Why does a dog have a warm nose and how to treat it. Hot and dry nose in a dog: causes A pug has a warm and dry nose

There are always times when a pet is not feeling well. Usually the owner notices this and immediately feels the animal’s nose. If it is cold and damp, the dog is healthy, but if it is dry and warm, perhaps there are some problems with the animal’s health. However, a dry nose does not always indicate the presence of a disease. There can be a lot of reasons for this. But how do you understand when a dry nose is the norm, and when it is a pathology? In what cases can you calm down, and in what cases should you start sounding the alarm and contact a veterinarian? In this article, we will look at all sorts of dry noses in dogs.

Dry and warm nose is not always dangerous

Since ancient times, there has been an unchanging tradition of determining the condition of a dog by feeling the nose. The thing is that previously there were no thermometers or other devices to determine the health status of a pet, so this method was the most popular. And veterinary hospitals did not yet exist. First, let's talk about why a wet and cold nose is considered normal.

The surface of a dog's nose is covered with a mucous membrane that produces moisturizing secretions. A dog needs a nose not only to detect smell, but also to respond to the slightest temperature changes. When a dog is in a dream, this organ is responsible for the possible approach of an enemy and controls all processes occurring nearby. The animal's olfactory organ is able to control body temperature, infectious diseases and weakened immunity.

In what cases is it normal for a dog to have a dry and warm nose?

  1. Features of the animal's body and age. Often similar manifestations happen in puppies. This is due to the growth and restructuring of the body. If no accompanying symptoms is not observed, then there is no need to worry. The baby will just grow up and everything will pass. Some pets, due to the structural characteristics of their bodies and breeds, have a slow metabolism. In such cases constant dryness nose - a manifestation of a normal life process.
  2. The dog just woke up. If the pet is kept in comfortable conditions, then over time he loses his ability to be in constant state anxiety and vigilance. Thanks to this, the animal’s life expectancy increases significantly, but the nose “dries out” more often. In cases where an animal rests in a specially equipped sleeping house or under a blanket, its body heats up and its nose “dries out.” After waking up, your pet just needs to drink water and everything will be fine.
  3. Experiences and stress. If the animal has experienced some kind of emotional shock and is very worried, calm it down, give it something tasty, provide it with care and affection, and place it in a calm and quiet place. The main thing is that nervous system the animal returned to normal, and with it the functioning of all organs returned to normal.
  4. Fatigue. After long and difficult physical activity the animal may feel a loss of strength. Don't worry. This can be easily restored. The main thing is to provide the dog with complete rest, good nutrition. After rest, the animal will regain strength and return to its usual rhythm of life. It happens that during long journeys or when moving to a new place of residence, the animal completely refuses to eat and behaves quite strangely. The most important thing here is to monitor the dog’s condition. If no additional signs no, it will be enough to simply play with the pet, provide it with attention, affection and care. Very soon he will return to normal and get rid of his worries.

A dog’s very cold nose and ears are a clear indicator of hypothermia in the pet’s body. Here you need to change the temperature, but if your pet’s eyes are dull and drooping, and the gums have a pale tint, we immediately go to the veterinarian. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between ordinary fatigue and pathologies of various organs.

Animal nose:

  • smooth surface;
  • the surface of the nose is covered with cracks, itches and flakes.

Pet's body temperature:

  • temperature high/low;
  • Temperature readings are normal: from 37.5 to 39 degrees.

Animal's well-being:

  1. The dog is cheerful, active, has good appetite and willingly plays with the owner.
  2. The dog is looking for a quiet and dark place, does not want to eat or drink, constantly scratches its skin, and behaves aggressively.

Pet fur:

  • has a healthy shine, pleasant to the touch and cool;
  • hair gets tangled, tangled, and looks unhealthy.

How does a dog breathe?

  • breathing occurs without difficulty using the nose;
  • the dog has difficulty breathing through his nose, there is congestion, sneezing, and inflammation.

Digestion of food:

  • the animal behaves naturally;
  • There is diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and the inability to go to the toilet if desired.

If all the answers from this plan have a positive connotation, then rest assured that the animal is up to something and most likely there are problems on a psychological background. Perhaps the dog lacks attention, care or affection. But, in order not to overthink anything unnecessary, seek help from a veterinarian for the sake of prevention. This will be beneficial for your pet and your nervous system. If the plan contains more negative answers, then it is recommended to immediately take your pet to a veterinary hospital, especially if you have just recently gotten an animal and this is your first experience.

