The smartest dog breeds that are easy to train. Seven dog breeds that are best trained Which breed is best trained

A person, when thinking about purchasing a puppy, rarely remembers his responsibilities. The owner teaches the dog the rules of behavior and adequate reactions to different circumstances. When the training period begins, the breeder realizes that not every dog ​​is easy to handle. The first ones understand commands quickly and easily, the second ones need to be explained and repeated 80-100 times (without exaggeration)! Let's figure out which breeds are considered the most intelligent and obedient.

The group under consideration included dog breeds that memorize a new command from 1-5 repetitions, completing the task upon first request in 95-100 percent of cases!

Border Collie

The smart dog was specially bred with the indicated parameters. Among domestic dog breeds, border collies are the smartest! Confirmed by breed breeders, outside observers, dog handlers, and breeding establishments. Dogs have a number of advantages:

  • medium size, allowing you to get a dog outside the city, in urban conditions;
  • noticeable activity makes the owner mobile - important in modern society;
  • the highest ability to learn will facilitate the process of training and education;
  • life expectancy – 16 years;
  • suitable as a gift for a teenager over 12 years old;
  • gets along with the owner's family, children, animals, strangers;
  • companion, pet, sheep shepherd in villages, villages.

Let us note the complex nuances for the owner. You will have to constantly take care of your pet's fur. The coat is the pride of the border collie! You need to bathe your pet up to 4 times a year. If you are not ready to show mobility, play, run with the dog, walk at least a couple of hours a day - do not take a closer look at the described breed. Suitable for active people who love guests, sports, family walks, and outings.


It is difficult to mentally identify a specific type of breed group. Poodles are classified: simple (classic), miniature, toy. The classic ones are recognized as obedient and intelligent, many assure. Dogs win prizes in a number of sporting competitions. Well-known services to the circus. Poodles are great assistants to humans in various areas of life, although initially they were used exclusively for duck hunting.

The largest poodles - classic - are distinguished by the following qualities:

  • an exceptional mind will help simplify education, teaching commands;
  • mobility will please the owner and make the person more active;
  • the absence of shedding periods will please housewives - there is no need to collect wool from carpets and furniture. Wool does not cause allergies in allergy sufferers;
  • skill and love for swimming makes the dog an excellent companion when going to the beach;
  • suitable for children over 7 years old;
  • gets along with people and animals;
  • life expectancy reaches 18 years.

The poodle will have to be carefully looked after. The complexity of the process is rated above average. Bathing is carried out a couple of times a month. Training is considered simple. Those who have already got a pet assure that they understand the commands the first time. A smart dog with a lively mind - that’s what they say.

German shepherd

One of the most famous dog breeds in the world! There are representatives of medium and large sizes. The German Shepherd is registered with the American Kennel Club as the second largest. The breed was bred as a sheep shepherd; one cannot help but notice the dog’s intelligence, strength, and obedience. Subsequently, the “Germans” were used in search and rescue operations, in the service of the police, army, to help the disabled, to protect homes and other private territory.

  1. Does not require basic care - bathe up to 3 times a year, comb out the fur when shedding.
  2. Kept in the house. They get along well in an apartment, subject to regular, active walks.
  3. They live on average up to 15 years.
  4. Cunning - requires utmost attention in education.
  5. They understand training quickly, but are too lazy to carry it out. It takes patience, perseverance and cunning.
  6. A child from 9 years old can work with a shepherd dog. Parents' help will be beneficial.
  7. Suitable for any person, family, provided there are no allergies or laziness.

Instant friendliness towards strangers is not typical. They are wary of strangers and gradually get used to them. Having recognized a person, they will protect, value, respect, and recognize the leader. To prevent a German Shepherd from becoming dangerous - from showing aggression or biting - it is important to socialize the dog. It is required to work with a professional dog handler to receive a full training and educational process.

Golden Retriever

The large breed will not leave anyone indifferent. The attractive dog has luxurious fur that seems to shimmer in the sunlight. The difficulty in keeping a pet is caring for the pet's hair. It's hard at first, but then you get used to it. The Golden Retriever is a hunter by nature. They love water, swim, and are happy to keep company in the river or pool. Obedience courses are better - basic, advanced standard.

  1. The breed is friendly and good-natured.
  2. Dogs are confident and easily make the necessary decisions.
  3. They love children and are patient with their antics and behavior.
  4. Suitable for children over 11 years old for independent education.
  5. They easily find a common language with strangers and play with them.
  6. Training seems to be the simplest, because the pet tries to please the owner.
  7. They live on average up to 13 years.
  8. They need bathing 2 times a year. A haircut is needed regularly.
  9. Monitor the condition of your ears - there is a tendency to become infected.
  10. Intelligence is in the blood - don’t take them as guards, they don’t even bark much.
  11. Suitable for hunting, for official purposes (search and rescue), for helping the blind (guides).

