Flower growing business. Business plan for growing flowers: how to grow flowers in a greenhouse, how to grow flowers, organizing a flower shop

Flowers are a symbol of love, respect and admiration; they are presented on holidays or simply without any reason to both distant acquaintances and the dearest people. And you can make good money from all this. The demand for flowers never ends - they are relevant at any time of the year, despite crises, holiday seasons and other disasters. And on some days, for example, on the eve of March 8, profits from the sale of these products can reach huge numbers.

LPH: where to start?

To start, you will need a piece of land. This could be a summer cottage, a plot of land near a country house, a house in a village or a vegetable garden. You can own the land, or you can rent it. At the same time, you must have a document in your hands confirming that you are the owner of a private plot, that is, a personal plot.

A private plot of personal subsidiary plot can be registered in one of the local government bodies - a dacha association, the administration of a rural settlement, and so on.

This form of business organization, such as private household plots, has a number of important advantages:

  • you will not have to pay taxes;
  • you will not be controlled by the tax service and other supervisory authorities;
  • You won’t have to deal with reporting and other paperwork.

However, private household plots also have significant drawback: You will only be able to sell your products to resellers, and they probably will not pay much for your products. But to start a business, personal gardening is perhaps the best option.

If you want to get maximum profit and feel confident in business, you can immediately open a business as an individual entrepreneur.

How much money will growing onions, vegetables and mushrooms bring:

How quickly does a flower business pay off?

If you approach things correctly, enterprise profitability for growing flowers can reach 300%. However, most often, of course, you have to deal with much more modest numbers. On average this figure is 70% , which can also be called a good result. In general, it should be taken into account that the average profitability of a business related to growing flowers is not so high - in this parameter, this option is inferior to many others.

In addition, as you know, the payback period for any business related to production is longer than, for example, for a trading enterprise. Therefore, if you are counting on the maximum return on investment, you can consider an option such as purchasing flower products from manufacturers and then selling them in a trade pavilion.

Approximate estimate of income and expenses for a business growing flowers in a greenhouse may look like this:

  • necessary initial investment- 700 thousand rubles, of which 500 thousand will be spent on the construction of a greenhouse, and another 200 thousand - on the purchase of planting material, the purchase of equipment, fertilizers and other things;
  • running costs will amount to 55 thousand rubles per month - this amount will be spent mainly on heating, lighting and watering;
  • net profit from product sales will amount to 3.5 million rubles per year.

It will take two months to launch the project - build a greenhouse and plant seedlings. The first profit can be expected in six months. The payback period for the project is from 9 months.


A flower growing business can be very profitable. However, this matter must be approached very carefully. After all, in order to stay with a good income, you need to not just grow flowers - you need to constantly get good “harvests” with minimal costs, which is not at all easy.

This will require extensive knowledge, special skills and extensive experience. Therefore, such a business should be opened primarily by those who are well versed in growing flowers. This can be a great way for them to turn their hobby into a profitable business.

Flowers are a popular option for starting your own personal business. They are always in demand and popular at any time of the year. In addition, even an inexperienced businessman can start such a business, because it does not require specific knowledge in the field of flower breeding. Let's look at sample business plans, as well as recommendations on how to start a flower breeding business.

Features of growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business

Growing flowers in a greenhouse is the most profitable business option, since in this case weather conditions and climate almost completely lose their importance. You can focus on your starting capital when choosing the most suitable type of greenhouse. It has many advantages, including:

  1. You can make greenhouses yourself or purchase a ready-made version, which reduces the amount of initial costs. In the first case, it is necessary to have special skills, otherwise the constructed greenhouse may ultimately cause the failure of the business;
  2. The owner also chooses the type of heating and lighting independently, based on his own desires, as well as the type of flowers, climate, etc.;
  3. You can adjust the initial size of the greenhouse depending on the intended variety of flowers, the selected plot of land or your capital.

Finally, the entrepreneur has a wide range of choices to choose from in a wide variety of colors, including exotic species. Greenhouse conditions allow you to work with all varieties.

Stages of starting a flower growing business

Let's consider step by step all the difficulties and features of the process of opening this type of business:

  1. Individual entrepreneur registration . If you intend to open a fairly large production facility and subsequently organize the sale of large quantities of your goods, then you will definitely need to register as an individual entrepreneur in order to legitimize your activities.
  2. Purchase or lease of private plots . This option represents an alternative to the first. Private household plot is a personal plot of land, in this case, a plot of land where a greenhouse for flowers will be installed. The advantages of private household plots are that the owner will not have to pay taxes or be responsible to the tax service. The disadvantage of private household plots is that the owner remains limited in the ways of marketing his products and can only cooperate with resellers. They tend to buy goods in bulk, but at a very low price. This will be unprofitable, especially if you intend to grow flowers that require particularly careful care.
  3. Selection of greenhouse and site . On average, greenhouses are 5 meters wide and the length is at the customer’s request. Restrictions on width are due to the fact that this can negatively affect the greenhouse effect (weaken), but the length will not affect this in any way. Along with the greenhouse, the equipment necessary for running the business is also purchased. Depending on the desired size of the greenhouse, the area is selected, that is, it can be relatively small. This allows a novice businessman to purchase land rather than rent it.
  4. Choosing flowers for breeding . The most important stage, since the initial investment, as well as profit, will depend on the product produced. Explore the flower market in your area. Which flowers are most popular and attract attention? Of course, you can offer a wide variety of options at different price points, and also expand your range over time.
  5. Working with flowers . If you don't know much about flowers, consider hiring a professional florist (or florists, depending on the size of your business) who can care for your plants and is knowledgeable about the job. In the case of official hiring of workers, it is necessary to think about obtaining the documents necessary for them, for example, a health certificate. You will also have to calculate the salary for each employee. If you will grow flowers yourself, but are not a professional, then it is best to start with simple flowers, which can be worked with by a beginner. But in this case, you don’t have to hope for a high income.

Initial capital for growing flowers

Now let’s calculate what expenses are needed to open a flower breeding business, based on the stages of its opening.


This will include registration of individual entrepreneurship, as well as choosing a code, obtaining permits for doing business and choosing the type of taxation.

To obtain permits, you must first decide on the range of flowers that you will grow. Keep in mind that this stage requires a significant amount of time. In order to save money, you can use the services of specialists who will help you collect the necessary papers as quickly as possible without your participation. Of course, you will have to pay extra for this, but you will be able to start your business faster.

Approximate costs for paperwork can range from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Costs for building and equipping a greenhouse

Let's consider an option in which specialists will handle the construction and installation of your greenhouse. As a rule, they themselves select the necessary materials, and also calculate the necessary costs for additional purchases. Thus, the average cost of 1 sq. m. taking into account all costs will be 5,000 rubles.

The approximate area of ​​the greenhouse will be 25 square meters. m., which is equal to 250,000 rubles.

Additional equipment

This includes heating and lighting. Costs will concern not only the equipment with which you will equip the finished greenhouse, but also the cost of utilities (electricity). The approximate monthly payment for electricity will be 8,000 rubles (during those periods when flowers need additional heating).


Let's assume that you will grow roses. The average cost of one rose bush is about 300 rubles. For 50 sq. m. you need 100 bushes, which will require you to invest 30,000 rubles.


Hiring one employee will greatly simplify the work in the greenhouse. Depending on the variety, special skills will be required to grow them. Therefore, it is worth hiring only qualified employees. The salary of such an employee can be about 25,000 rubles.

You can confidently add at least 100,000 rubles to the final amount for additional expenses. This may be the unprofitability of sales at the initial stages of trade, the need to purchase additional fertilizers to stimulate growth, etc.

Ultimately, the average amount of initial capital will be 500,000 rubles.

Indoor flowers as a business

Plants are now found in almost every home and the demand for them is not decreasing, which means that a business with indoor plants can be quite a promising activity. I have already written more than once about different types of income from flowers, including such exotic ones as, but today the article will simply be about how to start a business growing indoor flowers for sale.

You've probably noticed that flower stalls, shops and even supermarkets now sell a lot of potted indoor plants. Exotic chic shrubs in flowerpots or popular indoor flowers that do not require care, from cacti to tangerine fruit-bearing trees - the list can go on for a long time. Previously, many of them were imported to Russia from other countries, but a sharp rise in the dollar made this type of business on indoor plants unprofitable. But he gave Russian flower growers the opportunity to show themselves in all their glory.

Promising business on indoor plants

Nowadays, growing indoor flowers for the sake of business is quite common; there are so many flower shops in many cities that it seems impossible for a beginner to break through. But if you pay attention to the assortment, you will see that it is very limited. It’s almost always a collection of the same plants, and people always want something new, something exotic.

Therefore, there are prospects even in those cities where the flower industry is well developed and, although this is not a “how to quickly become a millionaire” topic, a profitable business with indoor flowers can be built, and built without large financial investments.

If you have indoor flowers at home and know how to grow them, then all that remains is to study the market of plants offered for sale, which ones are in high demand - these are city forums, websites of flower growers or companies selling indoor plants and flowers. Ask even about little things - usually experienced flower growers do not see a future “competitor” and willingly share their experience. Over time, you yourself will learn to recognize promising species and varieties and will enter the market with something original, which means it will sell well.

Home flower business - where to start?

Breeding and growing indoor plants for sale are somewhat different things; you can breed your favorite plant in any quantity and give it to friends and acquaintances, or you can sell it. If you don’t know how to start, give the most beautiful specimens to your friends and ask them to tell their friends where they can buy such flowers. Don’t be afraid to advertise yourself on Avito, the city website, social networks, take part in indoor plant exhibitions, and be sure to make beautiful business cards that will help increase the number of those who know about you. Growing flowers is a great job at home for women who, for some reason, have a lot of free time - this includes home decoration and “pocket” (and even more) money. Starting with one client, you can create a client base that will constantly expand - it is real and not as difficult as it seems.

What you need to grow indoor plants:

  1. The desire to tinker with soil, flowers, plant pests, etc.
  2. An area in the house that you wouldn’t mind giving away to a lot of pots and containers. If you're building a home-based business, indoor plants need to have everything from a comfortable place for them to the best fertilizers.
  3. Indoor plants that already “live” in the house.
  4. Books, it is advisable not to use advice “from knowledgeable” people who do not themselves deal with indoor plants. Read encyclopedia books, magazines that were published earlier, during Soviet times - there are only facts and advice from plant growers. You can suggest books by Vorontsov, Klimenko, Ketter and others.
  5. Choosing a plant for which you can create all the conditions in your home. In principle, most people start by breeding flowering cacti or violets.

Does future income depend on initial investments?

If you want an increase to the family budget, then choose the plants that are simplest in all respects, for example, geraniums, tradescantia, ficus. In general, the plants that grow best for you. The costs will be minimal, and the increase will be in the amount of the family’s monthly income with a client base of 8-10 people or an agreement with a flower shop.

If you expect to build a business on indoor plants, then investments will be required, but also small:

  1. Manufacturing additional shelves for placing plants, wiring lighting, other construction work - from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles.
  2. Buying planting material from good floriculture companies - 2-3 thousand rubles.
  3. Pots, boxes, packaging material when transporting plants to clients, tools for caring for plants, fertilizers and additives - from 3 thousand rubles.
  4. Soil, hydroponics or hydrogel are purchased depending on what you will grow - from 1 to 12 thousand rubles.
  5. Other costs for various small items - up to 5 thousand rubles.

You can reduce most expenses if you do a lot of things yourself, but it will take time away from housework and childcare.

I will give a few examples of the primary costs of obtaining an increase to the budget:

Pachistachis yellow– from one two-year-old flower, with timely pinching, you can get up to six to seven cuttings the next year, and the original plant will remain growing. Humidity, absence of drafts, room temperature, fertilizer - mullein or granulated chicken droppings, drainage up to 1.5 cm. That is, from one plant you get at least five good stems, decorated with leaves. Costs only for the purchase of mineral fertilizer and wide pots - isn’t it true that growing indoor flowers is not a very expensive business? The cost of one formed flower is 1-2 thousand rubles. taking into account the store's requirements.

Saintpaulia– all the lower leaves can be future planting material, and since the violet blooms almost all year round, it can be considered a profitable offer – contracts with clients can be concluded for a long period. Costs: multi-cell wooden lattice, water tray (the lattice is placed in it), small pots for seedlings, mineral fertilizers, proper watering. A violet from hand will cost less - 500-600 rubles, through a store - up to 1.5 thousand rubles.

Asparagus or “herringbone” for flowerpots - excellent for any apartment or house, but not an office. Comfortable temperature, sufficient lighting, propagation by shoots, the number of which depends on feeding. The shoots easily take root in moist soil saturated with fertilizers, grow quickly, and the bright green color makes the presence of such a flower in the house pleasant. A formed plant together with a flowerpot costs up to 3 thousand rubles.

Most specialize in growing several types of plants, while others specialize in just one - ficus, geraniums, orchids, cacti. Moreover, some sell young plants, seeds, cuttings, while others base their income on growing large plants - large plants for offices, shopping centers, and country houses. So get started, try it, study the market, look for customers, and gain authority. Landscaping a sanatorium or hotel can cover a family's annual budget.

Growing indoor plants has almost no waste material, because all flowers not sold on time can be given as a gift. In addition, some flowers bloom for a long time, so sales continue at the same rate in winter. Increasingly, buyers prefer a flower in a pot as a gift, rather than a bouquet that will wither in a week.

Growing indoor flowers for sale can not be called a new or exotic business; it is widespread, which, however, does not prevent some from having a good additional income from it, and others from making it their main activity.

What is the most profitable thing to grow for sale? Maybe strawberries, tomatoes? Or flowers? Of course, with the right approach, any ornamental plant or vegetable crop will bring considerable income. But what will be more economically feasible? In this case, it all depends on your preferences. But many people are attracted to growing flowers in a greenhouse. As a business, this is a good option. After all, you can get up to three million rubles a year by investing only 100 thousand.

Where should you start?

Since business in this area is related to land, the first thing you need to do is select a suitable plot. This could be a house in the village, a garden or a vegetable garden. The main thing is that this plot of land can be purchased or rented. You may also need documentary evidence that you are considered the owner of the private household plot. This stands for personal gardening. Documents can be obtained from the local government: the administration of a rural village, a gardening partnership, and so on.

Of course, this type of activity is significantly different from others and does not have the legal status of an individual entrepreneur. However, private household plots have many other advantages.

Greenhouse thermos: ideal option

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business has some advantages. First of all, this type of activity requires virtually no paperwork. And most importantly, the main costs are only in the construction of the appropriate premises and the purchase of seeds.

Of course, to grow flowers year-round, you will need a winter greenhouse, which will be equipped with a special heating system. For many, the construction of such a structure causes many difficulties. Therefore, experts recommend installing thermos greenhouses on your site. Such structures allow saving about 70% of consumed electricity. After all, a thermos greenhouse makes the most of the heat from the sun's rays.

Laying the foundation

A greenhouse for flowers must be strong and reliable. Therefore, in any case, you will have to lay the foundation. If the greenhouse is placed on bare ground, the beds located along the walls will freeze. When building a greenhouse, it is better to make the foundation strip, not too deep and reinforced. At a depth of approximately 0.7 meters, a gravel-sand cushion should be poured, and then brought to a height of approximately 0.5 meters. After this, you can pour the foundation. In this case, the height of the base should be more than 0.3 meters.

Frame and cover for greenhouse

It is best to make a greenhouse from metal profiles of light alloys. After all, a frame made of wood or metal will be heavy. In addition, the darkening area will increase significantly.

But it is better to choose polycarbonate coating for the structure. After all, a winter greenhouse must have a pitched roof and withstand fairly heavy loads. Only polycarbonate can cope with such tasks. Growing roses in a greenhouse of this type will only bring pleasure. After all, the plants will not freeze and die. The main secret is that the structure must be covered with several layers of polycarbonate. The result is several thermal packages. There will be constant air exchange between such sections. Of course, for this it is worth making several holes. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the workload does not decrease.

Solar collectors are required

Conventional solar collectors are made in small sizes. Their area is only 0.5 square meters. meters. Such a device processes solar energy and converts it into heat, which enters the room through ventilation. How to equip a thermos greenhouse with such a product? Everything is quite simple. The entire northern part of the building is one continuous solar collector. It can be equal to 50 square meters. As a result, the device provides as much heat as is necessary for normal plant growth. In some cases, you will have to ventilate the room.

In order for, for example, tulips to grow well in a greenhouse, you need to follow certain rules for equipping rooms with solar collectors. In addition, the system itself, which supplies warm air, requires special attention. This design is made from plastic pipes, in which several holes are first made. The system snakes around all the beds with plants. At the same time, they are laid above the ground, and not under it. Each end of the pipe should be equipped with a fan: one draws in cold air, and the other supplies hot air into the system. That's it. Watering in the greenhouse should also be done automatically. This will make the work much easier. The winter greenhouse is ready. All that remains is to plant the plants.

Choosing the soil

You can save some money at this stage. Growing flower seedlings requires not only skill, but also preparation. First of all, you need to determine what type of soil is optimal for the selected flowers. Agree, the composition of the soil determines how successful the enterprise will be. Therefore, novice gardeners are faced with the question of where to get the right amount of soil for a greenhouse and how to determine its composition. So, let's take the most common flowers - roses. To plant them, you need to remove the soil from the greenhouse to a depth of 0.5 meters, and then fill the free space with a suitable composition.

At the same time, there is no point in buying special soil in bags. In this case, you will simply go broke. Bringing soil in by truck from nowhere is not the best option. After all, the composition of the soil is completely unknown to you. What to do? The answer is simple and lies under your feet. There are many abandoned meadows, fields and plots of land on the edge of the forest. For the greenhouse, only previously prepared turf soil should be used.

How to prepare the soil

Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business requires a special approach not only to the selection of planting material, but also to the preparation of the soil. To do this, in early spring, at the moment when the ground thaws by about 15 centimeters, it is necessary to cut it off. Of course, not completely. 8 centimeters will be enough. The resulting soil must be transported to the place where it will ripen. In other words, closer to the greenhouse. Only after this the removed turf should be formed into piles. Their width must be at least one meter, and their height must be from 0.7 to 0.8 meters. The finished pile should be covered with a material, preferably opaque.

When the days become warmer, the folded soil must be watered and covered with a transparent film. Only in this case will biological irreversible processes—combustion—begin in the soil piled up. In the deep layers, the soil temperature will reach approximately 70 ⁰C above zero.

As a result of this, all seeds, harmful viruses, as well as larvae of all kinds of insects will simply die. Such soil in its composition will be as close as possible to light sandy loam, highly enriched with various fertilizers. This is exactly what is necessary for the successful cultivation of any crop.

must be of high quality

So, you have decided to plant flowers. Growing plants for sale requires careful selection of planting material. Otherwise, you will work at a loss. When the soil is prepared and the greenhouse is equipped with various heating and watering systems, all that remains is to purchase seeds and start earning money. Of course, there is no specific type of flower that is the best. Each species, for example roses, is unique and has its own merits. In addition, demand in the flower market is constantly changing. Where can I get planting material?

It is best to purchase seeds or seedlings from agricultural nurseries that specialize in growing varietal plants. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the quality of planting material. After all, such enterprises sell both seeds and seedlings in large quantities. This indicates that the plants here are grown in accordance with all requirements. In addition, in such places, mainly selected varieties of flowers are selected. Planting material must be of high quality. Especially if you grow flowers from seeds.

Business model

It is better to build your business according to a certain model. So, there must be a thermos greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters, and there must also be a certain variety of plants. In general, this is one production unit, which is worth relying on at the very beginning. Growing flowers in a greenhouse as a business cannot be rushed. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth mastering exactly one model. You should not expand if you have not learned how to grow the chosen variety of flowers. Otherwise, you may lose money. At the same time, you need to study not only the technique of growing flowers of a certain type, but also the ways of their implementation.

Of course, you shouldn’t focus on just one model. Once you have some experience, you can start expanding. How to do this?

Wholesale supplies

Alas, there is no flower exchange in our country. Therefore, you will have to search for clients yourself. And it's not that simple. Let's say you know how to grow flowers in a greenhouse, but this is not enough to make a profit. You need to know the products. What is the best way to focus?

First of all, you should pay attention to large flower salons, markets, shops, and pavilions. However, it is worth remembering that such retail outlets already have a certain system of wholesale supplies. You will have to somehow wedge yourself into it. The surest way to sell a product is to reduce its cost.

Your own flower pavilion

So, how to sell flowers? Growing plants for sale can become an unprofitable enterprise if you do not find a way to sell the products. Opening your own pavilion will significantly increase your income: approximately twice. However, there are some nuances here too. By selling just one variety of flowers, you should not expect a high income. This requires a big one. There are several ways to solve this problem. The first is to build another greenhouse and grow a variety of plants in it. And the second is purchasing missing lots in bulk from other suppliers. The result depends on your entrepreneurial abilities and the specific case.

Sale of planting material

The sale of seedlings and seeds can become an additional source of income. It is worth noting that growing plants does not require another greenhouse. This can be done in the warm season in open ground. In addition, cut plants are perishable goods. While planting material can be stored for up to 12 months. To do this, you only need special packaging in the form of containers.

Floristry and related products

If previously buyers were satisfied with a simple bouquet of flowers, today they need it to be decorated accordingly. To increase sales in your flower pavilion, you should invite a professional florist who can create very beautiful flower arrangements. It is worth noting that this method allows you to increase profits by almost 20%.

Also in your flower pavilion you can sell pots in bags, chemicals and all kinds of fertilizers.

Initial investment

In this expense item everything is very clear. The main costs are planting material, as well as the construction of a greenhouse. How much should you spend at the first stage? So let's do the math. According to the latest data, a square meter of a greenhouse covered with polycarbonate and with a fully automated irrigation system will cost approximately 2,290 rubles. To this amount it is worth adding the cost of the foundation, heating, and installation of the entire structure. The result is a coefficient of 2. If you multiply it by the cost of a square meter of a greenhouse, you get 4,580 rubles. How much does the entire structure cost? A greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters will cost 458 thousand rubles.

If you decide to grow roses, it is better to buy planting material in bulk. In retail, one bush costs approximately 300 rubles. When purchasing in bulk, one rose will cost a third less. You can plant 4 bushes per square meter of greenhouse. In the end you need 400 roses. However, it is worth remembering that not all roses can take root. As a result, you will need to purchase about 100 more plants. That is, you will have to pay about 125 thousand rubles for rose seedlings.

Additional costs

As you can see, the initial investment is quite a decent amount. But that's not all. To the total investment amount, equal to 583 thousand rubles, it is worth adding the main costs of maintaining the greenhouse and caring for the plants: chemicals, heating and watering. For all this you will need to pay 47.25 thousand rubles.

As for chemicals, they will be required in any case. After all, every plant is susceptible to attacks by all kinds of pests. About 36 thousand rubles are spent on such funds per year. Will all costs cover the income? Additional expenses will cost 83,250 rubles per year.

What income?

The business plan for growing flowers is quite simple. But many doubt whether this type of activity is profitable? With conventional growing technology, one rose seedling can produce about 250 flowers per year. What's the end result? From one square meter of greenhouse you can collect 1000 specimens per year. And from 100 square meters - 100 thousand roses. Even if you sell goods at the minimum price, which is 40 rubles per piece, you can get 4 million rubles in a year.

If you subtract all expenses from profit, then net income will be a fairly decent amount. So, from 4 million you need to subtract 83,000 rubles. The result is 3.9 million rubles.

Is it profitable to grow flowers for sale?

According to the latest data, the profitability of this type of activity is 70%. You can launch a project within a month, but it will pay for itself in 8. The first profit will appear only after six months. It is worth remembering that the business model, which includes caring for and growing flowers, is quite flexible. It has no defined boundaries. The owner of such a business can change the model and supplement it at his own discretion. With the right approach, profits will only grow.

“Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a single day in your life” - this is a well-known phrase that implies combining your favorite hobby and earning money. Growing flowers for sale at home can be just such a job for those who put their soul into their own flower farming. Today we will talk about the specifics of the flower business, talk about which flowers are more profitable to grow for further sale, and various options for how to grow plants.

The flower business is quite a profitable business, and for those who already enjoy growing flowers on their windowsill or garden plot, it is monetization of their favorite business. For example, growing cut flowers (roses, tulips, chrysanthemums and the like) brings the most money in the cold season, as well as on the eve of holidays such as February 14 or March 8 - according to statistics, profits during this period can reach 800-1000 %.

Potted plants go well at any time of the year, especially if you make an agreement with stores that sell plants. But, you can sell flowers in pots yourself by placing advertisements on relevant websites or social networks.

