At what age is it better to get the DPT vaccine? Local reactions of the body. When is the best time to get the DPT vaccine?

Today, many parents refuse vaccination, commenting on their disagreement with childhood vaccinations by saying that they are very dangerous for the health of their children. DTP vaccination is one of the most controversial. Moms and dads are not sure that this vaccination is so necessary. However, is it worth checking a child’s body, because when faced with dangerous diseases, from which DPT protects, there is no confidence that he will be able to fight back against them. So should you trust this vaccine? Let's try to figure it out.

DTP - what is it?

The DPT vaccine is intended to prevent especially dangerous forms such common diseases as whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria. And it stands for “adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.” Foreign substitute is Infanrix.

Why is DPT vaccination needed?

Diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough are acute diseases that carry infectious nature. They are quite difficult, and the treatment is extremely difficult and lengthy. Diphtheria and whooping cough are infections that are transmitted by airborne droplets. In addition, they can provoke a real epidemic, the duration of which is from two to four years.

Diphtheria is accompanied by intense swelling of the pharynx and larynx, significant and serious intoxication of the entire body. These symptoms can even be fatal. In addition, there is a high risk of paralysis, disruption of the heart, central nervous system, as well as kidneys.

With whooping cough, frequent spasmodic coughing attacks are observed. This cough can persist for weeks, interfering with normal life activities. There is a high probability of developing brain damage and seizures. The disease is especially dangerous for children under two years of age.

However, first of all, the DPT vaccine is preventive measure tetanus, which of all the listed ailments is considered the most critical for a child’s life. Tetanus is transmitted by contact. The disease develops when the pathogen penetrates damaged tissues that do not receive oxygen. Tetanus can be caused by wounds, frostbite, drifts, burns, and injections with all kinds of thorns. In infants, tetanus can occur as a result of cutting the umbilical cord using unsterile instruments.

The pathogen produces a toxin that attacks the nervous system and provokes cramps and tension in absolutely every muscle of the body. The patient resembles an “arc”; he has heavy sweating, and the jaws close so that it is impossible to unclench them with anything. At the same time, the body temperature rises significantly - it can reach 42 degrees. However, the worst thing is the fact that this leads to disruption of body functions, including respiratory and swallowing. There is a high risk of coma or cardiac paralysis. In most cases, the disease ends tragically - death. And even the most modern treatment cannot guarantee a positive outcome.

If a person is not vaccinated, the course of these diseases is unpredictable. If the DPT vaccination has been done, then the body may not even notice the infection, or the disease will go away quite easily and without consequences. This is why WHO recommends this vaccination to all children without exception.

What types of DTP vaccinations exist?

Today, medicine offers 2 types of DPT vaccinations:

  • whole cell;
  • acellular.

Acellular is designed to reduce the number of dangerous neurological consequences of the pertussis component of the vaccine.

Parents are given a choice: their baby can receive a domestic vaccine or a vaccine from the UK called Infanrix.

You can also find combination drugs, which include not only DPT:

  • Pentaxim: DPT, polio, hemophilus influenzae;
  • Bubo-M: hepatitis B, diphtheria and tetanus;
  • Tetrakok: DPT and polio;
  • Tritanrix-NV: DTP, hepatitis B.

DPT and tetracok have a similar composition, since they include killed cells of pathogens. And they are considered whole cell.

Infanrix is ​​an acellular vaccine that contains minor elements of whooping cough microorganisms, as well as diphtheria and tetanus toxoids. The child’s body does not react so actively to this vaccine and practically does not cause complications.

What is the procedure for vaccinating children?

DTP vaccination is carried out in accordance with the vaccination calendar.

The best DPT vaccination regimen, according to WHO recommendations, is:

  • the first course lasts from two to six months - these are three doses, with a break between them of 1 month;
  • revaccination is carried out at the age of 15-18 months;
  • another vaccination - 4-6 years old vaccination, which contains a special pertussis component.

If the DPT vaccination was missed

This situation may be due to for various reasons. If only 1 vaccination is not done, then the course does not need to be repeated: just continue vaccination as planned. By the way, DTP is allowed to be given simultaneously with other vaccines, for example, against polio. If a child has not received such a vaccination at all before the age of seven, then doctors recommend using only ADS vaccination, in most cases, twice with an interval of one month.

If the first course and revaccination were done, but vaccination was no longer done until the age of four, then in this case the child will not have immunity against. In the future, the baby is vaccinated only against diphtheria and tetanus.

How can a child’s body react to a DPT vaccine?

Each vaccination carries with it a special burden on the body, since vaccination causes a serious change in the immune system.

If we talk about the baby’s response to vaccination in general, then the presence of minor side effects is the norm, which indicates that immunity is being formed correctly. However, if the body does not react at all to the administered drug, you should not think that something is going wrong - this way the result of efforts to reduce adverse reactions may appear.

DTP vaccination is considered the most difficult for child's body. The reaction may make itself felt in the first 3 days.

Doctors distinguish several types of reactions to DTP:

  • weak, in which there is an increase in body temperature, lethargy, vomiting, loss of appetite. A local reaction may also be observed - redness of the vaccination site and slight swelling. In some cases it can be about 8 centimeters in diameter. It appears immediately after vaccination and may not go away for 2-3 days;
  • moderate, in which there may be convulsions, constant crying and quite high temperature– about 40 degrees;
  • severe is accompanied by dangerous allergic reactions, prolonged seizures, fainting, coma, and brain damage.

