How to teach a cat to follow simple commands? How to train a cat at home How to teach a cat to follow commands

Cats are incredibly smart animals. You'll be surprised at what you can teach them. It turns out that they are capable of the same number of tricks as dogs! Have you ever been surprised that cats in movies lie down and run when they need to? Because they can come when called and follow commands! You just need to teach your animal to do it!

What does it take to train a cat?

Cats cannot be trained using negative attitude and punishments. This attitude just makes them stressed and doesn't want to do what you want them to do. To train your kitten, you need to understand how to use positive motivation to teach your kitten new tricks. You will need cat treats and a lot of patience - this way you can easily teach your cat to perform a variety of tricks!

Feeding paw

Not only dogs can give a paw! You can train your cat using the click system: use something with a clicking sound. After the click, give your cat a treat while you teach him the trick. To do this, you will need to hold the cat's paw in your hand while giving out the treat. At the same time, say “give me your paw,” shake it lightly and immediately give the treat. Try repeating the trick for five minutes every day so that your cat doesn't get bored. Always ask the cat to offer the same paw. Reward your cat if he gives you his paw when you extend your palm to him. Some cats can learn this in just a few days, while others will take several weeks.

Walking on a leash

If you can take your cat for a walk, you will be providing him with new sensory information. This strengthens his attention and develops his intellect. A cat leash is a must-have accessory, make sure that the cat cannot slip out of it or injure his neck.

Start at home

Give your cat more treats and pet him if he is on a leash so that the animal associates the accessory with positive emotions. Let him walk around in a collar, and then fasten a leash and lead him around the rooms. If the cat resists too much, try another time - it is important that the cat cannot associate the presence of a leash with stress.

Gradually move into the yard

A walk is a new experience for a cat, so it’s worth starting little by little. Go to a small, private and quiet space so that the cat can get used to being outside and not be afraid.

Start walking a little

Once your cat is used to walking in the yard without any problems, you can start taking him outside for a while. The cat may be nervous and afraid. Give him treats and pet him often so he understands that there is nothing to be afraid of outside. Avoid areas with noisy dogs, a large number cars or children. This way your cat will learn to walk without fear.

Take longer walks

Because of its small size, a cat will not be able to walk as fast or for as long as a dog. A walk around the area is enough for a cat. The main thing is to vaccinate your animal if you plan to take it outside, because there are many dangers there. Remember to remain patient. It will take you a few tries to get your cat accustomed to walking.

"Aport" command

This command is widely known as a way of playing between a person and a dog. Surprisingly, you can play with a cat too!

Start small

Start in a small room to make it easier for your cat to find and fetch the toy. If the room is quiet enough, the cat will be able to hear you talking to him and understand what you want.

Choose your favorite toys

Every cat has a favorite toy. It is suitable for teaching him to perform the “fetch” command. This is the kind of toy your cat will most want to fetch if you throw it.

Let the toy be special

If you use the toy only when you want to play with your cat, he will quickly understand the essence of what is happening. Say the word “fetch” often while you play. This way, the cat can learn to follow the command when you call it, and will associate the right word with this special toy.

The right encouragement

Let the cat associate the command with a click and a treat - be consistent in rewarding after each successful execution of the command. Your cat will understand that every time he brings a toy, he gets a treat. If your cat brings a toy but doesn't give it to you, start giving him a treat only after he gives it back.

Don't overexert your cat

The cat will gradually learn to carry out the “fetch” command; over time, you can stop giving him a lot of treats. If your cat quickly loses interest in the game or doesn't understand what you want from him, put the toy away and try again later. Don't force your cat to do what you want because this will cause stress which will interfere with your cat's ability to learn later. This team is great view activities for your pet that will bring joy to you too.

Command "die"

Not many people know, but you can actually teach your cat to play dead. Teach your animal to associate a trick with a certain word - and you will succeed!

Start small

While your cat is lying on the floor, place your hand on him and say: “Die”! Repeat several times before you move on to the next step.

Push the cat

Hold the treat and gently push it into supine position, while saying: “Die”! At the same time, give him a treat. It is important to say everything so that the cat can remember the connection between the word and your actions. Sooner or later he will start to lie down on the floor.

Take your hand away

Say “die” and don’t touch the cat. If he lies down, give him a treat.

