How to determine the sex of a rabbit? Differences between a male and a female. How to independently determine the sex of a rabbit when purchasing: primary and secondary signs When can you determine the sex of rabbits?

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 3 minutes


Determining the sex of a rabbit is not an easy task. Without certain knowledge and skills it is almost impossible to do this. And if the issue of gender arises for small cubs, even an experienced rabbit breeder can give up.

However, it often occurs certain moment when determining the sex of a rabbit is absolutely necessary. Such moments include, for example, the purchase of animals for the purpose of further breeding work. What you need to know to solve this not an easy task and what you should pay attention to first of all - we will talk in this article.

Let us say right away that it is impossible to find out whether a given rabbit is a female or a male until it is three weeks old. Even experienced rabbit breeders can confidently name the gender of a baby only when it is two to two and a half months old.

If you look at it, there is simply no need to know the gender of a particular rabbit before this time, since the babies are still very dependent on the rabbit, and it is simply unsafe to sell them outside. Therefore, experts, not without reason, believe that until the rabbits are weaned from the mother rabbit, there is absolutely no need to know their gender. And then they begin to differ noticeably.

Rabbits - primary and secondary sexual characteristics

Like any animal of the mammalian order, rabbits also have both primary and secondary signs gender Primary sexual characteristics are considered to be the presence in an animal of the corresponding organs directly related to reproductive function and participating in the process of reproduction. Secondary characteristics are those associated with appearance features, thanks to which a male can be visually distinguished from a female. In domestic animals such as rabbits, secondary sexual characteristics are greatly reduced. We can say that they are almost absent, so you can recognize females and males only by appearance- a very difficult task.

How to determine who is who when purchasing?

Firstly, it’s worth saying right away that it’s best to buy rabbits from trusted breeders or specialized breeding farms whose owners have extensive experience in this matter. Such breeders are usually very sensitive to their reputation, and will certainly assist you in choosing future pets based on gender.

But situations cannot be ruled out when there is no experienced rabbit breeder nearby, and the sex needs to be determined. Then you will have to rely only on your own knowledge in this matter. To avoid getting into trouble, follow the simple rules below:

  • first of all, sit the little rabbit on a table or any hard and flat surface and right hand grab him firmly by the withers;
  • after this, carefully move the animal to the “reclining on its back” position;
  • with your free hand, trying not to hurt the rabbit painful sensations, stretch the skin in the area where the genital organs are located;
  • index and thumb Press on the edges of the stretched area on both sides;
  • Next to the anus, either the female rabbit’s genital slit or a small round hole should appear, which is a sign of a male.

When performing the above manipulations, you should be careful. Remember that hind limbs These animals are distinguished by enviable muscularity, and if you hurt the rabbit or scare it, it can cause you quite serious damage.

The older the rabbit, the easier it is to determine its gender. The sequence of actions is the same as the manipulations described above. To do this, you can sit the animal on your lap, but be sure to secure it well.

In an adult male, it is enough to simply feel the testicles, since his penis is hidden by the foreskin.

If this worked out, further actions may not be produced.

How is the sex of young and decorative rabbits determined?

How to distinguish a rabbit from a female rabbit if they have not yet reached the age of puberty? Unlike adults, fully formed reproductive organs which cannot be confused, in small cubs these organs are external inspection practically no different from each other. What to do in such a situation?

In such cases, knowledge of the anatomy of these animals can help you. Following the instructions above, after applying pressure, you will see the genitals of young rabbits, which are not yet sufficiently developed. Look carefully at their location relative to the anus. The distance from the anus to the female's genital opening is approximately two millimeters, and the male's genitals are located much further from this opening.

When determining the sex of animals ornamental breeds the sequence of actions is no different from a similar procedure for ordinary rabbits. The process is complicated only by the small size of these animals, since most ornamental breeds are dwarf. I would like to warn you right away that even buying a pet in a pet store is completely safe. correct definition does not give his gender.

There are often cases when a purchased charming female grows up and turns into a very respectable and active male. It happens, of course, the other way around. Therefore, do not take the seller’s word for it, but with his help, examine your future pet yourself to determine its gender.

Such signs usually do not give an unambiguous and accurate answer to this question, but they can be used as additional evidence after examination of the genital organs.

It is quite difficult to correctly determine the sex of a rabbit, and almost impossible for small rabbits. This difficult task even for experienced breeders. When purchasing animals for further breeding, knowledge of gender is very important. In addition, males and females, regardless of age, never get along together. It is advisable to buy rabbits older than 2 months. In this case, the sex of the animal is much easier to determine.

