How to make a cat affectionate: secrets of proper upbringing. How to tame a wild cat or kitten to your hands Even an adult cat loves to play

Wild representatives of the feline class - a kitten or an adult animal - can not only be caught, but also turned into domestic ones. This is achieved through education and training. Time, patience and a special technique change the character of both small and already grown cats. Therefore, do not be afraid of wild tailed animals: human love will help them become tame.

How to catch a wild cat

Wild animals are often called individuals who have no experience social adaptation with people. Animals are afraid of humans and react aggressively to his actions. Determine if they are strays before catching them.

The difference between a wild animal and a domestic pet

It is often very difficult to distinguish a street feline from a tailed one that has left the house for a walk. The idea that a wild stray cat is necessarily dirty and thin is a misconception. Street four-legged animals are often fed by caring residents of nearby houses, so they are not always exhausted. And since cats are clean creatures that take care of their fur, healthy stray animals can look no worse than their counterparts living at home.

If it is difficult to determine whether a cat is truly feral, watch him for a while. When an animal is on the street both day and night, it is unlikely that it has a home. Domestic walking cats return from the street at night.

Lost pets make contact even with a stranger because they associate warmth and food with him. Signs of a stray cat are wounds and scratches on the face and body, torn ears, which are evidence of its participation in battles for a female or protection of territory.

Street cats, especially those that have previously been abused, are often aggressive towards humans, unlike lost pets

Catching a cat: safety measures

Capture process street cat has its own characteristics. Try to lure a small kitten out of hiding with a candy wrapper on a string or food: dry food, fish, meat, canned cat food placed on a saucer. When he comes close, catch him by the fold of skin on his neck and press him tightly to your chest. Another way is to put food inside the pet carrier, lure the kitten in with a candy wrapper or another toy and close the door.

It's more difficult with older animals. Wild cats and cats, after a long stay in the street, become cautious, afraid of people and run away from them more often than small kittens. Of course, you can try to take the animal bare hands. But since the cat is wild, it will begin not only to hiss, but also to bite and scratch. To avoid accidental injury, handle it carefully. You can protect yourself by wearing thick gloves and thick clothing that covers all exposed parts of the body.


To protect yourself and speed up the process of catching an animal, use a special cat trap (cat trap). It is sold in pet stores and veterinary hospitals. You can rent it from a specialized animal control service, a shelter, or make it yourself. It is suitable for both adult cats and babies. An animal carrier with a closing door, which is secured with a tied rope in the upper position, is also used as a trap.

Kotolovka - a reliable trap for stray animals

Before using the trap, gradually accustom the stray cat to your presence for at least two days - regularly feed him something tasty at certain hours, talk to him, and calm him down. Although cats are predators by nature, a treat will help in establishing contact with them. Do not pick up the animal, even if it does not show concern. When the cat is no longer afraid, lure him inside the trap:

  • set a trap in the area where the animal most often visits;
  • attract your cat with tasty bait pleasant smell: fish, canned food for cats, dry food, other products placed in a plastic plate.

Place the food in front of the trap entrance and on the side opposite the door. It is important that the cat enters completely inside the trap. The operating principle of all types of such devices is the same. It consists of closing the door of the structure after the cat is inside. After this, cover the top of the trap with a blanket or cloth so that in the twilight the cat will quickly recover from the resulting stress.

Video: catching a cat using a homemade trap

Landing net trap

Among wild cat catchers, a landing net is considered a good tool. It differs from the net in its triangular shape. The device folds to a length of 1 m and expands to 3-4 m. It is more reliable if it is made of dense fishing line.

It is advisable to carry out the capture process in the dark, when the animals will not notice the swing of the landing net. Animal rights activists who consider all trappers to be knackers are also less likely to be found. Go it alone or take someone to feed your cat. First, open the landing net and pour some food into the cat's mouth. Then enter with the device open from the back of the animal. If you throw a landing net on a cat while in his field of vision, nothing will happen.

There are two types wild cats(cats):

  • not paying attention to the landing net (until the first unsuccessful attempt catching them);
  • smart animals that do not approach the landing net closer than 5 m.

Approach any cat discreetly from behind when it is eating. With a sharp movement, quickly cover it with a landing net. If unsuccessful, she may no longer even come close to complementary feeding. Practice on pets first. When the cat is caught, pressing the device to the ground in the direction from the handle to the net, move with gloved hands until it comes out of the landing net. At this point, grab the net with your palm and lift the cat in the net. Hold the landing net not by the handle, but by the net. There are two ways to get a cat:

  • less dangerous - the cat is taken to a garage, basement, apartment and transferred to a carrier;
  • more risky - the cat is transferred to the carrier at the capture site: the back of the carrier is placed against the wall so that the cat cannot run out, then the door is opened, the landing net is brought to the hole with the exit forward, the hand holding the net is unclenched, and the cat is pushed inside the carrier.

Usually animals, having experienced severe stress, are driven into the depth of the carrier, which allows you to quickly close its door. Push the cat in with its tail first, otherwise it will sense something wrong and begin to resist violently. Choose a carrier made from durable material.

A landing net is convenient for catching wild cats

What to do after catching a cat

Felines can be carriers of diseases, most of which have no obvious symptoms. To avoid possible unpleasant consequences, show the cat to a specialist before transporting it home. If you have to take it to the veterinary clinic by car, then place a trap with the animal on the seat, covering it with a towel or blanket. Upon arrival at the site, remove it from the trap (portable container) safely.

If you receive a bite from a wild cat, immediately consult a doctor so that your four-legged client can be examined and treated in a timely manner. necessary tests, gave a conclusion about the absence (presence) of infection, its safety for people and animals with whom it will come into contact.

If before visiting veterinary clinic The cat is in the apartment, quarantine is required. Place the cat in a separate room, isolating it from people.

Before bringing a stray cat home, check its health by contacting a veterinarian

What does a cat need at home?

At home, first feed the animal. Offer several food options so that the cat can choose what he wants. Often the animal prefers already familiar foods. A serving of food may consist of boneless fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, and dry food. Sometimes exhausted cats simply don’t have the strength to eat. In addition, the body of selected wild cats is dehydrated and needs water (filtered), so there should always be a bowl of clean water next to the food.

After eating, the cat will need the toilet. If there is no special tray, then replace it in the first days cardboard box, covered with cellophane. Pour regular river sand inside. Cats that live outside and are accustomed to burying their feces in earth or sand will like this litter box more than one with industrial litter.

