Very dry in the intimate area. Diseases of the female genital area. Causes of itching and burning not related to illness

Itching and burning in the intimate area in women are quite common. They can occur either due to insufficient hygiene or due to an infectious lesion or other disease. Regardless of the reason, this process is quite dangerous.

Itching and dryness lead to scratching, which causes microtraumas and small wounds into which pathogenic bacteria can penetrate, leading to an inflammatory process.


  • Irritation and pimples. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the resulting rashes. If acne occurs with red or blue pus, we can talk about an inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands.
    When white pimples appear, inside of which there is a whitish watery content, we are talking about molluscum contagiosum. This disease is very common, as it can easily be contracted when visiting a swimming pool.
  • A rash localized in the bikini area, pubis, and anus indicates the development of sexually transmitted diseases. It is often accompanied by severe itching in the perineal area.
  • Dryness. In addition to burning in the intimate area, symptoms such as hyperemia and dryness of the labia are often observed. Upon examination, redness of the labia and dryness in the intimate area are noticeable. Symptoms indicate a hormonal disorder caused by surges in estrogen. Thanks to this hormone, normal blood supply to the vagina, mucus production, and the creation of an acidic environment, which is favorable for microflora, are ensured.

The development of such a clinical picture can be caused by factors that at first glance are not related to the reproductive system. For example, excessive physical activity. However, there are other provoking factors: taking certain medications, as well as oral contraceptives.

A woman’s hormonal levels are affected by alcohol consumption, nicotine addiction, and prolonged stress.

Vaginal dryness is often observed in women during menopause, as hormonal changes occur at this time.

Pain during urination can occur at any age. Most often, cutting pain occurs due to cystitis caused by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the urethra. Bacteria attack the walls of the bladder, causing inflammation. Most often, little girls of preschool and primary school age, as well as adult women, experience the symptom.

You need to know how microbes enter the body to prevent recurrence of the disease in the future:

  • the upward path is due to insufficient hygiene;
  • descending - microbes enter the urethra through the kidneys;
  • penetration of pathogenic microorganisms through the blood;
  • movement of an infectious pathogen through the lymph.

Women also often complain about dryness and burning in the intimate area after sexual intercourse. There may be several causes for symptoms. One of the most common causes is thrush.

If burning in the intimate area in women is associated only with sexual intercourse, a possible cause is an allergic reaction to the components of the condom. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to remove the source of the allergy by choosing a different method of protection. A woman should use special recovery products to ensure the symptoms disappear as quickly as possible.

Discomfort during sexual intercourse may occur due to recent depilation of the bikini area, as well as too thorough hygiene procedures before sex. If lubrication does not have time to develop, then sexual intercourse leads to traumatization of thin mucous membranes - therefore, burning and discomfort occurs. It is also necessary to take into account the likelihood of the development of an inflammatory process when infection penetrates into the emerging wounds.


The presence of candida fungus is normal for a woman’s microflora. However, under certain conditions, for example, with reduced immunity, it begins to multiply rapidly.
Reasons that can stimulate the activation of the fungus may be:

  1. long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs;
  2. decreased immunity;
  3. hormonal disorders;
  4. diabetes.

If, after analysis, this diagnosis is confirmed, then a local antifungal drug is used for treatment. The duration of treatment for thrush will be about 2 weeks, and both partners should be treated.

The following signs indicate this common female problem:

  • the discharge resembles cottage cheese in consistency, it is white in color and has a sour odor;
  • the abundance of discharge in women increases after sexual intercourse;
  • symptoms such as burning and itching in the vagina also increase after sex;
  • sexual intercourse is accompanied by pain, which persists for some time after sex.

Itching and discomfort in women without discharge can develop due to an allergic reaction.

Bacterial vaginosis

Due to changes in the bacterial balance of the vagina, bacterial vaginosis (inflammatory process) develops, which is accompanied by an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms. Additionally, the clinical picture is represented by such symptoms as an unpleasant odor, which is not eliminated even with hygiene procedures. In addition, white discharge (sometimes with a grayish or green tint) and a thick consistency occurs.

Vaginosis occurs due to:

  • carrying out antibacterial therapy;
  • use of spermicides;
  • use oral contraceptives;
  • hormonal imbalance.

If there is burning and dryness in the intimate area of ​​a woman, treatment can be prescribed only after a study has been carried out that will help identify the type of bacteria that caused the disease.

Genital herpes

Itching and burning with genital herpes are accompanied by a small rash - blisters, inside of which yellow contents are found, and dryness and itching of the labia are observed.

Genital herpes is a disease that is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. It is painful - the bubbles open and form erosions, which cause discomfort.

It should be noted that the manifestation of the virus can be separated from the moment of infection by a significant period of time. With good immunity, the virus, once in the body, does not manifest itself, becoming more active when the general background of the body worsens.


Of course, pregnancy itself is not the cause of itching and dryness. During gestation, serious hormonal changes occur in the body, and a decrease in protective functions is also noted. As a result, there is an increase in the production of vaginal secretions and an increase in the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

The situation is especially complicated if signs of thrush or other fungal infection were observed even before pregnancy - in such cases, itching in the intimate area in women usually increases many times over.

Vaginal burning and dryness that occurs after giving birth are also due to hormonal changes. Hormones return to pre-conception levels. Due to a decrease in estrogen levels, itching and dryness in the vagina may occur. The best method for preventing the appearance of sores is to abstain from sexual activity for 6 weeks.

Which doctor should I contact?

