Causes of aggressive behavior in cats. Aggression in a cat - what to do Aggression in a cat

We all know that cats, these cute, fluffy and purring creatures, can one day scratch so much that oh-oh-oh... Why does aggression occur in cats and how to properly wean a cat from it? In order to understand what to do in case of aggression in a cat, you must first understand the reasons for this behavior.

Why does aggression occur in cats?

Fear and danger

Most often, cats show aggression when they are scared. They do not understand the situation, because during real danger it could cost them their lives. Therefore, they prefer to attack first, and then see what’s what. This reaction is well illustrated by the aggressive attack of cats on dogs. Of course, if the cat saw the dog in advance, then it retreats, somewhere away from trouble. Well, in case sudden appearance in front of the cat, even very much large dog, will most likely be scratched.

The cat instinctively understands that escape in this case is impossible, but a sudden manifestation of aggression or a violent attack will temporarily demoralize the enemy and provide an opportunity to escape. Therefore, if one of the family members unexpectedly frightened the pussy (for example, she was sleeping, and something was dropped noisily next to her), then he risks being seriously scratched. It is not always possible to avoid such a situation, but in this case it is useless to scold and punish a cat for aggression. Here, first of all, the instinct of self-preservation is triggered.

Mother cat reaction

A mother cat, believing that you pose a threat to her kittens, may become aggressive and attack. But she does not do this suddenly, but warns by growling and meowing. In this case, it is better not to tease her and leave the kittens alone.

Defending your territory

Of course, territorial aggression is primarily directed at the cat’s relatives, and it is they who can suffer while walking through someone else’s territory. But there are cases when cats attack people who enter their territory. Of course, they throw themselves in for a reason. Most likely, the cat sees the newcomer as a threat to its owners, or to itself. There are many cases when cats showed aggression and attacked thieves who entered the house or garden.


The most common reason. Why do kittens fight? It's a game. Whatever one may say, cats are predators and kittens acquire the basic skills of tracking prey, sneaking and attacking in the game. That is why it is recommended to play with your pet as much as possible. Well, if the kitten is too wild and behaves aggressively, then, of course, there is no need to endure it in silence. Slap him on the nose (not too hard), and say sternly: “No!” and take him by the scruff of the neck to a place where he can be alone and calm down. Kittens are the same as children and, as a rule, they do not know how to stop playing instantly.

Displaced activity

The pronounced aggression in cats that many families face is very interesting. The point is that someone offended the cat, but for some reason, he cannot fight back, and the resentment bubbles in his chest. What then does the mustachioed man do? It’s very simple - an offended cat is looking for someone to take out his anger on.

For example, the cat was offended by the owner (he didn’t give him a treat, he scolded him, he kicked him out of the room, etc.). The cat, of course, won’t risk beating the owner. Therefore, flying into the corridor, he can scratch the owner’s little son, or an old grandmother. The risk of getting change is unlikely, and he will, so to speak, “let off steam.”

Here, it is possible to stop aggressive cat attacks only if the victim gives a worthy rebuff. Otherwise, a family member who is weak in the eyes of the cat may become a constant punching bag.


A cat in pain may become aggressive towards its owners. In this case, it is best to leave her alone. If necessary medical procedures, take precautions.

The cat may simply not be in the mood, and when trying to pet him, he may “let out his claws.” To avoid such an aggressive attack from a cat, you need to learn to “see” his mood. Without this, conflicts will arise from time to time.

Castration is a solution to aggressive behavior

One of the reasons aggressive behavior cats in relation to humans – hormonal imbalances in the animal’s body associated with the need to satisfy sexual desires and needs.

A mature cat that does not find a cat in the house begins to “sing serenades” to its owners, mark the territory - carpets, floors and furniture, randomly rush around the apartment, bite and scratch. In this case, castration is the best way solving the problem. Castration for cats and sterilization for cats, i.e. removal of the organs responsible for the production of sex hormones helps to nullify the production of hormones responsible for aggressive behavior directed at humans.

The operation is performed under anesthesia and does not cause much discomfort to the cat. The very next day after surgery, your cat will feel great and return to his normal routine. The cat needs more time to recover, from 3 to 7 days, and during this time it is necessary to put a blanket on the animal so that the cat cannot lick and scratch the scar. Along with the removal of the gonads, aggression will also go away: a couple of weeks after the operation, you will notice that your pet has become much calmer, less irritable, and has stopped leaving unpleasant marks throughout the apartment.

