibilities. Moreover, unlike other types manual treatment- chiropractic care and massage - osteopathic effects are gentle. The osteopath selects treatment based on his own “manual” diagnosis. Osteopathic treatment responds well to pain in the joints and back, headache, scoliosis, hearing loss, some gynecological diseases, epilepsy. The most effective treatment is for initial stage clinical manifestations. An osteopathic doctor can identify disorders even in a newborn before official medicine makes its diagnosis (for example, children’s cerebral palsy or perinatal encephalopathy). In severe cases, osteopathy can be used as additional treatment. Osteopathy is contraindicated for all acute, oncological and cardiovascular diseases.


Uses techniques based on influencing the energy flows of the human body through the reflex zones of the body. All organs and systems of the body are connected to certain, rather extensive, areas of the skin - zones and acupuncture points. Disturbances in the functioning of organs and their systems entail changes in reflex zones. Surely everyone will remember a case when, without visible reasons the skin hurt. This is exactly the case when the reflex zone signaled a problem in the organ associated with it. By correctly selecting influence on reflex zones, you can correct the activity of a particular organ. The most common methods of reflexology: acupuncture (acupuncture) - exposure through acupuncture points special needles; acupressure - massage of acupuncture points with fingers or special blunt needles (a type of acupressure is shiatsu massage); thermopuncture - cauterization of acupuncture points with a smoldering wormwood cigar; electric, magnetic, laser, light, ultrasound puncture - exposure to acupuncture points with electric and magnetic waves and their combinations; massage of reflex zones. For example, stone therapy is the impact of stones of different temperatures on certain areas.

Victor Porokhnya, reflexologist

“The method of reflexology treats not a specific disease, but the body as a whole. Therefore, a reflexologist carries out diagnostics using his own methods. Reflexology restores energy disturbances in the body and returns it to a state of energetic balance. Functional disorders are completely cured using reflexology methods. Therefore, it is very important to visit a reflexologist three to four times a year and adjust your energy. If this is not done, functional disorders will turn into organic ones.”


Very effective in combating seasonal depression. It has been proven that their cause is insufficient lighting. Under the influence of light, the body produces endorphins, hormones of happiness, but in the dark season there are not enough endorphins. This results in a feeling of discomfort, fatigue, drowsiness, and decreased performance. You can arrange light therapy sessions for yourself. Be outside during daylight hours as often as possible and turn on bright lighting indoors.


Treatment with plants, in the form of squeezed juices, decoctions and infusions, extracts (extracts), is used externally and internally. In addition, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can use ready-made herbal teas, sold in a pharmacy. However, there are plants that contain substances that can have a much stronger effect and are used in treatment serious illnesses. Therefore, amateur efforts in their use are inappropriate. The doctor selects the composition of the collection individually for each patient.

Head of the Institute of Phytotherapy Vladimir Korsun

“Herbal medicine is effective for any diseases, including serious ones, as auxiliary treatment. Herbal medicine reduces side effects from taking medicines and thereby significantly improves the quality of life. It is also important that herbal treatment is inexpensive. Herbal medicine is contraindicated only in cases where urgent help is required.”

Advice from herbalists:

  • Do not buy herbs for future use and do not use them after the expiration date.
  • Do not create mixtures yourself: substances contained in plants can interact in the most unpredictable ways.
  • It is better to prepare infusions and decoctions in earthenware, glass or clay dishes. And only for one day.
  • Strictly follow the recommended dosage.


This impact on internal organs in order to normalize their activities. Chiropractic care is the most common form of chiropractic care. It is indicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Visceral chiropractic - effects on organs abdominal cavity. It is recommended for cholecystitis, pancreatitis, liver congestion, colitis, chronic constipation, renal congestion, mild heart disorders, bronchitis, thyroid diseases, varicose veins veins, osteochondrosis.


Healing by transferring energy through the hands of a healer was well known and widespread in ancient times. IN modern form this art has been revived in the form of reiki. The essence of this method is in the name itself. "Reiki" can be translated as "guiding, comprehensive spiritual-psychic life energy." The entire Universe is filled with Reiki, every organism is permeated with it. If reiki flows freely, a person is physically and mentally healthy. If there are “blocks” in the way of the reiki, the person is sick. The healer’s task is precisely to unblock the channels and clear the way for the reiki. The energy independently finds the blocked place, i.e. the source of the disease. The healer himself is a person with open channels, which is why it can receive and transmit to others a significantly larger volume vital energy and heal yourself. Many people can become a reiki healer, but this long way. Only a few pass through. Therefore, finding a true reiki healer is not easy. In addition, healing by laying on of hands is only the first step in mastering reiki. People who have attained the second and third stages heal from a distance. Reiki is not a panacea. And the healers themselves insist that patients use conventional treatments when necessary. But reiki can complement any treatment. The effect of massage, for example, is greatly enhanced with the use of reiki. Even medicines can be “treated” with Reiki. This will enhance their effect and eliminate side effects.

