The cat is fat or pregnant. How to find out if a cat is pregnant after mating: primary and secondary signs of pregnancy

The time comes and your furry pet grows up, demanding communication with the opposite sex. This is where the fun begins: the date with the cat took place, but how can you tell that the cat is pregnant? A number of signs and symptoms that you will learn about from our article will be the correct answer to this difficult question.


Signs of early pregnancy

Waiting for kittens is a condition that almost every cat experiences, whose owners are determined to “replenish” the family and have bred. Like any process occurring in the body, pregnancy is associated with changes in the animal’s mood, behavior and appearance. Sometimes it is difficult for owners, especially inexperienced ones, to determine whether a cat is planning to have kittens. Fortunately, there are a number of signs that can help loving owners decide whether their pet will become a mother, and find out by early stages.

Termination of heat


If before pregnancy your pet was playful and active, then after mating you may notice that she begins to lie down on her bedding for a long time. The animal's sleepy state is caused by changes in the hormonal system. This process is also accompanied by weakness. If you see a similar symptom in your pet, do not rush to get scared - most likely, your pet is not sick, but is simply expecting kittens.

Change in appetite

In the early stages of pregnancy, it happens that the cat eats too little. In addition, she may feel nauseous, which is typical during this difficult period for her. Fortunately, nothing lasts forever, so vomiting does not last long, and not all cats have it.

Late signs of pregnancy

It may happen that you did not immediately notice changes in behavior fluffy pet, because the first signs of pregnancy in cats may not be too bright. Don't worry: you still have time to prepare for the joyful event - the appearance of kittens. However, if you are still wondering how to tell if your cat is pregnant, her condition is later will certainly help you decide.

Weight gain, overeating

If at the beginning of the path to future motherhood the striped pet did not show much love for food and ate little by little, then after several weeks of pregnancy her appetite becomes simply brutal. This can be determined by the amount of food eaten in the bowl, which will be required much more than usual.

Abdominal enlargement

After several weeks of pregnancy, your cat's belly will certainly begin to grow, which is the main sign of her condition. Due to the increase in the size of the kittens, they will soon be able to be felt, but this must be done very carefully, because the babies are very vulnerable.

Changing nipple size

If at the beginning of pregnancy the cat may only have redness in this area, then in the later stages you may notice an enlargement of the nipples. This is due to the fact that the cat will have to feed the kittens milk and the body is already preparing for this. This sign allows you to almost certainly determine your pet’s pregnancy a couple of weeks after fertilization.

Uncharacteristic behavior

As we noted earlier, hormonal background, which invariably changes during pregnancy, especially the first, can also affect the cat’s behavior. So, if she was previously uncommunicative and prone to loneliness at home, now the pet can become affectionate and demand reciprocal attention. After fertilization, many cats tend to care for someone (such as other pets in your home). The opposite situation also happens, when there is no time affectionate cat becomes aggressive and hides in corners. There is nothing wrong with this: she only protects her offspring from imaginary enemies.


Speaking about what other signs of pregnancy there are in cats, we can also note the animal’s unusual desire to create a safe territory for future kittens. As a rule, the “nest” in which she and the babies will be is chosen very carefully: warm, without drafts, in silence. At this stage, the owner should be careful, as the animal may well take a fancy to his bed. After pregnancy, the pet is sensitive to everything related to the safety of the kittens, so a warm place on the owner’s bed will suit her quite well. Well, it’s important not to miss this moment and help your cat set up a “nest” for kittens away from your bedroom.

If for one reason or another you still doubt that your pet is pregnant, it makes sense to consult a veterinarian. The doctor will not only accurately answer this question, but also with the help modern technologies will determine how many kittens the expectant mother is carrying. In addition, after the examination, the doctor will rule out the possibility of cat diseases (with some diseases there may be symptoms such as overweight and abdominal enlargement) and the so-called false pregnancy, in which all the signs are present, but there are still no embryos.

If " interesting situation"cats is confirmed, a specialist will tell you how to care for your pet during pregnancy and after birth. Attentive attitude to your beloved cat will help you not only make sure whether kittens are planned, but also take proper care of the expectant mother and her furry babies.

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Video “Cats. Life before birth"

In this video we'll talk about the conception and birth of kittens.