If your baby's temperature increases, do not wait until the thermometer shows 38 degrees; be sure to give an antipyretic. If the drug does not help, call an ambulance.

How to prepare your baby for DTP vaccination?

Before vaccination, it is necessary to show the baby to specialists such as a pediatrician and neurologist, as well as undergo blood and urine tests.

Parents should make sure that the child is healthy before administering the drug.

If the baby has alarming symptoms, you should first treat it, and after a two-week period you can think about vaccination.

In what cases is DPT vaccination contraindicated?

Vaccination is not carried out for children in the following cases:

  • if the baby has acute illness. performed only after complete recovery;
  • if the child develops a serious allergy during the first dose of the drug;
  • if the baby has a serious disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system a week after vaccination;
  • if the baby has liver, heart and kidney diseases;
  • if the child exhibits progressive neurological diseases. The vaccination is given only after the condition has normalized.

DPT vaccination is mandatory. However, only parents know absolutely everything about their child, for this reason it is mothers and fathers who decide whether to vaccinate their baby or not. But not all parents have a medical education and do not always think about what the consequences of both vaccination and the diseases from which these are created may be. In any case, parents should carefully study the information about vaccination and consult with a doctor, and only then make a decision.

Complications after DTP vaccination (video)


For many reasons, modern parents refuse to vaccinate their children. This is often due to possible complications after vaccination. Controversial drugs also include the DTP vaccine, which protects the child’s body from such dangerous diseases like diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. It is these diseases that can be very tragic, since in most cases they lead to death, despite the most modern treatment.

DTP vaccination is carried out in three stages:

  • the first course is carried out at the age of 2 to 6 months - three doses with a break of a month;
  • revaccination should be carried out from 15 to 18 months;
  • at 4-6 years of age, introduction to vaccines with a pertussis component.

If at least one DTP vaccination was missed, the course simply continues as planned.

Of course, the child’s body reacts to the administration of the drug. This may be an increase in temperature, redness and swelling of the injection site, tearfulness, loss of appetite. This is the so-called weak reaction. But each organism is individual, so the response may be different. If after vaccination your baby experiences allergies, seizures and loses consciousness, call an ambulance immediately.

Before any vaccination, parents must make sure that the child is healthy, so a mandatory examination of the baby by a doctor is necessary.

DTP vaccination is contraindicated if the child has a disease in acute form, he developed an allergy after the first DTP vaccination, there is a disorder of the nervous system, or he has heart, kidney or liver diseases.

Despite the fact that DPT vaccination is a mandatory vaccination, parents themselves have the right to decide whether to refuse it or carry it out. However, you should think carefully before refusing, because possible complications may be insignificant compared to the consequences of the baby’s “acquaintance” with these diseases. We wish you to make the right choice!

Reviews: 18

Questions related to vaccinating a child against infectious diseases concern all parents. One of the first vaccinations that a baby receives early age- This is a DTP vaccine. That is why the greatest number of questions arise - what kind of reaction might there be to the DPT vaccination, how to prepare a child for the vaccine, and how to react to certain changes in the baby’s health after vaccination. It is also the most discussed vaccine, since most children react to DTP with an increase in temperature and sometimes other symptoms.

Let us consider in detail everything related to the drug itself, the rules for its use and possible reactions to the DTP vaccine in children.

What diseases are DPT used for?

What is the DPT vaccine for? The vaccine contains components against three dangerous infections of bacterial origin - whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. Therefore, the abbreviation of the name stands for - adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine.

  1. Whooping cough is a rapidly spreading infection that is dangerous mainly for children. It is very difficult in infants. Complicated by defeat respiratory system and occurs with pneumonia, severe cough, and convulsions. In the first half of the 20th century, whooping cough accounted for a significant portion of the causes of child mortality.
  2. Diphtheria. Bacterial disease, causing severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Fibrinous effusion and films form in the larynx and trachea, which can lead to suffocation and death.
  3. Tetanus is a soil infection; a person becomes infected when bacteria enter wounds in the skin. It manifests itself as a violation of muscle innervation and convulsions. Without specific treatment high risk fatal outcome.

The first vaccines began to be administered to children in the 1940s. Today, several drugs are approved for use in the Russian Federation, but the main one, which is included in the vaccination calendar, is the vaccine Russian production FSUE NPO "Microgen" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. This manufacturer of DTP uses a pertussis component, which consists of inactivated pertussis microbes. U DTP vaccines there is a foreign-made analogue - “Infanrix”, as well as similar combination vaccines containing antigens and other infections.

The DTP vaccine contains:

  • pertussis component - killed whooping cough bacteria in a concentration of 20 billion microbial bodies per 1 ml;
  • tetanus toxoid - 30 units;
  • diphtheria toxoid - 10 units;
  • Merthiolate is used as a preservative.

The pertussis component of the vaccine is the most reactogenic, since it contains whole cells of whooping cough bacilli (Bordetella pertussis). It causes the development of immunity to the bacteria that causes the disease.

Tetanus and diphtheria have a special course. To protect against these diseases, it is necessary that the body has protection not so much from microbes as from the toxins that they produce. Therefore, the vaccine does not contain the pathogens themselves, but their toxins.

