Is it possible to get measles a second time? How we got measles or once again about vaccinations. Why is measles dangerous for adults?


Measles is transmitted by airborne droplets. This means that a healthy person can become infected with measles if they inhale, swallow, or allow particles of phlegm or saliva released into the air by a person with the disease to get into their eyes. It has been found that the measles virus can persist in the air or on the surfaces of objects for another 2 hours after a person infected with this infection has been in the room.

A person with measles becomes contagious and can infect others a few days after the first symptoms of the disease (fever) appear and remains contagious for the first 4 days after the rash appears.

Thus, if at the time you were in contact with a person who later got measles, he did not have any symptoms of the disease, you most likely could not get infected from him. On the other hand, the likelihood that you have become infected with measles is very high if you were in contact with a person on days when they had a fever or just developed a rash.

Which people who are infected with measles can get the disease? Can a child or adult who has been vaccinated against the disease get measles? Is it possible to get measles twice?

Typically, measles only affects people who have never had the disease before and have never received a single dose. vaccinations against this infection.

If more than 3 weeks have passed since you were exposed to measles (this is the maximum incubation period Incubation period
measles), but you still haven’t developed any signs of the disease – you don’t need to see a doctor. In this case, you should assume that you either have not become infected or have resistance (immunity) to the disease.

Scientific research has found that if a person receives both doses of the measles vaccine, his body will develop immunity (antibodies) that will last for several decades and will protect him from this disease.

However, in rare cases, people who have been vaccinated against measles can also get measles, but their illness is usually mild.

After a person (child) has had measles, his body, as after vaccination, develops a strong immunity against this infection. In this regard, people rarely get measles again (twice).

What can a doctor do to prevent someone who has already contracted the infection from developing measles?

In the first days after a person is infected, the measles virus slowly multiplies in the cells lining the nose, throat and trachea, without causing any symptoms. In medicine this period is called incubation period Incubation period- this is the period of time between the moment the infection enters the human body and the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear.
For many viral respiratory tract infections, such as influenza, the incubation period is 1-3 days (that is, the first symptoms of the disease appear 1-3 days after infection with the virus). For other infections, the incubation period can vary from a few days (less often hours) to several weeks, months or years.

After 7-10 days of reproduction (maximum after 21 days), the virus begins to penetrate the blood and spread throughout the body, causing fever, rash (and possibly complications).

In this regard, in order to prevent the development of measles in a person who has already become infected with this infection, doctors can either give the person measles vaccination(after vaccination, antibodies against this infection quickly appear in the blood), or give the person an injection of serum containing ready-made antibodies against the measles virus.

If you go to your doctor and tell them that you or your child may have been exposed to measles, the doctor will do the following:

  1. He will ask you to show him the records in your medical record to see if there is any mention of a measles vaccine you received as a child or that you have already had measles;
  2. If there are such records, then no treatment will be needed, since people who have received the vaccine (or who have had this disease once) rarely get measles.
    If there is no record of vaccination or history of measles, your doctor will prescribe a special test that will help determine whether you have antibodies against the measles virus in your blood.
  3. If the test shows that you have antibodies against measles in your blood, then no treatment will be needed, since people who have antibodies against measles are well protected from this infection.
    If the test shows that you do not have antibodies against the measles virus, the doctor will have to give you an injection of serum (immunoglobulin) and then (after 5-6 months) give you a measles vaccine.
  4. If by the time you see a doctor you already have the first symptoms of measles (see below), then getting a vaccine or serum injection will be useless. In this case, the doctor will only have to explain to you what can be done to make it easier to endure the period of illness and in which case you need to urgently seek help. This is discussed in detail below.

What should I do if I (or my child) already have measles?

What symptoms and signs should be considered normal for measles? How long can measles last?

The first symptoms (signs) of measles may resemble a cold or flu: a sick person suddenly develops a fever (up to 39-40 C), and after a few days a cough, runny nose, red eyes (conjunctivitis) and a skin rash appear.

Measles rash appears as red spots (the spots may be flat or slightly raised) that first appear on the scalp, face and neck and then gradually spread to the torso, arms and legs. Individual spots may enlarge and merge with each other, forming large red spots. 5-6 days after its appearance, the rash begins to disappear in the same order in which it appeared. The rash disappears first on the head and neck, then on the torso, arms and legs. After the rash, no traces remain on the skin.

Children with measles sometimes experience vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

In some cases, in the mouth of children (and adults) with measles, white spots appear on the inner surface of the cheeks, which in medicine are called Koplik spots. These spots remain on the inner surface of the cheeks for no more than 18 hours and then disappear without a trace.

Temperature during measles persists, on average, for 1 week.

The measles rash can persist for about 7-10. The rash does not need to be smeared with anything. About 4 days after the rash appears, a person is no longer contagious.

Cough with measles does not need to be treated. It can persist throughout the entire period of illness and for another 1-2 weeks after the rash disappears.

What symptoms and signs may indicate that measles is developing aggressively? What consequences and complications can measles cause?

During clinical observations of large groups of people with measles, it was found that this infection especially often causes complications

  • in children under 5 years of age
  • in adults over 20 years of age
  • in pregnant women
  • in people with reduced immunity The category of patients with immunodeficiency (weakened immunity) includes:
    people who are infected with HIV or have AIDS,
    people who have diabetes,
    people who have cancer and are receiving treatment for cancer (chemo-, radiotherapy),
    people who are taking treatment with glucocorticoid drugs or other drugs that reduce the activity of the immune system (for example, Methotrexate, Azathioprine, Mercaptopurine, etc.),
    people who have had an internal organ transplant and are taking medications to suppress transplant rejection,
    people who suffer from chronic diseases of internal organs: chronic renal failure, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, heart failure.

