The cat started writing anywhere. Tips and remedies on how to wean a cat and male cat from shitting in the wrong place

Cats are the most popular type of pets. However, caring for them sometimes requires remarkable perseverance and patience. Why did the cat start peeing anywhere? - one of the most frequently asked questions owners of these pets.

Why does a cat pee on the bed?

There can be many reasons why a cat does not want to pee in the litter box:

  • This little kitten who is not yet accustomed to the rules of behavior. Owners should be patient before their pet begins to behave properly;
  • This is a reaction to ill-treatment on the part of negligent owners, against whom the animal takes revenge in this way. The most main mistake- punish the pet (beat, yell). He won’t understand your words, but irreparable damage to the cat’s psyche will be successfully done;
  • Miscalculations with the location of the cat litter and its care;
  • A cat can urinate anywhere if it is worried severe stress due to annoying children, annoying noise and other negative factors;
  • Diseases of various natures.

Most often, domestic cats that live in apartments have the habit of pooping in “wrong places.” Street animals quickly get used to handling natural needs in the courtyard of a private house.

How to train your pet to use a litter tray?

To toilet train your pet, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Buy only those litters that are suitable for your pet. The choice of them on the market is extremely wide - clumping, silica gel, wood, peat, hygienic, antibacterial, with flavors. The degree of absorption of modern fillers is extremely high - up to 12 liters (one packet of substance). At first, you can even pour different fillers into two boxes in order to better learn the animal’s preferences.
  • The size, shape, and texture of the box should not cause discomfort to the cat. There should be no protruding nails or acrid smell of plastic.
  • Care for the tray in a timely manner, do not allow it to stagnate. unpleasant odor. It is recommended to clean the toilet every day, and the container should be flushed once a week. There are trays on sale that clean themselves.
  • Placement of toilet in right place. It should not be located where the cat eats food. An animal, especially an old one, should not make much effort to get to the toilet. For this reason, in a two-story mansion, it is better to have a box on each floor. The sides of the tray should not be too high.
  • If furry pets There are several boxes in the house, then there should be one more box. For example, for two cats you need to put three trays.

A cat pees on the carpet: what to do?

Pets' fulfillment of their natural needs for household items causes a lot of trouble for their owners. A sofa, armchairs, carpet can cost a lot of money, and thorough cleaning of these things does not always leave a mark on them. appearance. But we are responsible for those we have tamed, so you should weigh the pros and cons very seriously before getting a pet.

If cat urine gets on the carpet, the smell persists for a long time due to the fact that the fibers absorb it well. Getting rid of this “aroma” is very difficult, but possible. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  • Apply a solution of vinegar, strongly diluted in water, onto the site of the bowel movement and wait another twenty minutes. Then you should sprinkle the area with sodium bicarbonate powder and wait again for a while. Finally, treat the stain with a mixture of dishwasher and hydrogen peroxide and wait until the area is thoroughly dry;
  • A solution of potassium permanganate or iodine will also help to get rid of traces of urination;
  • Available for sale special means enzyme-based;
  • Sometimes professional dry cleaning may be required.

If your cat gets into the habit of peeing on the carpet too often, you will have to say goodbye to it, since it will be damaged irrevocably.

The cat pees with blood

The excretion of urine with blood has scientific name hematuria. It can be either obvious (when red blood cells cause a color change noticeable to the naked eye) or hidden (discovered during a detailed laboratory study).

Diagnosis of hematuria

For staging correct diagnosis The treating veterinarian will need the following information about the sick pet:

  • Medical history;
  • Cat's diet;
  • Behavior (walks outside, climbs trees);
  • Monitoring urine output;
  • X-ray results internal organs(primarily the bladder);
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Laboratory research analysis.

The last point is the most important in the list, since it allows you to accurately determine the pathology of the animal. For correct diagnosis diseases excretory system it is necessary to carry out both chemical and physical analysis urine.

The color and consistency of the discharge itself is examined: if the liquid is unevenly colored red, then most likely there is a problem in the functioning of the bladder or urethra. If the coloring is even, then we're talking about, perhaps about a malfunction of the kidneys.

Pets have some advantage over street pets. Problems with urination in the first ones become known to the owners almost immediately. On the contrary, cats that relieve themselves on the street will get sick until their illness develops so much that it makes itself felt.


