Smells like dog when sneezing. Causes and methods of eliminating unpleasant odor in the nose. Tags for this topic

Smells surround us from birth. Some classify them as fragrant, others as smelly, and the latter can significantly ruin our lives, especially if we feel them constantly. Each person has his own unique body odor, burdened by a persistent odor of sweat, if not observed daily hygiene, but it does not include an unpleasant odor from the nose, which is quite a rare occurrence. What is it connected with?

Causes of the phenomenon

Nasal stench can occur when internal cavity This organ is attacked by many bacteria and viruses. When decreasing immune defense their colonies gradually grow, the patient begins to experience discomfort and other unpleasant sensations.

It is necessary to seek advice from a specialist as soon as possible in order to find out together what triggered the increase in the number of bacteria and take measures to eliminate them.

Doctors distinguish three groups of diseases that can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms, including the smell of blood in the nose, here they are:

  • diseases that cause severe rot;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx, which rarely cause nasal stench;
  • ailments affecting other systems and organs.


One of the main causes of bad nose is a disease called Ozena. It is also popularly called fetid runny nose. Scientists cannot fully understand what external factors provoke it, but they can predict its development based on congenital factors, such as a significant expansion of the facial lobe of the skull, underdevelopment of the forehead sinuses and excessive width of the wings of the nose. Ozena damages the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and, in severe cases, affects cartilage and bone tissue.

The situation is aggravated if a person lives in unsanitary conditions and has poor nutrition. In this case, the patient constantly feels dryness in the nose and an unpleasant odor, which intensifies when sneezing, when breathing becomes free for a while. With this disease, the nasal mucosa becomes covered with dry crusts and it seems to the patient that there is some kind of foreign body. At advanced cases inflammatory process affects the larynx and middle ear.

Other ailments

Other diseases that provoke the smell of pus in the nose and not only that include sinusitis, allergies, parosmia and rhinitis. Parosmia impairs the sense of smell due to inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. As a result, the patient is haunted by the smell of acetone and other pungent stench that actually does not exist. Another reason for the smell of acetone in the nose is the stagnation of pus in maxillary sinuses which causes sinusitis. Such consequences can most often be observed when chronic form illness.

With a fetid runny nose, we can talk about disruption of the endocrine or digestive systems. Acetone breathing is familiar to patients diabetes mellitus and people suffering from renal failure caused by metabolic disorders.

The smell of ammonia in the nose can be felt by athletes in the shower after high-quality training: muscles warmed up by exercise contribute to its release from the body. Athletes who gain or lose weight by consuming large number water, can feel the smell of ammonia for 10-15 minutes.

The smell from the nose with sinusitis can be compared with that felt by a person, for a long time living in an apartment with mold. Frequent allergies and various injuries can change a person’s sense of smell and cause such unpleasant consequences.


Of course, first of all it is necessary to eliminate the cause that caused such a symptom. For sinusitis it is indicated conservative treatment, rinsing the nose with special solutions.

In the case of allergies, it is necessary to eliminate the causative agent of foul-smelling nasal discharge. In any case, you should consult a doctor and, on his recommendation, take antibacterial and antivirals, if necessary. But in the case of ozena, you often have to make a decision about surgical intervention and correct what was created by nature.

A putrid odor from the nose can be felt by the patient himself and the people around him, especially in advanced cases. The stench from the nasal cavity interferes with normal life and causes increased fatigue, headaches, etc. Therefore this symptom requires immediate diagnosis and clarification of the cause of the smell of pus in the nose, as well as effective therapy.


The smell of pus in the nose occurs as a result of the development of a bacterial infection in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. When the immune system is weakened and cannot resist pathogenic microorganisms, the latter begin to multiply intensively in the nasal cavity, releasing toxins that lead to the development of inflammation and the formation of purulent secretion. It is the presence of pus that causes a putrid odor, intoxication, general weakness, the appearance of dry greenish crusts.

Discharge of pus from the nose and putrid smell - danger signs, indicating the presence of inflammation in the human body.

Also, a purulent odor in the nasopharynx may have a different nature, for example, it may occur if foreign object in one of the nasal passages or chronic infections.

Foreign body

Getting a foreign object into the nose can cause inflammation. Most often, inflammation occurs in children, who can insert small parts of construction toys or small pieces of food into the nasal passage and not tell adults about it. A few days after a foreign body enters the nose, inflammation and the formation of pus begin to develop. In this case, the patient may experience:

  • sneezing;
  • constant congestion of one of the nasal passages;
  • increase in body temperature.

IN similar situations It is important to avoid deeper penetration of a foreign object and the development of serious complications.


With sinusitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs paranasal sinuses nose Moreover, it is sinusitis and varieties of this disease(sinusitis, frontal sinusitis) are one of the most common reasons, which causes a purulent odor from the nose. In this case, the smell of pus can be constant or occasional. Sinusitis is also characterized by symptoms such as:

  • elevated temperature;
  • lack of nasal breathing;
  • the presence of a large amount of viscous secretion;
  • migraine;
  • general weakness;
  • fatigue.

Foul-smelling pus flows out of the nostrils or flows down the back wall nasopharynx, further irritating the mucous membrane of the throat.

Important! Purulent inflammation does not go away on its own and requires mandatory drug treatment.


Ozena (atrophic rhinitis) is called fetid rhinitis. Main distinctive features of this disease are:

  • the presence of dry crusts on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages;
  • temporary loss of the ability to perceive odors;
  • general weakness; dryness in the nasopharynx.

At the same time, the causes of ozena are not reliably known today; some experts claim that the disease can be transmitted at the genetic level, others say that the cause of atrophic rhinitis may be frequent and prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose. It is known that children are more susceptible to the disease adolescence, and mostly girls. First of all, inflammation develops on the mucous membrane, after which it spreads to the nasal bones, and dry crusts form, which become a source of foul odor.

Drug treatment for atrophic rhinitis requires mandatory use antibacterial drugs and medications that improve metabolic processes in the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

If a disease develops, similar symptoms on ozena, you cannot remove dry crusts in the nose on your own.

Prolonged rhinitis, sore throat

The smell of rot can also occur at the final stage of rhinitis, when the mucous discharge becomes insignificant and thicker. An unpleasant symptom appears in cases where the disease lasted a long time or little was prescribed effective treatment. As a treatment, it is important to carry out the procedure of rinsing the nasal passages disinfectant solutions to remove remnants of purulent secretion and avoid complications such as the development of sinusitis.

Odor from the nose may also indicate purulent sore throat, especially at the stage of opening and draining ulcers located on the pharyngeal mucosa.

Odor perception disorders

Children often complain about having unpleasant aroma from the nose and the taste of pus in the mouth during the development of acute respiratory infections accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In this case, the annoying symptom appears against the background severe intoxication and hyperthermia, which affects brain cells, causing a disruption in the process of smell perception. When all the symptoms of an acute viral infection disappear, the unpleasant smell and taste go away on their own.

Experts also identify another reason for the appearance of an illusory fetid odor caused by abnormalities in work nervous system. This disease is called parosmia and manifests itself in the form of disturbances in the perception of smells.


Treatment for a putrid odor in the nose will depend on the cause that caused the unpleasant symptom. To make a correct diagnosis, various tests are most often required. diagnostic procedures. Treatment for unpleasant odor from the nose includes the use of medications. However, for more effective treatment, it is advisable to adhere to integrated approach, including the use of traditional medicine recipes.


If a putrid odor occurs from the nose, first of all you need to consult a doctor (generalist, pediatrician, otolaryngologist) who knows what to do if there is unpleasant symptom. To make a correct diagnosis, a specialist must conduct an examination and analyze the medical history. Additional diagnostic procedures may also be required, such as:

  • rhinoscopy;
  • endoscopy of the nasal cavity;
  • X-ray examination of the sinuses;
  • computed tomography;
  • bacterial culture of nasal secretions to determine the resistance of the infection to various antibiotics.

After the doctor analyzes the test results, he will be able to diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Drug therapy

If the cause of the disease is viral or bacterial infections, then treatment should be based on eliminating the cause of the disease. At viral infections prescribe such antiviral drugs, like Amizon, Groprinosin, Rimantadine. Bacterial infections treated with antibiotics (Azithromycin, Augmentin).

Vasoconstrictor drugs (Nazol, Evkazolin, Vibrocil) are also used to eliminate nasal congestion, swelling, and remove purulent secretions.

Important! When treating a runny nose accompanied by a putrid odor from the nose, the nasopharyngeal mucosa must not be allowed to dry out: it is necessary to monitor the humidity in the room (at least 50%), regularly carry out wet cleaning, and irrigate the nasal passages with saline solutions (Nosol, Aquamaris).

If the reason that nasal discharge stinks and has a putrid odor is a deviation in the functioning of the nervous system or other neurological disorders, then you should contact a neurologist. A specialist will help determine the cause misperception odors and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Traditional methods of treatment

Supplementation of drug treatment with methods alternative medicine will help significantly speed up the recovery process and reduce the symptoms of the disease. To get rid of pus by inhalation and rinsing the nasal passages, using antibacterial agents of natural origin.

  • Rinsing the nasal cavity saline solution(5 mg table or sea ​​salt per 200 ml of warm drinking water).
  • For washing, decoctions of such medicinal herbs like chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.
  • Steam inhalations over a decoction of bay leaves are effective means for the treatment of sinusitis (fifteen medium leaves per glass hot water). Inhalations should be carried out three times a day for ten minutes each.


It is known that putrid odor from the nose and the presence purulent discharge themselves are a source of infection that can spread to various organs, and also significantly reduce immunity. Therefore, you should take the appearance of such a symptom seriously. As preventive measures needs to be treated promptly colds and runny nose, do not abuse vasoconstrictor drugs and do not self-medicate. It's important to lead healthy image life, avoid hypothermia, eat a variety of foods, rich in vitamins. Remember that disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Causes and mechanisms

  • Sinusitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Ozena.
  • Scleroma.
  • Periodontitis, etc.
  • Respiratory infections.

Additional diagnostics

  • General blood test.
  • Rhino- and pharyngoscopy.


Causes and treatment of unpleasant odor when sneezing

Causes of the pathological phenomenon

The most common reason unpleasant odor When sneezing, a fetid runny nose, or ozena, appears. This is a rather severe pathology of the nasopharynx, which is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane.

An advanced inflammatory process can affect bone tissue. Such a violation may occur during expansion facial area skull, underdevelopment frontal sinuses, excessive width of the wings of the nose.

Also similar phenomenon may result from:

A similar sign may be accompanied by various pathologies internal organs and systems human body- diseases of the kidneys, pancreas, liver, joints, digestive, nervous, endocrine systems.

In addition, the development of this pathology can be provoked by inadequate sanitary and hygienic living conditions, as well as poor nutrition.

Shades of smells

Foul odor from the nose can vary. People around you and the sick person himself can smell:


If the foul odor when sneezing is the result of ozena, therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating dry mucous membranes, and deodorization is also required.

Inhalations using antibacterial and anti-inflammatory medications have a good effect. The doctor will also prescribe medicines to reduce the symptoms of pathology - the cause of foul odor when sneezing.

Alternative medicine

The occurrence of an unpleasant odor from the nose, as noted above, is most often caused by a fetid runny nose. Alternative medicine can be used to treat this disease. Let's look at the most effective recipes:

To avoid occurrence side effects, before using any folk remedy It is imperative to consult a specialist.

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Why does it smell bad when I sneeze?

Causes and mechanisms

  • Sinusitis.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Ozena.
  • Scleroma.
  • Periodontitis, etc.
  • Bronchi and lungs (bronchiectasis, abscesses).
  • Digestive tract(gastritis, ulcer, hepatitis, helminthic infestation).
  • Excretory organs (renal failure).
  • Metabolism (diabetes mellitus, hereditary enzymopathies).
  • Respiratory infections.
  • Consequences of injuries and operations on the nose.
  • Tumors affecting the olfactory analyzer.
  • Hormonal imbalances in the body (menopause).
  • Taking certain medications (tetracyclines, chloramphenicol).
  • Neuropsychic disorders (neuroses, depression).
  • Dust and gas contamination of the surrounding air.

Based on all that has been said, the unpleasant odor when sneezing has a very diverse origin. And in the diagnostic process, it is necessary to differentiate a lot of conditions in order to determine the source of the disorders.

If you constantly have a smell coming from your mouth that shouldn’t be there, then the only thing the right decision will be to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

The origin of the unpleasant odor will become clearer after clinical examination. First, the doctor interviews the patient to obtain subjective information (complaints, the onset and development of pathology), and then conducts an examination using the necessary physical methods (palpation, percussion, auscultation). First of all, pay attention to the nature of the main symptom that prompted you to seek treatment. medical care. Characteristics of an unpleasant odor can help in establishing a diagnosis:

It is necessary to take into account the time of appearance of the annoying aroma, its connection with coughing and sneezing, blowing your nose, eating or other factors. If a symptom bothers you almost constantly, then it interferes with your usual activities and creates obvious psychological discomfort.

But in most cases clinical picture includes other signs that should not be overlooked. It all depends on the nature of the pathology that arose in the patient:

  • Nasal congestion, discharge (mucopurulent, purulent) – with infectious rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Dryness in the nose, an abundance of crusts - with ozena.
  • Sore throat, congestion and plaque on the tonsils - with tonsillitis.
  • Cough with the discharge of a large volume of purulent sputum - with bronchiectasis, lung abscess.
  • Heartburn, nausea, discomfort and pain in the epigastrium - with gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach.
  • Dry mouth, thirst, increased urine volume - with diabetes.

The idea of ​​a probable disease will become much more reasonable after a clinical examination.

Additional diagnostics

  • General blood test.
  • Nasopharyngeal swab and analysis of discharge (cytology, culture).
  • Rhino- and pharyngoscopy.
  • X-ray (tomography) of the paranasal sinuses.

For illnesses bronchopulmonary system need to take a photo chest or perform a bronchoscopy. Other pathologies also require appropriate examination, the nature of which is determined on an individual basis.

It is impossible to eliminate bad breath without eliminating its cause. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease identified by the diagnostic results. In most cases, conservative approaches are used that do not require invasive manipulations. Drug treatment can cover many stages of the development of unpleasant odor:

  • Antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory – for infectious processes.
  • Prokinetics, antisecretory, enzymes, hepatoprotectors - for digestive problems.
  • Antihyperglycemic agents, diuretics, anthelmintics, etc. – for other conditions.

There are also situations that require more radical treatment. If, during sinusitis, rinsing the sinuses does not give the desired result, then a sinus puncture is performed to evacuate the pus. Bronchiectasis can be treated with bronchoscopy, and lung abscess can be treated with open method(cutting and drainage). Tumors must be removed and traumatic injuries adjust in time.


When your breath stinks when you sneeze, it creates a lot of trouble, not only for the patients themselves, but also for the people around them. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the problem in time and seek medical help. The doctor will conduct comprehensive diagnostics, finding out the source of the symptoms and recommending how to effectively get rid of them.

Some people sometimes suffer from the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the nose, which causes many problems not only for the sick person, but also for everyone around him. As a rule, this phenomenon indicates the occurrence of infectious and infectious diseases in the human body. inflammatory in nature. An unpleasant odor from the nose can be eliminated only by knowing the main causes of its occurrence.

How does nasal stench occur?

Fetidity occurs when the following situation develops: a large number of bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms function in the human nasal cavity, with which immune system cannot cope, resulting in their rapid reproduction. The patient begins to notice discharge of pus, which becomes the cause of this smell.

In this case, the main task of the otolaryngologist is to understand exactly what process occurs in the nasopharynx, which will allow for effective treatment. An unpleasant odor can be caused not only by purulent contents in the nose, but also by the formation of crusts, which is observed in some diseases. Moreover, bad smell in the nose sometimes occurs as a result of a violation of the sense of smell, but in this situation it is felt only by the patient himself.

Causes of bad smell in the nose

An unpleasant odor may appear with the development of certain diseases, which are usually divided into the following groups:

  1. Diseases for which characteristic symptom there is a smell of rot.
  2. Diseases of the nasopharynx, in which only sometimes there is a bad smell in the nose.
  3. Diseases that affect not the nasopharynx itself, but other organs and systems of the body.

Also among the common causes of nasal stench is the entry of a foreign object into the nasal passages. This phenomenon is especially common in children younger age, therefore, parents should understand that a putrid odor in a child can be the cause of not only infectious diseases.


Ozena - enough dangerous disease nasopharynx, in which its mucous membrane is damaged, and if neglected, the disease often spreads to the cartilaginous and bone tissue. The exact causes of ozena, which is better known as foul runny nose, are unknown, but it is considered to be a congenital factor. causing disease include the following:

  • underdevelopment of the frontal sinuses;
  • expansion of the facial part of the skull;
  • excessive width of the wings of the nose.

Unsanitary living conditions and poor nutrition can also cause a foul runny nose. The main symptom of ozena is a constant feeling of dryness in the nose and an unpleasant odor, especially when sneezing, while breathing remains free. Fetidity occurs due to the formation of dry crusts on the nasal mucosa, which is why patients often complain of the feeling of a foreign body in the nasopharynx.

When the disease is neglected, the inflammatory process can spread to the larynx and middle ear.

Other diseases

In addition to ozena, there are other diseases in which a purulent odor may emanate from the nasal cavity. These, first of all, include parosmia, sinusitis, allergies, and rhinitis.

Parosmia manifests itself as a violation of the sense of smell, which can occur with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. In such cases, the patient may experience an unpleasant odor of acetone or other strong odors, which don't actually exist. Fetidity in the nose with sinusitis is caused by stagnation of pus in the maxillary sinuses. Most often, this process is observed in the chronic form of the disease.

An unpleasant odor can also occur in cases where the activity of certain organs and systems in the human body is disrupted. Often there is a situation where bad breath comes from the nose when the functioning of the digestive or endocrine systems is disrupted. “Acetone breathing” occurs in patients with diabetes and renal failure, when metabolism is impaired.

Treatment methods

Having discovered a stench in your body emanating from the nasopharynx, you should not independently diagnose and prescribe treatment for yourself, since such actions can only worsen the patient’s condition. Treatment methods should be selected depending on the causes of the foul odor.

So, during ozen, it is immediately necessary to eliminate dryness in the nose, get rid of crusts, and deodorize. For these purposes, it is necessary to rinse the nasal sinuses with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or saline solution. In parallel, the use of gauze swabs soaked in a solution of iodine and glycerin may be prescribed.