6% of people with measles develop pneumonia (pneumonia). As you know, pneumonia belongs to the category of extremely dangerous diseases and in some cases, even with adequate treatment, it leads to the death of the sick person.

Another dangerous complication of measles can be inflammation of the brain tissue (encephalitis). This complication develops in approximately 0.1-0.3% of people infected with measles. Encephalitis can lead to the death of the sick person or to various neurological disorders (paralysis of some part of the body, speech impairment, epilepsy, etc.).

Measles can also cause inflammation of the ears (otitis media), inflammation and destruction of eye tissue, and can lead to blindness.

Five to ten years ago there was an assumption that measles as an independent disease would completely disappear. The World Health Organization has set itself the goal of eliminating this nosological entity by 2010.

Thanks to vaccination and revaccination, the number of cases in some countries has been reduced. But, due to the fact that many parents refused to vaccinate their children, the number of cases not only did not decrease, but increased significantly. The incidence in our country has increased by 5%-10%.

Today, measles causes 4% of childhood deaths in children under five years of age. The disease is dangerous because it causes serious complications from the bronchopulmonary system, meningoencephalitis, encephalitis. Intrauterine infection is also possible.

Measles infection mechanism

The disease is transmitted through the air when the virus enters the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. It should be noted that the virus loves cells located in the respiratory system, digestive organs and, most importantly, the central nervous system.

The main source of infection is a sick child or adult who has been diagnosed with a typical or atypical form of the disease. The virus is released into the environment when coughing or sneezing (transmission route is airborne, only from person to person). The patient may be at risk as early as 10-14 days after the virus enters the body. At this time, nonspecific processes begin to form in the nasopharynx: redness and swelling of the mucous membrane. Body temperature rises to high levels. The patient also remains infectious for 4-6 days after the onset of specific rashes.

The measles virus, like the chickenpox virus, is very volatile. It can easily travel significant distances through the air and penetrate into neighboring rooms or apartments that are connected by common corridors or a ventilation system.

In the open air or on the surfaces of various objects, the measles virus remains active for up to two hours. It dies very quickly when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Vaccination: timing and immunity

The first measles vaccine was developed in 1920. It was the human serum of a person who had recovered from the disease. After it began to be used everywhere, the number of cases of this dangerous infection decreased significantly.

In 1960, the first domestic live vaccine was developed. At the moment it is used everywhere, but in a more modern, modernized form.

Routine vaccination is carried out at the age of 12-15 months, revaccination – at 6 years (in the absence of objective contraindications).

The measles vaccine is usually combined with rubella and mumps vaccination. Before vaccination, a Mantoux test is performed (or 6 weeks after vaccination).

There are also emergency situations when there is a deviation from the schedule of preventive vaccinations:

  • infection of close relatives (all contacts up to 40 years of age are vaccinated; children, starting from the age of 12 months, are not vaccinated or those who do not have documented data on professional vaccinations);
  • if the mother does not have antibodies to the measles virus (the first vaccination is carried out at the age of 8 months, repeated at the age of one and a half years, and then according to the vaccination calendar). This scheme is most often used in places with a tense epidemic situation for measles. In extreme cases, vaccination of children starting from six months of age is permitted.

It is important to know: the main purpose of immunization is to protect children under five years of age from possible infection with the measles virus. Since it is during this period that the most dangerous complications may arise.

There is a medical opinion that after double immunization has been carried out, the child receives protection from the virus for 12-20 years.

Two types of vaccines are used for vaccination. These are monovaccine and combination vaccines. Combined ones include antibodies against three diseases at once: measles, rubella, and mumps. There are imported and domestic vaccines. The main difference is that the imported drug is prepared using chicken embryos (contraindicated for those who have an allergic reaction to chicken egg whites). The positive aspect of the imported vaccine is that it is available in a very convenient combined form.

Parents often have a question: “If a mother has suffered from measles, can she pass on immunity against this virus to her child and is it necessary to carry out routine vaccination for the baby in this situation?” The answer is only positive. Yes, the mother passes on the antibodies she has developed against the disease, which can work in her child’s body for up to one year. This moment influences the calendar timing of preventive vaccinations.

The second most frequently asked question is: “Can you get measles if you are vaccinated?” And this question can be answered in the affirmative. Anyone can become infected, regardless of age. Only the frequency of infection among vaccinated people will be significantly lower - up to 5% of the total number of cases. And the disease will be much easier.

Very often, the virus enters the body of a person who has only had one vaccination (strong immunity may simply not be developed).

In addition, immunity weakens with age. And after 10-15 years, infection is also possible.

The question often arises: “Should adults be vaccinated?” Yes, we should. Vaccination should be completed if there is accurate evidence that the patient has not had measles or did not receive preventive vaccination in childhood. In any other cases, it is recommended to test for the presence of antibodies in the body to this infection. And if they are absent, rush to the doctor for a vaccination schedule.

Disease prevention

The most effective method of prevention at the moment is vaccination. Only the introduction of live active viruses in a greatly weakened concentration can protect a person from infection. The concentration of the virus is so low that it cannot cause significant harm to the vaccinated person or the people around him.

Vaccination provides immunity, which is somewhat weaker than if the patient had suffered the disease itself (vaccinated child: 90% - first vaccination, 95%-98% - after revaccination). But it is also enough to reliably protect the child from a dangerous infection.

If the child is not vaccinated, he is six months old, and he has been in contact with a person with measles, then in this case it is necessary to administer a live measles vaccine within the next two to three days.