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How to understand that a cat is pregnant is evidenced by characteristic changes in her behavior and some external signs. In the early stages, the changes are not always clear and often the owners do not even realize that a surprise awaits them soon. But knowing about external features interesting position of the animal, attentive owners can easily determine that the pet will have offspring.

Optimal age for mating

Puberty in cats occurs between 7 and 9 months of the animal's first year of life. The onset of this period is difficult to miss. The pet exhibits new behavioral traits:

  • Slowly walking on half-bent legs;
  • Long and persistent meow;
  • Constant demand for affection from owners;
  • Purring accompanied by rubbing against various objects.

At the same time, the first estrus appears in females. How quickly this happens, and how regularly it will happen in the future, directly depends on a number of factors, primarily on the breed. This phenomenon is accompanied by increased sexual arousal. By this indicator you can learn about sexual maturity and readiness for reproduction.

With the onset of heat, the cat begins to lick itself frequently and urinates profusely.

You can recognize this by interruptions in appetite. During the period of heat, the cat becomes more affectionate; she rolls and wriggles on the floor for a long time. At any opportune moment she tries to sneak out into the street.. It happens that some individuals during this period show aggression that is unusual for them. It will go away on its own.

The frequency of estrus occurs approximately every three weeks throughout the year. Sexual activity is observed year-round, but heightened desire can be observed in the period from February to March.

However, you should not organize mating before the animal is one year old. Early fertilization threatens the deflection of the spine and the threat of difficult childbirth.

First signs

Determining whether a cat is pregnant in the early stages is not always easy. It happens that during gestation the animal may not stop estrus. This picture makes it clear that progesterone is being produced in insufficient quantities.

And yet, signs of a cat’s pregnancy in the first days:

  1. Change in appetite. The animal can eat very little. Possibly because she may feel nauseous in the early stages. This is a normal manifestation of the current situation. Toxicosis, as a rule, passes quickly and not all animals suffer from it. But remember, cats don't usually experience morning sickness and if the animal often vomits and is unwell, you need to find out the reason, it may lie in something completely different. Only a veterinarian can determine.
  2. Drowsiness. Changes in hormonal levels cause lethargy and sleepy state pregnant pet. You can find out if a cat is pregnant by watching how she lies on her litter for a long time, especially since she used to be very mobile and active.
  3. Suspension of estrus also helps to determine that the cat is pregnant. If an animal goes into heat, this is a clear sign that the cat is sexually mature. But its suspension helps to find out that the cat is pregnant, and in the very early stages. At the same time, she stops asking to go for a walk and making characteristic uterine sounds. You can understand that your favorite is in position by the fact that interest in the opposite sex subsides, and she becomes much calmer.
  4. Nipple color changes. You can tell if a cat is pregnant by taking a closer look at her nipples. After conception, a cat's nipples will become more intense. pink. If this sign is especially pronounced, then it makes it clear that the cat is pregnant for the first time. Sometimes it happens that not all of her nipples change color, but only some of her nipples.

How to determine late pregnancy

It also happens that owners are not immediately able to find out whether a cat is pregnant at home. This applies to the first weeks of an interesting situation, when changes are not so obvious. And the signs of a cat’s pregnancy in the later stages will definitely tell you everything about her condition:

  • Increased appetite and weight change. Even if before pregnancy your pet did not eat much, then, in preparation for motherhood, her appetite will increase significantly and much more food will be required at this time. When taking care of the health of future offspring, it is worth finding out how and what to feed the animal.
  • The belly is getting bigger. Within a few weeks after the start of pregnancy, your pet’s belly will begin to rapidly increase. The kittens are actively growing inside, and soon it will be possible to identify them by touch. It should be remembered that this must be done with great care so as not to harm the babies or cause a miscarriage.
  • Swelling of the nipples. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the animal’s nipples reveal its position only by a change in color, but after 2-3 weeks an increase in size is noted. This is explained by the fact that the expectant mother will feed her offspring with milk and her body prepares for this in advance.
  • Change in behavior. The usual behavior of a pregnant pet may change from day to day. This is due to hormonal instability. It happens that a previously affectionate animal turns into an unsociable and aggressive one. Don't be angry with her now, as it will pass very quickly. So, she protects unborn babies from an imaginary enemy. But sometimes it happens the other way around: an unsociable pet suddenly begins to fawn on its owners and other inhabitants of the house.
  • Nesting. In the later stages, you can notice how a pregnant pet worries about a place for kittens. A suitable “nest” should be warm, cozy and protected from drafts. Thus, the expectant mother provides safety and comfort to her babies. There are many stories of pets giving birth in their owner's bed. To avoid such a surprise, you can place several drawers around the house with blankets or towels at the bottom. Expectant mother she will choose a suitable house for her children.
  • Already in the seventh week of pregnancy, by carefully holding your palm on your stomach, you can quite clearly determine the movements of the babies.
  • On last weeks The sight of a pregnant cat makes it clear that very soon she will become a mother.
  • Literally a day or two before giving birth, the pet begins to meow loudly. At the same time, a decrease in her body temperature may be observed, and milk gradually begins to ooze from the nipples. It's time to put it in the prepared box. If she doesn’t want to be there, she needs to be understood, there is no need to force her. The animal can independently determine where it is best to give birth.

