White cabbage: benefits and harms, medicinal properties, composition and use. Unique fresh cabbage: benefits and harm. A natural miracle healer for many ailments - fresh cabbage, healthy and proper food

- biennial plant. In the first year, a densely leafy stem is formed; by the end of the year, a head of cabbage is formed, which is an overgrown apical bud.

In the lower part of the stem, leaves are formed, located horizontally; due to photosynthesis occurring in these leaves, further growth of the head of cabbage occurs. After early cabbage forms 15, and late cabbage - 20-25 spreading leaves, the newly formed leaves do not open and the formation of a head of cabbage begins. New leaves are formed due to the activity of the apical bud; light does not penetrate to them, so they are colorless. The head of cabbage grows from the inside - the inner leaves gradually increase in size, from the inside they create pressure on the covering leaves, and they stretch, but in some cases the covering leaves cannot stand it and burst - the head of cabbage cracks. Head density white cabbage depends on the growing conditions, but under the same conditions, spherical heads of cabbage have the greatest density.

Early varieties are distinguished by a very loose structure of the head of cabbage, which is why the leaves of the head of cabbage are more intensely colored green without nitrates, contain more chlorophyll and therefore have a more bitter taste than the dense, white leaves of mid- and late-ripening varieties.

Of all vegetables, cabbage has the highest nutrient removal and requires a high level of mineral nutrition. Cabbage juice, containing many nutrients, vitamins and microelements, attracts many pests. Therefore, in conditions of intensive vegetable growing, a lot of fertilizers are often applied to cabbage, and various pesticides are also used to protect against pests and fungicides for protection from diseases and successful storage. At the same time, the yield of cabbage increases, but at the same time there is a danger of changing its biological composition and nutritional value.

Nutritional value of white cabbage

Cabbage has many valuable nutritional properties and is one of essential products for therapeutic and dietary nutrition.

White cabbage contains almost the entire set of vitamins and mineral salts necessary for normal human life, including folic acid, necessary for hematopoiesis and metabolic processes, tartronic acid, which regulates fat metabolism, vitamins C, A, B1, B2, PP, K , anti-ulcer vitamin U, potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur and many trace elements. Compared to other varieties of cabbage, white cabbage increased accumulation dry matter, sugars and reduced isothiocyanates (mustard oils) and nitrates. The good taste of cabbage is explained by its carbohydrate content. Cabbage contains a large amount of nitrogenous substances, almost half of which are easily digestible proteins (2.5%) with a valuable amino acid composition.

Due to the high content of fiber and ash elements, white cabbage has a stimulating effect on secretion digestive glands, improves intestinal motor function and promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body, which prevents atherosclerosis. The potassium contained in cabbage helps remove excess sodium salts and water and activate enzymes.

Vitamin U, present in cabbage juice, helps treat peptic ulcers and radiation diseases, has antitumor effect, as well as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, antidepressant, antirheumatic. Applicable in complex treatment and prevention of stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastritis, colitis, dermatoses, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, coronary disease, depression. The vitamin U content in white cabbage is 1.5–20.7 mg% and may depend on the variety and degree of maturity of the heads. Well-ripened cabbage contains 2-3 times more vitamin U. The highest content of vitamin U is in late-ripening varieties, and among early-ripening varieties, the Iyunskaya variety has the highest content, the heads of which contain 7.3 mg%. The heads of late foreign varieties of white cabbage contain significantly less vitamin U: in the Predena variety - 1.6 mg%, in the Tyurik variety - 1.8 mg%, in the Bartolo variety - 2.1 mg%.

In terms of ascorbic acid content, white cabbage exceeds carrots 10 times, beets, onions and garlic - 5 times, tomatoes - 2 times. Among the vitamins in cabbage, ascorbigen was found - the most stable type of vitamin C. The content of vitamin C depends on the variety, age, growing conditions, storage conditions and duration, and processing methods. At proper nutrition cabbage, the vitamin C content in heads of cabbage increases sharply.

Unwanted Elements in White Cabbage

Nitrates and nitrosamines

Cabbage may taste bitter due to glycosides, which act as additional nutrition. The bitterness increases if the plants are rarely and little watered, overfed with nitrogen, but given little phosphorus, potassium and other mineral elements. The content of glycosides is higher in late mature varieties, but after 2-3 months of storage the bitterness disappears and the heads of cabbage become sweet.

Cabbage plants are capable of accumulating a lot of nitrates, but there are varieties in which the accumulation of nitrates is much less. In general, the reason for the appearance of nitrates and nitrosamines is an imbalance of mineral nutrition, which inhibits the biosynthesis of complex organic nitrogen-containing compounds. With normal nutrition and good conditions growth, nitrates are spent on the formation of proteins and amino acids. Without nitrogen nutrition, cabbage plants grow poorly, their metabolism is disrupted and nutrients, especially amino acids and protein, do not accumulate. It has been established that the use of nitrogen fertilizers in moderate doses does not lead to the accumulation of nitrates, provided that the composition of nutrients supplied to cabbage plants is balanced, i.e. plants receive sufficient amounts of phosphorus, potassium and microelements.

