Uncontrollable attacks of aggression are a disease. What are the reasons for constant irritability and aggression in men? Psychological causes of irritability in women

Conflict situations arise sooner or later in any family. The reason may be problems at work, financial difficulties or domestic unsettlement. Constant attacks of uncontrollable aggression in men can appear as a result of prolonged sexual abstinence or hidden jealousy. Psychopathic attacks, combined with the risk of causing physical harm to others, are defined as disorders requiring inpatient treatment.

In a situation where a loved one suddenly begins to show temper and irritability, many do not know how to behave correctly. Unmotivated aggression is not always a reaction to life’s troubles or dissatisfaction with the behavior of relatives. Its causes may lie in complex psychological diseases of a somatic or neurological nature.

If we turn to the question of the nature of uncontrolled attacks of aggression, it is important to pay attention to the results of a study involving volunteers. Using functional MRI, the brains of men and women prone to displays of rage and aggression were examined. All participants showed similar changes in the background activity of certain areas of the brain. However, despite this, the reasons why outbursts of anger appear are far from the same.

The reasons that cause attacks of aggression sometimes lie on the surface. There are situations when it is possible to identify provoking factors only through careful diagnosis. Psychologists have identified a group of the most common reasons:

  1. 1. Psychological release. A person has a lot of tension accumulated inside him, which sooner or later he needs to throw out.
  2. 2. Education and childhood psychological trauma. In this case, anger and aggression in childhood were manifested by loved ones and were the norm in the family. Any negative emotions become habitual.
  3. 3. Self-defense, which a person demonstrates when his personal space is invaded. Anger and negativity are directed not only at people, but also at things.
  4. 4. Low levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body.
  5. 5. High levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine.

Unreasonable reactions and uncontrollable attacks of anger can occur in combination with physical aggression. In most cases, attacks of anger and rage pass without destructive consequences for the psyche of the patient himself and his loved ones. Often all attempts to cope with the situation are unsuccessful. Bouts of rage begin to be accompanied by hysteria. People with weakened physical and mental health experience loss of consciousness, a state of shock, paralysis of the arms, and a heart attack.

Types of aggressive manifestations

In psychology, aggressive behavior is usually divided into several types:

  1. 1. Active aggression is typical for people with destructive behavior. In human communication with other people, physical methods for causing harm and destruction predominate. He constantly swears, screams, and is dissatisfied with everything. Negative emotions are expressed in gestures, facial expressions, and intonation.
  2. 2. Auto-aggression is a negative state directed inward. During an attack, the patient causes physical harm, even injury to himself.
  3. 3. Passive aggression characterizes difficult relationships in the family. Without entering into open conflicts, people ignore the requests and instructions of their loved ones. This type of disorder is common to both men and women. Accumulated negativity and anger suddenly burst out. It is in such situations that the most terrible crimes are committed against loved ones.
  4. 4. Family aggression is expressed in moral or physical violence of one spouse towards the other. Here, the provoking factors are jealousy, misunderstanding, financial problems, and intimate dissatisfaction.
  5. 5. Alcohol and drug aggression under the influence of alcoholic beverages. Death of nerve cells is noted, the patient loses the ability to adequately react and perceive the situation. Primitive instincts begin to prevail over adequate behavior, and the patient most often manifests himself as an aggressor and a savage.

The most common types are family aggression and alcohol aggression. In such situations, people very rarely turn to specialists for help. Among others, such a family environment is often accepted as the norm. If attacks of the disorder do not affect strangers, relatives themselves very rarely talk about the presence of a problem.

In men

According to medical statistics, attacks of aggression in men occur due to improper upbringing, heredity, and the presence of mental illness. One of the most dangerous precipitating disorders is psychopathy. The main therapeutic direction in such a situation is the timely identification of a dangerous pathology and the elimination of possible conflicts with others.

Psychopaths are characterized by strong expression of emotional states. The patients have absolutely no restraint and discipline. In most cases, there is a predisposition to alcoholism. Prone to conflicts and aggressive moods. Psychopaths can show incredible kindness and helpfulness towards women. They smile, flirt, and look after each other beautifully. All such signs of attention are insincere. With this disorder, a man can deceive the woman he likes with a smile on his face, then leave her, insulting and humiliating her.

Aggression towards women and children is often a consequence of prolonged abstinence. In male alcoholics, a negative attitude towards others is a consequence of pathological disorders in the psycho-emotional state. Irreversible personality degradation in chronic alcoholism causes constant irritability. Male aggressiveness is the most socially dangerous, according to statistical data.

In women

Women's aggression is not always self-defense. Experts believe that one of the main reasons is misunderstanding and powerlessness in life circumstances. A series of accumulated problems and a lack of support in solving them provoke emotional outbursts. The energy of aggressiveness, directed in the right direction, helps not only to overcome obstacles, but even to avoid threats. Psychologists say that short-term manifestations of attacks help to activate strength and vitality.

The intense rhythm of life, minor troubles in school or in relationships with a young man become the cause of irritation and aggressive behavior in girls. Some women try to justify the manifestation of dissatisfaction and anger for any reason with unfair treatment, lack of money or lack of attention. They take it out on their children and husband. They show physical aggression less often than men, but they can still break dishes or intentionally damage things.

In children

If the aggressive behavior of one of the parents constantly manifests itself in the family, then this also becomes the norm in children. In a 5-year-old or 3-year-old child, negative behavior is a consequence of improper upbringing. If a child is allowed everything and his wishes are fulfilled, then when he encounters resistance from educators, other adults or peers, he begins to act aggressively.

Treatments for the disorder

A professional psychologist should treat attacks of aggression. Most patients cannot indicate the exact causes of attacks, and, accordingly, try to change their behavior on their own. The main recommendations of experts are to change the pace of life, relax, and perhaps take a vacation from work.

An important method of stopping aggression is its sublimation (transfer) to another type of activity, for example, sports or hobbies. You can throw out negative energy through moderate workload. It is possible to sublimate uncontrolled aggression into other emotions, and the main thing is that they are safe for loved ones and people around them.

In case of a complex course of the disorder, sedatives with a sedative effect are prescribed. Taking antidepressants or tranquilizers is indicated in exceptional cases. Drug therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a therapist. Effective methods are physical therapy and gymnastics, water procedures, and massage. Some people prefer to relax through yoga.