Castration solves not only the problem of aggressive behavior in cats, but also many diseases to which unsterilized animals are susceptible, including malignant tumors, urolithiasis, exhaustion. Castration also has a positive effect on the condition of the animal's coat.

There is an opinion that castrated cats become apathetic, inactive, lethargic, and gain weight. overweight. In fact, this is nothing more than a myth.

Yes, a neutered cat does not waste time and energy looking for a partner, but he has time for games. To keep your cat in good health physical fitness, be sure to play with your pet, since now there is a huge selection of all kinds of toys for cat fun, and proper nutrition will help you avoid excess weight.

According to many owners, a cat’s aggressive behavior towards people is the most serious problem after urine markings. Veterinarians believe that biting and scratching are related to the pet's lack of socialization, as well as the enormous genetic diversity of the current cat population.

Some owners put up with this behavior of their animals, others consider it unacceptable for themselves and are looking for a solution to the problem. After all, bites and scratches don’t just cause discomfort, but can also be harmful to human health.

Doctor veterinary medicine Ron Hines from America gives several recommendations to prevent or correct aggressive cat behavior. In order to understand everything, it is necessary to divide the forms of aggression into several most typical options.

Aggressive play, or an aggressor cat from a biting kitten

We keep cats as pets, sometimes forgetting that by nature they are created to be dexterous and ruthless hunters. The hunting instinct is quite strong even in those animals that have generations of ancestors behind them who have not caught a single mouse in their lives.

The game of hunting gives cats great pleasure, especially in childhood, during the period of instinctive learning of hunting skills. While playing with each other, kittens quickly learn to measure their efforts: if one of them bites the other too painfully, they will instantly receive an equally sensitive bite in return.

If the kitten ends up in the new owner’s house early, without having time to acquire the appropriate skills, then the owner must take on the role of the trainer. Most people neglect this role - on the contrary, many encourage the kitten to grab their legs, arms, etc. It's so funny - a little hunter! But without an adequate response, the behavior is reinforced, and in adulthood it brings many unpleasant and even dangerous moments to the owners.

What to do?

Do not encourage this behavior, that is, immediately stop playing, leave the kitten, letting him know that you do not intend to continue communicating with him. Some people clap their hands or rattle a tin can filled with change, but veterinarian warns: fright can make the animal nervous and fearful. It's best to simply ignore the kitten until it calms down.

It is very important that this rule is followed by all family members without exception, otherwise you will not achieve any effect.

Aggression caused by fear

If a kitten has not seen affection and care from people and has not been sufficiently socialized at the age of 5 to 12 weeks, then, as an adult, it will become afraid of them and show aggression towards them. The problem must be addressed immediately after it appears. The younger the animal, the easier it is to re-educate it; in this case, time works against you.

What to do?

Kittens and young cats need to be gradually accustomed to being touched. Start by stroking and scratching the head, then move on to the back and the area above the base of the tail. Be sure to talk to your cat when doing this.

Be extremely attentive to the animal’s behavior: at the slightest tension, leave it alone, without provoking further aggressive behavior of the cat. And for patience, reward them with something tasty.

More serious problem domestication appears adult cat. Start from the first moment it appears in the house: determine which of the family members the animal is least afraid of. Let him perform in leading role. Let your cat get hungry and then offer something tasty.

Don't go near her! She must overcome her fear, independently approach the person and take the treat from his hands. It is very desirable that the rest of the family members be nearby at this moment. Repeat this "trick" every day. Taming may take several weeks, but you need to be patient and not rush things.

Redirected aggression

This is a type of aggression in which the cat is irritated by another animal or person, and at the same time it attacks you. Redirected aggression is common in humans. We call this “taking out evil”: for example, a person exhausted by problems at work comes home and suffers negative emotions on family members.

Example from cat world: a cat sees through the window a stray cat walking around the yard, it arouses anger in her, which immediately turns against the owner if it suddenly occurs to him at that moment to touch the animal.

What to do?

Immediately remove the cause of the irritation. In the example above, close the curtains and lower the blinds. Very often, aggressive behavior of a cat causes foreign odor appeared in the house. It may come from you if you returned from a visit where there were animals, or from another pet of yours with whom you visited, for example, a veterinary clinic.