Potted flowers such as violets, phalaenopsis orchids, all kinds of palm trees, cacti and other ornamental plants are popular. The big advantage of selling such plants is that you can grow them right in your apartment.

Another way to grow flowers for sale is to plant them on your own plot or in greenhouses. In spring, seedlings of annual flowers are very popular, which people are happy to purchase in order to enjoy flowering as soon as possible. Accordingly, investments in such a business will be minimal - it is enough to purchase seed material.

Accordingly, various methods of growing flowers can be combined to ensure uninterrupted income throughout the year. Let us note that competition in this business does not interfere with flower growers, because large flower shops purchase flowers in other regions and even countries, and are ready for offers from local entrepreneurs. The big advantage of growing locally is that flowers are not transported, and therefore have a better appearance and are more durable in bouquets.

What flowers to grow for sale?

There are thousands of varieties and species of different flowers, and choosing just a few to grow commercially can be difficult. There are two smart options for how to decide:

  1. Choose those flowers that you grow regularly and that you understand.
  2. Find out about demand: contact flower companies and find out what flowers they need.

Flowers for bouquets

When choosing varieties of cut flowers to grow for further sale, you need to take into account the timing in which they bloom. If you choose the seeds and seedlings of future flowers wisely, then from the beginning of May until the first frost you can not stop production. Below we will look at the range of flower crops for making bouquets in a convenient table format.

Table 1. Flowering times of popular flowers for sale

By growing various flower names and their varietal varieties, you can collaborate not only with flower shops, but also with graphic designers. Arrangements made from fresh flowers are very popular for decorating weddings, anniversaries and similar celebrations, and since the event is planned in advance, you can already understand in advance which specific flowers and in what quantities will be needed to decorate the celebration.

Of course, growing flowers that will be cut later will not work in an apartment. To do this, you need to have a country house with a plot of land or just a plot of land on which you need to install greenhouses. Growing cut flowers in open ground is difficult: in addition to late ripening, external influences will be critical. It is important that the flowers retain their aesthetic impeccability, so they must be protected from rain and wind, birds, and pests. Accordingly, only greenhouse cultivation is allowed.

Naturally, the same greenhouse can be used almost all year round - this depends on the degree of its equipment (heating, ventilation). Therefore, it will be possible to grow one type of flower (for example, cultivate only roses of several varieties or only tulips of different colors) or plant completely different flower crops in turn, based on seasonality or demand.

Indoor and potted flowers

When choosing which flowers growing in pots to grow for commercial purposes, it is better to start from their spectacular appearance, size, and rarity of varieties. You can also talk with the managers of the flower departments, clarifying which specific flowers the buyer likes and are popular.

The following items are in good and stable demand: violets (especially rare varieties), orchids (phalaenopsis, vanda), dracaenas, crassulas (another name is money tree), yuccas, all kinds of ficus.

Apartment conditions are sufficient for growing potted flowers, but you need to be prepared for the fact that these “pets” occupy sufficient space. Therefore, it is better to allocate a separate spacious room for flowers, where the temperature regime, the required humidity and lighting will be selected. In the case of commercial cultivation, sunlight alone is not enough for flowers - you will have to purchase ultraviolet lamps.

Flowers for planting in a flower bed

Many owners of country houses do not want to grow seedlings of annual flowers themselves, preferring to purchase already grown seedlings and enjoy flowering by simply transferring them to a flowerbed. Accordingly, with the beginning of the gardening season, flowering seedlings are in great demand.

People most willingly buy bright, decorative flowers that do not require special care and provide lush and long-lasting blooms. These include pansies, daisies, marigolds, petunias, gillyflowers, asters and dahlias. It is not difficult to grow them from seeds if you have enough space for this. As a rule, flower seedlings are sold right on the street, at impromptu flower markets.

You can find out when to sow marigold seedlings.

Growing seedlings is not difficult, but you need to understand that containers with young seedlings take up a lot of space, and in addition, the seedlings need to be illuminated with an ultraviolet lamp. Therefore, a rather large area is needed - it is most convenient to grow flower seedlings in your home, where some of the greenery can be distributed among rooms, and some can be transferred to greenhouses.

Video - What flowers are best to grow for sale?