Vaccination schedule

When is DTP done? According to the National Vaccination Calendar, the DTP vaccination schedule is as follows.

  1. The DPT vaccine is given to children three times at the ages of 3, 4½ and 6 months.
  2. The interval between injections should be 30–45 days. If for some reason the first vaccination was missed, then they start from the current moment, observing intervals of one and a half months.
  3. Children over four years of age are given a vaccine without a pertussis component.

The maximum interval between vaccinations is 45 days, but if for some reason the administration of the drug was missed, then the second and third vaccinations are done whenever possible - there is no need to do extra vaccinations.

DPT revaccination is carried out at the following times: after a year at the age of one and a half years. If the first administration of the DPT vaccine was made later than three months, then revaccination is carried out 12 months after the third injection.

Graft DPT for adults is given only if they have not previously been vaccinated in childhood. A course of three injections is given at intervals of one and a half months.

At 7 and 14 years of age, children are revaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria using ADS-M vaccine or its analogues. Such revaccinations are necessary to maintain the level of antibodies and the stability of immunity at the proper level.

Adults receive booster vaccinations against tetanus and diphtheria every ten years.

Description of instructions for use

The DPT vaccine is a white or yellowish suspension, packaged in ampoules. Ampoules are packed in cardboard boxes 10 pieces each.

According to the instructions for use of DPT, the drug is intended to create immunity to whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria in children. All children under four years of age must receive four doses of the vaccine. Children who have had whooping cough and have natural immunity to it are given a vaccine without a pertussis component (ADS, ADS-M).

Where is DTP vaccination given? It is placed intramuscularly in the thigh (quadriceps muscle), and in older children the injection is made in the shoulder. Intravenous administration DPT vaccine is not allowed.

The DTP vaccine can be combined with other vaccinations from national calendar by making injections into different areas bodies. The only exception is BCG vaccination, it is placed separately, observing a certain interval.

Contraindications for DTP

What contraindications does the DPT vaccine have and when should you not get vaccinated? Contraindications are quite numerous.

People often ask, is it possible to do DTP during teething? Yes, this does not threaten the baby in any way and does not affect the development of immunity in any way. An exception is if the baby's teething is accompanied by a rise in temperature. In this case, the vaccination is postponed until it normalizes.

How to prepare your child for DTP vaccination

Since the DTP vaccine causes a large number of post-vaccination reactions and complications, this vaccination requires attentive attitude from parents and doctors. Here's how to prepare your child for the DPT vaccine.

  1. At the time of vaccination, the child must be examined in all necessary specialists and not have a medical outlet from them.
  2. The child must be healthy and have good blood test results. Do I need to get tested before getting DTP vaccination? Yes, it's necessary. The doctor must also conduct a full examination of the baby and listen to all the mother’s complaints.
  3. If the baby has a predisposition to allergies - diathesis, rashes - a doctor's consultation is necessary. Most often, in this case, the vaccine is given against the background of a precautionary administration antihistamines(Doctors often prescribe Fenistil before DTP vaccination). The drug and dosage are selected by the doctor; you cannot prescribe medications to the baby yourself.

Preparation for DTP vaccination of parents immediately before vaccination includes the following.

Should I give my child Suprastin before the DTP vaccination? You should not give any without a doctor's prescription. similar drugs. Although taking them does not affect the development of immunity, according to WHO recommendations, children should not be given antihistamines before preparing for vaccinations.

Care after vaccination

How to care for your baby after DTP vaccination? These are the questions that most often concern parents.

  1. Is it necessary to give an antipyretic after DPT vaccination? Yes, doctors recommend doing this for preventive purposes, without waiting for the temperature to rise. They can be used in the form of syrup, tablets or suppositories. It is best to give your baby a candle with ibuprofen at night.
  2. Is it possible to go for a walk after DPT vaccination? Restrictions on stay on fresh air No. After visiting vaccination room sit in the hallway for a while (15–20 minutes) in case a strong allergic reaction. Then you can take a short walk. Walks are canceled only if there is a fever or other general reaction for vaccination.
  3. When can you bathe your child after DTP vaccination? It is better to refrain from swimming on the day of vaccination. In the first days, try not to wet the injection site, but it’s okay if water gets on the wound - do not rub it with a washcloth or wash it with soap.
  4. Is it possible to do massage after DPT vaccination? There are no direct contraindications, but usually massage therapists recommend abstaining for 2-3 days. You can either shift the course of the massage or postpone the vaccination for several days until the massage is over.

On the day of vaccination and three days after it, you need to carefully monitor the baby’s health and, if necessary, measure body temperature.

Possible reactions to the DTP vaccine

According to various sources, from 30 to 50% of children, one way or another, react to the DPT vaccine. What reactions are considered normal and how to help your child cope with them? Most of all symptoms occur in the first 24 hours after the injection, but a reaction can occur within three days. It should be noted that if symptoms appear later than three days after vaccination (fever, diarrhea, acute respiratory infections), then this is no longer a reaction to the DPT vaccine, but an independent infection, which, unfortunately, is easy to catch after visiting our clinics.

There are local and general reactions to DTP vaccination. Local include changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue at the injection site.

