Rating of the smartest dogs. Intelligence in descending order of the 10 smartest dog breeds

Do you love dogs? Most will answer: “yes.” There really is something to love about dogs. They have many wonderful qualities: loyalty, devotion, friendliness and courage. Dogs have firmly entered our lives and become true friends. Hardly anyone can imagine our life without them. They saved someone's life, someone's dog became true friend or just brightened up the loneliness.

Dogs are different. This doesn't just apply to appearance. They can be completely different in character. Every owner tries to find the breed that is ideal for him. But what should you consider first? Maybe the appearance of a dog? Of course, this is an important factor, but no less significant is what kind of dog’s mental abilities. What dog breeds are the smartest? Today we will tell you about it. So, TOP 10 the smartest dog breeds in the world.

10. Australian Shepherd (Aussie)

  • Origin of the breed: USA
  • Height of males/females (cm): 51-58/46-53
  • Weight (kg): from 16 to 32

How did the Australian Shepherd originate? They brought me out this breed in the 20th century, by crossing the Pyrenean Shepherd and several species of collie, which are not exactly known. We conducted such a kind of experiment in the USA and we can say with full confidence that the result was successful.

If you want a calm and quiet dog that only knows how to sleep and sleep, then the Australian Shepherd is not for you. This breed of dog is very active, so it is not only not afraid of various loads, but is even necessary for full development. It will not be difficult for her to carry out all kinds of commands; it will only be a joy for her. You need to understand what such a pet will demand from you increased attention, frequent walks, all kinds of games and possibly participation in competitions.

  • Origin of the breed: Germany
  • Height of males/females (cm): 61-68/56-63
  • Weight (kg): from 42 to 50

Behind this dog's compact build lies enormous strength and power. Rottweilers are very hardy and brave. They can show aggression towards other dogs, but at the same time they are manageable.

Such a special breed of dog needs a special owner. Although, thanks to the intelligence of Rottweilers, they are very easy to train, but the owner must have strong character And physical strength and also be demanding.

  • Origin of the breed: France/Belgium
  • Height of males/females (cm): about 28
  • Weight (kg): from 1.5 to 5

A very cute dog with a miniature build. A notable feature in appearance are the ears, similar to the wings of butterflies. But attractive appearance, this is not the most important thing. The Papillon is one of the smartest dogs in the world; it is not for nothing that these animals were among the favorites of royalty.

7. Labrador Retriever

  • Origin of the breed: Canada
  • Height of males/females (cm): 56-57/54-56
  • Weight (kg): from 27 to 40

These dogs are very smart and can work in water. They are ideal for any owner, as they are very friendly, gentle and kind. If you are driving active image life, you have small children or you just love beautiful dogs, then the Labrador Retriever is ideal for you.

Dogs always strive to receive praise from their owner, and this breed of dog does this very well, thanks to its docile and peaceful nature. Perhaps this is why the Labrador breed is so popular today all over the world. They love people, but you should be careful, because they sometimes exhibit animal instincts.

  • Origin of the breed: United Kingdom
  • Height of males/females (cm): 33-40
  • Weight (kg): from 6 to 11

This is very beautiful breed, which can cause admiration not only among dog lovers, but also among those who are indifferent to them. Shelties differ from Collies only in size; they are much smaller. Beneath the external cuteness lies the dog’s serious disposition: they do not welcome excessive displays of affection. But the Scottish Shepherd is naturally intelligent, so it is easy to train, and this is not an unimportant quality.

  • Origin of the breed: Germany
  • Height of males/females (cm): 68-72/63-68
  • Weight (kg): from 32 to 45

The top five smartest dogs in the world are representatives of the Doberman breed. Some people think they are quite stupid, but this erroneous opinion. These dogs are wayward individuals, so they need a special approach. Good training is very important so that the dog's mental abilities are directed to the right direction- for the benefit of the owners. If there is no training, then do not be surprised that you will have to reap the consequences of your pet’s sophisticated pranks.

Despite their slightly frightening and stern appearance, these creatures are very friendly. If you make an effort to raise a Doberman, you will never regret choosing this particular breed of dog.