In newborn rabbits (under 3 weeks), it may not be possible to determine the sex. Yes, this is not necessary. After all, at this age, animals cannot be separated from their mother. This is fraught with weakened immunity and serious illnesses (). You can buy rabbits only when they reach the age of 25-35 days. Even the most experienced breeders are not able to reliably determine the gender of babies earlier than 14-15 days after birth. The older the rabbit gets, the more accurate the result.

Rabbits are with their mother for up to 4 weeks, so it is not necessary to determine their sex.

So at what age can you determine the sex of a rabbit? It is advisable to carry out such a procedure only 30-90 days after birth. During this period, rabbits begin puberty, and they need to be seated in different cells. If this is not done, inbreeding may occur, which will lead to mutations, diseases, stillbirth or defective rabbits. Animals begin to be separated by gender at the age of 1-1.5 months.

Primary and secondary sexual characteristics

Primary sexual characteristics include the reproductive organs (genitals). There are quite a lot of secondary signs. And some breeders can easily determine the sex of the animal from them. Males have a larger, more athletic build, a strong body and an angular, big head. They are aggressive, often mark surrounding objects and territory with urine, rub their chins on feeders and drinking bowls to leave their scent on them.

Females are more fragile and graceful, of small build, with a large, massive croup and a slightly protruding belly. The head is smaller than that of males, more rounded, with a sloping forehead. They behave absolutely calmly and do not bite. They can only show aggression during sexual hunting. However, this identification method is unreliable, does not provide a complete guarantee, and is only suitable for adult individuals.

Male rabbits have a larger build and an angular head.

We determine the gender upon purchase

When purchasing adult rabbits, gender is determined quite easily. The situation is worse with the establishment of sex in small rabbits. Until two months of age, they look and behave exactly the same. You should not rely on the knowledge and experience of the seller in a pet store. Most of them won't be able to help.

Purchasing an animal on a farm from a breeder also does not provide any guarantees. Unscrupulous owners may simply not tell the truth in order to quickly sell the offspring. It is not recommended to determine gender before babies reach 2 weeks of age.

Determining the sex of adult rabbits

In an adult rabbit, it is not difficult to identify sex differences. The animal is placed on a hard surface. Taking him by the withers with one hand, he is quickly turned over and seated on his tail, belly up. With the other hand, gently spread the fur between the hind legs, placing one finger just above the anus, and the other below, and pressing lightly.

In young females, the genital opening resembles a small light pink loop; in older individuals, the loop has a more dark color. It is located very close to the anus.

Important. So that the rabbit does not experience stress from this unpleasant procedure, before examining him, it is advisable to feed and caress him.

In adult males, during the examination, the genital organ may begin to change. The penis itself is pinkish in color and slightly curved in shape. After puberty, the rabbit's testicles drop slightly lower and look like two small swellings.

Sex determination in young rabbits

Identifying the gender of a small rabbit is more difficult. His genitals are not developed, and secondary sexual characteristics have not yet formed. Let's try to figure it out.

Baby rabbits are up to a month old

In dairy rabbits, the genitals are practically no different. To better see these differences, you can arm yourself with a magnifying glass. The baby is picked up and, spreading the skin between the hind legs, the same manipulations are carried out as with an adult animal.

In males, you can immediately notice a small tubercle with a hole, from which a prepuce will begin to form over time. And it, in turn, will turn into a full-fledged sexual organ. In females, nothing is visible between the legs.

In male rabbits, you can notice a small tubercle, from which a full-fledged sexual organ is subsequently formed.

At 1 month

At this age, differences have not yet been formed. You can determine the sex of a rabbit in the same way. But in the female a barely visible genital slit appears, and in the male a prepuce begins to form. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the distance between the genital organ and the anus. In boys it is about 5 mm, and in girls it is much less.

At 2 months

How to determine the sex of rabbits two months after birth? The genitals have almost fully matured and increased in size. The testicles in males are not yet pronounced and are located deep inside. Externally, you can only see a slight swelling with the penis. The female has a clearly visible genital slit, located very close to the anus. The behavior of males becomes restless and aggressive.

At 3 months

The rabbits have already become fully grown and sexually mature. Upon examination, males have a medium-sized penis, and the testicles begin to descend. The female develops a large reproductive loop, clearly visible to the naked eye.

The photo shows the genitals of a male rabbit.

Determining the sex of decorative rabbits

Often as pet get a lop-eared rabbit. The main feature of such decorative breeds is mandatory castration. This operation should be performed no earlier than four months of age. Otherwise, the animal becomes restless, often displays aggression, and marks its territory. Gender is determined in the same way as in large, industrial breeds.

