Eco fertilization risks for women. Possible complications after IVF. Indications for in vitro fertilization

IVF has been used for many years to treat infertility in couples.

The technology is in demand and is constantly being improved, giving long-awaited babies to people who are desperate to become parents.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of in vitro fertilization

Experts highlight the following advantages of the procedure:

  1. The ability to conceive and give birth to a child in the presence of pathology, because of which there is no alternative to becoming parents. At certain diseases(endometriosis, removed the fallopian tubes, autoimmune diseases, endocrine disorders, idiopathic form of infertility, immunological damage to spermatozoa, male infertility and the absence of eggs) IVF makes it possible not only to introduce the embryo into the uterine cavity, but also to use donor material or the services of a surrogate mother.
  2. The possibility of pre-implantation diagnosis of hereditary pathology in one of the parents or inappropriate physical condition women for childbearing and childbirth.
  3. In vitro fertilization allows for cryopreservation, which preserves the eggs or fertilized female germ cells obtained after follicle puncture in excess for the upcoming procedure.
  4. The ability to choose the gender of the unborn baby and the number of children: IVF allows you to give birth to twins, triplets, and even more crumbs.

Thanks to innovative developments and high technology of the procedure, in vitro fertilization is considered relatively safe way solutions to reproductive problems.

However, there are certain disadvantages artificial insemination:

  1. Low efficiency of IVF treatment: in about 30% of cases, the procedure ends with pregnancy, and in 25% of cases, the bearing of a child ends with the birth of a baby.
  2. Expensive technology. Because of high cost Few women can afford the procedure.
  3. The presence of side effects and even dangerous effects due to taking drugs(ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, increased blood clotting, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack, the formation of ovarian cysts).
  4. The likelihood of developing surgical complications. The collection of oocytes is often accompanied by infection, perforation, and anaphylactic shock.
  5. Anembryonic risk, spontaneous abortion, premature birth or ectopic pregnancy.

Briefly - the essence of IVF in this video:

Possible consequences of IVF for a woman

The in vitro fertilization procedure is considered complex process, so to avoid adverse complications requires careful preparation and control of a number of specialists - a gynecologist, geneticist, embryologist, urologist, reproductologist.

Let's look at the negative consequences of IVF.

early menopause

When performing assisted reproductive technology, the natural menstrual cycle, which lasts for many years, is suppressed.

The procedure has a negative effect on the body future mother as a result of the use of potent hormonal medicines and anesthesia in the case of IVF itself and caesarean section during childbirth. Such changes do not remain without a trace for a woman; a long-term consequence of the procedure may develop - an early menopause.

In a detailed study of the impact of in vitro fertilization on the health of expectant mothers, experts found that their menopause was quite early age- 34-36 years old. However, many girls, going against nature, are ready to make such sacrifices for the sake of the long-awaited baby.

Problems with the thyroid

Potent hormonal therapy for IVF does not leave organs intact endocrine system. Yes, state thyroid gland worsens, the risk of developing hypothyroidism (thyroid insufficiency) increases.

All these changes are due to the fact that during stimulation there is a massive intake of hormones into the body. However, do not worry in advance: when observing an endocrinologist and proper treatment such violations are easily corrected.


Hormone therapy involves a significant increase in the body of a woman's supply of estrogens, due to which the expectant mother increases the risk of developing cardiomyopathy. This disease is characterized by myocardial damage with an increase in the size of the heart and a violation of its rhythm and conduction. The heart muscle weakens, organ failure develops.

In such a situation, the timely help of a cardiologist will allow the expectant mother to avoid harm to health. The doctor prescribes corrective treatment that saves the heart from adverse consequences.

Life expectancy of a woman after childbirth

There is an opinion that in vitro fertilization reduces the life expectancy of a future mother, which does not exceed 11 years after the procedure. In fact, this is just a myth that is not supported by any statistics.

On the contrary, according to the reviews of women who have previously used assisted reproductive technology, they feel cheerful and vitality. However, some receptive women, reading the information about the health hazards of IVF, are negatively tuned. This Wrong way behavior. A low duration life is a delusion that has no actual confirmation.

The effect of hormonal drugs on pregnancy and childbirth

Women resort to the procedure due to the inability to become pregnant on their own. The use of hormonal stimulation leads to endocrine disruption in the body of the expectant mother, which contributes to the favorable implantation of the fetal egg.

Throughout the entire gestation period after the assisted reproductive intervention, specialists pay attention to 2 hormonal indicator in the blood of a pregnant woman - estradiol and progesterone.

It is believed that the first 6 weeks after conception, a woman in position should be under medical supervision, since potent hormonal preparations can cause spontaneous abortion or miscarriage, especially in the early stages.

According to statistics, about 60-80% of all patients from those who did IVF reach childbirth. The rest of the women quite often have a miscarriage or miscarriage in the first trimester, which are manifested by the appearance of brown spotting from the genital tract.