  • Origin of the breed: United Kingdom
  • Height of males/females (cm): 56-61/51-56
  • Weight (kg): from 25 to 42

These are not just beautiful and smart dogs, they really deserve respect, because they are true friends of man. Their help cannot be overestimated. Once they were bred to help hunters, now they are irreplaceable guides for blind people, and also participate in rescue operations.

A Golden Retriever will be a great four-legged friend for you. They can live both in apartments and in private houses. They adapt well to different weather conditions, so they don’t even mind extreme cold.

  • Origin of the breed: Germany
  • Height of males/females (cm): 60-65/55-60
  • Weight (kg): from 22 to 40

Here we are at the top three of our rankings. The German Shepherd is perhaps one of the most popular and intelligent dog breeds in the world. You've probably seen more than one movie with German shepherds, and sometimes they even act as the main characters.

Many people say that they don't like dogs, but few would dare to say that they don't like German Shepherds. These animals amaze people with their noble appearance, strength, courage, bravery and, of course, sharp mind. Did you know that they are not only smart, but also cunning? German Shepherds will follow your commands as long as they see a stimulus and as long as they are interested in it.

Today, replacements are being found for German Shepherds, but these replacements are significantly behind mentally. No matter what, these dogs will still occupy a strong place in people’s lives and help them.

  • Origin of the breed: France
  • Height of males/females (cm): from 24 to 60 (depending on the variety)
  • Weight (kg): from 12 to 22 (depending on the variety)

Surprisingly, despite his toy appearance, poodles are very smart dogs. Jumping and performing tricks in the circus is not all they can do. Excellent hunters and protectors: all this can safely be said about poodles. So, don't underestimate them. That is why they are in second place in the ranking - the smartest dogs in the world.

1. Border Collie

  • Origin of the breed: United Kingdom
  • Height of males/females (cm): 50-53/47-52
  • Weight (kg): from 15 to 20

It is Border Collies, without exaggeration, that are considered the smartest dog breed in the world. This faithful companion and a brave watchman, he also has an innate shepherd instinct. If you decide to get such a dog, then be prepared that it will graze not only you, the owners, but also your other pets. Smart and not afraid of work, real workaholics. The Border Collie is the most best option for real dog lovers.

People often choose a dog for specific purposes. Some people need friendly companions with whom they can have fun. Others are prudent hunters, capable of instantly catching and bringing the prey to the owner. The third are protectors and helpers who reliably protect the house and the people inside. But one of the main criteria for selecting a dog is always its intelligence and mental abilities. In this article we will tell you about the top 10 smartest dogs in the world:

Dogs of this breed were developed by crossing a Tweed Spaniel with a Yellow Flat-Coated Retriever. As a result, they have a calm character, excellent sensitivity and friendliness.

An important property of the Golden Retriever is the ability to learn quickly during training and easily acquire the necessary skills. This dog is perfect for families with children - it has amazing patience in dealing with them, and is also devoid of aggression towards strangers and other animals.

Retrievers love water and are excellent swimmers. Average term The lifespan of these wonderful dogs is 12-15 years. In general, the breed is similar to the Labrador, but is even more intelligent and resourceful. Perfect as an assistant for rescuers and hunters, it can act as a guide for the blind.

The Border Collie breed is recognized throughout the world as one of the most intelligent. First of all, its representatives are wonderful shepherds. Brought out at the beginning of the 20th century as a new generation of Scottish Collies, Border Collies have remarkable endurance and work ethic. They are also endowed with extreme beauty and luxurious fur. Like Golden Retrievers, dogs of this breed are great with children and make excellent babysitters. They are easy to train, friendly and highly intelligent. With proper training, they can work as a guide for the blind. They require grooming and regular walks in the fresh air.

The lifespan ranges from 10 to 17 years. The weight of an adult dog is about twenty kilograms. They are distinguished by strong muscles and strong bones. Initially, they were common in Scotland and some parts of England - as a rule, in places with developed cattle breeding and sheep breeding, in particular.

A distinctive feature of the Doberman is its fearlessness. With proper training, a dog can easily repel an enemy attack and be a wonderful guard for its owner. The breed appeared in Germany at the end of the 19th century, and to this day is very popular as a protective dog, harmoniously combining strength and elegance.