Doberman pinscher

The Doberman Pinscher is a standard large, medium-sized breed. Known as loyal comrades, intelligent, vigilant. The latter makes it clear why dogs are used as guards. A guard dog identifies a single owner. Most strangers are perceived with suspicion and wariness. If you take care of socialization, the dog will become a devoted pet, a pleasant pet for family and house guests.

  1. Doberman lives 12 years.
  2. Bathing is required 2-3 times a year.
  3. The coat requires virtually no grooming.
  4. Suitable for raising teenagers from 14 years old.
  5. The level of difficulty in parenting is high.
  6. They are easy to train.
  7. They treat children living in the same family well.
  8. They get used to it and make friends with other animals growing in the house.
  9. Doberman Pinschers require high activity, frequent play, and running.

Remember the need to keep your pet warm in the winter. The breed has short fur and gets cold during the snowy season. Get ready to buy warm clothes for your four-legged friend. It is advisable to do this from puppyhood, otherwise wayward, stubborn puppies will grow up disliking warm clothes.


Everyone knows the Collie breed, few have heard of the Sheltie. Those who have met Sheltie confidently call him a miniature Collie! A small working dog bred specifically to help a shepherd herd herds. Initially, it was believed that dogs could only cope with such a task. In reality, animals are smart and understanding. In addition, they are attractive.

It's easy to describe Sheltie:

  1. She is smart, which is why she is included in the list of obedient dogs in the world.
  2. Energetic, requires time for walks.
  3. Attached to the owner, ready to please for praise and encouragement.
  4. Kind, aggression is not typical, although it is not excluded.
  5. They love children and often play with pleasure.

Shelties are used to herd flocks of sheep and remain unsurpassed helpers. They are considered therapy dogs. If you feel lonely or sad, spend time with your pet. Feel the results soon! They are used to help people who find themselves in difficult life situations or who have suffered a natural disaster in their lives.

Labrador retriever

Smart dog breeds are often hunting breeds. The Labrador Retriever is no exception. The breed is considered the most famous guide dog. An ideal companion for the disabled, the elderly, single people, families. A suitable pet for people with autism. Dogs are used in law enforcement agencies as valuable employees!

Breed Features:

  • Pleasant character - kind, sane, accommodating;
  • An ideal sense of smell - useful in service, hunting, in life with family;
  • They are distinguished by a “soft mouth” - allows you to look after small children without danger to them. This property allows one to be an ideal game hunter;
  • Balance allows you to bring a puppy into a family with a small child. An ideal dog for a family;
  • Easily gets along with people and animals;
  • Labrador Retrievers are easy to care for and their coat does not require special care. Bathing is required up to 2 times a year;
  • They are considered pets without flaws.

It is possible to breed the breed in an apartment. Avoiding walking is unacceptable. It is advisable to walk longer, play more often, and make your walks active. Walk for at least 2 hours a day, combining games, walking with fast running. When kept outdoors, it is necessary to provide a warm room!


Have you ever guessed that a small breed can be included in the list of the most obedient? There is no point in belittling the intelligence of Papillons. They stand on a par with Labradors and Rottweilers.

Let us note the features of the breed:

  1. Loud barking. Papillons will not bark without a reason. They identify specific important events about which they notify the family where they live.
  2. Small stature. The height at the withers does not exceed 30 cm. It makes everyone admire their cleverness, charming look, and beautiful fur.
  3. Good-natured character. Miniature pets are not characterized by aggressive behavior. A jealous attitude does not affect them.
  4. Good memory. This property allows dogs to be ranked as understanding and obedient.
  5. Easy to learn. Education and training are fun. Everyone around will be surprised by the abilities of the lap dog.
  6. Litter trained, but needs walking. Walking is physical activity for your pet, an opportunity to communicate with other dogs and socialize.


The stocky, powerful Rottweiler breed is large. The breed is used to help people:

  • grazing,
  • guide for the blind,
  • guard unit,
  • search and rescue dog,
  • police dog.