Remove the treats

After enough repetitions, your cat will quickly begin to associate the command with necessary action. He will need to practice often, but then he will be able to do a funny trick that will make everyone who comes to visit you with a cat laugh.

Jumping through a hoop

You can even teach your cat to jump through hoops! This is the most difficult thing you can teach a cat, but it is something that any animal can learn if you are willing to practice long enough.

Start with a small hoop

It is best to start with a small hoop that is not decorated with lights and does not make any sounds.

Let the cat get used to the hoop

Let the cat get used to the new toy - put it on the floor, let the animal sniff it, and then start training. Only when the cat is not afraid of the hoop can you lift it or fix it on the stand. Be sure to give your cat a treat every time he comes into contact with the hoop.

Start by walking

Let the cat simply go through the hoop - teach him this with a toy on a rope. Pull it through the hoop so that the cat follows. When this succeeds, be sure to give the cat a treat.

Remove the bait

Guide your cat through the hoop with a treat, without using a enticing toy. Just give him a sniff of the treat, giving it out only after he performs the trick.

Raise the hoop

Each time you put your cat through the hoop, raise it a little higher and higher so that the animal just needs to step over it. Over time, he will be able to learn to jump. Don't give treats if he passes under the hoop. Start again and again. If the cat loses interest, remove the hoop and try another day.

Use familiar words

If you repeat words like “hoop” or “jump,” your cat will begin to associate them with the trick. Once he learns to jump through the hoop, you can say the right word and then offer a treat as soon as he jumps without your prompting. If you practice a lot, you will soon be able to refuse the treat - just a word will be enough. This is a very difficult trick and will most likely take several weeks to teach your cat. Stop exercising whenever your cat loses interest or gets upset. You may also want to check with your veterinarian to make sure that jumping is not harmful to your cat's health.

Many owners do not think about how to train a cat to teach it any commands or tricks, believing that it is too independent an animal. However, the wards of the Kuklachev Theater prove that the intellectual abilities of cats are very strong, and even these independent pets can be taught a lot.

Today we will talk about methods of training domestic cats, talk about the simplest and most basic commands that a mustachioed pet can learn, and also share the nuances and rules of competent interaction with an animal so that training brings pleasure to both the cat and its owner.

Any cat is an animal with a very subtle psyche, in which it is extremely developed emotional sphere. It is this feature that allows cats to become attached to members of their family, but we must not forget that the unconditional authority of a person as a leader does not exist for cats (this is their big difference from dogs). Accordingly, the training process should not be based on suppressing the cat and the owner’s desire to take the position of leader, but on delivering positive emotions and positive experience to the animal.

The structure of the cat's brain is very similar to the human brain - it consists of the parietal, temporal and occipital lobes, contains gray and white matter, and has multiple neural connections. It is when the neurons that store information are activated that the cat remembers certain things, data, events.

Features of cat memory - another one important aspect, which an owner who wants to train their cat should know. For a cat, only extremely necessary information matters. So, the pet will forget and appearance and the smell of a guest who came to the apartment once and did not affect the animal in any way, but for many years will remember the person who caused the pain.

For the rest of their lives, cats remember the location of their litter box, the sound of the refrigerator door when opening, or the rustling of a pack of food - things that are important to them. But the aroma of the owner’s perfume at the first meeting will not be preserved in the animal’s memory, because it does not benefit him.

Thus, cats can quickly remember any events if they have meaning and are necessary for their future life, and remember them long time. If we talk about training a cat, then this process will not become so important for the animal that it retains information about the owner’s commands all its life - therefore, the animal’s training needs to be reinforced with things that are meaningful to it: treats, praise, affection.

Numerous experiments conducted with cats prove that they have a very powerful short term memory– it lasts 12-16 hours (while in dogs it is up to five minutes). Regarding long-term memory, then it is even more developed. Cats can remember people, places or events throughout their lives if they have left a deep imprint on the animal's psyche.

Perceptiveness and ability to learn

The age between two and seven weeks is the most receptive age in a cat's life. So, if during this time the kitten has not gained any experience (communication with people, other animals, external influences), then subsequent contacts with this “unknown” will be painful for the animal. Of course, and adult cat can get used to the company of a person or a dog, but it will take much longer to adapt. This also applies to training - it is better to start training at the specified age.