If symptoms of itching or burning in an intimate place occur, you should consult a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct a manual and instrumental examination, take the smears necessary to make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment taking into account the cause.


In cases where the cause of dryness is a hormonal imbalance, the specialist prescribes estrogen-based drugs.

In addition, the following treatment methods can be used:

  1. Vaginal rings. This is a special device that ensures a dose of hormones enters the vaginal tissue for 3 months.
  2. Vaginal creams. Gels are inserted into the vagina using a special applicator. Thanks to this administration, a uniform effect of the drugs on the vaginal tissue is ensured, as a result of which the symptoms disappear.
  3. Preparations in the form of suppositories and tablets. Treatment involves the administration of 1 tablet or suppository per day for 14 days, then maintenance therapy is carried out - one tablet 1-2 times a week.

These treatment options are the most commonly used. In some cases, as a rule, when it is necessary to treat older women, systemic drugs are prescribed. Thanks to taking hormone replacement drugs, the effect can be achieved quite quickly - in 1-2 days. Under the influence of active components, the volume of lubricant secretion increases and the elasticity of vaginal tissue increases.

There is also a treatment option that does not involve the use of hormones.

For mild dryness and a slight deviation in estrogen levels from the norm, medicinal herbs can be used. To treat such cases, it is important to use boron uterus, sage, hops, oregano, and red brush. The action of these herbs is aimed at improving blood microcirculation.

Homeopathy remedies can also be used. Drugs in this category include Klimadinon, Cyclodinone.

Danger of self-use

Under no circumstances should you use hormone replacement therapy to treat vaginal dryness without consulting a specialist. Taking such a drug without medical supervision can cause hyperplasia and provoke the development of precancerous and cancerous diseases.

For every representative of the fair sex, one day the time comes for the end of childbearing. But this is not only marked by the cessation of menstruation. A woman’s depleted ovaries reduce the secretion of female hormones, which leads to the aging of all systems and organs and the appearance of diseases. Treatment of dryness in the intimate area during menopause is one of the unpleasant concerns of most women.

The appearance of vulvar dryness is caused by a decrease in estrogen production during menopause, and now only 20% of the hormone is synthesized by the ovaries. Of the many functions of this hormone, one is to maintain the microflora of the mucous membranes of the body.

A lack of estrogen immediately affects a woman’s vagina, and a woman often begins to feel discomfort in the intimate area for no reason.

What are the signs of vaginal dryness during menopause?

Symptoms of intimate dryness can appear completely unexpectedly and are very unpleasant:

  1. burning, itching of the labia minora, the entrance to the vagina and the organ itself;
  2. the same manifestations at the entrance to the urethra;
  3. tightness of the mucous membrane is felt;
  4. bleeding mucous membrane;
  5. painful sensation during sexual activity.

From anatomy

The vulva is one of the components of the female system, which has quite a lot of purposes: for the movement of sperm into the uterus, for protecting the internal parts of the reproductive system. The vagina has a muscular structure; inside it there is a mucous membrane containing glands that produce a mucous substance of slightly acidic quality, which does not allow pathogenic microflora to penetrate the uterus. At a younger age, blood circulation in the epithelium is active: it saturates the mucous membranes with oxygen, renewing the tissues of the epithelium and glands.

When blood circulation is disrupted as the body withers, the mucous membranes dry out, become inelastic, thinner, are not lubricated, as before, with secretions, and the nerve endings in the epithelium are exposed.

As a result, dryness occurs in the intimate area during menopause. In medicine, this phenomenon is called atrophic, senile or senile colpitis or vaginitis.

Why does the intimate area become dry?

Vaginal dryness is also possible in young ladies, but at Balzac’s age this trouble can indicate various problems within the body:

  • a lot of stress during menopause, which affects many processes in the body, including dry mucous membranes;
  • treatment with certain drugs (antidepressants, antibiotics, diuretics, antiallergic drugs) causes changes in vaginal secretions;
  • such a bad habit as smoking, which imbues the entire body with various poisons;
  • personal hygiene products with various chemical additives: dyes, flavors;
  • wearing underwear made of artificial, synthetic fibers;
  • lack of sex during menopause due to pain, leading to greater vaginal dryness, because lubricant is not released. This is superimposed on such a problem during menopause as a decrease in libido.

Complications of colpitis

Reduced levels of estrogen during menopause weaken a woman’s health and her immunity decreases.

The emerging colpitis, if treatment is not taken, can lead to the following manifestations:

  1. fungal diseases in the vagina and uterus - begin due to a change in the environment to alkaline, which is beneficial for pathogenic flora;
  2. urethral disease, thinning of the bladder walls, urinary incontinence, pain when urinating;
  3. erosions in the genital area;
  4. the appearance of headaches, lethargy, weakness of the body.

Hidden causes of vaginitis

Vaginal dryness during menopause can appear due to hidden diseases that can lurk inside the body for a long time without manifesting themselves.

Here is a list of diseases accompanied by dryness of the vulva:

  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • bacterial form of vaginosis;
  • endometriosis of the uterus;
  • fibroids in the uterus and cervix;
  • diabetes;
  • consequences of radiation or chemotherapy;
  • genital herpes;
  • venereal diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Dryness in the genital area is also present after removal of the female organs, leading to artificial menopause.

Hygiene causes of dry vulva

It is not at all necessary that you have fallen ill with a terrible unknown illness if you experience discomfort inside the vagina. The reasons may be trivial:

  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • douching, which dries out even more;
  • consequences of treatment with antibiotics, diuretics, and blood pressure-lowering tablets;
  • allergies to laundry detergents, perfumed soaps, intimate hygiene gels;
  • reduced blood flow in the area of ​​the female organs;
  • absent or rare sex life;
  • tight underwear made from non-natural fabrics.

