What herbs can be used to treat fatty hepatosis. Treatment of liver hepatosis with folk remedies. Fatty liver hepatosis - causes of the disease

It is quite possible to cure fatty hepatosis with folk remedies. Treatment will be especially effective if the disease is detected in the early stages.

This liver pathology is characterized by the appearance of excess fat in the tissues of this organ. Sometimes the patient does not even know about the presence of the disease; biochemical analysis does not show the presence of a problem. But more often, certain symptoms still bother the patient. These could be:

  • various digestive disorders;
  • itchy skin;
  • high temperature;
  • nausea, especially in the morning;
  • discomfort in the right hypochondrium;
  • yellowish coloration of the whites of the eyes and skin.

Such symptoms can appear brightly or be barely noticeable. But if they do appear, you need to go to a medical facility for help. Confirm the diagnosis with a doctor using an abdominal ultrasound.

Fatty liver disease can be caused by various reasons. This is an excessive passion for alcoholic beverages, love for fatty and unhealthy foods, fast food, metabolic disorders, diseases endocrine system, various intoxications, vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

If fatty hepatosis is not treated with medication or folk remedies, despite alarming symptoms, possible severe consequences: pancreatitis, hepatitis and even deadly cirrhosis.

Useful gifts from the garden

Folk remedies will come to the aid of a weakened liver. You don’t even have to go to the pharmacy: tasty and healing folk remedies can be found in any garden or city supermarket:

When using folk remedies to treat hepatosis at home, it is important to follow a certain diet.

Otherwise, all suffering will be in vain. Thus, fatty liver can be cured by foods containing pangamic acid. These are the kernels of apricot kernels (no more than five per day), watermelons, melons and pumpkins, brown rice, sunflower oil. Strawberries are useful - a glass of berry delicacy a day will be a great help during the season.

Pine nuts will help restore cells, cope with toxins - green tea, lemon balm decoction. But it’s better to wait with the black analogue and coffee, as well as with alcohol. The ideal menu for this disease should include: low-fat cottage cheese, boiled fish and rabbit meat, beans, corn and buckwheat. Green salads with sprouted grains are good. Spicy, fatty and fried foods should not be eaten.

Useful advice: if possible, after lunch or dinner, lie down with a heating pad on the sore spot - this will ease the work of the liver. A little lightness in the mornings and evenings won't hurt. physical activity, for example, gymnastics.

Forest and field healers

Oats, pine needles, birch buds, wild mushrooms - these gifts of nature will also help restore normal liver function at home.

Medicinal greens

Milk thistle is considered the most valuable raw material for drugs healing fatty hepatosis.
It has a regenerating, fat-removing effect. Milk thistle products are sold in pharmacies, but you can prepare them yourself at home:

  1. Seed powder. It is eaten a teaspoon three times a day, washed down with water.
  2. Decoction. Milk thistle roots (a tablespoon) are boiled for 30 minutes in 250 ml of water. Filter and take a tablespoon three times a day.
  3. With dandelion and nettle. You need to take two parts of milk thistle seeds, two parts of dandelion roots and one part of nettle herb. Brew two teaspoons of the mixture in a glass of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes and filter. Drink two glasses of fresh decoction every day. Treatment with this drink lasts for a month.

Treatment of hepatosis is also possible with the help of other plants:

  • Rosehip cleanses the cells of the diseased organ from excess fat, waste and toxins. The berries can be brewed in a thermos as tea and drunk throughout the day. You can add a little honey for taste.
  • Chicory helps get rid of congestion in the liver and gallbladder. The simplest recipe: brew a tablespoon of powder from the roots of this plant in two glasses of boiling water, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour and drink half a glass before meals.
  • Corn silk removes toxins. They are prepared like chicory, and drunk on an empty stomach, a third of a glass.

Herbal infusions are better at treating illness than individual medicinal plants: the components of different herbs enhance each other.

Today we will talk about:

Our health depends entirely on us. One has only to relax for a moment, yielding to one’s whims, and the body will immediately give a signal that it feels bad. Problem excess weight, by the way, is more relevant today than ever. And not only the figure, but also the more important organs of our body can suffer from the hated fat.

When a lot of adipose tissue accumulates in the liver cells, the prerequisites for the development of fatty hepatosis appear. The disease is based on the accumulation of simple fats (triglycerides) by hepatocytes, which subsequently become fat cells.

The liver is the permanent orderly of our body. It collects all the toxins that enter the body along with alcohol, junk food, tobacco smoke and medications to subsequently be processed into triglycerides. As a result, when fats become fat cells, the liver sooner or later begins to hurt itself and, accordingly, can no longer cope with new harmful substances.

But fat cells are not the last resort of the disease. If the course is unfavorable, fatty hepatosis is complicated by fibrosis, which in turn can lead to cirrhosis of the liver.

Degree of development of fatty hepatosis

Depending on how many hepatocytes are affected by the pathological process and what percentage of fat accumulated by the liver, the following stages of fatty hepatosis are distinguished:
  • At the first stage of the disease, several foci of cells with a high concentration of simple fats appear in the thickness of the liver at a great distance from each other. These are signs of diffuse fatty hepatosis.
  • The second stage of fatty hepatosis begins when the foci of pathogenic cells increase in size, and dense connective tissue forms between them.
  • At the third stage, the liver is covered with pronounced grooves of connective tissue with fibroblasts embedded in them and a large number fat cells. Fibrosis is just around the corner.

What determines the development of the disease?

