A dog's nose is an indicator of the pet's condition. What does a dry nose mean in a dog?

It is generally accepted that a dog's cold, wet nose is a sign of his wellness And healthy condition. And if your pet suddenly has a dry nose, then you need to urgently contact veterinary clinic. This is partly true, but there are many times when a dog’s dry nose indicates normal functioning body.

Let's figure out why a dog has a dry nose and what to do in this case.

Causes of a dry nose in a puppy

During sleep, the animal’s body becomes very hot and the nose is no exception. Only 20-25 minutes after waking up, the dog’s entire body begins to cool down, and then the nose becomes wet.

A common cause of a warm, dry nose in a dog is an allergic reaction to one or another component. This could be pollen, plastic, chemicals or any food ingredient.

Changes in the environment and other stresses immediately affect the animal’s body. Experienced emotions also cause dry nose in your pet.

If your dog has a cold, dry nose, this may indicate colds. But at the same time, other symptoms of the disease must also be present - sneezing, coughing, or hoarseness.

If your pet doesn't drink enough fluids, she will become dehydrated. This will cause dry nose. In this case, you need to control the presence of water in the bowl and organize unhindered access to her for the dog.

In extreme weather conditions, your dog's nose becomes dry and hot. On very hot or, conversely, frosty days, with strong winds and dry air, a dog’s nose tends to be dry.

Dry nose also appears in an injured animal. In this case, puffiness, ulcers or swelling may be found on the body.

How to help a dog if it has a dry nose?

Our advice is to pay attention to your dog's behavior, not his nose. It's the habits in the best possible way signal that the animal is unwell.

The nose is free of any infections that have affected her. For example, an animal that has just woken up has a dry nose, and this does not indicate any pathology. After 15-20 minutes of wakefulness, everything returns to normal. You can also have a dry nose.

In situations where the animal is nervous, the nose may dry out and feel warm to the touch. In this situation, there is no need to take the dog to the veterinarian. It is enough to remove the source of stress and stay for a while, wait until she calms down, caress the animal, give it a treat.

If your pet spends a lot of time outside in the summer, his nose may simply get burned. There is no need to panic, but next time be vigilant and apply a small amount of it sunscreen. A similar situation can occur in severe frosts. Like the skin of the hands of people who do not wear gloves, the skin dog nose may dry out and begin to crack.

What diseases are a sign of a dry nose?

Most common cause dry nose is an allergy. Often its source can be regular contact with plastic. If your pet's bowls are made of this material, replace them with glass, metal or ceramic ones. However, as in the case of humans, anything can act as an allergen, including any food product, pollen or dust.

When you have a cold, your dog's nose may also be dry. In addition to this, there will be others: runny nose, sneezing, hoarse barking. Observe your pet's behavior. A sick dog becomes lethargic, does not want to play with its owner or go outside, and may refuse to eat and hide in a secluded place. To make sure your assumption is correct, the animal needs to measure its temperature, and if it is above 39 degrees, contact a veterinarian.

A dog's dry, warm nose can also signal injury. In this case, you may also find swelling, ulcers, and swelling. In this situation, it is also better to take the animal to a veterinary clinic to avoid infection.

Occurs in dogs autoimmune disease pemphigus, in which their sense of smell becomes dry and warm. After this, they appear on his skin, which burst and form a crust, preventing the animal from breathing. The pet must be shown to a specialist who will give advice on treatment.

Your pet does not know how to talk, so talk about your health condition in words, complain about feeling unwell he won't be able to. He won’t be able to explain to you that everything is fine with him and you have nothing to worry about. But the dog has an organ thanks to which you can understand everything yourself - the nose, which various reasons can be dry, hot, wet, cold.

However, you should not immediately panic if you notice that this organ has become warm and dry. In addition to illness, there may be other reasons for this. To draw final conclusions about your pet’s well-being, it is necessary to focus on other factors.

First events

If you notice that your dog’s nose has become warm and dry, you don’t need to immediately contact the veterinarian, but you also can’t ignore this fact.

Here's what you need to pay attention to:

  • Appetite. U healthy dog it must be good and must not change without reason;
  • Playfulness. When sick, a pet loses interest in any kind of entertainment. If this is not typical for your dog, pay attention if your dog has become lethargic and constantly wants to lie down;
  • Aggression. Like some people, when an animal is sick, the dog can behave aggressively and become irritated by the slightest stimulus;
  • Hide and seek. Usually, a sick pet seeks to find a secluded place where no one will touch it. The dog usually sleeps a lot in this corner and refuses to leave;
  • Temperature. Be sure to measure this indicator. When it is not normal, most likely the dog has actually suffered from some kind of illness;
  • Pressure. Subject to availability certain diseases this indicator can also be increased or decreased.