Breed characteristics:

  1. Accommodation is in warm home conditions. An insulated enclosure or booth is suitable.
  2. Care is simple, bathing is required up to 2 times a year. Can be kept in an apartment.
  3. Education, training - average level of difficulty, a teenager (14 years old) can handle it.
  4. Attitude towards children is positive, loves kids and teenagers.
  5. The perception of strangers is distrustful, wary.
  6. View of animals - can coexist peacefully. It is advisable to teach communication.
  7. Character – stubborn, requires persistence and patience.
  8. They can dominate, they are quick-witted, they can’t be let down, they can’t lose authority.
  9. Life expectancy is up to 12 years.

Australian Cattle

Few people have heard of the Australian Kettle Dog. This is an Australian Shepherd, a herding dog. This beautiful breed, known for its quiet work, barks loudly and sonorously when in danger, wanting to attract the attention of the owner. The Kettle Dog from Australia is famous for its hard work and courage. The breed was developed by crossing a Dingo dog and a long-haired Collie.

  1. An energetic herding dog that can easily handle a herd of cattle.
  2. Smart breed, easy to train.
  3. Quickly and strongly becomes attached to the owner and family. Does not tolerate change of owner well, especially with age.
  4. Can act as a guardian of family and property.
  5. Caring for an Australian Shepherd is simple. It is enough to wash it periodically and brush the fur when it sheds.
  6. Lives 12-14 years.
  7. Distrustful of strangers, non-aggressive. Pugnacious towards other dogs.
  8. Friendly to other animals in the family when growing up together and getting to know each other gradually.
  9. It is necessary to exercise regularly with the dog; the owner should ideally be energetic.

Each breed of dog is beautiful in its own way. Some representatives have a very beautiful appearance, some are good hunters or guards. There are dogs that are well trained, while others do not want to understand commands at all. In the hands of an experienced dog handler, any dog ​​will become obedient and will follow all the instructor’s instructions. But now I would like to highlight dogs that have special learning abilities. We present to your attention Top 10 most trainable dogs.

This is a strong, stubborn dog whose life cannot be spent in apartment conditions. The breed was bred as a herding breed, so the main purpose of the representatives is to herd sheep, of which there are a lot in Australia. It lends itself well to training, has pronounced watchdog qualities, and has the highest intelligence.

This is a serious breed that is well trained, but in capable hands. This dog is loyal to its owner, gets along well with children, but is wary of strangers. During training, the conditioned reflex is formed quite slowly, but is fixed very firmly.

Agile, fast, brave, cunning and smart... All these qualities are inherent in a small dog. The Fox Terrier is easy to train and follows commands with great pleasure.

, which does everything to please its owner. Labrador retrievers began to be used as guide dogs, since such dogs naturally have a desire to benefit people and have excellent intelligence. The nervous system of Labradors is resistant to various irritants. These are not all the wonderful qualities that representatives of this breed possess.

A small dog with great learning potential. By nature she is kind and affectionate. Distrustful of strangers, but does not show anger.

A beautiful, service dog, easy to train, but does not get along well with other animals. Possesses such qualities as courage and determination. If the need arises, the Doberman will rush to attack.

The dog has high intelligence, and his communication skills are developed at the best level. Such a dog will find a common language with every animal. The Golden Retriever is easy to train because of its easy-going nature.

Such dogs are used in the service of law enforcement agencies and at the borders. All over the world they believe that this is the best working breed. The German Shepherd is highly trainable with the right training methods. However, improper training can make a shepherd one of the...

At first, the breed was considered a hunting breed, but then experts realized that its representatives are highly trainable. Then poodles were involved in circus programs. The only negative is excessive barking in many representatives of the breed.

The most trainable dog breed
. An energetic, intelligent dog who perfectly follows commands. Intelligence is in the blood of this breed, so the animal grasps everything on the fly. The Border Collie is always alert, especially if a stranger approaches.

Do you want to get and train a dog, but don’t know which breed to choose? Expert cynologist Maxim Kireev will help with this issue.

Especially at our request, the expert compiled the TOP 5 tailed excellent dogs - dog breeds that are best trained.

Golden Retriever

Active, positive, good-natured, quick-witted - these words can describe these dogs, which are sure to become pets - especially children.

Dogs of this breed must be trained and educated. Here's why: Retrievers, like Labradors, were originally hunting dogs. And if your dog’s ancestors were used for generations to catch prey, sooner or later his hunting instinct will awaken.

When choosing a retriever puppy, ask the breeder about the animal's pedigree. If his ancestors lived in families and took part in exhibitions, such a dog will be easier to train.

Labrador Retriever

One of the most popular dog breeds, distinguished by intelligence and intelligence. They are friendly, obedient, not annoying and know how to adapt to the character of their owner.