  1. A slight redness will form at the injection site after DTP vaccination. What to do? If the speck is small, then there is no need to worry. This reaction is typical to the introduction of a foreign agent. In a day or a little more, the redness will disappear.
  2. Induration after DTP vaccination is also considered a normal reaction. What to do in this case? To speed up resorption, lubricate the swelling with Troxevasin gel. The lump and lump should resolve within 10–14 days. A lump at the injection site can also form if part of the vaccine was mistakenly injected into the subcutaneous tissue. In this case, the resorption of the vaccine will occur more slowly, but this will not affect the baby’s health and the formation of immunity.
  3. The baby often feels pain at the injection site. It is expressed strongly or weakly, depending on individual sensitivity. Sometimes for this reason, after a DTP vaccination, a child limps, as it protects his sore leg. Applying ice to the injection site will help ease the baby's condition. If the pain does not go away for a long time, then consult a doctor.

Common reactions include systemic manifestations, including those of an allergic nature.

Other reactions to the DTP vaccine include decreased appetite, restless behavior, nervousness, moodiness, and drowsiness.

Fever and allergic reactions develop more often in response to the second administration of the DTP vaccine, when the body is already familiar with its antigens. Therefore, how the second DTP is tolerated can be used to judge how the child will tolerate subsequent vaccinations. In case of severe reactions or allergies, DTP is replaced with lighter analogues or the introduction of the pertussis component is completely eliminated.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

IN in rare cases The child develops a severe reaction to the DPT vaccine. This situation requires immediate appeal see a doctor. Take your baby to the hospital or call a pediatrician if following signs:

  • persistent crying lasting more than three hours;
  • swelling at the injection site measuring more than 8 cm in diameter;
  • temperature above 39 °C, which is not reduced by antipyretics.

You should also consult a doctor if you experience symptoms characteristic of complications of DPT.

Complications of the DPT vaccine

Typical reactions to the DTP vaccine disappear without a trace within a few days. But complications and side effects differ in that they require treatment and can cause serious harm child's health. Why is DPT vaccination dangerous in this regard?

DTP analogues

The domestic DPT vaccine is given to children free of charge according to the vaccination schedule. If parents wish, paid foreign vaccines can be used instead. Their common advantage is that they do not contain mercury compounds as preservatives.

One of the analogues of DTP is the Tetrakok vaccine. It further includes inactivated polio virus. However, judging by the reviews, the drug has reactogenicity similar to DPT.

To reduce the likelihood of adverse reactions to vaccination, use imported analogues DPT, made on the basis of acellular pertussis component.
These include:

  • Infanrix, manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline;
  • "Infanrix IPV" (poliomyelitis added);
  • Infanrix Hexa (plus polio, hepatitis B and Hib);
  • "Pentaxim" produced by Sanofi Aventis Pasteur, France - against five diseases (whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, polio and Hib infection).

In conclusion, we can say that the DTP vaccine is one of the most serious vaccinations, often causing post-vaccination reactions. The child must be prepared for vaccination in advance, undergo all the necessary examinations, and, if necessary, obtain advice from specialists. DTP vaccination It is performed only on healthy children, after which the baby is closely monitored for three days. If the temperature rises, antipyretics are given, and if signs of a severe reaction develop, consult a doctor.

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    Actually, this vaccination has been canceled in many countries! But in Russia they do it, it’s very dangerous vaccination I wouldn't do it to my children!!!

    Don’t do this, only then don’t complain if your child gets sick and the doctors can’t do anything! You made the decision not to vaccinate your child!
    I am amazed at modern mothers, do you want a return to epidemics of such serious diseases? When did entire cities die out? Polio was supposed to be eradicated by the year 2000, but because of these “anti-vaxxer moms,” the danger of this disease still exists!


    Razil, polio has not been registered in the Russian Federation since 1998. But this is so, as information. To believe that epidemics of infectious diseases occur due to refusal to vaccinate is extremely stupid. Read at least a little information and scientific (!) literature on this topic. Of course, reading, studying, analyzing, and extracting information bit by bit among propaganda cries and pseudo-statistics is much more difficult than aggressively attacking those who have a different opinion on this issue. I dare not even think that I will make you think about this topic even for a moment. Well, I’ll ask at least one question: Do you really think that it is possible to exterminate all infectious diseases and get a “sterile” world?! Epidemics must be prevented, and there are many other ways besides the questionably effective and dangerous vaccination.

    My son miraculously survived after DPT.
    The consequences last a lifetime!
    Encephalopathic reaction, a terrible thing! We fought for three days for the life of my child!

    We received our first vaccination in a month. After it, we lost our appetite, although not one of the doctors said that this was a reaction to DTP. The child ate 20 grams per feeding. Then we were prescribed Elkar and the appetite gradually returned, the baby began to eat and gain weight, after 2 months without appetite, the child gained 180 grams. At 4.5 we were given a second vaccination, the reaction was the same, the child refused to eat. Our pediatrician said it wasn't because of the vaccine. It turns out that he is simply a LITTLE eater. We are almost 6 months old, it’s time for the 3rd vaccination, I don’t even know what to do. And when I told the doctors about the analogue, they told me not to invent it and not waste money.

    This is the first time I’ve heard that DPT vaccinations are given every month.

    We got the second DPT vaccine at 6 months, and after 18 days I started wiping pus from the injection site. What to do?