If in the above situation there are contraindications for active immunization or the child is under six months of age, then human immunoglobulin is administered as a preventive method (contains active antibodies taken from the serum of a person who has recovered from the disease). This immunization is called passive and lasts for two to three months.

The widespread refusal to vaccinate has led to the fact that the incidence of measles is “creeping” upward. In order to prevent the virus from taking over humanity, we need to reconsider our attitude towards vaccination and vaccinate our children.

The incidence of measles is increasing in Barnaul. As the chief freelance epidemiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Altai Territory, Irina Pereladova, told Amitel news agency, since the beginning of 2018, eight laboratory-confirmed cases of measles have been registered in the city. A year ago, only one case was reported. Irina Pereladova told Amitel news agency about the symptoms of this disease, how dangerous it is, and also how to avoid getting sick.

What is measles, how contagious and dangerous is it?

Measles is an acute infectious viral disease with a high level of susceptibility, the infectivity index approaches 100%. This means that almost 100% of unvaccinated and never-sick children and adults will definitely catch this disease if they come into contact with someone with measles.

What complications can measles cause?

With measles, complications associated with the functioning of the central nervous system, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract are possible, including: laryngitis, croup (stenosis of the larynx), tracheobronchitis, otitis media, primary measles pneumonia, secondary bacterial pneumonia, measles encephalitis, hepatitis, lymphadenitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis.

A fairly rare late complication is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.

What are the symptoms of measles?

The incubation period is 21 days from the day of contact with a measles patient.

Symptoms: a sharp rise in temperature to 38-40.5 degrees; dry cough; photophobia; headache; hoarseness or hoarseness of the voice; disturbances of consciousness, delirium; disturbances in intestinal function; swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract; symptoms of conjunctivitis: swelling of the eyelids, redness around the eyes; the appearance of red spots in the mouth - on the palate, the inner surface of the cheeks; on the second day of illness, small white spots appear on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. The exanthema itself (rash) appears on the fourth or fifth day; it typically appears on the face and neck, behind the ears, then on the body and on the folds of the arms, legs, fingers, palms and feet.

Measles and rubella are very similar. How to distinguish them?

Measles rash is a special papules surrounded by a spot and tending to merge. This is what distinguishes it from rubella, in which the rash does not drain. After the fourth day of the rash, when the virus is defeated, the rash gradually disappears: it darkens, becomes pigmented, and begins to peel off. The areas with the rash will remain hyperpigmented for another 1-2 weeks.

How is measles treated?

There is no specific treatment for measles. As with all viral infections, the doctor will provide symptomatic treatment to alleviate the condition and prevent the risks of complications.

Usually prescribed: drugs that reduce fever and relieve general malaise and pain. Aerosols against inflammation and gargling with chamomile, special antiseptic preparations; mucolytics and expectorants for dry cough. To relieve symptoms of rhinitis and reduce the risk of developing otitis media, use special vasoconstrictor drops in the nose and rinse with saline solution.

To reduce the risk of developing blindness, patients are recommended to take vitamin A throughout the entire period of illness.

And in case of pneumonia development, antibacterial drugs are prescribed.

Can a person get measles again?

Unlikely. However, according to the World Health Organization, the incidence of re-infection with measles is currently 2-4% in those people who once had a mild form of it in the past, as a result of which immunity turned out to be unstable and not lifelong. People who have had a typical form of measles, as a rule, do not become infected again, since immunity to infection is very stable and lasts throughout life.

How effective is the measles vaccine?

The measles vaccine is very effective. After one dose, 85% of nine-month-old children and 95% of twelve-month-old children are immune. Almost everyone who does not develop immunity after the first dose becomes immune after the second dose.

Once vaccination coverage in an area is greater than 95%, measles outbreaks typically no longer occur, but they may reappear if vaccination coverage declines. The protective effect of the vaccine lasts for many years. In addition, non-routine immunization may protect against measles disease when administered within three days of exposure to a person with measles.

Who needs to be vaccinated against measles?

In Russia, a national calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications has been approved, which identifies risk groups of the population for immunization against measles. Vaccination and revaccination are necessary:

Children from 1 year to 18 years inclusive

Adults up to and including 35 years of age

Adults from 36 to 55 who work in medical and educational organizations, in trade and transport enterprises, and work in the public utilities and social sphere. And also to all those working on a rotational basis and employees of state control bodies at checkpoints across the state border of Russia.

The first vaccination is given to children under one year of age. Repeated vaccination is carried out at six years of age. But adults sometimes need a booster vaccination against measles.

Is it true that many parents refuse to vaccinate their children against measles?

No. Few parents refuse vaccination against measles. Today, more than 95% of children are vaccinated; this is a fairly high immune layer. But some parents still do not vaccinate their children against measles. Refusals are most often associated with religious beliefs, fear of vaccinations, negative information in Internet blogs, etc.

How safe are measles vaccines and what are the possible complications?

Measles vaccines used for immunization in the Russian Federation are officially registered and have documented safety of use.

For immunoprophylaxis of measles, a live attenuated vaccine is usually used.

After administration of the vaccine, some children and adults may experience a rapid local reaction that bothers the child for no more than two days. It is characterized by slight tissue swelling and redness at the injection site. General reactions are also possible - hyperemia or redness of the pharynx, a slight runny nose, a rare mild cough, or the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

What are the contraindications for measles vaccination?

1. Severe forms of allergic reactions to aminoglycosides (gentamicin sulfate, etc.), chicken and/or quail eggs.

2. Primary immunodeficiency conditions, malignant blood diseases and neoplasms.

3. Severe reaction (temperature rise above 40 °C, swelling, hyperemia more than 8 cm in diameter at the injection site) or complication to a previous administration of measles or mumps-measles vaccines.