The formation of stones in the bladder can be one of the causes of hematuria. Most often, cats aged 3 years and older suffer from this disease. The disease can be caused by:

  • Disturbed diet: the animal often consumes fish and other foods rich in magnesium and phosphorus;
  • Poor quality food;
  • Not drinking enough;
  • Overweight.

If a cat suffers from this disease, then during urination this process causes him pain. The fact is that stones interfere with the normal fulfillment of natural needs. Bladder increases in size, causing blood vessels to rupture and blood to enter the urine. The animal neither eats nor drinks, and hardly moves.

The disease is extremely life-threatening for your pet, but can be successfully cured if you seek help in time.

The reasons why a cat began to pee anywhere can be varied. Both kittens and old animals are guilty of this behavior. This can often be a sign of illness. Main - you shouldn't punish your pet for this.

How to stop a cat from urinating in the apartment?

In this video, veterinarian Diana Morina will talk about ways to stop cats from crapping and peeing in an apartment or house:

Spay and neuter a cat- a common thing. Most owners and pets go through this procedure. However, sometimes some consequences of the operation develop. Unexpected symptoms that baffle the owners of little friends. One of these symptoms and deviations is. After searching the Internet, many of them begin to treat themselves. This is completely wrong, because there is a risk of making the cat worse. Only an experienced veterinarian is able to make a diagnosis and determine the necessary course of treatment.

Our veterinary center "YA-VET" has several strongholds in Moscow and the Moscow region. An experienced veterinarian will help and tell you what to do in a situation where cats begin to urinate after castration. To begin with, the doctor will consult by phone, and then arrive in less than 40 minutes! The YA-VET veterinary clinic is open 24 hours a day, so call at any time of the day or night. The doctor writes the required course of treatment on the spot.

In this article we will look at the main reasons and prerequisites, Why does my cat urinate after surgery?. We will also find out treatment methods, which you may encounter, but under no circumstances should these methods be used without proper consultation.

Why did a neutered cat start peeing anywhere?

Neutered cat marks territory. This is commonplace and far from a revelation. Don’t despair and panic; you need to determine the cause and understand how to deal with the situation. After all, curing the disease is simple. There are many reasons, but it's important not to swear at the cat and don't punish him, it will cause unnecessary stress and anxiety of the pet will only make the situation worse. The cat does this based on instincts and genes embedded in it. The pet does this during puberty.

Whatever the reason, the first thing here is the desire to mark the territory and show the rights to the land and apartment. This way the cat gets rid of competitors during puberty. Shows that the property here is his and uninvited guests should not interfere.

There are rumors and opinions that if castration surgery is performed in early age, about six months, then the problem will disappear. However, some owners confirm that such a problem develops at any age and does not go away unless measures and solutions are taken.

Reasons why a neutered cat started peeing anywhere

Very often everything goes fine even after castration. The cat is litter box trained and knows where to go to the toilet. But at one point the cat begins to leave urine in places where this should not be done and where the pet has never done this. For example, puddles often appear near the sofa, very close to the tray, near the owner’s shoes and in other places. Often the places can be secluded, for example, behind a sofa or closet. It is worth noting that this also applies to cats; sometimes females can also mark their territory and show reluctance to see strangers within its boundaries.

First of all, the owners begin to swear at the pet, scold him and try aggressive methods break the habit. All this makes the situation worse due to the cat's stress and anxiety. Moreover, the pet takes offense at its owners. After all, the cat doesn’t do anything bad on purpose and doesn’t want to do it. At first he doesn’t take revenge and does it because of his genes, but then a stage may begin when he will simply specifically do things where you least expect and would like to see. On the bed, for example. Therefore, you can’t swear, but we’ll talk about treatment methods a little later, and now we’ll look at the reasons.

There are many reasons for the disease in cats, let’s look at the most common ones. However, it is worth remembering that The final diagnosis must be made by a doctor, because your pet may have a unique case that therefore requires a unique course of treatment. We will also dispel some myths that relate to the causes of urination, and consider other reasons why a cat refuses to go to the litter box:

Myths and additional reasons why a neutered cat began to pee anywhere

1 Place marking: this is the most common reason, about which a few words have already been said. It is mainly males who mark the territory, but females can also mark their territory in some cases. This also applies to castrated animals.

