What are the different types of essential oils? Aroma oils - universal and trouble-free products

Aroma oils (or essential oils) are liquids that have strong smell and taste, oily structure, light color shades. They are able to evaporate, so they do not leave traces of fat on the skin and are practically insoluble in water. Their active properties are more pronounced at room temperature.

The aromatic properties of oils are due to the action of a mixture of a number of individual compounds released at the level of chemical composition. In addition, quality depends on the storage conditions of the product.

A source of essential oils with strong physiological and pharmacological properties, are only plants. Oils perform important physiological functions for plants:

  • due to aromatic and terpenoid compounds, they activate metabolic processes;
  • evaporating, they create a heat-proof “cushion” around the plant, regulating the heat exchange process;
  • promote pollination of plants, attracting insects with their aroma;
  • protect from disease and destruction by animals.

Plants containing essential oils are widespread in nature. Their beneficial properties have found application in many areas of human life.

Localization of oils in different parts of the plant

Depending on the type, essential oils are located differently in the body of the plant. Most often, roots, leaves, buds, flowers, rhizomes, and fruits are processed to obtain oil.

There may also be a different percentage of the final product in the raw materials (from thousandths to 20% of the total mass). It can be scattered throughout cells, located in cell sap or accumulate in special education, which can be glandular spots, reservoirs of oils, tubules with an oily substance.

How do you get it?

The beneficial properties of essential oils and their active use have led to the depletion of the raw material base. World production today is focused on the production of such products as turpentine, followed by lemon, orange, and mint oils.

When isolating these substances from plant materials, their ability to dissolve in certain organic compounds, fats and alcohols is used.

Essential oils, the properties and uses of which are very different, are produced using the following methods:

  • Distillation with water. One of the most ancient ways, allowing you to obtain oil from the plant. Its essence is that two immiscible liquids are heated together. The mixture boils faster than if the liquids were heated separately. The resulting water and oil vapors enter the refrigerator, where they condense and are collected in a receiver. For this method, simple equipment is used, the yield of the final product is small, and its quality is average.
  • Steam distillation. This complex process using a distillation apparatus. The product of this distillation is mainly used in various areas medicine, in the production of perfumery products and in food industry. Both fresh and dried plants are used.
  • Cold pressing. This method is well suited for obtaining oil from the peels of various fruits. The raw materials are first sent under the press (product yield 70%), then crushed and the process is completed by distillation (the remaining 30%).
  • Maceration or enfleurage. The essence of the method is that the oil is removed from the raw material by sorbents, which use solid fat or activated carbon. Then, through complex chemical reactions, the oil is separated from the sorbent.
  • Extraction with selective solvents. The prepared raw materials are mixed with an extractant, which is then distilled off in special devices. The result is “tar” (fragrance). This is how cloves, hops, lavender, chamomile, ginger and other plants are processed.

Each type of oil then finds its own use.

Aromatic oils, depending on their composition, can have different effects and be used for different purposes.

There are many types of oils. This information compiled based on their properties:

  • Cleansing: geranium, lemongrass, lavender, sweet orange, rosemary, tuberose, lemon, sage
  • Arousal: bergamot, geranium, cardamom, bigardia, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, jasmine, mandarin, rose
  • Tone: basil, cloves, bay, lemon, nutmeg, lemon balm, mint, palmarosa, rosemary, cinnamon, citronella, sage, thyme, fir, ginger.
  • Relaxation: valerian, lavender, oregano, frankincense, juniper, myrrh, chamomile, jasmine.
  • Harmony: geranium, oregano, jasmine, marjoram, orange, mimosa, mandarin, rose, sandalwood.
  • Strengthening: angelica, lemon balm, lavender, basil, nutmeg, cajuput, mint, verbena, rosemary, cedar, lemon, vetiver.
  • Freshness: fir, mint, immortelle, lavender, orange, tangerine, lemon.
  • Stimulus: immortelle, black pepper, coriander, lavender, cloves, nutmeg, eucalyptus, rosemary, mint, verbena, hyssop, juniper, lemon.
  • Peace: dill, jasmine, geranium, chamomile, vanilla, lemon balm, bigardia.

This shows that any essential oil can show itself in different ways. When composing aromatic compositions, you must not mix substances with opposite properties.

Chemical composition

The composition of essential oils is very complex. There are elements that are included in the work of all systems of the human body. The chemical names of many elements are sometimes completely unfamiliar, but the benefits of their effects are obvious.

Esters contain aromatic mixtures, aldehydes, terpenoids, terpenes; saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons are released; organic acids, esters, alcohols are present; There are amines, oxides, organic sulfides, phenols, heterocyclic compounds.

The composition is also influenced by the type and chemotype of the plant, weather conditions during the period of growth and collection, conditions of maintenance and transportation of raw materials, method of oil production and storage.

Plants that provide raw materials for aromatic oils mainly grow in the tropics and temperate climates. One type of plant grown under different conditions may contain oil with different characteristics. It can be liquid and solid. His main characteristic– does not mix with water.

Based on their structure and chemical composition, they are divided into concretes, absolutes, resinoids, and lipsticks.

Basic properties

One of the most valuable properties of essential oils is their biological activity. At the same time, the range of effects of the product is very wide.

The information below shows some examples of the uses of essential oils.

Fighting germs and bacteria, cleansing and disinfecting:

  • eucalyptus;
  • poplar;
  • carnation;
  • pine;

In this case, leaves, buds and rhizomes are used to produce essential oil.

Fighting inflammatory processes:

  • camphor;
  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • elecampane.

Flowers and rhizomes are used.

Relieving spasms:

  • peppermint;
  • chamomile;
  • coriander;
  • dill.

Leaves, flowers, fruits, as well as seeds are used.

  • wild rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • elecampane;
  • thyme;
  • oregano.

It is worth using shoots, fruits and rhizomes.

Ability to remove mucus from the bronchi and lungs:

  • wild rosemary;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • elecampane;
  • thyme;
  • oregano.

Shoots, fruits and rhizomes are used.

Ability to calm the nervous system:

  • valerian;
  • lemon balm;
  • lavender.

The rhizome and flowers are used to make oil.

Kidney cleansing and bladder:

  • birch;
  • juniper.

The oil is made from leaves, buds, and fruits.

Chamomile is used to rejuvenate body cells. The flowers are used to produce oil.

Based on the above, you can easily determine what effect essential oil can have on the human body. Its action is manifested in:

  • increasing blood flow to the sore spot;
  • activation of the secretion of the pancreas, glands of the stomach and gall bladder;
  • dilation of blood vessels in the kidney filtration system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • destroying bacteria.

When using essential oils, you need to be careful. Overdose can lead to unpleasant consequences. Oils are used especially carefully in treatment gynecological diseases and in pregnant women. In addition, to mix oils for complex treatment, it is advisable to choose products that are similar in action to each other.

Areas of application

Essential oils are used very widely. They can treat, prevent many diseases, and are used for hair and skin care. A special place belongs to aromatherapy using essential agents.

Pictures on packages with bottles of essential oils attract attention due to the unusual nature of the plants depicted on them. But every oil has its use. You need to know about this before purchasing a bottle of this miraculous remedy.

The most commonly used oils are coniferous plants, citrus fruits, mint, ylang-ylang, and various turpentines.

In the food industry, various additives are made from essential oils that have strong taste and having nutritional value.

In the medical industry, esters are added to drugs and medicines.

In perfume production, aromatic oils are used as components of many cosmetics and perfumes.

Rules for use in complex treatment

Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on human health. It is not able to completely replace medications, but it can enhance their effect in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. There are a number of rules, compliance with which will give a positive result.

Aromatic oils should be applied with caution to the skin and especially to the mucous membranes. If applied pure, they can leave a burn, so it is better to dilute them. For the base you can take olive oil, salt, honey. The exceptions are lavender and tea tree. Products from these plants are safe for the skin.

The oil must be used strictly according to the instructions. Excess can lead to allergies or burns. It is advisable to carry out the first aromatherapy sessions with a smaller dose of oil to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Before including a new remedy in complex treatment, you need to do a test to exclude allergic manifestations.

For an aroma lamp, you need to take hot water, place it over the candle, then add essential remedy(1-3 drops). The room must be closed, the session lasts no more than 20 minutes.

The body's reaction to aromatherapy sessions will be an indicator of such treatment. The aroma must be pleasant, otherwise there will be no improvement.

Methods of using essential oils

Due to their therapeutic and preventive properties, various types of aromatic oils are widely used to improve health and preserve the beauty of the face, hands, and hair.

There are following methods using this tool:

  • Cold inhalations. The aroma is inhaled with caution for 5 minutes. Breathing should be even, slow, deep, eyes closed.
  • Aroma bath. Fill the bath with warm (not hot, otherwise the esters will evaporate quickly) water, stir the aromatic oil in it and enjoy the procedure until the water cools down.
  • Massage with aroma oils. They must first be diluted in the base. It is advisable to combine this massage with aromatherapy. The result of the procedure will be improved breathing, blood circulation, lymph flow, and the functioning of internal organs.
  • Essential oils can be added as an additional component to finished creams, as well as masks for the face, hair, and hands. They are added before use. cosmetic product to enhance its effect.

Any way of using ether will bring pleasure and improve your health.

Safety precautions when using essential oils

Aromatic oils have a very strong effect, so they must be handled very carefully. There are a number of rules when using various fields human life.

When using essential oil in medicinal purposes We must remember that taking them orally is fraught with severe poisoning. The eyes may also be damaged if the oil gets on the mucous membranes. You must purchase oils only in places approved for selling such goods; you must also carefully read the instructions and follow them.

In industry, aromatic oils are used to make various products. They are available in large quantities at enterprises. Remembering that oil can quickly evaporate and ignite at low temperatures, you must strictly follow safety precautions when working with it.

Aromatic oils can only be taken internally as part of food products (drinks, baked goods, etc.); some medicines also contain them (validol, etc.).

In everyday life, essential oils are actively used in aromatic products such as sticks, incense burners, incense burners, candles and others. When burned, carcinogenic substances may form. Accumulating in the body, they can cause considerable harm to health. Therefore, you should not abuse such aromatherapy sessions.

How to store

All essential oils are very volatile, so product packaging should be kept tightly closed to prevent evaporation. In addition, air coming into contact with oil causes a flow in it. chemical reactions: The oil becomes rancid, its color changes and unpleasant odor notes appear.

The shelf life of oils varies: from a year to several years. Moreover, an opened bottle has a shorter shelf life.

If all these requirements are met, the oil will bring considerable benefits.

Video: History of aromatherapy and its mechanisms of action

Cosmetic oils are successfully used in various procedures for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body; they are present in the recipes of many masks, scrubs and peels, and foot baths. Knowing the properties of popular cosmetic oils, you can easily use them to preserve youth and beauty at home.

