What plants to plant for a cat. Cat grass: how to choose and grow at home? Breeding in a litter box

đŸ± Why does a cat eat grass. What plants do you choose? The benefits of herbivory for kittens. Which grass is healthier for cats? How to grow and where to buy seeds.


Both domestic and street purring mustaches enjoy eating weed with pleasure. This is a completely natural phenomenon that has various reasons. It’s not for nothing that cats look for green vegetation and eat it: grass for cats useful for containing substances necessary for the body and for normalizing the digestion process.

If street stray cats have no problem treating themselves to greens, then domestic kitties, looking longingly out the window, will have to hope that the owner wants to plant a lush green meadow at home.

Why do cats eat grass?

Despite the fact that for many owners the sight of a cat chewing grass is unusual, this is a craving inherent in nature - cats had to live in the open air without the owner's care. So the animals obtained food to the best of their strength and capabilities. Their food consisted of rodents, birds and vegetation. Herbal food helps the digestion process - the animal regurgitates excess food, so grass for cats can be called a kind of cleanser of the stomach and intestines: blades of grass gather into a lump, which collects everything undigested from the walls of the stomach.

Instincts have not disappeared in modern cats - they still look for places with green plants with interest, and do not disdain home flowers, biting their leaves. The owners, seeing such disgrace, seek to punish the animal, although, it turns out, they are punishing it for the manifestation of instinct.

To the question why do cats eat grass you can answer this way: it helps to regurgitate undigested trash that has entered the stomach, and at the same time saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. The succulent vegetation contains zinc, niacin, manganese, acids, folic acid and vitamins.

What grass do cats eat?

Deprived of the opportunity to choose vegetation, domestic cats without a walk suffer greatly from an unfulfilled instinct - then they begin to bite house flowers in an attempt to find a means to cleanse their stomach, or simply gnaw on a broom. To prevent the animal from suffering, you need to find suitable herbs for it and treat your pet.

Valerian or mint are on the list of cats' favorite greens, but purrs do not eat these plants, but only enjoy their aroma.

Cats don't like to eat just any kind of grass. They are picky eaters and know what greens suit them at the moment.

There are certain grasses that cats eat with pleasure: parsley, wheat, oats, barley. These plants are useful for your pet in every sense. Sprouted oats are considered the most favorite grass of cats. Cereals sprout with tender, juicy greens, and the tailed one constantly nibbles blades of grass. A particularly delicate meadow can be quickly cut down to the roots.

But not only does it grow on the windowsill useful herb, but also dangerous flowers:

  • monstera;
  • Decembrist;
  • azaleas;
  • begonia;
  • ficus;
  • ivy;
  • dracaena.

These plants can cause serious poisoning and even death of your pet.

But here are the plants that a person can grow for his own needs, and which can be favored by the domestic purr:

  • rosemary (if the cat often sits next to the plant, the fleas will find another coat);

    peppermint or lemon balm - the leaves can be bitten by kitty, or used as a source of alluring aroma.

Wild Strays as Green delicious dish They prefer creeping wheatgrass.

Choosing grass for a cat

Since cats can easily bite greens, which are dangerous to health, and even life, the best solution The owner will take care of the presence of a safe green lawn on the windowsill.

If the owner decides to plant greens on the windowsill for the first time, it is better to choose oats or wheat. The seeds are sold in a package labeled “grass for cats.”

You can grow a variety of herbs that are beneficial for cats: it is better to purchase seeds of different plants and periodically alternate the green menu.

Some people grow wheat, barley and oats in the same pot. You can try sowing lemon grass or lemongrass. This is for cats natural antibiotic and an antiseptic with diuretic properties. The citrus aroma of the plant will be appreciated by all family members.

How to Grow Grass for Cats

There are several ways to plant grass for your cat.

The first method: plant grass in the soil. Seeds are sold at pet stores. The soil can be purchased either as a substrate for plants, or you can prepare it yourself. The grass will grow in a container: flowerpot, pot, tray, box. There are no restrictions here.

The seeds are soaked in water for 40-60 minutes and sown in prepared, slightly moistened soil. Then the future seedlings are sprinkled with soil on top and covered with plastic film to create greenhouse conditions. As soon as the seedlings emerge from the ground, the film can be removed. Germination time is about 2-4 days. The next sowing will need to be done in 2 weeks.