At the same time, felinologists have proven that the ability to make decisions, memory and sensitivity develop in cats up to two to three years. That is, a young pet easily perceives new information, learning it through observation. So, a cat can learn to go to the toilet on the toilet if you show it this “wisdom” several times. Adult animals are even capable of deciding logic puzzles. The simplest example is precise, calibrated jumps when a cat needs to climb into some place (refrigerator, closet).

Only at first glance it seems that this is easy to do. In fact, the cat analyzes the distance, selects the most optimal trajectory and calculates its strength in such a way as not to make unnecessary movements. Of course, a kitten is not capable of this from birth - it learns as it grows.

As cats age, just like humans, brain function declines, including the part responsible for memory. After seven or eight years, the pet begins not only to perceive and remember new information worse, but also to cope with the volume of data already known to it more difficult. Yes, cats are completely old age may forget where their toilet or food bowls are. The only thing the owner can do is to treat the aging of his pet leniently. Of course, in old age there is no need to try to train a cat by causing it stress and discomfort.

How does a cat understand a person?

Every cat owner knows that his pet perfectly understands many words and even individual phrases. Thus, domestic cats easily remember their name, understand when they are invited to eat or are simply called to chat. The cat also knows well when she is being scolded.

If a cat lives with several people, then it responds to calls from all family members, regardless of their age and gender. Scientists have proven that cats calmly understand words and phrases even in different languages, if they help people communicate with them for two weeks.

The conclusion is simple: cats understand people perfectly well, despite the fact that the human speech apparatus is completely different from that of a cat. The fact is that cats perceive not the words themselves, but their “energy essences” - the emotional message invested by a person, intonation, as well as the length and size of the sound wave.

This is exactly how cats remember commands, and they do it much faster than dogs. Animal experts report: on average, to remember new team, a dog needs up to seven repetitions, while a cat needs three. Accordingly, training a cat is even easier than the smartest dog. You just need to know some nuances and follow the main rules.

Important Points About Cat Training

The most important rule, which the cat owner must understand - the animal cannot be forced to follow commands. If you force a cat, it will become nervous and resist, so only positive motivation is the only possible one in the training process.

Cats respond best to treats. You can purchase special treats at a pet store, or prepare your own reward. Note that the pieces must be really small so that the animal does not get full ahead of time and lose interest in the learning process.

Training a cat is a long process. It is impossible to teach a pet many commands in one day, and if the owner tires the animal too much, then the training will cause him disgust and persistent resistance. That's why the best option will teach the cat every day for ten to fifteen minutes.

It is important to gain the cat's trust in the person. Therefore, it is better to act as a trainer to the family member to whom the pet shows great affection. Trust must not only be gained, but also maintained. It is absolutely forbidden to shout at a cat, much less physically punish it. Negative emotions during the training process are unacceptable. If the cat does not understand the command or refuses to follow it, you need to postpone training until a more favorable time.

The commands that the animal learns must always be repeated the same way, in an even, calm voice, without changing the intonation. Domestic cats remember words faster in their unchanged form and are sensitive to the timbre and emotions in a person’s voice.

Video – Yuri Kuklachev: Teaching a cat tricks

Which cat breeds are the best to train?

Absolutely any cat can be taught a variety of tricks and commands, since representatives of the feline family have an extraordinary strong intellect. But, it is possible to identify breeds whose representatives are distinguished not only by their special intelligence, but also by their temperament, which is most suitable for training. We present to your attention several breeds of cats that are characterized by curiosity, easy-going nature, affection for humans and sociability.

Table 1. Top most smart breeds cats


Representatives of this breed love active outdoor games, enjoy communicating with people, and are easy to train. They are able to remember more than a dozen commands and perform various tricks perfectly.

Active cats that maintain mobility and interest in life even in old age. They have a good memory and are able to distinguish a wide range of human intonations and different voice timbres.

Incredibly gentle, curious and loyal to humans cats. They prefer close contact with the owner, are ready to participate in all family matters, and are excellent learners. Playful, the best motivation for them is the affection of their owner.

Emotional, fearless and strongly attached to the owner of the cat. They quickly understand what a person wants from them and are able to learn many tricks. They have a flexible psyche and high ability adapt to different situations.

An intelligent, very active breed with a great ability to self-learn. Many owners of Abyssinians note that these cats instantly learn to open doors, press light switches, and enjoy mastering special logic toys.