Determining gender by indirect signs

Males always mark their territory with urine or rub against objects, walls and feeders, leaving their scent. Females try to hide in a secluded place, dig holes and build nests. They are more noisy and restless, they tend to pull out fluff on their belly. However, experts do not recommend determining the sex of rabbits based on such characteristics.

We offer you to watch detailed video instructions on how to correctly determine the sex of a rabbit.

When starting rabbits, many novice rabbit breeders do not know how to find out the sex of the offspring that their pets will produce. When purchasing, the sex of the animals is either known or immediately visible in adults. But what about young animals and how to determine the sex of a rabbit yourself? Let's learn about all the subtleties of the difference together.

How to distinguish a female from a male?

To distinguish a male rabbit from a female, you can use one of the well-known methods. It is best to do sex determination when the rabbits are a little older, because it is quite difficult to do this before a month.

Examination of the genital organs

The most famous way to determine the gender of a rabbit is to look under the animal's tail. That is, to distinguish a male from a female by the appearance of the genitals. This is done quite simply. The animal is turned over on its back, held with one hand. The index finger and thumb of the other hand squeeze skin fold from the genital area, applying gentle pressure.

In older rabbits, for example, after 4.5-6 months, sexual characteristics are much better expressed.

The female will have a pinkish loop visible, while the male will haveThere is a small, slightly curved process visible. This process will be the genital organ of the male rabbit. In boys, the testes are easily distinguishable - they look like two balls without hair. In girls, naturally, there are no testes, and the genital loop is clearly visible when pressed. Look at the photo below to see what the genitals of different-sex rabbits look like.

By external signs

If you do not examine the sexual characteristics of rabbits, you can distinguish a boy from a girl by appearance. Males always have a larger head, angular body, and wide bones. But this difference only applies to rabbits from the same litter. An adult female is always more rounded than an adult male and has a wide croup, since nature provides for the birth of cubs. This method of differentiation is only suitable for adult rabbits.

Experts advise against using this visual method to the kids. After all, females and males in the same litter are almost identical in size until about six months of age. This can be clearly seen in the next photo. All rabbits are the same size, therefore, it is possible to understand where the male and where the female is only by looking at the genitals.

By behavior

Another fairly reliable method that is easy to use is the ability to distinguish a male rabbit from a female one by their behavior in the cage. Females are almost always calmer, sometimes even inert. While male rabbits are active and even aggressive. The opposite effect we can notice during sexual hunting. Then the rabbit becomes active, snorts, runs, scatters hay and gnaws the cage.

Differences between decorative rabbits

How to determine the sex of a rabbit if the animal is decorative? For this, a method is used to visually determine the distance from the reproductive organ to the anus. In a female rabbit, this distance ends in a pink loop, and in a male rabbit, there is a pink dense area 4 mm from the anus. At the moment of mating, a penis appears from there. In the photo below you can observe the visual differences between decorative rabbits of different sexes.

Differences between baby rabbits at different ages

To successfully distinguish baby rabbits by gender in at different ages, use our tips. Remember that the older the animal, the higher the likelihood of quickly and accurately identifying who is who.

Per month and earlier

At the age of a month, you can already try to recognize a rabbit boy. Experts say that a month is a sufficient period for such an important task. During this period of development, the animals are still very small, but their sexual characteristics are quite easy to determine. By watching the video, we will learn how to recognize rabbits of different sexes already at the age of one week.

At three months

When the rabbits have passed the third month, the female has a noticeable pink loop-tongue, and the male animals have already grown a noticeable penis. As you grow older, your genitals will grow and change. Tip male genitalia Over time, the rabbit will slightly increase in size, swell and become like a thin tube.

Six months and older

Males are already fully sexually mature at six months, their testicles form and descend. When examined, the animal may tuck them in, this is a sign of fear, but one testicle must be visible. Ideally, the testes are two sacs, spaced at some distance from each other, and not paired, as in other animals. The testicles are not covered with fur, and appear as bald, swollen, pink areas of the body.

You won’t see anything like this in a female rabbit for six months. Her genitals will remain the same shape as they were at three months. Unless they grow and perhaps darken slightly.

Video “Distinguish between female and male rabbits”

The following video will help you learn how rabbits are distinguished by gender in private households.

Determining the sex of a rabbit population is not difficult, but can sometimes be difficult. Breeders identify the herd incorrectly or use false criteria during the procedure. But it is important for a rabbit breeder to know how to determine the sex of a rabbit. This skill will come in handy when buying young specimens. And in your own household, the separation of males and females will be necessary when the cubs reach puberty.