Some reproductologists, especially foreign ones, argue that after the technology, hormonal support is not required: pregnancy will proceed normally without these drugs. They believe that these drugs are not only expensive, but also have a mass side effects. However, even these doctors admit that hormonal support is necessary in case of pathology of bearing a child.

Is there a risk of cancer?

Due to the diverse impact of IVF on the health of patients, many women are concerned about the question: can the procedure contribute to the development of malignant neoplasms?

The sad story of the famous singer Zhanna Friske, who developed brain cancer after artificial insemination, makes many patients fear reproductive technology. Some sources claim that in vitro fertilization is a direct provocateur of the growth of cysts and tumors in organs. reproductive system.

How close to the truth is this opinion? Doctors say that oncological diseases are not directly related to the conduct hormone therapy. Experts say that pathologies develop due to late pregnancy and childbirth, or if a woman without IVF had a predisposition to the occurrence of neoplasms.

Psychological problems

For many couples, having a baby through in vitro fertilization is a difficult decision. WITH psychological side spouses often fear the unsuccessful completion of a pregnancy or the birth of an inferior baby.

Previous unsuccessful attempts at in vitro fertilization do not go unnoticed for a couple, especially for a woman. Many patients want to immediately retry the protocol, but their bodies take time to recover. If a woman has recovered and gained strength, she is more likely to have a positive IVF result.

In addition, using donor materials - sperm or an egg - parents begin to look for features in the born child that are not characteristic of them. In this case, experts recommend contacting a psychologist who will help to cope with the problem.

Does IVF affect children?

Many scientists are arguing about whether there are consequences of such a conception for children or not. Let's take a closer look at whether they should be feared.

One side claims that in vitro fertilization threatens with fetal hypoxia, intrauterine growth retardation, dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, and neurological pathologies.

If the patient's age exceeds 30 years and her own egg is taken, the risk of various abnormalities in the child increases: chromosomal abnormalities (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome), malformations, pathology of the organs of the musculoskeletal system. It is not excluded that the pregnancy that occurred as a result of IVF will end with placental abruption, premature birth or intrauterine death child.

It must be remembered that some deviations in the health of parents can be transmitted to children through genes. In addition, babies born through assisted reproductive technology may acquire genetic abnormalities, since most couples who use this method of conception have health problems and are most often not very young.

Experts say that the likelihood of adverse effects from the procedure is lower when using a donor egg or sperm. This is due to the fact that a carefully examined donor who does not have hereditary diseases.

Prevention of negative consequences

  1. Give up physical activity- fitness, running, strength training. Replace them with slow walks in the fresh air.
  2. Observe sexual rest, limiting sexual contact for the specified period of time.
  3. Try not to be in the room where you are large cluster people.
  4. Drink enough liquid - at least 30 ml / kg.
  5. Follow exactly all the recommendations of a specialist, do not try to change the dosage of medicines on your own.

To avoid the occurrence chromosomal pathology pass full examination by a geneticist before performing in vitro fertilization, especially if your age has exceeded 35-40 years. It would be useful to analyze the genetic compatibility of partners: in this way, an unsuccessful termination of pregnancy can be avoided.


In vitro fertilization technology has allowed many people to become parents, despite previous unsuccessful attempts to have a child. However, the procedure does not guarantee the birth of a baby in 100% of cases.

In each couple, the result of IVF is individual: for some, the birth of a child occurs on the first attempt, while others require several interventions. Sometimes in vitro fertilization threatens a woman with development side effects.

In order to avoid adverse consequences, experts recommend that the couple undergo a full medical examination before performing the technology and carry out treatment existing diseases.

What is IVF, what are the indications and contraindications for this procedure. How does in vitro fertilization affect the condition women's health. How is the transfer of an embryo into the uterus.

The content of the article:

IVF is medical term, completely it sounds like in vitro fertilization. The main purpose of assisted reproductive technology is to help couples who suffer from infertility, become parents. Let's find out if IVF is dangerous for a woman and her child, what are its benefits and how the procedure works.

What is IVF

The essence of IVF is the combination of a sperm and a fertile egg outside the female body and the cultivation of an embryo in a test tube. That is why about children who were born as a result of in vitro fertilization,
they say they are "test-tube babies".

The main stages of the procedure: preparation of the female body, isolation and removal of eggs, cultivation of embryos, implantation of viable organisms into the woman's uterus.

Since IVF became widespread, more than 5 million test-tube babies have already been born.

Currently, there are many options for using ECO technology:

  • Use of artificial insemination for women who cannot become pregnant themselves;
  • The use of donor sperm if the spouse is infertile;
  • The opportunity to become a mother for a woman who does not have a sexual partner.
The procedure is not cheap, its cost depends on the region in which fertilization is carried out, on the number and type of medicines used, total services specified in the contract - preparation for the procedure, monitoring of pregnancy, childbirth, etc.