Cats of this breed are very social, love human company and are not at all afraid of guests. They train well, enjoying communication with the owner and encouragement.

Tender, graceful and smart cats with great affection for a person. Sphynx cats can understand and remember many words and sentences, they always want to please a person, they are well trained, and are not touchy.

Bengal cat

Incredibly flexible, active and intelligent cats, which can be called “cat-dog”. They are ready to follow a person everywhere, playful, friendly, focused on close contact with the owner, and easy to train.

Commands and tricks you can learn with your cat

Despite the fact that the mental and physical capabilities of cats allow them to carry out an unlimited number of commands, it is better to start training with the simplest, most basic ones. The process of training a cat involves a transition from simple commands that do not require any effort from the pet to more intricate ones - provided that the animal responds positively to training and makes progress.

We will tell you in detail how to teach a cat the command “Give me your paw!”

Team "Come to me"

The command is quite simple for a cat to understand. In order for the animal to respond to it, you need to encourage it every time it pays attention to you. To begin with, you can call your pet by name or simply “kitty-kitty-kitty”, holding in your hands a tasty piece that attracts the animal. When the cat moves towards you, you need to say “Come to me,” then pet the pet, treat it with a treat, and repeat again “Okay, come to me!” You need to repeat the command five to six times a day. More information about the training can be found in the video.

Video - How to teach a cat the “Come to me” command

Commands “Sit-Lie-Stand”

It is not difficult to teach a cat this command. It is enough to bring a tasty morsel to the animal’s nose, lifting it up. At the same time, you need to gently press your hand on the cat’s rump and at the moment when she begins to sit down, say the word “Sit.” After the cat has sat down, she is given a treat, praised and stroked.

The commands “Stand” and “Lie down” are taught in the same way. The cat needs to be interested in the treat, then mechanically give it the desired position, treat it and praise it. These commands are easier to learn from a sitting position: to put the cat down, lower the treat below the nose and lift the pet with your hand under the tummy, to put it down, lower the piece lower and gently press on the back.

Video – Teaching the “Sit” command

Jumping through a hoop

You need to choose a hoop of such a diameter that the cat can pass through it freely. On initial stage the hoop is held close to the floor or other surface on which the animal is standing. A treat is held in front of the cat's muzzle (between the hoop and the pet), luring the animal and encouraging it to pass through the object. When the cat steps over the hoop, say the command “Up”. When the cat confidently steps over the obstacle, the hoop can be raised higher - a couple of centimeters each time.

The “Up” command can also be used to jump over barriers, as well as from object to object (for example, from chair to chair). In the first case, they act in the same way as with a hoop - the cat is taught to step over a stick lying on the floor for a treat, pronouncing a command. Gradually the barrier is raised higher and higher. To make a cat jump from object to object, they are placed close to each other, the cat is placed on one surface, and a treat is placed on the other. Gradually, objects are moved apart to a greater distance. Then the command can be complicated by teaching the cat to simultaneously jump through the ring and from chair to chair.

Team "Gopher"

A very funny command performed by cats, which is easy to teach your pet. When the cat is sitting, you need to bring a treat to its face, and then lift it so that the pet reaches for the piece. As soon as the cat stands on its hind legs, they give a command, then treat and pet the pet.

Video – Training of the “Gopher” command

Summing up

Training a cat is a very exciting process, and most importantly, it quickly bears fruit. Already after the first day of training, the owner can enjoy the results of his work - the cat will follow commands. The main principles of successful training are patience, affection and perseverance, as well as repeated repetition and positive motivation of the pet.

The main thing is not to deceive the cat, always reward it after executing a command, using one selected word (for example, “Bravo” or “Excellent”), which is not used in everyday life. End the training with praise and play with your pet so that he understands that learning is pleasant and beneficial.

Most experts believe that cats can understand up to fifty human words. Cats do not know the meaning of words, but they associate the sounds of a given word with certain objects or actions.

With enough patience and persistence, you can teach your cat to respond to his name, as well as some commands, such as “Come!”, “Sit!”, “Stop!”

Command "Come to me!" (Come here!)