To find out the gender of a rabbit, you need to have some experience


Determination of sex is associated with the age of the rabbits or adult specimens. In the first days of a pet’s life, you won’t be able to find out who is a boy and who is a girl in your household. On initial stage Developmental sexual characteristics in rabbits and female rabbits are similar. Even a week later, to determine ownership, you will need to contact an experienced breeder or a veterinarian.

To independently identify the sex of the livestock, wait until the animals are one month old. As you get older, it is easier to tell a male rabbit from a female rabbit. Experienced owners know how to determine the sex of a rabbit at a young age.

Breeders do not advise purchasing livestock younger than one month. The health of such specimens, torn off ahead of schedule from the mother, will be weakened, and the immune system will not be strong enough to resist diseases. Do not trust the seller's words about the gender of the rabbits.

Finding out the sex of a rabbit before one month is very difficult

If you yourself cannot distinguish a male from a female when purchasing, this is a signal that the animals are too young. Such a purchase will result in financial expenses associated with the treatment and additional feeding of this livestock.

Remember that the sex of herd members is determined before they reach three months of age.

This age is associated with the entry into the puberty phase. However, it is too early for breeding. If the livestock is not placed in different enclosures, the resulting offspring will show signs of degeneration. Start seeding as early as two months of age to avoid conflicts between males.

Primary signs

To accurately distinguish the sex, examine the animal's external genitalia. If the examination rules are followed, the female will develop a V-shaped slit, which narrows towards the anus. Nearby is a triangular loop. In young female rabbits it is pink in color, in mature female rabbits it is dark.

When examined, male rabbits appear to have a white tube with a hole at the end - a penis. In an adult male, the genitals are pink, slightly swollen at the edges and curved.

Sequence of actions

Before determining the gender of your rabbit, be sure to wear strong gloves and an apron made of tough material. Mature representatives have muscular lower limbs and long claws. If they resist, they will easily hurt you.

Rabbits are very strong and can easily hurt

Inspection of adult specimens:

  • place the animal on the table or on your lap;
  • calm down (if the rabbit is nervous, it kicks with its hind legs, which interferes with the inspection);
  • take it by the neck and lift it so that the belly opens;
  • hind limbs rest on the surface;
  • stretch the skin in the lower abdomen and lightly press on the point at the anus;
  • with another finger, press on the opposite side of the protruding area;
  • be careful not to hurt the rabbit;
  • find out whether the person in front of you is a boy or a girl.

Another way to hold the animal is to lift it by the skin in the area lower limbs. In this position, the front legs rest on the surface. Otherwise, the examination of the genitals occurs as in the first method.

Hold the young representatives with both hands, one by the scruff of the neck, the other under the croup. Using the fingers of your lower hand, spread the fur and perform the same manipulations as with adult specimens.

The genitals of young animals have not yet fully formed, so during the examination, use magnifying glass(you will need help).

To distinguish a boy's genitals, look at the distance between them and anus. In males it reaches 0.2 cm. In females you will hardly notice it.

Secondary (indirect) signs

Based on the behavior and appearance of the animal, an experienced rabbit breeder will tell whether the rabbit in front of him is a male or a female. The boy is characterized by:

  • stronger physique, muscles;
  • larger head sizes and smaller body sizes;
  • narrow croup;
  • Frequently marking the area with urine.

Boys have a strong build and a large head

TO external signs females include:

  • graceful body with smooth outlines;
  • less massive head;
  • large croup sizes;
  • in sexually mature ones there are two rows of nipples.

It is easy for a novice breeder to make a mistake in dividing a young herd according to behavioral characteristics. Female rabbits often imitate the behavior of a male when they are excited or showing dominance. Temperament traits (agility, playfulness) characterize both sexes and are not distinctive features.

Up to six months, the sizes and proportions of the male and female do not differ. For these reasons, external sexual characteristics (behavior, physique) do not show with one hundred percent accuracy who is in front of you.

  • do not be guided by the presence of nipples: they characterize representatives of both sexes;
  • in adult and grown-up specimens, pay attention to the testicles: in mature males they are quite large;
  • if the number of testicles is less than two, then this is an injury or a congenital defect;
  • The testicles descend after the third month of life, are placed separately, and no hair grows on them.

To distinguish the sex of a rabbit, follow the instructions provided. Don't trust what sellers say. If in doubt, seek help from an experienced rabbit breeder or veterinarian. Timely established sexual identity will help in regulating the population and adhering to the breeding plan.