A table that describes the benefits and features of each oil will help every woman look fresh and well-groomed, with ideal skin on her face and body.

For your attention, the composition, properties, recipes for using natural, essential and professional cosmetic oils from leading cosmetologists of our time.

What oils are good for the skin?

Each oil has individual components in its composition, which is why it has specific properties that, to one degree or another, affect the health of the skin.

Oils are:

Coconut oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties
It is classified as vegetable and fatty. Production method retains large amounts of all known beneficial substances. There is coconut oil that is cold processed, but it comes at a higher price.Contains thiamine - a B vitamin. It affects regeneration, rejuvenates the dermis, and prevents drying.Before using cosmetic oil for the face, you should not only find out its properties indicated in the table, but also conduct a test for a possible allergic reaction. Apply a thin layer of oil to your wrist and wait, then rinse with water and observe the sensations for several hours. This is the same recipe for the simplest mask - applying the product.

Castor oil

Almond oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It has good penetration and has no contraindications. Since ancient times, manuscripts have remained that say that Almond oil is an irreplaceable natural healer. It contains linolenic acid glyceride in large quantities, fatty acids phytosterol, tocosterol. In cosmetology, the product’s great popularity is due to vitamins F and B.It is necessary to slightly heat the oil and moisten a cotton pad or a cloth such as gauze. If you use gauze, then you need to leave it on your face, if you use a cotton pad, wipe your face well enough and don’t wash anything off.

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
One of the most expensive oils because it is produced only from trees growing in a certain area. The main components of the oil are tocopherol and polyphenol.
The content of vitamin E and F is also high here.
Since tocopherol and polyphenol work well together and are contained in the oil, it is able to rejuvenate the skin well, launching the natural process of cell regeneration. After a course of using oils, it is noticeable how the skin smoothes out.2.5 tsp blue clay + 2 tsp. almond oil + 1.5 tsp. argan oil. Mix all ingredients well and apply to face until dry. Rinse with water and pat your face well (do not wipe with force, but pat dry) with a towel to get rid of stickiness.

Jojoba oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
The oil is produced by pressing. The finished product is odorless, which is a plus when using it. If the oil sits for a long time, it can harden to the consistency of wax, but this is normal.The main effect is that of an antioxidant, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. This is also the main reason why oil is popular in modern cosmetology.4 tbsp. oil + 2.5 tsp. chamomile oil + 2.5 tsp. sandalwood, + 1 tsp. patchouli. Mix the ingredients and apply to a steamed face. Due to the strong concentration of various oils, it should not be left on the skin for a long time to avoid burns.

Olive oil for face

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
According to recent research by scientists, a high percentage comes from fats. These fats are as similar as possible to the fats produced by the human sebaceous glands. Therefore, the oil easily harmonizes with the skin, quickly penetrating deeply and into all layers.
The percentage of vitamin content is also high.
Easily moisturizes the skin without weighing it down or causing discomfort. The oil also penetrates the capillaries and can accelerate blood circulation, which accelerates the natural process of rejuvenation of the body.Compress is also popular. Gauze or a cotton pad should be moistened with heated oil and wiped over the face, but this procedure is often not allowed.

Peach oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
The oil is obtained from pressing. Very rich in all kinds of vitamins (B, A, P, E, C). Useful for any skin, it will be an indispensable product.It is able to relieve inflammatory processes on the skin; after procedures using oil, the skin becomes soft to the touch, irregularities are smoothed out.When a cold appears, the nose is peeling and the lips are chapped, it is the oil that carefully restores the skin. Use is possible without additional additives, however, the proportions should be observed. When applying with your finger, apply a thin layer.

Sea buckthorn oil

Linseed oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It is a strong anti-aging agent, containing: many unsaturated fatty acids, several acids, natural protein, which serves to build new cells.Unsaturated fatty acids, acting on the skin, restore damaged tissue.

Thiamine promotes the production of collagen, a natural substance found in the skin and aimed at maintaining elasticity.

4.5 tbsp. l. Strawberry puree + 1 yolk + 3 tsp. flour + 2.5 tsp. linseed oil. Grind the ingredients well and apply the entire mixture to your face.

Avocado oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
For the first time, South American girls are learning about this oil.

In terms of composition it can outstrip most other cosmetic oils, moreover, recognized as the most environmentally friendly product. Lots of vitamins various groups: A, E, D, K.

Experts note that with frequent use of oil, there is an acceleration of blood circulation, which combats dull and pale skin.

The oil repels harmful microbes and helps eliminate toxins.

1 tbsp. avocado oil + 2.5 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Grapeseed oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It is a storehouse of beneficial properties and nutrients.

It is created by both hot and cold pressing from dried seeds. Contains antioxidants and vitamins.

The oil can penetrate deeply and quickly into the skin.

Fights flaking.

Restores and participates in the regulation of the sebaceous glands.

Combine 3 parts seed oil with 1 part avocado, wheat germ and chamomile oil. Two use cases: thin layer Apply to the face, or soak a cotton pad and leave on the face. Afterwards, wipe your face with a cotton pad to remove excess.

Shea butter for face

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
The oil has the appearance of frozen wax, by the color of which you can recognize the method of preparation of the product. If the oil is light yellow or gray-yellow in color, it was made by hand. When industrially pressed, the oil has a clear white color. 80% of the oil consists of triglycerides. With a lack of this substance, the skin becomes problematic, acne and rashes appear.There are many positive effects that can be achieved by using the oil. This is explained by the same triglycerides, because they are the main source of energy for cell activity. The skin is rejuvenated, softened, sufficiently moisturized and acquires the ability to retain the necessary moisture.1 egg yolk+ lemon peel + 2 tsp. oil + 3 drops of rosehip oil. Mix all ingredients, add melted shea butter. As a result, the mixture should be without lumps.

Wheat germ oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
The most developed use of this oil is its use on the face. This is explained by the large number of amino acids and microelements that are contained in the oil and are necessary for the skin.The only contraindication for this product is intolerance, but otherwise the large amount of vitamins indicates the benefits of the oil. Cosmetologists claim that It is sprout oil that effectively fights excessively dry skin, which is affected by the aging process. In addition, it nourishes all skin types.1 drop of lemon balm oil + 1 drop of rose oil + 1.5 tsp. wheat germ oils. Wipe your face with this mixture.

Cocoa butter

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
Thanks to the oil it is possible intensive care for skin that has been exposed to various influences. All this thanks to the composition: oleic, palmitic, lauric, stearic, linoleic acid have a beneficial effect on the skin.Oleic acid, for example, starts metabolism in the cell and increases protein synthesis. Palmitic acid helps supply cells with oxygen. Most acids are aimed at eliminating dryness and providing adequate nutrition to the cell.can be used as independent remedy. This is one of the few oils that can be used before going outside. Since the composition of the oil is strong, rubbing the skin with frozen oil is an effective cosmetic product.

Face primer oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
Most often it is the final stage, as it is applied as a top layer after other products.It is a mistake to believe that a primer can only cope with oily skin. This product removes oily shine, but is also good at combating dry skin. In addition, the primer will help make the tone as even as possible.After facial care products, a thin layer of primer is applied to the skin. Before applying foundation, you need to wait 10 minutes.

Tea tree oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
The oil has a tart aroma and is loaded with vitamins. But what distinguishes this product from other oils is the presence of rare B-terpineols and L-terpineols.Any inflammation that occurs on the skin can be easily eliminated with tea tree oil. Dermatologists believe that this is a safe way to quickly get rid of herpes.

For burns and cuts on such a delicate area as the skin of the face, the oil is considered indispensable.

Raw protein + 3-6 drops lavender oil + 3 drops tea tree + 2 drops chamomile oil. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad for 15 minutes, carry out the procedure no more than once every 2 days.

Apricot oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
The oil is used in pharmacology, cosmetology and medicine. It has a soft structure because it contains organic acids. In addition, this includes tocopherol, retinol, vitamin B, ascorbic acid, potassium and magnesium.Potassium and magnesium affect blood circulation, this helps to significantly improve complexion and cope with pale skin. Ascorbic acid has a good effect on the skin, especially after sunbathing or burns.A cotton pad soaked in oil is used to wipe the face. Do not use before going outside, can be used daily.

Camphor oil for wrinkles

Description, compositionoils Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
Recently it has been used in cosmetology, but in medicine the oil has earned its place due to its ability to rejuvenate the skin. Suitable for several skin types: oily, inflamed and wrinkled.Regular use of the oil can certainly make the skin smooth and even in color, silky - thanks to the work of pinene, the skin is completely restored due to camphene.1 tbsp. warmed honey + 3 tbsp. milk + 2 drops of oil. Mix the mixture, grind, apply to the face for 20-25 minutes and rinse off the face.

Macadamia oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
Macadamia is an expensive and unique nut, and therefore any product that includes this plant is expensive. The oil is also not cheap, but the cost is completely worth it. This includes trace elements like potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and calcium. There are a lot of vitamins, proteins and fatty acids.The beneficial properties include the process of rejuvenation, hydration, and protection. The oil regulates blood circulation, restores water balance and cleanses pores.To moisturize, mix a teaspoon of pink, almond oil and macadamia oil.

Sesame oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It is noteworthy that each component of the oil is able to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis. These are natural glycerin and fatty acids, healthy protein and animal amino acids in one bottle.Glycerin is mainly aimed at protecting the skin from external influences. Forms a thin film through which pores do not become clogged. Amino acids and protein affect the production of collagen, the main substance that can keep the skin elastic and taut.1.5 tsp. rose hips + 1.5 tsp. sesame oil. This mixture can be turned into ice and used to wipe the skin in the morning. The cold and nutrients will help awaken the skin, speed up blood flow and therefore promote nutrition and hydration.

Rosehip oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It is used both in cosmetology and actively in medicine due to its natural beneficial qualities.

The composition includes vitamins, acids and microelements.

Vitamins A, B, C saturate the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it. Acids contribute to a sufficient amount necessary substances in the cell, and trace elements participate in internal metabolism.2 yolks boiled eggs+ 1.5-3 tsp. butter, grind the mixture well.

Bio oil cosmetic oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
On the market since 2002, it is popular among those who get rid of skin stretch marks, wrinkles and cosmetic defects.

Contains several unrefined oils.

Used for problematic, dehydrated skin, combats aging problems. After a course of use, the skin returns to tone, the complexion becomes more even.The oil is used 4 times a day on its own and is not included in any masks. Rub a small amount of oil thoroughly onto the skin.