In what cases does a hot nose indicate an animal’s illness?

  1. Allergic reactions are the most common problem. Associated signs: the pet constantly scratches its skin, covers its muzzle with its paws and becomes very nervous. Constant body twitching, dandruff and flaking of the skin appear. It is very difficult to independently determine the allergen and it is hardly possible to do without the help of a specialist. Of course, you can try replacing all the animal’s dishes with stainless or ceramic ones, and removing all synthetic items and carpets. The diet will also have to be radically changed: only porridge and broth will be left. Carry out wet cleaning of premises more often, refusing to use household chemicals. You should note in a notebook every item that is removed from your dog's use. Walk your animal away from flowers that can cause allergic reactions. As soon as you notice an improvement in your animal, immediately go to the doctor for further therapy. Sometimes tests can identify the type of allergen, but if this doesn’t work the first time, continue to keep a diary and write down all the items that you remove from your pet’s household. Only with such small steps can you cope with this disease and detect the allergen.
  2. Pemphigus is a completely immune disease. The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of blisters on the nose or body of the animal. The bubbles burst, leaving a crust in its place. It can only be detected with the help of tests that confirm one or another type of pathogen.
  3. Cold. It can occur in the form of a regular runny nose, or it can develop into a more severe form– pneumonia. It's worth remembering that this complication is much more severe in dogs than in people and ends much easier fatal. Therefore, it is very important to show your pet to a veterinarian in a timely manner. A specialist examines chest dogs, listen to it and decide what to do next.
  4. Plague. Very acute illness, quickly turning into a severe form. Signs: apathy, formation of pus on mucous surfaces. Diarrhea and vomiting mixed with blood, convulsions.
  5. Rabies. This disease poses a serious threat to both animals and people. In animals, unfortunately, it is incurable. Signs: photophobia, aggressiveness, lack of appetite, but the dog is very thirsty. If a dog gets rabies, it is euthanized.

If you notice certain symptoms in an animal, you should not worry about guessing, but immediately visit a veterinarian, because sometimes an extra minute will help save your pet’s life.

Video: how to understand that a dog is sick

Why does a dog have a dry, hot or cold nose? Most common cause is an allergy. It often occurs on low-quality plastic. Also, an allergic reaction can occur to dust, pollen, chemicals (including detergents), as well as some food products.

The dog’s nose also reacts sensitively to the weather: extreme heat or, conversely, cold and wind. It may also mean that the dog is not drinking enough. A dog may catch a cold and then, in addition to a dry nose, it will have other symptoms:

  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • hoarseness

The nose can become dry due to injury. Then swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers may be visible on the nose. There is also autoimmune disease skin - pemphigus. It usually appears as blisters on dog nose. Then they burst, and a crust forms in this place, which prevents the dog from breathing freely.

In pets, this organ is covered with mucus inside and on top. It is produced by linings (special glands). Mucus for dogs is a kind of chromatograph, an assistant through which air movement is determined. It is the moisture that covers the olfactory organ on top that helps the animal detect various odors. This is a kind of barometer of smell.

However, owners should not worry and immediately take the dog to a specialist if they notice that his nose has become hot and dry. There can be many reasons for this, not all of them indicate an animal illness. For example, a dog that has just woken up has a normally dry, warm sense of smell. He can be the same after physical activity, when the dog runs around to his heart’s content, plays enough and overheats a little.

If the organ does not become moist during the period of calm of the animal, then there may be a change in the environment or stress. Emotional experiences are also characteristic of animals and cause many changes in the body.

Often a dog's sense of smell becomes dry due to allergies. Plastic dishes from which the dog eats often become the “culprit” of the problem. Allergies can also occur to pollen, dust, detergents, and certain products. If the dog is prone to allergic reactions, then owners are advised to keep a food diary in which food items are recorded and the dog’s body’s reaction to them is monitored. This will make it easier for the owner to eliminate the allergen from the diet.

The nose can become dry in response to changes in weather - heat, cold, strong wind. For example, it becomes hotter in the cold as the immune system fights the health-threatening effects of the weather. To help her, you can offer your dog a multivitamin.