For adequate treatment of fatty hepatosis, it is necessary to establish the decisive factor, the action of which led to the development of the disease. This will make it easier to choose the most effective way to solve the problem.

Among the main reasons that cause liver degradation are:
  • Diseases based on disorders of fat metabolism and balance in the body. It may not be diabetes mellitus, severe obesity, hypertriglyceridemia (increased levels of fats in the blood).
  • Effect of toxins on the liver. Neutralizing substances that are toxic to the body is the direct task of this organ, but if the toxic attack does not stop for a single day, the liver at some point may not be able to cope.
  • Emission of radio waves. If a person lives in an area with an elevated level of radiation, he automatically falls into the risk group for developing hepatosis.
  • Poor nutrition. Disdainful attitude towards healthy food, and to the nutritional culture in general becomes the cause of lipid metabolism disorders in the body. Irregular meals, unbalanced diets that only deplete the body will certainly affect the health of the liver after some time.
  • Digestive disorders. If the process of lipid absorption and excretion bile acids is distorted for any reason, the liver becomes very vulnerable.
  • Careless use of antibiotics without the use of probiotics.

Clinical picture of the disease

The process of implantation of fat cells into the liver tissue may be in full swing, but for the time being this does not appear outwardly. Alarming symptoms develop gradually and become extremely pronounced by the third stage of fatty hepatosis, when it can no longer be treated (a liver transplant is required).

The main signs of hepatosis are:

“stone” in the liver area (right upper quadrant of the abdomen);
problems with intestinal microflora;
blurred vision;
stale, dull skin;
vomiting and nausea.

The brightest external manifestations in acute fatty hepatosis. In other cases, people cannot clearly explain what exactly bothers them.

Fatty hepatosis during pregnancy

Expectant mothers become vulnerable targets for the disease: this is due to a hormonal storm in a woman’s body and consumption large quantity food. Hepatosis in pregnant women most often occurs acutely and can even cause death in the mother.

A disappointing diagnosis puzzles a woman from 30 to 38 weeks of pregnancy, although there are exceptions when liver hepatosis is detected before the 30th week. The most characteristic symptom of the disease during pregnancy is jaundice. Other symptoms include painful or unpleasant sensations in the liver area, vomiting and nausea, weakness and depression, and constant heartburn. For the expectant mother You need to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner in order to receive adequate medical treatment.

Procedures for determining the disease

To confirm the disease use:
  • liver biopsy. If fat cells are found in the sample of liver tissue being examined, then there is every reason to believe that the patient has fatty hepatosis;
  • Ultrasound examination of the liver. If hepatosis is present, the organ will be enlarged;
  • computed tomography and magnetic resonance therapy to detect diseased liver tissue.

Treatment of fatty hepatosis

Issues related to hepatosis and similar diseases are dealt with by a gastroenterologist, reminds MirSovetov.

Drug therapy is preceded by a thorough analysis of the patient’s lifestyle. In order for the disease to be corrected with the help of medications, a person needs to reconsider all his habits and radically change some of them. The main task is to start playing sports in order to “tighten” the body and tone up, to make sure that more calories are consumed than the body enters. The ideal start to recovery would be a weekly weight loss of 0.5 kg.

Drug therapy for hepatosis involves fighting the disease by improving the liver in general and its cells in particular. Preferred mainly:

  • Berlition, Essentiale Forte, Essliver and other medications that contain essential phospholipids that are beneficial for the liver;
  • Taurine or Methionine (sulfamino acids);
  • Karsil, LIV – 52, artichoke-based preparations (hepatoprotectors);
  • Tocopherol, Retinol (antioxidants);
  • preparations containing selenium;
  • B vitamins.
During treatment, you should follow a diet with the most limited amount of fatty foods, which will help the body use up excess fat that harms the liver. For fatty hepatosis, low-fat dairy products, vegetable soups and borscht without meat, boiled or steamed vegetables, milk soups, eggs, oatmeal, rice and buckwheat porridge. At the same time, a patient with fatty hepatosis is strictly forbidden to eat fatty broths, fried meat and fish, fresh onions and garlic, legumes, canned food, mushrooms and radishes.

The diet is especially effective at the stage of disease development, when liver cells have not yet transformed into fat depots. At this time, there is still a chance to remove triglycerides from them.

Traditional medicine has also contributed to the treatment of the liver. Experts believe that medications alone, without the use of traditional methods the disease cannot be dealt with.

So, what can you glean from the well of folk wisdom? Liver cells will thank you if every day you:

Eat 1 tsp. pine nuts;
add peppermint or lemon mint leaves to drinks;
Chew a sprig of fresh dill or parsley 2 – 3 times a day (this advice is also relevant for the prevention of illness);
drink 0.5 tbsp every morning on an empty stomach. fresh carrot juice;
give preference to green rather than black tea;
drink infusions of rosehip or corn silk. To do this, pour 50 g of raw material into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 10 - 12 hours. Take 1 glass of drink 2 – 4 times a day;
eat a small handful of dried fruits every day.

Disease prevention

To never hear an unpleasant diagnosis, just follow a few simple recommendations:
  • Spend 20-30 minutes every day physical exercise, which, better than any infusion or medicine, will speed up metabolism and help the liver cope with toxins. Just keep in mind that practicing occasionally will not bring any results. You need to train regularly!
  • Eat simple, healthy foods without overcooking them.
  • Exclude alcoholic drinks or reduce their use to a reasonable minimum.
  • Take pills only with permission and under the supervision of a doctor.
The prognosis for the treatment of fatty hepatosis is encouraging: if you take care of your health on time, then after 2–3 weeks the first symptoms will be noticeable. positive results. Fortunately, fatty liver disease is a reversible disease.