IVF synonyms: artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, in vitro fertilization. In Europe, the English abbreviation IVF is more commonly used.

What are the benefits of IVF

The main benefit of IVF is the opportunity to become parents for people who have lost hope in another way to conceive a child. Many women do not even want to know if IVF is dangerous, because long years their attempts to get pregnant were in vain.

In addition, modern reproductive specialists have learned to masterfully “work” with embryos, select viable and healthy ones for replanting, and weed out specimens in which damage is still visible on cellular level. When hereditary diseases are detected, it is possible to protect the future generation using donor sperm, check the biomaterial for genetic diseases.

Another plus of artificial insemination is the determination of the sex of the child not only before birth, but also before the start of gestation. In most countries, this service is prohibited. For example, in India or China, priority is given to the birth of boys, and if female embryos are not used, the already unfavorable gender situation in countries will worsen significantly in the future.

If geneticists know that hereditary pathologies are transmitted in the family through male or female line, then for the birth of a healthy baby, the sex of the child is determined in advance. But artificial insemination is not able to interrupt the unfavorable hereditary chain, in the future healthy children with a normal conception, unhealthy offspring can be born again.

Indications for in vitro fertilization

For many women, in vitro fertilization, as already mentioned, is the only way to become a mother.

Indications for artificial insemination are the following pathologies of the reproductive system in women:

  • Endometriosis is a disease in which the cells that line the lining of the uterus grow and break down. normal functioning reproductive system, provoking inflammatory processes during each menstrual cycle.
  • Violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes - inflammatory diseases, surgical interventions v genital area or abdominal cavity may lead to the development adhesive disease, adhesions do not allow the egg to meet with the sperm in natural conditions.
  • Congenital pathologies - the absence of a fallopian tube.
  • Infertility of the husband - regardless of the reasons.
  • The transition to menopause, regardless of age, is associated with disruption of the hormonal system.
  • Lack of ovulation, which cannot be cured by conventional means.
The most common indication for artificial conception is infertility, the cause of which is not always possible to determine even with high level development modern medicine.

Contraindications for the IVF procedure

Contraindications to in vitro fertilization can be classified as absolute and relative. The first group includes conditions in which bearing, regardless of the method, is impossible or poses a danger to the health and life of a woman. The second group includes diseases that should be treated or brought into remission before pregnancy.

Absolute contraindications:

  1. Oncological diseases general and reproductive organs;
  2. Heavy systemic diseases - multiple sclerosis, heart defects, diabetes, renal and hepatic insufficiency and the like;
  3. Anomalies in the development of the reproductive organs - a baby uterus, two-horned, double, underdevelopment of the ovaries.
Relative contraindications are:
  1. Chronic diseases in a state of exacerbation, regardless of the location of the organ - peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases;
  2. Benign neoplasms - fibroids, fibromas, cysts, polyps, in this case, the decision on the possibility of IVF is decided individually with each patient;
  3. Infectious diseases - active tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV.
Modern women are responsible for their own health and try to be fully examined at the stage of pregnancy planning, lead to remission or treat all existing diseases.

Before the replanting procedure, the doctor takes full responsibility for the health of the woman, and only he can determine how dangerous it is to do IVF for a particular patient and whether she will be able to satisfy her desire to enjoy the long-awaited motherhood.

What is the danger of IVF for health

Many prejudices against IVF are unfounded. For example, there is an opinion that “some kind of different” children are obtained, that women become disabled after this procedure. However, there are real facts that confirm the development of negative consequences in the female body and the impact of artificial insemination on the condition of the child after birth.

Why IVF is dangerous for a woman

During preparation for artificial insemination and removal of embryos, the female body is exposed to a shock dose of hormonal drugs. This does not pass without a trace and in the future may cause disruption of the organs and organic systems.

Dangers of IVF for women's health:

  • Due to ovarian hyperstimulation, the onset of menopause is accelerated in the future. Menopause can occur immediately after the birth of the baby and be accompanied by all the characteristic symptoms: sharp drops blood pressure, nausea, insomnia, hot flashes, unjustified mood changes. But the menopause caused by IVF can be reversible.
  • Thyroid function may be impaired. endocrine organ does not always cope with the high load caused by hormonal stimulation, and in the future, hormone production becomes insufficient. If you start therapeutic measures on time, disruption of the endocrine system can be stopped.
  • Due to the weakening of the heart muscle caused by increased intake of estrogens, the permeability of blood vessels increases, cardiomyopathy develops. In this case, a woman may need treatment in a cardiological hospital.
  • The risk of malignant degeneration of cells of the reproductive organs increases. Weakened by hyperstimulation, pregnancy and labor activity the body cannot resist malignancy.
If there is a family history of predisposition to oncological diseases, then the probability of development oncological process simply increases due to exhaustion of the body shock dose hormones. A direct relationship between IVF and cancer has not been established.