Air and clean your clothes, and place your pet, returning from the clinic, for several hours in another room or leave it in a carrier. Any interaction with a cat exhibiting redirected aggression will be counterproductive, so give the animal a chance to calm down alone.

Unmotivated aggression

The most mysterious type of aggression. The cat seems to have just rubbed against your legs, purring, accepting your affection, and suddenly suddenly changes its mood and bites you. There is a very fine line when pleasure turns into irritation.

Some scientists believe that a person accidentally touches some sensitive place on the cat's body or that static electricity accumulates on the fur from your stroking.

What to do?

Notice a change in mood in time: twitching of the tail, flattened ears, restlessness. It would be good to distract the cat at this moment, for example, with a toy or treat. But if you didn’t have time, you’ll have to cover up the bite site disinfectants. There is no other way out in this case.

Aggressive behavior of a cat due to illness

If your cat suddenly became aggressive, and such behavior was not observed before, then this is a reason for immediate appeal to the veterinarian. Be persistent, don't settle for the superficial external inspection, get tested ( total blood, biochemical, at least in terms of basic indicators, and urine analysis).

Also be sure to get an x-ray. The latter is especially true if the cat begins to show aggression when they try to pick it up. Arthritis may be the cause. Dr. Ron Hines also names another common cause - sudden and very severe neurological pain, usually in the tail or spine. Often such pain can be caused by an attack of epilepsy.

Dominant aggression

It occurs if the cat considers itself to be the main one in the house, and is directed at anyone who, as it seems to it, violates its rights. For example, you try to move a cat lying on the bed so that you can lie down yourself, and in response you receive an attack. Sometimes an animal occupies a doorway and an attempt to drive it away from the place where it is disturbing everyone leads to the same result.

Some people misinterpret this behavior as play. Cats take their place in the hierarchy at the age of two years. Later it will be more difficult to take action.

What to do?

Reward your cat with treats and affection when she is in a relaxed, peaceful state. Ignore an animal that has lost its temper, but do not punish it under any circumstances. This is a case where punishment will only significantly worsen the problem.

Maternal aggression

All mothers protect their babies when they believe they are in danger. Therefore, aggression towards the owners in this case is a sign of the animal’s distrust.

What to do?

If the aggressive behavior of a nursing cat is hypertrophied, the mother should be disturbed as little as possible. But if you need to carry out any manipulations with the cat or kittens, the veterinarian advises applying a little jelly from canned cat food to your hands.

Territorial aggression

Cats are much more territorial animals than dogs. In nature, these are solitary hunters, each with their own territory. Therefore, it is natural for them to win living space for themselves. As a rule, cats and female cats begin to show pronounced territorial aggression at the age of about a year.

If there are other animals in the house, then, as a rule, the aggressor cat causes them the most trouble. However, redirected aggression can also cause trouble for owners.

It cannot be said that territorial conflicts do not arise in a friendly community of cats. Just at good development events, the territory is distributed peacefully: less dominant animals voluntarily give way best places leader, or the cats themselves change them throughout the day. But, nevertheless, fights happen in this case too.

What to do?

Any new animal must be introduced into the cat community gradually. First, it must be in a separate room, where access to others is prohibited. Gradually, you can let the newcomer out for a while, completely in control of the situation. Gradually increase the time, getting used to it can take from one month to a year.

Fighting cats should be separated by putting thick mittens on your hands or using a thick towel, and seated in different rooms for several hours.


Punishment never helps in combating aggressive behavior in cats. The consequence will be fear and even greater anger, which will be directed not only at you, but also at other family members and animals. The only one the right way- ignoring the cat, depriving it of your attention and affection.

The animal quickly realizes that life has become boring and uninteresting and begins to look for communication, games, and your affection. At such moments, praise and encourage him.

In complex complex cases, drugs based on synthetic analogue pheromone produced by the cat's glands. The drug is sold in our country trademark Feliway is in the form of a diffuser that plugs into a socket and ensures an even distribution of the substance in the room.

Trim your animals' nails in a timely manner, provide them with scratching posts and a sufficient number of toys. Be patient. Study the body language of cats so you can understand the signals they give you. This way you can respond promptly and correctly to unwanted behavior.