Labradors are naturally very intelligent. But they have one feature, rather of a psychological nature. They may become nervous and lose their temper when an irritant appears nearby. For example, pigeons will fly by - at the sight of them, a Labrador can stand up and start hunting. However, if you work on this problem during training, you can almost completely get rid of it.

Saint Bernard

Despite its impressive appearance (the weight of some individuals reaches 90 kg), this is a very mobile, active and sociable dog, so there will not be the slightest problem with training.

Saint Bernards are easy to train, although they are a little slow. They are very smart, they catch everything literally on the fly. Representatives of this breed are excellent nannies - affectionate and gentle.

Saint Bernards should never be kept on a chain. This is dangerous not only for the psyche, but also for the health of the dog. A large St. Bernard absolutely needs to walk a lot, but if he leads a sedentary lifestyle while sitting on a chain, he may develop problems with his hind legs.

Scottish Sheepdog (Collie)

These dogs have an easygoing and affectionate character, they are obedient, efficient and get along well with all family members. Collies are amenable to various types of training: they remember words and entire phrases well and react to the intonation of their owners.

Collies are a herding breed of dog; they are excellent nannies and companions. True, these pets are very noisy - they will never miss the opportunity to bark loudly. But they can be trained in such a way that they bark less and only for a reason.

If you decide to get such a dog, do not forget that it has long hair, and it will not be easy to keep it in a city apartment.

German shepherd

An intellectual among dogs and therefore trains well. The shepherd is a reliable guard, and can not only rush to defense at the owner’s command, but also, after assessing the situation, make an independent decision. At the same time, she is able to restrain her emotions - she doesn’t even bark unnecessarily. But when surrounded by loved ones, she is ready to give vent to her feelings.

German Shepherds are multifunctional dogs: they can be watchdogs, guard dogs, guide dogs and, like collies, nannies.

To develop this or that skill, they need to be educated in a special way. It is important to choose a dog of suitable temperament - this applies not only to the shepherd, but also to other breeds. For example, in a city apartment it is better to keep a phlegmatic dog. The learning process will take longer, but the knowledge will be better consolidated.

If you lead an active lifestyle - you run in the morning, like to walk in nature and are going to do this with your dog - an animal with a choleric temperament is suitable for you.

An experienced dog handler will help you choose a puppy, and he will also determine the type of training required for the shepherd.

At what age can a dog be start training? Depends on what you are training your pet for. If you want him to participate in exhibitions, you can start training from 1.5-2 months of age.

Are you preparing your dog for service? Start training as soon as the puppy turns 3 months old. And it is allowed to participate in group classes from 4.5-5 months.

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No matter what breed the dog is, it will still be devoted to its owner. But all dogs have different intellectual abilities. In 1994, Canadian professor Stanley Coren created a canine intelligence scale. He took into account 3 aspects: instinctive and adaptive intelligence, as well as obedience intelligence.


From 1st to 10th place are occupied by the most intelligent dog breeds with the highest level of obedience and working qualities. Moreover, they respond to commands almost instantly! Training dogs of these breeds is easy and enjoyable even for a beginner.

1. Border Collie

These dogs love to work. You will never see them lying in the sun. They are very easy to train, friendly and love children. They can be used anywhere: as security guards, as nannies, and simply as smart pets.

2. Poodle

This breed is underestimated by most people due to their funny appearance. Poodles are very smart dogs and are capable of not only entertaining spectators at the circus by performing tricks. Previously, poodles served as both rescuers and observers. They swim well and are able to save a drowning person. Depending on the size, they can be used for hunting and protection.

3. German Shepherd

These dogs are just perfect for home. They are very loyal and ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their owner. They can be used as guards, as pet dogs, and for police purposes. For some reason, recently the popularity of this breed has been declining, and it is being replaced by exotic breeds that are not nearly as smart and not as beautiful.

4. Golden Retriever

It can easily be confused with a Labrador Retriever. But the Golden Retriever is much smarter and more capable. These dogs can be rescuers, drug detectors, and guide dogs. By the way, retrievers are very patient, so you don’t have to be afraid to get them if you have kids in the house.

5. Doberman

There is something noble and incomprehensible about this dog. Dobermans need to be trained, otherwise you will grow up to be an uncontrollable dog who will do whatever he wants. These dogs appeared in 1800, when there was a need for a breed that could protect and attack. It is worth noting that these dogs are very active.

6. Sheltie

Dogs of this breed have a strong resemblance to collies. Shelties have very good hearing and sense of smell; despite their apparent decorativeness, they are able to protect their owner.