    Asthma started after vaccination at 4 years old

    In the first grade they got vaccinated, in the place where the injection was given (buttock) everything was swollen, red, and then a rash began. Now we are in 3rd grade and there is a rash on our butt and thighs that can’t be treated with anything, including hormonal ointments, the result is zero... What to do?

DTP is a series of vaccinations that are so important in a person’s life. The abbreviation hides such terrible diseases as Whooping cough, Diphtheria and Tetanus. What does the letter A mean in DTP? Absorbed vaccine - i.e. a vaccine that contains aluminum hydroxide. It is this substance that is retained with muscle tissue long time after the injection, the substance is not absorbed into the blood. It absorbs diphtheria and tetanus toxoids- this is how immunity against them is developed.

Is DPT so scary?

Many parents are afraid to vaccinate their child with DPT and choose DPT due to serious reactions that occur quite often. The culprit of parental fears is the pertussis component, it is because of this that the vaccination most difficult to tolerate. But is it worth denying your child his right to have immunity against whooping cough, an extremely contagious disease that is deadly for children at an early age. In addition, it should be remembered that in modern vaccines, which are called DTP, the pertussis component is purified and adverse reactions kept to a minimum. These vaccination vaccines are not produced on the territory of Ukraine, they are usually European manufacturers, which affects the price.

About reactions and complications

Let's give general list mild reactions after DPT vaccination:

  • temperature rise
  • swelling, some swelling, redness and tenderness at the injection site
  • vomit
  • irritability, moodiness, lethargy and decreased or absent appetite.

One in millions

More rare reactions include seizures, fever above 40 degrees, extremely rare serious allergic reactions, coma, prolonged seizures, loss of consciousness, and permanent brain damage.

About seizures

It is worth remembering that at an early age elevated temperature body a child can cause seizures, that is, seizures are not a consequence of vaccination, but a consequence of high temperature.

Oh, you got sick...Is the vaccine to blame?

Parents often note with annoyance that a few days after vaccination their child falls ill - acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza... They blame the nasty vaccine for everything. But we should blame the trip to the clinic - alas, healthy children they see people there less and less, and those who come for vaccinations manage to catch the infection of those who came for treatment.

Approach the issue of vaccination responsibly - if you cross the threshold of the clinic, then make sure that it will be in "day healthy child» , do not contact other children, especially those who go to kindergarten. During the season of exacerbation of respiratory diseases, do not use public transport with a baby and at the slightest sign of flu in your family, transfer them to “quarantine”.

The disease during the vaccination period is not fatal, but is extremely undesirable, because immune system The child is already busy accumulating antibodies against other diseases.

Injection site

There is a risk when injecting into the buttock:

  • entering blood vessels
  • hits the sciatic nerve
  • preservation of the drug in the subcutaneous tissue.

It is also worth noting that the level of antibody formation when injecting DPT into the thigh is much higher. Pay attention to the manipulations of the nurse who is going to give the vaccine - DTP should only be done in the thigh.

About preparing for vaccination

It's simple - don't introduce new foods into complementary foods 2 weeks before vaccination, don't overfeed your child, go for walks more often.

When to do it?

DTP vaccination is not done once. According to the vaccination calendar of Ukraine, DTP is given in 3, 4, 5 months first year of life, from revaccination V 1.5 years and 5 years. In developed countries, vaccinations begin at two months.

Adsorbed (purified) pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine (in the Russian Federation called DTP) is an effective means of immunization. Helps prevent complications of diseases such as death or disability. However, despite her obvious benefit, can cause a number of undesirable and unpleasant manifestations, which can be minimized by a competent approach to vaccination, taking into account possible severe reactions of the body and the availability of ways to relieve pain.

DPT vaccination protects against dangerous diseases, while a low-quality vaccine can provoke the development severe consequences

Russian vaccine DTP

DTP "NPK Microgen" of the Russian Federation is approved by WHO and is effective means for vaccination. The DPT vaccine contains toxoids of infectious agents. Persons with reduced immunity or immunodeficiency are at risk of experiencing negative post-vaccination reactions or getting sick. An undeniable advantage of the domestic vaccine is its low cost.

The preservative in the domestic DTP vaccine is merthiolate (thiomersal), which is prohibited in other countries. It is added to protect the vaccine from contamination pathogenic microorganisms, widely used in perfumery. It has been proven that the exclusion of mercury-containing substances in no way affects the likelihood of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Imported analogues

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The following names of the following DTP vaccines of various compositions are widely known:

  • Infanrix, Infanrix Hexa (poliomyelitis, hepatitis B and Hib included): manufacturer - GlaxoSmithKline.
  • Pentaxim: manufacturer - Sanofi Aventis Pasteur, France. Protects against 5 diseases - whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria, polio and Hib infection.

Produced foreign analogues DPTs are basically identical. They do not contain the prohibited formalin and merthiolate. They are distinguished by cell-free technology for creating an anti-pertussis component, so post-vaccination reactions are much less common. Imported vaccines contain additional components. They give a less pronounced immune response of the body than Russian drug, but as vaccination continues, such differences virtually disappear.

Of no small importance is the release of foreign vaccines in convenient single-dose kits. They are stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees and used immediately. They cannot be frozen.

