How to make a cat from plasticine: joint crafts for adults and children. Do-it-yourself cat from plasticine We sculpt a cat from plasticine step by step with children

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As soon as children see little kitten, they want to hug this soft lump to themselves, stroke it and play with it. Yes, kittens themselves are not against this, because they behave like children. They are interested in everything that happens around them, they chase insects and birds, play with a ball or a skein of thread. In this modeling lesson, we invite you to mold a kitten from plasticine, reproducing the cute features of a small animal.

Helps solve the modeling problem step by step photo instructions below. In general, sculpting a kitten is not difficult. This ordinary cat, only he should look more naive and childish.

Other lessons on cats:

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Think about what kind of plasticine you would like to use to sculpt this animal figurine. It is not forbidden to use even caramel pink, because your kitten is a toy. IN this lesson We will focus on the banal gray version, but no one limits young sculptors in their choice of color. Roll a small portion of modeling mixture into a ball.

First, press the ball onto a hard surface with your palm, then, pressing with your thumb and index fingers, stretch your cheeks in different directions.

Make a stack of notches on the cheeks and attach the nose part.

Stick on huge naive eyes and a pink nose. Now the baby can sniff everything.

Make your eyes green, your cat will watch the world around him with interest.

Form triangle-like ears from plasticine of the same color and attach them to the corresponding recesses. The curious cutie must hear everything.

To make a kitten torso sculpture, prepare large number gray plasticine. Bend the large lump into an arc.

Use a stack to cut out the bent hind legs. Place a beige collar on the front and stack it to make it soft and fluffy. Immediately insert the match where the head will later be attached.

Cut out the front legs in the same way.

Attach the head to the body using a previously prepared match. Attach a fluffy tail to the back and bend it forward.

A cute plasticine kitten is ready. The craft will become strong if you place it in the refrigerator for a while, and the shiny appearance will appear on the product if you spray it with hairspray.

It is generally accepted that black cats bring trouble to everyone who crosses their path. However, such prejudices are absolutely unfounded, because many people have such majestic animals at home, but in no way contribute to attracting troubles. On the contrary, you can make a cute black kitten your mascot.

It is not necessary to bring a real animal into the house for this, especially if you have one. We suggest making a cat out of plasticine and putting it on the children's crafts shelf as a souvenir. Detailed instructions with step-by-step photographs to help you carry out the process with ease, is given below.

How to make a cat from plasticine - step by step with photos:

1. To create a craft with your own hands, just take a plate of black plasticine from the kit and a plastic spatula.

2. Form a long thin sausage from half of the prepared plasticine; later this black part will turn into the graceful body of a kitten.

3. Make small longitudinal cuts at both ends of the sausage. Use a spatula for this.

4. First turn one cut side into the hind legs. To do this, align both strips and bend them down.

5. Next, straighten the front legs and stretch them forward.

6. Start creating the cat's face by sculpting a small black ball.

7. Attach two cakes to the front side, close to each other, and place a pink dot between them. This way you will get a curious kitten nose. Also make green slitted eyes.

8. Form a long mustache from yellow plasticine threads, and attach triangle ears to the top of your head.

9. Attach the finished head to the curved piece, moving towards the front legs.

10. From leftover black plasticine, create long tail, because the kitten will use it as a steering wheel.

The black cat made of plasticine is ready. Now he can play with children, tangle balls and run away from mischievous puppies.

Little children love to display in their creative processes everything that we saw in our surroundings. If your child is imbued with warmth and love for such fluffy animals as kittens, we invite you to learn how to mold a cat from plasticine to make your dreams of an animal come true.

The first principle of modeling will be similar. This modeling from plasticine for children 3-4 years old is especially relevant, since the process is simple, interesting and, of course, useful. Due to the fact that the figurine is miniature and the material itself is plastic, children will develop fine motor skills and the imagination is activated.

In order for your child to learn how to make such a figurine, be sure to take part in the creative process with him. If your child is still very young, try to choose the softest plasticine for work, which does not need to be prepared for work by warming up and warming up.

Before molding a cat from plasticine, prepare:

  • plasticine (the baby can choose any color, since the finished one does not have to be natural, perhaps it will be fabulous);
  • plastic knife for working with material;
  • a board or other substrate to protect the table from plasticine.