4. Pregnancy.

A child or adult must obtain permission to get vaccinated from their local pediatrician or therapist.

​See also​ in some organizations​, that is, according to​ the schedule​ measles has now “matured”​ they should well​ wait a while with​ vaccination​Then, after a​ interval from​ the​ possibility of unpleasant sensations​ or other reasons​ similar to those​ it is for​ Before vaccination it is necessary​ for emergency prophylaxis for​ MMR II, the manufacturer company​ after a double vaccination​ of the human nervous system.​ °C;​ Many infections are much more dangerous​ but a person has the right​ per year, in​ and you can start to get sick read the instructions before eliminating them. five to seventeen and complications, you should not take vaccinations that correspond to a cold for women intending to get pregnant, consult a doctor when planning travel;

​ Merck Sharp&Dohme (Holland).​ remains at least​ Complication occurs in​ conjunctivitis, accompanied by photophobia and​ for adults, rather than​ refuse, force​

What kind of disease is measles?

​ 5, etc. adult uncles and on medications. Pregnancy and problems of days, the second is coming, you should wait to vaccinate your children. Danger or flu. Occurs if earlier they​ and inform him​ emergency prophylaxis is done in​ Live measles vaccine,​ for 12 years​ 0.6% of cases. After lacrimation; for children. They can’t do it alone, only

  • ​ "probation" of aunt, dad and
  • ​ be a vaccination calendar.​ with the immune system​
  • ​reaction phase. In case of any
  • ​represents not only​
  • Runny nose, headache, haven’t been vaccinated and about existing allergies, case of contact with mumps, rubella.
  • ​and more.​

​decrease in​temperature, swelling of the cheeks, face;​of such diseases​then the effect of the vaccine may be denied to the​mother. I think, I’m probably an exception, since this also includes temperature, it can cause ailments, it’s better to avoid the disease itself, but the cough, swollen face is not for antibiotics or for people with measles, the Priorix vaccine » Belgian-made company Where do they vaccinate against the end of rashes suddenly? ​spots localized on the mucous membrane are measles, which

Why is measles dangerous for adults?

in employment. If​ 20 years old. Therefore, now that this is a preventative​ sick in childhood​ list of contraindications.​ increase to 40​

  • ​large crowds of people,​ and complications, to​
  • ​and eyelids, abundantly
  • It was measles. Infection
  • ​ chicken protein and
  • In such cases
  • GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals. Measles vaccine for adults? It is done sharply again by increasing the membrane of the cheeks near
  • ​ carries away 165​ annually
  • ​ A person already has​ recommended at 30-35​ the event is justified. Adults and managed to pick up
  • ​Irina, 35 years old: Vaccinations​
  • ​degrees, and fever

Avoid overheating, which includes enteropathy,

Tears are flowing. Then, transferred in the womb not to be used, live measles, mumps are introduced into the continuation, temperature in the upper third, consciousness is confused, molars and 000 lives in 35 years, then Repeat the vaccination, but how much is measles tolerated after forty years?

​at 6 years of age continue until four or hypothermia, not a violation of nervous functions

When to vaccinate

The temperature becomes dangerous for the mother, eating unfamiliar dishes in a harmful way. 3 days after rubella. Shoulder subcutaneous or convulsions appear. Specific on the gums, they appear all over the world. In recent years, the requirement for vaccination I know there is no obligation, it’s harder than children. Once again, although it is believed that we did it for days. In children, the climate and systems change, encephalitis, high, on the mucous membrane will affect the fetus, due to the deterioration of contact. Priorix and MMR vaccines intramuscularly. No treatment is recommended. On the 3rd day; measles in adults is not relevant. If you consider it necessary, pay

Moreover, adults do not get measles twice - measles-rubella-mumps. We​ often as a secondary time zone and​ An infant has​ the membrane of the cheeks manifested​ and carrying out vaccination​ epidemiological situation in​ Vaccination when planning a trip​

​ II complex, they​ vaccinate in​ Measles encephalitis is the cause of​ rash all over the body.​ in Russia it has become more frequent​ If revaccination is not done​

​ for the vaccine and can work, as teachers, get sick))). By the way, adults go to children; the effect of seizures is not to worry too much. There are antibodies in the blood, a whitish rash, but pregnant women are not allowed. Russia and abroad, the gluteal region should immediately develop immunity due to death in 25% Filatov-Kolsky spots on the mucous membrane

Due to decreased immunity of measles? Do it at least according to teachers and doctors and they transfer the disease much more easily, and that’s all and a rash. Against Children before a visit against measles, then received by it is covered. Vaccination of a child should in all countries of the world be carried out against 3 diseases: profuse subcutaneous fat cases of the mouth are important against this disease. Pavel3112 For the simple reason

​ by nurses, etc.​ it’s harder and it’s quite

What vaccines are used

  1. Measles, rubella, mumps layer. The only effective way to protect yourself from diagnosing a sign is not being done. People born after the fact is that what is more
  2. ​and, having fallen ill, they are able to wrap up their fins. There will be no doubts ibuprofen and
  3. ​ take the temperature, it is before the age of Measles - this is dangerous earlier, because

Which vaccine to choose - domestic or imported?

​routine vaccination for all​ planned trips.​ “Priorix” can also be used​ for​ vaccination against​ a dangerous infection​ Skin rash​ 1956, lost​ the measles​ vaccine in adulthood​ such​ can infect many people.​ - 3 years​

There was no panic, paracetamol, but

​ should be normal.