During the procedure, there is a chance of introducing an infection, damaging the bladder or urethra during manipulations, and causing bleeding. These consequences are no different from the side effects due to any surgical intervention.

Why IVF is dangerous for a child

There is still no accurate data on the dangers of IVF for future babies. Analyzing data on the health status of children born after artificial insemination, in 2008 it was found:
  1. Pathologies of underdevelopment of the cardiac septum, atresia of the esophagus, anorectal atresia occur in them 15% more often than in children whose conception occurred naturally.
  2. The number of children with congenital organic defects - cleft palate and cleft lip - increases by 3%.
However, are these related? congenital anomalies with the health of parents who cannot conceive natural way, or with the fertilization procedure itself, is not yet clear.

Genetic anomalies, such as Down's syndrome, occur only if a woman decides to undergo IVF after trying to become a mother in another way through long and costly treatment. In this case, the appearance of pathology can be explained by the age of the woman, and not by therapeutic intervention.

It is impossible to determine by external data, a “normal” child or “from a test tube”. These kids are no different from their peers.

The fear that infertility is inherited in children conceived with the help of IVF has not been confirmed. Many test-tube girls have already become mothers.

How is the IVF procedure done?

In vitro fertilization can be divided into several stages, each of which takes a sufficient amount of time. Patients should carefully prepare for transplantation, be fully examined, and undergo treatment with hormonal drugs.

Preparation for the procedure

The first stage of preparation for IVF is the need to consult with narrow specialists:
  • . Chronic diseases are identified, drug treatment is adjusted.
  • Visiting an endocrinologist. This doctor determines if a woman is fertile.
  • Visit to the genetic center. Doctors of this profile advise a woman on possible genetic abnormalities in an unborn baby related to the health of the parents.
Analyzes and studies, the results of which will assess the state of women's health:
  • Routine blood tests - general analysis, biochemistry, hormonal profile, coagulogram;
  • For blood type and Rh factor;
  • Blood for sugar;
  • Blood tests for infectious processes - tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis;
  • Hormonal blood tests;
  • Routine urinalysis;
  • Specific urine tests - according to Nechiporenko and Zemnitsky;
  • Urine cultures;
  • Vaginal smears - for flora and cytology;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Fluorography;
  • ECG - electrocardiogram.
They may also recommend a hysteroscopy of the uterus, gastroscopy of the stomach, MRI or CT.

The need to visit narrow specialists is considered in each case individually.

Stimulation of superovulation

During natural ovulation, 1 egg normally matures in the ovaries. With artificial stimulation high doses hormonal preparations can be obtained immediately up to 10-12 eggs from one ovary.

Hormonal preparations are administered for 7-14 days, controlling the state of the uterine endometrium in order to prevent its excessive growth.

Egg retrieval

The oocytes ready for fertilization are removed from the outpatient settings with complete sterility. Local anesthesia is administered to the woman for pain relief.

If the woman's health condition allows, the ovarian follicles are pierced under ultrasound control. In some cases, to obtain a biomaterial, it is necessary to do a laparoscopic operation.

After the eggs are collected, they are placed in a test tube in a nutrient solution, where they will be cultured until fertilization.

Fertilization of eggs

The cleaned and processed sperm is placed in a container with several eggs, which are in a nutrient medium. The container is then placed in an incubator where the germ cells of the parents merge.

If self-fusion does not occur, spermatozoa are introduced artificially, introducing them under the shell of the egg, and test tubes with fertilized material are also placed in the "incubator".

Fertilized eggs are constantly monitored. In the future, for replanting, those are chosen in which the division is more stable.

The remaining biomaterial is usually frozen. It can be used in case of unsuccessful implantation or for next pregnancy so as not to expose the woman's body to additional stress.

Transfer of embryos to the uterus

On the 3-7th day after fertilization, the embryo is placed in the uterus. At this stage, it is already called a blastocyst, its size can be either 0.14-0.15 mm or 0.30 mm.

The term of implantation depends on:

  1. From the appearance of a thromboblast in the embryo, without it it will not be fixed in the uterine wall;
  2. From the quality and quantity of biomaterial;
  3. From the state of the reproductive system of the patient.
Embryo replanting is performed under conditions of complete sterility on an outpatient basis. The woman is placed in a gynecological chair and undergoes a procedure that feels like a normal procedure. gynecological examination. Mirrors are inserted into the vagina, the cervix is ​​fixed, then a flexible probe is passed through it, which is used to transfer the biomaterial.

After removing the instrumentation, the woman lies on the armchair for another 2-3 hours, “resting”. Spotting spotting may appear immediately after the procedure.

V further women begin to complain of sensations reminiscent of the symptoms of toxicosis of the first trimester - nausea, change taste perception, slight dizziness, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, sometimes the temperature rises to subfebrile values ​​\u200b\u200b- 37.3 degrees.

2-3 days after replanting, you can already understand whether the embryos have implanted into the uterine wall or will be rejected.

An express pregnancy test will tell you about the onset of pregnancy, and the onset of menstruation will tell you about rejection, during which the discharge will be more abundant than usual.

Embryo reduction

During IVF, several embryos are placed in the uterus to increase the chance of conception. Currently, it is customary to limit yourself to 2 fertilized eggs, but if doctors feel that you need to play it safe, then there may be more.

If the implantation procedure was successful, then the extra embryos are removed using reduction. If it is not carried out, then the pregnancy can be difficult. However, women endure natural multiple pregnancies much harder than singletons.

During pregnancy, a woman is also observed by gynecologists, as in normal cases. Sometimes it takes more frequent visit doctor, inpatient observation, even with outwardly successful gestation.

They also prepare for childbirth in the usual way, although caesarean section is done in 87% of cases. This is due to the state of health of the woman, because it is precisely because of chronic diseases or pathological changes reproductive system, and she had to turn to the procedure of artificial insemination.

If the first attempt is unsuccessful, women turn to artificial insemination again, sometimes several times.

What is IVF - look at the video:

Even knowing the dangers of IVF, women do not refuse the opportunity to endure and give birth to their baby. Indeed, for most of them, the main vocation is motherhood.

The consequences of IVF for women, men and born children

In order to have children, women are ready for a lot. And if it doesn’t work out, then they look for ways to recover, find the cause, use the various possibilities of modern medicine, if only the happiness of motherhood happens in their life. One of the ways to make a woman's desire to be a mother a reality is. However, is everything so beautiful or is there consequences of IVF?

There are consequences, of course. Let's take a look at them.

Consequences of in vitro fertilization

Let's start with the most important and desirable consequences after IVF is the onset of pregnancy. Everyone who decides to undergo this procedure is waiting for her. But this miraculous result does not occur every time. There are quite often cases when a woman has to undergo IVF more than once. And pregnancy may or may not occur.

Consequences at the stage of the procedure

Risks in the IVF procedure itself the same as for any surgical intervention. Infection of the genital organs is possible (in case of violation of sterility, hygiene rules), as well as bleeding, smearing.

It must be borne in mind that with in vitro fertilization are frequent. This is due to the fact that for greater success, a woman is implanted with several embryos at the same time. If all of them take root, two or more children are obtained at once.

Consequences at the stage of pregnancy

Negative consequences of IVF during pregnancy may manifest as:

  • miscarriage;
  • development of placental insufficiency;
  • risk of preterm birth;
  • impaired renal function (in the later stages);
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • an increase in the risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism (an embolus is a blood clot that has come off and migrates through the bloodstream).

Termination of pregnancy most often occurs in the first trimester. There is a risk, but it is decreasing. This happens due to a number of factors. Among them are the use of hormonal drugs, the occurrence of antibodies to, infections, inflammatory processes, etc.

The risk of thrombosis and thromboembolism during pregnancy after IVF increases by 3 or more times compared with natural pregnancy. Researchers who tracked this problem warn about this. Therefore, it is worth taking measures to prevent this complication, as well as others.

Failed attempts

Negative consequences after IVF There is and under unsuccessful his cases. Women who have experienced this often experience depression.

In addition, you may experience:

  • menstrual irregularities (in the first month after the procedure, menstruation can go on time, but in the second month it may fail; the cycle can also simply stop) - the first is observed quite often;
  • hair loss, brittleness and detachment of nails;
  • weight gain;
  • moderate increase in cellulite;
  • liver dysfunction.

But after unsuccessful IVF, there can be positive changes. We have already written about the fact that there are women whose hormonal background after the IVF procedure normalizes, and even a natural pregnancy occurs.

Consequences for men

Men only take sperm. It is practically safe, except in those cases when hygiene rules are violated when taking it.

Risks for children

You can often hear that babies conceived using this procedure grow up infertile. This is not true. The first girl, born in 1978 after IVF, successfully gave birth to a child, becoming pregnant naturally.

In the 90s of the last century, it was even said that they were more resistant to diseases. But now they say a little differently. Negative effects of IVF nevertheless there are, although it is not necessary that all children will manifest themselves.

Negative consequences after IVF in children include:

  • anomalies and dysfunctions of the cardiovascular, inert, muscular systems;
  • neurological disorders;
  • low birth weight.

It should be borne in mind that health problems are inherited. Therefore, for example, a boy whose father suffered, it is quite possible the same problem when he grows up. Plus, in children born after artificial insemination, genetic disorders, since most parents have health problems, and they decide on the procedure more often, being not very young.

Risk negative consequences decreases if they are used or undergo serious examinations before selection.