  1. Modern pleasant-smelling shower gels and perfumed soaps are replete with harmful chemical additives that lead to irritation of the skin and mucous membranes; Moreover, they can lead to an allergic reaction. And since they have an alkaline composition, this can corrode the unprotected inner lining of the vulva or wash away the remnants of the protective secretion, and the path is open to infection. To maintain the acidic environment in the vagina, using regular moisturizing soap and toilet paper without dyes and fragrances for intimate hygiene will be a way to protect the microflora of the intimate area.
  2. Very tight underwear compresses the body and does not allow blood to freely saturate the genitals with oxygen. It is also better to sacrifice a beautiful look in synthetic lace thongs and buy cotton underwear, which is preferable for the health of the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Lack of washing also gives pathogenic fungi and infections a chance to thrive in the vagina. A problem such as candidiasis may occur, accompanied by a bad odor from the intimate area, itching, burning, etc.
  4. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is dangerous at any age and can lead to problems with contracting sexually transmitted diseases and other infections. One sexual partner for life – safe sex. By the way, even the use of condoms used for protection does not save you from AIDS and hepatitis, since it has been proven that the size of viruses is much smaller than the microscopic holes in the latex of products.
  5. To wash the intimate area, you should not use facial wash foam and shower gel. The pH of the product should be neutral so as not to harm the vaginal microflora.
  6. During menopause, choose products for the intimate area with phytohormones, lactic acid, hyaluronic acid, aloe, panthenol, and extracts of soothing herbs. Check for the presence of allergens in the product.
  7. Do not use condoms with fragrances or a non-smooth surface, so as not to irritate the thinned epithelium.
  8. You should not count on the fact that the problem of dry intimate places will resolve on its own over time. You need to arm yourself with the knowledge of how to deal with this, understand that you need to learn to live with it until the end of your days. You need to see a doctor to determine the causes of the discomfort: if necessary, take tests to rule out the onset of the disease and decide on the choice of means to eliminate dryness and burning.

Hormones to get rid of colpitis

Since during menopause there is a lack of estrogen in the female organs, the doctor may prescribe hormone replacement therapy to the patient.

It must be remembered that independent choice of means can be tragic for a woman, causing cancer or endometrial dysplasia. Do not rely on the choice of your friends or relatives: let your gynecologist prescribe the right medications. In hormone therapy, there is a fairly large selection of means to normalize the estrogen balance - vaginal hormonal rings, ointments, lubricants, suppositories, tablets:

  • Introduction of gels Dermestryla, Klimars, Divigelya carried out using an applicator. Quickly relieve the feeling of dryness and moisturize, create elasticity of the vaginal epithelium.
  • Installation hormonal ring- carried out by a doctor. This product contains estrogen, which is gradually absorbed by the mucous membrane and eliminates the symptoms of colpitis for 1 to 3 months.
  • The use of vaginal suppositories, Oripoda- relieves bad sensations inside the vagina for two weeks.
  • If there is a serious lack of hormones, the gynecologist has the right to prescribe complex oral medications.

Hormonal suppositories

Intravaginal suppositories restore the mucous membrane of the intimate area and are not dangerous for women: they do not cause endometriosis and hormone-dependent tumors. In cases where a woman has contraindications to the use of drugs with estriol, phytosuppositories with herbal ingredients can be used.

The composition of the suppositories normalizes the state of lactobacterial microflora in the vagina and saturates the mucous membrane with hyaluronic acid.

Having carefully studied the composition and contraindications of these suppositories, a woman can make her own choice and purchase the following suppositories with herbal composition:

  • Estrocad;
  • Estriol;
  • Orthogynest.

Gels or lubricants

Gels are used to lubricate the inside of the vulva to relieve discomfort in the area.

Gels help only to relieve the symptoms of colpitis, without affecting a woman’s hormone levels. The composition of the gels is similar to the natural lubrication of the vagina; they are intended to eliminate the feeling of dryness and pain, especially during sexual intercourse. For a prolonged effect, the gels contain synthetic hormones with lactic acid and chlorhexidine. Gels are used before bedtime, for symptoms of colpitis, and the dose of the substance introduced into the organ is gradually reduced over time. The following gels are popularly used:

  1. Divigel;
  2. Dermestril;
  3. Klimars.

Phytohormonal therapy for vaginal dryness

Many natural remedies have been developed to combat atrophic colpitis. Please note the following forms:

  • application Cyclodinone, , Qi-clima with phytohormones stimulates the body's production of estrogens;
  • taking vitamins A And E normalize the health of the mucous membrane;
  • vaginal suppositories with calendula they remove burning sensations and promote the healing of wounds and cracks;
  • use of candles Feminella, Cicatridina guarantees the removal of dryness of the vulva for a long time; hyaluronic acid, aloe extract, calendula in their composition will help with this;
  • use of gels Ginocomfort, Ginofit, Monavita intended to remove symptoms of vaginitis, normalize the acidity of the vaginal flora, protecting against infection, use before sexual intercourse is desirable during menopause;
  • means Bliss in gel form also relieves signs of colpitis and restores lubrication of the vulva, hypoallergenic, moisturizing, heals vaginal microtraumas;
  • application Vagilaka on a gel basis and suppositories under the same name, popular among women during menopause, containing lactic acid. The product normalizes the lactoflora of the vulva, removes all unpleasant sensations, and does not allow bacterial vaginosis to recur;
  • purchase Lactacid for the treatment of vaginitis will help to gently influence the mucous membranes and restore their health.