The article is devoted to one of the most unexplored topics - the growing trend of aggression behavior (uncontrollable anger). The authors describe the multifaceted nature of the causes of anger reactions.

Data from psychological studies of individuals with uncontrollable anger are presented. It has been shown that among the causes of anger behavior, the most important are psychological. Timely identification of the psychological characteristics of a person with the symptom of uncontrollable anger helps specialists in implementing the client’s tasks; in the development of psychological assistance and psychotherapy programs.

One of the symptoms of little-analyzed mental conditions that can lead to serious consequences is uncontrollable rage. Assessment and analysis of this condition is of great importance, because the emergence of rage can lead to serious consequences.

There are individuals who are predisposed to experience rage in a wide range of situations where a variety of triggers cause rage and are traumatic for the client.

Let's give an example. Several years ago, a woman - a doctor of science, biologist, middle-aged, married, with a daughter, gets a job at a university in a small American town in Texas, transferring from another university due to the fact that she has developed a new device for tissue analysis, further research which she wanted to continue at her new job. Having received a position that allows her not to submit documents for re-election through competition for a number of years, she begins to work at the university. A difficult situation is emerging, characterized by the fact that, on the one hand, her boss, a professor, the head of the department, realizing that she is a talented employee, constantly supports her, and, on the other hand, this woman has constant conflicts with students who complain to the management to her rudeness, aggression and constant insults.
At the same time, a minority of students defend her, considering her a capable and extraordinary teacher. As student complaints become more and more frequent, at a meeting of the rector’s office a decision is made to give her the opportunity to complete her last semester and not to further renew her contract. At the end of the semester, she is invited to the last meeting of the rector's office, without informing her of the reason for the upcoming meeting. She is brought to work by her husband, with whom she arranges a meeting after the meeting. When the management informed her of their decision, she pulled a pistol from her purse, shot the rector with it and calmly, as if nothing had happened, went to meet her husband. An analysis of the details of her life revealed that many years ago she shot her own son with a gun that her father had recently bought for hunting. After the committed action, she ran out of the house with the same gun, shouting that someone was chasing her and was going to kill her. No criminal case was opened regarding the murder of his son, because... both husband and mother reported that it was an unintentional act during which she accidentally pulled the trigger. The police did not want to leave this case unattended, but since the woman’s relatives and friends were against bringing her to justice, the murder was regarded as a random domestic incident.

Further study of her anamnesis showed that when she worked at the university at her previous place of residence, a competition for a grant was announced there. Despite the presence of several applicants, the woman was absolutely sure that she would take first place. However, the opposite happened. Her colleague won the grant. In response, the woman accused management of injustice and the employee of incompetence. Having met her in a cafe, she approached her colleague and, insulting her, struck her quite hard in the face. This time the culprit of the incident received a suspended sentence.

Further research revealed that she was characterized by constant bouts of rage. It was established that immediately before the death of their son, a conflict occurred between them, in which the son touched her “to the quick”, hurting her pride.

Analysis of these three cases (rude treatment of students, a hit in the face of a university employee in a cafe and, finally, the shooting of the rector) made it possible to establish that this woman’s uncontrollable rage arose when her pride and her narcissistic complex were hurt.

As a result of such an emotional outburst, she could even kill a loved one. This example allows us to conclude that the onset of attacks of uncontrollable rage must be prevented, otherwise difficult-to-predict consequences may arise.

It is of interest to analyze cases of unexpected serious crimes that were committed by people who are outwardly restrained, reasonable, calm, loving order and certainty, emphasizing directly or indirectly their morality and law-abidingness. And against such a “favorable” background, such persons are capable of committing serious crimes.

At first glance, the reasons for such murders are completely incomprehensible to others. However, an analysis of cases shows that at a moment of seemingly complete well-being, in persons who have committed unexpectedly serious crimes, the narcissistic complex located in their personality is activated, which reacts painfully and destructively to any reason that affects its basic structure.

In such cases, a trigger is always identified, which may be invisible and insignificant to others, but for the owner of a narcissistic radical it has colossal irrational significance and destructive and traumatic consequences. Rage can arise as a result of the accumulation of previous traumas, which accumulate in the unconscious, layering on top of each other.

When the last straw occurs, an explosion occurs. The practice of providing assistance to such people shows that, firstly, there are people prone to accumulating negative energy from micro and macrotraumas, and, secondly, rage is the last link in a wide range of negative feelings and emotions, which, from our point of view, are included in such multicomponent emotion such as anger (Figure 1). Our opinion is confirmed by practice, and by the fact that in English the terms “anger” and “rage” are denoted by the same word “anger”.

Rage is considered to be intense anger that manifests itself as uninhibited aggressive behavior. Rage can be constructive (when they fiercely, angrily defend their point of view in a heated argument) and destructive (expressed in violence, cruelty).

At the moment of rage, the amount of psychic energy and the level of arousal are so great that a person feels that he will literally be torn apart if he does not get rid of negative emotions and does not show them. There is a tendency to act impulsively, a desire to attack the source of anger or show aggression.

According to P. Kutter (2004), anger and hostility can develop into anger, in which “the blood boils in the veins.” An enraged, enraged person loses his temper, ready to attack any obstacle that stands in his way. The author distinguishes between constructive and destructive rage. “Righteous”, “noble” rage helps in the struggle to achieve a goal. “Passionate” rage is characteristic of people who are passionate about some cause, who do not want to give in to anyone or anything, and who fiercely defend their brainchild. Destructive rage manifests itself in violence, cruel acts, torture and murder.

The success of psychotherapy for rage and anger depends on the ability to analyze these phenomena. An attempt to arrange the ways of expressing anger on a conventional horizontal scale made it possible to identify two opposite poles of anger response, which are associated with high and low levels of its manifestation:

1. With complete suppression of anger (rage), a person is outwardly calm, balanced, his behavior does not irritate anyone because he does not express his dissatisfaction in any way.

2. In the case of a high level of manifestation of aggression, a person “starts up half a turn” and quickly displays a reaction of anger through gestures, facial expressions, screams, etc.

Both of these extremes are very unsightly; the truth, as we know, is in the middle of this conventional scale and manifests itself as assertive behavior (the ability to satisfy one’s needs without causing harm to others).