Let's get started:

  1. The first thing you need to do is sculpt the cat’s body. Roll out a sausage from the chosen color. This will become the basis of the cat.
  2. When the base is ready, you can start making the paws. Roll out four small balls and shape them into an oval. Using the same pattern, we make a tail for the future cat. It should resemble a sausage with a curved end.
  3. When the previous parts are ready, start making the head. Roll a large ball and give it a slightly flattened appearance. This is the future face.
  4. At the top of the flattened ball you need to form ears. Find the middle and gently press with your finger to create an indentation. We give the protruding sides a triangular shape.
  5. Let's decorate the cat with a bib. Roll out the ball and give it the appearance of a “coin” and attach it to the cat.

We connect all the received elements. Attach the paws and tail to the body, hide the joints by carefully smoothing the plasticine. Our cat is almost ready, and instructions on how to make it out of plasticine a simple cat continues. A craft cannot be considered complete if it does not have a pretty face with a certain expression. It remains to add a few details.

Let's start making the muzzle:

  • make eyes (use white as a base and green or blue for the pupils);
  • a pink ball is suitable for the nose;
  • We will make the cheeks and mouth from gray peas.

Attach all the small parts to the muzzle. The cat is ready. You learned how to make a cat out of plasticine for small children. The cat will not necessarily stand; your baby can give it a sitting or lying appearance.

The following instructions will tell you how to make a cat out of plasticine using simple steps. Despite the simplicity of execution, the finished product is surprisingly beautiful.

The first thing we will start with is choosing the color of the future animal. If you want a bright fluffy look, go for an orange shade. Fans of mystical murkas can choose black.

The list of materials for work does not change. We use a knife to separate the material into pieces and a board to protect the work surface. Now we’ll tell you how to make a cat from plasticine:

  1. Before you begin the main modeling, the material needs to be prepared for work. We warm it and knead it in our hands until it becomes completely pliable.
  2. Take the main color you chose for the cat and roll it into a ball. The finished figure needs to be given a conical shape. As a result, you should get the body of the future cat.
  3. We continue working with the main color. Make a big pea out of it. It is needed to make the head.
  4. Now we roll a thin worm. This is a wonderful tail. To make it look elegant, round it and sharpen it at the end.
  5. Decorate your cat with a beautiful bib. Roll the ball, roll it out flat and cut out the bib. Make teeth along the edges so that the element looks like wool.
  6. So that the muzzle acquires natural look, you need to make four white peas. From these we will make the cat's eyes. We attach pupils of a different color to them, for example, black. We need the remaining white parts for the muzzle.
  7. Don't forget your nose. It can be made pink or orange. Give your nose a triangle shape for a more natural look.
  8. Let's take care of the ears. They need to be made in the form of thin triangles. You can make them from a color other than the main one. And, for example, from white. Inside each figurine we make we place an identical one, only with a smaller size and a different color.
  9. We finish working with the cat. We add dimples to his pupils, draw a mustache and toes.

The cat is ready. This plasticine modeling for children aged 3-4 years, like the previous one, is not complicated and interesting. All actions are elementary and with the help of adults, the cat will turn out natural and cheerful.

You learned how to make a cat from plasticine. Next we will look even more interesting options manufacturing.

If you are considering the topic of plasticine crafts for children and are looking for something simple but beautiful, then the next cat is for you. This character is funny, well-fed and very cute.

Making such a fat cat is very simple, for this:

  1. Preparing plasticine for work. Choose any shade you like. Heat the material and roll it into a ball. The main figure can be any size. Do you want to get the most well-fed cat? Make a very large ball.
  2. Additionally, roll a few more balls. We form ovals from the obtained parts. We attach it to the body. Pay attention to the photo of the cat; the hind legs should be slightly larger than the front ones.
  3. We complement the main figure with a tail. The presentability of our fat man will depend on the length. Roll out the worm, attach it to the ball and wrap the end. Entrust this work to your child, because these plasticine crafts for children are very simple.
  4. Forming the ears. Roll two small balls or one large one and flatten the workpiece. Cut out the triangles. Carefully attach the finished triangles to the ball and slightly turn the ears at the end inward for volume.

We figured out how to mold the base of a cat from plasticine; it needs to be supplemented with small elements so that a certain facial expression appears.

Follow these steps:

  1. We continue to work with the main color. Let's make two peas. They will become cheeks. We attach them to the muzzle and carefully smooth them out.
  2. To make the cat have the same facial expression as in the photo, make a third ball and place it below the cheeks.
  3. Let's make a nose. Choose a color. Of course, pink will look cutest. Roll the ball and secure it in place.
  4. Now you need to make the eyes. Wash your hands before handling them, because you will have to work with white. Dirty hands may leave marks on the material.
  5. Roll out two white peas. We attach the pupils to them; it is not necessary to use plasticine as the pupil, you can place beads of the color you need here.
  6. We can't leave ours fluffy pet without a mustache. To make them you can use white thread or fishing line. Gently insert the mustache into your cheeks.
  7. We complete the creation of the cat. Use small white triangles to make fangs for the cat. Draw the animal’s fingers, holes on its nose and cheeks.

Look, we learned how to mold a well-fed cat from plasticine! This toy is ideal for any kids. If you want to keep this plump cat company, you can choose a friend for him from the article on how to make animals from plasticine.

Kitten Woof

As part of the next instruction, we will try to consider in detail how to make a cat known to all children named Woof. To prevent this from seeming boring, watch your favorite Soviet cartoon with this cat before class.

When you are ready for the sculpting process, start selecting your material. What you will need:

  • plasticine in the required proportions;
  • stack for obtaining the necessary parts and giving them the required shape;
  • a wooden board or sheet of paper to protect the work surface.

Before starting, be sure to warm up and knead the material so that it is easier for your child to work with it. How to make a cat Woof from plasticine:

(Step 1)

The work is ready, you have learned how to make a cartoon cat from plasticine. The pet turned out to be charming and is unlikely to leave a child or an adult indifferent. And if you use your imagination and remember the plot of the cartoon, then the kitten needs to finish the cutlet so that he eats it. Such a toy can be placed in your collection of crafts, for example, next to

Modeling a cute kitten from plasticine will definitely attract your child’s attention, make him calm down and engage in creativity that is useful for the development of the child’s psyche. All children love animals, especially small kittens and dogs. This easy-to-follow tutorial shows you step-by-step how to turn ordinary orange pieces into an adorable red-haired creature with cute eyes. To show a plasticine kitten, and not an adult cat, you need to do enough big head, and the body is a little smaller, highlight the eyes on the muzzle, and leave the cheeks and nose small.

To make a cute red kitten, prepare:

  • orange plasticine, preferably two different shades;
  • a small drop of green, white, yellow, black and pink.

How to make a kitten from plasticine - step-by-step diagram:

1) Two orange blocks of different shades will help to recreate the unusual bright color of a cute kitten. All other colors will be used in small portions to create individual details.

2) Roll an orange (lighter) ball. Deform it slightly into the shape of an animal's head.

3) Roll two very small balls from yellow mass and one is pink. Attach as cheeks and nose to the animal's face. Connect the yellow balls together, and add a pink droplet on top of them.

4) Attach large white cakes, then green and black, gradually reducing their size, moving them to the side. This way you will get eyes.

5) Make the eyes glow by using white dots. Attach yellow eyelids and black eyelashes (they can be done in the form of thin threads).

6) Make triangular (pointy) ears from two small pieces of darker orange plate and attach them to the head.

7) To sculpt the body, prepare a small orange sausage; it can be pointed on one side.

8) Attach the sausage to the bottom of the head, then bend it.

9) Prepare small balls to create four legs.

10) Pull the balls into small cones. Attach red pads to the bottom of the cones.

11) Connect the four legs to the body.

A cat is an animal that brings comfort to the house. If it is not possible to have a real cat, you can make a figurine of it from.

A figurine made by , carries a special energy that will certainly bring into the house positive emotions and will create a cozy atmosphere around. Sculpting plasticine figures is an inexpensive pleasure.

To make a cat from plasticine, will be needed:

  • the material itself;
  • stacks (sticks for forming indentations);
  • knife;
  • special board.

You can decorate a shelf or desktop with a cat figurine, or use it for playing.

Material selection

Plasticine is a flexible material that allows you to create magic with your own hands. To ensure that the figurine is dense and does not crumble, it is important to choose high-quality material. There are a lot of different materials on the shelves in craft stores - so which one should you choose?

Once you have decided on the material, you can start sculpting.

How to make a cat from plasticine

Following a simple step-by-step instructions, you can make a wonderful figurine with your own hands. Modeling a cat from plasticine does not take much time and does not require much effort. To make a cat, you will need plasticine of the desired color (black, beige, white, brown, orange, etc.). To blind beautiful cat or a cat, you need:

To make the figure more realistic, you can add vertical lines along the entire body, thereby depicting fur. This can be done using a stack or a plasticine knife. Our wonderful cat is ready! (photo)

How to make the character “Kitten Woof” from plasticine

Before you start sculpting the kitten, materials need to be prepared:

Following step by step instructions, you can make a surprisingly cute cartoon kitten:

Such a charming pet with radiant eyes will not leave either parents or children indifferent.

Sculpting a kitten from plasticine is a pleasure. By turning on fantasy and imagination, you can achieve incredible results.