Suppose you have chosen a name for your kitten or cat and want it to come when its name is called. As an example, I chose the name Chiper because it consists of two syllables and sounds, short and sweet.
You can expect a cat to come when called if it has a presentiment of something pleasant. Don't start training a cat by calling him to medical procedures or swimming. This can be done later. Don't call your cat in a loud, angry voice. Not a single cat will approach an owner who belligerently shouts: “Cheeper, come here! Who broke our aunt’s vase?”

Use your cat's name every time you feed him, even if he is waiting at your feet. Call your cat to come to dinner when he is in another room. Say cheerfully, with pleasure: “Chipper, come to me!” Be consistent and use the same words and tone of voice every time you call your cat. If the cat does not come when called, pick it up, place it near the food bowl, and say: “Chipper, come to me!” and put the food in the bowl. After Chipper has associated his arrival on command with feeding, start calling him under other circumstances. Reward the cat with a tasty piece; Treats can be replaced with affection, praise, or other rewards.

The command "Sit!"

Your cat can be trained to sit on command. Preferably before feeding, place the cat on the floor and kneel next to him. If he gets bored and sits down, give the command “Sit!”, which coincides with the action. Use one word "Sit!" for command and reward the cat with a treat when he responds correctly. If the cat remains standing, gently press on the back quarter of his body to give the command. Reward sitting. Work with your cat only for short periods - 5 minutes at most - so that you and he don't get bored during the training process.

Command "Stop!"

I knew people who taught cats to stop on command. This valuable command comes in very handy when the cat is approaching danger or is about to commit mischief. Learn "Stop!" you must use your hands: bend your hand at a right angle, making a barrier for the cat to advance. Choose the right moment when the cat is moving towards you, and make a barrier with your hand, while commanding “Stop!” When the cat obeys by stopping on command, reward him. Later, when the cat learns the command, you don't have to make any gestures.

How to teach a kitten to fetch small objects?

Cats can be trained to fetch small objects, such as a plastic bottle cap. Cats can imitate, so you can start training by demonstrating a trick. Get down on all fours to get closer to the cat's level. Place the cork in your open hand and let your cat look and smell it. Throw the cork on short distance and say "Bring it!" before crawling. to bring it back to where your cat is standing and watching intently; you can even bring a cork in your teeth. It may be better to do the first training session when you and your cat are alone at home - otherwise, your family may think that you are not right in the head. Do two or three such trainings - throwing a cork while you speak; "Bring it, Chipper!" If the cat ignores you and the traffic jam after a few throws, stop training for a while. If he picks up the game and comes back to you with the cork, reward him with a treat or words " good kitten"If the cat runs after the cork, but brings it to the corner instead of returning it to you, ignore your careless student. Reinforce only the right actions and reactions.

Team "Up!"

Jumping through a hoop is a trick that will give your cat the specialty of a mini lion in the home circus. Hoops suitable size can serve as an embroidery hoop, suitably decorated to achieve a circus effect. Place the hoop on the floor and stand on the side of it opposite the cat. Lure the cat through the hoop. If he's leash trained, walk him through the hoop with him. When he gets close to the hoop, say, "Up, Cheeper!" and reward him with affection, praise and treats as he passes through. When the cat learns to go through the hoop, lift it a few centimeters from the floor. Reward your cat every time he jumps through a raised hoop. If the cat tries to go around or under the hoop, place the hoop in the cat's path so the cat has to go through it. If the cat manages to go around the hoop, refrain from rewarding it. After several training sessions, your cat should jump through a hoop that is raised half a meter at the command “Up”.


Does your cat scratch at the door to go outside? Teach him to ring the bell to call you to open the door. Place the bell as close to the door as possible where the cat is scratching. Do not open the door in the presence of the cat until the bell has rung. When the cat scratches at the door, take his paw and ring the bell. Open the door immediately after the bell sounds and let the cat outside. Ignore your cat when he scratches at the door and doesn't call. Once your cat has learned to ring when he wants to go out, gradually move the bell to a more appropriate location.

The command "Give me your paw!"

Teach your cat to follow the command "Sit!" When the cat is sitting, gently lift one of his front paws and say, “Give me your paw, Chipper!” Reward him immediately. After practicing this procedure several times, give the command and extend your hand. If the cat offers his paw, reward him. If the cat does not obey, take his paw yourself, shake it, saying the command, and give encouragement.

Bang-bang game!