Fatty hepatosis

Fatty liver disease (fatty liver, hepatic steatosis, fatty liver, fatty liver) is a reversible degenerative liver disease caused by steatosis (abnormal accumulation of lipids inside liver cells). Fatty hepatosis is the most common modern world a disease caused by defects in human nutrition and lifestyle. Reversibility of fatty hepatosis is possible with timely detection factors contributing to the occurrence of fatty hepatosis and the cessation of their action.

What happens in the liver during fatty hepatosis (steatosis): large vacuoles of triglycerides (neutral fats) accumulate inside the liver cells (hepatocytes), collagen fibers appear, and signs of inflammation. Despite the numerous reasons causing fatty degeneration liver, fatty liver disease can be considered one disease that occurs in people with excessive consumption alcohol and those who are obese (with or without the effects of insulin resistance) or the so-called "metabolic syndrome" - a complex involving central obesity (obesity internal organs), high blood pressure, increased content plasma lipids and reduced glucose tolerance. Hepatic steatosis is also associated with other diseases that affect fat metabolism. The morphological criterion of fatty hepatosis (during liver biopsy) is the content of triglycerides in the liver over 10% of dry weight. Morphologically, alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are indistinguishable.

Morphologically, there are 4 degrees of fatty liver: zero degree of fatty liver degeneration– small drops of fat capture individual groups of liver cells; I degree fatty liver– moderately expressed focal medium- and large-scale obesity of liver cells; II degree fatty liver– moderately expressed diffuse small-, medium-, large-droplet, predominantly intracellular obesity; III degree fatty liver– pronounced diffuse large-scale obesity with extracellular obesity and the formation of fatty cysts. [ Podymova S.D. Fatty hepatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Clinical and morphological features. Forecast. Breast cancer treatment ]

Fatty hepatosis can be asymptomatic and determined only by ultrasound diagnostics, increased levels of liver enzymes (ALT, AST - indicators can fluctuate and be elevated only in 50% of cases. The ratio of AST to ALT indicators<1 при неалкогольном жировом гепатозе и АСТ к АЛТ >2 for alcoholic fatty hepatosis. Ferritin levels increase in 20-50%) and during biopsy. In the USA, during liver biopsy of potential donors, fatty hepatosis is detected in 33% of those examined [ Browning J, Szczepaniak L, Dobbins R, Nuremberg P, Horton J, Cohen J, et al. Prevalence of hepatic steatosis in an urban population in the United States: impact of ethnicity. Hepatology 2004;40:1387-95.] and in 31% of those examined using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. [ Ryan CK, Johnson LA, Germin BI, Marcos A. One hundred consecutive hepatic biopsies in the workup of living donors for right lobe liver transplantation. Live Transpl 2002;8:1114-22. ] . At ultrasound examination liver signs of fatty hepatosis are detected in 12-16% of the population. [ Bellentani S, Saccoccio G, Masutti F, Croce LS, Brandi G, Sasso F, et al. Prevalence of and risk factors for hepatic steatosis in northern Italy. Ann Intern Med2000;132:112-7. ] . Men aged 40-56 years are most often affected (data foreign authors- according to domestic data, fatty liver disease most often affects women), people who are obese (76% have fatty liver disease) or are overweight (56%–79%), diabetes (50% have fatty liver disease) or metabolic syndrome (30%) leading a sedentary lifestyle, drinking alcohol, and prone to overeating.

Among individuals without diabetes or obesity, risk factors include hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hyperuricemia, central obesity, hypertension, and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. [ Kim HJ, Lee KE, Kim DJ, Kim SK, Ahn CW, Lim SK, et al. Metabolic significance of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in nonobese, nondiabetic adults. Arch Intern Med2004;164:2169-75.]

The accumulation of fat in the liver may, but does not necessarily, be accompanied by progressive liver inflammation (hepatitis), called steatohepatitis. Prolonged inflammation can lead to destruction of hepatocytes, progressive fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Cases of hepatocellular carcinoma have also been described [ Marrero JA, Fontana RJ, Su GL, Conjeevaram HS, Emick DM, Lok AS. NAFLD may be a common underlying liver disease in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in the United States. Hepatology2002;36:1349-54.]

If the symptoms of fatty hepatosis are severe, the patient may feel heaviness and discomfort in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Can be determined moderate increase liver (the liver protrudes from under the costal arch up to 3-5 cm). Ultrasound examination for fatty hepatosis shows a “light” liver with increased echogenicity. Doppler ultrasound shows decreased blood flow. At computed tomography fatty livers have less density than the spleen. Fat in the liver shows up prominently on T1-weighted images on MRI.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to exclude viral hepatitis using serological tests.