The second method: sowing without land. Take two plastic plates. One of smaller diameter. We pierce the bottom of a wide plate in several places, lay out a layer of cotton wool, pour water on it and lay out grass seed for the cat. Cover everything on top with coarse gauze. Place the dishes on a small plate. The crops are covered with a bowl of larger diameter and wrapped in polyethylene until germination.

October 19, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing work, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing work), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

If you have a cat, then you can only envy you (well, or sympathize with you if the cat is like mine). In any case, a pet requires care, and in the case of a cat, in addition to feeding and care, this also means providing it with fresh grass. Why this herb is needed and how to get it in sufficient quantities, I will tell you in this short note.

Why does a cat need grass?

A cat living in the private sector “free-range” eats grass almost regularly. Of course there is risk involved helminthic infestations Therefore, deworming must be carried out regularly. But at the same time, grass in the diet of cats (and at the same time canines) performs two extremely important functions:

  • Hard grass stems entering the stomach help cleanse it, causing vomiting. Along with vomit and grass, hard-to-digest food remains (for example, a plastic casing from a sausage) and hair that has accumulated inside after licking come out. There is nothing wrong with such vomiting - this process is quite normal and even necessary to maintain wellness pet.
  • If the cat only bites the grass stems, chews them and spits them out, this indicates a lack of vitamins. You can adjust the diet, but it is still worth providing access to grass.

As I noted above, “outdoor” cats have no problems with this. But an animal living in a typical high-rise apartment has nowhere to find fresh grass. So you have to periodically raid the owner’s flowers, receiving a well-deserved scolding.

It is possible to protect flowers from a cat, and a cat from flowers (most of them, to put it mildly, are not useful). To do this, it’s worth taking just a little time and growing fresh grass!

What will we grow?

The easiest way is to buy a bag of seeds at the farm store labeled “grass for cats.” As a rule, the seed mixture includes various herbs such as bluegrass, lemongrass, etc. However, even though such grass costs a penny, you can save even more.

Suitable for growing for feeding cats:

  • wheat;
  • rye;
  • oats;
  • barley.

By purchasing two or three glasses of such grains at any market, we provide the cat with complete green nutrition for at least a season.

Cat farming technology

Method 1. With soil

There are two ways to grow grass for cats. The first involves the use of a substrate - either regular flower soil or a replacement for it. I usually do it like this:

  1. I take a tray with a side height of no more than 5 cm: containers from food products, unused cat litter container, etc. In principle, you can grow grass in flower pots, but here the probability that in the process of eating the greenery will be thrown to the floor is close to 100%. Therefore, the lower the tank and the wider its base, the better.

  1. I place several layers of thick napkins or hard toilet paper at the bottom of the container.
  2. Then I add about 2 cm of wood granular cat litter - it is advisable to take the option with a minimum amount of flavorings.

We only use fresh filler! Using pellets that have been in the litter box is: a) unhygienic and b) can harm the cat.

  1. I fill the filler with water and leave it for about 2-3 hours. During this time, the granules will swell and our substrate will turn into mush.

  1. I sow the seeds of the halls on the surface of the substrate and sprinkle them with either the same soaked filler or garden soil. The layer of powder should be 1-2 cm.
  2. I moisten the soil with the seeds and cover the tray with plastic wrap to speed up germination.

  1. I put our “flowerbed” on . When the seeds begin to germinate, I remove the film and water regularly, making sure that the soil does not dry out.

Method 2. Without soil

The second method does not provide high yields, but it can be used even when we have neither soil nor a suitable tray at our disposal. We proceed like this:

  1. We take two disposable plates - one larger, the other smaller.
  2. In a smaller plate we make several dozen holes with a diameter of about 1 mm - they will serve to drain excess water.
  3. Place cosmetic cotton pads on the bottom of the plate and thoroughly moisten them.
  4. We place a smaller plate in a larger one, and sow cereal seeds on the surface of the cotton pads.
  5. Cover the seeds with coarse gauze on top.

We wrap both plates in plastic and place them on the windowsill. As soon as the seeds germinate, the plastic should be removed, and the young grass should be watered at least once or twice a day with a small amount of clean water.


The methods I described for growing grass for a cat can be implemented in any apartment. So if you want to provide your pet with access to fresh greens, feel free to take note of this technique, and before starting the “sowing work”, also watch the video in this article.

October 19, 2016

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The cat is a carnivore and eats mainly meat. But all cats are attracted to herbal greens: they eat them on walks and actively demand them at home. Their wild counterparts do the same with green spaces. Why do cats need grass, which one is best for treating your pet, and how to provide it to an animal that does not have free range, we will tell you below.