The accumulation of nitrates in cabbage occurs:

1) in low light,

2) during dry periods,

3) when alternating drought with floods,

4) with a lack of potassium,

5) when the dose of potassium exceeds the dose of phosphorus,

6) with a lack of sulfur and molybdenum,

7) on acidic soils(pH below 5).

Varietal characteristics also influence the accumulation of nitrates. When grown on large farms, high-yielding varieties suitable for mechanized processing are selected for sale, without taking into account the varieties’ tendency to accumulate nitrates. For personal consumption, it is necessary to select varieties that do not accumulate nitrates.

Toxic trace elements

Some varieties of white cabbage are capable of accumulating excess amounts heavy metals. In particular, excessive accumulation of zinc was noted on some soils in the Amager and Krumont varieties, and copper in imported hybrids.

Mushroom toxins

Many diseases are caused by fungi. Penetrating into the plant, they release toxins that spread throughout the plant and change its chemical composition and taste. The toxins of many phytopathogenic fungi are dangerous to humans and warm-blooded animals. The most dangerous toxins are represented by

lei of the genera Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium. In diseased, pruned heads of cabbage, toxins enter the unpruned part and subsequently end up in food, so plant diseases must be combated, firstly, by selecting varieties that are resistant to diseases, and secondly, by using care techniques that protect plants from disease.

White cabbage meets the most variety of dishes. But is it as simple as it seems at first glance?!

White cabbage is an agriculturally grown vegetable and is a biennial plant. White cabbage is cultivated both on the scale of state farms and is successfully grown in private gardens. White cabbage is a relatively unpretentious plant that is cultivated in a temperate climate zone and is not suitable for cold and sandy climates.

Why is white cabbage such a widespread crop? The thing is that white cabbage contains many useful substances and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. Firstly, distinctive feature of this product is high in vitamin U, called methylmethionine. This vitamin provides prevention and promotes healing of gastritis, colitis and their deeper forms, such as gastric and duodenal ulcers. Methylmethionine has a very beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

However, despite such a huge positive effect that white cabbage has, it is worth consuming white cabbage in the absence of increased acidity gastric juice, as well as outside the period of exacerbation of enteritis, colitis, stool disorders, and myocardial infarction. Depending on individual tolerance, white cabbage should be consumed boiled or raw.

In addition to the listed benefits, white cabbage also contains vitamin C. modern stage Scientists around the world have proven that lemon and tangerines, potatoes and carrots - each type of vegetable contains less vitamin C than white cabbage. In addition, it contains vitamin C both in pure and in bound form - ascorbigen. This allows white cabbage to retain its beneficial properties associated with the content of vitamin C for a relatively long time. long period time.

Vitamin C in combination with vitamins P, which white cabbage is also not lacking in, allows nutritionists to recommend this type product in all kinds of therapeutic diets aimed at removing cholesterol from the body, strengthening the walls of blood vessels and having an anti-sclerotic effect. And this, in turn, is a serious prevention of coronary heart disease, cholelithiasis, contribute to the normal functioning of the kidneys and intestines.

It is worth adding that white cabbage, although not in very large quantities, contains vitamins B1, B2 and PP, as well as various other enzymes, acids and salts necessary to the human body For normal functioning. Potassium, which white cabbage is also rich in, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Iron, zinc, manganese, aluminum - white cabbage is also not lacking in all these substances. Among products such as apples, lemons, oranges, white cabbage ranks first in glucose content. Potatoes, lemon, onions and carrots are not competitors for white cabbage in terms of fructose content.

Thus, we can safely say that white cabbage is not just delicious solyanka or a salad on the table, but there are also a lot of benefits from every time you eat it. And if a person cares about his health, then, of course, his diet in one form or another should include white cabbage.

Useful properties of cabbage

Useful properties cabbage largely due to its uniqueness. Let's start with the fact that cabbage and the beneficial properties of cabbage have been highly valued since the times Ancient Rus'. The range of its use was so wide that before the introduction of potatoes to Rus', cabbage was rightfully considered the second bread. It perfectly helps the body in many ways: improves immunity, strengthens the heart muscle, stimulates the production of red blood cells, promotes cell growth, tissue rejuvenation, regulates fat metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, activates general exchange substances, significantly increases resistance to stress - and these are not all the beneficial properties of cabbage. It is an excellent preventative against stomach and duodenal ulcers. Even in ancient times, it was noticed that cabbage helps you not get so drunk during a feast and quickly get rid of a hangover.

Benefits of cabbage obvious. Cabbage leaves are an excellent material from which modern cosmetic masks for the face. Mask from sauerkraut practically does miracles: it makes the skin clean and fresh, cleanses and tightens pores - these are the beneficial properties of cabbage. To do this, simply apply thick layer sauerkraut on the skin and cover it with a napkin. After 30 minutes, the mask is washed off and the skin is lubricated with the usual cream.