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Some of the saddest and at the same time ridiculous stories begin something like this: “Our Murka has always been affectionate cat, and yesterday I almost scratched my eyes out.” Most owners who have experienced what aggression is like in cats don’t even think about the fact that it’s not Murka’s fault. Cats, for the most part, are calm and affectionate creatures that show aggression only for the purpose of self-defense. If your pet hisses, scratches, bites, or shows hostility towards you, family members or guests, you should not blame the animal, you need to look for reasons.

Let’s make a reservation in advance, cats that show idiopathic (unexplained) aggression are not “bad”; they get along quite well with people, with a reasonable approach to education. The list of "evil" includes:

  • – have an innate “cult of the master.” Considering the age of the breed and the history of its breeding, the scratching Siamese is still “flowers”. It is believed that the ancestors Siamese cats killed people who tried to lie to the pharaohs. Most often, problems arise due to jealousy of the owner, that is, the cat loves one family member, and attacks others.
  • White cats– presumably, aggression is associated with “Angora blood”. Most white Angoras are born deaf, which makes them more vulnerable. Fear and self-preservation instincts force the cat to show excessive hostility “just in case.”
  • Blue cats– the only assumption that justifies the “evil” is the natural distrust that most representatives of this color have. The person shows excessive persistence, which frightens the cat.

Cats that survived ill-treatment, are also at risk. Abnormal aggression is extremely rare, but it is almost impossible to stop. The owners cannot predict the behavior of the ward, now she is caressing, and a second later, as if at the flip of a switch, she flies into a rage.

When purchasing an animal from a “risk group”, you should carefully weigh your strengths; sometimes, adjusting behavior does not help and the owner has only one option - sedatives for cats in case of aggression. Before starting treatment, read the article to the end. Most types of aggression are understandable and can be stopped. Generally speaking, an animal can become angry for 3 reasons - competition, pain or fear.

Read also: How to stop a kitten from biting and scratching: understanding cat psychology

Pay attention! You can provoke a cat to aggression without realizing it, for example, by staring into the eyes (a threat, a warning of an attack). If you have a pet with whom confrontations arise, study body language and the main points of cat psychology.

Aggression caused by pain or fear

A cat driven into a corner, seeing no way out and no support, is not easily afraid; it fears for its life. Everything that frightens must be destroyed - it is an instinct and cannot be eradicated, the main question is the degree of fright:

  • Lightweight– despite being frightened, the cat can approach the frightening object or sniff it. For example, introducing an adult cat to a small kitten.
  • Average– a pet that has been examined by a veterinarian behaves with restraint, the cat’s body is tense and compressed, the tail is tucked, it seems that the cat wants to become smaller. Just support your pet; the cat will not panic when it feels protected.
  • Heavy– the animal attacks everything that is nearby. They use teeth, claws, hissing, threatening poses and releasing secretions from the anal glands. In fact, it looks like a “typhoon” rushing throughout the room. Do not try to stop the animal, much less pick it up. Until you calm down completely, you need to leave the room, if possible. If a panic attack occurs outside the home, it is necessary to wrap up the animal, closing its eyes and temporarily placing the aggressor in a cramped, enclosed space - a carrier or box.
  • Very heavy– accompanied by involuntary bowel movements and bladder, pupils dilated, mouth open. A condition that is dangerous not only for others, but also for the cat. Symptoms indicate that maximum dose adrenaline and the heart muscle works “to the limit”. Do not touch the animal with your hands and protect your face! It is recommended to carefully cover the cat with a box or blanket and leave it alone for a while, without moving it.

Territorial aggression

It occurs in both females and males upon the onset of puberty. The cat and its entire pride (people and other pets) have a certain smell and place in hierarchical ladder. If one of the members of the pack crosses the “permissible boundaries” or changes the smell, the former friend turns into a “stranger” who must leave the territory.

Read also: How a cat eats: unusual preferences

Attacks on the owner can be explained by competition for the place of alpha representative in the pack. A person has a personal scent - the smell of sweat, in men it is saturated with testosterone, in women with estrogen. The smell of sweat causes aggression in a cat due to the action of the sexual instinct; a cat attacks a man, a cat attacks a woman. If the animal and the owner are of different sexes, the smell of human sweat causes the opposite reaction - sexual arousal and the release of endorphins.