I. Huberman rightly wrote about the need to keep these swings in balance, brilliantly noting that:
In a good argument, you feel sorry for both the fool and the wise man,
Because truth is like a stick, it always has two ends.

Hence the importance of the ability to balance manifestations of anger, control your feelings, and be able to be different in different situations. It is necessary to study how and in what situations the client most often gets angry and “breaks down”. It is important to diagnose his irrational beliefs and values, to realize how much he agrees with them, since beliefs are a very stable, rigid and conservative structure that is practically not realized or questioned. At the slightest attempt to change them, fierce resistance arises.

There are ways of expressing anger that vary in intensity and degree of manifestation. The lower the intensity of this feeling, the longer the time it takes to experience it.

Let us graphically present the structural components of the manifestation of anger and consider them in more detail (Figure 1).

1. Discontent– the most weakly expressed and long-lasting variant of the expression of anger, which may not be realized (I feel, but I am not aware). If anger does not manifest itself at the level of dissatisfaction, physical and psychological discomfort arises, accompanied by negative experiences that transform (at a minimum) into resentment.

2. Resentment– a feeling of higher intensity that can last for years. As a rule, only children express their resentment openly.
According to Bleuler (1929), resentment manifests itself in ontogenesis in children 5-11 months old. Arises as an emotional reaction to undeserved humiliation and unfair treatment that hurts self-esteem.

Resentment as a reaction to failure easily arises in children with inflated self-esteem and level of aspirations (Neimark M.S., 1961). It manifests itself as mental pain and grief, can remain hidden and either gradually passes or leads to the development of a plan for revenge on the offender. It can be experienced acutely in the form of anger and transformed into aggressive actions.

3. When irritation Visible reactions, especially non-verbal ones, are added to the experienced state: sharpness of movements, high-pitched voice, vegetative behavior (for example, slamming a door in case of dissatisfaction).

4. Indignation, indignation– feelings that are more short-lived in duration. Their intensity is higher. At this stage of expression of anger, verbal manifestations are added to non-verbal manifestations (voicing of experiences begins).

5. Anger– the body begins to “demand its own”, a desire appears to hit, throw, push, hit. Consciousness control is still great, but a person begins to go beyond what is permitted.

6. Fury- a short-term feeling with great destructive power. The mobilization of energy and excitement are so great that there is a feeling of a possible “explosion” if “the valve is not opened and the steam is not released.” There is a tendency to act impulsively, a readiness to attack the source of anger or to show aggression in verbal form. According to our observations, the experience of rage is present in the life experience of any person. Most people, having reached this state at least once, are so frightened of the consequences that they subsequently refuse any manifestations of anger at all.

Thus, the process of transformation of manifestations of anger, varying in intensity and duration, can be represented as a chain: we do not notice discontent, do not show resentment, restrain indignation, anger, accumulate aggression, show aggression in the form of anger and rage with destructive consequences.

Ways of expressing anger can range from socially unacceptable(for example, shoot the offender) to socially acceptable and safe. For ease of use in practice, we will arrange the ways of expressing anger on some conditional ladder. On its top three steps there are socially permitted ways of expressing anger (work it off, say it, show it), on the rest, starting from the fourth, there are aggressive, unacceptable manifestations of aggression.

1. Work off anger. Having realized that you are angry, but have not shown anger, find a safe place and work off this feeling using intense physical effort, walking, screaming, sex, etc.

3. “Touch” your face and express your feelings(for example, a state of irritation) using facial expressions, gestures, demonstrating their dissatisfaction.

4. Ignore(refuse to talk to the offender, answer his questions, etc.).

5. Take revenge. Revenge is a special form of hostile aggressiveness, which is characterized by a delay in the direct manifestation of aggression. Its goal is to repay the hurt and suffering caused. Often committed unconsciously, at a moment of weakness of the offender. It is actualized suddenly, by chance, without being realized and verbalized with the phrase “it just happened.”

For example, a vegetarian husband returns from a business trip. The wife, who constantly talks about her love for him, buys and cooks meat for dinner on the day of her husband’s arrival, thereby expressing the true negative attitude towards him hidden in the unconscious.

6. Gossip– a relatively safe form of manifestation of anger, which allows you to “drain” negative energy so that it does not accumulate and is not directed in an undesirable direction. The desire to gossip from time to time is common to many people. However, it is necessary to understand that the transformation of negative energy into gossip can subsequently sublimate into conflict.

7. The most socially unacceptable ways of showing anger include rage in the form of insults, blows, and murders.

As you know, accumulated and unprocessed anger and irritation may not be recognized and subsequently manifest themselves as bodily and psychosomatic symptoms.

In order to prevent such consequences in the process of psychotherapy, it is important to teach the client the ability to:

1. Notice and show dissatisfaction as soon as it appears (Figure 1) in order to defuse tension and prevent the transformation of the first level of manifestation of anger (dissatisfaction) into the fifth (anger) and sixth (rage).

2. Be aware of situations that cause anger and prevent their occurrence.

3. Learn to accept life as it is and recognize the injustice in it.

4. Learn to seek a compromise, conduct a dialogue, and be able to look at the situation from the outside.

5. If there is no way to resolve the situation, be able to get away from it, guided by the principle “the best fight is the one that didn’t happen”; look for other ways to solve the problem; transform anger into action.

6. Do not clarify relationships at the peak of anger. It is impossible to be angry, to be angry and at the same time think rationally. Arguments during a quarrel are not accepted. Give the opportunity to “calm down the emotional storm, let off steam,” and only then clarify the situation. Make complaints not about your partner’s personality, but about his behavior, events, and errors in understanding.

7. Anger does not need to be hidden, it must find congruent expression in socially acceptable ways, without aggressive manifestations.

8. Avoid excessive apologies for the feelings experienced and generalizations (in general, always, never, etc.), constantly reviving in memory the rational judgment “I have the right to experience any feelings”, “I give myself the right to make mistakes.”

9. Accurately describe your own perception of the situation, circumstances, words that caused anger, while recognizing the right of the interlocutor to oppose his own perception to your attitude.

Practice shows that the success of psychotherapy for anger and rage depends on taking into account the psychogenesis of these states, the reasons for their occurrence, options for inadequate response and knowledge about socially acceptable ways of expressing them, varying in intensity and degree of manifestation.