Sauerkraut is the same healthy product as fresh cabbage, so the properties of such cabbage are effective and beneficial. This is one of the few examples when products do not lose their beneficial properties when fermented. Pickled cabbage - richest source various vitamins and microelements. Of the microelements, it is worth noting zinc, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium and phosphorus. B vitamins contained in sauerkraut are very important for the human body:

B12 – supplies cells with oxygen, participates in the formation musculoskeletal tissue, promotes good mood and clarity of our thinking (useful properties of cabbage);

B6 – helps to quickly and efficiently absorb protein entering the body. That is why sauerkraut is the best side dish for meat and other dishes with increased content protein (benefits of cabbage);

Nicotinic acid – helps strengthen nails and hair, gives hair a characteristic healthy shine (useful properties of cabbage);

Tartronic acid – prevents the accumulation of carbohydrates in the body in the form of fat deposits, which helps maintain the body at optimal physical fitness. However, this acid quickly decomposes when exposed to high temperatures, which requires eating cabbage fresh or pickled (useful properties of cabbage).

The beneficial properties of cabbage make it possible to use it for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Cabbage juice and sauerkraut help with treatment peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. Since the time Ancient Greece fresh cabbage leaves are excellent for healing wounds (fresh bleeding and purulent). The ability and beneficial properties of cabbage to be neutralized to a certain extent alcohol intoxication Since ancient times, they have been used at drunken feasts and to relieve hangover syndrome.

Harm of cabbage is that in its raw form it is not as harmless as we think. Raw cabbage is strictly contraindicated for certain diseases gastrointestinal tract. That is why heavy consumption raw cabbage, despite the beneficial properties of cabbage, for example, as part of the cabbage diet for weight loss (see), it must be agreed with your nutritionist.

There are a lot of recipes for making white cabbage. The most effective forms Preserving a rich spectrum of vitamins and minerals is a variety of fresh salads and pickling. Salads from fresh vegetables are cut immediately before serving, which minimizes negative impact sun and oxygen to the content they contain useful substances. Cabbage goes very well with tomatoes and apples. To prepare such assorted salads, no fancy recipes are required. Simply take fresh produce, chop it, add a few drops of vegetable oil (for example, olive) and mix. Great as a refill lemon juice, low-fat mayonnaise, low fat yogurt and other sauces. They should be added to salads immediately before consumption, just like salt. Sauces envelop the surface of vegetables and fruits, preventing oxygen from reaching them, which helps preserve vitamins and amino acids from decay. As a seasoning, we can recommend cumin, which significantly improves the taste of cabbage. Standard recipes for stewing cabbage pork lard, of course, are tasty, but do not have a very good effect on our body. It is better to use vegetable oil for these purposes.

Calorie content of cabbage

The calorie content of cabbage is very low, amounting to only 27 kcal, so this vegetable can be consumed by those who want to lose weight and limit the consumption of high-calorie foods. You can snack on raw or stewed cabbage when you feel hungry, but the diet does not allow anything else other than vegetables.

Cabbage stalk is a very useful thing. It completely contains everything beneficial properties of cabbage. Therefore, do not throw it away, but finely chop it into a salad or eat it just like a carrot. In this way you can play bunny with your children.


What is cabbage?

Cabbage is a very frequent guest on our table. How much do we know about her? It is believed that the ancient Egyptians were the first to cultivate cabbage long before our era. Cabbage was considered gourmet dish and served for dessert. The Egyptians believed that cabbage had a special healing power and can expel any disease from the body and prolong youth.

Roman legionnaires regularly ate cabbage, as it was believed that it made people stronger and more resilient. When going on a campaign, a Roman soldier took with him a special vessel with medicine made from cabbage. The drug healed wounds well and stopped bleeding.

This vegetable is known and revered in many countries and corners. globe. A variety of cabbage varieties are grown throughout the world. Even beyond the Arctic Circle, cabbage lovers receive excellent kohlrabi harvests.

In Rus', cabbage was considered the most important vegetable dish. Popular proverb says: “Bread and cabbage will not be tolerated.”

Orthodox monasteries kept the secrets of preparing and salting cabbage. It was believed that only native Russian varieties of this vegetable have a special taste.

What is cabbage, the benefits and harms of white cabbage for the human body, all this is of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods treatment. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Useful properties of cabbage:

White cabbage contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin C in the leaves of early varieties contains 20 mg%, in late-ripening varieties – 70 mg%. Cabbage has the ability to retain vitamin C for a long time. The secret of this “longevity” is that vitamin C is found in cabbage not only in pure form, but also in a chemically bound form - “ascorbigene”. Ascorbigen is the most stable form of vitamin C, and cabbage contains 50 times more of it in this form than, for example, potatoes. In general, there is only 1.5-2 times more vitamin C in cabbage than in potatoes. There is more vitamin C in cabbage than in tangerines and lemons, and 10 times more than in carrots.

In addition to other vitamins, cabbage also contains vitamins B1, B2, PP (albeit in small quantities), as well as folic, pantothenic acid, salts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc. White cabbage contains almost the entire set of vitamins necessary for humans.