Provided you maintain hygiene and a properly balanced diet with Omega-3 acid, you will be able to overcome vaginal dryness, but you should be reminded that you need to be treated under the supervision of a gynecologist.

How to use creams and gels?

Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the product. If there are no contraindications for you, the rules of use are as follows:

  1. washing and washing your hands before the procedure ensures that germs do not get inside;
  2. Using a clean applicator, apply the product to the mucous membrane of the vulva and into the vaginal opening;
  3. Please discuss the amount of product per application and duration of use with your doctor in advance.

Traditional methods for vaginal dryness

What else can you do for vaginal dryness besides using medications? The use of herbs, douching, and herbal baths is not superfluous in the treatment of dryness in the intimate area during menopause.

Using herbal decoctions, you don’t have to worry about side effects and allergies. with all the manifestations of menopause, the weaker sex has always been and will be a priority.

It is possible to use decoctions both orally and for irrigation of the genitals; the composition is identical in both cases:

  1. Take sixty grams of nettle, twenty grams of oregano, thirty grams of calendula, fifty grams of chamomile and speedwell. Boil for five minutes in half a liter of water, add when it is boiling. Take half a glass every day for up to two weeks.
  2. and motherwort are excellent herbs for women's health. Pour one hundred grams of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water and leave, take a third of a glass three times a day before meals.
  3. You can douche the vagina by boiling calendula, but no more than five times in one course of treatment, so as not to damage the microflora of the vulva.
  4. You can wash yourself with a diluted decoction of chamomile, string or boron uterus.
  5. Baths with motherwort can help relax the nervous system and relieve signs of vaginitis. Pour sixty grams of motherwort into two glasses of hot water and boil for two to three minutes. Leave for 30 minutes, strain and add to the bath. The procedure is carried out once every 7 days.
  6. There is an extreme way to saturate the vulva with vitamin E: take a sterile bandage, make a tampon out of it, dip it in a mixture of 1 ampoule of a liquid oil solution of the vitamin with boiled refined sunflower oil in a volume of 50 ml, insert it into the vagina for five minutes. You can use this mixture to lubricate the mucous membrane until vaginal dryness goes away.

  • olive;
  • calendula.

If you take your health seriously and regularly use the chosen products, the mucosal tissues are restored, moisturized, rejuvenated, and cracks heal.

Streamlining your lifestyle and method are also important for treating atrophic vaginitis during menopause, as is medication. Doctors' recommendations are as follows:

  • drink at least two liters of clean water a day to saturate your body cells with moisture and remove toxins;
  • decoctions of licorice root, arnica, sage, linden, hops, ginseng, chamomile are plant sources of estrogens, so necessary for menopause;
  • Eating dishes from pumpkin, tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, cabbage, and various legumes will also fill the diet with female hormones. By the way, lentils contain serotonin, a source of good mood, which is very necessary for women during menopausal emotional breakdowns;
  • non-fat dairy products are very important in the diet of women;
  • marine oily fish and seafood should be eaten regularly for women's health;
  • cereal products, porridges;
  • regular consumption of seeds, nuts, apricots, dried apricots, dates;
  • eat mushrooms;
  • Among fruits, it is most preferable to eat pomegranates to replenish the body with estrogen;
  • I would especially like to say about flaxseed: among other products it has the largest amount of hormones; to normalize hormonal levels you need to take only 2 large spoons of seeds;
  • It is recommended to limit the intake of spicy, salty, alcohol and coffee, which irritate the mucous membranes of the body.

Dear women, take care of your health, do not give up on symptoms of dryness in the female organs, visit a gynecologist in a timely manner. Be happy!

Educational video on this topic:

Every second woman experiences vaginal dryness. Mainly during menopause, but not only. This “dry skin” is getting younger, like many other diseases. So usually something in the human body atrophies due to lack of demand. So this place among women is drying up. A stomach would be better, right? Is it possible to avoid drought and what to do about it? Let's listen Elena Milenchuk, gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.

– Elena Ivanovna, can simple regular washing with soap cause vaginal dryness?
– It is better to choose soap with a high fat content, without dyes or fragrances. It must have an appropriate pH value. The sensitive vaginal mucosa (its natural acidity level corresponds to 4 - 4.5 pH) reacts to various chemicals, in particular harsh alkalis, which are found in many shower gels, bubble baths and soaps.
Increased vaginal dryness can be caused by an allergy to perfumes and dyes contained in washing powders, gels, and toilet paper. To eliminate this, for example, instead of colored and fragrant paper, buy white, soft, odorless paper. By the way, sometimes latex condoms also provoke an allergic reaction. But it would be naive to attribute vaginal dryness only to hygiene products.

– What other reasons cause this condition?
- A bunch of. And endometriosis, and menopause, and pregnancy or recent childbirth, malignant or benign tumors, dermatological disorders, surgical removal of the ovaries, urinary tract or vaginal infection, impaired immunity, genital herpes. Vaginal dryness can result from chemotherapy, radiation, the use of antihistamines, antidepressants, as well as medications to lower blood pressure, treatment of uterine fibroids, and even smoking.

– The habit, of course, is harmful, but how is it connected with the vagina?
– Smoking impairs blood circulation and deprives tissues of oxygen. Reduced blood flow to the vagina contributes to atrophic changes. Smoking also reduces the beneficial effects of natural estrogens on the body. In addition, women who smoke experience menopause earlier and estrogen hormone replacement therapy is less effective.