If the dog’s olfactory organ long time remains hot and dry, then in addition to allergies, the cause may be a cold. In such cases, the dog also develops other symptoms. This is sneezing, coughing, rhinitis. After a course of therapy prescribed by the doctor, the dog recovers - and its nose returns to its normal physiological state.

A simple lack of fluid, lack of water in the drinking bowl can also lead to problems in the warm season.

Injuries are often the cause of the problem. The attentive owner discovers their consequences on his own, because there are manifestations of puffiness, swelling, and wounds. In this case, you will need to be examined by a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

Pemphigus is a specific disease that is manifested by the appearance of pimples in the form of bubbles on the nose. They burst, a crust forms, and the functioning of the lining is disrupted. In such cases, the dog should undergo histology. This is the only way to confirm the disease.

Dry and warm nose should alert the dog owner. There may be several reasons:

  • Most trivial reason, which caused a dry nose and warming, may be a cold. A loving owner should not only be able to feel the pet’s nose, but also measure its temperature. If the reading on the thermometer exceeds 39, other signs of the disease are visible (cough, sour eyes, lethargy of the dog), it is necessary to begin treating the cold.
  • Often the cause of a warm nose is an allergic reaction. Allergens surround us everywhere. Plastic dishes, household chemicals, food. Dogs, just like people, can react to allergens. If the dog reacts to the allergen, then there will be no other visible manifestations of the disease. You should contact your veterinarian to determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  • Dry nose can occur in nursing bitches. This is considered normal, so you should not panic and call a veterinarian at home.
  • IN summer time A dog exposed to the sun for a long time can get a skin burn. The skin on the nose is not protected by hair, so it is possible sunburn. If you notice a warm and dry nose on your pet, inspect the area where it was located. Dog house It must be installed in a cool place so that the animal has the opportunity to rest in the shade. In addition, you should monitor the presence of cool containers in the pet’s access area. drinking water. In the summer heat, the dog may overheat, which will also result in a dry nose.
  • During winter, when the weather is cold and windy, the skin on a dog's nose may be exposed to natural factors. Winter cold can lead to dry nasal skin, and in more serious cases it can cause painful cracks.
  • During walks, or just in the yard, a dog can accidentally get injured. Sometimes an injury leads to symptoms such as a dry nose and a warm nose. If you notice that your dog has a warm nose, you should examine it for injuries or damage to the skin. If your pet refuses to give his paw, he most likely damaged it. It is necessary to determine the severity of the injury and seek help from veterinary clinic, or deal with the problem yourself.
  • Stressful situations have a negative impact on the dog's body. Having become nervous, the dog may become a little sick, which causes a symptom such as a warm and dry nose.
  • A dry nose, complete with blisters that appear on it, indicates a disease such as pemphigus. It is classified as a disease immune system. Characteristic signs of the disease: blisters with fluid on the skin. After the bubble matures, it bursts, then dried crusts appear, which prevent the dog from breathing. The type of pathogen can be determined only after testing.
  • If, in addition to a warm nose, your dog has constipation, is lethargic, and does not want to play, you should check it for helminthiasis. Worms in large quantities, accumulated in the peritoneum, can cause severe intoxication of the animal. Body temperature at the same time it can either increase or decrease.
  • A warm nose can be combined with other signs of distemper. The condition of a dog with this disease is as follows: hot, dry nose, lethargy, purulent discharge from the eyes and nasal passages, refusal to eat, indigestion. The animal may have a staggering gait and may drag hind legs and fall to the side. In severe cases, fainting or seizures.

When a dog's dry and warm nose is a sign of illness

The problem with all animal diseases is that pets cannot tell about them. That's why attentive attitude and the owner’s observation will help to identify signs of otitis media in time:

  1. The dog scratches its ear for a long time, often shakes its head, tilting it towards the diseased organ.
  2. During examination of the affected ear, swelling, discharge with pus and not pleasant smell.
  3. The animal reacts painfully to touching the sore ear.
  4. The pet sleeps poorly, gets tired from lack of sleep, and becomes indifferent to food.
  5. The dog's affected ear is hot.
  6. Increased body temperature.

The causative agents of ear inflammation in animals are bacteria and fungi. Among them are staphylococci and streptococci, which are constantly present in the dog’s body, but do not multiply and do not cause harm when good immunity. As soon as the dog’s body malfunctions, the pathogenic microflora begins to rapidly increase, which leads to various diseases.