If, however, at any time you doubt whether the cat is pregnant, only a veterinarian will tell you for sure after an examination.

Observation by a veterinarian

An experienced veterinarian can easily determine if an animal is pregnant. Considering everything individual characteristics, will give valuable recommendations on care during this difficult period, and will also tell you how to prepare for childbirth.

The doctor is able to identify a small embryo in the belly of the expectant mother after 20 days.

The clinic may offer to do an ultrasound examination. This will make it possible to find out in the early stages of pregnancy how many babies there will be? In addition, you can additionally do fluorography. With its help, within a month and a half, the skeletons of embryos are clearly visible. Study x-rays will allow:

  • Find out exactly the number of babies in the litter;
  • Commit early diagnosis possible complications

The advantage of this research is safety for the animal and future offspring.

A pregnant cat especially needs affection and love for her. Therefore, owners should pick her up more often, stroke her, and show her warmth and protection. It is worth remembering that while pregnant, your pet should not be vaccinated or dewormed, so as not to harm the mother and fetus. Also, you should not give any medicines. The appointment can only be made by a veterinarian. The same applies to newborn kittens, which are still very weak and the slightest failure to comply with the dosage can result in death.

Much attention should be paid to the diet of the expectant mother. She must eat enough, because a significant amount nutrients is consumed for the active growth of embryos.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, care must be taken to ensure that the animal does not go outside. This is due to the fact that he is much safer at home. It may also happen that the woman in labor decides to give birth to her offspring outside the home, if only she manages to find a suitable secluded place.

Those owners who choose to keep a cat should know that sooner or later she will want to become a mother. But not everyone knows how to care for a pregnant cat.

The cat gave birth to healthy kittens and is feeding them

You need to create maximum comfort for your pet from the very beginning of pregnancy.

In order not to miss the most interesting changes in appearance, in character and in food preferences, you need to know about those signs that will tell attentive owners that the cat has become an adult. This is happening. The first mating should be at the age of one year and two months. Early labor can lead to a difficult birth.

Changes in a pregnant cat's behavior

The cat is just beginning to grow up, so it’s better not to miss the most important periods in her life. It all starts with the desire to communicate with the cat. This is the period of estrus, when the cat needs intimacy with the opposite sex. The gentleman is chosen, and the mating period begins.

First three weeks of pregnancy

Cat 9 weeks pregnant

At the seventh, eighth and ninth weeks, all that remains of the former playful cat is a fattening lump, which becomes lazy, calm, and often rests.

How to determine pregnancy in the first weeks?

In the first weeks, it is difficult to determine for sure whether the cat is pregnant.

After heart-rending screams in search of the groom, the cat calms down - this is the first sign of pregnancy.

Only an owner who truly loves his cat will notice that the animal is changing some of its habits. For a long time Before breeding, she meowed loudly and expressed concern. And now there is complete calm. This means we need to wait for a new addition to the cat family. Time passed, and the pussy became agitated and screamed demandingly again - the cat with whom the cat was walking failed to make her happy and make her a mother.

Another example of the behavior of a pet if she carries kittens under her heart: The cat suddenly becomes unsociable and behaves very aggressively towards other felines during a walk. Later this will pass, and like an ordinary woman expecting a child, her mood will change dramatically.