– But most often they talk about dryness as a companion to menopause?
- Not necessary. To answer this question, any woman needs an examination by a gynecologist and a smear. In medicine, insufficient vaginal hydration is called “atrophic vaginitis.” Its symptoms are not only a feeling of dryness, but also itching, burning, minor bleeding during sexual intercourse, and a frequent and strong urge to urinate. The cause of this discomfort is most often a hormonal imbalance.
Practice shows that vaginal dryness usually appears during menopause in women aged 40 to 60 years. It is during this period that the level of estrogen, the female hormone that maintains normal moisture and acidity in the vagina, decreases. As estrogen levels decrease, the natural defense mechanism weakens, the pH level changes, and the alkali content in the vaginal environment increases. A higher pH level and fragility of the vaginal tissue are an open gate for the introduction of bacteria that cause infection. This increases the risk of open sores or cracks in the vaginal walls.
Estrogen-dependent organs also include the urethra and bladder. The tissues of the urethra, located close to the vagina, also become thinner, which means they become accessible to harmful microorganisms and fungi that penetrate there from the vagina. Some women experience an increase in the frequency of urinary tract infections, the number of urinations, and sometimes a burning sensation.

– Is it possible to rejuvenate the vagina?
– In these cases, all hope is for hormone replacement therapy. It is estrogen that restores the previous functions of the vagina much better and regenerates its protective layer. Hormone therapy can be either topical - vaginal ointments or suppositories (inserts, soap; dosage form intended for the administration of medicinal substances), or in the form of oral medications.

– Is this a long-term treatment?
– If the doctor prescribes a vaginal estrogen ring, it must be changed every three months; Vaginal suppositories or suppositories are inserted into the vagina daily for several weeks, then twice a week until a positive result occurs. Vaginal creams are also applied inside the organ daily for the first few weeks and then 1 to 3 times a week. As a rule, the restoration of hormone levels is felt after a couple of weeks: blood flow to the hip area increases, the vaginal walls gradually thicken, the amount of lubrication increases, and pain during sexual intercourse disappears. But these drugs cannot be used haphazardly; it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist to prevent the development of hyperplasia - excessive thickening of the walls of the uterus, which can provoke oncology.

– Well, what should those who are contraindicated for hormone replacement therapy do?
– Alternatively, you can use mixtures of natural herbs that help the reproductive system return to normal hormonal levels. Some herbs improve estrogen production by increasing blood flow. Among them are hops and hogweed. But you need to consult with experts in this field.
Non-hormonal vaginal moisturizers, lubricants, or lubricants (intimate gel) relieve dryness. They have a low pH level, maintaining a healthy environment in the vagina that is unfavorable for bacteria that enter through the urethra or rectum. At the first stage, a water-based sliding cream or gel is used three times a week, preferably in the morning, later every 2 to 3 days. Some people prefer oil-based gels, but a fat-containing cream can promote inflammation of the mucous membrane and the occurrence of fungal diseases. Oil creams also block the release of natural secretions. The only exception is vitamin E, as it is not drying or hardening and may even relieve irritation. You can lubricate the vagina with vitamin E 2-3 times a week.
By the way, fat-based products cannot be used with latex condoms, as they lead to the formation of microscopic holes in them, through which not only viruses, but also sperm can penetrate.

– How to find out if there is enough lubrication in the vagina?
– There is no single standard. Everything is individual here: different women have different amounts of moisturizing lubricant. The fluid in the vagina itself is clear and has no noticeable odor. When everything is in order, the woman does not even notice that there is any amount of fluid in the vagina. When it is not there, you feel dry, like in the desert. By the way, vaginal atrophy can appear several years before the onset of menopause. The skin is the first to signal that the ovaries are gradually reducing the level of hormones they produce - estrogen and progesterone - through dryness and the formation of wrinkles.

– What happens if you do nothing?
– Atrophic dermatitis will not go away until the cause of its occurrence is determined and eliminated. But the decrease in estrogen is not only a gynecological problem. With the onset of menopause, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases increases. The elasticity of not only the walls of the vagina decreases, but also the blood vessels, including the coronary ones. Estrogen has been improving cardiovascular health for years by increasing good cholesterol and decreasing bad cholesterol. With the reduction of the hormone, the risk of developing coronary heart disease increases, the oxygen supply to the heart muscle is disrupted and there is a threat of developing myocardial infarction. With timely administration of hormone replacement therapy, the problem can be significantly reduced.

– Since we are talking about cholesterol, maybe we should exclude fatty foods from our diet?
– Not all fatty foods are bad. Some fats are necessary for the production of hormones. If there are not enough of them in the diet, this in turn affects the production of estrogen. The fat the body needs can be obtained from fish, for example, sardines and salmon.
After 40 years, all women without exception benefit from soy products, as they contain natural estrogen isoflavone. If you regularly consume bean curd and soy milk, they will help cope with hot flashes, vaginal dryness and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. A good source of phytoestrogens is flax seeds.

Desert Storm

Should you deny yourself sex if you have vaginal discomfort?

Tells Elena Gorban, sexologist.

– Is the vagina characterized by old age?
- More like experience. There is no age in intimate life. Undoubtedly, a person changes over time. Physiology is not far behind. But what does this wonderful organ look like? A muscular elastic tube 10 - 12 cm long, 2 - 3 cm in diameter, 2 - 3 fingers can easily fit into it. The upper end covers the cervix, and the lower end opens into the genital slit. The walls are lined with mucous membrane with a large number of folds, which allows the vagina to stretch during arousal and during childbirth. Liquid contents are formed as a result of blood transudate (liquid) sweating from surrounding vessels. It is advisable to maintain this condition for as long as possible, since the decrease in elasticity affects the size and shape.

