Allergist-immunologist Oleg Togoev: Refusal of vaccinations can be equated to child abuse. And again about vaccinations. private opinions of doctors

And for adults, the topic is very controversial and complex. Its supporters are actively campaigning, and its opponents are threatening to tell us what the unpleasant truth about vaccinations is. It is almost impossible to find a middle ground in this matter, because we're talking about about health, and sometimes even human life. That is why every person needs to carefully study this issue, form their own opinion on it and make the right decision for themselves.

What is a vaccination?

So, what is vaccination, when and why is it carried out? The main objective of such an event is prevention various diseases, it literally begins from the first days of every person’s life. The truth about vaccinations is that the substances introduced into the body are weakened microorganisms that cause the disease; in small quantities, they contribute to the formation of antibodies and counteract the development of the disease in the future. Preventive measures are carried out as planned (according to the schedule) and when potential risks of the disease increase (during epidemics).

Vaccine classification

When communicating information about vaccination to the population, it is necessary first to ensure the dissemination of basic information. So, the truth about vaccinations is that they:

  • Have different structure and composition.
  • They are carried out according to a specific scheme depending on the age and health status of the patient.
  • May cause complications.

Let's talk about the features of vaccination in a little more detail. So, preventive injections have a certain classification:

Approximate vaccination schedule

Vaccination begins from the first days of a child’s life. The list of preventive measures is given in the universal vaccination calendar. It must be remembered that in some cases injections are carried out according to an individual schedule:

Possible side effects

The truth about vaccines is that childhood they are tolerated much more easily than in adults, but this does not mean that specialists should not carefully monitor such events. If complications arise, it is necessary to develop measures to alleviate the child’s condition. Side effects may include the following:

  • General malaise.
  • The development of the disease for which the injection was given, in a mild or moderate form.
  • Significant decrease in the protective functions of the immune system.
  • Allergy.

How complications develop

The truth about vaccinations is that their consequences in some cases can be very sad. This happens when a person in a weak form falls ill with the disease for which he was vaccinated. In the future, the situation usually develops as follows:

However, the whole truth about vaccinations lies not only in basic information, but also in mandatory The following important facts must be taken into account:

  • Vaccination is carried out only in completely healthy patients. Any previous illness is a delay for injections for a period of 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the severity of the disease.
  • Despite the fact that children's body should easily tolerate vaccination, the chance of a negative or unpredictable response is quite high.
  • If the patient has a tendency to the appearance and development of allergic reactions, preliminary consultations with an allergist and a therapist (pediatrician) are mandatory before injections.
  • You should not do too many vaccinations, you should follow the principle of reasonableness in everything, injections are given only when necessary.

Pros and cons of flu vaccinations, contraindications

One more interesting topic- the whole truth about this common disease is carried out annually, and each time it is accompanied by very heated debates. Let's discuss its positive and negative sides. The advantages of the vaccine include:

There are also a lot of disadvantages to the flu shot. The first and main one is the lack of a guarantee of illness. The thing is that flu patterns are constantly changing and the administered drug may not have any protective effect. In addition, injections must be carried out at a strictly defined time, before the onset of an epidemic, only in this case the body will be able to produce protective antibodies. It is also necessary to take into account that the flu vaccine has many contraindications, which pediatricians and therapists forget to clarify; they boil down to the following pathologies and characteristics of the body:

  • eggs (especially whites).
  • Allergies to other foods are in the acute stage.
  • Infectious or chronic diseases in active stage and the recovery period after them (minimum 2 weeks).
  • Previous negative experience carrying out such vaccination.

Film Tsareva

There is a lot of discussion about the benefits and harms of vaccinations, not only ordinary people, but also specialists resort to heated debates, among them The truth about vaccinations from her lips was stated in documentary film 2006 release. In the feed you can get acquainted with the following information in more detail:

  • The presence of harmful components in vaccines (mercury, aluminum and others).
  • Possible complications from vaccinations (information supported by facts).
  • Statistics about preventive measures this kind of thing in other countries.
  • Post-vaccination syndrome.
  • Decreased immune system function due to external interference.
  • Classified information from official documents, facts that are rarely made public.

Specialists take part in the documentary the highest level, among them Doctor of Medical Sciences Kolesov.

Articles by virologist Chervonskaya

A huge contribution to educating society about vaccination was made by virologist Professor Galina Chervonskaya. The truth about vaccinations from her words allowed many parents to take a different look at the need for mandatory prevention. Her published articles contain information about the low level of modern pediatrics and the doctor’s negligent approach to vaccination. The author argues that it is impossible to defeat the disease only through injection; the range of protective actions should be much wider, but it has not been implemented in our country.