An outdoor cat's home must be treated with flea treatment, for example, bathed with a special shampoo.

How to tame a wild animal

You can tame both a baby and an adult animal. To do this, first of all, you need to win their trust.

Taming a kitten

A small two-month-old kitten can be turned into an affectionate domestic creature in just 3-7 days. Achieve positive result Can:

  • good and tasty feeding;
  • playing with a ball, string, or other objects;
  • frequent stroking of the fur, gentle conversations with the kitten.

This helps to establish trust and affection on the part of the baby.

After the kitten is brought into the house, follow these steps:

  1. Eliminate his contact with people and other animals in the house by placing him in a separate space, for example, in a cage.
  2. Place it in a quiet corner and cover it with a towel on top. Place a saucer of water and a tray inside the cage. After the device, leave the baby alone and do not disturb him. After a while he will get hungry.
  3. After about 3 hours, go to the cage with your pet, talk to him tenderly, treat him with something tasty: delicious food for kittens, fragrant chicken. Remember that he must take the food from the owner’s hands.
  4. If the kitten hisses and does not want to eat, leave him alone for a while. The baby must realize that he receives food for good behavior from the hands of a friend, a breadwinner, and not an enemy at all.
  5. When the animal calms down, open the cage slightly and extend your hand to the kitten. Do not make sudden movements so as not to scare him. He may hiss because he is still afraid of everything. Never mind. If he decides to scratch his hand, stop the action by brushing him off. Then the baby will understand who is in charge.
  6. After the kitten calms down, give him a small piece delicious food as complementary food. He will receive the main portion of food a little later - after 12-15 hours, when the baby begins to feel hungry. He will leave his shelter and even take food from his hands. This means you did everything right.

When communicating with the baby animal, do not speak loudly or scream, otherwise it will get scared and run away. We'll have to start all over again. Later the kitten will begin to approach the owner. If he did this and allowed himself to be petted, the time has come to treat him with food from your hands. From this time on, the animal begins to become accustomed to affection. Soon he will understand that he is not in danger from humans, and he will begin to trust. Then you can pick him up, tickle his tummy, and stroke the fur behind his ears. Play with him often. If the kitten starts to scratch, sternly tell him that he can’t do that and walk away from him. When establishing trust in communication with the kitten, introduce it to the rest of the household, including children.

Video: how to tame a kitten

Domestication of an adult cat

A grown wild cat (cat) can turn into a tame pet in a month or more. It all depends on the character of the animal. There are those who have a feeling of fear that lasts their entire lives. The younger the cat, the easier it is to socialize it and accustom it to new living conditions. In addition, this is influenced by the life experience that he acquired while living on the street. They achieve success in taming an animal with patience, warmth and affection. It itself will feel a kind attitude.

A cat that has been caught and brought home after the doctor needs to spend several days in an individual space (cat carrier), closet or bathroom, where he can more easily get used to the conditions at his new place of residence. It should fit:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • tray with litter for the toilet;
  • bed.

If the animal will be in the room, remove all unnecessary items from the shelves, close the windows and dim the lights. Place some kind of box that the animal will use as a shelter. Place toys for the cat and the owner's personal belongings on the floor so that he can smell the person. Place the carrier and the pet in a room that is rarely visited by family members or pets living in the house. Do not touch your pet for 2 days, giving him only food and water. It is necessary to make sure that the cat cannot escape from the carrier (room), thereby harming the inhabitants of the house or existing furniture. These days your pet may behave restlessly.

A wild cat usually feels comfortable at home after two days

To tame a cat, sit near it more often, calmly talking to it. The pet will get used to this treatment and will stop being afraid. When he adapts to the new conditions, release him into the rest of the rooms. It is better to communicate with him while sitting or lying on the floor in order to be on the same level with the animal. Do this every day, then the cat will allow itself to be stroked and picked up. Come to the cat with something tasty. If he does not approach the owner even after a few days, then bring food with you (do not leave it) and wait until the animal eats it. It’s better to place a plate of food near you. Do this several times a day so that the cat gets used to it. He should always have water. Also make sure that he does not slip out of the room through open doors or windows.

To quickly socialize a cat, you need it to want to approach people. Don't rush him and create a secluded place where the cat can hide.

If the cat is not afraid, you can pick him up. In a few days he will come up for food on his own. During this time, show the animal that no harm will come to him when he is picked up and stroked. You can carefully, so as not to scare the cat, take it into your arms with a towel and give it something tasty. If it hisses, try again next time. Once the cat is in your arms, pet him lightly while talking to him. If he starts to resist, release the cat. Stroke him when he wants to be picked up and caressed. Reward your cat's good behavior with something tasty. Work with your cat every day - play, talk, pick him up - until he gets used to caresses and touches. To help him adapt faster, teach him to communicate with guests to quickly get used to a large number of people.

Video: how to turn a wild cat into a domestic one

What not to do when catching and taming a cat

When catching a cat on the street, do not use bags, blankets, sacks or other similar items. A frightened animal can seriously bite and injure a person, which is dangerous for humans, since a cat can be a carrier of the rabies virus.

In order for an animal to quickly turn into a pet, you need to know what not to do during the period of its socialization, namely:

  • tame a cat if you do not plan to leave it in the house forever;
  • contact the animal before visiting the veterinarian to avoid possible diseases;
  • look into his eyes: animals perceive such a look as a threat;
  • handle wild cats with your bare hands - you need to protect yourself from bites and scratches by wearing thick clothes with long sleeves and gloves;
  • overfeed the animal - the amount of food should be increased gradually;
  • picking up a cat when he doesn’t want to - this will slow down the socialization of the animal;
  • show aggression towards the animal.

Pets have long become an integral part of our lives. Cats, dogs, parrots, hamsters appear in almost every family. Unfortunately, it often appears negative consequence such a phenomenon -

The beginning of the problem

Some people think it's normal to keep a pet and then throw it out into the street. Due to neglect of animal sterilization, the streets are filled with puppies and kittens.

The fate of such animals is unenviable: most of them will not live to see a year. Often a person accidentally notices that a wild kitten has taken up residence in the yard of a house. How to train him to live in an apartment? Will he be affectionate and obedient? A caring person asks himself these questions and decides to take the foundling into the house.