If we are talking about the male sex, then males mark territory on vertical surfaces. And it doesn’t matter so much whether it’s a wall or curtains. Females leave small puddles on the floor throughout the apartment.

2 Other situations: cats are very sensitive and have a good memory, so it happens that he will not have the best association with the litter box. In this case, the cat will start walking around, but will not come close to the litter box. Then you should buy a new one and try to teach the cat to use it. Also, do not allow, for example, children or another pet (especially a dog) to drive the cat out of the litter box, because this may end in the same stress and reluctance to go there again. 3 The situation in the home and family: it has been said more than once that a pet is a member of the family and a large part of it. Therefore, any stressful event affects the cat. For example, one of the family members left home forever, you yelled at the cat or even not at him, you accidentally kicked him out of the litter box, or you broadcast a loud noise on TV. All this can affect his psyche, especially if it concerns a move or a long absence of the owner. Bad mood have a bad effect on all animals, and even more so on cats.

Strange animals or guests: If you already have a cat and the family decides to get another pet, then the old family member may be against it. The protest consists precisely in marking the territory and protecting it. Therefore, at first you will have to endure the fact that the old-timer does not want to get along with the new pet. However, after some time this will pass and the cat can become very good friends with the new inhabitant.

This also applies to guests or relatives. After all, this is something new for the pet, which means it will be wary. This works most of the time, but sometimes cats can be curious and friendly.

4 Late castration: marking territory in this case is simply a habit for the cat and it does it out of instinct and automatically. The cat gets rid of this behavior only after some time, for example, after 4-5 months, when a long period of time has passed since castration. The habit can disappear either on its own or after several methods, which we will describe further.

Reasons why a cat walks past the toilet - a neutered cat began to pee anywhere

Here are some reasons why a cat walks past the toilet and castration does not play any role:

5 Disease: first of all, it is worth ruling out diseases. Some of them can lead to frequent urination, which is often not to mark territory, but is simply uncontrollable and can happen at any time. An increase in urine can lead to more negative consequences.

Due to some diseases, such as cistritis or urethritis, the animal goes to the toilet in small portions. However, he still does it in the tray if he manages to get there. Reason misuse tray can become various allergies, diabetes or hepatitis. Check with your doctor for a more accurate list of illnesses, because in each case everything is individual.

6 Age of the cat: the age of the cat does not always affect the marking of the territory and problems after castration. So, for example, if a kitten is less than six months old, he may simply forget or make mistakes, because the kitten is still a child and this is natural for him. Also, if the cat is already old, he may have a disorder due to old age. Vision is lost, paws begin to hurt and ache, and then it does this completely unconsciously; sometimes the cat is not even able to climb onto the tray due to sore joints. 7 The condition of the litter box itself: I doubt that you would want to go to a dirty and unkempt toilet. It’s the same for cats, only here it’s even more difficult. The tray is perfectly clean, but washed with strong chemicals. Because of strong smell the cat will not want to use the toilet. If you wash the tray, then you should get by with regular clean water and only as a last resort, use a drop of baby liquid soap or special products, but not household chemicals.

It is better to choose odorless filler, and if with a smell, then it’s better to have one that your cat already knows. After all, these animals are very sensitive to smells and cats are unlikely to tolerate anything new in the litter box.

Also because the kitten grew into a cat, using the tray is difficult due to its size. Choose full-size trays.

Treatment and what to do if a neutered cat starts peeing anywhere

The most popular and the proven way here is to buy large quantity trays. They are placed where the cat most often marks his territory and pees. Trays must be different sizes, sides different heights, and the filler is neutral and also different. If the cat does not sit in the tray. and walks nearby, then it’s worth changing the filler and trays. At one point, you will most likely notice how the pet scratches on the floor and meows. This is a signal that the pet wants to go to the toilet and litter tray, but does not understand how to go. In this case, it is enough to just be affectionate and put him in the tray yourself, while petting him and saying kind words.

This procedure must be done only after sterile treatment of all places where the pet went before. After all, for a cat, the toilet is where it has already gone, where there is smell and signs. It is necessary to wash without bleach or dangerous chemicals, because this can only harm the cat, who will still walk in familiar places for some time. However, over time, he will forget about them and get used to the trays placed around the territory. And after that, he will choose one tray for himself and go to it.