Cabbage is a source of minerals, mainly potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and sulfur. The predominant microelements are aluminum, zinc, iron, and manganese.

Scientists have discovered that distinctive feature white cabbage contains vitamin U - methylmethionine, which can cure gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, gastritis and intestinal sluggishness.

The pharmacological effects of cabbage are very diverse. Cabbage stimulates metabolic processes, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects (calorizer). It is included in therapeutic diet for atherosclerosis (the dietary fiber contained in cabbage helps eliminate cholesterol, and vitamins C and P, which it is rich in, strengthen blood vessels and have an anti-sclerotic effect), coronary heart disease, gout (cabbage contains practically no purines, which cause gouty deposits), cholelithiasis (cabbage dietary fiber binds and prevents the absorption of cholesterol and bile acids, from the excess of which deposits are formed - atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of vessels and stones in gallbladder), heart and kidney diseases (potassium salts promote fluid excretion), gastritis with low acidity and constipation.


We have already figured out why cabbage is useful. But can it do any harm?

Compared to the beneficial properties, there is little harm; there are some contraindications. Thus, overeating the product in its raw form can lead to nausea, bloating, and heaviness in the stomach.

You cannot constantly eat raw stalks, as they accumulate harmful substances, which the vegetable absorbed during growth (copper salts, nitrates, cadmium).

It is not recommended to eat cabbage if you are sick. thyroid gland! Cabbage helps cure gastric and duodenal ulcers, but with severe advanced cases and severe exacerbations, cabbage can already cause harm. Increased acidity of gastric juice also does not like cabbage, but in this case it is not contraindicated, but should be consumed within reasonable limits and preferably not raw. Sauerkraut can also be harmful to the kidneys and liver due to its high salt content, and can also harm hypertensive patients. If you really want sauerkraut, we advise you to wash it well from the brine or initially ferment it with a minimum of salt.

When choosing cabbage, the head should be dense and the cut should be white. If the cut is dark brown, it means that it has already been stale and has lost a significant part of its beneficial properties. You should not buy vegetables with stains, deep damage or foreign odors. Fresh cabbage should not have limp leaves, it is usually bright green in color and heavy in weight.

Benefits of cabbage:

For women:

Women who care about their figure should pay attention to this vegetable. special attention. After all, it contains tartronic acid, which prevents the carbohydrates we consume from turning into fatty deposits. But for many, it’s so hard without sweets. By the way, tartronic acid is afraid heat treatment, but preserves perfectly in pickled water.

Cabbage also contains folic acid, which is so necessary for us women. Cell renewal and oxygen saturation cannot occur without it. And it is indispensable for the skin and hair. Probably everyone knows about the need for folic acid during pregnancy. But it is also necessary for teenage girls (corrects puberty) and older women.

Hardly anyone takes seriously the possibility of enlarging their breasts by eating cabbage, but the fact that this vegetable contains a substance that is effective prevention breast cancer - proven. This substance is sulforaphane.

For men:

As for men, earlier, if their male power weakened, potency deteriorated, ancient healers prescribed wrapping the penis in a fresh cabbage leaf and keeping it there all night.

When talking about the benefits of cabbage for men, we cannot help but talk about sauerkraut. This is a popular, favorite snack, without which Russian feasts are not complete, enhances immune system, increases resistance to stress. It activates metabolic processes. Moreover, it improves blood quality, reduces cholesterol and has a rejuvenating effect on the body, strengthens the heart.

Men who regularly consume sauerkraut remain energetic for many years and do not lose interest in life until old age, maintaining their male strength. Well, and her pickle - unique source vitamin C. Brine is very useful for digestion, eliminates constipation, and relieves hemorrhoids.

For children:

The list of first complementary foods for babies, of course, consists of vegetables, but white cabbage for children under the age of one and a half years is not included in this list. The reason is trivial - a popular vegetable in our country can cause bloating, and the digestive system of babies is especially sensitive to excessive gas formation.

However, your child’s future diet will certainly contain white cabbage. In kindergartens, in the school canteen or in the home kitchen, this vegetable has no substitute, because not many products all year round available in fresh and without loss of taste and useful qualities. It is rich in phosphorus and potassium salts, contains a number of vitamins and minerals necessary for both children and adults. It was not ignored by nutritionists: white cabbage for children with food allergies does not pose a danger, therefore it fully complies with dietary requirements.

Kids, as a rule, respond well to cabbage dishes. It does not burden the digestive system, cooks quickly, and has a pleasant taste.

For older people:

The beneficial and tasty properties of cabbage have been valued since ancient times. This is how the mathematician Pythagoras spoke about it: “Cabbage is a vegetable that maintains constant vigor, fun and a calm mood.” The ancient Romans believed that cabbage gave strength to the body and resistance to various diseases, regulating metabolic processes.

For older people, it is very important to include white cabbage in your diet, which contains only 4-5% carbohydrates and is therefore low in calories. Low calorie and high content dietary fiber make it possible to include it in the diet of older people with obesity and diabetes mellitus Type 2.