Why cats need to eat grass

If a cat were forced to eat exclusively plant foods, even if rich in proteins, she would soon go blind. The substances necessary for cat vision are synthesized by their bodies exclusively from animal proteins. But grass is also vital for murkas: this is clear from their regular desire for this supplement to their meat diet.

Veterinarians have not come to a clear answer to the question of why cats must eat blades of grass. There are several versions with to varying degrees evidence.

Diet expansion

The herb contains many vitamins, microelements and amino acids that are useful for life: choline, biotin, copper, zinc, cobalt, silicon, potassium, etc. Undoubtedly increased content greens contain folic acid, which improves the circulation of oxygen in the blood and is especially useful for bearing healthy offspring.

This is interesting! Felinologists (specialists who study cats) specifically observed what kind of grass the tailed cats prefer. As a rule, cats chose familiar greens, not trying to try other plants.

Thus, eating grass is more of a habit than a search for missing substances. Moreover, a number of substances not contained in meat, as recent studies have discovered, are synthesized independently in the cat’s body.


For a long time it was believed that a sick animal seeks medicinal herbs to help yourself get better. Having examined many cats who love to eat grass, veterinarians did not find any acute or systemic ailments in them. By the way, some medicinal plants for cats are strictly contraindicated and can be poisonous, for example, foxglove.

Taste preferences

It has been noticed that some cats that strive for grass do not actually always swallow it, but only bite it. They probably just like the fresh taste of herbal juice.

Regulation of bowel function

The laxative effect is associated with the regurgitation of the eaten grass, and the fixative effect is associated with its composition. For certain intestinal problems, given a choice, cats will eat different types of grass. To relax, pets often eat blades of grass with wide leaves, and to strengthen the intestines, they choose narrow-leaved plants.

Stomach cleansing

This is the most reasonable reason. Grass is a coarse fiber made of cellulose, which is practically absent in animal food . Moving along the esophagus, the lump of greenery cleanses its walls from adhering pieces of food and collects them on itself. By burping a lump, the cat will remove from the body excessively eaten food, a stale piece, or fur that it swallowed while licking itself.

Important! In nature, a predator does not eat exclusively meat. Together with herbivorous prey in his digestive tract the contents of her stomach also enter, so her share plant food the cat gets it this way.

Along with grass, the additional function of an internal cleanser is also performed by the fur (feathers) of the eaten prey.

What grass do cats usually eat?

If a cat does not have access to fresh growing grass, it will look for other ways to satisfy its need. Most often suffer indoor plants. If a green-hungry cat finds seedlings prepared for planting, he will willingly try them. The owners observed that their pets even nibbled bouquets in vases or gnawed on a broom. Don't scold your pets for this behavior; provide them with the grass they need.

Important! Access to some house and bouquet flowers can be dangerous for a cat's health: rhododendrons, dieffenbachias, mistletoe, daffodils and some other plants are poisonous to them.

If we talk about taste, felines will prefer mint and valerian to any treat. When the cat manages to find these plants, she buries her muzzle in the leaves, experiencing genuine pleasure from the smell. But digestive function There is no harm in using these herbs. In nature, cats prefer cereal plants, that is, those that form spikelets during germination. The most common street grass is creeping wheatgrass; it is preferred by muskies who have the opportunity to walk on their own.

For tailtails, young blades of grass that have only recently hatched from seeds are preferable. They are the ones that contain greatest number useful elements And powerful charge vital energy. As a rule, cats are very fond of grass, on the tips of which drops of juice are still visible.

Growing grass at home

To provide your beloved animal with year-round access to fresh greens, caring owner raise her at home himself. This is a fairly simple and inexpensive event, the benefit of which will be the health and pleasure of your furry pet.

Seed selection

You can choose any cereal or purchase a box of seeds in specialized stores. Experienced cat owners say that almost none of their pets refuse freshly sprouted oats. Oat grains and other cereals are purchased in bulk at markets and where animal and bird feed are sold.

This is interesting! If you are not sure about your cat's taste preferences, you can plant a mixture of cereal seeds - something that your cat will definitely like.

Preparing containers

You will need several small containers, the optimal number is 3. You can use available containers (for example, plastic boxes) or more decorative options - small flower pots, flowerpots, beautiful boxes. No one has canceled a creative approach: you can sow grass in an old hat, or a children's truck taken off its wheels into a basket. Also prepare a stand into which excess liquid will drain.

Conveyor sowing

Why is it best to choose 3 containers? Because it is convenient for continuously providing the cat with fresh grass. First, the seeds are planted in the first container; when they hatch, the sowing must be repeated in the second, and then in the third. The difference between crops is about a week. In 7 days, the cat will just finish the first portion of sprouts, and then the next one will arrive. And in the third, new seeds will hatch at this time.

Deciding on the substrate

The easiest way is to sow in ordinary soil or peat.. But sometimes cats not only like to bite the grass, but also rummage through the container. Therefore, in addition to soil, you can place seeds on:

  • moistened gauze;
  • moistened cotton wool;
  • watered sawdust or granules;
  • vermiculite or perlite;
  • a napkin watered with water;
  • several layers of toilet paper.

We are disembarking

Place the selected substrate at the bottom of the container and moisten well. Sprinkle the seeds so that the entire area is completely covered with a dense layer of them: this will subsequently give a thick “carpet” of seedlings. Cover the crop with a second layer of substrate and water again, but not excessively.

Important! After planting, your container should be filled only half full, because the seeds, when germinating, will raise the top layer of the substrate.

We ensure the greenhouse effect

Light is not required for seed germination, but warmth and moisture retention are necessary. Therefore, the container must be closed with a loose lid or plastic wrap. After this, place the future “cat garden” on the windowsill. Shoots will appear even faster if you place the container on a radiator (of course, if it is not too hot). When the blades of grass hatch 1-2 cm, the film can be removed (usually 4-5 days). A week after sowing, offer your cat the first batch of “green goodness” and repeat sowing in the second container.

Important! Do not pick up grass on the street to treat it to domestic cat. Even if you rinse it before use, you will not be able to wash away all possible dirt and helminth eggs. It is much safer to grow grass for your pet at home.

If the cat is not particularly eager to eat grass, you should not force it. But excessive “herbivory” is a cause for concern and consultation with a veterinarian: perhaps the murka is lacking some substances or has problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

All owners of cats and kittens who do not leave the threshold of the apartment know that there is special grass for cats on sale, which is very necessary and useful for their pets. Some people buy this herb “to remove fur from the stomach,” others “for vitamins,” and others in the hope that the cat will stop nibbling indoor flowers.

Oddly enough, felinologists still do not have a consensus on why cats eat grass.

There is a theory according to which cats, being predators and eating small animals and birds, fill their stomachs with poorly digestible bones, feathers, and hair of their victims. To prevent this ballast from going further into the intestines and causing obstruction, cats eat grass, thereby provoking the act of vomiting, when undigested remains are regurgitated along with the grass. This theory is opposed by those scientists who examined the excrement of free-living cats, most of which had feathers and fur from eaten animals in their feces. In addition, most domestic cats only see birds and mice on TV, eat canned food, or meat without hair and feathers, but they still do not lose interest in grass, although they do not seem to have to deal with undigested food particles.

Proponents of another theory explain the craving of cats for grass by the fact that due to the specific structure of the tongue (pointed papillae inward) and excessive cleanliness cats, animals swallow a certain amount while licking own wool, which subsequently, when compressed, can lead to the formation of trichobezoars in the stomach and intestines, which can cause intestinal blockage. Therefore, as a preventative measure, cats eat grass, which reflexively irritates the intestinal walls and causes vomiting, and hairballs come out along with the grass.

This theory is opposed by those researchers and animal owners whose cats do not vomit after eating grass.

Animal observations have suggested another theory as to why grass is so attractive to cats. Some animals do not eat grass in the literal sense of the word. They adore a small lawn and can sit near it for a long time, nibbling on blades of grass. But neither ingestion of grass nor subsequent vomiting occurs; cats, after chewing the leaves, simply spit them out. This allowed scientists to assume that in this way cats that do not go outside intuitively try to replenish their diet folic acid, which is in large quantities found in green grass.

To further confuse scientists, some cats are ignored altogether green grass, showing absolutely no interest in her. Their owners, having heard enough that others have their own grass, mix chopped grass into meat and canned food.

But still, most animals show genuine interest in the home flower bed. For cats, oats, barley, and wheat are most often sprouted at home, because they love them the most. Sometimes animals choose one favorite herb, sometimes they chew everything - in each case the approach must be individual. You can buy already sprouted grass at a pet store, or purchase a mixture of grains in a special tray and germinate it yourself. Or you can grow fluffy grass yourself, especially since it is very simple and quick.