Possible causes of fatty hepatosis

The exact causes of fatty hepatosis have not been established. However, a connection has been identified between the occurrence of fatty hepatosis and the following factors:

Nutritional factors
Fasting, excessively rapid decline weight, total parenteral nutrition for more than 2 weeks, constant overeating (gluttony)
Drug factor
Fluconazole (a drug used to treat fungal diseases), Amiodarone, Metatrexate, estrogens, expired Tetracycline, IV tetracycline, glucocorticoids, Tamoxifen, intensive antiretroviral therapy, vitamin A overdose, Didanosine, Perhexylene, Diltiazem
Alcohol and drugs
Alcohol (alcohol consumption in terms of pure alcohol in doses of more than 140 ml of alcohol (350 ml of vodka) per week for men and 70 ml of alcohol (175 ml of vodka) per week for women), cocaine
Poisonous mushrooms (Pale toadstool, Silverfish (Lepiota)), phosphorus, soil bacterium Bacillus cereus, gasoline and its derivatives. Industrial pesticides.
Metabolic factors
Acute fatty hepatosis of pregnancy, Weber-Christian disease, Wolman disease, Konovalov-Wilson disease, Reye syndrome.
Other factors in the occurrence of fatty hepatosis
Anastamoses, diverticula, gastritis, carriage of human papillomavirus, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

Possible pathogenesis of fatty hepatosis

The pathogenesis of fatty hepatosis has not been sufficiently studied. Presumably, the pathogenesis of fatty hepatosis is based on excess consumption of fats and high-calorie foods, disorders of fat metabolism in the human body, which can be caused by an imbalance in their accumulation and energy consumption. A possible cause of fatty liver disease may be insulin resistance, resulting in increased transport fatty acids from adipose tissue to the liver. Also, inhibition of receptors that control enzymes responsible for the oxidation and synthesis of fatty acids, which leads to fat accumulation, may contribute to the occurrence of fatty liver disease. Alcohol, toxins and medicines can damage cellular mitochondria and other cellular structures, resulting in poor utilization of fatty acids. Chronic intestinal dysbiosis is considered one of the factors in the development of fatty hepatosis.

Treatment of fatty hepatosis

There is no specific treatment for fatty liver disease. The treatment strategy comes down to eliminating factors that can cause fatty liver disease, correcting metabolism, improving liver regeneration, its detoxification and protection from damaging factors. Along with medications, changes in the patient's lifestyle and correction of his eating behavior play a role in the treatment of fatty hepatosis. Let's consider the main components of the treatment of fatty hepatosis.

Drug treatment of fatty hepatosis

Membrane stabilizing and antioxidant drugs are used for the treatment of fatty hepatosis can be divided into three groups

1. Preparations that contain essential phospholipids, a special role in these preparations belongs to phosphatidiethanolcholine. It is thanks to this phospholipid that the drugs have the ability to protect hepatocytes. (Essentiale, Essliver Forte, Phosphogliv).
2. Preparations related to sulfoamino acids (methionine, ademetionine (Heptral), taurine (Dibikor).
3. Preparations containing extracts from plant materials, often with an unknown mechanism of action (Karsil, Liv.52).

Berlition (a drug of alpha-lipoic or thioctic acid) or is prescribed in a dose of 300 mg (1 tablet) - 1-2 times a day for 1-2 months. In more severe cases, Berlition is administered intravenously at a dose of 600 mg for 2 weeks. followed by 300–600 mg/day. in tablets. You can use other drugs Thioctic acid, which improves energy metabolism in liver cells and has a metabolic and hepatoprotective effect.

It is advisable to prescribe Heptral intravenously at the beginning of the course of treatment.

Essentiale is prescribed 2 capsules (600 mg) 3 times a day. The duration of treatment with Essentiale Forte is at least 2-3 months. After 3-4 weeks of treatment with Essentiale Forte, switch to maintenance doses (1 capsule 3 times a day).

An effective membrane stabilizing agent is the artichoke preparation - Chofitol. The pharmacological effect of the drug is due to the complex of biologically active substances contained in the leaves of the field artichoke. Cynarin in combination with phenolic acids has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. Ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B1 and B2, and inulin contained in artichokes help normalize metabolic processes. Prescribed orally, 3 tablets 3 times a day before meals - a course of 3 weeks.

Special mention should be made of taurine (Dibikor tablets, Taufon capsules). The taurine drug is valuable in the treatment of fatty hepatosis because it simultaneously has several mechanisms of action: membrane-stabilizing: taurine promotes the formation of the main phospholipids of the cell membrane of hepatocytes (phosphatidylethancholine from phosphatidylethanoamine), antioxidant(by eliminating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reducing peroxidation of unsaturated membrane lipids).

In addition, taurine increases hepatic blood flow and promotes the solubility of bile acids [Elizarova E.P. Rationale for the use of Dibikor in gastroenterology, namely for liver disease www.dibikor.ru ], bile excretion, improves hepatocyte activity , significantly reduces total blood cholesterol (C), LDL-C and triglyceride levels, increasing HDL-C, corrects sugar metabolism (decrease in fasting and postprandial glycemia, decrease in glycated hemoglobin), reduces the activity of ALT and AST. [ Shestakova M.V., Chugunova L.A., Shamkhalova M.Sh. Experience of using Dibikor for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes, 2007, 1.] . Taurine also has a moderate hypotensive and antisclerotic effect. Thus, the administration of taurine in the treatment of fatty hepatosis simultaneously solves many problems associated with the etiology of the disease. In addition, taurine is much cheaper than, for example, Heptral. In the treatment of fatty hepatosis, taurine is prescribed in daily dose 2-4 grams, divided into 2-3 doses over 1-2 months.

To reduce the thickness of bile and improve its outflow (which leads to a decrease or disappearance of the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the right hypochondrium), the herbal (very tasty) drug Holosas is used - 30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon. If the feeling of heaviness persists, you can additionally take 1 tablet of allochol after meals. Attention! Allochol is contraindicated in the presence of cholelithiasis!

Vitamins: Niacin helps detoxify the liver ( nicotinic acid, vitamin PP) and ribolavin (vitamin B2). There is evidence of the effectiveness of including betaine in the course of treatment, which increases the concentration of S-adenosyl-methionine, a substance that fights oxidative stress in the liver. Betaine was taken daily at a dose of 20 g (twenty grams) for 12 months. Unfortunately, betaine has gastrointestinal side effects.