In addition, white cabbage is good source vitamin C and minerals, especially potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

Due to the fact that cabbage helps remove cholesterol from the body, it should be included in the diet of older people to prevent atherosclerosis. The high content of potassium salts in this plant can help stimulate diuresis in heart and kidney diseases.

Shredded raw cabbage increases appetite, improves intestinal function and the digestion process. However, the significant content of fiber and sulfur in cabbage can cause flatulence, which limits it in the diet of older people, especially if the function of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired.

In Tibetan medicine, during exacerbation of thrombophlebitis, it is advised to apply fresh cabbage leaves to the affected area.

Sauerkraut, especially in brine, retains significant amounts of vitamin C (18–20 mg per 100 g of product). Sauerkraut is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. This is considered good prophylactic against scurvy and the best remedy against chronic dyspepsia. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with brine or chew sauerkraut for periodontal disease, gingivitis and others. inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

At the same time, sauerkraut contains a lot of lactic acid and table salt(2.5%), therefore, in older people, especially when they are forced to use sodium-restricted diets (with edema, increased blood pressure, obesity, etc.), the cabbage is squeezed and washed before use.

What does cabbage cure?

How to treat gastritis with cabbage?

One of the most proven methods is to treat gastritis with cabbage juice. Most people underestimate this vegetable, but in vain. After all, white cabbage is a real chest of vitamins. In particular, it contains a unique vitamin U (methylmethionine), especially necessary for a person with gastritis or ulcers, as well as RR, which tidies up the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

We can say that cabbage juice is considered somewhat exotic, and sauerkraut is a completely familiar dish, which, however, should not be consumed during the phase of exacerbation of the disease. And in the subsiding phase of the disease, sauerkraut for gastritis contributes to:

  • improving motor skills;
  • eliminating constipation;
  • improving microflora in the intestines;
  • increasing immunity;
  • eliminating inflammation in the mucous membrane.

And sauerkraut for gastritis with increased acidity can be used in a limited manner, but only during the period of subsidence of the disease. It is best to abandon it in this form when the acid level increases, so as not to cause complications of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The main product in therapy of this disease(especially when the acidity level decreases) stewed cabbage can become. During stewing, vegetables are preserved useful elements, which help improve the functioning of the digestive tract and reduce the load on stomach tissue. Stewed cabbage for gastritis it has the following effects:

  • eliminates inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  • accelerates regenerative processes;
  • improves digestion;
  • perfectly satisfies hunger while following a strict diet;
  • reduces pain.

How to eat cabbage with pancreatitis?

White cabbage in the acute phase of pancreatitis:

The inflamed pancreas quickly and violently reacts to any dietary deviations with painful attacks, increased vomiting, profuse diarrhea, renewed fever, bloating and some other serious symptoms. Dishes with white cabbage can provoke or intensify all these unpleasant signs of an acute process in the pancreas. This negative impact is due to the content in it:

  • Essential oils (it is their presence that explains the pungent taste of raw cabbage);
  • Coarse fiber (fibers are visible even to the naked eye in cabbage), the amount of which is 2 g per 100 g of product.

White cabbage in remission phase:

After inflammation subsides or completely resolves, the diet of patients with pancreatitis expands significantly. The introduction of white cabbage begins with its inclusion in vegetable soups. If the patient does not experience any adverse changes in well-being after such a lunch, then other boiled, stewed and baked dishes with cabbage (casseroles, cabbage rolls, stews, cutlets, rolls, etc.) are added to the menu. If stable, satisfactory health is maintained, then fresh and non-acidic sauerkraut is included in the diet. However, in this form it can serve as an impetus for a new exacerbation, so you should eat it very carefully and in limited quantities.

Nutritional recommendations for patients with pancreatogenic diabetes (caused by pancreatitis) are no different in this case. After all, white cabbage contains little sucrose and starch, so it changes blood sugar levels little.

Great video about cabbage! Worth a look!

How to treat bruises, swelling and bruises with cabbage?

The properties of cabbage leaves to heal wounds and stop bleeding are used for bruises, especially on the arms and legs. Swelling and pain decrease, hematomas resolve, and the consequences of bruises are not so serious.

You can apply a clean whole to the bruised area. cabbage leaf, or you can squeeze the juice out of it, moisten a piece of cotton or linen cloth with it and apply it to the damaged area, applying any securing bandage. This lotion quickly relieves pain and restores damaged tissue.

How to apply cabbage leaves to sore spots?

First of all, I would like to say that it is best to take cabbage leaves for medicinal purposes from a head of cabbage grown on your own plot or purchased at the market from farmers and individuals. Leaves for compresses must be thoroughly rinsed with running water and dried.

If the leaves are applied to wounds or other damaged skin surfaces, they should be doused with boiling water before use. You can prepare several leaves in this way, put them in a plastic bag, place them in the refrigerator and use them as needed.

Before use, the leaves need to be kept at room temperature for some time, do not apply them when cooled.