One easy way to grow grass for cats is to grow it in vermiculite.

Vermiculite is sold in any flower shop, its peculiarity is that it can absorb liquids up to 500% of its own weight.

It is precisely because vermiculite is able to absorb and retain large number moisture, there is no need for constant watering of the home flower bed, the grass roots receive required quantity liquids, but at the same time there is no souring. Grass grown in this way remains viable for 2-3 weeks, growing as the cat nibbles it.

Soak the grains (in our case, oats) with vermiculite in cool water for about 1 hour, after which we drain the excess water and pour everything into a wide tray (there is no need to make any holes in the bottom to drain excess water). It is better to fill the germination container halfway, rather than to the top, to avoid vermiculite spilling out of the tray in the future.

We put everything in a plastic bag and put it in a warm place (it turns out to be a greenhouse), on the third day you can already see the first shoots. The big advantage of germinating grass this way is that the grains do not germinate evenly. Those that are closer to the surface grow earlier, and while the cat eats them, sprouts appear from the lower layers, that is, the animal is constantly provided with young, fresh grass.

On the 5th-6th day, when the blades of grass have reached the required size, you can remove the plastic bag and offer the oatmeal to the cat.

As already mentioned, such a home flower bed proper care can live up to 3 weeks, the main thing is to monitor the condition of the grass root system. Once every 4-5 days, you need to fill the tray with weed with water for 10-15 minutes, then drain the excess.

This method of growing weed is suitable for neat animals that do not dig into the vermiculite itself and do not scatter it. For those who are extremely active and too inquisitive, another method of growing weed will be more acceptable.

We will grow grass in a normal plastic disposable plate. Using a hot awl or nail, we make holes to allow excess water to drain out.

We wash and soak the grains in water for several hours (ours is a mixture of barley and wheat).

Place the grains on a plate, cover with gauze and place in a warm place for 2-3 days. Usually, roots appear within 2 days.

Place gauze on a plate with holes (cut in a circle) and carefully sprinkle the sprouted grain with roots on top.

Water the top well, let the excess water drain and put the plate in a plastic bag.


Plants provide the cat's body with vitamins and cause gag reflex. Don't be alarmed, it's quite common for a cat to regurgitate. undigested food and hairballs. This is how cats free theirs from unnecessary things. The animal constantly needs grass. But this need is not so great as to plant a whole garden specifically for this house.

The cat's favorite grass is young oats. Fresh grass sprouts are especially useful in winter time, as an improving vitamin food additive for an animal. It contains B vitamins. You can buy it in the store already sprouted, or you can use it. By the way, if you are going to buy grass in a store, know that it is inexpensive (only about 30 rubles).

Take a low pot or plastic jar, fill the selected container with soil, and sprinkle seeds on top. Sprinkle the seeds on top with soil (about 1-2 cm of soil) and water your crops.

After some time, you will need to compact the soil in the pot so that the cat does not later pull out the shoots along with the roots when eating the grass. At first, keep the pot under a jar or keep it covered with plastic wrap. This will help retain moisture and the cat grass will grow faster.

When the new vitamin treat for your cat grows up, remove the jar (film). Follow up. If she eats grass well, you can build a whole greenhouse for her by planting several pots of grass. Once a week, sow grass for cats. This time is quite enough for the cat to “finish” the next portion of grass.

Useful advice

The cat will not be interested in plucked grass. This grass dries quickly. But don't try to transfer the cat to vegetarian food. She is carnivorous, and such attempts can lead to serious illness or even death of the animal.

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When bringing home a kitten, the owner hopes that it will grow into an intelligent, obedient and affectionate animal that will delight him for many years. However, often cute lumps turn out to be uncontrollable cats that shit wherever they want and scratch family members. How to grow good cat?

You will need

  • - food for the kitten;
  • - tray and filler for it;
  • - spray bottle, syringe or water gun.


For different breeds varies and optimal age when the kitten can be separated from its mother. Outbred babies can be taken in new family, as soon as they learn to eat solid food on their own, that is, at about one and a half months. Long-haired ones are slower, so it is better to take a three to four month old kitten.

After he appears in your house, you should explain to him the rules of behavior. Although cats are difficult to train, you should accustom him to a prohibitory word (“no” or “fu”), upon hearing which the animal will stop the action that is displeasing to the owner. At first, the command should be reinforced with a stream of water directed from a spray bottle, syringe or water pistol at the kitten. Do not hit the baby under any circumstances, otherwise he will be afraid of you. When a stream hits the kitten, he will not associate its appearance with you.