First steps

Experienced animal lovers are sure that raising a kitten from the street is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to follow simple rules. It is important to understand that changing behavior takes a lot of time. Therefore, you need to be patient. Before you think about how to tame a wild kitten from the street, figure out whether you need it. The difference between pets is that they are people-oriented. Cubs, seeing a person from birth, feeling his smell, get used to trusting and reacting positively to the one who caresses and feeds them. Street animals, without an owner, gradually forget about trust and love for people, and therefore begin to react aggressively. Therefore, seeing stray animals on the street, the first thing a person asks himself is: is it possible to tame a wild kitten at home, will it not damage the furniture and shit?

Catch a pet

Animal rights activists often face the problem of catching animals. Since they are human, it becomes difficult to catch them. At the sight of a person, the flock scatters. To catch kittens, you can use a baby blanket (or a piece of thick fabric) or a fish net.

It is important to quickly cover the kitten and take it to the apartment. Prepare him a box or a house - any shelter. It is better to place the toilet for a wild cat in a visible place. To begin with, use a very ordinary tray so that the animal can sniff it without hindrance. If possible, give your pet a separate room or lock him in the bathroom, this will help him feel more secure.

A little about cat features

So, there is a wild kitten in front of you on the street. How to tame an animal and determine whether it was always wild, or whether it was thrown out into the street not so long ago? It's not that hard to do. If you see a kitten or an adult on the street, take a close look at it. As a rule, those who have recently been thrown out cling to people, meow at the sight of them and try to follow the person, their fur is relatively clean. Feral cats arch their backs and run away from people. Therefore, if you have the second option, get ready to spend large number time for the animal to adapt. Some things sometimes cannot be fixed. For example, a cat may always be afraid of strangers.

Important Procedures

If you have a wild kitten, how to tame it?

Feral kittens are initially afraid of people and tend to hide in a dark corner. Don't interfere with this. The pet may crawl into a box, under the bathroom, under a closet, or into the kitchen counter. Try not to touch him or disturb him again. When the baby gets used to it a little and calms down, start taming it.

Place a bowl of food near the place where the animal has settled. To start, use soft cat food or a small amount fresh meat. Sooner or later, aromatic food will attract a hungry animal, and it will come out of its shelter. At this stage, it is important to make a positive impression on the kitten. This way he will understand that the person is bringing food.

Gradually move the bowl towards the center of the room. This way you will force the animal to go further and further. Don't force things, give your pet time to get used to it. Don't force him to eat. He will come out on his own during times of severe famine. Don't know how to tame a wild kitten? Use meat pieces or special food. When the frightened animal leaves its shelter, show it a treat at arm's length. Driven by the desire to eat, he will carefully crawl up and take the food.

You can try to pet the savage. Do not make sudden movements, do not swing at the kitten, carefully extend your hand and lower it onto the back or face of the animal. Don’t rush things; if the animal is afraid, it’s better not to touch it. Speak at this moment in a quiet and calm voice, as loud sounds will frighten the baby.

If you don't know how to train a kitten to be handled, ask experienced people for advice or rely on your intuition. Any phenologist will tell you that affection and a patient approach can correct any animal. Therefore, try to pick up a wild kitten in your arms more often, stroke it and talk to it quietly and affectionately. Over time, he will get used to the warmth of your hands and begin to caress you in return.

How long will it take?

With the appearance of a pet, a person has many questions: how to train a kitten, how long will it take, will he go to the litter box? The most important of them is adaptation time. Even experienced animal psychologists (animal behavior specialists) cannot guarantee any clear framework. The process of addiction can take several days or several months. It is important not to rush things and be patient. In general, it is believed that if the pet is about two months old, it will take a week to tame. The situation is more complicated This is the case with adult cats. Here it can take months to adapt, since it is difficult to introduce something new into the animal’s existing behavior.

How to train a wild kitten to the litter box without much effort

Almost all cat owners are afraid that their pet will start going to the toilet past the litter box. Or even worse - into shoes or things. Due to the peculiarities of feline physiology, all that remains after “use” is to throw it away, since the clothing is saturated with a specific smell that cannot be destroyed in any way. Choosing a tray for a cat is not so easy, since pet stores offer a wide range of products. To begin with, it is better to choose a regular rectangular tray with a lattice insert. This is especially important for a wild kitten: closed trays or containers with a high side can scare him away.

Are you solving the problem of how to toilet train a feral kitten? Patience and more patience will help with this. At first, your pet may leave puddles and piles everywhere. Under no circumstances should you poke him with your face or hit him for this. Severely reprimand the baby and take him to the tray. Having planted in right place, explain what needs to be done in it. A little trick: blot the urine on the floor with a newspaper and put it in the tray. The kitten will come to the smell of its discharge and do its business where necessary.

Why you shouldn't use physical punishment? This will only cause fear in the kitten, he will become aggressive towards the owner and begin to mark shoes and things out of revenge. Therefore, before taming a wild kitten to go to the litter box, study. As soon as your pet makes a puddle, strictly reprimand him and take him to the litter box. It has been scientifically proven that animals clearly distinguish between intonations. Therefore, a dissatisfied voice will affect them, and they will understand it as “you can’t do that.” When the kitten goes into the tray, pet it and gently praise it, treat it with meat or a piece of tasty food.

A few rules of communication

There is no single answer to the question of how to domesticate a wild kitten. For each animal you need to invent and try different approaches. There are several general recommendations for adaptation of wild animals. Remember that normal instinct street cat- be afraid and bite as a defense. Therefore, in the first days, do not try to forcefully pet the kitten. Give him time to adapt. Try to talk kindly and gently with your pet - this will be enough for the first time. Get ready for the fact that the solution to the question of how to train a cat to use a litter box may take a long time. This also applies to learning to use a scratching post, feeding from a bowl, and much more. Act gradually, be patient, and eventually you will achieve your goal!

Consider the feature closed door may be perceived by them as a threat and a trap. Therefore, try not to keep the kitten in a confined space without special reasons (only if you are going somewhere or you need to keep it locked up for the animal’s adaptation). Allow the kitten to walk everywhere and explore everything around. This way he will get used to it faster and understand that nothing and no one threatens him. Remember that cats attack people and behave aggressively only when they want to protect themselves. Therefore, try not to react negatively to the kitten or any of its actions. Discuss all misdeeds in a stern, authoritative voice.