Sometimes the symptoms of the disease speak for themselves and require urgent contact with a veterinarian. These include vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, hoarseness when barking, etc.


Before taking your pet's temperature to understand why your dog's nose suddenly becomes dry, read normal values this indicator.

Normal temperature for dogs small breed is 38.6–39.3 degrees for puppies, 38.5–39 degrees for adult animals. For medium dogs – 38.3–39.1 and 37.5–39 degrees, respectively. For large ones - 38.2–39 degrees and 37.4–38.3, respectively, for puppies and adult animals. More accurate indicators depend on the breed of dog; you can check with your veterinarian.

It is not considered a deviation from the norm if the pet’s temperature rises slightly after physical activity, in hot weather, under stress, fear. Bitches also sometimes experience an increase in temperature within 1 degree during the period of estrus. In the latter case, if this figure is higher, this may be a sign of diseases of the reproductive organs.

If you notice that your dog has become lethargic and his nose is dry, arm yourself with an electronic or mercury thermometer and measure the temperature.

Measuring temperature is a simple process, but you will have to find an approach to your pet so that it calmly allows you to carry out the procedure. This is done rectally. Reset the thermometer and lubricate its tip with Vaseline.

Place the pet on its side, holding it so that it does not escape. Insert the thermometer into the animal's anus. Hold for as long as required - if you have used electronic thermometer– 1–2 minutes, if usual – 4–5 minutes. If you notice deviations from the norm, look for the reasons, but with the help of a veterinarian.

To teach your dog to be calm about taking temperature measurements, pet your pet during the procedure, talk to him, give him something tasty, and be sure to treat him to some treat at the end of the process.


If you notice that your dog's nose has become hot and also dry, you can measure its pressure. The norm is considered to be 150 by 90 mm. However, it may vary depending on the animal's age, breed and size. For example, the pressure of a small breed pet can be about 170 by 90 mm.

A special veterinary tonometer is usually used for measurement. You can also use a regular device, but with a cuff for children. It is put on the tail or paw pet.

Many veterinarians consider this indicator unreliable, because it is difficult to bring the animal to complete rest when it is normal life. Therefore, if your pet’s olfactory organ is dry and the pressure is not within normal limits, try to focus on other symptoms to determine the state of its health.

Main reasons

Before taking your pet to the veterinarian, try to determine whether the cause of a dry nose lies in completely ordinary, normal processes. For example, in water. Make sure that there is always water in the animal’s bowl, because it is necessary for its normal functioning. Otherwise, dehydration occurs, which becomes the main cause of this symptom.

Or maybe it's a dream. During it and after waking up, the dog’s olfactory organ is always warm and dry. When a dog sleeps, the body heats up, which is why the nose becomes dry.

The animal reacts to the weather - hot or frosty. The sensitivity of the animal's nose to winds is especially great.

Pay attention to whether the dog has allergies. This reaction is not uncommon to plastic, synthetic materials, pollen, food, chemical elements. Analyze whether there have been any changes in the pet’s diet or where it goes. Or maybe you bought him a new plastic bowl? If the cause really lies in allergies, try changing your dog's diet.

If the problem is in the bowls, be sure to replace them with ones that are made of a material that does not causing allergies. You need to wash your dog's dishes with natural substances, not chemical agent. During the flowering of certain plants, try to walk with your pet away from the places where this happens.

The olfactory organ will be dry and warm if the dog has been injured. Examine her for wounds, ulcers, swelling, swelling on the body.

A sensitive animal may react to a change in environment, experienced stress, or shock.

Just like a person, a dog can catch a cold, and it will manifest itself in the usual way - sneezing, runny nose, hoarseness of voice. In this case, the temperature will most likely manifest itself. You should not take treatment from the Internet or on the advice of friends; go to a veterinary clinic. By the way, in this case the dog’s olfactory organ may be cold, not warm, but not wet.

Analyze the animal's diet. He needs to receive vitamins, minerals, microelements. His diet must be balanced, otherwise the body weakens and immunity decreases. Make sure that hot nose dogs are not a sign of his high-quality fasting.

Poor nutrition can lead to stomach and intestinal disorders. In this case, vomiting and diarrhea will occur. By the way, fasting can be not only qualitative, but also quantitative. Check to see if your dog is malnourished and is at a normal weight.