In order not to stumble upon puddles all over, the cat should be accustomed to. If the breeder has already trained the babies, ask him where they are used to going: in cat litter, sand or newspaper. Place the tray in a secluded place. As soon as the kitten pees on your floor, wet the piece of paper and put it down - so the animal will understand better what is required of him. As soon as you notice that the cat wants to relieve himself, take him to the tray and do not let him go out until he has done his business. After this, praise the animal.

From proper nutrition The health and longevity of the cat depends. If you decide to feed your cat "", this does not mean that you can give him food from your table - it contains salt and spices that are harmful to the animal. If you prefer dry food, choose the type based on the age, level of activity and breed of the animal. Find out from the breeder what he fed, and follow his recommendations for several days, gradually switching the animal to food that is convenient for you to give. If you choose the optimal diet, you will be able to grow a healthy and beautiful cat.

Cat owners sometimes note that the animal bites flowers on the window or seedlings planted in advance. This most often occurs in the spring and means that the cat’s body lacks additional substances. The best way out is to sow and germinate the grass yourself.

Grass has a very beneficial effect on the cat's body. With its help, the digestion process is normalized, the stomach is cleansed of swallowed hair, which is captured during washing. The cat eats grass, which provokes vomiting - this is how the body cleanses itself of accumulated hair.

The grass is not only rich in fiber, but also contains many trace elements and vitamins. On winter period When you can’t feed your cat fresh grass on the street, you can buy sprouted greens at a pet store or simply sow seeds. It won't take long to wait for the harvest. Never allow your cat to eat indoor flowers - this can cause an upset stomach, and some plants are simply poisonous.

Cats prefer herbs such as lemon balm, thyme, thyme, catnip or mint, valerian, barley, wheat, and oats. If you find it difficult to choose, tell the pet store that you need seeds to plant grass for your cat. You can also plant in normal flower pot, and even into a homemade container from plastic bottle. Fill the planting container two-thirds with soil, and sprinkle the prepared seeds on the ground. Sprinkle another centimeter of soil on top of them and water everything. Covering the container with a piece of polyethylene will help with moisture remain in the ground, and the seeds will germinate faster. When the grass appears a little from the ground, try to compact it better. Otherwise, when the cat eats it, it will grab the shoots along with the soil and pull everything out.

Polyethylene can be removed on the fifth or sixth day after sowing - by this time the grass is already sprouting. It needs to be watered once every three days. Sow a small amount of grass the first time and see if your cat likes this particular type. Animals usually readily eat young, fresh greens. Just make it a habit to plant a fresh batch weekly. Timely addition necessary substances in the cat's diet you will provide for a pet brilliant appearance And good health.

Seeds are purchased at flower and gardening supermarkets or pet stores. Subsequently, if you want to save money, you can create a plot for obtaining a new portion of seeds in the garden. Then germinate them at home in the winter and leave them for planting in the spring. For germination, you can use soil, vermiculite (a special mineral), and gauze. The container should be of medium depth (bowl, container, small pot). The seeds must be covered with film or placed in a mini-greenhouse.

Grow your own grass for cats

When grown in the ground, the seeds are poured onto a soil base, then covered with a small layer of soil. They are first washed and soaked in water for an hour. When grown on vermiculite, seeds are first placed on the mineral and kept in cool water for an hour. Then the liquid is drained and the material is poured into a container for germination. A container up to 5-7 cm high is sufficient.

When germinating in gauze, you need to prepare a container with holes to drain excess water. A plastic container is suitable for this purpose. The seeds are soaked for a couple of hours in cool water. Then they are placed in a container with pre-laid gauze and closed on top with the same material.

Regardless of the base chosen for cultivation, the seeds are watered and covered with thick cling film or a transparent plastic bag. The structure should be placed in a warm place for 3-5 days. You can offer sprouts to your cat 6-7 days after germination. Growing in vermiculite is suitable for neat animals, more likely for cats than cats. Females are less likely to dig into the material and scatter it.

The grass needs to be looked after and watered. Maximum home flower bed at proper care can stay fresh for up to 3 weeks. There is no need to overfeed your cat. You can sprout the grass once a month and give your pet additional vitamins. If your cat eats too much grass, you should contact your veterinarian for advice on the condition. digestive system animal.