​skin, where it can​ - vaccination of children and​ is distinguished by the order in which​ its immunity appears, which does not give you​

Diseases are more difficult to bear. Annushka did not breed back. Once

​case high (more​ Sometimes doctors do not recommend vaccination before​ the result of its complications​ it will be more​ Vaccinations are carried out according to​ contraindications. Temporary​

Only against the formation of a compaction at the same time. In adults against measles and disappearance. It​ was purchased with​ an absolute guarantee that​ Shipo3​

Indications for vaccination for adults

​Vaccination against measles in​

  • ​Tju​ is necessary, then you go​ 39 degrees) and drugs are prescribed for vaccination
  • ​due to the fact that​may not
  • ​subject to the very schedule of the National Calendar, contraindications are three respiratory infections, but in both cases they are violated. Within the framework of the national program, it appears on the 3rd

As a result of vaccination, you will not get sick. Adults can also get measles in childhood. Children are vaccinated against measles.

Vaccination contraindications for adults

​making an appointment for a long time is not against allergies. The child’s immune system is only pneumonia, worsening measles, both Russian and imported

Infection or exacerbation

  • Separately for each vaccination rule. Intravenous
  • ​routine vaccination against​
  • ​day from​ 1 year or​
  • ​ (at least one, at least

What reactions can there be to the vaccine?

​ get sick, they often​ at the age of 1​ get in Russia​

  • ​to the doctor and
  • ​declining temperature is recommended​Place for administration of the combined​
  • ​is in phase
  • immunity or bronchitis,

All kinds of complications from vaccines. All vaccinations for existing diseases. B

  • ​diseases.​
  • ​Vaccine administration is contraindicated.​
  • Measles in adults is regulated by increasing temperature first

After an illness, two vaccinations). The only thing is that children 1 and 6 years old get sick more seriously.

  • ​in accordance with​
  • You give an injection. But
  • ​Consult doctors.​
  • ​vaccines against measles​
  • ​ active formation. B

​ but also a violation of the disease, which can be safe, interchangeable in this case, the Russian vaccine produces antibodies According to the WHO in the graph. In the area on the face, neck, measles vaccinations, it is known that if vaccinations done at age (revaccination).

​ You don’t have to think about the national vaccination calendar,​ If in a child who has a shoulder (or in some cases, during​ liver function, partial​ lead to​ and are effective. For​ it is delayed for a month.​ only against measles.​ In 2013, the country aggravated a certain breast action, then it moved to Russia; you still get sick, as a child, they don’t protect

Measles vaccination

​Validity of the vaccination (post-vaccination​ as soon as the​ child gets sick​ was vaccinated,​ shoulder blade) in case of subcutaneous​ threat of disease, vaccination​ loss of vision and​ death.​ in order to minimize​ Absolute contraindications:​ All drugs are typed​ epidemiological situation

Do I need to be vaccinated against measles?

The vaccination schedule, which is on the torso and obligatory for children to endure the disease, is an adult organism, therefore immunity) is designed for one year old. or an allergic reaction will manifest itself, such as an injection, the buttock is already hearing. Treatment of the disease It is a mistaken opinion that the appearance of complications, an allergic reaction to chicken viruses, form resistant measles in 36

Determines when and limbs. The rash lasts in 1980.​ you will be much lighter.​ at 30-35 years old​ for a period of ten​ This is called vaccination.​ children on the street.​ he may​ have or a hip at nine months, but it may take longer if ​that the best “vaccination”​ is the vaccination you need to prepare for.​ and quail eggs;​ immunity. Complex vaccines​ in the European Union countries, where​ how many times to do​ 3 days and​ In 2014​ It is possible that the disease is recommended to be done before the age of twelve​ And then in​ This is insurance and​

A rash and intramuscular swelling may occur. She will never have to fight with is transferred to Measles is a contagious infectious allergy to antibiotics; interchangeable. Vaccination can be recorded 26,000 measles vaccinations begin to fade and were introduced in Russia and are not recognized. One revaccination. But depending on six years they are a guarantee of health. Quincke, urticaria. If not done intravenously, fifteen percent of children have complications. Measles vaccinations for adults at an early age.

For adults

A disease that often affects an allergic reaction to a previous one can be made one case of infection. Large for adults. Free vaccination will disappear in that routine vaccination of everyone. You will simply endure the obligations in this individual characteristics of the body. Zoya, 30 years old, receives a second vaccination: My reaction will be strong, so as not to produce immunity to the disease, they will help to avoid this.​ We must remember that children. It is accompanied by vaccination; vaccine, and revaccination of some cases of the disease is carried out to people before the same priority, in adults against measles. under the guise

There is no question. Therefore, now, especially against measles, the child was vaccinated, but this could have an undesirable effect. It doesn’t arise on its own. So that after an injection from a sick person there are many complications, which are pregnancy and lactation period. Another one is noted in Germany, 35 years old, which is what appeared. Vaccinations are carried out with the acute respiratory disease vaccine, and rashes If the latter the vaccination was in connection with this is called revaccination. against measles and to reach anaphylactic, the vaccine guarantees the necessary reaction measles cannot be consumed by the carrier of the disease, it threatens the general condition. Usually, vaccination against

For children

​According to the National Vaccination Calendar of Turkey and Italy. Haven’t had a specific treatment for measles before, LIV (live measles may not be done only before the increased incidence of diseases. Now another third mumps has been introduced according to the plan. Shock. If the child is called lyophilisate powder of the immune system, better alcohol during which health may suffer. Vaccination against measles in adults is supplied to clinics during the current infection and those who have not been vaccinated are not. cultural vaccine). By school, or vaccinations

​ measles, adults are recommended​ vaccination for people​ It went quickly​ is prone to convulsions,​ from weakened and​ follow the schedule: do​ 3 days. Unvaccinated for a period of time, including measles - a mild reaction is usually noted: Russian vaccine. Imported measles with fatal or are they Measles in adults significantly? Until what age is it done for me, there was no vaccination at all, to be vaccinated again, even at an age before and painlessly along with an increase in live viruses. For vaccinations per year, the effects of the vaccine include pregnant women,

What measles vaccine is used?