Infanrix and Infanrix Hexa

The Infanrix vaccine from the English company GlaxoSmithKline has been registered in the Russian Federation since 2004. Has the lowest reactogenicity of all imported drugs. It is considered the safest, cleanest and hypoallergenic product. Sold exclusively in pharmacies and vaccination centers (in combination with the service).

Post-vaccination manifestations are standard, but occur more easily. The most dangerous of them - anaphylaxis or Quincke's edema - occur within half an hour after the injection and require prompt assistance. To avoid negative manifestations, you need to:

  • regularly ventilate the room, ensure high air humidity (at least 70%);
  • observe drinking regime;
  • consult a doctor if your body temperature is above 38.5 °C or if it increases for a long time;
  • call urgently emergency assistance if hyperthermia has reached 40 °C or higher.

Contraindications for use: encephalopathy of unknown etiology, thrombocytopenia, bleeding disorders, sensitivity to active substances after a previous vaccination. Patients with immunodeficiency may not develop the necessary immune response.

Infanrix Hexa differs in that the drug contains an anti-hepatitis component. Its use is advisable if the dates of vaccination against hepatitis B and DTP coincide or if there is an individual scheme.

The Hexa package also contains a suspension against hepatitis B. The possibility of joint simultaneous vaccination allows you to reduce the number of vaccinations and not worry about the compatibility of individual components.

Tetraxim and Pentaxim

Let's look at what improved vaccines exist. Tetraxim manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur contains an additional anti-polio component. The quality of the drug is quite high, which eliminates the occurrence of adverse reactions. In the Russian Federation, vaccination of children against polio coincides with DTP, so it is convenient to use Tetraxim: three injections of Tetraxim can replace 6 traditional DTP.

Pentaxim, as the name suggests, protects against 5 diseases (more details in the article:). It contains additional components against hemophilus influenzae and polio.

Pentaxim is not used for:

  • hypersensitivity to its components;
  • encephalopathy;
  • severe reaction (hyperthermia, prolonged crying, convulsions) for 2 days after the previous management of the pertussis component;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • during ARI even with slight hyperthermia.

Which vaccine should I choose?

The Russian vaccine can be replaced by paid analogues of foreign-made DTP. Their main advantage is the special production technology described above, which minimizes the burden on the body, but at the same time ensures the expected reaction of the immune system.

Another advantage of imported vaccinations is their convenience:

  • comprehensively form immunity to several infections at once;
  • the drug is poured into disposable syringes, ready for use.

According to the results of studies of DPT types, all of these vaccines are equally effective. However, imported vaccines are preferable for two reasons:

  1. Combination. This significantly reduces the number of visits to a medical facility and the number of injections.
  2. Convenient release form in ready-made kits. Syringes, needle, dosage - everything is selected so that the injection itself causes as little discomfort as possible.

The most important criterion is safety. If the doctor is convinced that the child’s body is weakened, ADS is prescribed instead of DPT.

Which vaccine is better is a difficult question to resolve. If you have the funds, you can choose a more expensive one. However, a high price is not a guarantee of quality. Not every family can afford to pay as much as 1 injection costs, so in most cases preference is given to the domestic vaccine.

Possible reactions to vaccinations and the care required for the child

There are adverse reactions to DPT: swelling at the injection site and hyperthermia. DTP is not dangerous drug for the child’s health, but on the contrary, a means of forming one’s own reliable, sustainable and quality protection from a number of severe infections.

Immediately after the injection, it is recommended not to leave the area for 20-30 minutes. medical institution so that the doctor has the opportunity to provide the child with full emergency care in the event of a severe allergic reaction. It is also better to reschedule activities such as: a walk, water procedures and massage. Over the next 3 days you must pay close attention behavior and condition of the child, monitor his temperature. Any symptoms that appear later than 3 days, as a rule, are not consequences of vaccination.

The expected predicted reactions after DTP vaccination include the following:

  • Increased body temperature from 1 to 3 days, so you need to prepare antipyretic drugs in advance. If the temperature before bedtime does not exceed 38°C, then it is better to give the child a suppository (candle). If the temperature exceeds this threshold, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of syrup (Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Nimesulide).
  • Soreness, redness and swelling at the injection site. To eliminate this symptom, it is usually recommended to use an alcohol compress.
  • Impaired functioning of the limb in which the injection was given, its pain or lameness. In this case, it is recommended to massage the leg and wipe it with a warm towel.
  • Headache, malaise, general weakness.
  • Indigestion, diarrhea. To prevent such unpleasant reactions, it is not recommended to feed the child for 1.5 hours before and after vaccination. When diarrhea occurs, use Smecta, Enterosgel, activated carbon;
  • Prolonged crying, moodiness, irritability, sleep disturbance.
  • A cough can manifest itself as a reaction of the body to the whooping cough component. Usually this symptom goes away on its own within 3-4 days and does not require treatment. medicines. If a child coughs for a week, this may be a sign infectious disease not related to vaccination.
  • Decreased appetite or complete refusal to eat.
  • The rash goes away on its own after a few days. For severe itching, it is recommended to use antihistamines.

To form lasting immunity, vaccinations must be repeated periodically. After each subsequent injection, the general reaction of the body becomes less pronounced, but local symptoms become stronger.

Is it necessary to get this vaccination?

The population immunization program provides a vaccination schedule, which is designed so that with age the child develops a sufficiently strong immunity against various pathogens. If you deviate from this schedule, no one can guarantee 100% protection of the child’s body from these infections.