Note that in the treatment of fatty hepatosis, vitamin E is often prescribed as an antioxidant. However, recent studies (D. Lichtenberg, I. Pinchuk, M. Leshno, Y. Dotan, 2009) have shown that the use of vitamin E in high doses can reduce the quality life (the period of life without disease) due to an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The study was conducted Medical school Sackler and Tel Aviv University based on an analysis of 300,000 case histories in the USA, Europe and Israel. Taking vitamin E does not mean that life expectancy will necessarily be shortened, but it is clear that taking it may do more harm than good. Selenium can be used as an alternative to vitamin E.

Medicinal herbs with fatty hepatosis

Cinnamon Regular consumption of cinnamon reduces the accumulation of fat cells in the liver. . Cinnamon also reduces appetite and lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Turmeric(Turmeric) or Turmeric (Curcuma). Ginger family. It has antioxidant activity, promotes bile production, drainage of the biliary ducts, and softens gall bladder stones. Reduces sugar levels. Available as the drug Cholagol. Prescribe 5-10 drops of the drug (on a piece of sugar) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 3-6 weeks.

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)- One of the most useful herbs for the liver. Improves the flow of bile and relieves spasms of the gallbladder, binds free radicals and toxic substances in liver tissue, has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activity, stimulates protein synthesis, and promotes the restoration of liver cells. Available in the form of milk thistle oil, the drug Gepabene (in combination with fume extract). Gepabene is prescribed 1 capsule 3 times a day. At night pain syndrome It is recommended to take an additional 1 capsule before bedtime.

Curly sorrel- Promotes the drainage of bile, normalizes its production. Can help reduce the amount of fat in the liver. Use a decoction of curly sorrel horses. Place 1 tablespoon of crushed dry roots of curly sorrel in 1.5 cups of water, boil for 8-10 minutes over low heat, leave in a sealed container for 4 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

Artichokes- Include artichokes in your diet and add the drug Hofitol, which we wrote about above.

Lifestyle and diet for fatty hepatosis

One of the reasons for the development of fatty liver is physical inactivity and detraining, accompanied by transmission. It is necessary to reduce weight to normal at a rate of 500 g per week. Losing body weight at a rate of more than 1600 g per week with a large share likely to lead to the development of liver inflammation [Andersen T, Gluud C, Franzmann MB, et al: Hepatic effects of dietary weight loss in morbidly obese subjects. J Hepatol 1991;12:224–9.] . A 5-10% reduction in body weight already leads to an improvement in liver condition. [Naniwadekar A.S. Nutritional Recommendations for Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Evidence Based Review / Practical Gastroentrology - 2010. - February.] Daily exercise of moderate intensity for 30 minutes -1 hour per day (for example, an exercise bike) is necessary. It is recommended to walk as much as possible (including stairs). Diet has a significant, and in some cases leading value in the treatment of patients with fatty hepatosis. Studies have shown that both a low-fat diet and low calorie diet with a decrease in fat. Most diets that have undergone clinical testing in the treatment of fatty hepatosis suggest reducing the total calorie content of meals to 25-30 kcal/kg ideal mass body (not real) / per day. For example, for a woman 165 cm tall and under 40 years of age, the approximate upper limit of ideal body weight is 165 cm - 100 = 65 kg. The upper limit of the daily calorie intake for such a woman should be 65 kg x 30 kcal = 1950 kcal per day.

Clinical studies showed the effectiveness of the drug Orlistat, which helps in reducing body weight by inhibiting gastrointestinal lipases, which leads to a decrease in the absorption of fatty acids and cholesterol by about 1/3. During a course of treatment with Orlistat at a dosage of 120 mg three times a day, patients' weight decreased by an average of 2.9 kg, and their performance improved. blood pressure, the level of ALT and cholesterol in the blood plasma decreased. [Naniwadekar A.S. Nutritional Recommendations for Patients with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Evidence Based Review / Practical Gastroentrology - 2010. - February.]

Fruits and vegetables from the cruciferous family, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, are beneficial.

Fish and seafood (rich in taurine) should be preferred over meat. Prepare boiled, not fried food. Limit your consumption of factory-farmed chicken - such chicken contains traces of antibiotics, hormones and pesticides from industrial feed which create additional stress on the liver. Use cinnamon as a seasoning for all dishes.

Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

Limit to a minimum (eliminate) the consumption of products containing trans fats (all factory baked goods), corn glucose-fructose syrup ("fake" honey, candy, sweet carbonated drinks and juices), fatty dairy products such as milk, cream, processed cheese and cheese in general (very high fat content). You can eat low-fat fermented milk products(airan, tan).

Completely eliminate alcohol (if you are unable to give up alcohol, dilute alcohol with water or drink plenty of water and never drink pure alcohol), sweet lemonades, white pastries, sweets, breakfast cereals (cereals), pasta, white rice and others flour products, fats, mayonnaise, margarines, etc. Drink unsweetened tea and generally remove sugar from your diet if possible. (Sugar is the cause of many diseases of “civilization”). Ideally, exclude from your diet all types of “industrial” food - everything that is prepared in food factories. Consume only natural (organic) products.

Control your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Liver detoxification is helped by a course of visits to a low-temperature sauna (55-60°C) with air humidity no more than 15-20% (in the absence of contraindications). Perfect fit infrared sauna, as the safest option with the right sauna sessions.

Don't let fatty hepatosis start - and it will recede with your persistence and willpower. Remember that if you then return to your previous lifestyle with alcohol, overeating and physical inactivity, then most likely your illness will return.

Attention! All articles are for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can be used as a guide for diagnosing and treating diseases independently, without the participation of a doctor. Articles may contain errors and inaccuracies and reflect the subjective opinion of the author. If you or someone you love gets sick: please seek help from a doctor and do not self-medicate!

Fatty hepatosis occurs due to metabolic disorders in the liver tissue. This disease has chronic course, healthy organ cells are gradually filled with adipose tissue. This disease is curable, but the sooner the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of stopping the process and even completely getting rid of the disease. If hepatosis is not treated, it can lead to serious pathologies, including fatal cirrhosis.

Before you appoint drug treatment, the doctor must identify the causes of hepatosis.

The main factors leading to fatty liver may be:

  1. Poor nutrition – excessive enthusiasm for diets and sudden weight loss, on the one hand, and overeating junk food, leading to obesity, on the other.
  2. Pharmacological drugs taken uncontrolled. These include many antibiotics, estrogens, glucocorticoids, antivirals and vitamin A-containing agents.
  3. Genetic diseases metabolism.
  4. Alcoholic drinks and drugs (even the so-called soft ones) with regular use.
  5. Poisonous mushrooms and industrial toxic substances.
  6. Chronic illnesses: gastritis, pancreatitis, hyperuricemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia, papillomavirus, thyrotoxicosis, painful obesity. A disease such as hepatosis acute form, can also manifest itself during a difficult pregnancy.

The prescribed treatment also takes into account the level of liver dysfunction.

Hepatosis manifests itself in four stages:

  • Zero degree. Hepatocytes attract microscopic fat droplets. In fact, there is no need to treat; the disease can be corrected by changing lifestyle, in particular, nutrition.
  • First degree. Hepatocyte obesity reaches medium degree, the degeneration of the liver cells themselves into lipid tissue begins. Here you will need treatment pharmacological drugs.
  • Second degree. Whole foci of transformed hepatocytes appear, the lesion is diffuse, both medium and large.
  • Third degree. Pronounced diffuse obesity of liver cells. Large fat droplets not only fill the hepatocytes inside, but also stick to the outside, forming fatty cysts.

The last degree has a separate name - diffuse hepatosis. It will take a long time to treat such a manifestation of the disease; years of rehabilitation will be required.

Effective medicines

Treatment of this disease is aimed primarily at eliminating the causes that caused it. In addition, it is necessary to take medications to restore healthy metabolism, tissue regeneration and get rid of toxins. Such drug treatment involves the selection of individually suitable hepatoprotectors and antioxidant agents.

The former increase the stability of liver cells by strengthening their membranes and improving the synthesis of essential phospholipids.

Hepatoprotectors also reduce the level of bile acids and stimulate the secretion of bile. Antioxidants destroy free radicals harmful to hepatocytes, reducing the rate of oxidative reactions, and stop inflammatory processes.

What medications can a doctor prescribe against hepatosis?

Medicines What they contain How they work
"Essentiale", "Lecithin", "Essliver forte", "Phosphogliv" Essential phospholipids Protects liver cells. Cleanses the liver of heavy fats. They must be taken for several months.
“Heptral”, “Ademethionine”, “Methionine”, “Taufon”, “Dibikor”, “Taurine” Sulfoamino acids, in particular taurine Designed for a complex effect: they act as antioxidants and membrane stabilizing agents. These medications stimulate hepatic blood flow, dissolving bile acids, regulate the production of enzymes, as well as glucose metabolism. You need to be treated for one to two months.
“Gepabene”, “Legalon”, “Liv 52”, “Karsil”, “Khofitol”, “Silimar” Active extracts of medicinal plants: milk thistle, fume, artichoke and others They have choleretic and hepatoprotective properties. In addition, herbal medicines usually contain B vitamins, ascorbic acid, carotene, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes. The course of application is individual.

Additional maintenance medications

All of the above remedies are used only as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics and side effects. Self-treatment impermissible. Even vitamins in overdose can be dangerous.

Hepatologists recommend combining treatment with pharmacological drugs with herbal medicine. It is best to treat hepatosis with decoctions of milk thistle and oats. They normalize the outflow of bile, relieve spasms, remove toxins, stop the oxidative process in liver cells, and reanimate damaged hepatocyte membranes. Doctors also recommend herbal teas with lemon balm, mint, and rose hips. It’s a good idea to include parsley, dill and green salads, as well as artichokes and turmeric in your daily diet. The active substances in them restore liver tissue and remove heavy fats.

The accumulation of fatty tissue in the liver causes this pathology and leads to dysfunction of the organ. The mechanism of progression of the disease is such that the initial stage is characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the hepatocytes (liver cells) themselves, and if there is excess fat, it breaks through cell membrane and leads to the proliferation of connective tissue and fatty liver.

The features of such pathologies, as well as a possible treatment plan, are given in our article.

Concept and disease code according to ICD-10

Fatty hepatosis is characterized by a different pattern of occurrence and rate of cell transformation. Depending on the origin, there are two forms of hepatosis: alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

The primary and secondary forms of the disease are also classified. In the International Classification of Diseases it is registered under code K 76.0 - fatty liver degeneration.


Risk factors leading to the development of this disease are common to all characteristic liver diseases. Under the influence toxic substances, most often alcohol, the excretory function of the liver is disrupted, and healthy hepatocytes die, which are replaced by connective (fibrous) tissue.