1. Bleuler E. Affectivity, suggestibility and paranoia. Odessa, 1929.
2. Dmitrieva N.V. Psychological factors of personal identity transformation. Abstract of the dissertation for the candidate of science. Doctor of Psychology degree. Novosibirsk Publishing house of NSPU. 1996. 38 p.
3. Korolenko T.P., Dmitrieva N.V. Homo Postmodernicus. Psychological and mental disorders of the postmodern world /monograph/. Novosibirsk: NGPU Publishing House, 2009. 230 p.
4. Korolenko T.P., Dmitrieva N.V. Sexuality in the post-modern world /monograph/. M.: Academic project; Culture, 2011. 406 p.
5. Kutter P. Love, hatred, envy, jealousy. Psychoanalysis of passions. Translation from German by S.S. Pankova. St. Petersburg: B.S.K., 2004. 115 p.
6. Neimark M.S. Psychological analysis of schoolchildren’s emotional reactions to difficulties at work // Questions of psychology of the schoolchild’s personality. M., 1961.

Information about the authors:

Dmitrieva Natalya Vitalievna– Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work,

When aggression manifests itself in men, the reasons for this phenomenon can be very different - from a natural reaction to a stressful situation to somatic and mental pathology. In some cases, aggressiveness can be isolated, in others it becomes part of the personality, a disease that turns the life of the aggressor himself and those around him into a heavy burden, full of fear and danger.

What is aggression

This phenomenon is viewed from a variety of perspectives. Its definition is present in jurisprudence, psychology, and psychiatry. The young science of ethology, which studies the behavior of animals, deals with aggressive behavior, including in humans. Man comes to the attention of ethologists as the bearer of a huge complex of instincts inherited from a long line of ancestors at different evolutionary stages of the formation and development of the species Homo sapiens.

Aggression is an attack of anger. This anger can be triggered by external factors. In this case, aggression is called motivated. Most often, it is a consequence of strong fear that appears when there is a real threat to life, health or the integrity of property.

Unmotivated aggression manifests itself as inappropriate behavior that has no real reason. Hence its name.

Ethologists believe that the main reason for any aggression is fear. In some cases, it arises in the form of an adequate reaction to a real situation. In other cases, outbursts of aggression represent unmotivated impulses to dump negative emotions on a convenient object.

Oddly enough, any form of aggression, even the most irrational, has its own reason. Abruptly manifested rage allows a person to react to danger in time, avoiding negative consequences. Moreover, the reaction can be any. A person can run away, attack with unprecedented force, frightening or even killing the enemy. This rational expression of anger is salutary in nature.

Irrational aggression also has its meaning. It is usually a way of asserting oneself in communities where there is an official or social hierarchy. However, aggression can be a manifestation of mental illness or promiscuity of a person in authority.

Male aggression and its features

It is believed that uncontrolled aggression is most characteristic of men. However, women can also be irrationally and destructively aggressive. Moreover, women's screams, swearing, and anger are sometimes protracted. It can be more difficult to bring a woman out of such an attack than a man.

What is the difference between a man's manifestation of rage and a woman's? The specificity lies not only in hormonal principles, but also in differences in the instinctive basis of behavior.

Despite the increase in the number of women who live according to male laws, the psyche of representatives of different sexes still has significant differences.

Why do attacks of aggression occur in men? If we agree that men are indeed characterized by stronger and more frequent attacks of unmotivated rage, then this can be explained as follows:

  1. Excess testosterone. This hormone determines sexual activity. However, too much of it can provoke outbursts of sudden irritation that turn into rage.
  2. Men, by the structure of their psyche and instinctive base, are warriors. This property, of course, is realized in each representative of the stronger sex in its own way, but on average, attacks of rage in men are caused by their constant readiness for combat. The function of a protector, and to some extent an invader, is also reinforced by social stereotypes, which places increased demands on men, creating nervous tension.
  3. Man, by his evolutionary origin, is a social being. This means that he has a highly developed instinct for the hierarchical structure of the community. He needs to constantly prove his superiority over others. This subconscious desire in women manifests itself mainly in acquisitiveness, and in men - in the form of sudden attacks of aggression.

All these reasons explain, but do not justify, behavior that does not correspond to the species name of man - Homo sapiens.

Forms of manifestation of aggression

The problem in our society is that male aggression is considered normal. This is something we have to reckon with and put up with. This position of society costs him dearly, but the stereotype of tolerance for male emotional incontinence in society is very stable.

It turns out that the strong half of humanity must be weak. After all, in order to restrain your emotions, you need great inner strength.

There are 2 forms of manifestation of aggression. One of them is verbal, when a person’s entire negativity manifests itself in the form of shouting, profanity, threats and insults. Another form is of the nature of physical impact in the form of beatings, murders, and destruction. In this case, physical impact can be directed not only at humans, but also at animals. To some extent, hunting can be considered a form of aggression, when a person goes to kill animals not for food, but for pleasure.

Most often, aggression is directed at other people, animals, and household objects. For example, breaking dishes is an obvious displaced behavior when the desire to beat or kill a person is replaced by loud breaking of plates, cups, windows, and household appliances.

However, there is also auto-aggression, when negative emotions are directed at oneself. This type of aggression can manifest itself in public refusal or consumption of junk food, suicide attempts, which are necessarily committed in large crowds of people. Self-incrimination can also be classified as auto-aggression, when a person declares himself guilty of something that only indirectly concerns him.

There is another manifestation of predominantly male aggression, which is called boss syndrome. The habit of yelling at subordinates is not a way of leadership. To some extent, this is a way of hypertrophied self-affirmation. Hypertrophy manifests itself in the inadequacy of aggressive behavior, because a boss is a person who already has superiority in relation to his subordinates, sufficient to satisfy his ambitions.

Managing by yelling, cursing, insulting and threatening is not a management style, but a manifestation of promiscuity. A successful leader who properly manages a team can maintain order calmly, quietly, and even in a whisper. If such orders are carried out quickly and correctly, then this manager is in the right place.

Is boss syndrome a typically male form of aggression? If we consider that most bosses are men, then this style of combining leadership with wild aggression can be called typically masculine. Those women who, having power, allow themselves such a disgusting leadership style, actually imitate men, which in their opinion strengthens their position.