During your first pregnancy, your cat's nipples should begin to turn pink.

She needs affection, attention, she no longer wants to sleep alone like before. If the cat will be kitted for the first time e, in the third week bright pink nipples you can definitely say that she is an expectant mother.

A week before giving birth

A week before giving birth, the cat again becomes restless, looking for a secluded place to hide her offspring from prying eyes. Let her find a safe place where she can give birth in peace. There is no point in harassing the expectant mother, let her calm down. She needs help setting up her den by laying an old blanket or sheet in the place the cat prefers.

You can observe, but you cannot pursue. You need to know where the birth will take place in order to help the cat or invite a veterinarian. Complications may arise.

What to feed a pregnant cat?

It is better to divide a pregnant cat's food intake into several times. Make sure she always has access to fresh, “warm” water.

A pregnant cat eats a lot, and she may refuse her favorite food.

Sometimes even fresh cucumbers might appeal to a pregnant pussy. Such food “delicacies” are completely justified; vitamins are necessary not only for the mother’s body, but also for her future children.

Caring for your cat during this time

During the entire period of bearing babies, the cat should receive calcium, proteins and proteins along with food. It is necessary to ensure that the listed substances and elements are included in the cat food.

Pregnant cat will need more affection

Communication with other animals should be limited, as the cat’s aggressive state can lead to serious battles. The mother herself and her future kittens may suffer.

Prevent the plump beauty from climbing onto high objects to avoid falling. The “ward” for childbirth, which was determined by caring owners, needs to be installed closer to the warmth, so that the pussy does not worry that her babies may freeze.

Symptoms of beginning labor

During labor

Almost all cats give birth spontaneously. The owner will immediately understand that the day to expect the appearance of offspring in the cat family has arrived. First of all, the deadline is approaching. Secondly, the cat will refuse to eat and will clearly begin to worry about something. She is not able to see a helper in the owner, so she will begin to avoid him and all the people present in the house.

With the release of gray-red water, the process of childbirth begins. The time has come for contractions, their duration can reach an hour. And finally, the first baby appears. In ten minutes, or even in a few hours, the next kitten may appear. During this interval between the birth of babies, the cat cannot be left. You can calm your pet by stroking it, using kind words, or offering her a drink of water.

Licking and gnawing the umbilical cord is a cat's concern, even if it... Nature will tell you what to do.

You need to be close to the mother cat, but you cannot interfere with her actions. If the birth process is delayed and the cat is exhausted, it is worth calling a veterinarian.

It's worth taking stock

A cat always needs the attention of its owner. During pregnancy and childbirth. , but there are shifts in deadlines. If the cat has become pregnant for the first time, she should be given special attention. Protect from unnecessary stress and unrest, p.

The owner must always keep his pet in sight, then any changes in behavior or the slightest concern will not escape the attentive, loving gaze of the owner.

A cat is a smart animal; it will tell you what it especially wants and what the owner should do. Of course, she won’t be able to come up and speak in human terms about her worries and worries about future kittens. But that’s why domestic animals are called man’s little brothers, so that smart and caring owner helped them in difficult times. They must understand each other without words.

Cats are usually fertile at the age of seven to nine months, but the first planned mating should not be carried out. before a year, since it is at this time that the animal’s body is finally formed. Pregnancy lasts on average nine weeks, or approximately 63–65 days, but it may well be a week longer or shorter. Childbirth can also occur 4 days earlier or later. More short terms pregnancies are observed in cats bearing many kittens, as well as short pregnancy typical for Siamese breed. It is unfavorable for the offspring to be born before 60 days, and post-term pregnancy, that is, pregnancy longer than 70 days, requires urgent consultation with a veterinarian. Often cats that have suffered significant stress in the last weeks of pregnancy give birth later than expected.

Signs of cat pregnancy

A veterinarian with sufficient experience will determine by palpation as early as three weeks whether your cat is pregnant. You can find out this yourself if you carefully observe the animal. The answer will be prompted by several signs that appear at different times.