The photo shows fatty liver hepatosis

Others also contribute to liver poisoning chemical compounds, for example, working in hazardous conditions or living in environmentally unfavorable areas.

Liver health is influenced by the patient's lifestyle and eating habits, as well as hereditary factors. Most often, several causes contribute to the occurrence of the disease, so the risk of hepatosis must be considered in the following cases.

For what reasons can the disease occur:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Metabolic disorders in endocrine diseases.
  • (usually over ten years).
  • Long-term use of certain medications (most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Viral hepatitis diseases.
  • Disturbances in the normal functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Metabolic disorders, obesity.
  • Constant dietary restriction, strict diets and fasting.

A combination of reasons leads to the development of fatty hepatosis. In some cases, the cause may not be clear, so no one is immune from such a disease.


Depending on the number of affected cells, four stages of the disease are distinguished, which determine the further prognosis for the patient.

Classification of hepatosis:

  • Zero stage. IN separate groups cells contain fatty inclusions.
  • First degree characterized by damage from 10 to 335 hepatocytes. Fat droplets become larger in size, forming separate lesions.
  • Second degree determines cell damage at the level of 33 – 66% of the total. Cellular obesity is formed by various types of compounds.
  • Third stage. Fatty inclusions extend beyond the boundaries of hepatocytes, forming fatty cysts. Cell damage reaches more than 66%.

Adequate treatment will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and completely get rid of the disease. This will take years, and the doctor’s recommendations must be followed for the rest of your life, but compared to the prospect - cirrhosis and fatal, this is the most acceptable option.


For the most part, manifestations of the disease can only be noticed in advanced stages.

Before this, hepatosis does not manifest itself in any way and the disease can only be detected during a preventive examination, including an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Objective complaints begin to appear when replaced liver cells become more than 10% of the total. At this stage, more than half of the organ ceases to perform its functions.

The following complaints are usually received:

  1. Soreness in the right side.
  2. Enlarged liver size, noticeable with.
  3. Digestive disorders: vomiting, or constipation.
  4. Deterioration of skin and hair condition.
  5. Predisposition to colds, poor immunity and allergic reactions.
  6. Reproductive dysfunction, inability to conceive.
  7. Women show deviations menstrual cycle, heavy or irregular bleeding.
  8. Impaired blood clotting.

Typically, anxiety symptoms do not appear suddenly, but increase over time. First, patients complain of pain and discomfort, then symptoms of intoxication of the body appear, because the affected organ ceases to perform its function.

Video program about signs of fatty liver hepatosis:

Acute form of the disease in pregnant women: clinical recommendations

Liver hepatosis is one of the most complex pathologies of pregnant women. Symptoms may be confused with food poisoning or infectious disease. Correct positioning Diagnosis is also complicated by the acute clinical picture, because the symptoms are varied.

What patients complain about:

  • Frequent vomiting that does not bring relief.
  • Abdominal pain of unknown localization.
  • Yellowness of the skin and sclera.
  • General deterioration of condition.

According to statistics, this pathology develops between 30 and 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Cases of acute fatty hepatosis occur approximately once every 13,500 - 14,000 births, so timely diagnosis is extremely difficult.

Usually a woman is admitted to the hospital with suspected infection or late toxicosis, which is considered a threat to miscarriage. Unfortunately, the only possible treatment is delivery as quickly as possible followed by drug therapy.

Previously, the mortality rate from this pathology was almost 100%, now the threat is less (about 25%), but still, this complication of pregnancy is considered extremely dangerous for the life of the mother and child, so all possible measures should be taken immediately.

Alcohol form

Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver, because it leads to its dysfunction.

Hepatosis that arises for such reasons quickly degenerates into hepatosis, which is an irreversible violation of the structure and functions of the liver.

With this development, the prognosis for the patient is extremely negative, because usually the survival rate of patients is about 40% in the first three years.

Fatty hepatosis of the pancreas: treatment

A specialist hepatologist will help prescribe the optimal therapy. Based on the examinations and test data, an individual course of medications is selected.

The dosage and regimen will be slightly different, because such drugs should provide relief from the affected organ, as well as improve functions due to special enzymes.

Treatment includes the following points:

  1. Strict diet. Compliance with dietary restrictions is a prerequisite for successful treatment. The diet should be varied, but as light and nutritious as possible.
  2. Lifelong abstinence from alcohol. Even with the development of non-alcoholic fatty hepatosis, giving up bad habits, including smoking, must be conscious.
  3. Patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle are at risk for developing this disease, so a necessary plan physical training can be agreed with your doctor.
  4. Drug therapy. The selection of drugs is carried out on an individual basis, and such drugs will have to be taken in long courses for the rest of your life. According to laboratory tests, the dosage and type of drug are adjusted, but drug support liver function occupies important role in her treatment for hepatosis.
  5. Methods traditional medicine, including taking herbal decoctions. They have a choleretic, cleansing and diuretic effect, and are effective in complex therapy hepatosis.

A special word can be said about special drugs - hepatoprotectors. They help normalize liver function even with significant damage to hepatocytes.

These drugs are usually safe when long-term use, you can choose the optimal dosage for each patient, and their effectiveness will allow them to be used even in the treatment of cirrhosis.

The drugs Essentiale, Galstena, Phosphogliv, Glutargin and Arginine aroused particular popularity and trust among patients. In addition, ursodeoxycholic acid preparations are often used, for example, Ursofalk, Grinterol, Ukrliv, Ursodesk and others. They are used for biliary disorders of the biliary tract.

How dangerous is the disease?