Protecting the territory is dictated by the instinct of reproduction, and aggression in a cat can only be removed by sterilizing the pet. Please note that the older the ward becomes, the weaker he considers himself, and the fear of overthrow or expulsion prompts the animal to become violently aggressive.

Interspecies aggression

Anger caused by competition for territory, food or attention of the owner. In a group of animals (even if there are only 2 of them), there is always an “alpha” and her subordinates. Hierarchy is established through showdowns - hissing, displays of force, or even fights. However, from time to time a “subordinate” will claim the place of “alpha”. It happens that two pets live in perfect harmony, share a bowl, a bed and the affection of the owner, and suddenly, one cat shows aggression.

There are several reasons for anger:

  • Hormonal surge.
  • Competition for food or territory.
  • Weakened "alpha" state.

You can't change nature and clashes will happen. Exit 2 - tolerate the pets' antics, risking their health, or sterilize the animals. After sterilization, one of the basic instincts in pets is dulled – sexual, which “removes” questions about defending territory or fighting for the hypothetical right to procreate.

Redirected aggression

Pet attacks the nearest one living creature, angry at an animal or object that is out of reach. For example, a ward watches a cat from the window, begins to bang its tail, hiss and raise its fur. If at this moment, you or another animal “hurts” the aggressor with something, all the anger will be redirected.

Even after the pet has “let off steam”, it remains in an irritated state. It’s as if he’s walking around the house asking: “Well, who else should I kick?” There are few options for eliminating redirected aggression - isolate the animal after an outburst of anger (temporary), sterilize it, or use sedatives.

Aggression due to overexcitement

You're sitting in front of the TV, stroking your pet's belly, and suddenly you get a serious slap in the face using claws and teeth - it's your own fault. Unreasonable aggression of a cat towards a person is a very rare phenomenon; most often, the pet will warn you of an upcoming attack. You can “irritate” your pet by interfering with personal space, touching areas of the body that are unacceptable from a cat’s point of view, or inadvertently causing pain. The animal will warn you with the following signs:

  • Tail wagging, twitching or thumping.
  • Twitching of ears, back.
  • Slightly raised hair on the neck or between the shoulder blades.
  • Sudden change of posture.
  • Voice signals – hissing, meowing.
  • An attempt to get rid of the irritant.

In most cases, anger in cats is born out of fear, and aggressive behavior from the cat’s point of view is simple self-defense. Placing a cat in any situation in which he experiences fear-filled emotions can cause him to become angry. Understanding how to minimize and eliminate such situations is an important part of calming an angry animal and returning it to a peaceful state.


Part 1

Identifying behavioral signs of anger in a cat

    Think about the reason for the cat's anger. Primary cause Displaying anger or aggressive behavior in cats is fear. Cats are not as well domesticated as dogs and easily revert to exhibiting wild habits. That is, cats are just one step away from wild animals, and many wild animals live in constant search of possible sources of danger, including humans. Topping the list of dangers for cats is strangers, simply because the animal doesn't know what a particular person is like until it has a chance to observe him and see how friendly he is. Remember that the reason for your cat's fear may not always be immediately obvious to you.

    Pay attention to behavior related to the appearance of anger in the animal. Understanding cat body language can help you avoid conflict. It will be useful to guess both signs of fear and aggression. However, sometimes they overlap each other, so you shouldn’t try too hard to differentiate them exactly. It is important to understand the stress state of your pet, in which it can attack. Know that the cat can move from calm state into a state of fear or anger in a matter of seconds. Signs of fear or aggression may include:

    • raising the hair on end;
    • dilated pupils;
    • a direct look at you (precedes an attack);
    • evasion eye contact(fear);
    • pressed mustache;
    • ears pressed to the head;
    • crouched posture;
    • grin and hiss.
  1. Think about the purpose behind the “evil” behavior. Although this behavior is often considered a sign that the cat is preparing to attack, it is usually more likely to indicate a stressed and frightened cat's desire to simply get out of the current situation.

    Look for signs of "redirected aggression." This term is used when a cat takes out its anger on another cat or person, despite the fact that the source of the anger was a completely different cat or person. If this happens to two cats living together, it can be quite difficult to reconcile them, depending on the severity of the fight.