  • One of the first obvious symptoms that the cat becomes pregnant, there will be a change in her usual behavior. The new state of the body affects animals differently: some individuals become more aggressive and irritable, others become overly affectionate, and still others become too active.
  • A couple of weeks after pregnancy, the physiological signs : The color of the nipples becomes more pink and they look somewhat swollen. However, this symptom is characteristic only of very young animals, and in older animals two to three years it may not appear at all.
  • Due to changes in hormonal levels, at first the cat may feel nauseous and her appetite decreases. But if the pregnancy develops normally, then after the fourth week these troubles completely disappear, and the animal begins to eat more than always.
  • After about 40 days, the animal’s exterior changes: the sides are significantly rounded, and the back sags. The outline of the expectant mother resembles a small donkey.
  • 7 weeks after the start of pregnancy, you can already feel the kittens’ heads and feel their movement. At this time, the cat begins to show restlessness and explore different nooks and crannies of your home, looking for a suitable place for a future nest.
  • A few days before giving birth, the cat’s restless behavior is supplemented by the desire to stay close to the owner all the time.
  • The onset of labor is signaled by refusal of food and low temperature the body of the animal, and about an hour before the birth of the first baby, the cat’s water breaks and contractions begin.

How does childbirth proceed?

Normal labor activity should not last more than a day, and the first kitten, in the normal course of events, appears no later than 4 hours after the water breaks. The time intervals between the births of babies should not be longer than 3 hours. If one of these criteria is violated, it is required immediate intervention veterinarian His presence is also necessary when you are afraid that you will not be able to properly help your pet.

If you are confident that you can provide your cat with the help you need on your own, here are some tips:

  • In the intervals between the birth of kittens, be sure to give the animal water. It's better if it is warm milk, but if the cat doesn’t like it, then bring her a bowl of fresh water.
  • If contractions are not strong enough, they can be activated by stroking the back and abdomen.
  • If the fetus is stuck in birth canal, it must be carefully pulled out. This should be done slowly, and in no case over the head. It is correct to hold the kitten by the legs or folds of skin, and the direction of movement should be only along the cat’s body, with alternating small deviations to the left and right.
  • Make sure that the placenta comes out after each fetus. If it remains inside, it threatens the animal with serious complications.
  • If the baby comes out inside the fruit bladder in which it developed, then its shell must be torn. Usually the mother cat does this herself, but sometimes she needs help with this. If the bubble is not removed in time, the kitten will simply suffocate.
  • Sometimes the baby takes its first breath before all the amniotic fluid has flowed out and it gets into its respiratory tract. To clean them, turn the baby upside down and shake slightly so that all the liquid flows out. To stimulate breathing, you can press lightly on the chest or vigorously rub the kitten. Signs normal breathing: absence of wheezing in the lungs, bright pink color of the tongue without a bluish tint, weak squeak of the newborn.
  • Another point that cannot be missed is cutting the umbilical cord. Most often, the cat chews it on its own, but when difficult birth or large quantities For kittens, she can skip this manipulation. The umbilical cord is pulled with a thread one centimeter from the baby’s tummy and cut with a clean instrument. The separation area must be disinfected.
  • All kittens born into the world must be wiped dry and placed in a warm place prepared in advance (next to bottles full of warm water, or a heating pad). It is necessary to keep them there until the end of the birth, until the mother can warm them up on her own.

Caring for a pregnant cat

The health of the expectant mother and her offspring largely depends on how comfortable the animal feels during pregnancy. Means a lot during this period proper nutrition, which is based on three pillars.

After a beloved cat ends in heat or time passes after the planned mating with a cat, any owner will be puzzled by whether his pet is pregnant. Early identification of this interesting situation will allow the owner to provide for the cat comfortable conditions, will allow you to calculate the approximate due date and, if necessary, exclude diseases and pathologies. When determining pregnancy, the owner of the pussy can prepare in advance for the addition to the family.

Facts about cat pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy and how to tell if your cat is pregnant?

How define, is the cat pregnant? It's not as difficult as it seems. It is possible to recognize the first signs no earlier than 21 days after conception. Until this date, no external signs not observed.

Three to four weeks after the planned mating, the female’s appetite. The cat is constantly hungry. This is due to the fact that the body's needs many times increase due to the active development of embryos.

A common symptom of pregnancy in cats is nausea and vomiting. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background of the animal changes, and also due to the enlargement of the uterus, some internal organs. But the animal vomits, as a rule, in the initial stages. After some time, she adapts and everything returns to normal.