Dobermans, although intelligent, are dominant dogs and are not always ready to do what they don’t like. In this regard, they need constant training in order to eliminate inappropriate behavior of the animal. However, with proper upbringing, they get along well with children and adequately perceive various kinds of household stimuli.

Life expectancy is about sixteen years, and weight reaches up to 40-45 kilograms. Representatives of the breed have a wonderful sense of smell, which is why they are highly valued in the army and special services.

First of all, German shepherd is included in this top thanks to his cunning and intelligence. And a strong desire to help people makes this dog not just best friend person, and also excellent service dog, which can be found in the army, police, and various rescue services.

Launched in late XIX century and having become widespread over the last century, the German Shepherd has gained popularity not only as a service dog, but also as a pet. Being a wonderful member of the family, she gets along well with people and is distinguished by her devotion to her owners and friendliness.

Representatives of the breed live about thirteen years, reach a height of 60 centimeters and can weigh about forty kilograms. Like other dogs from this top, shepherds find excellent contact with children and can be a wonderful friend and an excellent companion for them.

Yes, poodles also occupy an honorable position in this top. Today, representatives of this breed can increasingly be seen performing in the circus, but they have many other useful skills. Previously, Poodles were used as rescuers: they are excellent swimmers, moreover, they are able to save a person drowning in water. As a rule, they are distinguished by their hard work - when they do something, they do it willingly and with passion.

Now these dogs serve more of a decorative function. Pleasant appearance and neatness have made poodles the favorites of those who want to have a beautiful, clean and loyal friend.

The breed comes from France. It is interesting that its representatives have a fairly long lifespan - up to 18 years. Also, poodles are not picky about food, which makes their maintenance much easier.

6. Sheltie (Scottish Sheepdog)

The Sheltie is also called a miniature copy of the Collie breed. Like the Border Collie, which takes a respectable second place, the Sheltie was also bred as a herding dog. The animal's excellent hearing will always warn you of danger. And distrust of strangers makes this dog an excellent guard. However, the dog is good-natured towards family members and is an excellent nanny for children and a friend for the family.

Like other representatives of the top dog, the Sheltie also has impeccable intelligence, is easy to train and is quite hardworking. Externally very beautiful, has long hair and symmetrical shapes.

The Scottish Isles are considered the homeland of the little collie. There is an opinion that the breed is as old as the islands themselves, however documentary evidence no to this. They reach 35-38 centimeters in height, and their life expectancy is 12-13 years.

Curiosity, courage and loyalty are characteristics that are great for this breed. The Rottweiler is a strong and influential dog, and therefore requires the same owner. Served in many countries, it is an excellent partner for a rescue worker, policeman or officer.

It is distinguished by very great power and endurance, the body has strong jaw. In addition to all this, the Rottweiler is endowed with high intelligence, capable of thinking and thinking. These dogs are aggressive, but trainable. Some of best representatives protection dogs.

The breed was bred in Germany back in the 18th century. The dog's height can reach up to 70 centimeters, and its lifespan can be up to ten years. It is important to note that the Rottweiler cannot tolerate the laughter of its owners.

Another excellent representative of this rating. The dog is short in stature, has butterfly ears and is generally a symbol of elegance. Can live freely both in an apartment and in a private house. For a healthy and long life, the Papillon needs balanced diet and regular walks.

In the Middle Ages, the breed was highly valued by royal families, and today it also pleases ordinary people. Very loyal and smart, appreciates owners and is easy to train. Like other top breeds, the dog can become an integral part of your family.

Is of French-Belgian origin. Bred back in the 19th century, the breed is considered the most ancient among the representatives of the top. The Papillon lives up to 15 years, and at the same time it has small dimensions - the height of an adult dog reaches only 28 centimeters, and its weight is up to five kilograms.

The Labrador Retriever is also noted for its versatility. He can serve as a search dog, or he can be a wonderful family member. Good sense of smell and sharp vision- that's not all physical qualities that a dog of this breed has. With all these advantages, the Labrador Retriever is endowed with gentle character and has long secured the title of “good-natured dog”.