    Watch for bites during play. Be aware that some cats tend to become overexcited during play and begin to bite and scratch, which can be confused with aggressive behavior.

    • If your cat is in the mood for more aggressive play, you can always bring fishing rod toys to save your hands from getting bitten.
  2. Know how to distinguish between fear and aggression caused by human affection. Some cats often show aggression in response to affection. They may enjoy your petting for a while, but then they will suddenly become aggressive in return. However, this behavior should not be confused with anger. The following are listed possible reasons such aggression.

    Sit down. Do not tower over your cat or look him directly in the eyes when he is irritated, as this increases his sense of threat. If you are not in imminent danger and want to help a frightened animal feel more confident, either lie down on the floor or squat to make him appear smaller.

    Ignore the cat. Turning your attention completely away from the cat gives him a chance to independently evaluate you and understand that you do not pose a threat.

    Provide your cat with safe hiding places. Often, the cat may simply need to deal with his own fearful reactions by being directed to a safe hiding place. For example, if your cat is afraid of strangers, it is very likely that he will try to hide the first time the doorbell rings. Consider placing the cat's crate in a quiet, quiet room, which will give the cat something to hide in until he decides to come out again.

    • Cats also feel safe in high places. Consider providing your cat with a tower-style play structure that has a high-mounted shelter for the animal, this is especially useful if the source of the cat's fear is a dog that has appeared in the house.
  3. Approach the cat slowly and carefully. After giving your cat time and space to calm down, approach your cat carefully without touching him. You need to make sure that everything visible signs the anger disappeared, including the standing fur on end, the hissing and the arching of the back. However, even in the absence of these visible signs, your cat may still remain angry, fearful and combative, so it is very important to take your time.

    Let the cat come to you. Sit or lie down on the floor with treats in your hands. Let the cat sniff and look around. Even if he keeps his distance and simply examines you, his confidence gradually grows that you do not pose a threat.

    Use food to help. Shake a box of treats or an open can of your cat's favorite canned food and place it in the food bowl. Make sure that the cat has enough fresh water, as after strong experiences the pet may experience extreme thirst. However, do not force the animal to eat or drink. The pet will do this when it is ready.

    Don't punish the cat. Never punish your cat under any circumstances. Remember that aggression is born of fear, and therefore increasing fear physical punishment only make aggression even more likely. Instead, deal with your pet's anger with love and patience.

  4. Contact your veterinarian. A cat may be forced to demonstrate anger or aggression by some illness or pain he experiences. If your cat was previously affectionate and suddenly becomes angry or aggressive (or if all of the above steps do not help), contact your veterinarian to check his health.

    • Consider spaying or neutering your cat, as these surgeries can affect hormone levels that lead to dominant or aggressive behavior.
    • If the cause of aggression is a neighbor's cat, keep your cat within the walls of the house or agree with your neighbors to let the animals out for walks. different times. Explain to your neighbors the benefits of this approach, both for your cat and theirs.
    • Changes in life can make a cat feel apprehensive and angry. When changing furniture, moving, or changing the owner's work schedule, do not forget to provide the cat with access to a safe, quiet place where he can calm down, and also continue to feed the animal regularly and communicate with it as before.
    • If you recently went away, leaving your cat under the care of another person, or if he was kept in a cage, then after your return you may notice some aggression in your pet. Be patient for a few days until your cat gets used to you again.
    • An overweight cat may become aggressive due to the inability to groom itself if it has fleas. Rid the animal of fleas and consult a veterinarian about reducing the animal's weight.


    • Bowls of food and water can help achieve a truce between two warring cats. If they fight over food, provide them with individual bowls. different places. The bully cat won't be able to be in two places at once, so the other pet can eat in peace.
    • If you move, be prepared for the cat to take some time to get used to the new place, unless you move so often that it has become a routine situation for the cat. Don't worry, provide the cat with some space and accompany the moving process with treats and toys for the cat, so that the move is something pleasant for him, and not just being in a locked cage and the subsequent need to explore a new territory.
    • If you have several cats, they may try to share litter boxes among themselves. Some cats don't mind sharing trays, while others are categorically against it. Provide every cat with clean litter tray. Whether they allow each other to share litter boxes is up to them, it will depend on how well they get along, but it is important on your part to give them the opportunity individual use trays, so you will help them live peacefully.

The first manifestations of a cat's aggression are puzzling. Yesterday's little fluffy and harmless lump becomes like a tiger. A cat with teeth and sharp curved claws can cause trouble for a person.

If an early, calm animal begins to rush at a person, then it is necessary to analyze the lifestyle domestic cat and assess the physiology that may trigger the behavior.

Causes of aggression in cats

Among the causes of pet aggression, one can distinguish external and internal ones. For example, cats can react aggressively to the appearance of new odors in the room, for example, if renovations are underway.

Desperate aggression can be caused by an object that is scary from the cat’s point of view. For example, a robot vacuum cleaner. On the Internet you can see touching videos in which cats calmly sit on robots moving around the apartment. Tolerance developed due to the animal's calm acquaintance with the device. If a robot vacuum cleaner, like another “very scary” object, suddenly appears in the cat’s field of vision, aggression can be expected.

The mother cat protects the offspring, so it can attack a person or another animal, although most domestic cats are calm about the fact that familiar people take the babies in their hands.

Breed characteristics play a role in shaping the type of behavior. Some cat breeds are rarely affectionate. It is difficult to find an agreeable creature among the Persians or the British. Even if a cat of this breed is calm at home, he tends to experience stress in response to external stimuli outside.

Sometimes a cat's aggression manifests itself in play. The animal forgets itself and begins to bite the owner’s hands. The only one sound advice there will be an exception of hands as an object for games. It is better to play with the animal using toys that can be purchased at a pet store.

Prey protection is a natural behavior that allows a cat to survive in wildlife. Therefore, the animal may become aggressive if the owner or another cat approaches food or an imaginary mouse.

The gender factor plays an important role in a cat’s aggression. During estrus, the female becomes affectionate and docile. She arches, purrs invitingly and doesn’t mind being picked up. At the same time, at any moment her mood may change dramatically, she may bite or scratch. In the case of prolonged unsatisfied estrus, the cat changes hormonal background, the animal may develop ovarian cysts and a predominance of male sex hormones. This cat is capable of constant aggression, and even surgery removing the ovaries and uterus cannot always correct her behavior.

The cat is subject to long-term influence of the sexual call. He can attack other family members, most often choosing men as victims. After throwing and biting, the cat retreats, wagging its tail irritably. This behavior is a sign of sexual aggression.

Irritability in adult animals is provoked by a painful condition. Cats tolerate discomfort or pain, so health problems are diagnosed by late stages. Cystitis, gastritis, excessive gas formation in the intestines - the reasons why a cat can become aggressive when it is taken under the stomach. She is in pain.

If a cat that is calm in everyday life attacks when picked up, then the animal must be shown to a veterinarian and examined. Although there are cats that do not mind being stroked, they object when a person tries to pick them up.

Some animals retain remnants of instincts. The cat has long been domesticated and most people living in an apartment have no fear for their lives. If the cat is sleeping and you try to pick him up, then instincts can work. The owner should watch the animal and not disturb it in its sleep.

What should an owner of an aggressive cat do?

If a person is unable to understand the reasons for a cat’s aggressive behavior, then one can turn to animal psychologists. A specialist will analyze your lifestyle and suggest how you can correct your behavior.

Cats, unlike dogs, are difficult to suppress with authority. The animal is independent, not gregarious, and rarely recognizes the authority of other species. Attempts to dominate and punish will lead to the animal becoming embittered and aggressive.

Regardless of the reason for the aggression, it is advisable to deprive the cat of the opportunity to scratch a person. Barbarians cannot remove the claw phalanx, but it is worth trimming the claws or putting silicone caps on them. The procedure does not provide negative influence on the cat’s condition and self-perception, but it will not be able to harm a person.

Further correction of behavior is carried out depending on the circumstances that caused the aggression.

How to reduce aggression when defending offspring

If a mother cat is ready to attack anyone who approaches her children, then the instinct will disappear as the kittens grow older. It would be more correct to provide the cat with a quiet corner in the apartment and limit the ability of the kittens to move within the mother’s visibility. And do not pick up the squeaking lumps in your hands.

When older kittens begin to explore the world, defensive instinct the mother's is fading away. Protection of offspring is manifested in mongrel cats, while artificially bred breeds are devoid of such instincts. Here a person should think about whether it is necessary for a cat to give birth to kittens. Sterilization will stop not only attempts at defensive aggression, but will also relieve owners from the need to spend time and effort on the placement of offspring.