Dr. Usui, who revived and spread reiki, came up with 5 rules of life that are especially important for true healing:

  • Live today without anger.
  • Live today without fuss.
  • Today, be filled with love for your neighbor.
  • Today, earn your bread honestly.
  • Today, be grateful to life.

What you need to know to make additional treatment safe

  • Pass full examination to make sure you don't have serious problems with health, requiring urgent treatment. Additional treatment is indicated for chronic diseases that are not life-threatening. Please consult your doctor first. Make sure the additional treatment is compatible with what he has prescribed for you.
  • Ask your doctor in advance who practices this or that alternative method, about contraindications and side effects.
  • If any methods If alternative medicine is used by your “regular” doctor, then he is responsible for what he does. But if you consult a doctor who practices only alternative medicine methods, the responsibility for this choice lies with you: not all alternative treatment methods are recognized by the Ministry of Health.

From time immemorial, humanity has been looking for ways to quickly cure diseases. And today there are three main groups of methods used: modern, traditional and non-traditional.

When you get sick, the first thing you do is turn to classical doctors, who write a prescription and explain the treatment regimen for a particular ailment.

But, along with medicines, they often resort to proven “grandmother’s” remedies: brew chamomile, or eat lingonberries with honey.

And when all the methods have been tried, they turn to healers and healers. With the belief that they can help where medicine is powerless.

Classical medicine. Pros and cons

Scientifically based (modern) medicine has undoubtedly achieved a lot: surgery, resuscitation, effective ways to combat mass epidemics and serious diseases. Pneumonia, complex fractures and appendicitis can hardly be successfully treated with traditional medicine.

However, for every plus there is also a minus. And it consists in the fact that official medicine in most cases is concerned with relieving symptoms and pain. And the patient is already satisfied that the head no longer bothers him, and the acute phase of the disease has passed.

Popular new magic pill, not good health, in which visiting doctors will become unnecessary.

Alternative medicine, its principles

Official medicine has generally accepted standards. All institutions that train future doctors adhere to them. Accordingly, everything that does not fall under the standards belongs to alternative medicine.

She searches for the root cause of health problems, disturbances in the functioning of the body that led to illness. In addition, in contrast to classical principles, which consider a person as a system individual organs, the non-traditional approach takes it entirely and takes into account the interconnection of all organs.

Traditional medicine

Folk (traditional) medicine includes ancient, time-tested methods

treat diseases. It was to them that people turned for healing for many centuries. Treatment with herbs and medicinal plants is mainly used; infusions and decoctions are prepared from them.

In addition to healing potions, prayers and spells are used. Prayers are read to protect against evil spirit, and conspiracies came to us from paganism, their words are passed down from generation to generation.

Eastern traditional medicine

Eastern traditions teach to prevent diseases, maintain health and thereby prolong a person’s life. The philosophy is based on the unity of not only the spiritual and physical body, but also merging with the surrounding world. It is in this harmony that healers see solutions to problems.

Traditional and alternative medicine is often called alternative; it deals with the treatment of the person, and not specifically the disease.

Alternative medicine. To trust or not

Proponents of alternative medicine claim that it is safe and effective. Many people believe this. However, you should not abandon classical methods of treatment. It is possible to combine the doctor’s recommendations and the achievements of alternative medicine. This should be done with caution, since the effectiveness of most methods has been poorly studied, and clinical evidence is also lacking.

Any alternative medicine clinic promises relief from all ailments, but the patient has to seek help from such centers almost at his own peril and risk, since regulatory regulation this activity is missing.

There are frequent cases of not only disappointment, but also harm to health, especially if you get an appointment with a charlatan who recommends yet another miracle remedy or technique. The level of qualifications of such doctors is difficult to determine. Often you have to rely on patient reviews.


Complete training

Now many centers offer to master palmistry, physiognomy, graphology, astrology - all this is alternative medicine. Training in alternative techniques is carried out in specialized educational institutions or remotely. It is believed that mastering the methods and techniques of alternative medicine is much more difficult than classical medicine, so is it worth trusting such dubious educational institutions or not, it's a private matter for everyone. Unfortunately, the Institute of Alternative Medicine, upon completion of which you will be given an official diploma as a healer, is still only a fantasy.