Burdock oil

Lavender oil

Cedar oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It is isolated from the fruits of the cedar pine, which is common in several countries. Cosmetologists claim that the oil has no analogues. This includes vitamins of different groups (E, A, B, D, F), acids.The oil is valued for its ability to increase skin resistance, create a protective layer and accelerate the regeneration process. This can be easily explained by the large number of acids that are included in the composition and significantly accelerate the wound healing process. Can significantly rejuvenate the skin.Used as an additive to cosmetic cream(no more than 5 drops per 30 ml of cream) or as an independent remedy to protect the face and hands from chapping.

Shea butter

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
Extracted from the seeds of the fruit of an African plant. Since the plant is not widespread, oil prices are quite high. The price is also affected by unique composition oils, which included a large list of amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals.It can soothe dermatitis and restore skin tone, and fights wrinkles well. In addition, it is recommended as décolleté care, since amino acids, penetrating into the layers of the dermis, promote the production of new cells, due to which the skin is constantly renewed.Grind the lemon peel in a coffee grinder, combine the yolk with the ground peel + 5-8 ml of oil.

Lemon oil

Amaranth oil

Rosemary oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It is obtained from the flowering tips of the branches of this plant. Due to the fact that it is produced from young shoots, it has a high concentration of useful substances. This includes calcium, protein, vitamins, and tannins.Is in a good way tone the skin, cleanses and accelerates metabolism inside the cell. Restores the skin's water balance.1 tbsp. seeds + 3 drops of rosemary. The mixture can be frozen and used in the evenings to wipe the skin.

Sunflower oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It is used not only in cooking, lately is becoming popular in the cosmetology industry. The main element that is included in large quantities is fatty acids.Thanks to tocopherol, the skin can restore its shine, get rid of aging and eliminate age spots. Acids saturate the skin. One of the few oils that easily copes with facial wrinkles.Heat 100 ml of oil + 35 ml of vodka + 20 ml of calendula. Mix everything and place in a closed container, use in the morning as basic skin care.

Black cumin oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
It is used in cosmetology as a strong antibacterial agent and a remedy that can fight pigments on the skin. The composition includes many acids: oleic, linolenic, stearic, myristic and palmitic.The oil nourishes the skin, restores shine and elasticity, while at the same time eliminating oily and unhealthy shine. Treats purulent inflammation and restores elasticity to the skin.2 tbsp. l. oil + 2-5 tsp. starch + 1 egg. Grind all the ingredients well and apply to the face, then rinse with water.

Clarens oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
Oils have been on the market for more than 60 years, they have become famous for their effectiveness and are also known in cosmetology for their composition, which includes a large number of amino acids.When using oil, the production of collagen increases, a substance responsible for how elastic and firm the skin is. The oil is recommended for use from the age of 25, when the first signs of wrinkles appear on the skin.The oil is applied to the skin in the evenings in a small layer; rub thoroughly and do not rinse off.

Avon face oil

Hydrophilic oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
A distinctive feature of the oil is the emulsifier polysorbate - a substance that allows you to easily apply the oil and prevent it from being washed off the skin with water, but the oil can be easily removed with a napkin.Each cosmetic oil for the face has its own properties, they can be easily combined in a table. The property of this oil is to nourish the skin. Recommended for insufficiently hydrated skin.The oil easily removes makeup. It is necessary to wet a cotton pad and, without pressing, remove cosmetics from the skin.

Neroli oil

Description, oil composition Useful properties Facial mask. Recipe, application
The oil is named after a princess from Italy, who was one of the first to distribute this product among the people. The composition includes esters and amino acids.Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, whitens the skin, copes with age spots and cleanses pores.When compiling and studying a table of cosmetic oils for the face, which lists their properties, it is necessary to take into account that each oil can be used using a universal method: by applying to the skin and rubbing in with light pats.

Peppermint oil

Ylang ylang oil

Clarins oil

Mango butter

The table contains the properties and description of popular oils that are used in cosmetology for the skin of the body and face.

Many specialists in folk medicine believe that natural and essential oils are in no way inferior to the most modern expensive ones. cosmetic oils from well-known manufacturers.


Obtained from apricot kernels, it has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, perfectly nourishes and promotes the regeneration of sensitive and damaged skin and mucous membranes. Perfectly softens, makes the skin of the hands firm and elastic, normalizes the functioning of the mucous glands. Having a high microbiological frequency, it can be used for erotic purposes (vaginal lubrication). A massage using apricot oil will bring a lot of pleasant sensations, rejuvenate the skin, and give it a healthy color. Apricot oil can be used either independently or as a transport oil, to which essential oil is added (3-4 drops of essential oil per 20 grams of transport oil). Widely used in mask recipes for dry skin. Use only freshly prepared compositions for massage and masks.


This oil is rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, K; in addition, it contains chlorophyll, histidine and lecithin. Since this oil is very close in its properties to the fat contained in human skin, it is very well accepted by it, without forming an unpleasant fatty film. Avocado oil, which has an unusually delicate consistency, gives the skin a pleasant softness, and is used for daily skin care, especially dry, flaky and aging skin.


The aroma is spicy, cool, fresh. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antipyretic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, analgesic and diuretic effects, helps thin and remove sputum, enhances the effect of antibiotics, normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, relieves spasms of intestinal smooth muscles, stimulates appetite, improves kidney function, relieves renal colic, dissolves stones in the kidneys and bladder, promotes enhanced lactation in nursing mothers. Relieves depression, calms, eliminates children's tearfulness, helps with anorexia nervosa. In cosmetics, anise oil added to cream gives skin elasticity and improves lipid metabolism. It is also used to repel bedbugs, cockroaches, lice, and moths.


The aroma is refreshing, light, sweet, tasty. Stimulates the nervous system. increases immunity, improves vision, has choleretic and antispasmodic effect, regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, promotes weight loss and removal of toxins from the body, improves intestinal function, eliminates inflammatory and destructive changes and bleeding gums. Increases the body's resistance to infection. Eases the effects of stress and helps with insomnia, refreshes, improves performance. Relieves depression, fear, irritability. An excellent erogenous remedy that treats frigidity and impotence. The ancient Romans used orange petal water to treat hangovers and indigestion. In cosmetics it is used in moisturizing creams for dry skin and in anti-cellulite creams. Do not apply externally before going out into the sun.

Star anise

The aroma is spicy, cool, fresh. Relieves depression, calms, eliminates children's tearfulness, helps with anorexia nervosa. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, analgesic effects. Increases the elasticity of aging skin.


The aroma is spicy, warm, bitter. Basil is a symbol of nobility. Helps eliminate anxiety and insomnia. Uplifting, refreshing, stimulating. Dispels grievances. Promotes clarity of thinking. Increases protective properties body, has a powerful antiseptic, analgesic, antibacterial effect. Restores the sense of smell after a long runny nose. Rejuvenates the skin, tones, refreshes it, gives shine to hair, improves its growth. An effective remedy for insect bites.


The aroma is velvety, bitter, smoky. Strong sleeping pill. Helps in stressful situations, relieves anxiety, restores peace of mind. Softens rough skin, eliminates calluses and warts, and promotes rapid resorption of bruises.


The aroma is cold, sweet and sour, delicate, fresh. Used to relieve nervous tension, eliminate depression and apathy, as well as for various inflammatory diseases skin, lichen, excessive sebum secretion, juvenile acne, inflammation of the vagina and internal genital organs (after mandatory consultation with a doctor), accelerates the healing of wounds, ulcers, has a pronounced antiseptic property (in combination with sage and eucalyptus oils it increases), improves skin condition for psoriasis, eczema, eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair. Erotic remedy. Do not apply externally before exposure to the sun! Not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age (consultation with a doctor is required).

Grapes (seeds)

A delicate, extremely rich product for the care of oily and normal skin and dry, brittle hair. Contains triglycerides, wax, stearins, fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, etc.). Possesses antioxidant activity, perfectly protects the skin from adverse effects environment. Replenishes loss of sebum and natural hair oil after using soap and other detergents. It is not sticky and is easily absorbed by the skin. Vitaminizes and softens the skin. Prevents its premature aging. It is used for massage, preparation and enrichment of cosmetic preparations, and preparation of mixtures for aromatherapy procedures.


The aroma is spicy, pungent, fragrant. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic, antispasmodic and analgesic effects, improves microcirculation, normalizes blood pressure, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increases uterine tone, stimulates labor, and normalizes the menstrual cycle. It is one of the best painkillers and antiseptics in dentistry. Promotes the healing of purulent infected wounds, an effective remedy for scabies. Used for fatigue, dizziness, heavy sweating. It is a stimulant for impotence. Effective against blood-sucking insects. Do not use during pregnancy or increased nervous excitability.


The aroma is soft, tart, cooling, fresh. Has a calming effect on the nervous system. An excellent antiseptic and used for upper respiratory tract infections. It has a pronounced healing effect and is an immunostimulant. Regulates digestive processes, diuretic, antidiabetic, relieves inflammation in the area of ​​the external middle ear and nasopharynx, improves the conductivity of the heart muscle, normalizes heart rate, lowers blood pressure. Helps with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. An excellent antidepressant that activates the mental and physical potential of older people. Eliminates dandruff. Do not use in case of low blood sugar, while taking contraceptives, or in children under 6 years of age.


The aroma is fresh, cool, light. It has an inspiring effect, helps get rid of depression and causes euphoria. Normalizes the secretion and drainage functions of the sebaceous glands, brightens and whitens oily skin, narrowing pores. Perfectly restores natural sebaceous secretion oily hair, with long-term use eliminates their increased contamination and gluing. An excellent product for removing cellulite. Useful for arthritis, gout, rheumatism, muscle inflexibility. Improves blood circulation, tones the lymphatic system, promotes elimination processes toxic substances and waste from the body. Has a sobering effect in case of drug overdose.


The aroma is refined, delicate, sweetish-cold. Jasmine is one of the main plants used in perfumery. Stimulates creativity, birth original ideas. Strengthens self-esteem and helps adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. Has an anti-stress, relaxing effect, eliminates fatigue, muscle tension, mobilizes the body's reserve forces. Improves skin condition, rejuvenates, alleviates eczema, dermatoses, eliminates gross odors. The wonderful scent of jasmine enhances sensuality and is recommended for use in intimate settings.


Actually it is not oil, but liquid wax. Nevertheless, it is one of the most popular “oils” in natural cosmetics. It moisturizes the skin well and gives it a pleasant silkiness. Jojoba oil is suitable for all skin types, but especially dry skin. It is used to normalize chapped lips, get rid of dandruff and dry scalp, and also for skin care after sunbathing. Has a strong anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect. It can be used for acne, eczema, psoriasis. Another advantage of this oil is its neutral odor and long shelf life. Jojoba oil will probably surpass any expensive face cream in terms of usefulness.