Initially, representatives of the breed performed the role hunting dog In addition, they can act as a guide for the blind or be a rescue dog. But first of all, Labradors are excellent companions, able to cheer up the owner, help pass the time and be an excellent partner in the game.

The breed was developed on the east coast of Canada in the mid-19th century. It reaches forty kilograms in weight and has a lifespan of up to 14 years.

The Australian team does not lag behind other participants either. herding dog– she also has excellent intelligence and quick wits. WITH early age Such dogs are able to understand their owner perfectly and carry out his commands flawlessly.

Representatives of the breed are quite active and are able not only to herd a flock of sheep, but also to cope with even the most stubborn individuals. In an urban environment, it easily adapts to apartment living, but requires regular walks. Loves children and willingly plays with them. Thus, it is perfect for families with small children.

The Australian dog originates on the continent of the same name - originally bred in the 19th century to meet the needs of farmers, it has captured the hearts of many lovers of four-legged friends. Life expectancy is about 15 years, weighs adult dog approximately 16 kilograms.

Studies show that later types of dogs have high intelligence than representatives of ancient breeds. However, all dogs from this rating are highly trainable and are loyal friends of the owner and his family.

2017.08.25 by

The dog is not only man's friend, but also one of the smartest animals in the world. The pet is able to remember human commands, distinguish up to 200 words or more by ear, and also lend a paw of help in difficult life situations.

We present to the attention of four-legged lovers the rating the smartest dogs in the world- top 10.

Included in the list of the smartest dogs in the world. This is a born hunter with excellent working qualities. It is not advisable to keep a dog in an apartment, since it regularly needs physical activity. The husky chooses only one family member as its owner, to whom it will be devoted for the rest of its life. She does not show aggression towards other people unless she feels threatened by them. Laikas are not only talented hunters, but also reliable bodyguards.

It is not only one of the smartest, but also the smallest dogs in the world. Terriers are easy to train and therefore lend themselves well to training. In addition, pets have well-developed intuition and they sense any changes in the owner’s mood. If the terrier owner is upset about something, the dog will rush to correct the situation. A good example the breed's intelligence and high intelligence - a terrier named Smokey. The pet was part of the reconnaissance air regiment and made many parachute jumps. During his entire service, Smokey was awarded 12 awards. These are very fearless and brave pets who, despite their size, are ready to stand up for both themselves and their owner.

One of the ten smartest dogs in the world. Initially, the breed was used in mountain monasteries for rescue purposes. There are thousands of St. Bernards saved human lives. Possessing phenomenal intuition, the animal is able to predict upcoming events. natural disasters. In the mountains, this ability is extremely necessary; St. Bernards have repeatedly warned about an impending avalanche. Four-legged rescuers found and dug out people from under meter-long layers of snow. Among the furry heroes, a dog named Barry is famous, who in his life gave a second birth to forty people. One of the dog’s most heroic deeds was saving the life of a child, whom he carried on his back for five kilometers to the nearest first aid station. In honor of Barry, a monument was erected in Paris, which is a symbol of heroism, kindness and love. Saint Bernards are not only brave and loyal pets to people, but also very smart, which is evident in their lightning-fast reaction to teams.

The dog is considered one of the smartest breeds in the world. The pet has the blood of a dingo dog flowing in it, as it was bred for the purpose of herding. The Australians needed good helper, who could manage large flocks of sheep. With its main task four-legged friend coped with a bang, forcing even the most stubborn animals to obey. Australian shepherds understand their owner at a glance and are easy to train. Teaching any commands to a four-legged “shepherd” will not be difficult, even without special skills. The pet also makes an excellent watchdog.

Ranks sixth among the smartest dogs in the world. The animal of this breed is easy to learn commands due to its quick wits and intelligence. Labradors get along well with other pets and get along well with children, showing themselves in the role of a nanny. They do not give preference to any one family member and willingly communicate with all residents. Previously, only English nobles could drive retrievers. Now they are favorites and pets of everyone who prefers this breed. In the USA, the Labrador is considered the most popular dog. The quadruped makes an excellent guide dog. The animal is also actively used for rescue purposes and for police work.