Many cat owners expect a characteristic enlargement of the abdomen after mating, which is the most noticeable visual sign, but this only appears later five weeks pregnant. The animal is significantly rounded, this is especially noticeable in short-haired cats.

If the female has a fluffy coat, then her belly may not be noticeable even after the fifth week. In this case, it can help to determine pregnancy palpation belly.

An experienced owner can easily determine the interesting position of the pet by palpating the abdomen. You just have to do it extremely Be careful, as one awkward movement can easily cause a miscarriage or harm the cat. If the owner is inexperienced in such a study, then it is best to contact a specialist at a veterinary clinic.

Another visual sign is a change dairy iron Experienced owners know that the normal color of a female's nipples does not differ from the color skin, after fertilization occurs, the mammary glands change. 3-4 weeks after conception, the female’s nipples enlarge and become bright pink or red.

Sometimes it happens that only some nipples change. This is considered the norm.

If the cat is young and gives birth for the first time, then these changes are especially pronounced. The color of the nipples becomes very intense. In late pregnancy, colostrum may leak from the nipple.

During pregnancy, a cat changes not only in physical level, she's changing character. A pregnant female constantly tries to attract the attention of her owner and constantly demands affection.

However, if the cat in the house is not her, but there are other inhabitants, then the pregnant mother may be extremely sensitive towards them. aggressively.

One of obvious signs the onset of pregnancy in a furry pet is its constant drowsiness. The animal sleeps almost constantly; it becomes much less active than usual.

It is worth saying that the cessation of estrus does not mean successful conception, but this can also be an indicator if other signs are present.

Determining the fertilization of your favorite cat is actually not difficult. On latest dates feline pregnancy animal nests.

This usually occurs three weeks before the due date. The cat is actively looking for a warm, cozy place and also hides in quiet corners.

Diagnosis of pregnancy

Despite the abundance of visual signs by which the owner can determine the pregnancy of his cat, they are not exclusively reliable. How to understand that a cat is pregnant?

Early diagnosis of pregnancy is beyond the capabilities of even experienced veterinarians. It is possible to diagnose the interesting position of your pet no earlier than twenty days after the expected conception.

To obtain reliable information, you should specialized ultrasound examination, which will give a 100% answer to the question of interest.

Before performing an ultrasound, the cat must prepare. About this in mandatory will tell veterinarian. An ultrasound will not only confirm that the cat is pregnant, but will also answer the question of how many kittens the expectant mother is expecting. This study will also show possible pathologies in development and will allow you to provide timely assistance if necessary.

Some breeders wonder how to find out if a pet is pregnant using tests? Naturally, we're talking about not about the tests women use. Currently, it is quite possible to find a test for cats and dogs in veterinary pharmacies.

However, this method does not give one hundred percent confidence in the result. For a disease such as an ovarian cyst, the test may show positive result which will false.

False cat pregnancy

It often happens that cat owners notice many signs of a cat's pregnancy, but after a while, birth does not occur. This situation is called by veterinarians “ false pregnancy" This pathology affects both the mental and hormonal systems of the animal. An unfertilized female experiences all the signs of impregnation.

The reasons for this pathological false pregnancy:

  • mating with a neutered or unproductive cat;
  • incorrect operation hormonal system;
  • stress in the animal;
  • living in the same area with another pregnant cat.

During a false pregnancy, the animal also eats a lot, moves little and requires attention. Two months after the expected mating, the animal nests. She may even experience a growing belly and may even have colostrum coming out of her nipples. In general, all the signs are the same as those of a true pregnancy.

This situation makes it very difficult timely detection pathology due to the fact that many owners, seeing symptoms of pregnancy, refuse an ultrasound scan. A false pregnancy can only be diagnosed vet, based on the results ultrasound examination uterus.

This study determines the absence of embryos in the uterus and the presence of pathology. Treatment will be carried out by a qualified veterinarian. Therapy will depend on the cause of the false pregnancy. Often have to use hormonal drugs.

To determine a false pregnancy by ultrasound, the cat should be brought to the veterinarian 4 weeks after the expected conception.

Timely diagnostics pregnancy in a cat will allow the owner to create the necessary comfortable conditions for the pet, eliminate possible pathologies and get healthy offspring after birth.