Before use, the leaves must be rinsed, first removing the hardest parts of the veins. This is done so that the leaf releases juice, thereby ensuring that all the medicinal properties of the cabbage leaf are released. You need to knead its outer side, which is applied to the sore spot, for which you can use a wooden hammer, a rolling pin for rolling out dough, or the blunt side of a knife. You can even cut the leaves slightly, but not all the way through, so that the juice does not leak out, but only moisturizes the leaves.

The thickness of the compress depends on the size of the painful area and the size and thickness of the leaves themselves. Sometimes one or two leaves are enough, and sometimes you may need a stack of leaves that overlap each other with a slight overlap.

The cabbage leaves should fit tightly to the sore spot and be secured with a bandage.

A vegetable that is stored fresh all winter and does not lose its beneficial properties. More in the directory Kievan Rus, compiled in 1076, “Svyatoslav’s Collection”, a chapter is devoted to the preparation and storage rules of vegetables.

The homeland of cabbage is Georgia.

Composition of cabbage

The chemical composition is described in detail in the reference book of Russian scientists I.M. Skurikhin. and Tutelyan V.A. "Tables chemical composition and calorie content Russian products nutrition." Fresh cabbage contains vitamins:

A - 2 mcg;
E - 0.1 mg;
C - 45 mg;
B1 - 0.03 mg;
B2 - 0.04 mg;
B6 - 0.1 mg;
B9 - 22 mcg.

White cabbage is low in calories. Energy value 100 gr. fresh leaves - 28 kcal. Cabbage is rich in carbohydrates - 18.8 g. per 100 g, and proteins - 7.2 g. The ripened fruit of white cabbage is rich in:

Potassium - 300 mg;
calcium - 48 mg;
magnesium - 16 mg;
sodium - 13 mg;
sulfur - 37 mg;
phosphorus - 31 mg;
chlorine - 37 mg;
boron - 200 mcg;
cobalt - 3 mcg;
molybdenum - 10 mcg;
chromium - 5 mcg;
zinc - 0.4 mg.

The composition contains “magic” tartronic acid and a rare substance methionine - or vitamin U. Tartronic acid can stop the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. Vitamin U - heals erosions, wounds and ulcers on the mucous membranes.

Benefits of cabbage


Heals erosions, wounds and ulcers

In 1942, a scientist from the USA, Chiney, discovered a substance in the juice that heals erosions of the mucous membranes of the stomach - methylmethionine sulfonium, later called vitamin U. Independently of Chiney, in 1952, Mac Rory proved the ability of methylmethionine sulfonium to heal wounds and ulcers. Because of its fiber, cabbage is not allowed during periods of exacerbation of ulcers, but cabbage juice is used to treat stomach ulcers, psoriasis and eczema.

Fights cholesterol deposits

Cholesterol plaques are protein-bound lipoproteins deposited on the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin U in cabbage is involved in metabolic processes, including fat. Entering the blood, the substance prevents cholesterol from sticking to proteins and settling on the walls of blood vessels.

White cabbage is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and high cholesterol.

Prevents fat formation

Cabbage contains tartronic acid, which is an organic acid. Like tartaric, citric, malic and oxalic acids, tartronic acid alkalizes the environment in the stomach, prevents fermentation and improves digestion. But the uniqueness of tartronic acid is that it prevents the appearance of fat deposits - this explains the benefits of cabbage for weight loss. Tartronic acid does not break down existing fats, but it does not allow new ones to form. This property is explained by the fact that tartronic acid stops the process of converting carbohydrates into triglycerides.

Fresh and fermented is useful, since tartronic acid is destroyed during heat treatment.

Cleanses the intestines

100 grams contain 10% of daily norm dietary fiber, which stimulates intestinal motility. Without fiber, the intestines become lazy, and the smooth muscles of the organ atrophy. The benefit of raw cabbage is that fiber irritates the intestinal walls, prevents them from “falling asleep” and triggers self-cleansing. During work, the intestines are cleansed of toxins. Cabbage is useful for long-term constipation and intestinal motility disorders.

For men

It is advisable for men to take care of their sexual health. Simple white cabbage helps with this. The benefit of cabbage for men is to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. Cabbage contains vitamin B9, which is necessary for the production of high-quality sperm.

For pregnant women

The benefits of cabbage during pregnancy can be judged based on its vitamin and mineral composition. Cabbage is rich in potassium, vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber.

  • Potassium helps avoid swelling, which is important for pregnant women.
  • Vitamin C thins the blood. Viscous blood- a problem for expectant mothers, which can cause fetal death.
  • Folic acid is necessary for the fetus. If in the womb the fetus did not receive enough folic acid, then the child may be born with disabilities.

Sauerkraut eliminates nausea. Cabbage will be beneficial for women with toxicosis: it will relieve aversion to foods and at the same time provide the body with deficient vitamins.

Properties of cabbage

For children

Boosts immunity

Vitamin C molecules are mobile and fast, easily penetrate into the blood and organs, and are quickly absorbed by the body. Animals do not suffer from a lack of ascorbic acid, since they are able to produce it themselves, and people get the vitamin from food. That's why people get colds and flu more often than animals.