Possess well developed intellect and incredible intuition. This pet is able to sense the mood of its owner and will not bother him at all times. bad time. Initially, the breed was bred for herding cattle, which affected its intellectual abilities. The guardian of the herd must have intelligence and dexterity, which is typical of the Welsh Corgi. The animal has an excellent memory, which contributes to their incredibly fast learning. The dog is able to remember the places where the owner stores his personal items and belongings, and at the first request brings them. Welsh Corgis are not characterized by aggression - they are very friendly and cheerful pets.

Considered one of the smartest dogs in the world. According to experts, a pet is able to remember a number of words equal to vocabulary two year old child. Legendary dog This breed is Rico, who perceived and distinguished up to 200 words by ear. Scientists conducted an experiment on the four-legged phenomenon using objects. They named the item that Rico had to bring from the next room, and in 38 cases out of 40 he brought the right item. Border collies are capable of performing commands and tricks of increased complexity.

Reveals the top three smartest dogs in the world. These pets are able to understand the meaning of words on an intuitive level and have a good sense of their owner’s mood. They are very smart even without special training can perform simple tricks. One of ancient breeds used as a sled dog. Nowadays, Huskies make excellent companion dogs.

Ranked second among the smartest dogs in the world. The breed has not only a highly developed intelligence, but also a wayward character. They have an excellent memory, which confirms their ability to remember commands on long period. Dogs have the self-control and equanimity inherent in samurai. It’s not for nothing that these pets are respected and honored in the country Rising Sun. The story that has spread all over the world is about Japanese dog Hachiko confirms not only the dog’s mental abilities, but also its devotion to humans. On the day of Hachiko's death, the Japanese declared mourning throughout the country, and then a monument was erected in his honor, which symbolizes loyalty, love and hope.

Tops the ranking of the smartest dog breeds in the world. The animal is actively used for work in the army and police, as they are well trained in search and security skills. Initially, the shepherd dog was bred for herding and service purposes. The pet is able to remember commands the first time. The dog needs constant training and a strong-willed owner, whose commands he will unquestioningly carry out. The German Shepherd doesn't like strangers and treats them with caution. For proper psychological development, the “German” requires regular, close communication with the owner and training from an early age.

Have you decided to get a miniature dog and can’t decide on the breed? Definitely this place for you.

Dog lovers usually do not differentiate between large and small breeds. "A dog is a dog"- they say.

Who would argue. But people with different needs dream of a dog: some want to see a pet as their only friend, others as a fierce defender of property, and still others as a reliable nanny for small children. A big dog they can’t afford it – and the dream remains a dream.

But did you know that these qualities are found, and even combined, among breeds of small dogs?

So that one day, when choosing which baby is best to get, you find all the answers - consider all breeds: from lively guard dogs to demonstrators of master's status and dog pedicure.


If the future owner has nothing to lose in terms of worn-out furniture or, for example, precious time, he chooses a puppy solely by appearance.

However, almost all of us first of all want a beautiful, or funny-looking pet.

To begin with, all small-sized dog breeds are ranked for 3 types:

  • thatheight– up to 28 cm, weight– on average up to 2 kg;
  • dwarfheight– up to 35 cm, weight– 2-5 kg;
  • small dogheight– up to 45 cm, weight– up to 10 kg.

After dimensions and face (everyone has their own preferences here), we are interested in dog vegetation: “fur coat” and “hairstyle”.

Shorthair breeds

The ideal small dog for allergy sufferers, fur haters and just lazy people is smooth-haired.

Such a pet does not shed, does not require special care, which makes it suitable for children and the elderly (remember what kind of dogs the old ladies in your yard kept).

For example:

Pug- a charming, robust dog of black, silver or fawn colors.

Differences in caring for short- and long-haired dogs We’ll look at domestic breeds of small dogs later; In the meantime, the second component of choosing a puppy is character.


All breeds of small dogs, of course, share character traits such as: perky disposition, liveliness, optimism, devotion and gullibility.

Everyone guesses that he has other qualities different breeds plenty, but no one takes it into account. Everyone remembers the feisty “mongrel” next door, fighting with its own shadow and darkly lighting up the entire street with its barking.

There are also breeds that especially value home comfort , the owner's “hands” and attention: bolognese, Russian colored lapdog, Norwich terrier, Coton de Tulear.