Reason and justification

Aggression, manifested in various forms, and especially in attacks of intense rage, can be a symptom of nervous and mental disorders. However, most often this is a manifestation of mental weakness. A person begins to enjoy the sudden release of excess energy, superiority over others, and most importantly, his own impunity. Such a person understands perfectly well when to flare up and when not to. You can yell at your wife, hit a child, or kick a dog in your own home with impunity.

All of these are criminal offenses. Only domestic violence often goes unnoticed by law enforcement agencies. Household members suffering from the painful or unbridled aggression of the father of the family begin to be protected only when visible signs of regular beatings appear to everyone.

Why does aggression become a habit? But because there are a number of justifications for such actions. A man can do all this because:

  • he is the breadwinner;
  • he gets tired at work;
  • he is responsible;
  • It’s their own fault - they brought it on;
  • everyone here is babbling;
  • they prevent him from resting, etc.

The presence of such arguments is a symptom of mental destruction. We are not talking about nervous and mental illnesses. This pathology is rather mental. This is a combination of weakness, cruelty and licentiousness.

Consequences of unmotivated aggression

Despite the fact that many people suffering from chronic aggression as a drug addiction derive pleasure from their actions, such actions are extremely harmful for both the object and the subject.

Those who suffer most from the tyranny of a hot-tempered person are all those who are forced to live with him under the same roof. Children who are forced to constantly be in fear of negative influences usually get sick, their fate is full of problems and suffering. They grow up unhappy and complex. The wives of such aggressors grow old and die early.

If a boss constantly yells at his subordinates, he creates an environment of fear and hostility. Such a person is surrounded by unreliable people. Action always causes reaction. People who are always humiliated do not carry out orders with a light heart, and deliberately or out of ignorance do not do the necessary work. Provided, of course, that this sabotage does not become obvious, provocative and dangerous for one’s career.

Typically, people with chronic aggression have problems with business. For example, if the owner or manager of a store publicly loudly reprimands his subordinates, then many people will try to avoid going to such a retail outlet. Why witness unpleasant scenes if there is another store within walking distance where a friendly atmosphere is created.

The subject of habitual aggression is also in for trouble. Screaming, threats, humiliation and even assault over time become not only a habit, but also a need. As a result, a person begins to shout not only at those who depend on him, but also at those on whom he himself depends. It is clear that the career of such a person is not going well. The problem also lies in the fact that not all people who are led by emotions, hormones and instincts can stop in time. A person who has become a chronic aggressor, even with the threat of losing his family and job, is not able to stop.

Scientists often consider the phenomenon of male aggression in the context of social phenomena. Uncontrollable rage for far-fetched or exaggerated reasons is a breeding ground for organizing social unrest. Men often express their rage not individually, but collectively. Spontaneous pogroms after football matches are a vivid example of a collective manifestation of unmotivated aggression. Such people easily succumb to calls to smash and beat for any reason.

So unmotivated aggression in men gives rise to problems not only of a medical, psychological and family nature. This is a negative social phenomenon that threatens the stability and well-being of society.


Quite often, people have outbursts of anger that are difficult or impossible to contain. As a rule, the expression of anger is produced (formed) in response to some external stimulus. This irritant can be either a person whose actions cause negative emotions or circumstances that can also cause feelings of anger.

In some cases, a person cannot cope with these negative feelings and produces his anger outwardly; these can be aggressive actions directed both at others and at himself.

Mechanisms of uncontrollable anger

Conditions in which a person cannot control his anger can be different, but they are all associated, to one degree or another, with changes in the central nervous system.
These conditions may be related:

- or with a violation of the metabolic biochemical processes of the brain,

- or with organic damage to the brain, or more precisely with a breakdown of higher nervous activity.

To differentiate the main causes of increased anger, a number of examinations are required, which are selected by the doctor only during an in-person examination. You should not mindlessly undergo all possible examinations, as this does not make sense. A competent psychotherapist, during the initial examination of a person, can immediately determine the need for additional examination.

Outbursts of anger may indicate the presence of:

  • severe mental illness,
  • asthenia of the nervous system,
  • alcohol dependence (especially during withdrawal symptoms),
  • substance abuse (drugs and other chemicals that affect the brain),
  • features of personality formation (pathological characterological traits).

Anger is expressed especially clearly in such mental states as personality disorder of the emotionally unstable type (at the moment of decompensation, i.e. irrepressible, uncontrollable emotional arousal provoked by external and/or internal stimuli), i.e., what was previously called psychopathy.

Quite often, outbursts of anger occur in people with asthenization, i.e. exhausted nervous system.

This exhaustion can occur under the influence of high mental stress, intoxication with psychoactive substances, also during prolonged stressful situations, or in the presence of several of these factors that negatively affect the overall quality of a person’s life.

Usually, the person himself rarely notices that he has become more irritable and does not pay attention to outbursts of anger, which begin to appear more and more often. As a rule, close people are the first to notice a change in his behavior, i.e. relatives, friends, maybe work colleagues, other people around.

Causes of uncontrollable anger

If a person is nevertheless concerned about the changes happening to him, then initially he may try to suppress his anger through volitional efforts, but this happens quite rarely and is not always of high quality, since it is necessary to know the reasons for the occurrence of periods

outbursts of anger, increased internal tension and involuntary, uncontrollable irritation.

To find the cause of anger and adequately learn to help yourself, it is best to address this issue to a specialist, directly to a psychotherapist. Which, in turn, can help improve the emotional background of the individual either with the help of drug therapy or with the help of psychotherapy, and complex treatment may be needed, but the selection of therapy is determined by the examination.

The examination in this case can be hardware (magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalography), or a so-called pathopsychological study, where, using methodological tests, a specialist determines the functioning of higher mental functions such as: memory, attention, thinking, perception and, of course, changes emotional-volitional sphere. Based on the data obtained, the person’s condition is determined and adequate therapy is selected.


The instinctive, natural way to express anger is to react aggressively towards others.

Anger is a natural, adaptive form of response to external threats. As a biological defensive form of human response, this emotional form allows a person to fight and defend himself when attacked. A certain amount of anger is therefore necessary for survival.

On the other hand, we cannot physically lash out at every person or object that irritates us: laws, social norms, and common sense place limits on how far our anger can take us.

However, many psychological trainings are now aimed at showing greater aggression and often some concepts are confused with the manifestation of anger.

Being assertive does not mean being aggressively assertive or aggressively demanding, it means being more respectful of yourself and others.

If a person is not capable of self-control and is not critical of the manifestation of his own anger, then this indicates the presence of pathology, which requires decisions in the office of a psychotherapist.

Feeling angry

The sayings of many psychologists about the possibility of suppressing anger and the danger that if the external expression of the manifestation or transformation of the feeling of anger is not allowed, it can turn inward - on oneself. Psychologists mistakenly believe that anger “turned inward” can lead to hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses or depression. On the contrary, anger should be considered as one of the first symptoms of the formation of mental change. And if a person begins to experience such conditions more often, and monitoring the condition is difficult, then one should consider the option of visiting a psychotherapist. It is not surprising that psychologists who have this opinion do not have successful solutions to problems associated with situations of outbursts of uncontrollable anger and attempts to control it.

As an example, we will give several options for people’s complaints about the manifestation of unmotivated outbursts of uncontrollable anger.

Examples of outbursts of uncontrollable anger

1. I don't know what to do. I have been dating a young man for more than 3 years. Lately he's just become kind of crazy. It didn't happen that much before. It happened occasionally. And now he flares up over various trifles and immediately starts yelling. For example, I forgot my lipstick at home. We are in no hurry, we are not late, and I remembered this when we went down the elevator. I asked him to wait downstairs while I went up and took it. He immediately started yelling, which is what I was thinking about earlier. If we are walking down the street and I don’t notice some friend of his and don’t warn him that someone I know is walking, the victim also starts screaming. As if I should just walk around and see if his friends are coming to meet him.

2. My boyfriend and I had long-term plans, but it seems to me that his psyche is disturbed. He says that this is due to post-traumatic syndrome, he was in Chechnya for two years, head injuries, concussion. I thought that this could be solved somehow and that our love would overcome everything. But a year has passed, and I only see a deterioration in his condition and our relationship. His mental health can be expressed differently. These can be sudden, unreasonable attacks of rage, uncontrollable outbursts of anger and uncontrollable behavior when he himself does not understand what he is saying and what he is doing. All this is devoid of any common sense. For example, if I didn’t pick up the phone, this is accompanied by anger and hysteria, yelling and resentment, and at that moment it can send me to hell, and I don’t mince my words. Then - the mood changes just as sharply and the opposite happens - tears, snot, apologies, “I can’t live without you...” and so on. Communication has become unbearable, I’ll probably go crazy myself soon.

Outbursts of rage

3. I began to have more and more frequent outbursts of uncontrollable anger, discontent, reaching the point of some kind of rage. All this happens for a few minutes, and then it passes and everything falls into place. I don’t want it myself, but I’m ready to lash out at anyone, for no reason, no reason, just nothing. I haven’t seen a doctor yet, and I don’t really know which doctor to go to. I can start over little things. It’s not just my family members, my husband and little daughter, who are suffering. I can shout at them, call them names, a minute later I regret it and ask for forgiveness, but it’s too late - the word is not a sparrow. My daughter is only a year old, but even at her I can yell at her, and that’s what worries me the most. I understand that this is impossible, but I can’t help myself. I scream and it seems easier. I hate myself for this. How to cope with emotions?

Treatment for uncontrollable anger

The descriptions of complaints about uncontrollable anger presented are so typical that many readers may recognize themselves in these lines or even consider that this is an exact copy of the description of their own situation.

However, not only each of the described situations has its own individual reasons, despite the similarity or identity.

Naturally, the treatment of outbursts of uncontrollable anger was each time selected and carried out only on an individual basis.

In practice, outbursts of uncontrollable anger are treated in accordance with the true reasons for its formation.

The most effective treatment for uncontrollable anger should be agreed upon by specialists of various specializations, but with a special higher medical education in the field of knowledge about the structure and functioning of the nervous system.

To do this, the Brain Clinic first conducts a differential diagnosis and a consultation of all the necessary specialists who, in each individual case, conduct a discussion and determine the set of necessary measures. After this, the attending physician, guided by the decision of the council, carries out the necessary treatment and measures to restore the nervous system.

If you or your loved ones have outbursts of uncontrollable anger, you should pay attention to this.

Such mental states may indicate ongoing pathological processes in the brain.

Outbursts of uncontrollable anger can lead to serious consequences and lead to irreparable situations.

Seek help from a psychotherapist. It can be treated.

You can contact us anonymously by phone +7 495 135-44-02

We can provide assistance quickly and efficiently.

In a situation where a loved one suddenly begins to show temper and irritability, many do not know how to behave correctly. Unmotivated aggression is not always a reaction to life’s troubles or dissatisfaction with the behavior of relatives. Its causes may lie in complex psychological diseases of a somatic or neurological nature.

If we turn to the question of the nature of uncontrolled attacks of aggression, it is important to pay attention to the results of a study involving volunteers. Using functional MRI, the brains of men and women prone to displays of rage and aggression were examined. All participants showed similar changes in the background activity of certain areas of the brain. However, despite this, the reasons why outbursts of anger appear are far from the same.

The reasons that cause attacks of aggression sometimes lie on the surface. There are situations when it is possible to identify provoking factors only through careful diagnosis. Psychologists have identified a group of the most common reasons:

  1. 1. Psychological release. A person has a lot of tension accumulated inside him, which sooner or later he needs to throw out.
  2. 2. Education and childhood psychological trauma. In this case, anger and aggression in childhood were manifested by loved ones and were the norm in the family. Any negative emotions become habitual.
  3. 3. Self-defense, which a person demonstrates when his personal space is invaded. Anger and negativity are directed not only at people, but also at things.
  4. 4. Low levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body.
  5. 5. High levels of adrenaline and norepinephrine.

Unreasonable reactions and uncontrollable attacks of anger can occur in combination with physical aggression. In most cases, attacks of anger and rage pass without destructive consequences for the psyche of the patient himself and his loved ones. Often all attempts to cope with the situation are unsuccessful. Bouts of rage begin to be accompanied by hysteria. People with weakened physical and mental health experience loss of consciousness, a state of shock, paralysis of the arms, and a heart attack.

Causes of attacks of aggression

The causes of aggressive behavior are a person’s internal problems, which include an increased, constant sense of responsibility, fatigue, irritability, pain, anger, and self-doubt. All of the above accumulated, looking for a way out in the form of outbursts of anger.