– Why is this happening?
– Due to a decrease in estrogen production, which leads a woman to a new state, menopause. Vaginal dryness means that less lubricating fluid is produced during sexual arousal than before. And it is produced more slowly. Sexual intercourse in which there is insufficient lubrication in the vagina may result in pain or small ulcers. Lack of lubrication is unpleasant for both partners. The reason for refusing sexual relations can be the discomfort and pain experienced by a woman during intimacy. Agree, with a dry and inelastic vagina, it is difficult to enjoy sex.

- So what should we do?
- Have sex! Sexually active women maintain healthy vaginas much longer than women who neglect this aspect of their lives. A harmonious sex life works wonders, dramatically increasing a woman’s quality of life, improving her well-being, and increasing her vitality. Moreover, with age, libido even increases due to the influence on metabolic processes in the body of the male hormone - androgen, which is produced in the ovaries in parallel with estrogen. Regular sex also reduces the frequency of hot flashes.

– I wonder who would strive for sex that causes pain?
– Yes, it is painful sexual intercourse that leads to a complete refusal of sex. And in vain. The gynecologist will select medications that restore hormonal balance and help combat vaginal dryness. Today there are no problems with both domestic and foreign vaginal moisturizers. Over time, they can even repair tissue. A warm bath, foreplay, and masturbation also help well, as it increases blood flow and strengthens the muscles in the vaginal area. All this stimulates the secretory functions of the vagina and its natural hydration. It is during the process of caressing that a secret is released, the vagina becomes moist, facilitating the insertion of the penis.
In addition, although the amount of vaginal lubrication produced is reduced, it does not disappear completely. Therefore, prolonging the process of sexual arousal will help restore its quantity naturally. Continued sexual intercourse stretches the vaginal muscles and strengthens the mucous membrane.
By the way, the problem of lack of abundant lubrication during sexual arousal is also known to some young women. As a rule, this is a consequence of a man’s haste and inability to engage in prolonged caresses. The result is painful sex. The pain reflex can become entrenched, and during subsequent sexual intercourse, the woman involuntarily contracts the vaginal muscles. As a result, the partner is reluctant to have sexual intercourse, fearing to hurt her, which is reflected in his erection.

– How long should caresses last?
– Until moisture appears. Kissing, touching the breast, various sexual games, as well as irritation of the clitoris contribute to a rush of blood to the walls of the vagina and labia. This leads to the release of mucus, and interstitial fluid begins to leak through the walls of the vagina. Thus, if a man can make his partner feel the fullness of sexual arousal, then this is enough to get rid of vaginal dryness. It is regular arousal and sex that increases estrogen levels and promotes lubrication, keeping the vagina elastic, reducing the likelihood of pain. Moreover, despite the hormonal changes in the body, orgasm does not disappear anywhere, so why deprive yourself of pleasure?

– What if the partner is not nearby or is not able to act in this role?
– Of course, there is no better remedy than an ardent lover, but sexual activity is not only sexual intercourse, but also masturbation, oral sex, hugs, touches, any manifestations of sensuality. Anything that increases blood flow to the genitals, stimulates the glands that produce lubrication, and slows down atrophic changes - increased pH levels and dryness. The function of the clitoris as a sensitive organ remains unchanged at any age.

– Is it true that there are women who do not experience such a thing as vaginal dryness throughout their lives?
– Yes, there are cases when estrogen is produced throughout life, maintaining an adequate level of tissue functioning. And the problem of vaginal dryness does not arise, but this is an exception. Kegel exercises help keep the vagina toned (they can be found on our website - Ed.). If there are no contraindications, exercise as much as possible. Alternately tense and relax the muscles you use to stop urinating, holding them tense for up to ten seconds and repeating this at least twenty-five times each session. Or, when you urinate, do it rhythmically, starting and stopping every ten seconds.

Larisa Sinenko

Dryness in the intimate area in women is an unpleasant disease that reduces the quality of life. This phenomenon occurs in adulthood, but can also occur in young girls. Vaginal dryness is a condition where very little lubrication is produced by the glands of the vagina and vulva. The cause of dryness can be either a disease or simply physiological changes in the body.

Dryness and burning in the vagina - symptoms

Vaginal mucus from a healthy woman moisturizes the wall and prevents vaginal dryness. It acts as a defense against the entry and spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Disturbances in the production of vaginal mucus cause unpleasant experiences, contribute to the formation of infection and make sex worse, which becomes painful.

Insufficient vaginal hydration can cause:

  • itching and burning in the intimate area,
  • pain during intercourse,
  • tingling and burning may be felt when walking,
  • sometimes there is an unpleasant feeling of pressure or throbbing pain in the vagina,
  • rarely yellow-green discharge,
  • problems with the urinary system, frequent urge to urinate.

Causes of vaginal dryness

Most cases of poor lubrication are associated with fluctuations in estrogen levels. Many women experience vaginal dryness before their period, when estrogen levels naturally drop. Dryness of the intimate area can also occur during pregnancy, especially during the first few months, and after the baby is born. Decreased vaginal lubrication is the most noticeable symptom of changing estrogen levels during menopause. There is then a noticeable decrease in estrogen levels. The vaginal walls become thinner, less flexible and less moist. This causes discomfort, which leads to the fact that patients begin to avoid sex, which becomes unpleasant and painful. Hormonal changes after menopause often lead to atrophic vaginitis, which manifests as burning, itching, pain, redness and a tendency to bacterial and fungal infections.