Let's consider the most interesting information, which are provided by Chervonskaya. The truth about domestically produced vaccinations is mostly given on the basis of information about DPT. The vaccine contains organic mercury salts and formaldehyde. They provoke the strongest allergic reactions, and formalin is also a strong mutagen. Its presence in the body provokes:

  • Chronic runny nose.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Cracks in the skin.
  • Colitis.

It should also be noted that vaccination against tuberculosis (BCG) is carried out only in our country and nowhere else in the world. The author emphasizes that the consequences of thoughtless vaccinations may not appear immediately, but after several years. According to some information, vaccination may manifest itself in liver lesions after 15-20 years.

The composition of the hepatitis B vaccine is also very original. So, a product called "Engerix" contains:

  • Baker's yeast, and not simple, but genetically modified.
  • Aluminum hydroxide. It has a clear contraindication - early childhood.
  • Thiomerosal. Pesticide, mercury salt. Has a detrimental effect on the nervous system.

In order for vaccination to benefit a person, it is necessary to conduct an immunological examination and determine whether there is an immunodeficiency to a particular disease.

Useful book from Alexandra Kotok

The book by the author Alexander Kotok, “Ruthless Immunization,” will help you expand your horizons and replenish your treasure trove of important knowledge. The truth about vaccinations." It provides information and facts about the low effectiveness of vaccination, and in some cases, its potential danger to humans. Unfortunately, most ordinary people are unfamiliar with such information, which means they cannot make an informed choice, focusing only on active positive propaganda.

Onishchenko's opinion on vaccinations in Russia

He also starred in the revealing film chief physician Russia The truth about vaccinations from his lips shocked many. According to him, officials from the Ministry of Health were bribed to turn our country into a testing ground for unknown drugs and vaccines. In particular, the greatest danger is posed by injections against cervical cancer, which are in the testing phase. TO dangerous complications after their use, a woman becomes infertile.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands this truth about vaccinations. Onishchenko recently took a diametrical position and sharply criticized people who do not want to resort to vaccination. In his opinion, parents who oppose the introduction of preventive injections to children are committing a real crime, and to correct similar situation It is necessary to vaccinate children without obtaining consent.

The harm of vaccinations, or the truth about vaccination

Let us summarize what are the main dangers of prophylactic administration of microdoses of pathogens of various diseases. So, there are opinions that:

  • Vaccinations in our country are carried out for experimental purposes, their effectiveness has not been proven, and they can negatively affect health.
  • Vaccinations contribute to population decline (for example, in South America and in the Philippines, women of childbearing age were given tetanus vaccinations, which ultimately lead to infertility).
  • Vaccines have not been studied for their effects on the immune system as a whole.
  • A number of drugs contain dangerous components that affect the nervous system and human development.
  • Vaccinations can cause autism in a child (according to statistics, in the 40s, out of 10,000 vaccinated children, approximately 2 had the indicated complication).
  • The introduction of vaccines is a deliberate infection of a person, and in some cases he becomes ill with exactly the disease that he was trying to avoid.
  • Children who have undergone routine vaccination get sick 5 times more often than those who refuse prophylaxis.
  • Doctors advocate for injections because they want to fulfill the plan.

Positive opinions

Of course, there is an opposite opinion that also needs to be studied. The whole truth about vaccinations from their supporters looks much more rosy. Thus, you can often find information that vaccination:

  • Prevents the occurrence dangerous diseases, as well as complications caused by them (for example, measles and its consequences: pneumonia, conjunctivitis, otitis media, encephalitis).
  • Does not provoke the development of mental pathologies (for example, autism). According to WHO investigations, such allegations have not been confirmed.
  • Medicines containing mercury are not as dangerous as they might seem. It has been proven that its amount in injections does not exceed permissible level, even with minimal (from 3 kg) patient weight. At the same time, references are often made to the fact that there is more mercury in water.
  • Preparations containing dangerous components imply their minimal presence, which means they are not dangerous to health.

Instead of completing

Truth and myths about vaccinations have long been mixed up; adults do not trust their health and that of their children to doctors, and they themselves do not have sufficient knowledge to make an informed and necessary decision. Do not rush to refuse vaccinations, thinking that they only cause harm; in fact, this is far from the case. Try to study on your own all available information about vaccines, their composition, rules of administration, possible contraindications and consequences. Be sure to undergo a preliminary examination and consult with several specialists about the advisability of injections. At the same time, remember that your health is always in your hands, and decisions made relate only to your area of ​​responsibility.

Girls, I found an interesting article on how to get vaccinated from an immunologist

According to the law on immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, “citizens when carrying out immunoprophylaxis have the right to receive medical workers complete and objective information about the need preventive vaccinations, the consequences of refusing them, possible post-vaccination complications” (source).

But since in our clinics it is not always possible to obtain COMPLETE and OBJECTIVE information, in this article I will try to partially fill this gap. At the very least, you will be able to correctly formulate a question to your local pediatrician using this knowledge.
Let's start with the basics

Preventive vaccinations are the introduction of medical immunobiological preparations (vaccines, immunoglobulins, etc.) into the human body to create specific immunity to infectious diseases.

Post-vaccination complications are severe and (or) persistent health problems (including disability and death) due to preventive vaccinations.

A post-vaccination reaction is the body’s reaction to the introduction of a foreign antigen (vaccine component), which reflects the process of developing immunity (fever, redness and thickening at the injection site, sleep and appetite disturbance, allergic reaction, etc.).

A post-vaccination reaction can go away on its own without treatment or develop into a post-vaccination complication. This circumstance depends on the state of the immune system of each individual person (generally speaking, it also depends on the quality of the vaccine, but we, parents, unfortunately, cannot influence this factor in any way).

That is why vaccinations must be done under the supervision of an immunologist, and not a local pediatrician. He will examine the child’s immune status, order an immunogram (if indicated) and, possibly, conduct additional research to avoid post-vaccination complications.

After vaccination, it is advisable to visit the immunologist again to find out whether the child has developed immunity (in other words, whether the child is protected from the disease) or whether all efforts were in vain. To determine the presence of antibodies, serological diagnosis is performed.

This diagnosis should be carried out before re-vaccination (re-vaccination) in order to answer the question whether it is necessary to re-vaccinate or not.

State medical institutions Immunodiagnostics are not carried out either before or after vaccinations. Because it is expensive and time-consuming (or for some other reasons that mere mortals are not supposed to know about?). Therefore, taking care of this falls on the shoulders (and wallet) of the parents.
What information must be provided to the immunologist before vaccination?
It is necessary to warn the doctor about the presence of CHRONIC diseases and pathologies in the child.

Since vaccination can aggravate a chronic disease.
Tell your doctor about all illnesses your child has had, including acute respiratory infections (especially if he gets sick more than 3-4 times a year), allergic reactions to food and medicines, sleep disorders, anemia.

This is necessary to identify immunological deficiency, and, therefore, the inability of the body to produce antibodies after infection or immunization.

For such children, vaccinations are ineffective, meaning the body will not be able to produce antibodies to protect against the disease. Moreover, the vaccination itself can cause them the disease against which the child is vaccinated (this applies to live and attenuated vaccines).
Tell your doctor how your previous vaccinations went (if any). High temperature, swelling, allergic reactions, atopic dermatitis(diathesis) – everything matters.

The fact is that each subsequent dose of the vaccine often causes a stronger reaction than the last time.
If the doctor did not refer your child to a neurologist before the vaccination, ask for a referral yourself or go to an appointment for a fee (without a referral).

Most diseases of the nervous system are a contraindication to vaccinations.
Insist on the use of monovaccines and separate vaccinations (on separate days).

If a post-vaccination complication begins, it will be easier for the doctor to identify the “culprit” and quickly begin appropriate treatment.
Tell your doctor if you have chronic and infectious diseases from the child's closest relatives.

This information can be an indication or a disqualification from vaccination.
Find out the phone number of your immunologist so you can quickly contact him in case of complications after vaccination.

God grant that you don't need it.
Don't believe the statistics.

It is known that 100% effective and safe vaccines does not happen, vaccine manufacturers themselves state this.

The safety of a vaccine is determined not only by the amount of harmful substances, but also the ability to cause disorders in the immune system, which can cause immunodeficiency conditions, allergies and other types of immunopathology.

The effectiveness of a vaccine shows how many% vaccinated people get sick less often than unvaccinated people. It is determined on the basis of statistical data (that is, as a result of experiments, first on animals, and then in practice with real people).

This not an easy task, since in addition to the purity of the experiment (which is already extremely difficult), it is necessary to have data on those who became ill in sufficiently large groups of subjects (this is even more difficult) so that the result of the calculation does not turn out to be random.

In fact, vaccines are used for immunoprophylaxis, the safety and effectiveness of which have not been proven, but have only been approximately estimated for a small group of people.

Then, based on statistical observation at the state level, the vaccines are either recalled or continue to be used until enough information is accumulated about their effectiveness and safety. Something like an experiment on a global scale. But that's not what we're talking about.

The fact is that for a specific person these statistical numbers mean NOTHING!

For a GROUP OF PEOPLE, vaccine effectiveness, for example, 95% is good indicator. But for ONE specific vaccinated person, this figure DOES NOT MEAN at all that he WILL NOT get sick with this disease with a 95% probability... Whether he gets sick or not, and with what probability, is determined by the properties of his immune system. And for each person to conduct an individual statistical study (read “conduct experiments with his health”), to put it mildly, is stupid.
Search and read information about the disease against which you are going to vaccinate your child, about the vaccine, about complications after the disease and after vaccination. And, most importantly, about contraindications to vaccination. Better get vaccinated not to do would harm the child’s health.

“Preventive vaccinations are carried out for citizens who do not have medical contraindications." (Federal Law on Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases, Article 11).

If a doctor insists on vaccination if there is at least one contraindication to it, he is breaking the law (not to mention medical ethics).

Therefore, carefully study the contraindications for vaccination so that you have something to operate in a “conversation” with your doctor.
Behavior after vaccination

For several days after vaccination, carefully monitor the slightest changes in physical and mental state child, tell the doctor about anything that seems unusual to you. Don't be afraid to look like an alarmist in front of your doctor. Your child's health is at stake. At the slightest sign of suffocation or a temperature rise above 39 degrees, call an ambulance.

After vaccination, the child’s immunity is reduced for quite a long time, so for at least a month, try not to contact sick people, prevent the child from getting hypothermic or overheating (that is, do not sweat), so as not to catch another infection.

Vaccination is a serious biological operation that requires an INDIVIDUAL APPROACH; it should not be taken lightly (“well, just think of an injection, inject and go”)!

Vaccination is not the only way to protect yourself from the disease. Moreover, it is not a way to protect yourself from its complications.

Vaccination does not provide a 100% guarantee that a child will not get sick or that his illness will be milder compared to unvaccinated children. This depends on the properties of the immune system of each individual organism.

Remember! A doctor is a consultant. Nature is a healer. The law is on your side. And only you and no one else makes a decision and is responsible for the health of your child.


An open letter from an oncoimmunologist

Professor V.V. Gorodilova

We should have thought seriously long ago about the growing childhood leukemia, which Academician Zilber spoke about already in the early 60s, about the unbalanced immune system as a result of the undying “post-vaccination state”, which begins in our maternity hospitals and actively continues in childhood and adolescence.

It has been proven that in infants immune system immature, it begins to function within the “normal” range after 6 months. What kind of BCG can occur in the neonatal period? Neonatology requires monitoring newborns in the first month after birth. During this time, not vaccination should be carried out, but screening of newborns for immunodeficiencies, studies to establish hereditary diseases, prognosis of prerequisites for pathologies. Western countries They do not vaccinate babies with live vaccines. But they have been assessing immune status immediately after birth for several decades.

After BCG, a restructuring of the immune system begins, primarily the macrophage component to live mycobacterium tuberculosis. Is the baby's immune system ready to deal with such a strong load?

Gross violation the protective mechanism of “immunotherapy” causes an accelerated loss of “immune strength”, I admit - the involution of the thymus, which has not had time to begin its duties, opens the way to cancer...

Blood, as you know, consists of liquid plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. One might think that with intense, long-term immunostimulation, factors accumulate in the blood that affect the cells of the immune system, disrupt the functioning conditions of lymphocytes, and increase the “consumption” of certain types of white blood cells. Their depletion will lead to changes in hematopoiesis, similar to how erythropoiesis is activated during prolonged anemia. I would like to remind you of the works of N.P. Shabalov, indicating the provoking role of vaccines in latent leukemia in children, as well as severe exacerbations of leukemia under the influence of vaccinations, which are mentioned in the pediatric literature, but no measures are taken.

I admit that BCG, live mycobacterium tuberculosis, suppress the activity of the T-system of newborns, causing secondary immunological failure. This should be regarded as the result of a functional disorder of the immune system of children.

I fully share the requirements of Galina Chervonskaya - vaccinations should be individual and rational. An immunological examination is necessary before and after this harmless intervention. Antibodies cannot be accumulated indefinitely - their excess leads to autoimmune processes. Hence the “rejuvenated” autoimmune diseases among young people: rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, kidney disease, thyroid disease, nervous disorder, endocrine systems, cancer, and among them - childhood leukemia.

I believe that the Ministry of Health is obliged to develop a plan for organizing immunological examinations and screening of children for immunodeficiencies. It must meet the needs of pediatric eco- and endopathology and determine more serious indications for vaccinations, especially live vaccines.

I know from my own bitter experience that forced vaccination is harmful. My granddaughter had it done DTP vaccination. A serious complication arose - swelling of the meninges.

Each person is an individual. Any vaccine weakens the body: it is impossible to predict how long the process will last. A trace pathology of vaccine damage always remains.

I will add to this that the Mantoux reaction is also a serious immunological restructuring. Just think: the body is “obliged” to produce a reaction with local manifestations at the site of injection of the allergen - tuberculin, to a tiny amount of biological diagnostic sample. And the body reacts inflammatory process- redness of varying degrees. This diagnostic test is no less dangerous an intervention than a vaccine, since it is also a foreign protein, an allergen.

Of course, vaccinations should not be mandatory, much less planned. Like anything medical intervention, vaccination cannot be mass and must be voluntary. After all, the child will either encounter the causative agent of an infectious disease or not, and the vaccine will certainly disrupt the natural course of events. And who calculated what is more dangerous in our time: diphtheria, tuberculosis or complications from vaccinations against them?

I think we are doing the wrong kind of vaccination in the age of cardiovascular, oncological diseases, pathology of the respiratory system, kidneys, widespread diabetes, musculoskeletal pathology, disorders mental health children. Vaccinations should be considered as an emergency measure, carefully taking into account the dynamics of the incidence of a particular infectious disease in order to carry out strictly selective vaccination.

The immune system cannot withstand the “planned onslaught”, it breaks down, its functions are distorted, it “goes off course” prescribed by nature, a person becomes more vulnerable to colds, allergens, cancer... Allergies are growing among children - are there such children now? who wouldn't suffer allergic diseases?! In the first half of the year, children suffer from gastrointestinal dystrophy and changes in the skin caused by food allergens of various etiologies. In the second half of the year, asthmatic bronchitis began to appear (by the way, one of the complications of DTP, ADS). Well, by the age of 3-4 they begin to appear clinical symptoms pollen sensitization - publications on these problems are innumerable.

An unbalanced immune system “does not notice” disobedient cells that are out of its control, degenerating into tumor cells due to the distorted functions of the macrophage link and, in general, lymphocytes. I have not come across a single work by domestic authors that would answer the question: what happens to the thymus after BCG, after “post-vaccination stress” during puberty in adolescents? But it is known: you cannot use live vaccines for immunodeficiencies and enzymopathies, they contribute to the development infectious process among susceptible children.

The immune system is a delicately balanced mechanism and is susceptible to breakdown. As a result of constant irritation - stimulation by vaccines, the immune system, instead of protecting the body, destroys its own cells due to the accumulation of antibodies, due to autoimmune processes and functional changes in the properties of cells.

No matter how temporary the forms of immunopathology may be, they all boil down to an imbalance of T-cell systems, leading functionally and structurally to numerous disorders in the child’s health. The supply of lymphocytes is depleted, the body becomes defenseless against anthropogenic factors. A person ages before his time. Physiological aging is the process of gradual withering of parts of the immune system. Vaccines stimulate the process of “using up” lymphocytes, artificially leading the body to premature aging, hence aging diseases among young people. In oncology, the fundamental imbalance between the speed of the immune response and tumor growth. The growth of cancer outpaces the rate of reproduction of lymphoid cells that react to it and are aimed at combating the relentlessly arriving antigens - vaccines.

The famous surgeon, academician Amosov, in his book “Thinking about Health,” argues that it is almost impossible to draw a line between the seemingly opposite concepts of “health” and “disease.” Avicenna, who lived over a thousand years ago, was inclined to similar reasoning: he distinguished between these two concepts various transitional stages. Where are the "transitional stages" between health and " minor illness" - vaccination?

I am absolutely convinced that all oncology begins with a negative restructuring of the immune system, followed by suppression of its functions as a result of “overload”. It is with congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies that more frequent development malignant neoplasms...

Revelations about vaccinations from a pediatric neurologist who worked as a pediatrician in a kindergarten and vaccinated children

Nadezhda Emelyanova, pediatric neurologist, Moscow: I worked as a pediatrician in a kindergarten and vaccinated children. At the institute, they literally explained to us how the immune system works, and now it’s strange to me why I was satisfied with these “explanations.” If professors of immunology are perplexed about the complexity of immunity, discovering more and more new mechanisms in its functioning, admitting that they know very little about immunity, that vaccines are dangerous, then why did everything seem clear and simple to me?!

For example, this is what Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher of the Biotechnology Laboratory at the Institute of Immunology of the State Scientific Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation writes. Ignatieva G.A.: “Vaccination is theoretically the most best method immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis. But there are problems, the most difficult of which we will outline. The biggest of the difficult problems is biological hazard the vaccinating drugs themselves, regardless of the target antigen. The fact is that all modern vaccinating drugs are obtained using biotechnology methods using animal serums and cells. Animals, as we learn more and more, have infections such as prion and retroviral that are extremely dangerous for humans. It is fundamentally impossible to purify the vaccine from impurities potentially containing these infections (without losing the actual vaccinating antigen). This serious accompanying phenomenon forces us to admit that by vaccinating the population, medicine unknowingly violates the basic principle of “do no harm.”

And now, when I hear from pediatricians that vaccines “train” the immune system, that they protect against infectious diseases, that vaccines are safe, I feel sad and worried, because the price of such poor “explainers” is - children's health and children's lives. When the downside of vaccination was revealed to me, which is not advertised or presented at the institute, I became scared and ashamed. It’s scary because I finally understood what I had done to my own child, I understood where the “legs” of his sores come from and what such “concern” for his health entails.

And it’s a shame - because I, being a doctor, bearing responsibility for the health of the children entrusted to me, was so thoughtless and easy about vaccination, and yet, according to Mr. Onishchenko (the country’s chief sanitary doctor), it is a “serious immunobiological operation.”

Here my fellow pediatricians can reproach me:“It’s clear that vaccination is not a game of tricks, you need individual approach! It's all about the DEGREE of awareness of the depth of the problem. I, too, very strictly selected children for vaccination - a mandatory examination, thermometry, anamnesis (and so that no one in the family was sick or sneezed!), when necessary - tests, in a word, everything that can be done in a clinic... But I must admit, that these minimum data (and in a clinic setting they are the maximum) do not say ANYTHING about the state of immunity and health in general in a particular child. And there is no need to deceive and deceive parents - even a detailed immunogram and consultation with an immunologist will not protect the child from the side effects of vaccines, will not provide a guarantee that the vaccine will not provoke a serious autoimmune disease, that it will not disrupt the subtle mechanisms of self-regulation and the child will not develop diabetes, bronchial asthma, blood cancer or other incurable disease.

If parents really understood what kind of roulette they were playing, then many would think about it... I understood and thought about it.

Nowadays it is almost impossible to make a diagnosis." Post-vaccination complication" The doctor who did this signs his own death sentence, so no one makes such diagnoses in order to avoid trouble. Therefore, WE DO NOT KNOW how many children actually suffered from vaccination, and we think that very few (one in a million) will “carry through” this time too...

I saw a six-month-old child who experienced clinical death on the third day after vaccination. They revived him, but he will be an idiot because his cerebral cortex is dead. NONE of the doctors “remembered” that three days before clinical death he was vaccinated with DTP.

We have a lot of conversations about the so-called concept informed consent for medical intervention, in particular vaccination. In fact, this is an empty phrase.

A parent, wishing to vaccinate his child, should know that:

  1. According to Russian legislation, HE HAS THE RIGHT to refuse vaccination (for any reasons, including religious ones) and this refusal will not entail ANY consequences in the form of non-admission to kindergarten, school, or college. And those citizens who create obstacles for such parents must deal with the prosecutor’s office.
  2. A parent should know that vaccines are not medicines, they are dangerous and grossly interfere with the immune system; should know what they consist of, how they are tested and what complications of vaccination exist. Therefore, the parent must give WRITTEN consent to vaccination and AFTER he has read and understood that vaccines contain merthiolate, foreign DNA, which vaccination can provoke diabetes mellitus, cancer, autoimmune diseases, cause death.

Therefore, I began to bring to the attention of parents the fact of the existence of the law “On Immunoprophylaxis”, which gives the right to refuse. Many parents were surprised because they did not know that vaccination is voluntary. They told me that they did not want to vaccinate the child (either in general, or with a specific vaccine) or wanted to postpone vaccination, but they were threatened that without vaccinations they would not be allowed into the kindergarten or given food in the dairy kitchen, and they agreed.

I started asking my parents if they knew about the composition of vaccines and the methods of their production. After all, before giving a child any medicine, everyone will look at its composition and possible side effects. It turns out that no one has ever seen the instructions for vaccines before vaccination. No one has seen the usual annotations, in which it is written in black and white what vaccines consist of and the official complications of vaccination (for example, death).

One day the chief doctor of a private medical center and asked by what right I give this information to my parents. I replied that my duty, first of all, is to observe the principle of “do no harm,” and a parent should know as much as possible in order to make an informed decision to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. The owner of this private center was also “concerned” and warned me that the center operates under the Ministry of Health program, so I should not give this information to my parents. The fact is that vaccination is also a profitable business; a dose of the vaccine can be bought in bulk for a hundred rubles, and “injected” for a thousand. What businessman doesn't like quick profits?

They began to follow me, limited access to documentation, citing “medical confidentiality”; I felt disgusted and left.

I came to the children's clinic to work as a neurologist, thinking that now I would not be associated with vaccination as I was, working as a pediatrician in the garden and in the center. I immediately warned the chief physician that I was wary of vaccination and considered it unacceptable to vaccinate weakened, premature children with obvious neurological problems.

The chief doctor agreed with me in many respects, he said that he had always been against vaccination, that the famous pediatrician Dombrovskaya (his teacher) sharply criticized vaccinations, but the latest diphtheria epidemic shook his confidence. He said that he would gladly take me, but he would re-educate me.

The everyday life of a neurologist has begun. Neurologists are very careful about vaccination, especially for children with nervous system problems. It is known that hidden or obvious pathology of the nervous system after vaccination can manifest itself in the form of convulsive readiness. That is, vaccination can provoke epilepsy (a described complication of vaccination). In difficult and doubtful cases, I began to give medical exemptions for a month or two from vaccination. Parents asked what to do with the pediatrician, he insists on vaccination. I said that YOU DECIDE, the pediatrician can only recommend vaccination. She said that there is a law “On Immunoprophylaxis”, on the basis of which it is possible to refuse vaccination so that the pediatrician “lags behind”.

Head the clinic warned: “Step on the throat of your own song.” Once during a consultation I was especially heavy child, threatened with cerebral palsy (in fact, he already has cerebral palsy, but he will be diagnosed with this after a year), I forbade him from vaccination, because cerebral palsy progresses sharply against its background. They didn’t listen to me, then I told the head doctor that I abdicated responsibility for such patients. Well, what kind of games are they, really?! Neurologist, understanding the severity of damage to the nervous system and poor prognosis, gives me a medical clearance, and the pediatrician brushes him off like an annoying fly and vaccinates me... In general, they failed to rehabilitate me and I was fired.

Pediatricians at the clinic spend five to ten minutes per appointment (to earn more under compulsory medical insurance), so the pediatrician is an assembly line worker and has no time to think. His main function is to vaccinate children, since other problems will be solved by specialized specialists, or he himself with the help of calpols, claritins, flemoxins. Before vaccination, the inspection is carried out “by eye”. After vaccination, the child’s condition is not monitored, so the pediatrician does not associate the deterioration in the child’s health with the recent vaccination.

Neurologists are not in better position- the one who thinks about the consequences of vaccination for a particular child gives a medical opinion, but the issue of vaccination is decided by the pediatrician, who is “taken off for under-coverage” of vaccinations. Therefore, the neurologist receives next appointment An even bigger problem is the child’s health, but the decision about the next vaccination is again up to the pediatrician.

Only parents who understand that vaccination is “a complex immunobiological operation” can break this vicious circle and will not give permission to vaccinate their child if they believe that they need to wait or that vaccinations are harmful and they REFUSE to do them consciously. I have healthy unvaccinated children under my supervision - these are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT children...

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The amazing thing is nearby: doctors are against vaccinations

Igor Borisovich Charkovsky

Some time ago, we published an opinion article documenting the myth that vaccinations saved the lives of millions of people and helped get rid of severe infectious diseases. In the first 24 hours after publication, the article was read by more than a thousand people, and this was only through a direct link, not counting reprints on other sites. In the complete absence of any organized advertising for our still very young site, this result could not but surprise. But it turns out that of all the topics discussed on countless women’s-mother-parent forums, the topic is perhaps the “hottest”. The most statements, the most rudeness, the most contrast between those who are “for” and those who are “against”.

If you read such discussions as an epistolary novel, that is, a novel in correspondence, where characters are revealed “through the word,” through a remark, through text, then the picture turns out to be somehow sadly unambiguous: opponents of vaccinations operate with facts, links, and first-person evidence , while demonstrating literacy and general communication skills. The middle category of “undecided, but worried and wanting to figure it out” also behaves with dignity, but sometimes breaks down, succumbing to the abundant provocative rudeness of militant supporters of vaccinations. Supporters - alas and ah! - full of aggressively expressed “truths”, not confirmed by anything, except for emotions against those who are against, or links to resources of parties obviously interested in vaccinations (such as: vaccine manufacturers, official medicine, and, of course, endlessly sincere domestic statistics and no less friendly recommendations from the authorities).

These “champions of truth” do not even hesitate to curse their opponents. Like, well, let your unvaccinated person die from one disease or another... Then come and complain to our hospitable forum, we’ll talk... So somehow. I wonder what prevents anti-vaxxers from throwing away their intellectual prejudices and behaving in a similar way towards their ideological opponents? But something is definitely in the way. It's worth thinking about. Perhaps the position on this issue (as on many other issues discussed on our site) is only a miniature representation of a person’s worldview as a whole? Although, however, this is still an excessive generalization, one way or another, the trend is obvious. We do not provide links to specific forums. Stop in for a couple of minutes and enjoy the typical dramaturgy and repeatability of the script's moves. Still, forums are a kind of mouthpiece for the public... And comments to previous articles on our website were no exception...

Now, briefly, let’s get to the main documentary material. What are anti-vaxxers most often accused of in online discussions? In lack of evidence, in incompetence... “You think like that, because you don’t understand shit, and you don’t have a specialized education... And about specific examples, you’re probably lying... But we know for sure, after all, we’ve studied for a lot of years, we’ve read a bunch of books..." Or this: "But the district pediatrician responsibly told us: vaccinate to the fullest extent! Completely safe and very necessary!” And to the questions that occasionally arise on forums like: “Did your district or any other doctor who campaigns for vaccinations vaccinate their children?” - the answers are demonstrably few, but the ones available are extremely eloquent.

Perhaps you are also interested in the question, Do those who in one way or another advocate for vaccinating yours vaccinate their children?

Coincidentally, it’s been several weeks since our “Photo of the Week” column has been updated. We hope to catch up right now. So, look at these people: worthy, eminent, educated... And with regalia, and with positions... and it is in those areas where people better than us, mere mortals, can figure out this vaccination maze, since it is in their neighborhoods that the history of vaccination and it's happening. So they know something about the past of vaccinations that our doctors will not read in textbooks. We look at the faces and read the text of the words:

« Knowing what I know now, I would not vaccinate my children., risking exposing them to diabetes, asthma, eczema, as well as developing a predisposition to meningitis and ultimately being disabled for life..." (Dr Jane Donegan, Media Bureau, BSc, Diploma of the Royal College of Midwives - Gynecologists, Member of the Royal College of Physicians, England).

“The greatest threat to childhood diseases lies in dangerous and ineffective efforts to prevent them through mass . There is no scientific evidence that vaccinations helped get rid of any childhood disease..." (Robert Mendelsohn, MD).

“Every day that health officials lie to people about the safety of vaccination is another day that people further lose trust in what the government tells them... It is known that the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella) can lead to inflammation brain and death within 8-14 days after vaccination... More and more parents are coming out of the shadows to testify loudly what happened to their children in the hands of pediatricians who declared that vaccinations, including MMR, are absolutely safe..." (Barbara Lo Fisher, National Vaccine Information Center, USA).

“Dr. Thomas Francis did not mention (in his report) that in his key assessment of the Salk experiments in 1954, those who contracted polio as a result of the first vaccination and BEFORE the second vaccination were reported as “unvaccinated” in the statistics... "(M. Beddoe Bailey, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London).

"I have no doubt that immunodeficiency virus appeared in America among homosexual men as a result of an experiment with grafting against Hepatitis B, which was carried out between 1978 and 1981. My research clearly confirms that the explosion of AIDS cases in Los Angeles and shortly after this experiment was a result of it. It is not surprising that the government was unwilling to release data on the number of AIDS deaths that occurred in a large group of homosexual men who voluntarily agreed to participate in a vaccination experiment...” (Alan Cantwell, MD).

In order to forestall possible comments that homosexuals and children are completely different topics, and the former are initially at risk precisely because of their sexual orientation: this is not the main thing in Dr. Cantwell’s testimony. Here, as in Dr. Bailey's testimony about the famous polio vaccines (see above), we are once again reminded that trials of vaccines used on children may be underway, but here are the specific conditions of these trials and their results often falsified, or simply hiding from people. No one can give you any guarantees that your child is not participating in another “experiment.”

“Up to 90% of the decline in infant mortality rates from whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria and measles occurred between 1860 and 1965, that is TO Togo how antibiotics began to be introduced..." ( Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Doctor of Pharmacy, Australia).

This quote has already been used in one of the previous articles, but there are things that can and should be repeated endlessly. Like, for example, a declaration of love. In this case - to children.

“One single vaccination given to a newborn weighing just under three kilograms, equivalent to thirty vaccinations, made in one day to an adult weighing just over 80 kilograms...” (Dr. Boyd Haley, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Kentucky).

“There is no evidence that any existing influenza vaccine is effective in preventing or mitigating an attack of influenza. The manufacturers of these vaccines know that their product is absolutely useless, but they still continue to sell it...” (Dr. Jay Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Regulator and Virologist Researcher, Administration Food Products and Medicines, USA).

"Exists overwhelming evidence that vaccinating children does more harm than good..." (He).

“I have now stopped digging up new evidence that vaccines lead to autism. There is already a huge amount of evidence... Disputes on this topic do not belong to the field, but to the field of politics...” (David Ayub, Doctor of Medicine).

"Many viral diseases have been cured and can still be cured with proper vitamin C supplementation. Yes, there is absolutely no need for vaccinations against these treatable infectious diseases if you have access to necessary treatment vitamin C. And in fact, everything side effects vaccinations... are also completely unnecessary, since these vaccinations do not need to be done at all if it is possible to use C in the required doses...” (Thomas I. Levy, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Law).

Do not rush to smile condescendingly at the idea of ​​“simple ascorbic acid” as a panacea for all childhood diseases. Much of what really helps is not widely disseminated. Why do you think? Isn't it because what NOT helps, and even vice versa, brings some people more profit? By the way, how much is vitamin C these days? How much do vaccines cost? Here is the cry from the heart of our next hero:

“The total amount from vaccine sales in 2009 was $20 billion. How far do you think these people will go to protect their investments? Parents, be vigilant. The vaccine industry represents the greatest conflict of interest in the history of the planet..."

And here’s another one, from the same Doctor, with a capital D:

"The most great lie"that has ever been said is that vaccines are safe and effective..."(Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz).

“Love them. Protect them. Never stick needles into them. THERE ARE NO SAFE VACCINATIONS! Reactions to vaccine venom include: chronic ear infections, attention deficit disorder, allergies, asthma, autism, death, diabetes, meningitis, polio, seizures, shaken baby syndrome, and sudden infant death syndrome..."