There are breeds of dogs with drooping ears that are predisposed to this disease from the moment they are born due to the unusual structure of the organ. In such animals, the ear covers the auditory canal, complicating its ventilation and creating favorable conditions for development pathogenic microorganisms. These include spaniels and poodles.

Having discovered such symptoms in pet, immediately seek help from veterinarian. Based on laboratory tests of a smear taken from the affected ear, he will make a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. Treat yourself four-legged friend It’s not worth it to avoid unpleasant and sad consequences.

If your dog's nose remains dry and warm for a long time, then possible reasons such a phenomenon:

  • Allergy. She can be up to anything. Starting with a plastic feeding bowl (replace with a stainless steel bowl) and ending with bird cherry blossoms. Of course it could be food allergy. A test and keeping a diary of the animal's diet will help you identify the allergen. You need to do this to eliminate all allergens from your dog’s life as much as possible.
  • Cold . If a dog has caught an infection, then in addition to a dry nose, it should also have other signs of the disease: sneezing, runny nose, cough. As soon as the dog is healthy, the moisture in the nose will also be restored. What to do if your dog has a runny nose, see this article.
  • Nose injury. You can determine a nasal injury yourself. It is advisable to seek treatment advice from a veterinarian if you are not experienced in treating nasal injuries.
  • Pemphigus. There is an autoimmune disease in dogs, one of the manifestations of which is the appearance of blisters on the nose, which then burst and the nose becomes covered with a crust. It should be taken into account that blisters do not only appear on the nose, but can occur throughout the body. Only with the help of histology can accurate confirmation of the disease be given.

Now you know exactly why a dog has a wet and cold nose, why it needs it like that, and in what cases a dog’s nose is warm and dry. With the help of this article, we have dispelled the misconception of many novice dog breeders that having felt dry and hot nose with their dog, they should panic and rush to the vet.


Diagnosis of redness auricle carried out in a complex and includes several stages. When visiting a doctor, the specialist must collect anamnesis and conduct clinical examination animal, during which the affected part of the outer and middle ear is examined.

When examining, it is important to focus on the condition eardrum, skin inside and the presence of edema. Otoscopy (examination of the ear), includes registration possible releases from the area of ​​the ear canal, skin hyperemia, pain during palpation, bulging of the eardrum.

If a certain pathology is suspected, specific laboratory tests. The main ones are:

  • general blood test;
  • cytology of secretions (carried out to determine pathogenic microflora, diagnose possible tumor processes, autoimmune diseases, hyperplasia of sulfur-secreting glands);
  • scrapings and further examination under a microscope (carried out to identify ear mites and pathogenic bacterial microflora).

Rarely, but in the absence of a reliable picture of the pathological process, veterinary specialist may appoint X-ray examination, allowing you to identify a neoplasm or polyps in the nasopharynx, provoking the development of otitis media.

Possible diseases and their treatment

The main task of a dog owner is to monitor the health of his ward. It is important to regularly inspect your dog’s ears, noting the slightest changes. IN in good condition, skin auricle with inside should have a pale pink tint and no foreign odors.

There are a number of reasons that provoke the development of redness in a dog’s ears. The main ones are:

  1. Insufficient ventilation. Occurs in many dogs, but mainly affects breeds with long and floppy ears. Most of the auricle closes the external auditory canal, preventing microcirculation of air masses penetrating into the area inner ear. Accumulated excess moisture is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. During an inflammatory process caused by bacteria, a dog develops discharge from the ear, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. It is possible and necessary to prevent inflammation in such pets by carrying out timely hygienic treatment of the auricle. Excess hair should be trimmed and the ear canal treated by special means to remove excess moisture and dirt.
  2. Allergic reactions. As a result of reactions allergic type, not only suffer internal organs, but also external. Redness in the ears due to a food allergy individual intolerances certain products, enough common occurrence, especially among small dog breeds. Products that provoke the onset of allergies can be wheat, rice or poultry, as well as granulated dry food. If a veterinarian suspects the onset of an allergy, the pet is prescribed treatment, which includes eliminating foods causing a reaction, as well as the use of special antihistamines (the dosage and course of treatment must be prescribed by a qualified doctor).
  3. Foreign objects in the ears. When various insects, plants or other objects enter the external auditory canal and long-term exposure The animal may experience irritation and redness in the ears. It is necessary to conduct a thorough and, most importantly, regular examination of the pet’s hearing organs after each walk in nature. It is not recommended to remove a foreign body yourself, since any careless movement can lead to more serious consequences(push the item into the deeper layers, where it will be much more difficult to get it out). It is advisable to contact a veterinarian who can properly restrain the animal and remove the object causing inflammation.
  4. Redness after water procedures . Quite often, dog owners pay attention to the fact that after bathing, the dog’s ears turn red on the inside. Water that gets inside the ear may not come out on its own, even if the pet actively shakes them. As a result of this, there arises inflammatory process, which is treated by a veterinarian. Cotton pads inserted into the dog's ears before bathing will help prevent the situation. After the procedures, cotton swabs must be removed.
  5. Otodectosis. An ear infection in dogs and cats caused by ear mites. The disease can be transmitted from sick animals to healthy ones through contact. In addition to hyperemia as a result of inflammation, otodectosis is always accompanied by other characteristic symptomssevere itching and an unpleasant odor from the ear canal area. The pet can tilt its head in one direction or the other. Put accurate diagnosis They can only do it in a veterinary hospital, since the diagnosis includes scraping to determine the pathogen. Ear mite is enough dangerous disease, treatment of which lasts several weeks for mild forms. IN advanced cases, treatment is more expensive and longer. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, otodectosis can lead to serious consequences and even total loss dog hearing.
  6. Otitis. Inflammation that occurs inside the ear affects many pets. Otitis may occur as a result various reasons– when decreasing immune defense, allergic reactions, colds, proliferation of bacterial pathogenic microflora or fungi. It is extremely difficult not to notice the manifestations of otitis, because in addition to the fact that the dog has hot ears, a number of characteristic features, such as - constant itching and discomfort (the animal constantly scratches its ears), refusal to eat, increased body temperature, lethargy and apathy, unpleasant odor from the ear canal. With fungal otitis, an unpleasant sound comes from the ear, sweetish smell, and with bacterial purulent otitis, a specific exudate is released from the ear canal.

Prevention of ear diseases in dogs

To avoid trouble with your pets' ears, try to remember a few simple rules:

  • after each walk, inspect the animal’s body, paying attention to the ears;
  • do not forget to clean the external auditory canal;
  • long-eared pets need daily combing of the fur on their ears;
  • Watch what your dog eats.

These simple procedures will reduce the risk of ear problems.

An attentive dog owner always conducts regular examination of the ears, which allows timely detection of the onset of pathological processes. Do not worry if your pet secretes a small amount of a brown substance that does not have a strong unpleasant odor. This earwax, necessary for normal operation hearing aid. Regular ear cleaning using special lotions will help avoid serious illnesses associated with dog ears.

Long-eared and long-haired dog breeds require regular plucking or trimming of the hair in the ear canal. This will improve air microcirculation, preventing moisture from retaining and causing inflammation.

After long walks in nature, among tall grass or in the forest, it is necessary to inspect the dog’s ears for signs of foreign bodies. An important role in the prevention of otitis and other pathological conditions auricle plays general strengthening immune system.

What does a dry nose mean in a dog?

It's no secret that a dog's dry nose is a cause for concern. But why did such a concept arise and is such a change in the olfactory organ really dangerous for a pet?

Let's try to understand these issues by considering the main reasons responsible for the loss of the usual sputum.

The moisture and coolness of the nose are explained by its structure and purpose. The mucous membranes, located on the outer and inner sides, secrete a special liquid that moisturizes the olfactory organ. In addition to the olfactory properties, tactile properties are also noteworthy, reacting to minor changes in the environment.

A change in nasal temperature is considered normal if the dog:

  • immersed in sleep or recently emerged from it;
  • overtired after exhausting physical activity;
  • was exposed to the scorching sun without proper protection;
  • spent a long time in the cold and windy weather;
  • pregnant, going through lactation or estrus;
  • she is still very young and is experiencing a change of teeth (the puppy’s warm nose will return to normal gradually as it grows up);
  • experienced severe stress, associated with moving, going to the veterinarian, or other disturbing event;
  • predisposed to dryness and warmth at the genetic level.

Please note that all the examples discussed should not cause concern unless there are others alarming symptoms. If appetite, mood and activity are maintained at the same level, then the animal is in perfect order.