It is believed that a dry nose in a dog is a sign of illness. On the contrary, wet and cold are an indicator of good health. Is this really so, is there a relationship between temperature and humidity of the nose with general condition dog - let's try to figure it out.

First, let’s talk about why a wet, cold nose is considered the norm. With the second, everything is very simple - it’s cold precisely because it’s wet. But the first one is a little more complicated. The wetness of the nasal planum is not explained by the fact that the dog constantly licks it (a common misconception), but by the presence of special glands that secrete a mucous secretion specifically for moisturizing.

Nasal moisture plays a significant role in a dog's life, mainly affecting 2 functions:

  1. Heat transfer regulation. In this case, a wet nasal speculum helps the animal remove excess heat. Essentially the same as sticking out your tongue. That's only if with open mouth If a dog breathes only after physical exertion, during heat, or during illness, the nose constantly regulates the dog’s temperature. The mechanism of specific thermoregulation has developed in dogs during the process of evolution, compensating for the insufficiency of the sweat glands.
  2. Sensitivity to air movement and odors. It is moisture that helps the dog detect the slightest vibrations in the air and makes the dog’s olfactory apparatus much more sensitive than a human’s. In addition, in carnivores, olfactory receptors are located not only inside the nose, but also partially outside. The sense of smell for predators is more important than vision, since it provides much more information about the surrounding world, even about objects located at a distance that exceeds the ability of vision.

Based on this, we can say with confidence - a moist, cool nasal speculum for dogs normal phenomenon. However, if a dog has a warm and dry nose, this is not at all an indicator of ill health. For example, this can occur in a dream and immediately after waking up. At the same time, the dog is absolutely healthy, it’s just that during sleep there is a slight increase in body temperature, and the glands almost do not produce secretions - this is how nature intended.

The cause of a warm, dry nose in a dog can be the surrounding air - heat or frost outside, included in winter period heating, which significantly dries out the air, strong wind. These factors, without affecting the dog’s well-being or health, are reflected in the condition of the nasal planum.

However, very often the condition of this organ really serves as an indicator of health, first of all general temperature bodies.


The temperature norm for dogs is 37.5-38.5ºС. This is an average figure, since for representatives large breeds it may differ slightly to a lesser extent; in puppies, on the contrary, to a greater extent, which is associated with the immaturity of heat exchange functions in newborns.

Temperature is one of the the most important indicators V clinical diagnostics, and a significant deviation of values ​​from the norm in most cases indicates problems in the animal’s body. If your dog's nose becomes hot and dry without any visible impact external factors– it is quite possible that the temperature has risen above normal.

Most often, the body responds with hyperthermia to the penetration of infectious agents - bacteria, viruses, protozoa.

The mechanism of fever is quite complex and depends on the presence and level of pyrogens in the body - specific organic matter, which give the hypothalamus a signal to increase temperature. Pyrogens themselves are formed as a result of the breakdown of microorganisms, are contained in their metabolic products, and are also released when protective cells (monocytes and macrophages) die.

In any case, to understand why a dog has a hot nose, it is worth measuring its temperature. Moreover, this is not at all difficult to do using a regular medical thermometer.

Lubricate the tip of the device with Vaseline, as a last resort vegetable oil, the thermometer is very carefully inserted into the dog's rectum and held there for 2-3 minutes. The temperature you measure in your pet will serve as valuable information when contacting a veterinarian, which is extremely necessary for hyperthermia, especially if the dog exhibits signs such as:

  • no appetite or it is significantly reduced;
  • apathy;
  • cough, wheezing, nasal discharge;
  • nervous phenomena (convulsions, muscle tremors, etc.).

In combination with an elevated temperature, such symptoms can be signs of serious, sometimes fatal dangerous diseases, such as canine distemper. At similar diseases It is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with home treatment, and it is better not to postpone a visit to the clinic or calling a veterinarian at home. At any time you can contact our 24-hour veterinary clinic in Moscow for emergency care dog.

When an animal has a fever, it develops thirst because elevated temperature leads to increased evaporation of liquid. It is necessary to ensure a sufficient amount of clean fresh water for the pet, the possibility permanent access to her.

A warm, dry nose in puppies is usually not an indicator of a health problem. Especially if it is warm, and not hot, and the animal does not show signs of illness, the puppy is active and cheerful. Dryness can be caused by the same factors as adult dog, or may be the result of age-related immaturity of the body’s thermoregulation system. At the same time, it is highly advisable for every owner to master a simple technique for measuring a pet’s temperature, so as not to be tormented by doubts.