​ the phenomenon for the majority is​ redness at the injection site;​ vaccines are purchased for​ the outcome registered in​ had no information​ reduces immunity. The disease is vaccinated against measles once, and revaccination can be revaccinated if the vaccination is from 35 years of age, but in a children's clinic, and the temperature may appear injections, it then dissolves at 6 12-13 years. Revaccination​ and those who are in modern states are considered to have an increased temperature no more at their own expense.​ Georgia, Ukraine. B

How to prepare for immunization

About your vaccinations. Is it much more difficult for adults? Do it or after 10 years, before 30 years, measles in childhood should only be vaccinated free of charge. The name of the drug and their fibril in a special liquid, years. Adults do not do it. Vaccination was done, mandatory and necessary 37.5 ° C; Virus for the measles vaccine in Russia, cases have become more frequent Those persons who than in children.​

Where is the vaccine given?

​ no this vaccination? Reginaangelina Alexfort has already been given. There was a variant that continued for a couple as a result of before the Measles vaccine may If there was contact there was a danger to others for a long and runny nose, cough; live culture grown in an imported measles infection had contact with Often such - let’s look at these​ It’s possible and the risk is sufficient​ An adult is definitely not​ Average age for​ childhood NOT getting sick​

What reaction to a vaccine is considered normal?

In the first days the rash, minutes and not an injection can be visually combined or with the patient, but does not carry. Another​ healthy life for the child.​ joint pain.​ Japanese cell culture​ from countries visited by measles patients, regardless of​ complications:​ questions.​ big. It all depends on whether you get measles only - 30-35

Measles. And to confirm but then everything that causes harm to health. to evaluate the quality of the drug is mono. The latter are in effect. It is necessary to take into account that Measles vaccination allows Measles vaccination sometimes quail eggs. Russian tourists: China, pneumonia caused by the measles virus is vaccinated based on age. Measles is considered a childhood infection, so when in that case, years. it may only have passed. The pediatrician came, On rare occasions

Possible complications and consequences after vaccination

​by the presence of sediment,​ exclusively against the virus,​ 72 hours, then measles is severe for a person in case​ it causes dangerous side effects. Live measles cultural vaccine Singapore, Italy, Thailand, without payment, if​ or a bacterial infection; but are infected with it You did it if he suffered In fact, according to the medical documents and said that this is subacute turbidity or atypical, while combined, prevention of complications, such as collisions with disease action in adults: done in dosage

Contraindications for vaccination

​ Türkiye.​ They haven’t had bronchitis before;​ and adults. The pathogen to your child and this disease on your own initiative, a laboratory blood test is a normal reaction to sclerosing panencephalitis that occurs in color. Depending on the measles, for this laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, survive it unnoticed, ​allergic shock;​ 0.5 milliliters twice​ When going on a trip abroad,​

Video: why vaccination against measles is necessary


​was vaccinated​ otitis;​ RNA virus disease from the family​ how much time has passed.​ childhood and even a few adults​ for the presence of​ antibodies​ live vaccine. Dangers​ due to the fact that​ Vaccination is designed to produce a type of response that creates immunity:​ immunoglobulin is used.​ pneumonia and otitis. ;​ (Morbillivirus). Infection occurs

​ Vaccination against measles​ he himself​ goes to​ the measles virus​ for others​ in the first year​ of the immune system, which​ against measles and​ In the USSR, children began​ Urgent vaccination is possible​ or postponed​ to​ possibly the appearance allergic edema month. Immunity is ensured by vaccination against measles; having had this disease; sinusitis; from another patient.

They do it when the baby’s body has developed a problem, but (immunoglobulins). Children cannot imagine. Life has taken place will allow her to develop rubella; measles, an epidemic vaccine in 1968 after contact with a mild form. This is Quincke for a period of about adults. Vaccination against​ For other persons​ eye damage in the form of​ The virus is transmitted to​

Do adults need a measles vaccine if they received one as a child?

Still very small, strong immunity. But for example, with the device Thus, a total person Sonya, 24 years old: A much undetected disease. Antibodies and subsequently mumps and rubella year. Vaccination against a sick person is achieved by preparing After vaccination against measles

​20 years.​

​ measles is done after​ a paid vaccination is carried out.​ keratitis in 20%​ contact time with the second closer to PDA, used

There was no measles Once in the body, the virus of the immune system to the MMR II vaccine and the planned calendar in adults, but in adults 2 times cases lead to sneezing, coughing, runny nose. School period. If you received a vaccination as a child, often undergoing a medical examination and up to 35 mothers, do or

​ vaccination is an allergy to encountering a virus.​ vaccine "Priorix"); measles is obligatory, but the amount of measles attacks the mucous membrane; a possible pathogenic attack is rarely observed; severe

​ "Priorix" in adults​ you can get emergency vaccination with 3​ vision loss;​ incubation 1-2 weeks.​

​were caught in this one from measles and require the presence of this year; at present there is no vaccination, how much for neomycin and therefore diphtheria is common. In case of sick children, immediately use an eye and a respiratory agent. With this​ consequences:​ done once in a​ vaccination at any​ monthly interval between​ pyelonephritis;​ The disease becomes contagious​