Poor hydration of the genitals occurs due to an infection, bacterial or fungal. Vaginal diseases, on the one hand, are often the result of insufficient lubrication, on the other hand, they aggravate it.

Medicines that cause dryness

Poor genital hydration can also be caused by exposure to drugs. Sometimes insufficient hydration occurs due to hormonal contraception (either from birth control pills, patches, or the use of a hormonal vaginal ring). It also occurs due to allergies to antiseptics - non-prescription medications for the treatment of urinary incontinence, in the treatment of uterine fibroids and certain antibiotics.

If the cause is a disease: a bacterial or fungal infection, it is necessary to treat and restore the natural flora of the vagina. In case of unpleasant consequences of hormonal contraception, it is necessary to change the drugs used. Very often, changing the birth control pill, with a different composition and proportion of hormones, eliminates the problem.

Dryness in the intimate area during menopause

For dry intimate areas associated with menopause, hormone replacement therapy is sometimes prescribed. But it's not a panacea for everyone - it eliminates the vaginal symptoms of poor lubrication in about half of women. However, vaginal estrogen creams or suppositories can be used. They are not only able to prevent vaginal dryness, but also the loss of its flexibility during menopause. In any case, relief is achieved through the use of moisturizing vaginal suppositories, creams or gels containing hyaluronic acid, lactic acid and glycogen.

Vaginal dryness before menstruation

Usually a woman feels a strong hydration in the vagina during ovulation, and there is even a feeling of mucus coming out. Estrogen plays a major role in these changes. A few days before menstruation, the concentration of estrogen in the blood decreases, which can lead to a decrease in vaginal moisture.

The feeling of dryness in the intimate area can become painful - there is an unpleasant burning, tingling or friction. Similar symptoms can also occur during an infection, but if they occur repeatedly, during every or almost every menstrual period, it can be assumed that they are associated with a periodic decrease in estrogen levels. To be sure, however, it is best to discuss this with your gynecologist.

When symptoms are unpleasant enough to cause discomfort and irritation, the use of vaginal moisturizing tablets, suppositories and creams is recommended. You can buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription or use medications prescribed by a gynecologist. They typically contain moisturizing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and lactic acid.

Immediately before intimacy, you should use lubricants and gels that instantly moisturize and increase the slipperiness of the vaginal walls. Typically, they are made from water with the addition of softening and moisturizing ingredients: bamboo extract, collagen, silk protein, vitamin E and antibacterial and antifungal agents. Lubricants are also made from glycerin, which is more difficult to wash off and when left on the mucous membrane can lead to infection. Therefore, it is better to use silicone grease.

Dryness of the intimate area during pregnancy

Vaginal dryness during pregnancy is not a very common problem. When this occurs, it is usually in the first trimester of pregnancy and is associated with hormonal changes. It includes a variety of symptoms, ranging from discrete (slight discomfort, sometimes burning, discomfort during sex) to severe: vaginal pain and burning, even when walking, complete inability to have sex because it is too painful.

During pregnancy, creams, gels, vaginal suppositories and a number of tablets are used for moisturizing. Such drugs are used only on the recommendation of a doctor. Typically, they must be administered at specific intervals. Sometimes weekly treatment is enough to correct the problem. Lubricants are used immediately before sexual intercourse. The best choice is hypoallergenic and fragrance-free. The safest is to use silicone lubricant, because in their case, irritation of the mucous membrane is practically zero. All moisturizing and lubricating substances are active only on the surface of the vaginal mucosa and cannot enter the bloodstream. Thus, they are completely safe for the child and mother. During pregnancy, lubricants containing any type of aphrodisiac are prohibited.

Vaginal dryness after childbirth

This problem remains one of the most common problems affecting young mothers. Before the body returns to normal and hormone levels return to normal, a woman may experience a lack of lubrication in the vagina or entire intimate area. Vaginal dryness after childbirth is associated with a decrease in estrogen levels, which were very high during pregnancy.

How to deal with pain during sex

For six weeks after giving birth, it is better not to have sexual intercourse because you need to allow the wounds from perineal tears to heal. However, you can lubricate them with vitamin A ointment, which accelerates regeneration and hydration. If the scar in the perineum feels like a hard and convex scar, you need to rub olive oil into it every day. If symptoms persist for a month, you should consult a gynecological plastic surgeon. Today you can smooth out scars without interfering with sex.

How to eliminate vaginal dryness during sex

Persistent symptoms associated with vaginal dryness can be relieved by using vaginal tablets containing moisturizing creams. They are used at certain periods of time, for example, a week, and if the doctor prescribes, then more. They affect the production of lactic acid, which restores the normal bacterial flora of the vagina and normalizes the production of vaginal lubrication.

Treatment for vaginal dryness

The good news is that most vaginal symptoms and changes caused by decreased estrogen levels can be stopped and reversed!

Gynecologists have a whole battery of remedies in their reserve, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the patient’s preferences:

  • Drugs that do not contain hormones are used in cases of moderate atrophy of vaginal tissues without severe symptoms.
  • These are lubricants - various types of gels to reduce friction during sexual intercourse, for example, Gel KY, Astroglide. Moisturizing vaginal gels - used 2-3 times a week, not only before sexual intercourse. They provide longer lasting hydration; for example, Replens MD, Floragyn. These products can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

  • Estrogen drugs used intravaginally.