Whatever vaccine is preferred, domestic or imported, you need to check the authenticity of the drug and its storage conditions. High cost imported products significantly influence the frequency of their choice by parents.

There is an extreme approach to vaccination: parents completely refuse to vaccinate their children; they find many arguments why their child should not be vaccinated, citing the fact that pure form These diseases no longer occur. This position of adults is unacceptable. The choice of vaccines in Russia is quite large, you can choose another one effective drug to replace the proposed one with minimal adverse reactions.

DTP is one of the most serious injections with frequent negative post-vaccination reactions, regardless of the composition of the vaccine. Only children examined the day before receive DTP and must be closely monitored over the next 3 days. If negative reactions occur, you should immediately contact a medical facility. The final decision whether to vaccinate a child with DPT with the proposed drug or not is made by the parents. However, you should not be guided only by personal prejudices - it is important to study the issue together with your doctor.

Vaccinations are important for both older and younger effective way prevention of diseases. DTP vaccination for children - immediate protection against a list of diseases - diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. These four important letters stand for adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. It was invented in the middle of the last century - then it was possible to combine three different mono-vaccines in one bottle. This invention is used everywhere, and where it was abandoned, an outbreak of morbidity immediately occurred and the mortality rate of children from these diseases increased. 1. Types of vaccines

3. How many times do they get vaccinated?
4. First vaccination
5. Second vaccination
6. Third vaccination
7. Where is the vaccine given?
8. Preparing a child for DTP
9. A child after DTP vaccination - what to pay attention to
10. Child’s reaction to DTP - side effects

Types of vaccines

DPT is a compound drug. Now there are several types of vaccines and a person is free to choose which one to protect himself. A good vaccine against DPT is called Infanrix. In addition, there are drugs that have other components in their base,
  • Pentaxim - DPT+poliomyelitis+hemophilic infection
  • Bubo M - diphtheria+tetanus+hepatitis B
  • Tetrakok - DTP + against polio
  • Tritanrix - DTP + against hepatitis B.
DPT has become basic in preventing whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. But the body responds most strongly to one of the components, namely the pertussis component, so when giving the injection and in the days following, careful monitoring of the baby is required.

“Should I give DPT to my child” - this is a question that concerns every mother and is asked with different accents - for some, information about the possibility is important neurological pathologies after its production, and someone needs to understand whether it is possible to do it at the moment.

Don't worry that too many ingredients will put too much stress on your child's body. It is not how many parts that matter, but how they fit together. The invention of the drug DPT was at one time a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of childhood vaccination and is now firmly in the position of stability, innovation and reliability.
IMPORTANT!!! Such an injection should be given, but only after a thorough examination of the child by a pediatrician and preliminary monitoring of his condition for several days - then the child will avoid unpleasant consequences injection. After all, it is inattention to the baby’s health, incorrect administration and an unsuitable drug, according to the study World Organization healthcare are leaders in terms of complications caused by DTP vaccination.
Before the advent of the vaccine, a fifth of children died from diphtheria, and from tetanus the mortality rate was terribly high - 85%. Yes, DTP has its own characteristics. It is not a gift from heaven, but it is definitely needed.

How many times do they get vaccinated?

In order for immunity to appear, the drug must be administered 4 times. The child receives the vaccine according to the following schedule
  • First time every 3 months
  • Then at 4.5,
  • Then when the baby is six months old
  • The last of the 4 portions will be administered to the child at one and a half years old.

By receiving these doses, the baby develops immunity and all other injections only help maintain it. Children are vaccinated again at 6-7 years old and at 14. Then - evenly, every 10 years.

First vaccination

The child is 3 months old and it is time for the first DTP. This period is justified by the fact that the antibodies inherited by the baby from the mother remain in the child’s blood for about 60 days. And if the first injection is not given now, then it can be done at any time up to four years inclusive.

Further, if this is not done, the child will be vaccinated only against ADS. The first injection can be given with any drug - foreign or domestic. Keep in mind that DPT and Tetrakok can provoke a post-vaccination reaction (not to be confused with a complication!!). Foreign Infanrix is ​​accepted more easily by the child's body. When there is financial resource, then it is better to inject this particular vaccine.

Second vaccination

The second injection is given after a month and a half. The body's immune response will likely be much stronger than the first time. This will happen because after the first dose the body has already become “acquainted” with the components of microbes, and the second meeting causes a more violent response. This happens to the majority of children.

If you feel that for some reason you are missing the second vaccination, give the injection as soon as the baby’s health allows, then it will be counted as the second. As mentioned above, they react to DTP, and if the first time the response was strong, then for the second injection you can use either less reactogenic vaccines like Infanrix, or give a DTP injection, excluding the pertussis component (whooping cough microbe cells), which causes such violent manifestations of the body.

Third vaccination

You will be invited to the third injection when your baby reaches 6 months. But now, having already undergone two vaccinations, you are an experienced mother and understand that it is possible to have a reaction and replace the vaccine with another if you have a motivated desire.

Where is the vaccine given?

The drug is administered intramuscularly; this is justified by the fact that the constituent parts of the drug need to be released into the blood at a certain speed, which cannot be ensured if the injection is given subcutaneously. In this case, all efforts will go down the drain. The gluteal muscles are also not suitable, again due to large quantity subcutaneous fat and the possibility of abscess formation. Usually the vaccine is given in the thigh of children, adolescents and adults.