The trick is to get the cat to lie down and remain motionless when you point your finger at him and say, “Bang bang!” Give the command “Sit!”, point your finger at the cat and say “Bang-bang!”, after which you immediately throw the cat on its side and reward it. Repeat the procedure until then. until the cat obeys the command. Then lengthen the amount of time your cat must lie still to receive the treat.

Command "Go!"

The staircase is easy to make at home, and then bad weather will not be an excuse to put off this exercise. Your cat gets heavy loads than you are when climbing steps because of your height and build. Good idea- start with a traditional staircase, supporting the cat every step of the way, since many of them are initially frightened when they see the floor below between the steps.

Place a comfortable collar and leash on your pet. Pick up the cat and place him on the first step, give the command “Go!” When the cat reacts correctly, praise him and give him a treat. Continue to help him take the second and third steps, rewarding each achievement. Follow the old training principle of stopping when everything is going well. Do not insist on continuing training if the cat is tired or bored.

If your cat is able to walk up an entire flight of stairs without fear, take him for a walk up and down once or twice a day. Perhaps after a while you will be able to accompany your cat down the steps without a leash. If you get tired before the cat, entice him to run up the stairs for his favorite toy or ball.

Few owners of furry couch potatoes are puzzled about how to train a cat. The common misconception that a cat is a wayward animal and cannot be trained deprives many furry lovers of interesting and unusual communication with their pets. Using certain knowledge, patience and boundless love, you can teach your pet, if not circus acts and tricks, then to perform a variety of useful and entertaining commands.

Read in this article

The ideal time to start training

Teaching simple actions and even tricks to a domestic cat is not at all pointless. During the training process, strong trusting relationships are established between the pet and the owner, and mutual understanding between man and animal increases. Training has a beneficial effect on the cat’s emotional state and promotes intellectual development.

Performing certain actions increases motor activity cat, strengthens him physically. Proper training will allow you to raise an obedient and disciplined pet.

First, it’s worth understanding the nuances of how to train domestic cat, at what age is it better to do this. Experts in the field of animal psychology recommend starting training at a young age. The success of the training will depend on the degree of socialization of the animal.

By the time of training, the pet should not be afraid of people or its relatives, be calm about changes in the environment, and respond adequately to external stimuli.

If a kitten is separated from its mother early, the animal may be afraid or aggressive. In this case, before starting training, it is necessary for the child to develop a sense of security and trust in the person. To do this, you can use a communication technique in one plane: the owner should play and communicate with a small kitten while lying on the floor. This situation will not cause fear and aggression in the baby as a response to fear.

The best time to start training, according to experts, is from 2 months to one and a half years. During this period, young animals are curious, behavioral stereotypes have not yet taken root in the psyche and can be easily corrected.

There are some nuances to how to train an adult cat. An older animal has established habits, its psyche is less mobile than that of a young animal. However, even an older pet can be taught to follow simple commands. This will require a little more time and patience than training young animals.

The effectiveness of training depends not only on the age, but also on the pet’s temperament. Phlegmatic and overly independent individuals perceive functional commands such as “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Come to me” worse. But companion cats learn them quite easily.

There is nothing difficult about how to train a cat, given the fact that pets are carnivores by nature and respond well to the stimulus of food. This feature should also be used to teach cats this or that action. For stimulation and encouragement, it is worth choosing the most desirable treats for your cat.

For the learning process to be successful, best time for training - on an empty stomach. A well-fed couch potato is not the best object for training. Therefore, when choosing a time for training, it is necessary to take into account when the animal ate food. Optimal time for training – the first half of the day.

To learn how to train cats, watch this video:

Rules for working with animals

Puzzled by the question of how to train a cat at home, the owner You should know a number of rules and tricks used in the learning process:

  • The training room should be spacious, without strangers and other animals, without strong odors and sounds.
  • Classes should last no more than 3 - 5 minutes. At the same time important has the age of the pet. Young kittens get tired faster, so the duration of training should be no more than 3 minutes.
  • The break between teaching the same action should be at least one day.
  • It is best to conduct the lesson in the first half of the day, before feeding.
  • During one day, you can conduct 2 - 3 training sessions for different teams or tricks. This way the animal will not be overtired, and attention will be focused on actions. Total time training should not exceed 30 minutes per day.
  • The pet should associate training with play.
  • Each correctly performed action should be rewarded with treats and affection.
  • If an animal performs a command incorrectly, it should under no circumstances be punished. In this case, the cat is deprived of the treat.
  • There should only be one command for each trick or action.
  • Training in any action on command should be carried out until the animal begins to perform it correctly.
  • Commands should be pronounced quietly, in a calm voice.
  • All training should follow the principle “from simple to complex.” You should not move on to a more difficult level if the previous command has not been worked out as expected. The transition to complex tricks should be gradual.
  • A clicker can help you learn how to train a cat. This sound device serves to form the animal's habit of doing something correctly. Before using a clicker, you need to teach your pet that its sound is associated with yummy food. The device can be replaced by a characteristic sound, similar to a click, made by the owner’s tongue.

Patience, endurance, and systematic training are the key to successfully teaching commands even to such an independent and capricious animal at first glance as a cat. Knowing the basics of training will help make this process interesting for both the pet and the owner.

Tricks and Commands You Can Teach

Having decided which commands should be executed to a pet, the owner can begin the learning process.

Jumping through a hoop

Almost anyone can be taught to jump through a hoop, like a trained lion or tiger in the circus. pet. There are several secrets on how to properly train a cat to carry out this command.

However, first of all, the animal must know its name well and respond to it.

A small hoop with a diameter of 30-40 cm is suitable for training; you can use a wooden or plastic embroidery hoop. At first, the hoop should be placed 5 cm from the floor. Having called the animal, you need to lead it through the hoop, offering a treat at the exit. As the cat passes through the device, you should say a command, for example, “Up.”

The next stage of training is for the pet to independently jump through the hoop. Having mastered jumping at low heights, you can complicate the trick and gradually raise the circle above the ground. Many cats can easily jump into a hoop located half a meter from the floor.


With proper restraint, patience and perseverance, there is nothing difficult in how to train a cat to sit on command. To do this, you need to catch the moment when the pet is heading towards the trainer.

On the path of its movement, you should lower yourself to the floor, place your arm bent at the elbow (at a right angle) in front of the animal and command “Sit”. Such an obstacle in front of the animal will force the cat to stop.

If the animal sits up on its own, it is rewarded with a treat. If the cat does not sit down, then by lightly pressing the animal’s sacrum you can help him carry out the command, voicing it at the same time.

Come to me!

Train domestic cat to the command “Come to me!” - not only interesting, but also useful. Accurate execution of such a command will make it much easier to keep your pet, discipline it, and help you find it on the street faster. The most successful training for such a functional team is affectionate and devoted companion cats, who love the approval and affection of the owner.

The process of learning to command is not difficult. It is necessary that after each uttered “Come to me” the cat comes running to the trainer. This command can be combined with the pet's name. You can train by calling your pet to food every time.

Give me your paw!

The command “Give me your paw!” It is most successfully mastered after the animal learns to perform the “Sit” command. In this position, you should take your pet’s paw in your hand and in a calm voice say the command “Give me your paw!” and treat you to something delicious. After several repetitions, you need to place your palm in front of the animal, and when the cat itself offers its paw, reward it for the lesson learned.

Bring it

There is nothing complicated about how to train a cat to bring a small object to its owner. The “Aport” command is most successfully learned by animals with a well-developed hunting instinct. Many pets happily carry their favorite toys or objects in their teeth. After throwing a ball to a cat, for example, you should wait until she picks it up and call the animal. If the cat returns to the owner with the ball, you should reward it with a treat and continue training.

Having mastered these commands, you can begin learning more complex techniques, for example, “Serve”, “Crawl”, etc. Most often, the animal perceives training as a game and participates in it with pleasure.

Contrary to the popular belief that cats are difficult to train, teaching a pet simple commands is within the power of every owner at home. Patience, consistency in actions, a friendly attitude, and regular training are the keys to successful training of a domestic cat.

“Kuzya was in all his glory - he was dying on stage!”

IN lately I am more and more convinced that my wife has not been doing what she loves all her adult life! She has been treating people at the clinic for more than 20 years. Although, in my deepest conviction, she should have become a veterinarian. Is it a joke to say - for 50 sq. meters, five representatives of the cat family and a gang of four dogs, led by English bulldog Nyusha! And if we add here an adult daughter and mother-in-law, then our company turned out to be quite cheerful.