What to do if your cat is defending food

About half of all cats are jealous of their bowl. They are capable of pawing or biting a dog or other cat that approaches the food. Sometimes it can also affect a person. A cat's behavior cannot be corrected; it is easier and more effective to train yourself and family members not to disturb an animal that is eating.

How to eliminate aggression associated with the appearance of another pet

It would be naive to expect all cats to be happy when a brother, puppy or newborn baby appears in the apartment. Another cat or a squeaking lump alerts a domestic cat and can cause aggression. At first, it’s worth dividing the apartment into zones.

For now, a separate room is enough for a puppy or kitten, but the cat should not be restricted from walking around the territory of the remaining apartment. External stimulus in the form of a stranger strange creature ceases to cause a feeling of danger after a while, if the animal does not receive punishment or other negative experience.

You should not bring a cat near a child or a dog until the animal expresses a desire to get acquainted and sniff it on its own. It is enough that the domestic cat hears sounds from behind closed door and smell it. If the first meeting ended with the cat running away and growling, then this is more likely the norm. Few cats are able to sniff a strange living object and experience good feelings towards it.

Aggressive behavior towards other living beings, with which the cat has no experience of communicating, does not occur in all animals. In some cases, the tailed pet tries to adopt everything that squeaks. A cat may try to get into bed with a newborn baby or lick a puppy. There is no point in expressing dissatisfaction with such behavior. It is enough to remove the cat from the crib and occupy it with other things, for example, playing or eating.

Solving the sexual issue

Sexual aggression in a cat, if detected in a timely manner, can be corrected. It is enough to remove the gonads so that the animal does not have a craving for the opposite sex and the associated discomfort. It is recommended to castrate a cat between the ages of 7 months and 1 year, however, the age limit is not a limitation. Often, breeding kittens not intended for breeding are deprived of the opportunity to breed at the age of 3 months. If there are no contraindications for the pet's health, doctors do not object to the procedure.

To avoid hormonal disorder, it is better to sterilize a cat from which it is not planned to produce valuable offspring before the first heat. The operation on a female individual is called sterilization. It involves removal of the ovaries and uterus. The behavior of both cats and cats is leveled out, the animal is not subject to hormonal crises and after sterilization they become much calmer.

Getting used to “scary” objects and sounds

A smart country cat knows what danger a certain sound poses and what objects should not be afraid of. This knowledge is not given at birth, but is developed on the basis of systemic experience.

Aggression towards unfamiliar things is caused by fear. And to overcome it, you need more positive reinforcement. If you want your pet not to be afraid, for example, of being carried, which happens often, he needs to be trained. It will be enough to create a security zone inside the container. Cats love to sleep in closed, compact places. Place a soft cloth inside the carrier and create comfort for the kitten from the first days of life. The cat will feel safe inside the container, so it is easy to travel with it or take it to the clinic.

Regularly introduce your tailed friend to new smells and objects. There are harnesses on sale in pet stores that allow you to walk cats like dogs. Of course, the fear of a harness and the desire to get rid of slight discomfort must be overcome earlier than on the first walks.

Often instead systematic approach to combat the animal's fears and aggression, owners try to find sedative. Kot Bayun drops and other drugs that have a mild sedative effect do not work. The substance disappears from the cat’s body if the animal experiences a release of hormones of aggression and fear. Medicines are not a solution, so it is better for the owner to approach raising the pet correctly from an early age little kitten.

Is aggression a sign of danger?

The aggressive behavior of a domestic cat is dangerous for humans. To eliminate aggressive behavior, a person needs to take action at the first symptoms of its manifestation. The situation may get out of control. Aggression is one of the top three reasons why an animal is taken for euthanasia or tried to be taken to a shelter. Cats rarely suffer from clouding of consciousness and uncontrolled aggression. In almost all cases, unwanted behavior has causes and solutions.

Despite the danger, there is no need to panic and throw the animal away. The interspecific features of communication between humans and domestic cats have been studied, so it is not difficult to understand them on your own or with the help of a specialist. Creating a suitable environment in the home and a respectful attitude towards natural needs cats will make the coexistence of man and animal mutually enjoyable.