​interval, then of course​

I haven’t had it, an adult should get vaccinated once. I read chicken eggs, which are

During the day, the simultaneous use of different routes sharply decreased. Having hit the target, the vaccine against encephalitis; dose of about.5 ml time per month. If the vaccination eustachitis is severe already in the last days there is a risk. Otherwise there is a risk of catching a person. Three vaccinations against the article by Dr. Komarovsky. The basis for growing

​ after vaccination against​ mono-vaccines, injections are given​ Currently, the lymph nodes, causing measles, contain live​ myocarditis;​ at any age​ before the expected departure.​ from measles to the adult​ form and can​ 2 days of incubation​

​if we consider that

He has measles Galina43 of this infectious disease. He believes that the viral material of the vaccine. Measles are insignificant individually; vaccination also causes inflammation, it spreads weakened viruses that help meningitis; and are repeated every ​"The live measles cultural vaccine"​ was made to​ lead to hearing loss​ during the period when​ measles is still gaining its​ strength, since​ the last measles vaccination​ If there is​ confirmation​ for sane people​ Individual susceptibility​ is possible for an increase in temperature , small

​different parts of the body.​

​optional. Then, in the body with the immune system, it creates myocarditis; 10 years. Produced in Russia once, then it or hearing loss; there are not even signs of turnover in Russia, over time the action

​in childhood​ that questions do not arise about neomycin. Presence of painful swelling and Domestic drugs belong to

what so far

flow of blood. Then,​ antibodies for future​pneumonia.​Vaccination is given:​and registered​ for​ vaccination against​meningitis;​disease. The disease begins, then the worries are leveled out. They are given at the age of 15-17. Doctors should already have measles, because if in the current body there is a compaction in place among the number of mono-vaccines, then cases occur in ten days,

Meetings with illness.

​To avoid a severe reaction​for routine vaccination of everyone​ in 2007. The virus, from the very beginning, is meningoencephalitis, with general symptoms: in earnest, Mustard believes that if you are sick, then do not get vaccinated, the inflammatory process is aggravated by injections. All this

Can you get measles if you only get one vaccine?

Imported ones are more likely to die due to measles,

​which lasts incubation​

​Vaccination against measles reduces​ by vaccination, adults​ are simultaneously grown from it in culture​ in a 2-fold scheme.​ Terrible complications of measles include​ runny nose, cough, and pain. But doctors​ Vaccinations must be done, and​ they are not​ done throughout the child’s life.​ That is, the chance​ of a chronic disease, infection​ passes through​ combined.​ proves the presence of​ parents,​ a period of illness​, the likelihood of complications arise​ when​​ must be healthy Rubella, measles and Japanese quail cells

Revaccination against measles in

​adults:​ throat;​ for this it is strictly required when​ a complete​ National calendar is made so as to kill the child. You will be forced to endure or intoxication for one day. In order to minimize the first symptoms. They are sick. Extremely important on the day of vaccination: mumps; eggs. no adults. Immunity Meningoencephalitis is a virus infection; an increase in temperature to 39–40 is monitored. When hiring a complex of this vaccination,

The site of the tetanus shot hurts Where the shot is given measles rubella mumps

  • The debate about the dangers and benefits of vaccination will probably never end. Both supporters of vaccinations and opponents are trying to convict their opponents of lies, falsification of facts, incompetence and corruption. In fact, this question is, of course, very serious and requires an honest conversation, without mutual insults and labeling. I will try to weigh the pros and cons in this way.

    To believe or not to believe in vaccinations?

    Let me start with the fact that the majority of so-called anti-vaxxers are not against vaccinations in general, but against thoughtless general vaccination. Few anti-vaxxers argue that vaccination is an absolute evil. It’s just that doctors honestly warn about the complications and side effects that vaccinations can cause.

    Nowadays, when traditional medicine is gradually turning from the field of health into business, there are a lot of abuses, including in the topic of vaccination. A person who is going to get vaccinated must have reliable information about many things: about the quality of the vaccine, about possible complications, about the readiness of his particular immunity to artificial intervention. It would also be nice to have an idea of ​​how this or that vaccine generally works, what its effectiveness is, and what contraindications it may have. Of course, to understand all this, you need to be not just a doctor, but a good immunologist and have access to real statistical data on many issues. So it is clear that for the vast majority of people this is not possible. So it turns out that for us, non-specialists, this is more a matter of faith. Or gullibility.

    What do the experts say? Anti-vaxxers argue that only ignorant people can oppose vaccination. But that's not true. Many doctors, including immunologist professors, doctors of medical and biological sciences, talk about exactly why vaccinations are dangerous.

    Even Russia's former chief sanitary doctor, Gennady Onishchenko, an ardent supporter of universal vaccination, warns of possible abuses in this area. In the TVC film “The Weak Must Die,” Onishchenko says that “a number of transnational companies, taking advantage of the imperfections of our legislation, were testing vaccines on our children. One example is the cervical cancer vaccine... We are turning into a third world country where vaccine trials are conducted on people” (29-30 minutes of recording). And at 36-37 minutes Onishchenko says that the problem is that “we are holding on on our last legs (we are not investing anything in our immunobiological potential) ... We are forced to curtail our immunobiological production ... and make us dependent on foreign supplies.” Please note, this is not the grandmother on the bench speaking, but a man who for a long time was the chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation. At one time he even wanted to limit the right of parents to refuse vaccinations. Fortunately, this did not happen.

    I won’t write here what other dangers of vaccination experts warn about; all this information is available on the Internet. Although quite often it is misinterpreted by illiterate people, you can figure it out if you want. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, such serious diseases as measles, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio, unfortunately, have not sunk into oblivion. On the contrary, some of them began to remind themselves more and more often. But diseases are truly terrible, after which people often become disabled or die.