Are you afraid of the negative consequences of IVF?

Well, firstly, as they say, to be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest, and secondly - a lot of negative things go away if a competent doctor leads a woman in a good clinic. Therefore, choose very carefully the clinic and your doctor.

A full examination before the procedure and prevention and treatment of existing diseases will also help to avoid many troubles. very good to do genetic analysis both future parents.

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that each organism is individual. Therefore, in each particular case consequences of IVF both negative and positive may differ, and the question of whether to go for IVF will have its own answer.

When a couple for a long time it is not possible to conceive a child, and adoption for some reason is not suitable, partners sooner or later think about the possibility of conducting an IVF procedure. The full name of this procedure is in vitro fertilization; it is modern and quite effective procedure fertilization of an egg outside the body. However, like other medical procedures, it can have some complications.

What are the complications at each stage of IVF?

This procedure is a multi-step process that requires precise and coordinated action. Although the IVF method has been used since 1978 and during this time about 1 million children have been born thanks to it, at each stage there is a risk of complications and unwanted side effects.

Did you know? The first attempts at artificial insemination were carried out in England in late XVII century. However, the first positive results managed to get only in 1977.

For successful IVF, it is necessary to provoke a temporary one, which is achieved by taking potent hormonal drugs (then doctors adjust the time of ovulation, which is important for the egg fertilization procedure).
Usually the body reacts to this in the following way:

  • frequent sensations of "ebb and flow";
  • severe headaches;
  • constant feeling of nausea, sometimes with vomiting;
  • unstable emotional condition, mood swings.
Since all people are individual, the above symptoms may manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)

After provocation of menopause, ovarian stimulation occurs, also carried out by taking potent drugs that affect the production of hormones. This is required in order to simultaneously develop more than 15 follicles. According to doctors, at this stage, the manifestation of the most serious consequences. It is at this time that the drugs most strongly alter the normal activity of the genital organs, which causes ovarian hyperstimulation.
Reaction female body consists of the following:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • flatulence of the intestine;
  • the appearance of nausea and vomiting;
  • weight gain in a short time;
  • torsion of the ovaries;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • violation of the psycho-emotional state.

Important! To avoidovarian hyperstimulation fails- without this, a sufficient number of follicles will not be able to mature in them, and this, in turn, can lead to a lack of suitable for fertilizationeggs.

After maturation the right amount follicles, doctors prescribe the day when the puncture will be performed. A similar procedure is carried out under the influence of anesthesia, by inserting a hollow needle into the ovary.
This stage can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • anesthesia always harms the body;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, after the anesthesia ceases to act;
  • convulsions;
  • slight uterine bleeding at the puncture site.

Transfer of fertilized eggs

This process is the most important and at the same time difficult, since the result directly depends on the correctness of its implementation - the arrival long-awaited pregnancy. However, complications at this stage appear very rarely, moreover, they are minor and are manifested by small convulsions and bleeding. The main complication is the absence of pregnancy, for which the previous manipulations were carried out.

To increase the chance successful pregnancy Several embryos are placed in the uterus at once. However, the body of a woman, weakened by the procedure of artificial insemination, does not have enough resources to carry several children at the same time. Because of this, doctors, after engrafting several embryos at once, carry out a special procedure, the so-called reduction, during which extra embryos are removed to give the remaining embryos the opportunity to fully develop.
However, after such manipulations, there is a possibility of a subsequent miscarriage of the remaining embryos, which is a rather serious problem.

Regardless of the method of fertilization of the egg, with proper development childbirth is carried out either naturally or by caesarean section. However, in the CIS countries, childbirth after IVF most often takes place in the second way.

Did you know? The most adult woman, who became a mother thanks to IVF, is a resident of Spain, Carmen Bousada. This happened in 2006, at the age of 67. She gave birth to two twins.

In this case, a woman may face typical complications after a caesarean section:

  • severe blood loss;
  • the appearance of adhesions between internal organs;
  • (inflammation of the uterus);
  • problems with the seam (inflammation, bleeding, etc.);
  • hernia.

Negative consequences of IVF for women's health

So, the IVF procedure actually poses some danger to the female body. However, it is important to know what harm it can cause later.

First of all, IVF harms a woman's health, increasing the chance early menopause. The reason for this are:

  • hormone therapy;
  • anesthesia during fertilization;
  • anesthesia during caesarean section.
Many who become mothers through IVF report menopause after reaching the age of 35, which is abnormally early for such changes.

Problems with the thyroid

Malfunctions in the activity of the endocrine system also appear as a result of strong hormonal therapy, leading to malfunctions of the thyroid gland. At this time, so many hormones enter the body that the glands are not able to properly process them. It is easy to remove it - just go through a consultation with an endocrinologist and follow his recommendations.