The main reasons for trouble include:


If you register a dry nose, carefully check for other warning signs:

  • temperature fluctuations (rise above 39.2° or drop below 37.5°);
  • deterioration of hair condition (loss, disheveled appearance);
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stool upset, vomiting);
  • peeling of the surface of the nose, the appearance of crusts and cracks;
  • apathy, aggressiveness, avoidance of sunlit places;
  • changes in appetite and interest in water;
  • itching, cough, runny nose, wheezing in the chest.

Please note that your dog should be taken to a veterinary clinic immediately if it has:

  • there was an attack with loss of consciousness;
  • difficulty urinating and defecating;
  • the temperature sharply exceeded 40°;
  • cloudy mucus appeared from the sinuses, emitting an unpleasant odor;
  • foreign impurities are observed in the stool;
  • traces of blood are visible in the vomit.

We will also consider the classic signs that accompany dryness, depending on its cause:

Diagnosis and treatment

If your pet has a bunch of symptoms, it should be shown to a doctor. Try to do this with maximum comfort for the sick animal. If in stock high temperature, then it is wiser to leave your pet at home and call a veterinarian.

Please note that you cannot lower your temperature yourself using antipyretics. Such actions can aggravate the patient's condition.

After passing necessary tests and diagnosing the cause that affected the dry nose, appropriate treatment will be prescribed:

  1. Taking antibiotics to fight viral diseases.
  2. Adjustment of the diet, allowing you to determine the allergen, and sparing the sick body.
  3. Elimination of injuries using painkillers and healing ointments.
  4. The use of anthelmintics and cleansing the body of waste products of worms.
  5. Rehydration of a dehydrated animal by infusion of special solutions.
  6. Boosting immunity with a vitamin and mineral course.

Let's look at the features of treatment depending on the diagnosis:


As preventive measures to protect your pet from possible dangers, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid plastic bowls and keep them clean. Give preference to ceramics or aluminum. They do not cause allergic reactions and prevent the increased growth of bacteria. Wash the feeders after each meal without adding detergent.
  2. Choose high-quality food and monitor the reaction of the dog’s body. When feeding natural products introduce new food gradually, studying the well-being of the puppies.
  3. Use sunscreen not only for yourself, but also for your four-legged friend. In hot weather, lubricate your nose with it, and in winter, moisturize the mucous membrane with vegetable oils.
  4. Do not walk your dog near allergenic plants during the flowering period.
  5. Attend veterinary examinations, deworming and vaccinations in a timely manner.


Dog's nose - most important indicator, allowing you to suspect something is wrong. However, not all existing causes require urgent intervention. Learn to understand the changes in the condition of your four-legged friend and try to learn new information, allowing you to skillfully understand possible ailments.

Watch also the video

Probably every owner, having noticed something wrong in a dog’s behavior, first of all feels its nose, cold and wet - everything is fine, dry or hot - something is wrong. In principle, the premise is correct, a dog’s nose is a kind of indicator of well-being. Let's say your nose is dry and hot, what should you do next? Observe? Run to the clinic? Treat yourself, if so, then for what? First you need to understand that there can be a lot of reasons, both harmless and dangerous. We don’t panic and figure out why the dog has a dry nose, what you can do on your own and in what cases you can’t wait.

Dry and warm nose is not always dangerous

Since ancient times, there has been an unchanging tradition of determining the condition of a dog by feeling the nose. The thing is that previously there were no thermometers or other devices to determine the health status of a pet, so this method was the most popular. And veterinary hospitals did not yet exist. First, let's talk about why a wet and cold nose is considered normal.

The surface of a dog's nose is covered with a mucous membrane that produces moisturizing secretions. A dog needs a nose not only to detect smell, but also to respond to the slightest temperature changes. When a dog is in a dream, this organ is responsible for the possible approach of an enemy and controls all processes occurring nearby. The animal's olfactory organ is able to control body temperature, infectious diseases and weakened immunity.

In what cases is it normal for a dog to have a dry and warm nose?

  1. Features of the animal's body and age. Often similar manifestations occur in puppies. This is due to the growth and restructuring of the body. If no accompanying symptoms are observed, then there is no need to worry. The baby will just grow up and everything will pass. Some pets, due to the structural characteristics of their bodies and breeds, have a slow metabolism. In such cases, constant dryness of the nose is a manifestation of a normal life process.
  2. The dog just woke up. If a pet is kept in comfortable conditions, then over time it loses its ability to be in a constant state of anxiety and alertness. Thanks to this, the animal’s life expectancy increases significantly, but the nose “dries out” more often. In cases where an animal rests in a specially equipped sleeping house or under a blanket, its body heats up and its nose “dries out.” After waking up, your pet just needs to drink water and everything will be fine.
  3. Experiences and stress. If the animal has experienced some kind of emotional shock and is very worried, calm it down, give it something tasty, provide it with care and affection, and place it in a calm and quiet place. The main thing is that the animal’s nervous system returns to normal, and with it the functioning of all organs returns to normal.
  4. Fatigue. After long and heavy physical exertion, the animal may feel a loss of strength. Don't worry. This can be easily restored. The main thing is to provide the dog with complete rest and adequate nutrition. After rest, the animal will regain strength and return to its usual rhythm of life. It happens that during long journeys or when moving to a new place of residence, the animal completely refuses to eat and behaves quite strangely. The most important thing here is to monitor the dog’s condition. If there are no additional signs, then it will be enough to simply play with the pet, provide it with attention, affection and care. Very soon he will return to normal and get rid of his worries.

A dog’s very cold nose and ears are a clear indicator of hypothermia in the pet’s body. Here you need to change the temperature, but if your pet’s eyes are dull and drooping, and the gums have a pale tint, we immediately go to the veterinarian. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between ordinary fatigue and pathologies of various organs.

Why should your nose be wet and cool?

On the mucous membrane of a dog's nose that lines it internal cavity and the lobe on the outside, there are the so-called nasal glands that produce a special secretion. Thanks to this, the olfactory organ is always moist and cool. This is necessary, because this is how thermoregulation occurs. The fact is that the dog's body has a very small number of sweat glands. They are found on the paw pads and in the ear canals. Additional cooling occurs due to the respiratory organ.

In addition, a constantly moist surface of the nose ensures its maximum sensitivity. The dog is able not only to perceive the subtlest odors, but also to sense air movement. At the same time, she understands where their source is and divides the entire spectrum of aromas into their constituent components.

A healthy, active pet should have a moist, cool nose, which allows it to remove excess heat and distinguish odors. in the best possible way. When a dog has a dry and warm nose, this makes the owner think that he is sick. Indeed, in some cases this is true, but not always.

Causes of a dry nose in a dog

Why does a dog have a dry, hot or cold nose? The most common cause is allergies. It often occurs on low-quality plastic. An allergic reaction can also occur to dust, pollen, chemicals (including detergents), as well as certain foods.

The dog’s nose also reacts sensitively to the weather: extreme heat or, conversely, cold and wind. It may also mean that the dog is not drinking enough. A dog may catch a cold and then, in addition to a dry nose, it will have other symptoms:

  • sneezing,
  • cough,
  • runny nose,
  • hoarseness

The nose can become dry due to injury. Then swelling, swelling, scabs or ulcers may be visible on the nose. There is also an autoimmune skin disease called pemphigus. It usually appears as blisters on the dog's nose. Then they burst, and a crust forms in this place, which prevents the dog from breathing freely.

Allergies in a pet

This condition can be caused by flowering plants, household items, woolen items, household chemicals, food products. It is quite difficult to determine the source of the allergy on your own, but you can try. Try to clean the room where the dog is located without chemicals.

Do wet cleaning more often warm water. Dishes must be washed daily without using chemicals for washing dishes. If your pet's bedding is wool, replace it with cotton. When walking your animal, avoid places where grasses and shrubs bloom. If the source of the allergy is discovered in this way, protect your pet from it.


In some poisonings, the nose is not only hot, but also very cold. Body temperature drops sharply. An icy nose and cold ears may indicate poisoning chemicals or a bite using poison, if the following symptoms occur:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • salivation;
  • weakness;
  • trembling of limbs;
  • drop in body temperature;
  • violation respiratory rhythm- the dog is breathing frequently or breathing is heavy and too slow;
  • unusual odor from the mouth;
  • pupil dilation.

In this case, emergency veterinary care is required.