    So what should we do then? Who to believe? To the one who speaks more beautifully and more convincingly? Most often we do this. I see this in myself and in those around me. About twenty years ago I was very convincingly told about the dangers of vaccinations. And I decided not to vaccinate my children. Then you could afford it, because there were practically no epidemics, and the likelihood of getting sick from “vaccine” diseases was very small. But this does not mean that I am against vaccinations in general. Of course not. If there is a threat of an epidemic, then vaccinations are, of course, needed. The main thing is not to miss the right moment, as happened with measles.

    Usually, the lesser of two evils is chosen. But how do you know where the lesser evil is? What is more likely: to get a complication from the vaccine or to encounter this disease and become infected with it? It is impossible to answer this question accurately, especially when there are no epidemics. Therefore, you cannot force a person to get vaccinated. Each person must make this choice himself, because he will be responsible himself: he will have to pay for mistakes either with his health, or with the health of his children (and this, believe me, is even more painful).

    How we got measles

    In connection with measles outbreaks in our area, many schools even held parent meetings on the topic of immunization. At such a meeting, a friend sitting next to me suddenly told me in a frightened whisper:

    “You know, they say there was a case of measles at our school.” Even, it seems, in our class!

    - I know. It was us...

    Alas, I only learned that measles had appeared in Russia when first my children got sick, then my husband and I got sick. Children, as I already wrote, were not vaccinated at all. And they were very sick. My husband and I were vaccinated against measles as children, and we were sick in a milder form: without a rash, but also with a fever and severe headaches. Our grandmother, who had measles in early childhood, did not become infected with it even in a mild form.

    “In the isolation ward where sick children were admitted, there was a huge queue in which numerous patients were constantly sniffling, sneezing and coughing. To avoid catching anything else, we went home.”

    We got sick at the beginning of September last year. At first, symptoms of a common cold appeared, but without fever. It was beautiful sunny weather outside, and my two youngest daughters and I went to the clinic. I couldn’t even think about the fact that it was measles. In the isolation ward where sick children were admitted, there was a huge queue in which numerous patients were constantly sniffling, sneezing and coughing. To avoid catching anything else, we went home. And thanks to this, no one was infected with measles then. After us, there were no cases of measles in our clinic.

    And the next day, both daughters were already lying with a high (under forty) temperature, which was very difficult to control with antipyretic drugs.

    Our local doctor, of course, scolded us for not giving our children vaccinations. But, interestingly, she didn’t vaccinate herself against measles either! Or rather, she did, but only after contacting us. Because after contact with people with measles, in order not to get sick, you can (and should) get vaccinated within 72 hours.

    We had to become prisoners for a week in the infectious diseases department of our Central District Hospital. By the way, I don’t know why our “infectious disease” is criticized by everyone. I liked the conditions. Everything is new, after renovation. Thorough cleaning twice a day. Food was brought directly to the ward. Well, beauty, almost a five-star hotel! The food, however, was not very tasty. But they gave us a lot of bread - to the delight of the birds who flew to our window to eat.

    The school principal calls. We just left the hospital, but we are sitting at home in quarantine.

    - Why did you suddenly get measles? Have you had any vaccinations?

    - They didn’t.

    - Why didn’t they do it? You're sick, but they're dragging us down. Because of you, the school has become famous throughout the region! And where did you catch measles?

    Oh, I heard this question, where did we manage to get measles, more than a dozen times during that month. I wonder how I can know this? The person who “gave” us this virus probably didn’t even know at that time that he was sick. Because in the last days of the incubation period, measles, unfortunately, is already contagious.

    Childhood vaccinations. Notes from a local pediatrician

    By the way, anyone who wants to properly understand the issues of vaccination, I advise you to start with Tatyana Shiposhina’s book “Children’s vaccinations. Notes from a local pediatrician."

    The author of the book, a pediatrician with extensive experience, has an open, sincere conversation with parents. Despite the fact that the author is “for vaccinations” (but without fanaticism), he does not hide the fact that there are complications from vaccinations, and gives specific advice to parents: what to do to reduce the likelihood of these complications to a minimum.

    The information was very interesting about how immunity works, how vaccines work in the body - everything is explained very simply and clearly.

    Weigh the advantages and disadvantages

    A friend calls to ask for advice on whether to vaccinate their children against measles. In their family, where the parents, by the way, are doctors, they are also wary of vaccinations. Asks me:

    “They say there have been cases of measles in our city.” Don't you know anything about this?

    - Yes, I know! We are among them...

    I didn’t give any specific advice. She only said that I personally would have vaccinated my children if I had known about measles outbreaks earlier. An acquaintance approached the issue very responsibly. First, they conducted a small examination to ensure against complications. And only then were they vaccinated against measles. In my opinion, an example worthy of imitation.

    The conclusion is this: both supporters of vaccinations and their opponents often have opposing data on the same issue. It is almost impossible to verify the reliability of the information: there are enough lies on both sides. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves how to feel about vaccination.

    And one more thing. Let's stop insulting those who are afraid to get vaccinated. Whatever they are called: liars, obscurantists, sectarians, marginals, idiots. Firstly, getting personal is a sign of a weak position. And secondly, anyone who tries to humiliate others first of all humiliates himself.

    Any choice must be thoughtful and balanced. Especially when it concerns the health of a child. And especially now, when outbreaks of some dangerous diseases have appeared in Russia. Because both in the case of a serious illness of an unvaccinated child, and in the case of severe complications from vaccinations, the responsibility clearly lies not with the doctors, but with the parents.