After taking hormones, an increased reserve remains in the woman's body, under the influence of which heart disease, cardiomyopathy, can begin in the body. This is due to the increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels, resulting in a weakening of the heart muscle. But this problem can also be dealt with with the right therapy.

Life expectancy of a woman after childbirth

Sometimes you can hear that a woman lives after IVF for no more than 11 years. However, such statements are only speculations that are not confirmed by anything, since there are no official statistics on this. On the contrary, many doctors claim that the procedure, under the supervision of an experienced doctor, will allow even adult children who are born as a result of IVF to enjoy the company of healthy mothers.


There is an assumption that IVF causes the development of cysts and the formation of benign or even malignant tumors. However, doctors say that there is no relationship between in vitro fertilization and the development of tumors. Most often similar problems arise due to late pregnancy and childbirth, or an innate tendency of the body.

Possible consequences of IVF after 40

By this age, there is a decrease in fertility and the ability to bear and give birth. healthy child, and also surely present a whole bouquet somatic pathologies.

Important! To minimize the occurrence of complications after 40 years, you need to undergo a full medical examination and choose an experienced specialist who can do everything in the best possible way.

Therefore, in vitro fertilization in women after 40 years of age can harm their health, causing the following ailments:

  1. Disorder in the state of the hormonal background. Drugs needed for hormonal stimulation of the ovaries cause unwanted endocrine disorders.
  2. Multiple severe pregnancy. It is difficult at any age, and when a woman is over 40, the probability of normal bearing decreases even more. In addition, there is the possibility of complications of pregnancy and the appearance serious problems with health.
  3. Abortion. The frequency of miscarriages increases markedly after the age of 40, in contrast to the younger age.
  4. High risk of developing genetic abnormalities. Oocytes at this age are of poor quality and accumulate various defects, which leads to intrauterine malformations in the development of the fetus.
  5. Formation. The condition of the uterus at this age worsens due to gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes, which leads to poor attachment of the placenta, a decrease in blood supply and nutrition to the embryo, and also increases the risk of developmental abnormalities.
  6. Severe pregnancy. Over 40 years, a woman develops various diseases which worsen the course of pregnancy.

Does IVF affect children?

Despite the popularity of IVF, children born in this way sometimes experience some Negative consequences:

  • abnormalities in the functions of the cardiovascular, as well as bone or muscle systems;
  • neurological disorders;
  • low birth weight in newborns;
  • genetic disorders.
However, one must take into account the fact that many health problems could be inherited from parents. Many risks can be removed if donor eggs or sperm are used, since people who donate them first undergo serious examinations.

Thus, ECO serious procedure, requiring not only material costs but also physical and emotional. However, when this the only way become parents, it is better not to pay attention to possible difficulties and try to think only positive thoughts.

Often, IVF leads to the development serious complications, and not only from the side of a woman, but even a child. Everyone should know the consequences of the IVF procedure in order to create reliable protection from pernicious influence and guaranteed to get the effect you expect.

The most common consequence of IVF for a woman is pregnancy. That is what those ladies who have decided on the procedure are waiting for. However, this joy does not come to everyone. Sometimes you have to go to IVF again.

When conception has not happened, then the woman begins severe depression. Although all experiences are in vain. In this case, it is important not to panic. Many IVF doctors testify that:

  • very often, after the first IVF, pregnancy does not occur, so you need to immediately prepare yourself for the fact that the procedure will have to be repeated, and maybe many times;
  • some ladies after failed attempt to become pregnant, the hormonal background returns to normal, menstruation and to conceive a child are obtained already in a natural way;
  • often a woman who gave birth to her first child after IVF was able to become pregnant a second time, but only by natural means.

The consequences of IVF for a woman's body exist at all stages of the procedure: during preparation, during execution and after pregnancy.

Complications of ovulation stimulation after IVF

Before performing egg retrieval, every girl must prepare. And for this, she is required to go hormonal, which can adversely affect her body.

Increased ovarian activity

This is a condition in which there is a reaction of the ovaries to the introduced hormonal stimulants, the concentration of which exceeds the physiological limits. Due to the high activity of the ovaries, they increase in size, and there is also increased concentration estrogen in the blood. With an excess of these female hormones there is an increase in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and even fluid from the bloodstream is sent to the body cavity. At severe course OHSS may develop thrombosis, impaired liver and kidney function. In extreme cases, death occurs.

Approximately 30% of women have mild OHSS. They may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal discomfort. To reduce them, it is necessary to limit physical activity and take pain medication.

OHSS of the middle course is diagnosed in 14% of women who decide on IVF. In addition to the presented symptoms, ascites may be observed. This is a condition in which there is an accumulation of fluid components in the peritoneal cavity. This condition is accompanied by an increase in the abdomen. Also define OHSS moderate possible by signs that are detected during ultrasound. Most often, the patient is hospitalized.