The benefit of cabbage for the body in the winter and spring is to strengthen the immune system. The amount of vitamin C increases when cabbage is sauerkraut. 200 grams will help provide the body with a sufficient dose of vitamin C. raw or 100 gr. sauerkraut per day.

Medicinal properties of cabbage

For erosive gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers

The discovery of vitamin U, which heals wounds, marked new stage in the treatment of peptic ulcers. Cabbage juice began to be used to heal wounds and stomach erosions. For treatment, juice from the leaves is used.

  • Pass a few peeled top leaves of cabbage through a meat grinder.
  • Squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.

Take 3/4 glass of the drink 40 minutes before meals at each meal.

For swelling

The medicinal properties of white cabbage are the removal of excess fluid from cells and tissues. And all because cabbage is rich in potassium, which displaces sodium from cells - and with it excess liquid. Take 1/4 cup of cabbage juice before meals, or replace the juice with a decoction of cabbage seeds.

For joints

For joint pain and inflammation in folk medicine cabbage leaves are used. Mash a fresh cabbage leaf to release the juice, then apply to the affected area. Change the compress every hour during the day.


Many medicinal properties people noticed cabbage even before scientific discoveries and studying the composition. For example, a compress of cabbage leaves with honey helps with a cough.

  1. Take a firm, fresh head of cabbage and cut off a clean leaf.
  2. Place the leaf in boiling water for 1 minute and press down to release the juice. At the same time, heat the honey in a water bath.
  3. Lubricate a cabbage leaf with honey and apply a compress to your chest.

For mastopathy

The antitumor, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of cabbage are a salvation for women suffering from mastopathy. Cabbage contains indoles - compounds that block the action of female hormone estrogen on the mammary glands. For pain and inflammation in the chest, use compresses from crumpled sheet cabbage with honey or kefir.

Harm and contraindications of cabbage

You can’t eat cabbage for weight loss every day because large quantity fiber. With an excess of fiber, the intestinal walls are injured, causing bloating, flatulence and severe pain.

Contraindications for white cabbage:

  • period of exacerbation of peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines - you can only drink juice;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, increased intestinal motility;
  • stomach and intestinal bleeding.

White cabbage may be harmful to people with thyroid diseases due to its high content of zinc and selenium. These elements influence thyroid hormones.

How to choose and store cabbage correctly

When choosing cabbage, be guided by two criteria: elasticity and foliage color. A head of good cabbage is bright green in color, without yellow spots. Ripe cabbage is elastic when pressed, without soft areas or dents.

White cabbage can be stored for 5 months.

White cabbage is the most famous vegetable in Russia. Combines the properties of delicious fresh vegetable and treatments for numerous diseases. ABOUT magical properties the product has been known since antiquity. The healers treated cabbage recipes gastrointestinal disorders, other diseases. Young beauties washed their faces every morning cabbage brine to keep skin fresh.

Features, differences from other types

The vegetable belongs to the Cruciferous family, genus Brassica, and is a biennial plant.

The first year it produces heads of cabbage, which people use in cooking.. In the second year it throws out an arrow with small yellow flowers. After flowering, seeds are formed.

They can be collected and then germinated for further propagation. Cabbage heads are round, flat and oval.

They consist of succulent leaves, the upper ones are light green in color, and the lower ones are white, sometimes with a cream tint.

This species contains many vitamins and useful microelements for the body:

The uniqueness of the vegetable lies in its high content of ascorbic acid, which does not decompose even after long-term storage. After six months, 100 g of product contains 50 mg of vitamin C.

But the main miracle is that when chopping cabbage ascorbic acid goes into a bound form - ascorbigen. IN acidic environment In the stomach, this compound breaks down into vitamin C and glucobrassicin.

The latter has the following healing properties:

  • partially suppresses, even stops the growth of hormone-dependent cancer cells;
  • has an antiestrogenic effect, that is, helps prevent breast cancer;
  • inhibits the growth of papillomas in papillomatosis.

The vegetable also contains vitamin U, or S-methylmethionine. He is capable of:

Scientists are still actively researching healing properties vegetables to create effective drugs from cancer and AIDS.

Useful properties

For adult men and women

Vegetable with regular, but moderate consumption in food has a beneficial effect on health due to unique composition. A balanced complex of vitamins and amino acids gives the effect:

  • increasing immunity, strengthening protective forces body;
  • reducing the likelihood of cancer. In women it is the mammary gland, and in men it is the prostate gland.
  • For children's health

    This product is useful for children. Prevents the development of:

    • rickets;
    • stomatitis;
    • dysbacteriosis.

    The smallest ones need to boil the cabbage first, puree in a blender and then add a little breast milk or formula milk.

    After getting used to the product, milk can be eliminated. Cabbage puree removes toxins and poisons, so it is especially useful in treating medications and when:

    • diathesis;
    • food allergies;
    • atopic dermatitis.

    If your baby's stomach swells after eating cabbage, you should consult your pediatrician. Perhaps he needs to improve his intestinal flora.

