Products with antioxidant activity. Antioxidant drugs in pharmacies

Antioxidants, antioxidants (preservatives, antioxidants) - molecules with a negatively charged electron, oxidation inhibitors, synthetic or natural substances that can slow down the oxidation process.

Antioxidants are substances that slow down the oxidation process by scavenging free radicals. The older a person is, the worse his antioxidant system copes with its tasks. This is especially true for people living in industrial centers and megacities. Antioxidant preparations from pharmacies are designed to help restore the body, promote health and prolong youth.

Main groups of antioxidants

To date, scientists know a huge number of various antioxidants, the number of which is growing every year, but all of them can be divided into four categories:

  1. Vitamins. They can be fat or water soluble. The latter provide protection for ligaments, blood vessels and muscles, while fat-soluble ones protect adipose tissue in organism. Among the most potent among fat-soluble vitamins are vitamin A, beta-carotene and vitamin E. As for water-soluble, among them the most powerful are vitamin C (ascorbic acid - antioxidant) and B vitamins.
  2. Bioflavonoids. This type of antioxidant is also found in preparations, and is also found in red wine in the form of catechins, and in green tea in the form of quartzetin. Bioflavonoids act on free radicals like a trap that suppresses their development.
  3. Enzymes. These antioxidant tablets act as catalysts to help neutralize free radicals. They are also produced by the body.
  4. Minerals. The body is not synthesized, but enters the body from the outside in the form of products and antioxidant drugs from the list. The most powerful are calcium, zinc and manganese.

Vitamin Antioxidants

Such antioxidants are sold over the counter in pharmacies. These preparations are vitamin-mineral complexes. The following pharmaceutical preparations fall into the list of antioxidants of this type:

Vitrum-forte Q10. The drugs help slow down the wear of systems and organs, stimulating their blood supply and regulating the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.

Vitrum antioxidant. This antioxidant is medicinal product Provides protection against the damaging effects of free radicals. The complex is prescribed to strengthen the immune system for colds and infections, as well as for the prevention of hypovitaminosis.

You can find out how antioxidants from the group of vitamin-type preparations work in the instructions for a particular preparation, choosing the best option for yourself.

Omega-3 preparations

This group of antioxidant preparations contains fatty acid omega-3 and these include such popular pharmaceutical products, how:

  • fish fat;
  • Vitrum cardio;
  • Epadol;
  • Omacor;
  • Tekom and some others.

When ingested, omega-3 acids restore the normal balance of polyunsaturated fats. The strongest antioxidants in drugs in this group are:

Essentiale. A complex pharmacy antioxidant, in which, in addition to phospholipids, there are vitamins with antioxidant properties. The drug is indispensable in the fields of obstetrics, pulmonology and cardiology.

Liping. A powerful antioxidant drug of natural origin to restore the functional activity of the endothelium. It has immunomodulatory and membrane-protective properties, and also strengthens the antioxidant defenses in the body.

Berlition, Espa Lipon. These antioxidants in medications are prescribed for hyperglycemia to lower blood glucose levels. Berlition is also used for diabetic neuropathy, and Espa-Lipon is a lipid-lowering agent, detoxifier and hepatoprotector.

Peptide and nucleic drugs

Antioxidants of this group of drugs are used both in complex and in mono-therapy. The most powerful antioxidants in tablets from the list are pharmaceutical preparations:

Glutargin. It contains arginine and glutamic acid. It creates a hypoammoniemic effect and is distinguished by antioxidant, antihypoxic and cardioprotective activity. Assign for cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis and other diseases.

Asparkam, Panangin. Popular drugs antioxidants stimulate motility digestive system, the formation of ATP, normalize the work of blood vessels and the heart, and also tone up skeletal muscles.

Kratal, Dibikor. These antioxidants from the pharmacy create a hypoglycemic and stress-protective effect on the human body. They are prescribed for diabetes and other endocrine disorders, as well as for heart failure. Kratal can be used for vegetative neurosis.

Cerebrolysin. The main component of this antioxidant drug is a hydrolyzate of a substance from porcine brain. The agent reduces the concentration of lactate in the brain tissues, reduces the neurotoxic effects of certain amino acids, etc. The drug is prescribed for strokes and cerebrovascular abnormalities.

Actovegin. This antioxidant tablet is a carefully purified hemodialysate of blood. It contains oligopeptides, nucleosides and other important components that increase the influx of potassium and stimulate the exchange of phosphates. The tool creates a powerful antioxidant effect and is used for damage to the central nervous system, organic lesions eyes and other diseases.

Unfortunately, forever young and beautiful can only be on your profile picture. In life, everything is different: with age, wrinkles and diseases appear. And free radicals are to blame for all these troubles. To combat them, you can use natural products and artificial antioxidants - drugs that are sold in pharmacies. They will be discussed.

How to protect yourself from the "agents of old age"?

Free radicals are molecules that are missing one electron. These are found both in products and in environment. Everything would be fine, but, once in the body, they are strenuously trying to make up for their “defect” and are looking for material for themselves to “complete”, taking it from other cells. By damaging them, they cause premature aging. After 30 years, almost a third of all protein compounds suffer from free radical attacks.

To stop their destructive action, there are drugs - antioxidants. What is it and what do they contain? These are special substances neutralizing oxidation processes that are created in laboratories. They increase the endurance of cells, prolong youth and increase human life expectancy.

They can be put into the body certain products. But why are synthetic antioxidants better? natural products? Actually nothing. The best option– to get such useful substances with food. But not everyone has the opportunity to eat fully and correctly. In addition, the quality of the products themselves today leaves much to be desired: they contain nitrates and other harmful components. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from cancer, heart disease, preserve vision and avoid early aging, it is advisable to take artificial antioxidants - drugs that can be found in pharmacies.

The Best Antioxidants for Age-Related Diseases

If you have already felt the harmful effects of "evil" radicals and are determined to give a decisive rebuff to diseases and old age, then use "pure" antioxidants. Preparations (the list of them is quite impressive) of this spectrum are available, but a doctor should prescribe them: having shown amateur activity, you can harm your well-being.

The most powerful antioxidants are used in complex and monotherapy. Among the best are such pharmaceutical preparations:

  • Glutargin. Includes glutamic acid and arginine. It has not only antioxidant, but also antihypoxic (improves oxygen metabolism) and cardioprotective activity (positively affects the functioning of the heart). This drug is prescribed for cirrhosis, hepatitis and other serious ailments;
  • Asparkam and Panangin. It's pretty known medicines from a range of synthetic antioxidants. They have a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels, maintain skeletal muscles in good shape, stimulate ATP synthesis;
  • Dibikor, Cratal. Produce stress-protective and hypoglycemic effects. They are prescribed for diabetes and other endocrine pathologies. They are also shown to those who have found insufficiency of the pumping function of the heart. Kratal becomes a real salvation in VVD;
  • Actovegin. The drug, which, as they say, "on hearing." The main thing active substance of this antioxidant is purified blood hemodialysate. It also contains other valuable elements that replenish potassium and stimulate phosphate metabolism. The drug effectively resists free radicals and is used for lesions of the central nervous system, pathologies of the organs of vision;
  • Cerebrolysin. Medicine with impressive "experience". Its antioxidant effect is based on the presence in the composition of a special substance from the pig brain. It reduces the content of lactate in brain tissues and suppresses the neurotoxic effects of certain amino acids. It is usually included in the prescription list for strokes and other pathologies of the nervous system.

Antioxidants without a prescription: how to prolong your youth?

If you don’t have any particular health problems, but the signs of age are already making themselves felt, then it’s better to start with vitamin and mineral complexes. The following multivitamins lead the list of such antioxidants:

  • Vitrum-forte Q10. A remedy that slows down the natural wear and tear of all organs, improves their blood supply and normalizes the content of "bad" cholesterol;
  • Vitrum antioxidant. Qualitatively blocks the oxidative process, which reduces the danger of harmful radicals. Can be used with preventive purposes(to prevent beriberi), and to strengthen the immune system (with frequent SARS);
  • Essentiale. It is a complex antioxidant. Its peculiarity is that it contains phospholipids and vitamins;
  • Liping. Considered the most powerful antioxidant natural origin. Restores the activity of the endothelium, increases defensive forces and antioxidant capabilities cells;
  • Espa Lipon, Berlition. Drugs that reduce the concentration of glucose.

The range of antioxidant drugs is quite large, but you need to pay attention to this feature: so that vitamins and trace elements neutralize Negative influence free radicals should be increased by 2-3 times daily dose and drink them for at least a year.

What to eat to fight free radicals?

As already mentioned, you can help your body resist insidious radicals not only with pills. Products can also do this. These are vegetables and fruits (grapes), vegetable oils, germinated grains, green tea, coffee ( good quality), chocolate, spices (cinnamon and cloves). The only pity is that most of them are fraught with an impressive amount of calories, so consuming them in large quantities simply will not work.

So are antioxidants the magic bullet to stop aging? Scientists have not yet come to a consensus. The healing effect of these elements on the body has not yet been proven by science. But one thing is known for sure: the right and balanced diet and well-chosen vitamin complexes will help to avoid many diseases and prolong youth.

How often do we hear that some mysterious substances-antioxidants are certainly needed by people to improve health, prolong youth and longevity. And I really want to know more precisely: an antioxidant - what it is, what preparations it contains, what it is eaten with both literally and figuratively, what it opposes (after all, as you know, the prefix "anti" means "against") . This topic is very relevant, because today it is in trend healthy lifestyle life. We invite our readers to deal with the questions that have arisen in more detail.

Oxidant and antioxidant - what is it?

Our whole world is built on the unity and struggle of opposites: if there is a plus, then there must certainly be a minus nearby, light side by side with darkness, etc. And it would be logical to assume that since there are antioxidants in the world, this means that they are inextricably linked with something directly opposite, i.e. with oxidants. And this pair is connected by nothing more than a constant struggle of the first with the second.

After a lyrical digression, let's dip into dry scientific facts. Studies have long proven that the indispensable participants metabolic processes of our body are the so-called free radicals (oxidants) - these are not substances, as many mistakenly believe, but molecules - much smaller matter. Each oxidant has a free unpaired electron. And it is this property that gives them high chemical activity.

By themselves, oxidants are neither harmful nor bad, they are needed by the body and are actively involved in its work. But under the influence of certain factors (diseases, poor ecology, stress, unhealthy diet, smoking, etc.), their number begins to grow uncontrollably, and these extra, chemically active molecules begin to destroy healthy cells and tissues; harmful oxidative processes begin to occur. To resist destruction, antioxidant substances are needed that are able to neutralize the action of harmful molecules.

What are antioxidants

Our smart body is able to produce its own internal antioxidants. Many healthy foods also contain them, therefore, consuming healthy food, we help the body fight oxidants. In childhood and adolescence, a lot of antioxidants are produced, but over time, their deficiency begins to increase more and more, which negatively affects health: a person gets sick more and more often, and the aging process grows faster and faster.

But we can help our body by supplying it with vital substances from the outside, not only with food, but also with various drugs and vitamins. Summing up the above, we conclude that antioxidants are internal and external (food, various vitamins, drugs). It is the second group that we will consider in more detail in the future.

How do antioxidants work in the human body?

There are antioxidants - drugs that are very expensive, and yet people do not spare money to buy them. This happens because these substances are able to literally transform our body, both inside and out, and even at a very advanced age. Here is a list of what happens to the body due to the activity of antioxidants:

  • Strengthens immunity.
  • The formation of altered cells is prevented, the growth of tumors is inhibited.
  • Collagen is restored.
  • Rejuvenation processes are launched, etc.

The cure for old age

To the question: "Antioxidant - what is it?" you can give a well-founded answer that this is a cure for old age. It is considered that increased content such substances in the body can directly affect the increase in life expectancy. This conclusion was made after the experiment of scientists from the United States, conducted on mice. Animals that were stimulated to increase the production of internal antioxidant enzymes lived much longer than the rest of their brethren and were much less sick. If this also works for humans, this means that the average life expectancy of people could increase to 100 years.

Indeed, there are research results that confirm that taking antioxidant drugs in old age greatly reduces the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases. In general, people who take antioxidant supplements along with healthy eating began to feel much better, more active and younger.

List of the most famous antioxidants

From the group of vitamins:

  • Tocopherol - vitamin E - an antioxidant that counteracts the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes by radicals.
  • Vitamin C. Actively neutralizes oxidants and at the same time restores vitamin E consumed in the fight against them.
  • A (carotene).

C, E and A are antioxidant vitamins that make up a very strong bond, they are able to multiply each other's action.


There are some plants and foods that are considered antioxidants on their own. These include:

  • Green tea.
  • Ginseng.
  • Blueberry.
  • Grape.
  • Medicinal mushrooms (meitake, veselka, shiitake, cordyceps, reishi).

What foods are high in antioxidants

The substances of interest to us are most in products such as fruits, berries and vegetables (of course, fresh), as well as in a number of oils and nuts, but not in all, but only in those that are presented in the following lists:

1. Fruits and berries:

  • Plums.
  • Black chokeberry.
  • Citrus.
  • Grenades.
  • Black currant.
  • Cranberry.
  • Blueberry.
  • Cherry.
  • Blackberry.
  • Radish.
  • Broccoli.
  • Eggplant.
  • Garlic and onion.
  • Beet.
  • Spinach and asparagus.
  • Beans.
  • Radish and turnip.
  • Carrot.
  • Palm.
  • Milk thistle.
  • Wheat germ.
  • Corn.
  • Almond.
  • Pistachios.
  • Walnuts.

Some spices and herbs cannot be ignored: oregano, parsley, cinnamon, turmeric and cloves - they are all excellent antioxidants. Preparations containing these herbal ingredients are often found and are in good demand.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Nutrition modern man far from ideal, most people today live in cities; He takes vegetables and fruits not in the beds, but from store shelves, sometimes far from the first freshness. Such products lack the most valuable nutrients. To make up for their deficiency, you have to go to the pharmacy and buy various mineral complexes and antioxidant vitamins there.

Fortunately the choice similar drugs very large, even eyes run up from beautiful multi-colored boxes with useful pills and capsules inside. And it is very convenient that in many of these health products, the necessary minerals and vitamins are combined together. That is, the way it happens in nature. Here is an approximate range of what can be freely purchased today in the pharmacy chain:

  • "Selmevit".
  • "Vitrum memory".
  • "Selenium-active".
  • "Retinol acetate".
  • "Selenium Compliment".
  • Selmevit intensive.
  • "Oxylik".
  • "Glutathione".
  • "Doppelgerz Active".
  • "Vetoron".
  • "Triovit".
  • "Synergin".
  • "Rehabilar" and others.

I would like to say a few separate words about "Complivit" - an antioxidant that is in constant demand. A small tablet of the drug contains about 19 essential elements for humans, including minerals: magnesium, zinc, cobalt, copper, calcium, manganese; vitamins E, B1, C, B2, A, B12, PP, B5, P, B6, folic acid and thioctic (lipoic acid). We can say that this is an ideal composition for a vitamin-mineral complex that can fully satisfy all the needs of the body.

Antioxidant drugs

Even taking good vitamin complexes and trying to eat only healthy foods, people, without knowing it, may experience an acute shortage in the body of substances that fight free radicals. This is especially true for those who are employed in any hazardous industry, heavy smokers or residents of areas with poor ecology. In this case, the following drugs can be called to help:

  • "Coenzyme Q10" - strengthens the defenses, removes oxidants, activates blood circulation, slows down the aging process.
  • Lipin is an immunomodulator that maintains a high activity of the antioxidant system.
  • "Debikor" and "Kratal" are two very important amino acids that help the body to establish many processes.
  • "Panangin" and "Asparkam" - effectively improve the functions of the heart and blood vessels, stimulate the formation of ATP, activate intestinal motility, tone skeletal muscles.
  • "Omacor", "Epadol", "Tecom" and others are engaged in restoring the balance of polyunsaturated acids in the body.

What to choose

So what kind of antioxidants to choose? Reviews and recommendations of doctors about various means should help you make a choice. It is especially important to discuss with your doctor which drug to start taking for people who have serious problems with health.

Antioxidant cosmetic creams against skin aging

Today, many women try to use some good antioxidant cream to maintain the beauty and freshness of the skin. Indeed, such external cosmetics are able to transform the appearance in an amazing way: smooth wrinkles, improve complexion, even out the relief, make the skin radiant and young. The main rule: to achieve the desired effect, you need to use a similar cream for at least 30 days.

The compositions of the best cosmetic anti-aging products include whole complex various antioxidant substances that can stimulate each other's action. And almost mandatory is the presence in the formula of the famous trinity - vitamins A, B and C. Well, then each manufacturer develops its own special formulations and recipes. Various extracts of natural oxidant plants, fruits, oils can be added to the cream: green tea, grapes, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut, rosemary, witch hazel, sea buckthorn, peach, sesame, just to name a few. Coenzyme Q10 is also a common ingredient in antioxidant skin care products.

Creams with antioxidant complexes are available for different types skin, so that any woman can pick up the most suitable remedy. But there is one secret in the use of such cosmetics: you can not abuse it. Sometimes people believe that since antioxidants are so useful, then if you smear with a cream in which they are contained in the morning, afternoon and evening, and apply it more on the skin, this will speed up the rejuvenation process. In fact, it turns out the opposite: the natural balance of the skin is disturbed and this does not lead to anything good.

Final word

Our review on the topic: "Antioxidant - what is it" has come to an end. We hope we were able to convey the information in an understandable way. The drugs that were discussed are not medicines in the full sense of the word. You can probably live without them, but with them, most diseases are cured much faster, and the quality of life of even healthy and young people is much improved, thanks to the burst of energy they will receive. Whatever you choose for yourself, be it drugs with coenzyme Q10, mineral complex"Complivit", anti-oxidants of youth, hidden in tubes of cream, this should certainly be beneficial, because such a choice in itself means an interest in strengthening one's own health.


Hello to all! Those who are engaged in their health have probably heard about substances such as antioxidants. Here's about these substances and their benefits for our body and will be discussed in this article on my .

The best antioxidants. Free radicals and antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that protect our body against cellular level from external and internal influences.

The role of antioxidants is directly related to the role of free radicals - unstable molecules that disrupt important biological processes.

The instability of these molecules is caused by the presence of an unpaired electron in its outer level, which seeks to find a "pair" for itself. And not having found a “pair” for themselves, free radicals are harmful to our body.

It has been proven that the harmful effects of free radicals are directly related to:

  • with the formation of malignant tumors,
  • premature aging,
  • visual impairment and
  • heart disease.

The formation of free radicals is primarily influenced by malnutrition, and the addition of antioxidants to food helps to establish the necessary balance between them.

The mechanism of action of antioxidants is simple: they are like traps for free radicals. By donating their electron to the radical, they stop chain reaction, destructive cell membranes which speeds up the healing process and strengthens the body.

By adding foods containing vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene to your diet, you can significantly reduce the damage of free radicals.

Products containing antioxidants.

Even absolutely healthy person exposed to free radicals: they appear when the temperature fluctuates, harmful conditions work, bad climate.

And only food antioxidants that enter the human body in sufficient quantities can not only protect it, but also improve metabolism and stabilize weight.

1) Powerful antioxidant vitamins C, A and E:

  • vitamin C is rich in all citrus fruits, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, rose hips. Vitamin C helps improve immunity, fights the occurrence of stones and sand in the kidneys and gallbladder. It is important to know that this vitamin quickly loses its beneficial features at heat treatment, so it is better to give preference to foods that can be consumed raw.
  • vitamin A improves vision, reduces the risk of malignant tumor. Foods containing vitamin A: liver, butter, egg yolk, red pepper, pumpkin, carrot and broccoli.
  • new potatoes, currants, Green pepper, peanuts, peas, sprouted wheat - this is a far from exhaustive list of foods containing vitamin E.

2) Beta-carotene is found in:

It protects the body from cancer, prevents strokes, improves the immune system.

List of antioxidants or which foods containing antioxidants are in the lead?:

1. The first places among vegetables are occupied by spinach and asparagus.

2. Among the berries - black and red currants,.

3. Among the drinks are citrus juices.

4. also referred to as natural antioxidants. Follow the link to read about it.

5., oils - owners of antioxidant properties. Come in, get acquainted!

Interesting: if you want to know what kind of antioxidant is contained in the product, look at its color.

The use of antioxidants in the form of tablets and dietary supplements

By far, the most powerful antioxidants are food: they are more active than antioxidant tablets.

But it is very important to remember that the content of vitamins and nutrients in the product is strongly influenced by the purity of the surrounding cut, as well as the soil on which the plant is grown.

There is another plus of using antioxidants in tablets - this is the ability to get several at once with one tablet. different vitamins and minerals.

It has been proven that the human body is not able to absorb all the antioxidants that enter the body, but only a certain amount of them.

For an adult, the minimum rate is 360 mg, and the maximum is 1300 mg.

Thus, the use of antioxidant tablets becomes optional if your diet is balanced and varied, you do not smoke and do not work for dangerous work do not inhale chemical vapors or live in a radiation-free environment.

If at least one of the items listed suits you, then the use of vitamins and vitamin complexes won't hurt.

Antioxidant drugs list:

In addition to the listed drugs, you can separately take:

By the way, it is also one of the best antioxidants. and complete this list. Follow the links provided to learn more about the benefits of certain products.

are substances that neutralize free radicals. When it comes to antioxidants, most often they mean antioxidants of organic compounds. The group of antioxidants includes minerals, carotenoids and vitamins.

Free radicals are molecules that lack one or more electrons. Every day, the internal organs of a person, consisting of billions of cells, suffer from multiple attacks by such defective compounds. There can be up to 10,000 such attacks per day. Once in the human body, free radicals begin to "search" for the missing electrons, and when they find them, they take them away from healthy and full-fledged molecules. As a result, human health suffers, as its cells become unable to work normally and perform their functions. The body experiences what is known as oxidative stress.

The person himself does not produce free radicals, they enter the body from the outside under the influence of the following negative factors:

    Radiation and ultraviolet radiation;

    Tobacco smoking, alcohol and drug use;

    Work in hazardous industries;

    Living in ecologically unfavorable areas;

    Eating poor quality food.

How more dose free radicals that have penetrated into the body, the more terrible the consequences of their destructive effects.

Among the possible disorders that can be triggered by free radicals:

    Oncological diseases.

    vascular atherosclerosis.

    Varicose disease.

    Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

    Inflammation of the joints.

    Bronchial asthma.



These diseases are not all the negative consequences of exposure to free radicals on the body. They have the ability to intervene normal structure DNA and provoke changes in hereditary information. In addition, all body systems suffer: immune, bone, nervous. The process of aging and cell death is accelerated.

modern medicine does not have the ability to prevent the penetration of free radicals into the body with the help of any drugs. But antioxidants can reduce their damaging effects. It is thanks to them that a person gets sick less, less often and easier.

Antioxidants have the opposite effect of free radicals. They "find" damaged cells in the body and give them their electrons, protecting them from damage. Moreover, the antioxidants themselves do not lose their stability after they donate their own electron.

Thanks to this cell support human body refreshed, cleansed, rejuvenated. Antioxidants can be compared to strategic troops, who are always at their post and ready to fight for human health.

How do antioxidants slow down aging?

Doctors are increasingly convinced that it is antioxidants that slow down the aging of the human body. American scientists are convinced that the higher the content of antioxidants in the body, the higher the life expectancy. Observation of mice, in whose body the production of antioxidant enzymes took place at an accelerated pace, revealed that their life expectancy increased by 20%. In addition, rodents were less likely to suffer from cardiovascular pathologies and age-related diseases.

If we transfer these indicators to a person, then the life expectancy of such people should be 100 years or more. After all, American scientists from the University of Washington confirm the hypothesis that free radicals provoke increased aging of the body. It is with them that cardiovascular, oncological and other diseases that affect the life expectancy of a person are associated.

A joint experiment of Peter Rabinovich and his colleagues on mice made it possible to establish that the influence of free radicals on the aging process is great. Yes, they are in laboratory conditions mice were bred, in the body of which they artificially caused an increase in the production of the enzyme catalase. This enzyme works as an antioxidant and promotes the elimination of hydrogen peroxide. It, in turn, is a source of free radicals and occurs in the process of their metabolism.

Free radicals disrupt normal flow chemical processes inside cells and provoke the appearance of new free radicals. Eventually pathological process repeats over and over again. Antioxidants allow this vicious cycle to be broken.

Antioxidant vitamins that are able to absorb the maximum amount of free radicals are vitamins E, C, A. They are found in various foods that a person eats, however, due to the poor environmental situation in the world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make up for the deficiency of vitamins from natural sources. Vitamin complexes can help in such a situation and biological additives beneficial effect on the human body.

Antioxidant vitamins play the following role in the body:

    Tocopherol or vitamin E promotes inhibition of peroxidation, prevents free radicals from destroying healthy cells. It is embedded in cell membranes and repels attacks from within. Vitamin E has beneficial effect on the skin, prevents its aging, enhances the immune forces of the body, is prophylactic from a cataract. Thanks to tocopherol, oxygen is better absorbed by cells.

    Retinol or vitamin A allows you to reduce the harmful effects on the body of electromagnetic and radioactive radiation, increases the natural resistance to stress. Retinol has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes of internal organs, protecting them from destruction. Due to the regular intake of beta-carotene, from which vitamin A is synthesized, the human immune system effectively fights viruses and bacteria. One more invaluable benefit Vitamin A for the human body is a decrease in the level of cholesterol in the blood, which, in turn, is the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, as well as other cardiovascular diseases. It has been established that at insufficient content in the body of vitamin A in the first place suffer skin and vision.

    Vitamin C. This vitamin fights free radicals, preventing them from destroying brain cells, while stimulating its work. Due to the regular intake of vitamin C in the body, the production of interferon is enhanced, which provides immune defense person.

When starting to take vitamins, it should be borne in mind that it will be possible to achieve maximum antioxidant activity only with the right combination of vitamins with minerals.

Antioxidant Minerals

Antioxidant minerals are macro- and microcompounds that allow not only to strengthen positive influence antioxidant vitamins, but also help to reduce the number allergic reactions, stimulate the immune system, act as anti-cancer components. Thanks to their reception, you can get a vasodilating and antibacterial effect.

Antioxidant minerals include:

    Copper. This mineral is an element of the superoxide dismutase enzyme, which actively fights harmful oxidants. Copper is directly involved in cellular metabolism. If there is a lack of this mineral in the body, then the work of the immune system suffers first of all, which leads to more frequent infectious diseases.

    Manganese promotes the absorption of antioxidant vitamins and also allows cell membranes to resist free radical attacks.

    Zinc. This antioxidant helps repair damage and breaks in the DNA structure, allows better absorption of vitamin A and helps maintain it. normal level in organism.

    Chromium is involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, increases the efficiency of the body, accelerates the transformation of glucose into glycogen.

Although nature gives a person a huge amount of the most powerful antioxidant products, he still does not receive them in the required amount. It would seem that it is enough to have such foods as grapes, green tea, blueberries, ginseng and some mushrooms in your diet, as the problem will be solved. However, regular stress, poor environmental conditions, poor soil, nutritional errors - all this does not allow antioxidants to fully fight free radicals. According to scientists from the Research Institute of Food Hygiene, more than 50% of people suffer from a lack of vitamin A, and more than 85% of the population is deficient in vitamin C. And one cigarette smoked destroys daily allowance vitamin C.

For the body to resist negative impact free radicals, it needs an additional source of antioxidants. Biologically active additives allow to cover this shortage. The antioxidants contained in them are not inferior in their effectiveness to the antioxidants obtained from food. They also successfully fight cancer, prevent aging of the body, strengthen the immune system.

Antioxidants in foods are essential for the human body to keep it healthy. The strongest antioxidants of natural origin are anthocyanins and flavonoids, they are found in the composition of plants and are responsible for their color.

Foods that are especially rich in antioxidants are:

    Red, blue, black and orange vegetables;

    Sour and sweet and sour fruits;

    Whole green vegetables and herbs (especially broccoli, parsley, dill, celery).

There are many antioxidants in small beans (red, black, variegated), in boiled artichoke, in some apples, in dried fruits, in plums. Berries are rich in these beneficial substances: raspberries, currants, strawberries, cranberries. Do not forget about nuts, among which the most useful are walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans.

The diet should also include foods such as:

    Radishes, radishes, turnips, carrots, beets, onions, spinach, eggplants;

    Chokeberry, blueberries, cherries, grapes (including raisins), blackberries;

    Citrus fruits, pomegranates;

    unrefined vegetable oil;

    Natural coffee and tea;

    Spices: turmeric, cinnamon, oregano cloves;

    Parsley, dill, celery (and any other greens);

The amount of antioxidants in different foods varies. In addition, not all products have been tested for the presence of these beneficial substances. Only one thing is known for certain - the richer the color of the product, the more antioxidants it contains. To get certain antioxidants from food, you should pay attention to their color.

    Lycopene is found in tomatoes and other red vegetables, berries and fruits.

    Lutein can be found in corn and other yellow-colored plants.

    Carotene is present in orange vegetables and fruits.

    Anthocyanins are found in black berries and dark blue vegetables.

To get the most antioxidants from foods, you need to cook them properly, and best of all, eat them raw. In some cases, steam heat treatment is suitable. If you boil, fry or bake vegetables and fruits for more than 15 minutes, then not only them suffer the nutritional value, but also destroyed useful compounds. In addition, the amount of antioxidants in vegetables and fruits decreases as they are stored.

Antioxidant power of products

The name of the best antioxidant products

Antioxidant capacity of the product per gram

Berries and fruits

wild blueberry

black plum

white plum

Cultivated blueberries



Hazelnut, hazelnut



small red beans

regular red beans

Green beans


black beans



ground cinnamon

Oregano leaf

dried parsley

Scientists working at Boston University indicate that spices exhibit maximum antioxidant activity.

15 Best Antioxidant Foods

Name of fruits and vegetables

The number of antioxidant units per 100 grams of product



Brussels sprouts

alfalfa sprouts

Broccoli (flowers)


grapes red

Antioxidants from fresh juices are the same antioxidants from food, but in a much higher concentration. One glass of juice is enough to satisfy daily requirement body in various antioxidants. Such a volume cannot be obtained by using raw vegetables and fruits, since simply physically a person will not be able to eat them in such quantities (meaning, in their raw form). In addition, most of the vitamins and minerals are destroyed during the heat treatment of food, and freshly squeezed juices are not subjected to any heat treatment.

It is useful to drink almost any freshly squeezed juices: berry, fruit and vegetable. Naturally, the higher the level of antioxidants in fresh vegetable or fruit, the higher will be their concentration in fresh juice.

Record amount of antioxidants in dark berries. Of the vegetables, beets are in the lead (which can only be drunk in combination with other juices, for example, with carrots).

Important: do not abuse fruit juices, as they greatly increase blood sugar levels and stimulate the production of the hormone insulin!

The strongest antioxidants

Glutathione is a tripeptide that has powerful antioxidant properties. This antioxidant protects the cells of the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and toxic substances. Glutathione can bind heavy metals and toxins, removing them from the body.

Glutathione is synthesized from L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine ​​and glycine. Glutathione is able to attach to liver enzymes, followed by the removal of toxic substances in the bile. It is involved in the synthesis of DNA, prostaglandins, proteins. Glutathione is essential for normal functioning immune and respiratory systems, liver and gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

Glutathione is produced by the body on its own, but in order to help it in this process, it is necessary to include poultry meat, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables (carrots, asparagus, broccoli, peppers, oranges, apples, horseradish, swede, color and Brussels sprouts) in the menu. cabbage, etc.). Spices, especially cumin, turmeric and cinnamon, are useful for restoring normal levels of Glutathione in the body. Selenium has been found to promote the production of the cysteine ​​molecule, which in turn promotes the production of Glutathione.

Glutathione deficiency leads to the following problems:

    The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, kidney and liver diseases increases.

    Suffering the immune system due to decreased cytokine production.

    The physical and mental well-being of a person as a whole is deteriorating.

    The condition of the skin deteriorates.

Glutathione can be obtained not only from food. There are special supplements that contain this antioxidant. They can be taken orally, by inhalation or by injection. However, they are most often prescribed for very serious illnesses, for example, with atherosclerosis, HIV infection, Parkinson's disease, etc.

Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that can be synthesized on its own. It helps to restore the antioxidant activity of vitamin E. The maximum concentration of coenzyme Q10 is found in the heart muscle.

Scientists suggest that the aging of the human body is directly related to a decrease in the level of coenzyme Q10. So, in people over the age of 60, the content of this antioxidant in the myocardium is lower by 40-60% compared to young people. The maximum values ​​of coenzyme Q10 in the myocardium are found at the age of 20, after which a gradual drop in this indicator begins.

The reasons why the concentration of coenzyme Q10 in the body decreases are varied, among them various diseases such as atherosclerosis, hyperthyroidism, bronchial asthma, hepatitis, Parkinson's disease, etc.

To increase the level of this antioxidant in the body, you can use following products to be included in the menu:

    Red palm oil;

    Herring, rainbow trout;


    Sesame, peanuts, pistachios;

    Cauliflower, broccoli;

    Chicken eggs.

V complex therapy coenzyme Q10 is used in cardiovascular diseases (heart failure, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, ischemic disease heart, disorders heart rate etc.). This antioxidant is also used in pediatrics to improve energy metabolism in cells, especially for the treatment of children who are often ill.

Doctors note that taking coenzyme Q10 preparations improves sleep, reduces headaches, eliminates cardialgia in childhood, which is especially necessary when correcting vegetative dystonia. People who take Coenzyme Q10 supplements have an increased physical endurance, improves the perception of intellectual loads. Coenzyme Q10 is also used in the complex therapy of pyelonephritis and diseases of other etiologies.

Pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant of natural origin. It actively destroys the structure of free radicals, helping the body in the fight for physical and mental health. Pycnogenol helps strengthen blood vessels, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, and is used to prevent joint diseases.

The main properties of Pycnogenol are as follows:

    The flavonoids contained in Pycnogenol effectively fight free radicals in the human body.

    Pycnogenol has an analgesic effect. It is effective for headache and joint pain.

    Taking Pycnogenol allows you to thin the blood, which is the prevention of hypertension, strokes and heart attacks.

    The antioxidant has an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effect.

    Taking Pycnogenol helps to reduce blood sugar levels.

    This natural antioxidant has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, restores its elasticity, improves hydration and blood circulation.

Pycnogenol can be taken in complex therapy in the treatment of oncological diseases, atherosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes. Pycnogenol is the strongest antioxidant, since it contains such useful flavonoids as catechins, procyanidins, taxifolin.