Pet socialization

How to tame a cat to your presence and how to socialize it? It all depends on the age of the pet. If the kitten behaves completely wildly (hides in a corner, meows and hisses loudly), it would be advisable to put it in a cage. Always try to speak kindly to him and feed him tasty pieces of food. Yours priority task- let him get used to the person. As soon as you see that the animal has begun to react neutrally to you, release it from the cage and give it the opportunity to walk around the apartment. It is important to create a secluded corner in the room. You can buy a special house at the pet store or put a box or carrier. In short, any object where the kitten can hide will do. Fence off any dangerous places: cracks, windows, doorways. Due to its irrationality, the kitten may try to escape. So don't leave him in his presence open windows and doors to the street.

Gradually accustom the cat to your presence. This is best done using treats. Every time you enter a room, bring with you pieces of something tasty. Call your pet by name, talk to him affectionately, and give him treats. In the first days, just throw a piece to the kitten’s paws, later make sure that he takes it from your hands. It is useful to sit on the floor, this way you become the same size as the cat, and he perceives you as a friend.

Some errors

Sometimes novice pet owners make mistakes in taming a pet, and this leads to sad consequences. For example, if you look directly into a cat's eyes, she will perceive this as a challenge and a threat, so she will show aggression as a response. The domestication of an animal must be regular. Since cats have episodic memory, they need training sessions daily. Get ready for the first progress to take about three weeks.

Continue socialization

Since all pets live by instinct, this can be used for manipulation purposes. For example, how to tame a cat if he categorically refuses to make contact? Blackmail him with hunger. To do this, give him the opportunity to eat only in your presence. Bring a bowl of food, place it next to you and wait. Sooner or later, the feeling of hunger will force him to approach. As soon as he finishes, take the bowl of food. The kitten should have 24/7 access to clean water.

Another trick for luring a kitten out of shelter is to spread sour cream or yogurt on the tip of your finger. Attracted by the smell of the treat, the animal will come out of its “hole”. After some time, the pet will begin to calmly respond to you and take the treat from your hands. At this stage, you can try to gently pick him up. This doesn’t require anything complicated: as soon as the kitten approaches you, pat him on the head and gently grab him in the chest area, lifting him to the level of your face. Be careful: if the animal breaks out, resists and swears, it is better to let it go. Try again in a few days. If the kitten responds favorably to being held, pet him and give him a treat.

An important part of the socialization of any animal is cooperative games. Pet stores provide a large selection of different toys for cats. You can start by buying a regular fishing rod with a mouse on the end. Kittens usually like to catch the toy and bite it. It is important that the animal associates play with pleasant emotions, so do not scold or scold the kitten at this time. To tame it by hand, you can use a little trick: when playing with a fishing rod, try to throw the “bait” onto your lap. This way the kitten will get used to jumping on you.

Unfortunately, some behavior problems may not go away over time. For example, a cat can stay away all his life strangers, and there's nothing you can do about it. All that remains is to accept the pet as it is. It has been scientifically proven that sterilization makes cats more good-natured and reduces the level of aggression. Such operations also protect against a number of diseases.

Take the kitten in your arms at least once a day, call him by name and caress him - this way you will tame him faster. Over time, you can introduce him to a large number people so that he gets used to them. Ask friends to gently pet your pet and give him treats. Try to avoid loud sounds, music, and bright lights in the presence of a wild kitten. If there is clearly aggressive behavior, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian about the possibility of using sedatives. They will help relieve anxiety in the animal and calm it down.

If you have a wild kitten at home, advice from other owners will tell you how to tame it. furry pets. Be patient and do not demand an immediate change in the animal's behavior. Also be prepared to sacrifice furniture or some of your belongings, as the kitten may damage them during the adaptation process.

When the fluffy little ball crosses the threshold of the house, the whole family is delighted: “So tender, so kissable, I really want to cuddle!” And somehow I don’t think at all about how to make a cat affectionate, sociable, playful. To get used to the litter box, to trimming nails, to bathing - yes, important tasks. And the weasel? Yes, of course she will grow up affectionate, we love her so much! Why does a cat suddenly become capricious and angry?

However, to educate in pet preferable character is a more difficult task than raising a child. The cat does not understand or does not fully understand the meaning of the words, does not feel guilty and acts based on previous experience. For a cat to become very affectionate, care and love alone are not enough, although we like to think otherwise. It is important to understand the psychology of these animals and realize that lost time is the biggest problem. If there is a little five-year-old monster living at home, even in six months it will not be possible to turn him into a gentle princess - cats are stubborn and conservative to the extreme.

However, with due patience and free time, even wayward aggressive cat You can teach affection and trust. By the way, without absolute trust in the family, all efforts will be in vain: constant vigilance will not allow the pet to relax, and the cat will never become affectionate. So, seven secrets of raising and keeping a small predator:

Cat. Just accept it, it will be easier. Of course, any person understands that he is stronger, smarter and has more opportunities to achieve goals. But in many cases, the reason why a cat is not affectionate is because the pet has realized this too. There is no need to demonstrate your superiority for any reason; let the cat believe that she is at least on an equal footing with the rest of the family. Cats do not know how to obey; they are loners by nature. If the cat realizes that it is not in charge, it will leave the area and look for a more suitable place. This is impossible for a pet, hence the stress and anger. It is important not to put a dog on the same level as people, but with cats it’s the other way around - the more self-confident they are, the fewer reasons for aggression.

Cuffs, slaps with a newspaper, a stream of water in the face - all this frightens the cat. A frightened animal is not able to perceive information. Cats, like dogs, don't learn anything good from being scared or punished.

However, the above does not mean that you need to pamper your pet, indulging all her whims. An affectionate cat and an insolent cat - two big differences. It’s just that in the process of upbringing you need to control yourself: never shout, never force, never punish. Persuasion and cunning are your weapons. Play a trick - pretend to be a cat, hiss, but don’t forget to praise when your pet deserves it.

The behavior of cats depends not only on the innate qualities and characteristics of the breed. In many ways, their behavior depends on the methods of education, the attitude of people and other pets towards them, as well as the environment. Raising a cat well requires patience and love, as well as a willingness to care for it and simply give it attention.

The habits acquired by a kitten are difficult to change in the future, so training the animal should begin as early as possible. From the very first days of being in the house, the cat must be made to understand how far it can go in its pranks and demands.

When communicating with a cat, it is very important to adapt to its biorhythm, which is the reason frequent changes animal's mood. It is better not to disturb your pet in the early morning, afternoon and late evening.