But severe OHSS is diagnosed in 0.5% of cases. This condition is accompanied by the presence of fluid in the cavities of the peritoneum, pleural region. The blood becomes thick, the work of the liver is disturbed, the filtration in the kidneys is reduced. The woman must be urgently hospitalized, otherwise death may occur.

ovarian torsion

When conducting hormonal stimulation, the negative consequences of IVF for a woman can manifest themselves in the form of an increase in the size of the ovaries. As a result, their activity increases. There are situations when the ovary twists on its ligaments, and the blood circulation in it stops. Therapy is reduced to an operation, and if the treatment is late, then the patient is diagnosed with ovarian necrosis.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst

With hormone therapy, IVF promotes the formation of multiple cysts in the ovaries. Upon opening, you may see profuse bleeding. With a significant loss of blood, there is a sharp weakness, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, pale skin, flickering midges before the eyes, rapid heartbeat. If during the preparation there were negative consequences of IVF for a woman, then an urgent need to visit a doctor.

Consequences of transvaginal puncture

Transvaginal puncture is the final step. It is necessary in order to obtain the required number of eggs for further fertilization. There may be the following consequences IVF for the health of the expectant mother:

  1. Injury to the vessels during TVP can cause hematomas on the walls of the vagina and small pelvis. Also, the pathological process can affect the tissues of the ovary.
  2. Development infectious process. When performing any surgical intervention, there is a risk of infection. Thus, only an experienced specialist should conduct IVF.
  3. Defeat Bladder. The likelihood of receiving such consequences depends on the qualifications of the doctor who conducts TVP.
  4. The procedure is notable for its soreness, so it is performed under anesthesia. This can lead to risks associated with anesthesia. Most often it is an allergy to injected drugs.

Consequences during the transformation of embryos into the uterine cavity

When fertilization and preparation have been carried out, the embryos are transferred into the body of the uterus using a special catheter. This manipulation does not require the use of an anesthetic, although it can cause discomfort.

When performing an embryo transfer, infection may occur, but most frequent complication remains ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the embryo is not attached to the days of the uterus, but elsewhere. Most often it is the fallopian tubes.

Consequences during pregnancy

As a rule, the number of embryos to be transferred to the uterus is discussed with the patient in advance. The more of them, the higher the likelihood that a pregnancy will take place. Embryo transfer ends in pregnancy in 70% of cases. With the transformation of two or more embryos, the patient increases the chance of finding maternal happiness. But there are situations when several embryos can take root at once. Then the pregnancy is called multiple.

As with any other, IVF pregnancy can end in spontaneous abortion, miscarriage and premature birth. Moreover, with IVF, the frequency of such consequences exceeds similar complications with natural conception by 3 times.

Late effects after IVF

This kind of IVF complications for a woman's health is associated with the effect on her body. hormonal treatment. In addition, many can develop cancer. The tumor affects the mammary glands. And although these data are contradictory, the relationship of cancer and additional reproductive technologies. IVF itself cannot lead to oncology, but if the tumor was not detected at the initial stage, then under the influence of massive hormonal therapy, rapid oncological growth may occur.

Consequences for children

It is often possible to hear that children born into the world using the IVF method will grow up infertile in the future. But it is not so. According to the data, the girl, after IVF in 1978, was able to give birth to a child, while she conceived a baby in a natural way.

In the 90s of the last century, it was said that the crumbs that were conceived by IVF were more resistant to diseases. But today this opinion is not confirmed. There are negative effects from IVF, although this does not happen in all babies.

The negative aspects after artificial insemination in children include:

  • disruption of the heart, blood vessels, muscular, skeletal systems.
  • neurological disorder;
  • low birth weight in newborns.

It must be taken into account that health problems can be hereditary. So boys whose father was infertile may adopt this disease when they become adults. In addition, children who were not conceived naturally may have genetic disorders. It's just that most parents also have pathological processes, but at the same time they decide on IVF already, not being young.

The risk of consequences is reduced if either spermatozoa are involved. After all, before this procedure, donors undergo thorough examination, thanks to which it is possible to prevent the development of pathological consequences in advance.

Should I be afraid of the consequences of IVF?

It is not possible to answer this question right away. Many doctors claim that a lot of negative things go away during IVF if the weight process is under the control of an experienced doctor. So, having decided on IVF, you need to be more attentive to the choice of a specialist. In addition, you can protect your body from negative complications if you pass complete diagnostics before the procedure, to carry out the prevention and treatment of existing ailments. Future parents should also do a genetic analysis.

And although IVF is a unique technique by which any couple can feel like parents, it has a lot of consequences. Moreover, these consequences can affect not only the body of the mother, but also the child. IVF complications can be prevented only if the woman carefully went through the research at the preparatory stage and followed all the recommendations after the embryos were connected and engrafted. Actually, negative influences with IVF, you should not be afraid, but it is also undesirable to completely relax.


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