Another reason why a dog’s nose suddenly becomes dry is a lack of fluid in the body. That's enough anxiety states, mild forms of which can develop as a result of insufficient water intake, especially during heat or intense physical activity. Severe dehydration occurs with a number of pathological conditions. For example, with diarrhea, vomiting, overeducation urine associated with metabolic disorders.

At gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea, contractile activity of the intestines increases. Food does not have time to undergo complete digestion, and water is not absorbed by intestinal cells. As a result, the animal’s blood loses part of its liquid fraction, thickens, and blood volume decreases. Blood pressure while falling. Everything taken together leads to the fact that organs and tissues are not receiving enough nutrients, oxygen necessary for cell life.

Dehydration is very dangerous because it oxygen starvation Irreversible changes in various vital organs are quite capable of developing. Primarily in:

  • kidneys;
  • pancreas;
  • brain.

Irreversible changes are scary because even after normal blood supply is restored, the consequences of the destructive process do not disappear.

If your dog has a cold and dry nose without visible reasons It's worth paying attention to her chair. This is especially true for animals that are not walked on a leash. As a rule, the animal tries to be alone to perform its natural needs, and the owner may simply not know about the pet’s intestinal disorder.

Diarrhea can be caused by many diseases, including viral or bacterial infections, helminthiases, diseases internal organs, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiencies, allergic reactions, other pathologies.

If a dog’s diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, which is often observed with poisoning or infections, then dehydration occurs extremely quickly - in addition to the fact that the liquid is not absorbed sufficiently, it simply does not enter the intestines, leaving the animal’s body along with the vomit.

Repeated vomiting is a cause for great concern and an immediate visit to the veterinarian. In such cases, a fatal outcome for the pet is quite possible within 1-2 days.

The following can lead to dehydration of the body: non-communicable diseases like sugar and diabetes insipidus. The latter is often called diabetes insipidus. Precisely because the pathology is characterized by increased urine output. With such metabolic pathologies, dehydration develops against the background extreme thirst and lack of drinking water.

In conclusion, we can say that there is no single correct answer to the question of why a dog has a warm and dry nose; there can be a lot of reasons for this phenomenon: from completely harmless ones in the form of wind, bright sun or frost to deadly diseases.

In any case, if you notice any health problems with your pet, you should seek advice from a specialist. It is believed that a healthy animal should be subjected to preventive examination at least 1-2 times a year.

Equally important for prevention various diseases has the creation of comfortable living conditions, the preparation of a competent diet and diet for the animal, timely anthelmintic treatments and vaccinations, which can be combined with an examination of the dog by a veterinary specialist.

Despite all the sensitivity of the olfactory organ, the main indicator of health problems is not a dog’s wet or dry nose, but its well-being, activity, behavior, and appetite.

There are always times when a pet is not feeling well. Usually the owner notices this and immediately feels the animal’s nose. If it is cold and damp, the dog is healthy, but if it is dry and warm, perhaps there are some problems with the animal’s health. However, a dry nose does not always indicate the presence of a disease. There can be a lot of reasons for this. But how do you understand when a dry nose is the norm and when it is a pathology? In what cases can you calm down, and in what cases should you start sounding the alarm and contact a veterinarian? Within the framework of this article, various options for dry nose in dogs will be considered.

Dry and warm nose is not always dangerous

Since ancient times, there has been an unchanging tradition of determining the condition of a dog by feeling the nose. The thing is that previously there were no thermometers or other devices to determine the health status of a pet, so this method was the most popular. And veterinary hospitals did not yet exist. First, let's talk about why a wet and cold nose is considered normal.

The surface of a dog's nose is covered with a mucous membrane that produces moisturizing secretions. A dog needs a nose not only to detect smell, but also to respond to the slightest temperature changes. When a dog is in a dream, this organ is responsible for the possible approach of an enemy and controls all the processes occurring nearby. The animal's olfactory organ is able to control body temperature, infectious diseases and weakened immunity.

In what cases is dry and warm nose Is this normal for dogs?