To train your pets to behave in a certain way, you should exercise them as often as possible. At the same time, you need to treat the cat in a friendly manner, with understanding and trust. However, it should be remembered that her feelings, as well as mental abilities, are on a completely different level. Therefore, care should be taken in upbringing, taking into account the biological needs, as well as the physical capabilities of the pet.

The cat must follow a number of rules:

– sleep and go to the toilet only in a designated place;

– do not damage interior items;

– do not climb onto curtains, carpets and places where food is prepared;

– do not eat house plants and do not scatter soil from flower pots;

– do not steal food from the table;

– maintain cleanliness in the home;

– do not demonstrate aggression in response to affection; respond correctly to commands.

It is quite possible to keep several cats together in an apartment

Cats are intelligent creatures, they learn quickly and are easy to train, that is, they learn basic commands and rules of behavior in the house. Here are some tips for raising cats.

1. While the cat is young, you should not make too much noise or shout loudly near it. The animal will begin to fear the owner and become aggressive. You should always treat your cat gently and kindly.

2. Rough actions towards a pet should not be allowed. For example, you should not pick up a cat by the scruff of the neck, causing him pain. The pet should be carried so that all paws have support.

3. You should not try to get something new from the animal every time. You need to try to gradually accustom the cat first to one requirement or rule, then just as patiently to another.

Prohibiting commands, rewards and punishments

From the first days, you should accustom your cat to one of the most important commands - prohibitive, which is expressed by the words “No!” or “Ugh!”, accompanied by clapping your hands, etc. The educational value of this command comes down to developing obedience in the cat. As a rule, prohibitions are associated with the aggressive behavior of an animal towards a person (you cannot bite and scratch the owners and their guests), as well as damage to interior items (you cannot scratch and gnaw furniture, hang on curtains, jump on the table).

The assimilation of the prohibiting command occurs gradually: after the pet performs wrong actions a ban must follow.

If the animal responded correctly to the command, it should be praised and caressed, but if it disobeyed, it should be punished, and the punishment should be inevitable. You cannot punish a cat for an offense after several hours have passed: it simply will not understand why it was punished and will harbor a grudge against its owner.

The kitten must learn the prohibition command from the very beginning of its stay in the house.

One of the most effective methods of punishment is to scare the animal with a loud clap of your hands, a thrown newspaper, or splashes of water. A more severe punishment (for example, beatings or other physical impact) is unacceptable, since in this case the pet will not only not learn the lesson taught, but will also begin to fear the owner, ceasing to trust him.

If a person beats a cat in the heat of the moment, he should try to win her favor again with affection: the animal must be sure that, despite all the pranks, it is still loved.

It is necessary to talk to the cat as often as possible, pointing out what it can do in the house and what it cannot do. Particular importance should be attached to the intonation with which words and phrases are pronounced, since cats are sensitive to the slightest changes in the human voice. After some time, the pet will begin to understand the owner’s mood even without commands - just by the tone in which he speaks to him.

If the person from whom the kitten or adult cat, used a similar system of education, then the new owner will only have to strictly follow it. If the pet turns out to be ill-mannered, you should show patience and perseverance, as a result the reward will be an obedient, affectionate animal.

It is worth noting that the first lessons of life in society are taught to kittens by the mother: when playing with her, babies often bite so hard that they have to take drastic measures. As a rule, a cat uses a bite as a punishment, and licking as a reward. IN new family education must continue, and the kitten will learn the lessons best through direct communication with the owner. Thus, all attempts by a pet to bite or scratch the owner during play or in response to affection shown to him should be stopped by a prohibitive command pronounced in a stern voice and a slight punishment (for example, a light click on the naughty nose or paw). If there is persistent disobedience, you should stop playing and leave the baby alone for a while.

Since the kitten needs the company of its owner, it will quickly learn the rules established by it. However, in the future, not only the pet and household members, but also guests visiting the house must comply with them.

Developing a reaction to a nickname

In order for a cat to begin to respond to the owner’s call, it is necessary to choose a sonorous, not very long nickname for it, which the cat could hear from afar.

When calling a cat by name, you need to speak as if something very important is being communicated to her. It will take about 30–40 days for the animal to get used to its name and learn to distinguish it among other names and names of objects.

The chosen name should be constantly repeated when addressing the animal.

It is also important to ensure that all household members call the pet the same and do not come up with new nicknames, otherwise the animal will not be able to adequately respond to the owner’s call.

Practicing the command “Come to me!”

Teaching this command to a cat will take time and patience. The essence of the exercise comes down to regular repetition of the same phrase: “Come to me!” or “Come to me, Bessie!” (a nickname is added if there are several pets in the house), etc. It is important to try to repeat the words in the same tone.

If an animal refuses to follow a command, you should not scold it; this will not achieve a positive result. Instead, it is better to reward the pet that follows the command with affectionate stroking or a fun game. You can also use some kind of treat as a reward at first. In an apartment, a cat will respond to a call already at 3 months of age, and on the street - a little later, since there are many distractions there.

How to train a cat to sit quietly in your arms

To raise your pet calm and balanced, you just need to teach him to sit in your arms. At the same time, you cannot forcibly restrain him if he wants to run away. The cat must be sure that nothing threatens it and no one is encroaching on its freedom; only in this case will it agree to do what is required of it.

It is not difficult to accustom a cat to a strict regime; you just need to feed it regularly, at the same time.

How to train a cat to stay in the house, ask and go outside

You should definitely train your pet to stay in the house even when the windows and doors are open. He must leave the apartment or house only with the permission of the owner. If the cat has the right to freely walk from home to the street and back, you need to try to make sure that it only uses the folding door.

As soon as it is noticed that the animal is violating the established rule, you need to return it to its place, put it on the floor, look intently into its eyes and say: “You can’t!” or “Ugh!” - then take it to the folding door and let the animal out into the street through it. You should try to do everything possible to ensure that your pet learns this.

You can train your animal to use the folding door as follows: go out the door and leave the cat inside the house, then open the hatch and call your pet, tempting him with the smell of his favorite food. As soon as the animal comes out, you need to go into the house and repeat your actions. The exercise should be repeated until the cat begins to walk through the door on its own.

To prevent your cat from using flower pots as a litter tray, you need to place small round pebbles on the top layer of soil. If this precaution fails, the flowers should be placed where the animal cannot reach them, for example, hang them on the wall. By the way, you can arrange a small garden for her by growing catnip, oats, and parsley on the windowsill.

The next stage of training is passing through a half-closed door. The cat must make some effort to get out and get inside through the hole; the trainer’s task is to stand at the door and offer the pet his favorite treat. Training should be continued until the cat learns to independently pass through a completely closed door.

How to train a cat to walk on a leash

To go outside with your cat, you must make every effort to teach it to walk on a leash. At first, you can simply put a collar on your cat, so that she spends several hours a day in it, if possible. Once the animal gets used to the collar, a leash is attached to it. So the pet should walk 2-3 times throughout the apartment, after which you can take the end of the leash in your hand and walk after the pet for a few minutes. Soon it will be possible to easily control the animal and force it to go where it needs to go. The main thing in the learning process is to accompany the actions with the commands “Let’s go!” or “Here!” etc.

Collar, leash and figure-of-eight harness (harness)

If the cat shows strong resistance when putting a collar on it, it is better to postpone this procedure for a later time. late time. The main thing is not to make the cat dislike this attribute of walking.

How to train a cat to sit quietly in the necessary positions during a trip

Scottish Fold cats are perhaps the best pets. These are purebred animals intended for display at exhibitions. They are sociable, easily make contact with strangers, balanced and non-aggressive. However, such an animal can be raised only if early age teach him to sit quietly in your arms for a long time, not react to extraneous noises, communicate with strangers, tolerate various manipulations, even those from which the pet is not happy. The educational moment must be accompanied by a kind word and encouragement, for example in the form of the cat’s favorite treat.

Cats don't like car rides, but they can be trained to do so. Moreover, you should not do this forcibly, otherwise the cat will only treat such walks with even greater horror. In this case, you should proceed with caution. To do this, the cat is placed in a special basket, which is then placed in the car. A basket that the cat is already used to, such as the one in which she arrived at the house, is best.

After this, the animal must be given time to look around. It is advisable to take time and sit next to it, and, if necessary, pet the animal. When the cat calms down a little, you can turn on the engine, but you should not honk or press the gas, otherwise it will be very scared.

After some time, you need to turn off the engine and return to the house with the cat. This exercise should be repeated several times before taking your pet on a trip.

How to stop a cat from disturbing its owner at night

Play occupies a special place in the life of cats; it is during play that animals learn and learn about the world. Since most cats are highly active at night, you will have to teach your pet not to disturb the owner’s sleep. However, to achieve a positive result you will need patience and perseverance.

As soon as the cat begins its nightly games, a prohibitive command is given in a stern tone; if this does not work, punishment can be resorted to. After this, the pet should be picked up and placed next to him (it is important that he feels the owner’s hand), this will let him understand what is required of him, and night peace will be restored. Before a kitten or cat that comes into your home at the age of 2-3 years learns to sleep at night and wake up with its owner in the morning, you will have to repeat the above steps several times.

How to teach a cat to sharpen its claws in a designated area

Sharpening claws is real problem. All cats, without exception, love to do this, so the best option, as has been mentioned many times above, is to set aside a corner for a scratching post.

However, you can stop your pet from scratching furniture in other ways, for example, by spraying the animal with water at the moment when it is preparing to sharpen its claws. in the wrong place. As a rule, this measure is enough for the cat to give up its intentions.

You can scare an animal that is about to sharpen its claws by throwing a bunch of keys, a thick magazine, or loudly clapping your hands on the floor next to it.

Another effective way– apply a plastic coating or rub the objects on the most frequently damaged areas of the furniture orange peel: animals cannot stand its smell, so they will stop scratching the coating.

How to stop a cat from begging at the table

Often, cat owners indulge all the whims of their pets, as a result, poorly behaved animals become very spoiled. Such cats are characterized by begging at the owner's table and ignoring tasty food in their own bowl and pickiness in food, the habit of scratching and biting during play, as well as in response to affection, resentment and refusal to communicate with the owner who scolded the animal. One of the most common bad habits well-mannered cats is begging at the table. Trying to pity the owner and get a tasty piece, cats refuse their usual food. Food in a cup can remain untouched for several hours, and many cat owners, fearing that their pet will remain hungry or, worse, get sick, make concessions.

However, indulging in begging does not lead to anything good: the animal may begin to climb onto the table and even steal. To avoid such troubles, you should immediately determine the cat’s feeding schedule and try to give your pet food 5–10 minutes earlier than sitting down at the table. If you still want to pamper your pet, you can put a tasty morsel in its bowl, but under no circumstances hand-feed the animal.

How to teach a cat to use the toilet correctly

Another challenge associated with raising kittens is toilet training. The main problem is the long, thick hair of cats, which needs to be tidied up after using the toilet. Cats cannot always do this on their own due to their short necks, so owners should take care of their pets.

From the very first day of a kitten's life in the house, it is necessary to teach him to do his natural needs in a place specially designated for these purposes.

If trouble does occur and the kitten soils itself in the wrong place, you should immediately clean up after it and treat the area with Antigadin to prevent it from happening again.

Perhaps the best solution is to place the tray in the toilet or bathroom. If you place it on a shaggy rug, it won't slide off and your kitten won't be able to roll it over.

Teaching a kitten to use the toilet is not at all as difficult as it might seem, because cats, as has been repeatedly noted, are characterized by innate cleanliness. However, in order for the pet to get used to a certain place, its owner will still have to make some efforts.

Often, a kitten refuses the offered toilet because he does not like the place chosen for him by the owner. Therefore, the toilet should first of all be comfortable for the animal. It is best to install the tray in a secluded place, hidden from prying eyes (the cat will never use the tray in front of witnesses). In addition, do not forget that the animal should always have free access to the toilet.

As soon as a kitten appears in the house, you should take it to the litter box and give it the opportunity to explore a new place. Naturally, in the first days of staying in a new home, a kitten or an adult cat will not be able to immediately remember where the toilet is located. Therefore, the pet must be controlled: you need to play with it closer to the tray and, if necessary, immediately put it there, not forgetting to praise it later and reward it with something tasty. Thus, the animal will receive positive emotions and in the future he will develop a certain conditioned reflex. In order for the kitten to better understand what they want from him, you can make several digging movements with his paws. Don't forget to reward your child every time he successfully completes a task.

Gradually, the baby will remember the place of his toilet, but you should not demand this from him on the very first day. And even if the kitten presented unexpected surprise, you need to try not to punish him strictly, just say: “You can’t!” - and plant it in the tray.

If the kitten cannot get used to the designated place, you can lightly scold him (but in no case physically punish him), carefully picking him up by the withers, draw his attention to the offense, and then take him to the toilet and try to persuade the baby to use it. You should act only with praise or affection.

The British believed that a cat dying in a house would certainly bring disaster to its inhabitants. Guided by this sign, an animal near death, if it did not leave on its own, was carried away from the yard. According to another popular belief, the cat was the first to be brought to the mirror after a funeral took place in the house, this supposedly made it possible to ward off death from the household.

It is recommended to wash the soiled area thoroughly with strong disinfectant to eliminate the smell, which can later repeatedly attract the pet’s attention. You shouldn’t poke your baby’s nose into a puddle, as many owners do; it’s unlikely that a positive result will be achieved this way. Rather, on the contrary, the kitten will only have a negative impression, and this can ruin future relationships with it.

The cat litter box needs to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. For this purpose they use various means, for example, hot water with vinegar. It is not recommended to clean your pet's toilet with any strong chemicals, leaving pungent odor. Often, special scoops and brooms are sold complete with pallets, which are very convenient for clumping fillers.

As the practice of breeding cats shows, the intelligence of these animals is usually judged by how regularly and disciplined they visit their toilet. However, refusal of the tray is not always explained by the whims of the animal. It may happen that he simply did not like the filler used or the bath is too shallow or small, or it happens that the cat has a negative attitude towards the deodorant for the toilet or the air freshener used.

Besides all this, the reason may be quite simple - a filler that has not changed for a long time, emitting bad smell. Some cats are so squeamish that they will never eliminate their natural needs in the same litter box. The best way out of this situation is to meet the pet’s wishes and place another tray nearby.

Some cats prefer to use the toilet. Sometimes your pet can be specially trained to do this. This is not difficult to do: first you need to get the kitten used to a regular tray, which should be placed next to the toilet. Then you need to put something under the tray, gradually raising it. When the tray is flush with the toilet, you can remove it. Most likely, in this case, the kitten will understand what is required of him. However, you should not force your baby to use the toilet if he is already accustomed to another place.

Whatever you choose, a litter tray or a toilet bowl, you need to train your kitten to use the toilet as early as possible.

It should be noted that many cats are well versed in the intricacies of relationships and turn the problem of the toilet into a tool of influence on the owner. Some animals strive to attract attention in this way, others take revenge for frequent punishments, others mark their territory during mating season, and the fourth may have serious problems with health. Naturally, in each case it is necessary to carefully observe the cat for some time in order to find a reasonable explanation for the reasons for its behavior.

If you consistently implement the advice given above, pet will very quickly learn the established rules and try not to break the prohibitions. However, you should not stop there, since education is a long and constant process that requires patience, affection and attention.

Choosing a bed

Researchers have found that cats spend most of their lives (about 2/3) sleeping. Little kittens spend especially a lot of time sleeping. Therefore, it is so important to choose a suitable “bedroom” for your pet, where he will always feel cozy and comfortable.

Cats often fall asleep in places that are inappropriate for this, from the owner’s point of view.

Of course, a cat is able to find a comfortable place for itself in the house, but the choice of a pet is not always to the liking of its owner. Some owners are so attached to their pets that they willingly forgive them all their misdeeds and easily put up with all their habits. In this case, problems with sleeping space, as a rule, do not arise, although it should be noted that this approach to raising an animal is by no means ideal.

But very often the opposite happens: the owner tries to teach the cat to sleep in a certain place, but all his attempts are unsuccessful, since the wayward pet stubbornly refuses to obey his will and prefers to independently make his choice. Such conflicts can continue until the owner gives up and gives in.

The best option is to find some kind of compromise solution that will take into account both the requirements of the owners and the preferences and inclinations of the cat.

To do this, you need to know what conditions a corner that is convenient for her should meet. First of all, it should be noted that a bed for a cat is not only a place to sleep and rest, but also a unique point of view of the surrounding space. Therefore, many animals, especially those with a timid nature, prefer to sleep on an elevated surface where they can see everything that is happening around them.

Other important condition cat comfort - warmth.

In this regard, it is necessary to show special caution V winter period when animals like to sit next to heating devices, which sometimes leads to tragic consequences.

All these requirements are perfectly satisfied by the owner’s bed - an ideal place for a cat with its amazing affection for humans. It’s dark, warm, and cozy, and the owner is always nearby, able to give the pet tenderness and affection.

However, not every owner will allow the kitten to sleep in his bed, especially since this is contrary to sanitary and hygienic standards. Even if the animal is kept impeccably clean, it is still better to choose another one for it. sleeping place, no less convenient.

However, in any case, you should not force your choice on a Scottish Fold cat: most likely, this will not give any results.

The pet will feel comfortable and sleep peacefully only in a place that it likes, so when arranging a cat corner, you need to take into account the desires, needs and habits of the kitten itself.

How to stop a cat from meowing constantly

Cat owners often complain that their pets behave inappropriately.

The reason for this behavior is, as a rule, that the owner did not wean the kitten from bad habits in a timely manner.

This is not surprising: the charm of a small cat is truly difficult to resist. Nevertheless, it is necessary to fight bad habits, because if the owner indulges all the pet’s desires, sooner or later the cat will become unbearable.

For example, sometimes in this way the animal tries to force the owner to let him out for a walk, and this can continue throughout the day if the cat leaves and returns home several times. Of course, not every owner will agree to endlessly fulfill the pet’s demands, but not everyone can withstand incessant screams either.

Another common reason for “cat concerts” is simple extortion. If a loving owner fulfills all the whims of his pet, very soon the cat will understand that a plaintive meow will help her achieve everything she wants.

Very often, cats wake up their owners with loud screams, demanding to feed them immediately. Many people don’t even imagine how to deal with this, and yet it is very easy to wean a cat from such a habit. There is no need to feed the pet immediately after the owner gets out of bed. It is better to do this before leaving home. Pretty soon the animal will get used to this routine, and its owner will finally be able to sleep peacefully in the morning. In addition, the owner’s departure from home will cause only positive associations in the cat, and it will become much easier for her to cope with his absence.

The life of the owners turns into a complete nightmare if their pet meows deafeningly and mournfully from morning to night. To wean a cat from this, first of all, you need to understand the reasons for this behavior, understand what he is trying to achieve with this behavior.