Fatty hepatosis leads to liver dysfunction, which is fatal for the patient.

Gradual intoxication of the body negatively affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys and even lungs, causing irreversible damage. Most often, hepatosis develops into, but this disease cannot be treated at all.

In addition, it is noted the following complications:

  • (liver enlargement).
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • Abdominal vascular dysfunction.
  • General intoxication of the body.
  • Progressive.

The development of cirrhosis with diagnosed hepatosis is a matter of time. The degeneration of cells and the proliferation of connective tissue in the last degree of hepatosis is irreversible, and therefore leads to the appearance of cirrhosis.

The rate of development of such a disease differs in each individual case, but the prognosis for the patient is very unfavorable.


It is impossible to determine the disease at an early stage using laboratory tests. Unfortunately, the increase normal indicators liver enzymes occurs already with progressive hepatosis.

At the zero and first stages, the disease is diagnosed exclusively special methods research, for example, or. It is distinguished by good information content and safety, which will show all tissue changes.

How to cleanse the liver using traditional medicine?

An effective method of treating and preventing hepatosis is liver cleansing. It can be done independently, but prior consultation with a doctor is required. If there are no contraindications, and the specialist has approved the chosen method, you can proceed with the procedure.

Options for independent use:

  • Preventive cleansing begins with preliminary cleansing of the intestines(fasting and enemas, only drinking water is allowed), after two days you need to take two allochol tablets and lie on your right side. After an hour, drink 50 grams of warm vegetable oil(olive or flaxseed is best), after that 30 grams lemon juice. Apply a heating pad to your right side and lie there for at least two hours.
  • Cleaning with vegetable oil is also very effective. To do this, three days before the procedure, you must completely abandon food of animal origin, and do a cleansing enema the day before. Before you start cleaning, you should also completely eliminate solid food, replacing it with a small amount of natural vegetable juice. Every day at 19 o'clock ( optimal time to release bile), you need to drink 100–120 grams of warm vegetable oil. After this, you should lie down using a heating pad on your right side. After about two hours, the process of emptying the intestines will begin. You can repeat this cleaning two to three times a year.
  • Cleaning with buckwheat porridge. To do this, you need to boil 50 grams of buckwheat in 200 grams of water. Cook for a long time, about 20 - 35 minutes, without salt, oil and other ingredients. Eat the porridge in one sitting, warm. After this, lie on your right side with a heating pad under it. After some time, go to the toilet. The feces will be liquid and dark in color, which indicates the effectiveness of cleaning. This cleaning can be repeated no more than once a month.

When carrying out such procedures, it is very important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and not to abuse these methods. If you feel worse, be sure to consult your doctor to avoid possible complications.

Diet: sample menu

Adjusting your diet taking into account liver pathologies is not so difficult. To do this, you should take into account the need for fractional nutrition (portions should be designed for 4–5 meals a day), cooking technology (cooking, steaming and baking, rarely stewing).

The amount of salt must be reduced, and fatty foods must be removed from the diet.

In general, the composition of the diet remains complete, only alcoholic drinks, “harmful” foods and fatty foods are removed. The information provided will help to accurately determine all the boundaries of what is permitted.

Allowed foods:

  • Lean meat, meat products.
  • Low-fat fish, stewed and boiled.
  • Boiled milk sausages.
  • Vegetable and milk soups.
  • Chicken egg (1 piece per day).
  • Mild cheese, ham.
  • Porridge on the water.
  • Low-fat dairy products.
  • Boiled or stewed vegetables (can be baked).
  • Vegetable salads.
  • Steamed omelette.
  • Fresh fruits (except citrus fruits) and non-acidic berries.
  • Compotes, jelly, decoctions, weak tea.

It should be taken into account that daily norm fat is reduced to 70 grams. Use sour cream, fermented baked milk, and fatty cottage cheese with caution. It is also worth limiting the consumption of strong tea, coffee, and sparkling mineral water.

Legumes should be consumed in very limited quantities. If digestive problems occur, this product is completely removed from the diet.

Prohibited products:

  • Any types of alcohol.
  • Sweet sparkling water.
  • Store-bought snacks (chips, nuts and crackers).
  • Spicy, fatty and too spicy dishes.
  • Concentrated meat broths.
  • Pickles and smoked meats.
  • Fresh onions and garlic.
  • Fresh radish and radish.

An important requirement of the diet is split meals. You should divide your diet into several small portions and sit down at the table four to five times a day. You will need to follow the diet for life, and improvements in your well-being will not be long in coming.

Is it possible to cure the pathology completely?

Diagnosed on early stages hepatosis is successfully treated medicinal adjustment. Special preparations and radical changes in lifestyle and eating habits will help avoid complications.

On last stage or with insufficient treatment, hepatosis quickly progresses and leads to severe complications And . In this case, it is not possible to get rid of the disease; drugs only eliminate the accompanying manifestations and discomfort.


The best way to avoid developing this disease is to follow the rules healthy image life. A strict diet, exclusion of alcohol, harmful and difficult to digest food, as well as fractional meals - all these measures should become permanent.

It is very important to undergo examinations on time, to treat the acute phase of diseases, preventing them from becoming chronic. In addition, if there are associated problems, for example with overweight, you should work hard on yourself to reduce the risks of such a pathology.

Fatty hepatosis - serious illness liver, leading to irreversible consequences in the organ.

Under the influence of external and internal unfavorable factors, liver cells accumulate excess fat, which then fills all the space in the affected organ. This pathology often leads to, which is an irreversible disease and a mortal threat to the patient.