Recommended do not move this tray anywhere and just let the cat choose the place where he wants to go. If it was not possible to get rid of the smell for a month and more cat It still marks, you should clean it better and put something nearby that emits a slight aroma. For example, citrus peels. This is safe for the cat and will help fight off the smell.

Another option is to look at the barricades of those places that the cat has chosen. Cover the areas with boxes and do as little as possible comfortable conditions. If the cat is neutered and has chosen the bed, then you should use polyethylene and double tape, which will scare the pet and the cat will no longer return to this place.

In this matter, the main thing is patience and affection. You can't yell at your pet, you can't swear at him. Also, do not diagnose yourself. As we have already found out, there are many reasons and this is far from marking the territory. Also, castration is not the only reason. Therefore, it is recommended to call a veterinarian at home to examine and give a verdict. There is no point in taking your pet to the clinic in such a situation. This is extra stress for the pet, and the doctor simply won’t see the places that the cat likes. He will not understand the behavior and is unlikely to make a correct diagnosis. The pet must be examined directly in the apartment.

A castrated cat started peeing anywhere, -Conclusion

As already said, you shouldn’t do diagnostics yourself. Call a doctor from our veterinary center“I-VET.” The center has many stationary points of assistance in Moscow, the doctor is ready to arrive around the clock! And the veterinarian will be on site within 40 minutes after the call.

An experienced veterinarian carries with him the necessary tools and certificates. If you need to do tests, then using the express method they will be ready in 15 minutes! Our doctors love animals and know what it takes to feel at their best!

There is an opinion that stopping a cat from peeing in the wrong place very difficult: “If you’ve already gotten into the habit of doing mischief on the carpet, the smell will remain, you can’t get it out and you can’t retrain the cat.” Sounds familiar? By the way, according to this far-fetched reason, many people do not have pets. Let's figure out if everything is so categorical.

It's not hard to guess that timely raising a kitten solves many problems. There are a number of ways to train a cat to use the litter box and even the toilet; there is only one “but”: this must be done on time. Optimal time does not depend on age pet, but on the period of his residence in your house. That is, it is not so important whether you adopted a kitten or adult cat, you need it immediately after moving to a new home.

The first and main success factor is choosing the right one. The size, depth and design itself are important. For training, it is better to use open, deep trays with sides and without a mesh. In some cases, cats ignore open litter boxes and then the only alternative is to buy a bio-toilet (a house with a roof and a litter box).

The second factor is This . Speaking in a global sense, litter for cat litter boxes can be divided into: sand, sawdust and other means. Everything is clear with the first two, the third is granules with a certain moisture-absorbing chemical composition(most often silicone). In some lines there are fillers with flavorings.

Some owners prefer to accustom cats to sand (construction sand), paper, sawdust (not pressed) or soil the old fashioned way. There is some meaning in this, but we will talk about this below.

Important! If you are adopting a declawed adult cat, it will likely be painful for her to step on any litter! In this case, the pet is immediately accustomed to a tray with a mesh.

Physiological reasons

Let's say that your cat always went to the litter box and started peeing anywhere without visible reasons. Naturally, such antics will cause discontent, but should cause concern. Cats are naturally very clean and do not tend to dirty their homes. Puddles that appear in a home may indicate a number of alarming diseases, most often we are talking about renal failure in a broad sense.

– your cat may not make puddles on purpose! Usually, animals with urinary incontinence leave wet marks where they sleep or sit. If you notice that your cat has gotten into the habit of peeing on the sofa, first, visit the veterinarian and only then (if the pet is healthy) begin to correct the behavior. The causes of urinary incontinence are associated with injuries or diseases of the spine, inflammatory processes (not necessarily kidneys), and old age. This point also includes congenital ectopia of the ureters.

Read also: How to accustom a cat to a bed: simple methods

Stress– if a cat starts going to the toilet in a flower pot or in another uncomfortable, unusual and illogical place, it is most likely due to stress. Perhaps the purr is jealous of the new pet, is bored, or is worried about the illness of a family member. Cats can be jealous of newborn babies and make puddles on the baby's things or in the playpen. Stress can and should be managed, since it weakens the cat’s immunity and can become a “catalyst” for another disease.

(ICD) – older and genetically predisposed cats (especially those that eat cheap dry food) universally suffer from stones in the kidneys, bladder or ureters. The cat experiences a painful urge to urinate, but cannot urinate. She sits down and literally squeezes out a few drops of urine, while grunting or screaming in pain.

inflammatory process, accompanied by symptoms similar to ICD. Many owners have noticed that a cat with cystitis urinates past the litter box while in it or tries to urinate in an unnatural position, for example, standing.

It is worth understanding that the cause of inappropriate behavior can be any pathological process genitourinary system. Most often, pyeloniphritis and glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys itself), and ureitis are diagnosed in domestic cats. Less common is atony (lack of peristalsis) - urine is poured out when the bladder is full.

Correction of kitten behavior

So, if we are talking about a kitten, the pet needs to be taught, and not retrained. In this case, proven over the years work perfectly. folk remedies. Monitor the kitten once before it urinates. Don't scold! Blot the puddle thoroughly with paper or cotton cloth. The crime scene must be washed and treated with a chlorine-containing preparation. To be safe, use special repellent sprays.

Place your kitten's litter box in the same room where he went to the toilet for the first time. Pour a little filler and place the same paper (fabric) in the tray. Observe the kitten, as soon as he begins to worry and look for a place to relieve himself - carefully take him to the tray and calm him down. Again, for reliability, you can use special sprays.

Advice: Do not wash your kitten's litter box (if possible) during the first week of training. The baby is looking for a toilet, focusing on the smell. The advice is not relevant if there is a strong helminthic infestation in this case, hygiene is much more important than etiquette.

Read also: Is it possible to give lard to a cat - all the pros and cons

Behavior correction for adult cats

The established habits of adult animals are quite difficult to overcome. At the very least, you will have to “give your best.” All of the tips below imply a scrupulous attitude towards cleanliness in the home and regular wet cleaning (at least during educational procedures).

The first thing to do is visit a pet store. Almost trouble-free remedy- This changing the tray and using sprays to correct behavior. It is important to purchase a spacious but enclosed litter box in which the cat will feel safe. Privacy is also an important factor; many pets are simply embarrassed to pee in front of everyone.

Sprays will either help immediately or not help at all.. Naturally, preference should be given to proven drugs. Reviews from experienced owners can be found on forums or among friends. The meaning of the application is to correct behavior through hints. Cats understand the language of smell well. Repellent sprays contain extracts from eucalyptus, green tea, citrus fruits, etc. Such smells are unpleasant for tailed animals, and four-legged animals are not inclined to write in places where they are uncomfortable. Attractive sprays, on the other hand, smell like sawdust or other natural absorbent media.

Advice: The smell of bleach is unpleasant to cats, but they are able to adapt to it. Use household chemicals to clean surfaces, not to repel them.

If you don’t have a special spray on hand, the surface can be treated with a warming ointment for joints or for radiculitis (even an inexpensive one), which perfectly repels everyone famous "Star" and other drugs with a pungent and pungent odor. However, be careful; some drugs can be dangerous if they come into contact with mucous membranes, including the nose.

The problem with “peeing out of spite” has deeper roots and takes longer to solve. If a cat ignores the litter box (and previously used it regularly), makes puddles on the bed or pillow, the owner’s clothes, or specifically climbs onto a shelf to “renew” your headdress - this is a clear sign of extreme stress. Such antics, every single one, are explained by the pet’s low self-esteem, his constant fear for own life or health, lack of attention and communication.

How quickly will the problem be resolved? It all depends on the owner’s mood and the depth of the cat’s moral trauma. In mild cases, everything can be corrected through communication, and the cat should not be punished for gifts in the form of puddles. You need to accept your pet for who he is, grind your teeth to wash and wash, but truly love him! If the situation has not changed in a week, you will have to use your imagination and guess what is bothering your pet. Observe the tailed one when he gets scared, when he is nervous, and what stress is associated with.

Why did the cat start peeing anywhere? This question often interests owners of adult animals. Just don’t talk about revenge, bitterness and the like now. An animal is guided by instincts, not by character traits or feelings. Let's look at the most common reasons. Often, these are health problems and physiological tricks, but certainly not a desire to annoy the owners.


Situation. The cat went to the tray. During the process, the sand or kidney stones have moved. The animal is in pain. When repeated, the reflex begins to take hold: tray - pain. The pet will start peeing anywhere, but not in the tray.

What to do. Go to the vet immediately! The sooner treatment begins, the faster the cat will return to its previous correct habits.

Advice. Inspect stains carefully before cleaning. If there is blood in the urine, then 90% of the time it is urolithiasis.

Surgical intervention

Situation. The cat was sterilized or had any other operation. After the procedure, the animal goes about its business in the tray... and somewhere else. It's simple. The abdominal muscles and internal muscles have not yet returned to normal. The pet doesn’t have time to get to the toilet, so it pees anywhere.

What to do. Be patient and wait. If there are no complications, then everything should soon return to normal. The main thing now is not to scold or punish. Is it the kitty’s fault that the muscles don’t work very well yet? Who was on operating table, he will understand.

By the way, infectious diseases genitourinary system have similar consequences. For example, with cystitis, the cat also does not have time to reach the litter box.

Advice. At first, use special diapers for animals. By the way, this option is also suitable for old cats who often suffer from incontinence.


Situation. A child appeared in the house, new pet, guests came with their animals. And just recently adequate and clean cat starts writing anywhere, but not in the tray. If there are no signs of disease, then everything is simple to the point of banality: the pet is jealous. Plus, it seems to her that invaders have appeared and they are laying claim to her territory. Therefore, you urgently need to mark your personal space by showing the local hostess to strangers. Yes, cats also use puddles to mark the boundaries of their possessions.

What to do. Try to explain to the kitty that everything is fine. Caress her more often, stroke her, talk to her, you can even pamper her a little. This way the animal will understand that her status as queen in the family has not changed. Just don’t need it now that cats don’t understand people. It’s us who don’t understand them, but they always clearly understand the words and the situation, they just don’t show it.

Advice. Do not allow a baby or a new animal to offend your pet, otherwise this can lead to smelly puddles throughout your home.

New tray or litter

Situation. The cat went safely into the old shabby trough. The owners are tired of looking at this terrible pot. They bought a chic, beautiful tray, and at the same time decided to change the filler. It’s no good, they say, to put the old newspaper in the new one. Moreover, there is now a grate at the bottom. As a result, the cat will pee anywhere, and won’t even go near the new “toilet.”

What to do. Return everything as it was. What is more valuable to you: your own sense of smell or the ugly tray in the bathroom? So decide. Cats really don't like changes in their lives. And the new latrine may also have an unpleasant chemical smell. A person does not feel it, but for an animal it is extremely stressful.

By the way, the grate at the bottom of the toilet creates severe psychological discomfort in an adult animal. The kitty has a genetic reflex: pee - bury it. How can you do this if your claws keep clinging to the bars? It is much easier to do your insidious deed in the master’s bed, in the laundry basket, behind the furniture. It's easy to bury there. And it doesn’t matter that there is nothing to cover the puddle with, there is no filler nearby. The main thing is that the process itself is effortless.

Advice. If changing the tray and filler is vital for you, then first wash the new dish thoroughly. Then dry thoroughly and add old filler. Gradually add a new one to it - this way you can easily and painlessly retrain your cat. At the same time, get rid of smelly stains throughout the house. By the way, choose absorbent granules without fragrances. Maybe it’s the pungent floral aroma that is causing the cat’s abnormal behavior.


Situation. The cat begins to rut, and she pees anywhere. As soon as the heat stops, everything returns to a decent, clean framework. With the start of the next heat, the problem appears again.

The thing is that during estrus, the cat attracts the male with such puddles. They say, I’ll write more and more everywhere, maybe some brave mustachioed gentleman will sense the desire and drop by.

What to do. Find your pet a gentleman already. As soon as mating takes place, estrus ends. Cat physiology will get its due, and the owners will stop suffocating from stinking puddles.

If kittens are not planned, then stop torturing your pet. Take her to to a good veterinarian for sterilization. Of course, it's a little expensive, but only once. But how much money you can save! You won’t have to change the carpet or mattress later. And how much money is spent on removing stains from beds, clothes, and upholstered furniture? All this can be solved with one cost for a standard sterilization procedure.

Advice. We strongly advise against stopping sexual hunting at the cat's special drugs for a long time. In the future, irreparable problems with the kitty's health are possible, including incurable fatal diseases. These funds can be used extremely rarely and only in case of urgent need.

Why did the cat start peeing anywhere? As you can see, at the first sign of a change in your pet’s behavior, you need to solve the problem. Just don’t even think about punishing the kitty, or even worse, poking the ugly thing in the face. Often, such embarrassment occurs not due to the fault of the cat, but due to more serious reasons. Don’t delay, remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Video: how to stop a cat from shitting anywhere

Sometimes it happens that a cat cannot pee, sits in the litter box for a long time and tensely, meows loudly, moans, screams, does not allow her belly to be touched, and is afraid to go into the litter box. If you notice that bloody or purulent stains have appeared in the tray, or after much suffering the cat is going to the toilet with blood, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian and deal with the problem.


  1. Cystitis – inflammatory disease genitourinary organs. Cutting ones appear, stabbing pains when urinating. The cat constantly tries to go into the litter box, but is afraid due to pain in the urinary organs. Cystitis appears from hypothermia, infection or metabolic disorders. To avoid such problems, try to limit your pet's contact with street cats. Chronic cystitis also occurs. In this case, do not allow the animal to become hypothermic. Otherwise, the disease will occur frequently and last a long time.
  2. Urolithiasis. Formation of stones in the bladder. This pathology often appears in cats due to improper feeding. Excessive consumption of fish in the animal’s body increases the content of phosphorus and magnesium. Eating dry food while drinking little liquid can also cause illness. Veterinarians recommend premium food. They contain vitamins and nutrients V normal quantity. These foods are good preventive measures. urolithiasis. The veterinarian conducts an examination and prescribes antibiotics and drugs that enhance immunity.
  3. Heredity. Diseases of relatives also matter for your pet. If there were in the family similar problems, then the probability of their manifestation is high.
  4. Physiology. It happens that kittens are born with organ pathologies. For example, thin urinary tract. If this is not diagnosed in time, the animal may die. The problem is solved surgically.
  5. Poor nutrition. You should not give cats a lot of salty or micronutrient-rich food. This makes urine difficult to pass.
  6. Stress. Fright, change of owner or long separation– all this can lead to stress for the animal. And, as a result, to health problems.
  7. Sterilization. If you have problems with urination after neutering, consult your veterinarian. This happens.
  8. It happens that a cat does not pee during heat. There's nothing wrong with that. The problem goes away, you need to wait.
  9. A cold often causes difficulty passing urine. During a long walk, your cat may catch a cold. The kidneys and bladder are most susceptible to this. In damp and cold weather, do not allow her to walk.

Treatment methods

There are many reasons. Don't delay visiting your doctor. Sometimes the problem is not as bad as it seems, and everything returns to normal in a day or two. But if the cause is a serious illness, treatment should not be delayed. Don't try to diagnose yourself. Only a veterinarian can tell you how to treat your pet and what to do.

If your cat has a stone belly, you should not put pressure on it, give diuretics, or massage it. The bladder may rupture. This is very serious. You will only do harm. If it is impossible to quickly go to the doctor, you need to provide first aid. You can place a warm heating pad on your stomach. This will take off for a while painful sensations in an animal. But this is not a cure! Hurry to the doctor.

First of all, the cat will be given a catheter and the urine will be removed to prevent intoxication of the body. Painkillers will then be given.

IN veterinary clinic urine and blood tests are taken from the cat. If necessary, an ultrasound is performed ( ultrasound examination internal organs). And only on the basis of the examination, treatment is prescribed. It is different for small and adult cats and is prescribed taking into account all the characteristics of the body. The doctor will also give advice on what you can do at home.

After treatment, the cat needs a strict diet for at least the first few days. Do not give fish or salty foods. Try to monitor her diet. Boil water and cool. It is worth transferring the animal to medicinal food. It is sold in pet stores or pharmacies. Manufacturers are already producing dietary foods. They are useful after illness to restore kidney function.


You can always prevent the unexpected onset of illness. Just take precautions. Important condition– correct, balanced diet. Do not feed your cat the same dry food all the time. If you don’t have the time or opportunity to prepare food for her, buy premium food.

Better yet natural products: porridge, boiled vegetables, meat. They contain natural vitamins. In everything you need to observe moderation. The feed is suitable as a biological active additive. Economy class dry food contains few vitamins.

Take your pets to the veterinarian regularly, especially if genetic predisposition to diseases of the genitourinary system. Be attentive to those you have tamed. They need your help.