Finally, a cat may meow simply due to a lack of attention from the owner. In this case, you should think about whether the owner devotes enough time to his pet.

Whatever the reason for such behavior, you should not punish the cat, much less use force; on the contrary, as soon as she stops screaming, you need to praise her, caress her or treat her with some tasty treat in order to evoke pleasant associations in her mind.

How to stop a cat from being aggressive towards its owner

A lot of problems can cause the owner of a Scottish fold cat caring for a pet, if she shows aggression during procedures, tries to scratch and bite the owner.

In this regard, it is necessary to accustom your baby to touch from the very first days of his life in your home. To do this, you should carefully pick him up and gently stroke his fur for some time, trying not to make sudden movements, while speaking to the kitten in a calm, gentle voice. The training process may take several weeks, but subsequently the animal will learn to tolerate any touch, get used to people and stop experiencing hostility.

How to stop a cat from licking objects

A peculiar bad habit characteristic of some cats is to lick literally all the objects that surround them. Most often it manifests itself in kittens weaned from their mother early. Clothes should not be left within the cat's reach, otherwise they may become dirty or wrinkled. To prevent this, remove all clothing and wool products from the animal's reach. If this is not possible, it is recommended to treat these items with a special non-toxic composition, the smell of which is unpleasant to the cat.

The cat needs to get used to its owner's hands

Communication and games

Contrary to the popular belief that cats are able to tolerate loneliness quite calmly and painlessly, it should be noted that our pets are social animals, which means that they, like people, need communication. Its deficiency or absence causes stress, and a cat deprived of company can grow up nervous, fearful and even aggressive. To make your pet's life long and happy, you need to give him enough attention, regularly play and communicate with him.

On the other hand, even with all the desire, a modern person cannot spend all his time at home, completely devoting himself to his pet. Optimal solution this problem - keeping two cats at the same time, especially since best company for animals - a society of their own kind. However, for known reasons, not every owner has this opportunity.

If it is not possible to keep several animals in an apartment, you should spend as much free time as possible with your pet, especially if it is still very small. Having returned from work in the evening, you should not go anywhere again unless absolutely necessary, because the baby has been looking forward to the owner’s return all day, and it will be very difficult for him to come to terms with his departure again.

To prevent the cat from getting bored while the owner is away, you can place a nightstand in front of the window; the pet will be able to easily climb onto it and monitor what is happening on the street. You can turn on the radio and tune it to a suitable wavelength: calm, quiet music will create the illusion of the presence of people.

Playing cat

You need to devote at least 30 minutes a day to a variety of games with your cat. This will not only relieve the stress she experienced during the owner’s absence, but will also have a positive effect on the general physical condition of the pet. It has been proven that cats that are deprived of the opportunity to move and play are more likely to suffer various diseases, and their life expectancy is noticeably reduced.

Even an adult cat loves to play

Of course, a cat, and especially a kitten, is an extremely mobile and active creature, and it is quite capable of finding its own entertainment and inventing a game. The problem is what these games are all about.

There is no need to say that cats are predatory animals, and by nature they have a very strongly developed hunting instinct. All games and entertainment for kittens are aimed exclusively at satisfying this instinct. If the pet is with early childhood will get used to biting and scratching the owner's hand or attacking his legs at the slightest movement; later, when he becomes an adult cat, this can lead to extreme unpleasant consequences for the owner.

Therefore, it is best to specially organize certain games for the kitten that will not cause any harm to the owner and will even bring him pleasure.

Pet stores have a variety of toys for cats. However, there is no need to spend money when you can make toys yourself.

When taming an animal, not only desire and perseverance are important, but also knowledge of small tricks that will help the pet quickly get used to its new owner. This process should take place in a calm environment, without sudden movements or loud sounds. To pick up a kitten, you need to act slowly and not hold the animal against its will. Gradually, the kitten will learn to trust and go to the owner himself. To tame an adult animal, a different approach is needed.

Taming kittens

It is easier to tame a kitten from early childhood. The first need for communication arises in him already at two weeks of age. From this moment on, the owner should take the pet in his arms as often as possible so that he gets used to and learns to trust the person. This must be done carefully and the baby must be released at his first request. Under no circumstances should you hold a kitten, otherwise it can become a traumatic experience for him and will remain in his memory for a long time. It is very difficult to restore the animal's trust later.

Sometimes kittens do not want to sit in your arms for no apparent reason. In this case, the owner should be patient and remind himself that the animals are extremely curious, the world around them seems endlessly interesting to them. In addition, like human children, kittens are restless and get bored staying in one place for a long time.

How to pick up a kitten

It is worth making sure that the pet is comfortable being in human hands. By abruptly lifting or holding the kitten incorrectly, causing him discomfort, the owner can unknowingly scare away the baby.

To make the animal feel comfortable, you need to take it under the front legs, supporting the hind legs with the other hand. This way he still has a feeling of support. If the baby is afraid of heights, the owner should sit down on the floor next to him and try to attract attention with a toy or treat.

Taming an adult wild cat

An adult feral cat has either never had a home or has negative experience communicating with people and forgot how to trust them. To establish contact with an animal, the following conditions must be met:

  • Communicate with wild animals in a calm environment.
  • Do not grab or make sudden movements.
  • You can wait until the cat shows interest and lure it with a treat.
  • Try to pet the animal if the cat comes close or jumps onto your lap. But at the first sign of dissatisfaction, it is better to remove your hand.

You need to make sure that the cat is not afraid of the strong smell from clothes, too loud voice or some other factors of the new external environment. Cats are very careful animals; in order to relax, they need to feel completely safe.

With due patience, each time the period of active communication will increase, and the animal’s trust in you will grow.

A few tricks

If your pet gets into new home As an adult, he usually experiences extreme stress. The animal's behavior in the first days can be unpredictable; it will take time to get used to. There are several tricks that can tame even a not very sociable cat.

After a hearty meal, cats are usually in a calm and complacent mood. It is worth taking this moment to start communication. Calm, unemotional speech has a beneficial effect on the animal’s mood.

Treats are the sure way to your pet’s heart, which will help you quickly accustom him to being handled. You can offer the animal some food or a piece of sausage. If a cat has accepted a treat, you do not need to immediately grab it into your arms; the taming process should occur in stages. Each time when feeding, you need to reduce the distance, and do this until the animal begins to eat from your hands, and then while sitting on the owner’s lap. Only then can you try to gently stroke the animal.