  1. Features of the animal's body and age. Often similar manifestations happen in puppies. This is due to the growth and restructuring of the body. If no accompanying symptoms is not observed, then there is no need to worry. The baby will just grow up and everything will pass. Some pets, due to the structural characteristics of their bodies and breeds, have a slow metabolism. In such cases constant dryness nose - a manifestation of a normal life process.
  2. The dog just woke up. If the pet is kept in comfortable conditions, then over time he loses his ability to be in constant state anxiety and vigilance. Thanks to this, the animal’s life expectancy increases significantly, but the nose “dries out” more often. In cases where an animal rests in a specially equipped sleeping house or under a blanket, its body heats up and its nose “dries out.” After waking up, the pet just needs to drink water and everything will be fine.
  3. Experiences and stress. If an animal has experienced some kind of emotional shock and is very worried, calm it down, give it something tasty, provide it with care and affection, and place it in a calm and quiet place. The main thing is that the animal’s nervous system returns to normal, and with it the functioning of all organs returns to normal.
  4. Fatigue. After long and difficult physical activity the animal may feel a loss of strength. Don't worry. This can be easily restored. The main thing is to provide the dog with complete rest, good nutrition. After rest, the animal will regain strength and return to its usual rhythm of life. It happens that during long journeys or when moving to a new place of residence, the animal completely refuses to eat and behaves quite strangely. The most important thing here is to monitor the dog’s condition. If no additional signs no, it will be enough to simply play with the pet, provide it with attention, affection and care. Very soon he will return to normal and get rid of his worries.

A dog’s very cold nose and ears are a clear indicator of hypothermia in the pet’s body. Here you need to change the temperature, but if your pet’s eyes are dull and drooping, and the gums have a pale tint, we immediately go to the veterinarian. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish between ordinary fatigue and pathologies of various organs.

Animal nose:

  • smooth surface;
  • the surface of the nose is covered with cracks, itches and flakes.

Pet's body temperature:

  • temperature high/low;
  • Temperature readings are normal: from 37.5 to 39 degrees.

Animal's well-being:

  1. The dog is cheerful, active, has good appetite and willingly plays with the owner.
  2. The dog is looking for a quiet and dark place, does not want to eat or drink, constantly scratches its skin, and behaves aggressively.

Pet fur:

  • has a healthy shine, pleasant to the touch and cool;
  • hair becomes tangled, tangled, and looks unhealthy.

How does a dog breathe?

  • breathing occurs without difficulty using the nose;
  • the dog has difficulty breathing through his nose, there is congestion, sneezing, and inflammation.

Digestion of food:

  • the animal behaves naturally;
  • There is diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and the inability to go to the toilet if desired.

If all the answers from this plan have a positive connotation, then rest assured that the animal is up to something and most likely there are problems on a psychological background. Perhaps the dog lacks attention, care or affection. But, in order not to overthink anything unnecessary, seek help from a veterinarian for the sake of prevention. This will be useful for both your pet and yours. nervous system. If the plan contains more negative answers, then it is recommended to immediately take your pet to a veterinary hospital, especially if you have just recently gotten an animal and this is your first experience.

In what cases does a hot nose indicate an animal’s illness?

  1. Allergic reactions are the most common problem. Associated symptoms: The pet constantly scratches its skin, covers its face with its paws and becomes very nervous. Constant body twitching, dandruff and flaking of the skin appear. It is very difficult to independently determine the allergen and it is hardly possible to do without the help of a specialist. Of course, you can try replacing all the animal’s dishes with stainless or ceramic ones, and removing all synthetic items and carpets. The diet will also have to be radically changed: only porridge and broth will be left. Carry out wet cleaning of premises more often, refusing to use household chemicals. You should note in a notebook every item that is removed from your dog's use. Walk your animal away from flowers that can cause allergic reactions. As soon as you notice an improvement in your animal, immediately go to the doctor for further therapy. Sometimes tests can identify the type of allergen, but if this doesn’t work the first time, continue to keep a diary and write down all the items that you remove from your pet’s household. Only with such small steps can you cope with this disease and detect the allergen.
  2. Pemphigus is a completely immune disease. The main symptoms of the disease are the appearance of blisters on the nose or body of the animal. The bubbles burst, leaving a crust in its place. It can only be detected with the help of tests that confirm one or another type of pathogen.
  3. Cold. It can occur in the form of a regular runny nose, or it can develop into a more severe form– pneumonia. It's worth remembering that this complication is much more severe in dogs than in people and ends much easier fatal. Therefore, it is very important to show your pet to a veterinarian in a timely manner. A specialist examines chest dogs, listen to it and decide what to do next.
  4. Plague. Very acute illness, quickly turning into a severe form. Signs: apathy, formation of pus on mucous surfaces. Diarrhea and vomiting mixed with blood, convulsions.
  5. Rabies. This disease poses a serious threat to both animals and people. In animals, unfortunately, it is incurable. Signs: photophobia, aggressiveness, lack of appetite, but the dog is very thirsty. If a dog gets rabies, it is euthanized.

If you notice certain symptoms in an animal, you should not worry about guessing, but immediately visit a veterinarian, because sometimes an extra minute will help save your pet’s life.

Video: how to understand that a dog is sick