Who or what do you think about first when choosing a dog based on its character?

About children

To be sure of protection and even education small child, take a pug.

So children can play as a dog groomer and stylist, choose , and Chinese Crested.

So that a teenager finds a faithful and affectionate friend, get a Bichon Frize dog. Despite its fluffy appearance, it does not shed or smell.

To please an active child, get a smart and playful one - one of the most popular breeds for families with children.

To make a calm child happy, take an American Eskimo Spitz. The breed listens to every word of its owner and loves gentle communication.

Size doesn't matter here: children in any case need to be taught respect and correct handling to the pet.

About security

good guard dog– this is not necessarily an aggressive calf.

Get a little watchman - he will cope just as well. For example:

(miniature or dwarf schnauzer). The smallest service breed in the world. An unusually brave, sensitive and active dog, easy to train.

Since 1955, Peter Newman was actively involved in the breed: he brought puppies from America and successfully participated in exhibitions.

. The Chinese consider this breed to be a protective spirit: Pekingese are always ready to guard their owner and his property. Despite their lively disposition, Pekingese are very gentle and love to be cared for.

But you can’t overdo it here: it’s wrong to indulge all the dog’s whims, thereby making him the “leader of the pack.”

Miniature Pinscher. This dog is energetic, playful, but reserved and smart. He can rush at a stranger he considers dangerous, an excellent “bell.”

This breed also cannot be spoiled too much: without proper education the puppy may grow into an uncontrollable dog.

It’s as if they compensate for their size with fearlessness: they very loudly, excitedly warn of a threat and can engage in battle with any enemy.

Along with belligerence, this breed is characterized by an interesting feature: the need to burrow into the folds of blankets and bedspreads, creating a “nest”.

About beauty

If you are going to show off your pet at social events or just enjoy its charming face and devoted eyes, get , Maltese, Shih Tzu or pug– these breeds are the most popular among “purse dogs”.

Remember: any dog ​​is the result of your upbringing. Exemplary behavior is not at all difficult to achieve with the right approach.

Considering the variety of breeds, it is impossible to say how difficult it is to care for a miniature dog - the peculiarities of keeping them are not that special.

  1. Due to size decorative doggies They feel great even in the smallest apartments and are content with a bed in a nook. Nevertheless, need a walk.
  2. Small dogs handle the road well both on hand and in a special bag, without causing inconvenience to the owner and others.
  3. Small pet fur needs proper care: air conditioners and soft brushes(for silky hair), comb out with a stiff brush (for thick hair), dog shampoos and grooming.
  4. Indoor dogs need trim nails as they grow.
  5. Small dog diet must compensate for the energy spent: be easily digestible, rich in amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins.

    Important accustom your pet to eating right from puppyhood: small dogs quickly get used to a certain diet.

    The dog should be fed small portions – overeating small breeds not alien.

  6. With the health of a small dog you should be careful: such small fry catch cold easily, but get injured even more easily when they fall under their feet.

    These breeds also have a predisposition to diseases: necrosis of the head femur, tartar, and loss of baby teeth.

    Dogs are also prone to allergies " home origin"and poisoning.

  7. Get ready diligently maintain a veterinary passport and regularly show the animal to the veterinarian.

Males of miniature breeds sometimes strive to mark corners in the house. Only castration can save him.

You can determine some deviations yourself - see standards for small dogs:

Indicator Puppies Adult dogs

Every owner loves his dog for its loyalty, kindness and, of course, intelligence. Although almost all dogs are naturally intelligent and can be trained, the intellectual abilities of each breed can vary significantly. Few people know what the smartest dog breeds live in our world. Meanwhile, researchers have compiled a whole rating, including dogs that are easy to train, understand their owners at a glance and almost always carry out even the most complex commands. The rating was based on the opinion of professional breeders and trainers; the results of various dog shows were also taken into account when compiling the top.

Oddly enough, the Jack Russell Terrier, the smartest dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records, was not included in this list. A representative of this breed named Jessie, who became a record holder thanks to her intellectual abilities, is capable of not only performing standard commands and tricks, but also knows how to wipe the floor, fetch mail, climb trees and even ride a skateboard.