Estrogens are currently available in the following forms:

  • Vaginal cream - this is used in various regimens, for example once a day for 2 weeks, and then at a lower frequency, up to a maintenance dose of 1-3 times a week; for example, OeKolp, Ortho-Gynest, Ovestin.
  • Globules or vaginal tablets - offered at intervals similar to creams; for example, Gynoflor, OeKolp, Ortho-Gynest, Ovestin.
  • Vaginal discs - inserted into the vagina every 90 days. This is usually done by a doctor because the patient may have difficulty manipulating this area. When using the disc, be careful when swimming, when pressing (for example, on a stool) and in the bath, as it may change position or even fall out.

All of these forms of topical estrogen work the same and are equally effective. The choice of form depends mainly on the patient. Relief of symptoms usually occurs after several weeks of using the drug. However, hormonal medications are only available by prescription.

Topical estrogen therapy is well tolerated by patients. However, do not forget that an overdose of the drug can cause side effects, such as: vaginal bleeding, breast pain, nausea, perineal pain, vaginal yeast infection. It is relatively easy to overdo the amount of the drug in cream form, as opposed to a disc or vaginal tablet. However, these drugs are generally well studied and considered safe. Caution should be exercised if the woman has had hormone-dependent tumors in the past, such as endometrial cancer or some types of breast cancer. These women are usually advised to use non-hormonal products (lubricants and moisturizers).

It should also be mentioned that the general recommendation for all patients being treated for vaginal dryness is not to stop sexual activity, as this may make the condition worse. This recommendation can also be used as part of the prevention of vaginal atrophy in women who have entered the perimenopausal period but do not yet have the discomfort associated with this disorder.

Vaginal dryness is an inevitable sign of menopause. Many women do not pay due attention to this fact and try to put up with it, but tolerating dryness is unnatural and dangerous. To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, there are special moisturizers.

How to choose intimate hygiene products for a woman over 50

With the onset of menopause, the production of the hormone estrogen in the female body gradually decreases, which entails certain consequences. A frequent accompaniment of menopause is dry mucous membranes and pain in the vagina. The causes of such ailments are stress, taking antibiotics, bad habits, lack of sex, etc. Vaginal dryness weakens the immune system, increasing the risk of developing inflammatory diseases. To improve the condition, it is necessary to choose the right moisturizers for intimate hygiene during menopause.

What should be included in the product

When purchasing moisturizers designed to care for sensitive areas, women need to pay special attention to what is included in the product. She must:

  • contain lactic acid, which allows maintaining an optimal balance of microflora;
  • have D-panthenol, sea buckthorn oil, medicinal herbal extracts;
  • be pH neutral;
  • do not contain aromatic substances or fragrances;
  • include high fat content;
  • have an antibacterial substance and vitamin E.

Intimate soap for hygiene must be liquid so that the polymers in it do not cause irritation and are easier to wash off with water. Cream for moisturizing the intimate area should not contain dyes. As a rule, the product has a delicate, subtle aroma due to the presence of natural ingredients (sage or chamomile extract). For sensitive skin that is prone to irritation, it is necessary to choose a product with aloe vera.

What medications are best for dryness in the intimate area?

The modern market of care products includes a large number of items, each of which has its own indications and features of use. In addition, their price will vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. Here are some of the most popular and sought-after moisturizers for intimate hygiene during menopause:



Price in rubles

Vagilak gel

Relieves pain during sexual intercourse. Helps relieve vaginal dryness.

Bliss Gel

Has a powerful moisturizing effect. Promotes the production of natural lubrication.


It is used only after a medical examination. Contains estradiol, which eliminates dryness.


The cream for dryness in the intimate area is gentle and takes excellent care of the vaginal mucosa.

Gynofit gel

Quickly relieves burning sensation. Normalizes microflora.


During menopause, doctors recommend not to stop having sex. Regular sex life will help keep the vaginal walls toned. Even a few days of abstinence from intimacy can contribute to the development of dryness and cracks in the vagina, which makes it painful for a woman to have sex. You can combat the problem with a lubricant (artificial lubricant) that has a low pH level. The most popular lubricants on the market are:


Any woman with the onset of menopause should start using intimate hygiene products, as well as constantly apply appropriate creams. It is better to choose products on the advice of a gynecologist. There are special hormonal preparations that perfectly moisturize the mucous membrane and stimulate the natural process of mucus production. You can choose a neutral intimate cream that helps eliminate unpleasant signs. List of the most popular means:


Suppositories are a good way to moisturize the mucous membranes of the vagina. Suppositories differ from lubricants in that they are able to restore the production and secretion of vaginal mucus for a long period. The products effectively remove irritation and promote renewal of the mucous membrane, while reducing signs of vulvar atrophy (burning, itching, discomfort and tension during sexual intercourse). The most popular drugs are:

How to apply moisturizing creams to the intimate area

During menopause, it is important to monitor vaginal hygiene and wash yourself at least twice a day. The instructions for using special preparations to eliminate dryness in the intimate area recommend using them every day. The products can be applied after visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, or sauna. The method of use and dosage of moisturizing preparations is prescribed only by a doctor. Scheme for applying intimate cream:

  • before using the product, it is necessary to carry out a procedure using gel or liquid soap with a neutral pH;
  • to do this, moisten the genitals with water, then drop soap, gel, mousse or foam onto the palm of your hand and lather;
  • then we transfer everything to the vagina, massage thoroughly, wash off;
  • hands should be thoroughly cleaned;
  • Next, take the cream and squeeze it onto your palm;
  • distribute evenly over the vaginal mucosa;
  • For the treatment to be effective, you need to use a tip to inject a small amount of cream into the vagina.