If you are poisoned by chemicals or poisons, you should not try to treat your dog at home or save it yourself. She could die within a few hours. Required immediate help doctor

Food poisoning is usually accompanied by fever and diarrhea


A dog can have a hot nose due to a nasal injury, burn, or strong impact. That's enough dangerous condition, which requires complex treatment. It is important to provide your pet with first aid in a timely manner, namely, stop possible bleeding, bandage the wound and only then visit the veterinarian. If there is an injury, then it is forbidden to use brilliant green, alcohol and iodine, as this can cause a burn to the mucous membrane.


Worm infestation is accompanied by constipation, temperature fluctuations, and signs of intoxication. The dog becomes lethargic and loses interest in life. Severe damage leads to bulging of the peritoneum. Therefore, having discovered a dry warm nose in a pet and any of specified symptoms, you need to urgently seek help from a veterinarian. Once the test results are received, appropriate anthelmintic treatment will be prescribed. Typically, Espirantel, Febantel, and Pyrantel are used for this purpose. Carrying out regular deworming eliminates the possibility of infection with worms.


Sometimes your pet's nose becomes dry and covered with crusts that fall off. Small blisters constantly form, which open on their own, and new ones appear in their place. This unpleasant symptom indicates that the dog is developing a disease associated with disruption of the proper functioning of the immune system - pemphigus. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with it on your own without professional help; you should go to the veterinarian.


A warm nose may be a sign of a more serious disease - distemper. The dog has a depressed state, which worsens more and more if measures are not taken. The animal refuses to eat, becomes weaker, and the digestion process is disrupted. Pus accumulates in the eyes, near the nasal passages. The nose dries out, becoming not just warm, but even hot. When walking, the dog staggers, falling on its side. In advanced cases, convulsions and fainting are possible.


A most dangerous disease that can be transmitted to people and other animals. It is classified as incurable. In addition to signs characteristic of many other diseases, rabies is distinguished by the symptom of photophobia. On initial stage The dog does not refuse water, but later begins to experience fear of it. A dry and hot nose is one of the first signs of illness. The infected animal must be euthanized.

Why does a dog have a dry nose while sleeping?

When your pet sleeps, his body warms up, including his nose. It will remain like this for some time, and only after at least half an hour can you touch it again: everything should be in order. So, when your dog is sleeping and his nose is warm, there is no reason to worry.

From our wild ancestors four-legged pets the nose remained moist and cool during sleep. This helped even in a dream to feel movements around, to know that an enemy was approaching by the vibrations of the air, to which the wet surface was extremely sensitive. However, nowadays, in comfortable conditions, dogs have largely lost this ability.

As we see, even the widespread opinion that the nose healthy dog should always be cold and wet, is not necessarily true. So if your pet’s nose doesn’t feel the same to the touch, this is not yet a reason to panic, but a good reason to take a closer look at your pet.

How to treat dry nose

What to do if your dog has a dry nose - the main thing is not to panic, you must first decide whether this is normal or a possible pathology.

If you are considering the option of pathology, but don’t be lazy and take the animal to the clinic, and if the option is normal, you can help your pet in the following way:

  • If you suspect an allergy, remove all synthetic materials from the animal’s field of activity, carry out wet cleaning, and review the diet in favor of avoiding highly allergenic foods.
  • If your dog drinks a lot and his nose remains dry, there may be a reason climatic conditions, the animal simply cannot cope with the heat. Make sure that a bowl of water is always available to the animal.
  • Physiological and age characteristics your dog's nose is dry, lubricate it vegetable oil or Vaseline, this will ease the animal’s condition and allow him to continue to enjoy life.

It is impossible to say exactly what a dry nose in a dog means; it is necessary to diagnose and clarify additional symptoms. Monitor your pet closely to keep him healthy even if his nose is dry.


As preventive measures to protect your pet from possible dangers, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid plastic bowls and keep them clean. Give preference to ceramics or aluminum. They do not cause allergic reactions and prevent the increased growth of bacteria. Wash the feeders after each meal without adding detergent.
  2. Choose high-quality food and monitor the reaction of the dog’s body. When feeding natural products, introduce new food gradually, studying the well-being of the puppies.
  3. Use sunscreen not only for yourself, but also for your four-legged friend. In hot weather, lubricate your nose with it, and in winter, moisturize the mucous membrane with vegetable oils.
  4. Do not walk your dog near allergenic plants during the flowering period.
  5. Attend veterinary examinations, deworming and vaccinations in a timely manner.