Now in Russia only acupuncture and manual practice have received official recognition. You can get an additional profession if you have a special medical education. For example, only neurologists can master acupuncture.

Folk remedies of the West and East

There are many areas of alternative practices. Their number is growing every year. In order to somehow understand this diversity, they tried to classify them.

The first group includes the following methods:

Bioelectromagnetic methods of influencing the body

IN ancient China biologically active points were discovered. These points are also called acupuncture points; in total, about 700 are described. By irritating them in a certain way, you can heal various ailments and also carry out disease prevention.

Methods of alternative medicine, which belong to the second group, involve influencing biologically active points with magnetic, electric fields and biofields. Moreover, both diagnosis and treatment are carried out.

These include:

  • bioresonance therapy - stimulation of areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for a particular organ with ultra-low frequencies of electrical impulses;
  • electropuncture reflexology - stimulation on the surface of the skin with electrical impulses;
  • magnetopuncture - exposure to magnetic fields, alternating or constant;
  • information-active drugs - water or health-improving drugs that carry the “correct” information to the body’s cells. The products are multifunctional and have no contraindications;
  • exposure to fields of stones, metals and plants.

Diet therapy

Alternative medicine uses numerous diets. Therefore, the third method includes vegetarianism, macrobiotics, fasting, and all sorts of ways to use food supplements.

Also included here are various nutritional systems: according to Bragg, Shelton, Dukan, Semenova, Protasov.

Psychoenergy and body

The ability to control the body and emotions is also alternative medicine. Treatment is carried out through stimulation of the senses and through physical movement. These are Chinese and music therapy, color therapy, aromatherapy, visualization technologies, religious healing, extrasensory perception.

The fourth group also includes yoga and meditation. The techniques are popular and widely known throughout the world as Indian alternative medicine .

Hands as the main tool in treatment

Methods that belong to the fifth group are mainly massage techniques. Traditional and alternative medicine have accumulated vast experience over their centuries-old history. Moreover, it is precisely these methods of treatment with the help of a doctor’s hands that are recognized official medicine as being quite effective.

This includes:

  • manual therapy - special techniques performed by the hands of a doctor, with the help of which the functioning of the patient’s musculoskeletal system is improved;
  • massage - mechanical effect on tissues: joints, muscles, skin to achieve a therapeutic effect;
  • acupressure - biological finger stimulation active points;

Dietary supplements

The use of pharmacological agents also involves alternative medicine. Treatment is carried out using apitherapy, biological drugs based on products of animal or mineral origin.

The sixth group includes the following:

  • oxygen, carried out for body cells that experience hypoxia;
  • cellular, using stem cells;
  • metabolic to improve metabolism;
  • antioxidant, that is, preventing oxidation inside the body's cells.

In addition, there are methods of alternative medicine that cannot be classified into any one group, for example, astrology, feng shui, psychopuncture.


  • The first level includes healers and herbalists; they work only with physical body person;
  • the second level involves addressing To higher powers asking for help;
  • the third are psychics who literally see the cause of problems;
  • fourth, spiritual level, involves influencing the root cause of misfortune.

Whether this is true or not is difficult to verify. In most cases, the result of visiting a magician depends on the degree of faith the patient has in him.

Diagnosis of the body's condition

Traditional and alternative medicine has many tools and methods in its arsenal for both treatment and diagnosis.

Unlike official ways, alternative research allows you to check the general condition of the body in one session and identify all present diseases and problems.

There are many popular and trusted diagnostic methods. However, classical medicine does not recognize or apply them.

If you contact an alternative medicine center, patients may be offered the following methods:

  • Kinesiology studies the movement of human muscles. It is believed that each organ is associated with a specific muscle; by determining the degree of tone in it, you can detect the problem and get rid of it;
  • iridology examines the state of the body using the iris of the eyes;
  • auriculodiagnostics is a system that examines points on auricle related to organs and systems of the body;
  • thermopuncture diagnostics measures temperature and sensitivity to it in the area of ​​biologically active points;
  • measures the pulse and correlates its characteristics with the condition of the internal organs.

This is not a complete list of techniques available in alternative medicine. However, it should be understood that there is no absolute confidence in their reliability. And if you still turn to such a diagnosis, it is better to clarify the results using the means and methods of official medicine.