If you decide to purchase decorative rabbit, then the question often arises first: “ Bunny boy or girl Who is better to choose? The answer may be ambiguous, since each option has its pros and cons. Let's look at some of them:

Rabbit boys have main feature: they secrete special odorous substances using glands, so they mark their territory, sometimes even while jumping! Although you won't believe it, females do the same thing. But in males, this problem can be solved by castrating and sterilizing the rabbit, but it’s better not to do it unless absolutely necessary.

A female rabbit has a risk of uterine cancer, but only if she does not have a partner. The rabbit can be protected from the onset of the disease by sterilization or by selecting a worthy partner

Another interesting fact about female rabbits: they always have a natural instinct to build nests, and from everything that can get under their teeth. Wires, wallpaper and other things are used, damaging which animals cause harm to the contents of the apartment. But this drawback can also be eliminated using the same sterilization. It’s interesting that some males do the same thing, like to dig, dig holes in the corner of the cage, so again there’s not much difference.

There is a popular belief that boy rabbits are more playful and active than girls, while girl rabbits are calmer. But this is not true. The personal qualities of a decorative rabbit depend on its upbringing, i.e. from your treatment of him, and partly from hereditary factors. But no one can predict how a rabbit will grow up: neither you, nor the breeder, nor the rabbit itself. The development of an animal's character occurs at approximately 4-5 months of age, so buying a rabbit is like win-win lottery, because the main thing is upbringing and mutual understanding, not gender.

So the question is who is better to choose: bunny boy or girl. you have to decide for yourself, but it’s better not to even bother, but to choose the one you like best. In any case, the chosen option will give you a lot of positive emotions, joy and happiness!

Nicknames of decorative and dwarf rabbits

We thank all the owners of eared cats who participated in the statistics!

If you did not find your pet's name in the list of names, we will be happy to add to the collection!

To do this, just send an email [email protected]. by indicating your rabbit's name and gender in the subject line!

We are waiting for your letters :)

Sent names are not posted immediately, but as new letters accumulate, so there is no need to send a letter several times. Your pet's name will definitely appear on the list over time.

Boy or girl?

Support back bunny's body, don't let him kick you. The hind legs and muscles located in the back of the rabbit are very strong, and the skeleton is very light, so one kick in an awkward position can result in a broken back.

The sex of baby rabbits can be determined with greater accuracy by external characteristics after 20 days of their life and even earlier. To do this, turn the rabbit belly up or head down and press the tail to the sacrum. A index finger With the other hand, press lightly on the skin in the genital area. In males, the penis at this age is still poorly developed and is a small bulge with a round hole. The genital organ in female rabbits looks like a small slit, narrowed towards the anus, and is located closer to the anus than in males. Viewing 5-6 rabbits provides the necessary experience for subsequent error-free assessment. Morphological differences between the external male and female individuals are more clearly manifested by the weaning of the rabbits. It is then that the rabbits are mostly seated on the floor.

Male: It would be good to castrate a male at the age of 4 - 6 months, otherwise he will suffer from unsatisfied sexual needs if you do not allow him to approach the female. Minor manifestations of aggression and bad smell in the event that the rabbit marks its territory. Before so important operation Be sure to check the doctor's competence.

Female: In fights they can also demonstrate aggression to rivals, but it is not advisable to castrate females, since this major surgery, as opposed to castration of the male. If you have 2 females, then try to keep them in different cells, especially if you notice signs of aggression. Each of them must have its own territory and place to retreat.

Which decorative rabbit to buy

If you are confident that you can cope with all difficulties, you can ensure necessary conditions for a pet, if you can raise it correctly, then feel free to go for a rabbit. But often future owners have questions: who is better to choose - a boy or a girl, how to determine the gender of a rabbit, what age should a baby rabbit be. Let's find out together.

What age should I take?

Two little rabbits sleep next to each other

Rabbit breeder

Rabbits cannot be sold until they reach 1.5-2 months, this is due to the fact that until two months the baby must eat mother's milk. Rabbits, who were taken from their mother in more early age, often die or are in poor health. The longer a rabbit receives its mother's milk, the stronger it will be physically and mentally stable.

Another problem associated with buying a young rabbit is that in poultry markets and pet stores larger rabbits of meat breeds may be passed off as ornamental animals. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase rabbits from breeders or special nurseries. In addition, in this case you will be sure that you bought a purebred animal.

Help please! I want to buy a decorative rabbit. and I don’t know who is better, a boy or a girl??

Boys have a tendency to mark territory, and they also have glands that make them smell bad

I had a boy living with me. There was no stink, there were no problems with hormones either. I didn’t aim and didn’t worry. stomps once a week and calms down. The wallpaper just tore and faded very much. I personally am always for boys. There are always problems with females of any animal, they are capricious and get sick more often.


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