Curious owners will probably be interested to know which animals are still included in the top 10 smartest dog breeds in the world.

In tenth place in the ranking is a dog breed bred in Australia in the 19th century to help shepherds move sheep and cows. Dogs of this breed are very sensitive, devoted and faithful. They have pronounced herding instincts, are distinguished by good intelligence and are always happy to follow the commands of their owners.

Australian dogs are always active, love to run and play, easily adapt to new living conditions and sincerely love their owners. Such animals often take part in various dog competitions, taking first places in them.

Decisive and courageous takes ninth place in the top. It is no coincidence that this powerful and strong dog is on this list. Dogs of this breed can be easily taught commands. The main thing is that the owner of such a dog has the makings of a leader, is self-confident, demanding and strong.

Rottweilers are balanced and very resilient, they are able to remain calm in the most difficult situations. different situations. Moreover, the reaction of such animals is very good, and their grip is iron. To strangers these proud and independent dogs They are usually treated with great caution and may even show aggression. Such a dog must be controlled by one person.

For the first time, cheerful and cheerful Papillons appeared in the 14th century in Europe. In those ancient times, these small dogs lived in royal courts. Unusual name pets received because of their beautiful ears, slightly similar to the wings of a butterfly (“papillon” is translated from French, like a “butterfly”).

Despite their funny appearance, Papillons have a well-developed intellect, always obey their owners, and quickly and easily learn commands. Such dogs are able to warn a person about danger, and if necessary, they will fiercely defend their home and owners.

These large and majestic dogs are of English origin. Even in ancient times, they helped fishermen retrieve nets filled with fish from rivers and lakes. Nowadays, smart and patient people become excellent helpers and companions for many people.

Beautiful and very good dogs They love small children, they can play with them for hours on end and even make sure that the baby is not injured or in danger. Labradors are easy to train and train, they understand well what a person wants from them and are happy to carry out all his commands. Animals are especially happy to work hard for a tasty reward.

This breed was bred in Scotland to herd sheep. A strong and hardy Scottish Sheepdog (also called Sheltie) has luxurious coat and is distinguished by a good disposition. At the same time, she does not like excessive attention from strangers and does not tolerate being petted by strangers. Sheltie always behaves well-mannered with its owner.

Such a dog is easy-going, understands commands the first time, and can perform various tricks. Owning a Scottish Shepherd is necessary for those people who can pay a lot of attention to their pet and will often go for walks and jogs with it.

Hardy Dobermans are natural guards and protectors for their owners. Usually such dogs have high level intelligence, but have a capricious character.

Raise this one noble dog necessary from puppyhood. If you miss the moment or don’t fully engage with your pet, you can end up with an unpredictable and even uncontrollable animal. But the trained one will become a true devoted friend to man. Dogs of this breed do not like scandals and swearing; they will feel good only in friendly family where mutual understanding and love reign.

Every retriever owner knows what a smart and capable dog it is. An intelligent and very cute dog can remember up to 200 commands. Such dogs can work as guides for blind people, participate in the search for missing people, and save those who need help. Also, a golden retriever can fully demonstrate its qualities while hunting.

A kind, loving dog will fill the house with happiness and rally the whole family around itself. This calm and balanced dog will never show aggression towards other animals, will happily play with small children and will always console its owners if they are in a bad mood.

This service breed deservedly made it into the top of the smartest dogs in the world and took an honorable third place in it. remembers any commands almost the first time. The loyal and intelligent dog loves to learn, he enjoys working with his owner and practicing his acquired skills. Such dogs are often featured in feature films, because... They are easy to train and can always perform the necessary tricks.

You can also meet German Shepherds in the police. Specially trained dogs participate in search activities and help the police detain dangerous criminals. At home, a German Shepherd will become an excellent guard and will never allow a stranger into the apartment without the owner’s permission.

These cute curly-haired dogs, when properly trained, become wonderful rescuers and guards. A good swimmer can pull out a drowning person or help a hunter retrieve shot prey.

Such dogs quickly learn new things, have an easy-going character, and love to play various games. People who have small children can get such a dog. The poodle will become a faithful friend for them and will protect them from all troubles.