Absolutely black kitten exotic breed nicknamed Kuzya was fourth. Before he appeared, I was like everyone else ordinary people, was sure that trained cats can only be seen in the Kuklachev Theater and nowhere else. Our cats only understood the command “kitty-kitty!” and showed no predisposition to training. Over time, Kuzya turned into a gorgeous black cat with shiny fur and an Asian squint. yellow eyes. In addition, at the time of his majority, he learned to perform the command “die” or “lie down”.

Now this is his favorite thing. He is ready to do this from morning to evening. As long as the bag of goodies remains full! But there is also in this entertainment reverse side medals: the cat became a terrible beggar. In the morning he is already “on duty”. You come home from work in the evening - Kuzya takes a place on the podium, as if saying: “Master, I’ve been waiting for you for so long! Ready to work for the benefit of the Tsar and the Fatherland!” This is understandable, because for each completed task the cat receives a tasty pillow, for which he is ready to sell even his own mother.

And it all started quite simply. The cat figured me out. He realized that I liked to pamper him with treats, and immediately took advantage of my weakness. As soon as the bag of food began to rustle in my hands, Kuzya lay down on the surface of the mezzanine and began to roll on his back, emitting his signature “purr!” throughout the room.

I suddenly became interested in teaching him the “down” command. I took the path of least resistance - before the cat will fall, I gave him the necessary command, and the exotic received a treat after he stood up on all fours again.

I tried it a couple of times at first. Not everything immediately turned out the way we wanted. My family members laughed at me. After each not entirely successful performance of my ward, the daughter smiled indulgently, the mother-in-law gloated kindly. However, these circumstances only egged me on. Only my wife fully supported my initiative and wholeheartedly believed in success. And finally, a month later, Kuzya and I had our first successful performance. It was a benefit for the cat and, naturally, mine too. Even dogs came running to see the accomplished artist.

Kuzya was in all his glory. He died on stage. He rolled on his back, got up, and lay down again. I didn't even have to tell him anything, he obeyed the gestures. The success was stunning. After the speech, I was awarded a gala dinner, and my mother-in-law even gave me a special extra ration for this occasion.

I didn’t stop there, but moved on. The fifth cat is our Semyon Semyonovich. He is a completely hairless Sphynx. Now he and I are working on the “fetch” command, and we are having some success. So far he only brings a candy wrapper. And my wife recently, as she says, dreamed prophetic dream. The doorbell rings. She opens it and sees a white fluffy kitten on the threshold, who in a human voice asked to take him to the veterinarian. Now I’m waiting for the next surprise, and now I know for sure what it will be.

Advice from Yuri Kuklachev

1. Tip one: study your cat, understand what she likes. “Training” is the wrong word; to train means to suppress. This trick won't work with a cat. She can only do what suits her. If the cat doesn't like standing on hind legs, he will never do this. So you’re looking for a cat that wants to stand on its paws, another will sleep in a pan, a third will do somersaults... It’s their “wants” that you should base your education on. You can’t put pressure - she’ll arrange it for you!

2. Under no circumstances should you offend a cat; in principle, it does not tolerate any violence or shouting. If you hit him, he will remember it for the rest of his life.

3. The commands during training can be the simplest, the same as in the circus: “up!”, “of!”, “nizz!”, but it’s not about the teams as such. The most important thing is the timbre of your voice: you need to talk to a cat like you would a child. Here you come home to bad mood, but the child is not interested in this at all. It’s the same with a cat: you need to speak calmly, like a human being, and most importantly - with attention, with interest, she really feels it. Does not tolerate any falsehood.

4. Commands must be accompanied by play gestures that are understandable to the cat, and it is necessary to start with the game. You can make a “fishing rod” with a ball made of wool or paper. By the way, a cat, it seems to me, remembers even more words than a dog, and most importantly, it feels those words that you have not yet said. Just think: “Shouldn’t I feed her?” - and she’s already running to the refrigerator. Cats are psychics, and this is a big plus when raising them.

5. When training a cat, we must remember that by nature it can do much more than we are trying to instill in it - the cat is an excellent healer, relieves psychophysical stress, and equalizes blood pressure. The cat saved all of humanity from hunger: if not for her, mice and rats would have eaten everything. Its significance must be remembered. After all, in the end, we are not the cats, but they are raising us.