Ginkgo biloba is considered a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent and treat vascular diseases (atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis), improves memory and concentration.

Taking Ginkgo biloba preparations helps fight free radicals, improve microcirculation and blood circulation in tissues, and increase renal and cerebral blood flow.

Scientists claim that Ginkgo biloba has the strongest antioxidant effect, which is possible due to the presence of flavonoid glycosides in it. It helps to reduce the concentration of free radicals in the body, as it has the ability to bind to ions of manganese, copper, iron and other metals, neutralizing them. pathogenic impact. In addition, the intake of Ginkgo biloba prevents the destruction of adrenaline and ascorbic acid. The extract contains antioxidant vitamins and minerals such as potassium, selenium, copper and phosphorus. This only enhances the antioxidant effect of Ginkgo biloba.

It is possible to take Ginkgo biloba preparations with Raynaud's syndrome, with general malaise, with hypochromic anemia, with vascular atherosclerosis, with dementia on the background of Alzheimer's disease, etc. However, before using this antioxidant, you should consult a specialist, since preparations based on Ginkgo biloba have some contraindications.

Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant, which many times exceeds the biochemical activity of many vitamins. Resveratrol is released by some plants in response to exposure to adverse weather conditions or any damage. You can find Resveratrol in grapes, nuts, red berries, and beans. Red wine (red grapes) is especially rich in Resveratrol, but in the grape juice of this beneficial substance much less.

Resveratrol is available as a biologically active additives, which are taken for diseases such as:

    Cancer tumors.

    Osteoporosis (for preventive purposes).

    Pathology and intoxication of the liver.


    Violations of vision and memory.

    Skin diseases, prevention premature aging skin.

    Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, bronchial asthma.

Lycopene is an antioxidant, which is a red pigment found in plants. Most lycopene in tomatoes.

Products that are rich in lycopene protect the human body from the damaging effects of free radicals, so it is often used to prevent cancer. Lycopene is particularly well known for its anti-cancer properties. prostate and prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Other Benefits of Lycopene:

    Lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood;

    Improved digestion;

    Prevention of atherosclerosis;

    Treatment of obesity;

    strengthening vascular wall;

    Normalization of the liver;

    Skin rejuvenation, improvement of its elasticity, etc.

In addition to tomatoes and tomato sauces, lycopene can be found in watermelons, in red peppers, in pink grapefruits.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

Antioxidants- substances that slow down oxidative processes by binding free radicals. The antioxidant system in the human body over the years begins to cope worse with the task laid down by nature. The function is especially noticeably weakened in people living in megacities and industrial centers. Antioxidant preparations largely contribute to the restoration of the body, strengthening health and prolonging the period of youth.

Types of Antioxidants

In terms of origin, there are 2 types of antioxidants:

  1. Natural antioxidants found in foods.
  2. Synthetic antioxidants are drugs that can be purchased at pharmacies. These are various nutritional supplements, dietary supplements and medicines. Also, artificially produced antioxidants are widely used in the food industry to slow down oxidation processes.

By far the best antioxidants are herbal products. Especially a lot of antioxidant contain plants whose fruits have a dark color:

  • blueberry;
  • blackberry;
  • grape;
  • eggplant;
  • table beets, etc.

Also, a lot of antioxidants contain fruits with red and orange color:

  • grapefruits;
  • nectarines;
  • persimmon;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrots, etc.

In fact, the role of antioxidants is performed by vitamins and minerals contained in various products. The latter activate enzyme system person.

Antioxidants - drugs

Often, natural antioxidants that enter the body with food are not enough. To a greater extent, people working in hazardous industries, smokers and residents of areas with unfavorable ecology suffer from a lack of antioxidants. In such cases, the use of antioxidant tablets becomes necessary.

The list of the most useful antioxidant drugs includes:

  1. Liping- an immunomodulatory drug that supports the antioxidant system.
  2. Coenzyme Q10, which enhances the body's defenses, activates blood circulation, removes, thereby slowing down the aging process.
  3. Glutargin, which has antihypoxic, antioxidant, cardio- and hepatoprotective activity. The drug should be used for hepatitis and other liver diseases, as well as to get rid of alcohol intoxication.
  4. Dibikor, as well as Kratal- amino acids that have a stress-protective, hypoglycemic and neurotransmitter effect on the body. Dibicor is recommended for use in endocrine disorders(mainly) and heart failure. Experts prescribe Kratal for vegetative neurosis, as well as for patients exposed to radiation.
  5. Popular Asparkam and Panangin stimulate the formation of ATP, activate motility digestive tract maintain tone skeletal muscle improve the function of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Preparations containing unsaturated fatty acids - Epadol, Tecom, Omacor etc., restore the balance of polyunsaturated acids.

Antioxidants - Vitamins

Vitamins-antioxidants - preparations containing a whole complex of minerals and vitamin substances. Among the multivitamins with a powerful antioxidant effect, it should be noted:

It is easy to learn about the specifics of the impact on the body and its systems of certain vitamin complexes from the instructions attached to the drug, and choose exactly the one that you consider relevant for yourself.