    After a year, you can start giving your child soups with added cabbage, vegetable stew. From the age of two - salads with the addition of vegetable oil. This normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, gives the necessary load masticatory muscles, improves health tooth enamel, helping to prevent caries.

    In old age

    Fresh cabbage has a strong anti-aging and anti-sclerotic effect thanks to the tartronic acid in its composition.

    REFERENCE! After heat treatment, tartronic acid decomposes.

    In old age with good condition teeth every day it is advisable to eat cabbage salads with added oil grape seed or amaranth. If chewing a fresh product is not possible, drink juice in combination with the same oil or honey. The blood vessels will be cleansed, cholesterol and stool will be normalized. Lightness and vigor will appear in the body.

    How it can be harmful to health, contraindications

    The most important contraindication is individual intolerance, that is, indigestion. The product should also be excluded from the diet if:

    Is cabbage stalk healthy?

    ATTENTION! When cooking, the stalk must be thrown away, as nitrates and other harmful substances accumulate in it.

    They are not completely removed even when soaked in a solution of table salt or boiled.

    Let's talk about the benefits of stewed, boiled and pickled cabbage, its dangers, and the benefits of fresh and squeezed juice of the product.

    For the prevention of cancer and viral diseases To replenish vitamin C reserves, it is advisable to eat at least 200 g of fresh cabbage every day. When preparing it you should:

    • chop;
    • sprinkle with a little table salt;
    • leave for 20 minutes;
    • Rub thoroughly with your hands;
    • add seasonings (lemon juice, honey, vegetable oil, etc.).

    You can add any nuts, herbs, or... to the salad.

    If you eat such a salad for breakfast, it will help eliminate constipation, dysbacteriosis, and cleanse yourself of toxins.

    When consumed at lunchtime in combination with animal proteins, the food will be optimally absorbed. You should not eat cabbage for dinner, so as not to overload your stomach before bed.

    Boiled, stewed or fried food can be eaten every day in any quantity if there are no contraindications. It is advisable to observe the following rules:

    • heat treatment should be short-term (no more than 15 minutes);
    • For cooking, use any refined sunflower oil. It can also be replaced with cream. Do not cook with margarine or animal fat.
    • The stalk needs to be thrown away.

    The fermented product can be eaten three times a day for prevention. This should be done half an hour before breakfast or lunch. Recommended amount - from 50 to 100 g.

    Use in cooking

    Cabbage heads are a source of inspiration for zealous housewives. Cabbage is tasty, affordable, and can be stored for a long time without losing its taste.

    Recipe with egg:

    Best served immediately after cooking, paired with baked potatoes or seafood.

    A simple recipe for fried cabbage:

    • chop finely;
    • fry without salt for five minutes vegetable oil with the addition of dill and caraway seeds.

    If desired, add carrots or bell peppers when frying. You can season the dish with soy sauce.

    Summer salad:

    Before serving, top with sour cream.

    Watch the video recipe for young cabbage salad:

    In cosmetology

    Applications and compresses made from freshly squeezed juice have a strong rejuvenating effect, and also:

    • relieve acne and inflammation;
    • intensively moisturize the skin;
    • bleach, lighten age spots and freckles.

    If it is not possible to squeeze out the juice, then you can make a mask from sauerkraut, which is also called “Parisian”. It tightens the oval of the face, tightens pores, and activates blood circulation.

    REFERENCE! Those with dry skin should lubricate their skin with any oily cream before applying the mask.

    For weight loss

    Considering the low calorie content and high content of nicotine and , the vegetable can be used in low-carbohydrate diets on its own (in the form of salads and cabbage soup) or as a side dish in protein diets, facilitating the release of the body from metabolic products.

    Cabbage diet can be done once a week. On this day, five times a day you need to eat a salad of fresh leaves in any quantity, seasoned with lemon juice.

    The salad must be prepared without salt.

    During the day you can eat two more eggs or 100 g of black bread. You can drink a glass at night tomato juice. This diet guarantees weight loss of up to two kilograms in one day.

    Instead of salad, you can make soup from one kilogram of cabbage, and bell pepper without salt and oil. This method is recommended for those who do not tolerate fresh food well or cannot chew thoroughly.

    For medicinal purposes

    Cabbage leaves are used alternative medicine during treatment:

    • joint diseases;
    • headaches;
    • mastitis;
    • boils.

    To do this, you need to bandage a fresh cabbage leaf to the sore spot. Change it every hour. For migraines and headaches, it is also useful to apply the leaves to the eyes.

    Cabbage juice - medicine with wide range impact. It should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast.

    Combined with 5 ml sunflower oil it has a beneficial effect on the liver, gently ridding it of toxins. When adding honey, it will relieve a pregnant woman of toxicosis and reduce the symptoms of a hangover.

    In its pure form, it dissolves salt deposits in the joints and spine, and improves the health of tooth enamel.

    WITH carrot juice in a ratio of 1:2 activates blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels.
    Everything you need is always nearby. Cabbage at minimum costs can heal, feed deliciously and relieve depression. The main thing is to know how to do it.

    Find out about other cabbage treatments: