Why does drool splash out when you open your mouth? What to do if it becomes unpleasant to communicate with a person due to bad breath, increased salivation or too loud a voice

The sound “r” is one of the most complex in its formation method in the Russian phonetic system. When pronouncing it, difficulties often arise not only among speakers of another language, but also among Russian speakers. One of the ways to stage...

The main goal of articulation gymnastics is to develop correct movements and the positions of the articulatory organs, which are responsible for the correct pronunciation of sounds. The success of a business largely depends on the systematicity of the activities that are necessary...

Beef tongue is a hearty and tasty delicacy that can be served as an independent dish or used to prepare various salads. The latter turn out to be especially gentle and interesting with him. Choose your recipe for you...

Even an inexperienced housewife can prepare this tasty and simple salad. Tongue salad is a real delicacy that will be appreciated by everyone without exception. Guests of your holiday will definitely ask you to tell them the recipe for making such a simple and very…

Self-tissue massage oral cavity from the inside using language - a simple and effective technique for a culture of health. It allows you to maintain oral hygiene, improve the condition of your gums, lips, cheeks, and teeth. During the process of self-massage, blood circulation improves and...

Some people have difficulty pronouncing the “r” sound. They get something between “g” and “x”. By the way, this is how the French pronounce the sound “r” in accordance with the rules of their language. Such a defect...

Latin– one of the most amazing. It is considered dead, as it has long fallen out of colloquial use, but it is taught in universities, used in the scientific community, and many words from Latin are still in use. Partial Latin...

Today, more and more young people are interested in how to kiss with tongue correctly and at the same time give their soulmate an unforgettable experience. Full of passion and loving feelings, a kiss with a tongue can bring two people even closer together and...

Six very simple exercises performed daily will help you quickly teach small child pronounce the letter "R". Each exercise is repeated 7-8 times, while the lips should always smile slightly.1. "Chicks." Mouth…

If your child burrs or has any other speech impediment, take him to a speech therapist. This may be due to the fact that he was unable to switch from one type of swallowing to another in time. How to deal with speech defects? Instructions 1 To get started...

The problem of pronouncing the letter “r” occurs not only in children, but also in adults. If a child has not learned to pronounce it before the age of 5, after 5 years it is necessary to start writing the letter. It is advisable to solve the problem in childhood. However…

In order to learn to pronounce the letter “sh”, it is necessary to develop the correct position of the organs of articulation - lips, tongue and teeth. Work off correct pronunciation sounds better in childhood. However, it is possible to eliminate speech defects in...

Today it is possible to communicate on several foreign languages much appreciated. The most studied languages ​​are international languages(English, German, French). However, many people would like to learn a non-standard language, for example...

People communicate with each other based on work, interests, and relatedness. We talk with bosses, loved ones, friends, strangers. We stand on close range when you can smell your breath, drool, and your voice is of great importance.
What to do when your breath smells bad, saliva gets into your face, and a loud voice irritates your ears?

What happens in the interlocutor’s mouth if it spreads from him bad smell? You can’t run far, as breathing can be heard at a distance of up to 90 centimeters.

An unpleasant aroma is a signal that warns of dental problems. If tartar is not removed, pockets form under the gums in which food collects and microorganisms multiply.

To keep your mouth in good order, you should brush your teeth, use dental floss, and use mouthwash twice a day.

First, clean all the spaces between your teeth, then use a toothbrush and toothpaste, and finish with an oral elixir.

If you cannot communicate with your friend because she has bad breath, then do not be afraid to tell her about it, since she herself may not feel it.

And so that she doesn’t get offended, do it correctly. You can even give it to her as a gift dental floss, mouthwash and toothbrush.

There are cases when, while communicating with a person, you notice that his saliva is flying in all directions. Yes, I’m afraid to tell an unfamiliar interlocutor about this. And if this happens to a friend or husband, then you shouldn’t endure it; it’s better to let him know so that his boss or someone he doesn’t know tells him about it.

Increased salivation appears with stomach problems, when there is reflux, and is observed increased acidity.

To cope with the problem, you need to exclude chocolate, mint and chewing gum from your diet.

But first of all, you need to visit a doctor to get a diagnosis digestive system. If it is confirmed that increased acidity has appeared gastric juice, then the doctor will prescribe drugs that reduce acidity.

During communication, there is another problem when the interlocutor talks too loudly. No, he doesn’t swear, doesn’t worry, but always speaks loudly because he doesn’t hear well. This can happen to older people who, as they age, lose the villi on their cochlea that sense high-pitched tones. With age, a person becomes deaf. First of all, the ability to perceive high notes disappears, and the person hears only low tones. This means that he will scream when talking to women, since he cannot hear voiced sounds well. women's voices, and perceives male talk better.

Over time, this ability may also be lost.

To prevent the interlocutor from screaming, it is necessary to send him to an ENT specialist, who will examine the ears and prescribe the installation of a hearing aid.

Or maybe everything is not so irreversible, and the patient just has a sulfur plug.

Whatever happens, even if there is bad breath or increased salivation, or loud notes in the voice, you should not remain silent about such problems, but you need to openly talk about this to your interlocutor, since he himself may not notice such deviations that have appeared.

If he knows that something unpleasant is happening for others, then together you can find a way out of the current situation and communicate again with pleasure and joy.

But then the Chief Boss came, and everything changed. He spat there, spat here, and the sky parted before Him, and from the spitting the stars, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth were born. The sky gave birth to Wind, the Sun gave birth to Fire, and Fire was ready to incinerate everyone and everything, but Godfather spat again, and Water appeared.

This is how four elements arose and complemented the overall picture of the World. A boy subsequently emerged from them, taking a drop from each.

He borrowed a warm heart from Fire, and from then on Fire became his essence. He adopted the memory of his ancestors from the Earth, learned to respect authorities, mother and father kind words remember, and the boy stood up for the District, and the boy became clear. The wind gave the boy a strong connection with Nishtyak, the god of relaxation, and the boy became even. Water rewarded the boy with the ability to heal and heal - to pour a competent market, in short - and the boy stood up for a divorce, and Luck was lucky for him.

And then the Chief Boss appeared again: he came to leave forever. But, before disappearing behind the scenes of eternity, He left the boy for edification his Mastery - Four spitting techniques or the Art of spitting in four different ways.

Spitting helps you focus and get to the heart of things.

Method One: Fire Technique

The most famous method of spitting is “through the teeth.”

Articulation: Front top edge the surface of the tongue is tightly pressed to the front upper teeth. Saliva accumulates in the hollow formed by the bend of the middle part of the tongue. At the moment of spitting, the tip of the tongue slides down, slightly moving outward, and a stream is sprayed out from the gap between the front teeth.

The spitting is accompanied by a characteristic sound “TZYRK”, for which this method is sometimes simply called “Tsvirk”.

The fluttering spitters are always fast and short-ranged.

This technique symbolizes expression, aggression, treachery, because it is born from the best Zhigan (that is, fiery) qualities of a boy.

Method two: Earth Technique

A common dynamic method of spitting through tightly pursed lips, it is performed in most sitting poses, especially in the Courts and Bench poses.

Articulation: Lips tightly compressed. Saliva accumulates on the tip of the tongue, pressed against the roof of the mouth. At the moment of performance, the tip comes off the palate, lower lip slides slightly forward and down, the cheeks, like blacksmith's bellows, sharply compress, and a portion of saliva, usually quite copious, falls to the ground.

This technique symbolizes loyalty to tradition and closeness to Mother Earth.

Third method: Water Technique

This method largely repeats the previous one, but is characterized incomparably a large number secreted saliva. The spitting is done slowly, lazily, often through the use of mind-altering substances. The boy bends over and looks for a long time at the heavy and viscous drop of saliva coming out of his mouth, thoughtfully admiring how beautifully it stretches and finally reaches the ground.

The highest art is to hit a puddle left by another spit or a seed coat with such spit.

Articulation: Similar to the previous method, but less dynamic; movements of the tongue and cheeks are smoother.

This technique symbolizes complete relaxation, but at the same time composure, concentration and perseverance.

Fourth method: Wind Technique

This is a long-range and fast-firing grub. The flight range can reach several meters and is determined, first of all, by the severity of the “charge”: mucous deposits from the nasopharynx are used for spitting.

Articulation: Nasopharyngeal deposits collect on the front of the tongue. The tip of the tongue is pressed tightly to inside lips, closing the hole between them. At the moment of spitting, the lips curl into a tube, the tongue moves back, releasing a stream of compressed air, and the rocket flies right at the target.

This technique symbolizes a warlike attitude, cheerful enthusiasm, and Zhigan passion.