The cause of attacks of aggression in a person is also a high pace of life, unbearable stress, insufficient rest, personal and professional failures, and futility of expectations. Other individuals experience bouts of aggression if something does not happen as they expected. Often it is very difficult for such people to control aggressiveness and it even comes to assault. If you do not pay attention to this problem for a long time, psychological problems will arise that will affect personal relationships.

Attacks of aggression in women can indicate serious problems (endocrine and vascular diseases, epileptic activity, taking hormonal drugs, birth injuries and traumatic brain injuries). To find out, you should conduct a thorough diagnosis and then begin treatment.

Uncontrollable attacks of aggression

Irritability and anger are a natural reaction of the body to the environment, but if uncontrolled attacks of aggression occur, they can become dangerous for society. The aggressor, having splashed out claims, reproaches, and insults on those around him, then strongly repents and regrets, feeling devastated and depressed, feeling an unpleasant aftertaste in his soul. Feelings of regret and guilt do not last long, so the next time the situation repeats itself. There are also cases of assault. Emerging attacks of aggression in a person can destroy a family, since the person suffering from uncontrollable attacks of aggression behaves inappropriately.

Uncontrolled attacks of aggression at work can lead to dismissal, and as a result - severe depression, as well as other psychosomatic diseases.

Uncontrollable attacks of aggression in some people occur due to sudden pain and fatigue.

Attacks of aggression in men

Many experts argue that long-term abstinence contributes to physiological disorders in the body of men, leading to anger and attacks of aggression. Male physiological disorders manifest themselves in erectile dysfunction, as well as premature ejaculation. Before the age of 30, this is all easily restored; after 40, it requires long-term treatment, and after 50, treatment is ineffective.

Attacks of aggression in men occur due to poor upbringing, heredity and personality disorder - psychopathy. Treatment includes early recognition of psychopaths and neutralization of their influence.

How can a woman recognize a psychopath? A psychopath is characterized by a clear expression of emotional reactions, which manifest themselves in incontinence, addiction to alcohol, and a tendency to aggression. The main features of psychopathy are extreme irritability, excitability, explosiveness and anger. You can have a good time with a psychopathic man, but you will have to pay for it. A psychopath will deceive a woman with a smile on his face and terrify her with just one look.

when a woman ceases to interest him, the psychopath will devastate her and deprive her of peace of mind for a long time, as well as self-esteem. The woman will turn sad and will think for a long time where she made a mistake. After such communication, a woman needs rehabilitation with a psychologist to restore her mental strength. If there was a case of assault, then in this case you should think about your safety: parting with such a man.

Attacks of aggression in women

Uncontrollable attacks of aggression in women often occur due to postpartum depression. The mother fails to adapt to new circumstances in the form of the arrival of a new family member - a baby, who turns the relationship in a couple into a “triad”.

Often there are attacks of aggression in women who have shouldered household life, as well as raising children, on their fragile shoulders. If a woman does not keep up with household chores, and the whims of her child cause her to have attacks of aggression, it is necessary to attract help from loved ones (husband, older children, parents and grandparents). Let them help you: take care of cleaning, ironing shirts, taking care of animals, shopping, playing with children. The most important thing is to restore the woman’s previous emotional balance. Until a woman’s nervous tension is released, uncontrollable attacks of aggression will not end.

Attacks of aggression in women are relieved by transforming tension into something else. Sports, hobbies, or something relaxing and calming (yoga or stretching) help with this. Dancing will bring quite a lot of positive emotions, which will relax and strengthen a woman’s nervous system. It is important to pay attention to your diet, give up cigarettes, coffee, energy drinks and alcoholic drinks.

Attacks of aggression in women occur if a woman is left without male attention, since this negatively affects the nervous system and leads to depression and neuroses, which can turn into hysteria and attacks of aggression. Long-term abstinence in women leads to decreased libido or frigidity. Sexual dissatisfaction leads to a sharp decline in work activity and uncontrollable attacks of aggression. This is especially clearly expressed during abstinence in women. It has been established that those women who do not have regular intimate relationships look older than their peers who have regular sexual relations.

Attacks of aggression in a child

Often, parents of young children are faced with the following problem: the child swings at people close to him, hits them in the face, pinches them, spits, and uses swear words. You cannot take this behavior of a child calmly. If this kind of situation tends to recur, then parents need to analyze at what exact moments the child’s attacks of aggression appear, put themselves in the child’s place, and figure out what causes such outbursts of anger.

Attacks of aggression in a child almost always occur for external reasons: family troubles, lack of what they want, deprivation of something, experimentation on adults.

Attacks of aggression in a one-year-old child manifest themselves in the form of bites from an adult or peer. For babies, bites are a way of learning about the world around them. Some one-year-old children resort to biting when they cannot achieve their goal because they cannot express their desires. The bite is an attempt to assert one’s rights, as well as an expression of one’s experience or failure. Some children bite when threatened. Babies also bite out of the need for self-defense, since they cannot cope with the situation on their own. There are babies who bite to demonstrate their strength. This is what kids do who strive for power over others. Sometimes bites can also be caused by neurological reasons. When you understand what causes your child’s negative behavior, it will be easier for you to help him cope with himself and teach him positive techniques for resolving conflict situations.

How to deal with child aggression? Remember that children learn from the examples of those around them. The baby adopts a lot of his behavior from the family. If rough treatment in the family is the norm, then the baby will learn such forms, and the cruel behavior of adults will serve as prerequisites for neuroses. Remember that the baby's behavior is a complete mirror reflection of what is happening in the family. Very often, aggressive behavior is a reaction to lack of attention to the child, and thus the baby attracts attention to himself. The child learns that bad behavior quickly earns him long-awaited attention. Therefore, adults should communicate with the child as often as possible, supporting his positive communication with other people and peers.

It happens that attacks of aggression in a child are provoked by an atmosphere of indulgence, when the child never knows refusal and achieves everything with screams and hysterics. In this case, adults should be patient, because the more advanced the problem, the more difficult it is to carry out corrections to eliminate attacks of aggression in the child. You shouldn’t expect that the child will grow up and everything will change. A mandatory rule in communicating with a child is the constancy of adults’ demands in all situations, especially when aggression occurs.

Correcting attacks of aggression in a child includes involving game situations and acting them out with toy characters that are close to real situations. As soon as you teach your child to behave calmly, your baby will immediately find a common language with other children.

Attacks of aggression treatment

A psychologist will help you understand your own life. It is possible that you have chosen too high a pace for yourself, and have also placed unbearable loads on yourself. In this case, stress, as well as burnout syndrome, are almost inevitable.

How to deal with attacks of aggression? Try not to keep all negative accumulated thoughts, as well as irritation, within yourself, because the more anger you have inside, the stronger the attacks of aggression will be.

take your personal pace of life and allow yourself to relax. If you feel that you cannot cope with work pressure, discuss this with your colleagues and superiors. Take a vacation, a long weekend, take a break from work. Taking herbal soothing teas (St. John's wort, thyme, oregano, peppermint, motherwort cordial, chamomile, valerian officinalis, cordate linden, etc.) will help relieve mental stress and prevent sudden attacks of aggression from developing.

How to get rid of attacks of aggression? Effective means are the transformation of aggressive tension into something else: sports, yoga, meditation.

Unmotivated frequent attacks of aggression and hatred are suppressed by taking atypical antipsychotics: Clozapine, Risperdal. Valproic acid, Lithium salts, Trazodone, Carbamazepine have a positive effect. Tricyclic antidepressants are highly effective.

A special place is given to psychotherapy in the treatment of attacks of aggression. There are specially developed techniques, the purpose of which is to redirect and suppress aggression.

After completing a course of psychotherapy, you can learn techniques for quickly relieving aggressive tension. For example, at the peak of unmotivated aggressiveness, tear newspapers to shreds, wash floors, wash clothes, hit a sofa cushion.

Get serious about sports. Sports anger will give an adrenaline rush and suppress your aggressive state.

Avoid the aggressor's physical behavior (punching or kicking). Always keep the aggressor in sight, control his behavior, never turn your back on him. Always take all verbal threats seriously and keep a safe distance. Do not hesitate to ask for additional help, because this concerns your safety. Be confident, remain calm, try to relieve aggression with a calm conversation, do not argue with the aggressor.

Psychological causes of irritability in women

Fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, stress, workload, emotional and physical abuse, dissatisfaction with oneself, frustration - these are the psychological causes of irritability in women. As a result, attacks of anger and aggression to any irritant occur. What to do? Let's look point by point.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

With energy exhaustion, there is a desire to sleep, lie down, and do nothing. This reaction occurs during mental and physical labor. A woman is susceptible to fatigue when she is very busy with household and work matters. An unbearable load leaves an imprint on the character. Many women cannot cope with fatigue; every little thing causes an attack of irritation. Basic recommendations:

  1. You need to take into account the needs of your body, observe rest and work schedules. There is no such thing as too much self-love. Set aside hours in your daily routine that are dedicated only to yourself.
  2. We learn to relax. For some, relaxation is reading a book, taking a bath, or spending a couple of hours alone with a problem. Someone is actively charged with energy - he needs communication with people. We are looking for something that will help us recover.
  3. We organize the work. We study the time management system, remove overloads and unnecessary things from the plan. It is advisable to combine physical and mental activity during the day.


A stressful situation causes irritability in women and men and adversely affects health. In many countries, severe stress is a reason for not going to work. It's worth asking yourself questions. What situation is annoying and stressful? Can I get rid of it myself? Do I have a reason to be irritable?

Dissatisfaction with yourself

Nervousness and irritability in women manifest themselves when they are dissatisfied with their appearance and the state of affairs in their personal lives.

Psychologists note that women become irritable when they gain excess weight and other external imperfections. Experts recommend increasing your self-esteem by focusing not on external qualities, but on internal ones. Self-acceptance leads to improvement and reduction of irritability and aggression in women.

Life in violence

If a woman is subjected to emotional or physical violence, then her resistance to stress decreases. She becomes vulnerable and irritable because she feels unprotected. In many cases, women cannot leave their tormentor; these are so-called codependent relationships. How to cope? Reading relevant literature, contacting crisis centers, and psychotherapeutic assistance helps.

Physiological reasons

Nervousness and irritability are much more common in women than in men. Swedish scientists came to this conclusion. The female nervous system has more increased excitability. The weaker sex is prone to anxiety and mood swings. In addition, hormonal changes regularly occur in the female body. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
  • menopause;
  • taking certain medications;
  • postpartum recovery.


Hormonal changes during pregnancy may be accompanied by irritability. Often character changes are present in the first trimester. The pregnant woman becomes whiny, capricious, and minor situations make her nervous. By mid-pregnancy, hormonal levels stabilize. The mood also levels out.


Before the onset of menstruation, the hormone progesterone rises in women's blood. This substance in high doses causes visible changes in the body. This condition is commonly called PMS. The syndrome is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased irritability;
  • conflict;
  • increase in temperature;
  • depressed mood.

In a state of PMS, there is conflict, mood swings, minor events cause anger, and sometimes rage. This emotional background changes into tearfulness, absent-mindedness and anxiety. Many people note weakness and increased fatigue. Irritable days last from two to five days.

Important! The manifestations of PMS are different. In some women they are mild, while in others they are severe.


Another reason for female irritation is menopause. Suppression of menstrual function is accompanied by imbalance, emotionality, and grumpiness.

Medical reasons

Anger and irritation can be a side effect of a number of diseases. The most common include:

  1. Hyperthyroidism. This disorder is most common in women. Changes in character are observed after the production of large amounts of thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone anger affects heart rate, brain and metabolism.
  2. High cholesterol levels. When a woman takes statins, drugs that lower cholesterol, one of the side effects of the medication is increased irritability. Scientists say that low cholesterol also reduces serotonin levels. Serotonin is one of the hormones of happiness; its low level makes it difficult to control attacks of anger.
  3. Inflamed liver. Ancient physicians associated the liver with the emotion of anger. Today this statement is confirmed. Some liver diseases lead to grouchiness and aggression. The accumulation of toxic substances in the liver leads to their release into the blood, which also affects the brain.

Attacks of irritability cannot be ignored. Prolonged outbursts of rage and aggression deplete the female body, leading to neuroses and depression. When irritability is caused by unknown reasons and is accompanied by insomnia or anxiety, you should definitely consult a doctor.

You can cope with irritation on your own with the help of yoga, soothing baths, and physical therapy. It is recommended to use medications to eliminate bad mood on the recommendation of a doctor.