Absolute refusal to DTP

  • disease in the acute phase (including diathesis)
  • allergy to components
  • immunodeficiency
The presence of neurological problems may necessitate vaccination without the pertussis component - that is, ADS. They will refuse a child with leukemia, a woman expecting a child and one who is breastfeeding.

Distorted contraindications

  • baby was born premature
  • the baby has perinatal encephalopathy
  • the child's relatives have allergies
  • the child's relatives have seizures
  • the baby’s relatives once reacted unpredictably to the introduction of DTP
Here you need to be additionally examined by a neurologist and given vaccines like Infanrix.

Preparing a child for DTP

We wrote above - this vaccine gives maximum quantity reactions listed in the approved vaccination schedule. When preparing for an injection (along with drug preparation), you need to remember to follow the rules.
  • your son or daughter must be healthy at the time of vaccination
  • do not feed your baby for some time before the procedure (about 3 hours)
  • It is very advisable for the baby to go to a big one before vaccination
  • Don't dress your child too warmly

The use of antipyretic and antiallergic drugs is allowed. Paracetamol and ibuprofen have some pain-relieving effect - painful sensations in the injection area it is possible to smooth it out in this way. If paracetamol has no effect, try something else active substance ibuprofen.

The rules of readiness are as follows

  • In a couple of days they begin to give an antiallergic drug - Fenistil drops, as an option - Erius
  • After coming home, give your baby an antipyretic pain reliever (Nurofen), let the child calm down and sleep. Continue to feed with antiallergic drops, carefully monitor the temperature during these days. In case of increase, it is allowed to shoot it down. The first day - control of general well-being and temperature, continue anti-allergic treatment.
  • Second day - control general health and temperature, we continue antiallergic.
  • Third day. Your body temperature has stabilized and you don’t need to take allergy medications.

A child after DTP vaccination - what to pay attention to

The baby was given an injection - do not go far from the hospital for about half an hour. It is during this period that the very first and acute reactions. God forbid, of course, but the immediate availability of a doctor here will become critical. Take a walk in the vicinity of the clinic - we already wrote about this in the article about vaccinations for children.

There is no need to wait - give your baby a drug like Nurofen right away. Scientists are not inclined to say here that high temperature helps the development of immunity in a child; rather, it is an inconvenience and discomfort for the baby.

Monitor your child's appetite and do not feed him unless he expresses a clear desire to do so. Most often he just wants to drink - liquid is very useful for him now, the more the better. It can be water, tea, a weak chamomile decoction, but not juice from bags.

Provide a humid air environment in the child’s room (cover the battery with a wet sheet and change it as it dries, as an option) and a temperature no higher than 22 degrees.

You need to go for more walks, but not in a large group of children “at the sandbox”, but just take your baby for a ride outside of crowded areas and admire nature.

Child's reaction to DPT - side effects

About a third of children react to this vaccination in a special way, and parents should take into account that this is not a pathology and it is not unnatural. Everything will pass without a trace and will not harm the baby’s health.

The vaccine causes the following side effects

  • There is redness and painful swelling at the puncture site.
  • The baby's gait changes (is disrupted) due to this anomaly.
General symptoms
  • temperature rises
  • the child is worried and naughty
  • after DTP child sleeping
  • appetite is upset
  • Possible vomiting and diarrhea
Parents will see all of the above on the first day. This is fixable and don't think of it as a complication.

If, despite all preparatory measures and careful monitoring, a severe reaction occurs, namely

  • continuous crying for several hours
  • body temperature above 39 degrees
  • swelling and a spot more than 8 cm in diameter have formed at the puncture site

It's better to see a doctor. It may happen that the vaccine received by the body is accompanied by an infection acquired while waiting for a pre-vaccination examination by a pediatrician. The weakened body failed. Only a specialist can tell you a way out of this situation. No self-medication, only consultation with a doctor!!!

A common reaction to a vaccine, but does not contribute to the functioning of the immune system. The baby is uncomfortable. Give an antipyretic and monitor the dynamics of changes.

A child has a lump after DTP

The seal disappears gradually, in about a couple of weeks. It occurs due to a local reaction and will disappear as the drug is absorbed. Possible due to the drug getting into the subcutaneous fat - Troxevasin or Aescusan ointments will help.

Redness after DTP at the injection site

Common reaction due to mild inflammatory reaction. It will go away on its own, if the child is not worried about it and nothing else will be needed.

Cough in a child after DTP

It may appear almost immediately, especially if there are questions about the baby’s respiratory tract; this is how the body reacts to the pertussis component of the vaccine. It goes away in a few days. But if the cough did not start on the first day, but on the second or third day, we see a typical situation, which was written about here just above - an infection acquired while waiting for a pre-vaccination examination with a pediatrician appeared.

It is up to you, the parents, to summarize and analyze information about vaccination in advance. Whether to give DTP to your child is your choice. Our request is to approach decision-making without emotions, from a position of reason. From very serious illnesses you can save your child if you make a positive choice. Preparation, control and observation are the three pillars of DPT success. And in collaboration with a pediatrician and neurologist, success is guaranteed.

Health and happiness to your children!

Video of Doctor Komarovsky