Ylang - Ylang

The aroma is light, refined, fresh, invigorating. Lowers blood pressure, reduces muscle tone, relieves headache, normalizes the menstrual cycle, facilitates menopause, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Removes emotional stress, relieves feelings of anxiety, fear, anger, causes a feeling of love and confidence. Prevents premature aging skin, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness, restores brittle, thinning hair prone to loss, strengthens nails. Promotes the consolidation and preservation of tan, eliminates skin irritation after sunbathing. Ylang-Ylang oil has a pronounced erotic effect; it is its aroma that reigns in the harem.


The aroma is subtle, warm, mysterious. Gives a feeling of harmony, warms, envelops in soft, deep peace, fills the soul with fantasy and mystery. Recommended for people with a delicate, vulnerable, sensitive psyche. Promotes wound healing. Used in expensive cosmetics and perfumes. This is an erotic product that gives the skin a mesmerizing aroma.


The aroma is soft, velvety, resinous, warm. The scent is a surgeon. Eliminates stagnant processes in the body and energy shell. Increases the flow of fresh energy, cleanses and renews the aura. Organizes self-regulation of the body. Helps you gain self-confidence and correctly evaluate your actions. Soothes when nervous shocks, nervousness, improves memory, increases creativity, enhances mental and physical activity. Effective for protecting against aging and aging of the skin. Constant use allows you to keep your skin young, firm and elastic. Treats respiratory diseases. Is a sexual stimulant. Enhances sensory perception, fills the body with energy, excites and warms. Insect repellent for residential premises.


The aroma is cool, resinous and velvety. Adapts the psyche, relieves nervous tension, stress, normalizes sleep, supports in difficult life periods. It has an antiseptic, antispasmodic, analgesic effect. Helps eliminate warts, papillomas, has a healing effect on skin problems: rejuvenates, relieves irritation and inflammation, helps eliminate capillary patterns. Regulates the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp and prevents hair loss. Effective for cuts during shaving.


The aroma is spicy with a hint of chocolate, pungent, fragrant. Soothes nervous shock, irritability, feelings of fear, nervousness, improves memory, increases creativity, enhances sexual activity. It is a popular men's deodorant. Has antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects.



The aroma is pungent, sharp, bitter. Since ancient times, laurel has been considered a symbol of nobility and courage. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Used as a nervous system stimulant. Helps relieve depression, relaxes, warms. Used to treat bronchitis and asthma, rapid breathing, palpitations and angina. Used as an external remedy against scabies.

The exceptional value of this oil lies in high content unsaturated fatty acids (linolenic, linoleic, oleic), of which this oil contains more than any known vegetable oil. Oil obtained by “cold” pressing at t=40-450C is a “living” product and retains all useful biologically active substances, vitamins and phospholipids. Daily consumption of flaxseed oil helps:

* Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, development of breast and rectal cancer, blood pressure;

Oil important element nutrition of a woman, its use contributes to:

* Relieve the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome and premenopause;

* Improving the condition of skin and hair (high content of vitamin F);

* The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet of pregnant women is necessary for the proper formation of the brain of the unborn child.


The aroma is sour, light, refreshing. Included in "sensual mixtures". Effectively used in an intimate setting, stimulates the nervous system, relieves fear, irritation, relaxes, eliminates depression, blues. Smoothes wrinkles, improves skin color, effective against herpes. Improves blood circulation, helps harmonize the digestive system. Treats frigidity and impotence.


The aroma is velvety, bitter, smoky, soft. Relieves stress, calms, eliminates nervous tremors, strengthens willpower, helps with indecision and apathy. An excellent oil for skin, and especially for sensitive skin, in particular, it can be successfully used to care for the skin of children, including infants. Helps improve heat exchange in the body, warms. Rejuvenates the skin, promotes tissue regeneration. Effective for fungal infections, scabies, lichen. The oil is a transport oil and is used for preparing formulations.


The aroma is delicate, fresh, velvety. Promotes tissue regeneration, prevents the formation of scars, perfectly cleanses oily and normal skin, has a healing effect for dermatoses, weeping eczema, cracks, and eliminates seborrhea. Tones the nervous system, eliminates apathy, mental fatigue, increases vascular elasticity and cartilage tissue, improves digestion, dissolves kidney stones, lowers blood sugar levels. Recommended for nervous exhaustion, bad memory, insomnia, hangover. Useful for general poor condition health, infectious diseases, lymph congestion, to increase blood circulation.


The aroma is warm, intoxicatingly spicy, slightly tart. Relieves stress, calms, eliminates nervous tremors, strengthens willpower, helps with indecision and apathy. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and anti-edematous effects. Rejuvenates the skin, promotes tissue regeneration. Effective against fungal diseases, scabies and lichen. An excellent remedy for impotence. Used for meditation. Serves as a fragrance and fixative in the manufacture of soap, deodorants, and colognes.


The aroma is cool, sharp, fresh. Restores strength, eliminates nervous overexcitation, nervousness due to lack of sleep. Reduces skin reactivity to nervous stimulation or contact with irritating substances. Treats eczema, inflammatory processes of the skin, acne, eliminates capillary patterns. Spasmodic effect on cerebral vessels during dizziness, nausea, vomiting, motion sickness in transport, in case of violation vestibular apparatus. Optimizes cerebral circulation. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect for caries, gum inflammation, stomatitis. Eliminates heart pain, normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle. Makes less painful menstruation. Caution: do not use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, children under 6 years of age.


The aroma is delicate, subtle, cool, light. This oil was named after the Italian princess Neroli, who loved to use it as a perfume. The oil is invaluable for solving any nervous problems. Relieves feelings of melancholy, anxiety, gives a feeling of confidence, peace, creates good mood, is a strong sexual stimulant. Used in expensive perfumes. Rejuvenates the skin, smoothes out wrinkles. Reduces pores, eliminates stretch marks, has a healing effect on eczema, dermatosis, and cellulite.

Sea ​​buckthorn

It is used for burns, frostbite, dermatoses, eczema, gastric and duodenal ulcers, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, radiation therapy, cancer of the esophagus and cervix, glossalgia, atherosclerosis, after ponsillectomy, radiation and some other lesions and diseases of the skin, muscles and mucous membranes, as well as for vitamin deficiencies.


Olive oil has good healing properties. It is especially good for irritated, flaky skin.


The aroma is tart, intoxicating, woody, sweet. Increases the elasticity of the skin (including the bust and abdomen), smoothes scars and wrinkles, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands in diseases of a neuroendocrine nature, has a regenerating effect, and is widely used in men's cosmetics and perfumes. Relieves depression, excessive nervousness, increases concentration, stimulates sexual desire, strengthens the immune and reproductive systems, and is effective for impotence and frigidity. Repels moths.


Obtained by cold pressing of seed kernels, rich in vitamins, including vitamin E, and contains amino acids. As a result, it has a significant shelf life. Beneficial for all skin types, especially dry, sensitive, irritated and prematurely aged. Peach oil is easily absorbed by the skin. Massages and masks with peach oil are a gentle cleanser and nourisher for facial skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Peach oil is also recommended for hair care. So, it is useful to lubricate dry, brittle hair with peach oil once a week. A weekly hair mask will give it elasticity and a silky look: up to 1.5 tbsp. spoons of peach oil add 1 table. spoon of castor oil, 1 table. a spoonful of cologne and 15 drops of lemon juice. Apply for 1-2 hours before washing your hair, wrap up. Peach oil is also used as a base for cosmetic creams, masks and massage oils with various additives: medicinal herbs, essential oils, etc.

Petit grain

The aroma is cool, fresh, floral-citrus with a woody undertone. It is a pronounced antioxidant, has an antiseptic and regenerating effect, promotes the removal of toxins from the body, has a powerful anti-sclerotic property, stimulates creative and logical thinking, restores memory capacity, and gives optimism. Prevents the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy and weight loss, strengthens hair, stimulates its regrowth. Has an antifungal effect. It is a powerful deodorizing agent. Ideally eliminates swelling, burning, and fatigue of the legs. The aroma of petit grain has a strong erotic effect.


The aroma is soft, velvety, resinous, warm. Has antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment of ENT diseases, inflammatory and infectious diseases respiratory system, muscle, joint and bone pain of various origins (osteochondrosis, neuritis, arthritis, neuralgia). Is an immunomodulator. Relieves stress, chronic fatigue, calms, harmonizes, tones, disinfects the air, inspires optimism, enhances perseverance. Relieves swelling, eliminates acne, cleanses and smoothes the skin. Eliminates heavy foot odor and eliminates foot dermatoses. An excellent anti-frostbite remedy.

Lemon wormwood

The aroma is cool, fresh, with a citrus undertone. Relieves depression, gives vitality, promotes concentration. Eliminates heaviness in the head during a hangover. Improves hearing acuity. For a woman, the smell of lemon wormwood reminds her of a man.

Artemisia tauride

The aroma is bittersweet with a hint of camphor. Relieves irritability, nervous and muscle tension, improves sleep, and is a strong antidote for bites of snakes, insects, and animals. The smell is not tolerated by household insects, moths, and bedbugs. Good effect for pediculosis, relieves cats and dogs from fleas, harmless to humans and animals. It has an antiseptic, deodorizing, softening, healing, stimulating, tonic effect.

Milk thistle

The oil is obtained by cold pressing the fruit. It has wound-healing, antiulcer, immunostimulating, organoprotective and general strengthening effects. Its antioxidant and cleansing properties neutralize the damage caused to the body by free radicals, alcohol, and toxic substances. Milk thistle oil provides liver cells with valuable compounds and promotes the formation of new cells. It also has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, gallbladder, improves microcirculation, supports the body's ability to renew tissues. Indications for use:

* Hepatitis, cirrhosis, alcoholic and toxic damage, cholelithiasis;

* Pancreatic disease;

* Peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic enteritis and colitis;

* Prostatitis, decreased sexual activity;

* Stomatitis, periodantitis;

* Hemorrhoids not complicated by bleeding, anal fissures, cervical erosion;

* Burns, eczema, neurodermatitis.

Burdock (burdock)

Burdock oil has wound healing properties. An excellent remedy against hair loss and dandruff (apply oil to scalp, rub light movements, leave for 30 minutes, rinse), improves the structure of the nails. As a remedy it is used for mastopathy (lubricating the breasts), for dry skin on the hands (lubricating dry areas of the skin).


The aroma is smoky, sweetish, warm, intoxicating. Relieves depression, nightmares, nervous tension, improves sleep, increases performance, suppresses feelings of anger, envy, creates a warm and cozy atmosphere, increases sensuality, enhances sexual desire. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Regenerates and rejuvenates the skin, gives it firmness and elasticity, smooths out wrinkles, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and relieves diaper rash in children.


The aroma is light, soft, fresh, sweetish. This oil is one of the most valuable oils in aromatherapy. It is an excellent mental and physical stimulant. Antiseptic, regulates low blood pressure, blood and lymph circulation. As an analgesic and antispasmodic agent, it is effective for various traumatic injuries, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle pain and spasms. Normalizes intestinal function. It is used as a strong antiseptic for infectious diseases of the respiratory system. It has an optimizing effect on the nervous system, has anticonvulsant effect. It has an antidiabetic effect, stimulates the immune system, the growth of new skin cells, and eliminates age spots. Considered the aroma of the heart, it improves blood supply to the heart muscle. Warning: do not use during pregnancy, epilepsy and children under 6 years of age.



The aroma is refined, soft, delicate with a woody balsamic aroma. Has a strengthening, antispasmodic, diuretic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory effect, thins sputum, increases libido; stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and bladder (by increasing blood flow). It is used for menstrual irregularities, cough, runny nose, impotence, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting. Sandalwood oil is especially recommended for the care of dry, rough and inflamed skin due to its soothing, moisturizing and antiseptic effects.


The aroma is fresh, cool, light, oily. It has an antiseptic and antiviral effect, has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant and expectorant effect, is effective for bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, helps reduce temperature, dissolves stones and removes sand from the bladder and kidneys, relieves spasms of the ureters, improves blood circulation in the pelvis. Restores mental balance and helps cope with stressful situations. Increases the protective function of the skin, elasticity, rejuvenates it, promotes the removal of toxins through the skin. An effective air disinfectant during a flu epidemic.


The aroma is resinous, tart, bitter. Protects a person’s aura from vampires, envy, and ill-wishers. Has nothing to do with tobacco leaves used for smoking. There are no nicotine components in this plant. Acts as a brain tonic, gives spice to life, and makes everyday life easier. Refreshes, ennobles, rejuvenates, gives the skin tenderness and magical attractiveness. “Beauty baths” are effective. Increases sexuality.


Contains a large number of biologically active substances: carotenoids, tocopherols, phospholipids, vitamins B1, B2, C, P, flavonoids, unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids linolenic, oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic. Normalizes metabolism. It has hepatoprotective, antiulcer, antiseptic, and antisclerotic effects. By reducing inflammatory processes and accelerating tissue regeneration, the functions of the liver, prostate gland, gastrointestinal mucosa, biliary tract, and skin are restored. Helps remove toxic substances from the body. Indications for use:

* Hepatitis, alcoholic liver damage;

* Liver cirrhosis, fatty degeneration liver;

* Cholecystocholangitis, biliary dyskinesia;

* Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;

* Heartburn, acute and chronic gastritis;

* Colitis, intercolitis;

* Prostatitis, prostate adenoma;

* Herpes, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema.

The aroma is tart, resinous, cool. Tones, calms, balances, promotes concentration of strength and attention. Has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Increases sexuality, used for frigidity and impotence. Refreshes, tones the skin, eliminates signs of fatigue, relieves itching, swelling, eliminates allergic dermatitis, warts, calluses.


The aroma is spicy, warm, fragrant. A sedative for troubled sleep and increased nervous excitability. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal agent. Effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.


The aroma is fragrant, sweet, slightly peppery. Neutralizes toxins, poisons, removes waste from the body. Antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, diuretic, antispasmodic effect, normalizes digestion, is an anthelmintic, and has a mild laxative effect. Has a psycho-emotional effect: relieves the feeling of fear, increases sensitivity (aroma). Returns elasticity to the skin of the face, chest, thighs, moisturizes dry skin, relieves puffiness in the eye area. Externally (mixed with vegetable oil: 5-7 drops per 10 ml of oil):

* For oily skin;

* For colic and stomach cramps in the form of rubbing;

* For cellulite as massage oil.

An aqueous solution (5 drops per 1/8 liter of water) - for sore throat as a rinse. Caution: Do not use in patients with epilepsy. For children under 6 years of age, use no more than 1 drop per procedure; it is better to dilute it in milk.


The aroma is sour, cool, light, subtle. It has a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state, is part of “sensual mixtures”, and creates an atmosphere of comfort and intimacy. Successfully solves problems of frigidity and potency. It has a refreshing effect and is used to aromatize indoor air. Eliminates rashes of various types, boils, acne, cracks on the palms and soles. Gives skin elasticity, helps reduce wrinkles, has a whitening effect, and is an effective anti-cellulite agent.


The aroma is tart, astringent, fresh, spicy-herbal. Uplifts your mood, revitalizes, energizes, improves memory and ability to concentrate. Stimulates a tired brain, the immune system, is extremely useful for infectious diseases. Used to treat colds. Traditionally used to treat coughs and other respiratory conditions. Warms sedentary joints and removes toxins. Effective for scabies and head lice. Helps treat cuts, eczema, rashes, inflammatory processes, tones the skin and tissues. Helps with rheumatic pain and skin ulcers.

tea tree

The aroma is warm, fresh, camphorous and slightly spicy. This oil is a completely natural antiseptic. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating itching, peeling, pustular rashes on the face, and youthful acne. Contributes accelerated healing for cuts, bites, abrasions. For external use:

* For chicken pox, shingles, acne, unclean skin, 3 drops of oil per 10 ml of transport oil.

* For cuts and abrasions, rinse with a solution: 10 drops per 1 tbsp. spoon of water.

* For fungal diseases of the feet, apply oil to the affected areas.

* For insect bites, apply 1 drop of oil to the affected area, for warts, lubricate and cover with a band-aid.

* For colds: inhalation 2 drops per 0.5 liter. hot water, rub your chest and back. Gargling: 1-2 drops per 1 glass of water. For rhinitis, lubricate 1 drop per 1 teaspoon in the nose. a spoonful of transport oil.

* Disinfection of the room: wet cleaning with the composition: 2 drops of tea tree and 3 drops of clove oil.

Warning: Strong oil. Do not use in children under 6 years of age.


The aroma is fresh, cool, bitter. Is a strong antiseptic. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic effects, increases blood pressure, enhances vascular microcirculation, normalizes digestion, relieves colic, helps normalize hormonal levels in women, and improves immunity. Used for bacterial infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, rheumatism, arthritis. Relieves depression, nervous tension, maintains emotional balance, increases mental, physical and sexual activity. It has a pronounced regenerating effect, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and is a natural deodorant. Caution: do not use during pregnancy, breastfeeding (stops lactation), epilepsy, hypertension, severe emotional arousal, children under 2 years of age.

Rose hip

The oil is obtained by hot extraction with an organic solvent of powdered rosehip seeds. Rich in vitamin E and caratine, contains unsaturated fatty acids. The oil is used to treat cracks and abrasions of the nipples. Oil-moistened wipes are placed on the nipples after each feeding of the baby for 20-30 minutes. within 4-5 days. In the treatment of bedsores and trophic ulcers shin compresses. The course of treatment is 15-20 days. When treating dermatoses, it is used orally (1 teaspoon 2 times a day) and externally in the form of compresses. The course of treatment is 1-2 months. In the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis, it is prescribed in the form of enemas of 50 ml. The course of treatment is 15-30 enemas.


The aroma is tart, astringent, sharp, with a cold camphor smell. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic, antispasmodic, antipyretic and diaphoretic effects, stimulates tissue regeneration, relieves swelling, and promotes blood saturation with oxygen. Effective for bronchitis, cough, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia. Restores balance during periods of emotional decline, enhances concentration, purifies the air, and prevents the proliferation of microorganisms. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has a whitening effect, heals burns and herpes. Helps with asthma. Caution: Do not use on infants! Do not combine with homeopathic medicines. Do not use more than 2 drops in one procedure (except for general baths).

Every modern woman should know essential oils and their properties. This material will help you gain new knowledge. It discusses all the beneficial properties of essential oils that are commercially available. Learn essential oils, properties and uses to use this knowledge at home.

Since ancient times, women have used essential oils to maintain their beauty. Add a few drops of oil appropriate to your skin type to your face mask. This way you will significantly increase its effectiveness. In addition, all essential oils, in addition to therapeutic effect The effect they have on the skin also affects the state of mind. Therefore, by using them, you take care not only of beauty, but also of your mood. If you wish, you can also add a couple of drops of essential oil to your regular face and body cream.

Table of properties and uses of essential oils

The properties of essential oils in the table tell us what means can be used to solve a particular problem. Essential oils in the application table are arranged in alphabetical order.

Oil name



Rejuvenates, revitalizes, brightens, tones the skin, eliminates acne, itchy skin, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates sagging skin. Effective for the care of dry, cracked and oil-free skin. Has an anti-cellulite effect. Helps avoid impulsive actions, calms after stress. This is one of the aromas of meditation, eliminates tearfulness and insomnia. Used in the treatment of sore throat and runny nose


Moisturizes and strengthens the skin. Helps smooth out wrinkles. When used in the composition massage oil relieves feelings of fatigue and tension. Helps smooth the skin, increases elasticity and firmness, eliminates inflammation, irritation, peeling and scars. Smoothes out wrinkles, especially under the eyes. Excellent care for skin of any type, especially dry, aging and sensitive. Helps with acne, herpes. Excellent fragrance and deodorant


Has bactericidal, antiseptic, deodorizing effects. Reduces the number of germs on the skin. Gives skin elasticity, normalizes the water-fat balance of the epidermis. An excellent remedy for stimulating the body and increasing resistance to infections. Increases the elasticity of sagging skin. Fights depression and stress, eliminates children's tearfulness and hyperexcitability. Effective when used in combination with lavender, patchouli, clove and citrus oils. Combines with oils: fennel, cardamom, dill, cedar, cumin, coriander, rosewood, bay laurel, petitgrain, mandarin


It has antiseptic, antitoxic, deodorizing, antidepressant properties. Has a calming and refreshing effect. Regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism, has a powerful anti-cellulite effect, and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Rich in vitamins A,
B, C. Use in combination with geranium, clary sage, lavender, ylang-ylang and citrus oils is effective. The aroma of orange tones the nervous system, relieves depression, increases efficiency, stabilizes mood, fights sadness and anxiety, helps grow optimism and faith in own strength


It has an antibacterial, softening, stimulating effect. Recommended for caring for any skin type. Excellent tonic and refreshing product


It has a powerful calming, antidepressant, antiseptic, tonic and refreshing effect. Normalizes the secretion of sebaceous and sweat glands in oily areas of the skin, brightens and tightens pores. Effectively used in combination with lemon, lavender, juniper, geranium, and citrus oils


It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Baths with the addition of this oil help restore strength after nervous and physical fatigue and have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it. Effective in combination with lavender, clary sage, bergamot, ylang-ylang oils


Has a cleansing, toning, refreshing, antiseptic properties. Effective against cellulite. Lightens and whitens oily skin, tightens pores. Restores the natural secretion of the sebaceous glands. Strengthens the nervous system, relieves fear and irritation


Relieves emotional stress, relieves anxiety, stimulates sexual desire. Strengthens hair and nails. Helps slow down the aging process of the skin, stimulates the growth of new cells, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. Used to care for dry, rough, flaky skin, cleanses pores, removing toxic substances. Baths with ylang-ylang oil are recommended to stimulate immune system. Effective use in combination with rosewood and bergamot oils


Eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, depression, tearfulness. It has antiseptic, deodorizing, anti-burn, anti-inflammatory properties. Invaluable for skin care due to its anti-aging power. Used to care for any type of skin, especially sensitive skin on the thighs, buttocks, and upper chest. Effective in combination with clove, geranium, patchouli, clary sage, rosemary, and citrus oils


Increases mental activity. Has a calming effect. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties. Cleanses and refreshes acne-prone, oily skin, promotes its regeneration, increases blood circulation, and prevents the appearance of spider veins. Increases skin elasticity, eliminates stretch marks and cellulite. Effective against itching and irritation from insect bites


Restores strength, has an antiseptic, stimulating effect. Refreshes, awakens the skin, erases traces of fatigue and inadequate sleep from the face. Increases protective functions epidermis, gives the skin elasticity, velvety and tenderness. Has a cleansing effect on the skin. Effective in the treatment of skin itching, dermatitis, acne, dilation of capillaries. Baths with added peppermint oil restore strength, eliminate nervousness. It is used for disorders of the digestive system, as well as colds and viral diseases, and facilitates recovery from sunburn. Effective for stress, depression, mental overstrain. Fights fatigue and irritability. The use of peppermint essential oil is especially beneficial for oily skin. Effective in combination with lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus, citrus oils


Has a calming, antiseptic effect. Rejuvenates and revitalizes tired, mature skin, smoothing out wrinkles. Eliminates skin irritation and fine vascular patterns. Promotes skin regeneration. Strengthens hair and increases its elasticity


It has antiseptic, regenerating, soothing properties. Recommended for the care of dry, mature and sensitive skin. Smoothes out wrinkles and increases skin elasticity. Rejuvenates, revitalizes, smoothes the skin, restores its elasticity


Causes a surge of vivacity and optimism, has an antidepressant effect, and stimulates sexual desire. It has antiseptic, antitoxic, stimulating, deodorizing properties. Nourishes, smoothes and renews dry, tired skin, promotes rapid regeneration and epithelization, eliminates sagging bust, abdomen and thighs. A bath with patchouli oil has a general strengthening effect and increases the body's resistance to infections. Effective in combination with oils of clove, bergamot, clary sage


Strengthens and activates the nervous system, relieves physical and mental fatigue, apathy. It has deodorizing and tonic properties. Reduces sebum secretion, evens out skin texture, restores the elasticity of the epidermis, and prevents the appearance of spider veins. Used to care for oily, acne-prone skin. Stimulates protective forces body. Effective in combination with geranium, lavender, clary sage oils

tea tree

It is a powerful stimulant of mental activity. Helps restore the body after stress, relieves anxiety, and promotes concentration. Has a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for pustular skin lesions, acne, to relieve fatigue in the legs, to eliminate unpleasant foot odor, and has a regenerating and rehabilitative effect. Baths with the addition of tea tree oil help restore strength after nervous and physical fatigue, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it

Clary sage

Has an antiseptic, deodorizing, tonic effect. Used to care for any skin type, restoring life to aging skin. Effective in combination with geranium, lavender, and citrus oils


Tones, increases endurance and vitality, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. Contains more than 35 biologically active substances, stimulates the immune system. Has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. Baths with the addition of fir oil help restore strength after nervous and physical fatigue, have a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening and cleansing it. An excellent flavoring agent that eliminates unpleasant odors. Effective in combination with oils of rosemary, lemon, clary sage


Restores psycho-emotional balance. It has antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-herpetic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. Baths with the addition of eucalyptus oil help restore strength after nervous and physical fatigue, have a beneficial effect on the skin, cleansing it


A strong analgesic and antiallergic agent. Used for colds. Reduces elevated body temperature. Heals cuts and wounds. Has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Whitens, soothes and eliminates allergic manifestations. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Stimulates hair growth, nourishes, promotes hair lightening. The smell of chamomile has a calming effect on the nervous system, eliminates irritability, and normalizes sleep.


Promotes rapid acclimatization, helps with depression, melancholy, irritability and insomnia. Antiherpetic agent

Carrot seeds

Improves complexion, tones, rejuvenates the skin, makes it more elastic. Helps get rid of age spots. Suitable for dry and aging skin. Allows you to get rid of problems caused by vitiligo (lack of pigmentation), eczema, psoriasis. It has a general healing effect on inflamed wounds, dry and hard skin, scars and calluses. Goes great with almond oil.
Protects skin from frost and wind. Increases resistance to respiratory diseases. Clears the mind, reduces stress, helps fight feelings of emptiness.
Warning: It is best to avoid using carrot seed essential oil during pregnancy.


Improves blood circulation, good for the skin as a rejuvenating agent. Helps fight fungal diseases, stimulates the digestive tract


Provides a boost of strength and positive emotions. Fights depression, promotes concentration. Has antiseptic, antimicrobial, deodorizing effects. An excellent anti-wrinkle product. Effective for oily facial skin and hair. It has whitening properties, smoothes the skin, softens keratinized areas of the skin, and brightens the nail plates. It is also recommended for hand care and skin care after hair removal. Effective in combination with oils of bergamot, lavender, geranium, orange

Don't forget: essential oils are not used in their pure form; they are added in small quantities to bases (masks, lotions, creams, base oils, creams, bath salts, etc.).

Full table properties ethereal oils

Names, list and properties of essential oils

The following is a list of essential oils that you can use at home. The list and properties of essential oils can be used to solve various skin problems. We suggest you find out the names of essential oils to make their selection easier at points of sale.

Main essential oils:

Orange - eliminates oily shine.

Bergamot - tightens pores, tones, brightens the skin.

Geranium - tones.

Cloves - restores the structure of middle-aged skin, anti-inflammatory.

Grapefruit - normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens and whitens skin pores.

Ylang-ylang - calms.

Ginger - tones.

Cypress - eliminates oily shine.

Lavender - lulls, soothes, wrinkles.

Lemon - tones, against wrinkles, removes stains on fabric.

Schisandra chinensis - tightens and brightens skin pores.

Limette - eliminates oily shine.

Melissa - tones, soothes, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Myrrh - eliminates oily shine.

Juniper - tones, has disinfectant properties.

If the skin has been exposed to adverse effects and has experienced stress, use essential oils of rosewood, chamomile, rose, neroli, ylang-ylang.

If the skin has a lot of pimples, comedones, or clogged pores, essential oils of lemon, juniper, bergamot, and chamomile will help.

Doses of essential oils

To add to carrier oils for facial care: For 1 tablespoon of oil, 2-4 drops of essential oils.

To enhance the effectiveness of creams and lotions: up to 5 drops of essential oil per 10-15 ml of cream.

For hair care: For 1 tablespoon of base (mask or oil) we take 4-6 drops of essential oils.

When caring for your body: Add 6-10 drops of essential oils to 1 tablespoon of base oil.

For rinsing: 2-3 drops of oil per glass of warm boiled water.

To scent your home using aroma lamps: 3-4 drops of essential oil (added to water poured into the bowl of the lamp) per 15 m2 of area.

For baths: 4-7 drops of essential oils per bath, pre-dissolve in the base (milk, base oil, honey, cream, bath salt).

For massage: 3-6 drops of essential oil per 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of carrier oil.

For saunas and baths: 2-4 drops of essential oil per 15 m2.

Synergy- this is the interaction, strengthening of the beneficial properties of two or more different elements. By mixing essential oils, choosing their combination, you can enhance their beneficial effects.

Next in bold the main essential oils are listed, and behind each of them are listed the supporting essential oils that combine with the main essential oil and together give a synergistic effect.

Since ancient times, the synergistic properties of essential oils have been used not only in soap making, but also in the treatment of diseases and in folk medicine.

Ammi dental
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis var. Decumbens) + ammi dentifrice (2:1) - used to prevent asthma attacks

Fennel - for dyspepsia

Bitter orange

Orange sweet
Lavender, Petitgrain - relaxing baths that relieve pain
Marjoram, Rosewood, Lemongrass, Petitgrain, Lavender - rubs that relieve pain


Noble laurel - analgesic, antispasmodic effect
Lavender, eucalyptus - inhalations to correct immune system disorders (in a 1:1 ratio)
Basil + Monarda (1:1) - recommended for inflammatory processes (boil, abscess) ( at the same time, the combination of basil with monarda suppresses the antibacterial activity of these plants by 2 times, which must be taken into account when creating compositions)



Cedar - for itching


Lavender - for skin care
Blue tansy + immortelle (2:3) - strong anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effective for sunburn. Recommended as a base sesame oil(5k mixture per 5ml base)
Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon) - treatment of herpes
Pistachio mastic, Tamanu oil - to eliminate problems associated with poor circulation

Lemon eucalyptus, wintergreen (wintergreen) - anti-inflammatory effect

Lemon verbena
Marjoram, Lavender - has a calming effect on the nervous system
Petitgrain, Mandarin - relaxes before bed and makes it easier

Basil, Peppermint - pancreatic effect
Cypress, Pistachio, Naioli, Tamanu oil - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, tromophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Cypress, Atlas cedar - effect on the lymphatic system

Marjoram - irritant


Lavender, Sage, Marjoram - anti-tobacco effect
Myrtle - for skin care
Juniper, Lemon, Cedar - silhouette thinning, hydrolipid effect, removal of excess fluid
, effect on cellulite, lumpy skin
Carrot seeds + Geranium + Sweet orange (1:3:2) - swelling, fluid retention
Nutmeg - aphrodisiac effect
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - astringent effect on the skin
Thyme thymol chemotype - to affect tired, congested skin

Grapefruit + Lavender + Vetiver (2:3:1) - for insomnia
Fennel + Geranium + Grapefruit (1:3:2) - for stress

Elecampane fragrant ( Inula graveolens)
Oregano - mucolytic effect

Saro (Mandravasarotra) - mucolytic effect
Hyssop ( var. decumbens) - bronchitis
Eucalyptus radiata - mucolytic effect (liquefaction and discharge of sputum)

Elecampane - mucolytic effect
Oregano ( Origanum compactum) + Rosemary verbenon - antibacterial effect
Cypress - antitussive effect
Cinnamon - antibacterial

Ravintsara - antibacterial action

Tarragon, Petitgrain - antispasmodic effect


Black spruce
Black Spruce + Pine + Bud Absolute black currant- adrenal exhaustion (massage in the kidney area)
Rosemary cineole - for nervous and physical fatigue

Carrot seeds - regeneration, healing, skin restoration

Bergamot + Neroli + Ylang-ylang (2:1:3) - for hypertension
Geranium + Lavender + Ylang-Ylang (1:2:1) - care for combination skin
Lavender - for hypertension

Peppermint - carminative and gastric ameliorant
Rosewood - stimulates digestion
Savory, Cinnamon, Cloves - aphrodisiac effect

Eucalyptus, Kayaput - various respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, flu; allergy to flowers.
Lavender, Geranium - healing effect on the skin, various dermatoses

Hyssop ( )
Hyssop ( Hyssopus officinalis var. Decumbens) + Ammi dental (2:1) - used to prevent asthma attacks
Elecampane - bronchitis
Ravintsara, Eucalyptus radiata - diseases of the respiratory system

Cardamom + Fennel + Ginger (1:1:1) - from seasickness

Eucalyptus radiata, Ravintsara, Pine, Spruce - respiratory diseases

Geranium + Lavender + Kayaput - for psoriasis.

Cedar - for acne

Bergamot - for itching
Vetiver - effects on the lymphatic system

Geranium, Melissa - repellent (against mosquitoes)
Kayaput - for acne.
Sea kritmum, Red juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus), Lavender - effect on hair
Naioli - effect on the venous system.
Fennel, Palmarosa, Lemon - effect on cellulite

Red cedar ( Juniperus virginiana)
Cypress, incense - skin softening

Bergamot + Cypress + Fennel (1:1:1) - menopause
, effects on the lymphatic system
Oregano - antitussive effect

Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, thinning silhouette.

Blue cypress
Blue cypress + Nerolina + Tea tree - enhancing antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of effects in this direction.

, aphrodisiac effect
Fennel - for dyspepsia

Ginger, mountain savory - aphrodisiac effect
Peppermint - a general stimulating effect on the body
Oregano - antibacterial

Nutmeg - effect on the digestive system
Peppermint - carminative and soothing to the stomach

Lavender officinalis
Sweet orange - relaxing baths and rubbing that relieve pain

Immortelle - for skin care

Geranium + Lavender + Ylang-Ylang (1:2:1) - care for combination skin
Grapefruit + Lavender + Vetiver (2:3:1) - for insomnia
Jasmine + Lavender + Mandarin (1:2:1) - care for sensitive skin
Ylang-ylang - for hypertension
Geranium + Lavender + Kayaput - for psoriasis
Marjoram, Petitgrain - relaxing effect
Myrrh - healing and pain-relieving effect
Carrot seeds - regeneration, healing, skin restoration
Rosewood, Tea tree - for problem skin
Thyme thymol chemotype - respiratory infections
Tea tree-lavender (2:1 or 3:1) - for burns
Clary sage - for hair loss

Lavender spicata (broad-leaved)

Rosemary verbenon - scarring effect
Thyme thuianol type - healing effect on the skin

Noble laurel
Basil - analgesic, antispasmodic effect
Cloves, tea tree, lavender spicata - antibacterial effect
Frankincense gum, Ravintsara - antiviral effect
Myrrh - anti-infective
Carrot seeds - effect on cellulite, lumpy skin
Peppermint - anesthetic, antiviral effect
Thyme thuianol type - oral infections
Salvia officinalis - regulates sweating

Red cedar - skin softening
Nard, Myrrh - relaxing, relaxing effect
Clary sage + cypress + frankincense (1:1:1) - for asthma

Frankincense gum
Rosemary verbenon - healing effect, stimulating immunity
Myrrh - healing
Frankincense gum + Myrtle + Lavender spicata - a powerful tonic effect on the skin
Naioli - antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infective effect
Damask rose - astringent action

Basil + Lemongrass + Nioli (1:1:1) - for acne

Bay + Cloves + Lemon (2:1:2) - for back pain
Immortelle + Lemon + Myrtle (1:2:3) - for runny nose
Geranium - silhouette thinning, hydrolipid effect, removal of excess fluid
Hyssop - healing effect on the skin, various dermatoses

Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, silhouette thinning

Litsea + Petitgrain + Ylang-Ylang (2:3:1) - for anxiety and anxiety
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antifungal action

Sweet orange - relaxing rubbing, relieving pain
Bay + Marjoram + Peppermint (1:1:1) - for headaches and migraines
Lemon verbena - has a calming effect on the nervous system
Wintergreen (wintergreen) - irritant
Geranium - anti-tobacco effect, use in aroma lamps and other diffusers

Melissa - regulating effect on the nervous system
Petitgrain, Petitgrain, Roman Chamomile - irritant, analgesic effect
Ravintsara - neuro-tonic
Rosemary verbenon - tonic effect on the psyche
Kayaput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.


Jasmine + Lavender + Mandarin (1:2:1) - care for sensitive skin

Atlas cedar - repellent (against mosquitoes)
Marjoram - regulating effect on the nervous system

Lavender - healing and pain-relieving effect
Bay laurel - anti-infective
Frankincense gum - healing
Lemon verbena + Rosemary verbenon + Myrrh - endocrine regulating effect

Immortelle + Lemon + Myrtle (1:2:3) - for runny nose
Geranium, palmarosa - for skin care
Frankincense gum + myrtle + lavender spicata - a powerful tonic effect on the skin
Eucalyptus, ravintsara, pine, spruce - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Eucalyptus radiata - antitussive effect

Juniper red ( Juniperus oxycedrus)
Atlas cedar - effect on hair
Clary sage - for dandruff

Juniper (berries)
Geranium - silhouette thinning, hydrolipid effect, removal of excess fluid
Grapefruit + Juniper (berries) + Red thyme (1:1:1) - against cellulite
Juniper (berries) + Nioli + Sweet orange (1:1:2) - care for oily skin
Celery + Frankincense + Juniper (berries) (2:1:3) - arthritis and rheumatism
Fennel - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, silhouette thinning

Eucalyptus, lemon wormwood - bactericidal, antiviral properties
Basil + Monarda (1:1) - recommended for inflammatory processes (furuncle, abscess) (at the same time, the combination of basil with Monarda suppresses the antibacterial activity of these plants by 2 times, which must be taken into account when creating compositions)

Carrot seeds
Geranium, Lavender, Jasmine - regeneration, healing, skin restoration
Red cedar ( Juniperus virginiana), Laurel, Palmarosa, Geranium - effect on cellulite, lumpy skin.
Carrot seeds + Geranium + Sweet orange (1:3:2) - swelling, fluid retention
Thyme of the thuyanol type - restorative effect on the liver, drainage, blood purifying properties

Rosemary, Savory, Geranium, Coriander - aphrodisiac effect
Coriander, Cumin, Cumin - effect on the digestive system

Basil + Black pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - in case of lack of concentration
Bay + Marjoram + Peppermint (1:1:1) - for headaches and migraines
Benzoin + Peppermint + Ravensara (1:2:3) - for colds and coughs
Vetiver - pancreatic action
Cloves - analgesic, antiviral effect
Ginger - carminative and gastric ameliorant
Cinnamon - a general stimulating effect on the body
Cumin - carminative and soothing effect on the stomach
Noble laurel - anesthetic, antiviral effect
Marjoram + Black pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - against colon irritability syndrome
Naioli - analgesic effect.
Blue tansy - antipruritic effect
Ravintsara - antiviral and anticatarrhal effect
Rosemary verbenone type - tonic, stimulating effect

Basil + Lemongrass + Nioli (1:1:1) - for acne
Vetiver - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, tromophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)
Cloves - antibacterial, expectorant effect
Kayaput + Pine + Naioli - for bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Atlas cedar - effect on the venous system.
Frankincense gum - antiviral, antibacterial, anti-infective effect
Juniper (berries) + Nioli + Sweet orange (1:1:2) - care for oily skin
Peppermint has an analgesic effect.
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Thyme thuyanol type - antibacterial effect
Tea tree - radioprotection.
Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus polybractea cryptonifera), Ravintsara - antiviral effect.
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial effect

Incense - relaxing, relaxing effect
Clary sage - for hair loss

Bergamot + Neroli + Ylang-ylang (2:1:3) - for hypertension

Nerolina + Tea tree + Blue cypress - enhancing antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of effects in this direction.

Cloves - antibacterial, tonic effect
Oregano - antifungal effect
Atlas cedar - effect on cellulite
Myrtle - for skin care
Carrot seeds - effect on cellulite, lumpy skin
Rosemary verbenone type - antiviral effect
Thyme thuyanol type - antifungal effect
Clary sage - for excessive sweating
Elemi + Spike Lavender + Palmarosa (1:3:2) - from the syndrome chronic fatigue

Benzoin + Patchouli + Sandalwood (1:1:1) - dry skin care

Black pepper
Basil + Black pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - in case of lack of concentration
Marjoram + Black pepper + Peppermint (1:1:1) - against colon irritability syndrome
Black pepper + Peppermint + Rosemary (1:1:1) - for muscle pain
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)

Sweet orange - relaxing baths that relieve pain
Lemon verbena - relaxes before bed and makes it easier
Lavender - relaxing effect
Litsea + Petitgrain + Ylang-Ylang (2:3:1) - for anxiety and anxiety

Roman chamomile - calms the nervous system
Oregano - antispasmodic effect

Tansy blue
Immortelle + blue tansy (3:2) - strong anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, effective for sunburn. Sesame oil is recommended as a base oil (5k mixture per 5ml base)
Peppermint - antipruritic effect
Roman chamomile - antipruritic, soothing, antiallergic effect

Lemon wormwood
Monarda - bactericidal, antiviral properties

Benzoin + Peppermint + Ravensara (1:2:3) - for colds and coughs

Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon)
Immortelle - treatment of herpes
Oregano - antibacterial effect
Cardamom - respiratory diseases
Noble laurel - antiviral effect
Marjoram - neuro-tonic
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Peppermint - antiviral and anti-catarrhal effect
Naioli - antiviral effect.
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia, nervous and physical fatigue
Thyme linalol - respiratory infections
Thyme of the thuyanol type - tonic effect on the nervous system, balancing, antibacterial effect
Tea tree - antiviral effect
Eucalyptus radiata - expectorant action

Immortelle + Rose + Sandalwood (2:1:1) - for depression
Frankincense gum - astringent effect
Clary sage + Geranium + Rose (2:3:1) - PMS

Lemon + Rosemary + Sweet Thyme (1:1:1) - for memory problems
Black pepper + Peppermint + Rosemary (1:1:1) - for muscle pain

Rosemary verbenon
Lemon verbena + Rosemary verbenon + Myrrh - endocrine regulating effect
Oregano ( Origanum compactum) - antibacterial effect
Lavender spicata - healing effect
Frankincense gum - healing effect, stimulating immunity
Marjoram - tonic effect on the psyche
Peppermint - tonic, stimulating effect
Palmarosa - antiviral effect
Saro - mucolytic action

Rosemary camphor
Wintergreen, Lemon Eucalyptus - anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect
Cardamom, Cumin - for digestive problems, disorders
Dill - effect on bile production

Rosemary cineole
Black spruce, ravintsara - for nervous and physical fatigue
Ravintsara, nayoli, fragrant eucalyptus, elecampane - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Eucalyptus radiata - expectorant effect

Sweet orange - relaxing rubbing, relieving pain
Geranium - use in aroma lamp and other diffusers
Ginger - digestion stimulation
Thyme thuianol type - bacterial infections urinary tract
Mountain savory - aphrodisiac effect

Blue chamomile
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)

Benzoin + Patchouli + Sandalwood (1:1:1) - dry skin care
Immortelle + Rose + Sandalwood (2:1:1) - for depression
Kayaput + Sandalwood + Sweet Thyme (2:1:3) - for bronchitis
Mountain savory - aphrodisiac effect

Celery + Frankincense + Juniper (berries) (2:1:3) - arthritis and rheumatism

Currant bud absolute

Black spruce + Pine + Currant bud absolute - adrenal exhaustion (massage)
Cardamom - respiratory diseases; use in aroma lamps and other diffusers
Kayaput + Pine + Naioli - for bronchitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.
Kayaput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract

Kayaput + Pine + Marjoram + Thyme - for tuberculosis.

red thyme
Grapefruit + Juniper (berries) + Red thyme (1:1:1) - against cellulite

sweet thyme
Kayaput + Sandalwood + Sweet Thyme (2:1:3) - for bronchitis
Lemon + Rosemary + Sweet Thyme (1:1:1) - for problems with

Thyme linalol
Eucalyptus, Ravintsara - respiratory infections;

Thyme thuianol
Lavender spicata - healing effect on the skin
Bay laurel - oral infections
Carrot seeds - restorative effect on the liver, drainage, blood purifying properties
Naioli - antibacterial effect
Palmarosa - antifungal effect
Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon) - antibacterial effect; tonic effect on the nervous system, balancing
Rosewood - bacterial urinary tract infections;
Tea tree - broad antibacterial effect;
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial effect
Eucalyptus Smithie - expectorant, anti-catarrhal effect;

Nutmeg - effect on the digestive system
Rosemary camphor - for digestive problems, disorders
Roman chamomile - antispasmodic and regulating effect on the digestive system

Rosemary camphor - effect on bile production

Bergamot + Cypress + Fennel (1:1:1) - menopause
Cardamom + Fennel + Ginger (1:1:1) - against seasickness
Atlas cedar - effect on cellulite
Fennel + Geranium + Grapefruit (1:3:2) - for stress
Coriander, Anise - for dyspepsia;
Juniper, geranium, lemon, cypress - against cellulite; for weight loss, drainage effect, silhouette thinning

Pistachio mastic
Immortelle - to eliminate problems associated with poor circulation
Vetiver - all kinds of effects on veins (varicose veins, tromophlebitis, hemorrhoids, etc.)

Mountain savory
Rosemary, cinnamon, rosewood, sandalwood - aphrodisiac effect

tea tree
Bergamot + lemon eucalyptus + tea tree (1:1:1) - thrush
Lavender - for problem skin
Noble laurel - antibacterial effect
Naioli - radio protection
Pepper + tea tree + bitter orange + blue chamomile (3:3:3:1) - a strong anti-epidemic mixture (makes the body resistant to all types of influenza virus and pathogenic bacteria)
Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon) - antiviral effect
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antibacterial action
Thyme of the thuyanol type - broad antibacterial effect
Tea tree + Nerolina + Blue cypress - enhancing antifungal properties and expanding the spectrum of effects in this direction.
Eucalyptus radiata - antibacterial effect

Salvia officinalis
Geranium - anti-tobacco effect
Laurus nobilis - regulates sweating
Salvia officinalis + immortelle + rose hips - for slow healing wounds

Clary sage
Palmarosa - for excessive sweating
Bay, Lavender, Nard - for hair loss
Juniper red - for dandruff
Clary sage + Geranium + Rose (2:3:1) - PMS
Clary sage + Cypress + Frankincense (1:1:1) - for asthma

Basil - inhalations to correct immune system disorders (in a 1:1 ratio)
Hyssop - various respiratory diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis, cough, flu; allergy to flowers.
Myrtle - for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract
Monarda - bactericidal, antiviral properties
Thyme linalol and thymol chemotype - respiratory infections

Eucalyptus fragrant
Rosemary cineole - for bronchitis, colds, hypothermia
Eucalyptus radiata - mucolytic effect

Eucalyptus multifloral krypton type
Naioli - antiviral effect
Saro (Mandravasarotra) - antiviral effect

Lemon eucalyptus
Bergamot + Lemon Eucalyptus + Tea Tree (1:1:1) - thrush
Immortelle - anti-inflammatory effect
Rosemary camphor - anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect

Eucalyptus radiata
Cloves - antibacterial effect
Elecampane - mucolytic effect (liquefaction and discharge of sputum)
Oregano - expectorant effect
Kayaput - antibacterial action
Cardamom - respiratory diseases
Myrtle (CT cineole) - antitussive
Najoli ( Melaleuca quinquenervia CT cineole) - antibacterial action
Ravintsara (Camphoric cinnamon) - expectorant and antiviral effect
Rosemary cineole type - expectorant effect
Thyme thuyanolny - antibacterial effect
Tea tree - antibacterial effect
Eucalyptus aromaticum - mucolytic effect
To enhance effectiveness, it is recommended to use in combination with oils containing terpenes.

Smith's Eucalyptus
Thyme of the thuyanol type - expectorant, anti-catarrhal effect

Elemi + Spike Lavender + Palmarosa (1:3:2) - for chronic fatigue syndrome

Oregano - antispasmodic effect

Essential oils- These are substances with a strong odor, isolated from plant materials by various methods. They are widely used in perfumery, medicine and other fields. Since ancient times, there has been a science about the effects of odors on the human condition. This science is called aromatherapy.

Essential oils have different effects on a person, some tonify, while others, on the contrary, relax. Let's look at what types of essential oils there are and what effects they have.

Flower oils

Floral essential oils are widely used in perfumery as they have some of the most pleasant, sweet aromas. This variety includes geranium, lavender, chamomile, rose, jasmine, lotus, ylang-ylang, palmarosa, niaoli, neroli, juniper etc.

Floral scents have the following effects:

1. Help you cope with headache.

2.Have calming effect, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieve stress.

3. Relaxes muscles, helps fight fatigue, normalize sleep.

4. Get rid of depression.

5. Great for caring skin.

5. Jasmine renders tonic, invigorating effect.

6. Some floral scents are aphrodisiacs(rose, ylang-ylang, etc.)

Citrus essential oils

Citrus essential oils – orange, tangerine, lemon, bergamot, grapefruit, citronella, lemongrass, petit grain, lemon balm. These substances are widely used in perfumery and cosmetology. Lemon, orange, tangerine are some of the cheapest, since they are quite easy to obtain, spending a small amount of raw materials. Such drugs have the following properties:

1. Good effect on immunity, protect against viral diseases.

2. Have a positive effect on physical condition body.

3. Possess tonic effect, stimulate brain function.

4. Cheer up help cope with depression

5. Improve circulation and have a good effect on metabolic processes.

Wood essential oils

Tree oils, as the name suggests, are extracted from wood. They have a thick odor and are very often the main notes in perfume aromas. This type includes: myrrh, cedar, sandalwood, patchouli, vertivert, benzoin, incense, amyris, camphor, borneol, guaiac wood, etc. This is the effect of these aromas:

1. Help you relax, relieve fatigue, relieve stress.

2. Normalizes heartbeat.

3. Lower blood pressure.

4. They are aphrodisiacs.

5. Well suited for dry skin care due to its moisturizing properties.

Antiseptic and herbal essential oils

Antiseptic essential oils are widely used in medicine. Their smell may be unpleasant, but such preparations are often used for medicinal purposes, rather than for aromatizing a room. These are smells like tea tree, eucalyptus and cajeput. They are used:
  • for treating colds and strengthening immunity;
  • For air purification indoors, especially during periods of exacerbation of colds;
  • to provide first aid– sterilization of small cuts and abrasions.

Herbal essential oils – sage, rosemary, mint, anise, bay, basil, thyme, parsley etc. – are also often used for medicinal purposes. They have many useful properties:

  • disinfect wounds;
  • improve physical condition , relieve muscle pain;
  • help to remove tension and fatigue;
  • tone up, stimulate brain function, blood circulation, improve mood.

Spicy and refreshing essential oils

Spicy aromas are obtained from nutmeg, pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, cardamom etc. These are very rich odors that not everyone can tolerate. However they are very useful:

1. Like many other aromas, spices have a positive effect on nervous system: improves mood, helps get rid of stress, fatigue, depression.

2. Remove pain and tension in the muscles.

3. Helps cope with respiratory tract infections.

4. Have a warming effect, help with diseases joints.

There is another type of essential oils that have a refreshing effect - cypress, peppermint, pine etc. These scents:

1. Well stimulated brain function.

2. Positively affect physical condition.

3. Possess disinfectant effect, help with the healing of wounds, abrasions, cuts, etc.

4. Good for work gastrointestinal tract.

How to use essential oils correctly

Essential oils can be used in different ways at home, but it is very important not to exceed the permissible norm. If you oversaturate the air with one or another aroma, then all the positive effects will turn into negative: you will feel a headache, fatigue, perhaps even irritability. So, it is important to know when to stop.

It is worth noting that different substances have different concentrations of odors. Floral, woody and spicy aromas are highly concentrated, while citrus and herbal aromas are rather weak.

How to use these drugs? There are several methods of aromatherapy, one of them is baths. For one bath, 7 drops of essential oil of strong concentration and 12 drops of weak concentration are enough. Add sea salt as well. It is important to remember that you can take such a bath for no longer than 25 minutes. You can also use special aromatic soaps.

Another option - aroma lamps. These are special structures in which a candle is placed inside and essential oil is poured onto the surface. It is important to note that if you do not dilute it with water, it will evaporate too quickly and the rich smell can cause headaches. You can add 3-6 drops of a fragrant substance to one tablespoon of water.

Another way to use these drugs is instead of massage cream. In this case, you need to add essential oils to the cream or massage oil base.

And finally, the last way is to pour the substance into a special aroma medallion.