7. Labrador Retriever

Labrador retrievers live in almost every country in the world. They, like Rottweilers, serve in the police - after all, these dogs are capable of detecting even small doses of drugs. They are used as guides by blind people. Labrador retrievers also work as rescue dogs.

8. Papillon

Such a small, cute and funny dog ​​breed. Papillons have been and remain a symbol of elegance. During the Renaissance, many high-ranking people, including kings, kept dogs of this breed with them. They are very smart and reserved.

9. Rottweiler

Many consider these muscular handsome men to be dangerous and difficult to control. Yes, once these were killer dogs that could cope with a cow and even a large bull. Today's Rottweilers are somewhat smaller in size, but still very strong. Their mental abilities are widely known.

Rottweilers sometimes work for the police, and in the past the owners of these dogs trained them to carry firewood and other heavy loads to markets or home. An ideal protector for the home, but it requires training and education.

10. Australian Cattle Dog

This breed is famous for its intelligence, ability to understand its owner at a glance, and is easy to train. These dogs are very obedient and efficient.


These dogs remember commands well and will respond to a given command in 85% of cases or more often. Any owner can train dogs of these breeds to an excellent level, even without special patience or experience.

1. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

2. Miniature Schnauzer

3. Springer Spaniel

4. Belgian Shepherd

5. Collie

6. German Spitz

7. Kurzhaar

8. English cocker

9. Pomeranian

10. Cardigan Welsh Corgi


These dogs begin to understand simple new commands after 15-25 repetitions, but you must periodically repeat the learned commands with them. Dogs of these breeds respond to the first command in 70% of cases or more often. But not everyone can cope with training these pets.

1. Yorkshire Terrier

2. Giant Schnauzer

3. Airedale Terrier

4. Bouvier

5. Briard

6. Springer Spaniel

7. Samoyed

8. American Staffordshire Terrier

9. Gordon Setter

10. Cairn Terrier

11. Kerry Blue Terrier

12. Irish Setter


They understand commands after 15-20 repetitions, but require 25-40 repetitions for sustained effect. Without regular practice, dogs of these breeds lose skills quite quickly.

1. Bedlington Terrier

2. Toy Terrier

3. Irish Wolfhound

4. Saluki

5. Pointer

6. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

7. Husky

8. Greyhound

9. Boxer

10. Fox Terrier


These dogs love to walk on their own, make their own decisions, and only respond to their owner if he is nearby. These pets are not for beginners, training them even for an expert will not be the easiest thing.

1. Pug

2. French Bulldog

Perpetual motion machines that never sit still. Incredibly smart, cheerful and cheerful dogs with a developed beater instinct. In the UK, their homeland, border breeders still work the pastures just like in the old days. In urban environments, these dogs also tend to chase everyone: if not sheep, then other dogs, cats, children, and sometimes their owners. Curious, energetic and hard-working, Border Collies are highly trainable. These are masters of agility, dancing with dogs, and indeed all sports disciplines. By the way, the ancestors of border dogs are Viking dogs. Perhaps this is why their passion for everything new is so strong!

English wisdom says: “A poodle is not a dog, but a person!” And it’s not about his impressive appearance, but about his amazing intelligence. It was not for nothing that Mephistopheles appeared to Faust in the form of a poodle! These dogs gained fame back in the Middle Ages. Famous circus stunt performers, obedient pets, four-legged soldiers of the French army from the time of Bonaparte, and just handsome people - the whole world knows about poodles! Interestingly, until the 17th century, among students, poodles were considered a symbol of high ability. Apparently, the students dreamed of grasping all the information on the fly, and not through long, painstaking work. Just like poodles!

The German Shepherd is one of the few breeds whose popularity never fades. We can say that this is a classic dog: smart, loyal, obedient, strong, affectionate and very beautiful. Shepherds are literally man's best friend. They have many saved lives and even more heroic deeds to their credit. They went with people side by side through the most terrible wars and worked as rescuers in hot spots. Shepherd dogs still work today in rescue and guard services, in the police, in therapy, but at the same time they remain the kindest pets, responsible companions, loyal friends and nannies. These are easy to train dogs.

We present to you sunbeams weighing 40 kg! Meet Labradors and Retrievers! Two similar breeds from the same group.

It is difficult to find more loving, friendly and at the same time responsible dogs. There is not a drop of aggression in them. These are ideal pets for families with children, loyal and cheerful friends. They are characterized by lightness and optimism in everything - even in the most difficult teams. Labradors and retrievers are not just everyone's favorites, but also healers, guides, teachers, rescuers and police officers. Remember what they say: a talented dog is talented in everything? Here's the best example!

The Doberman is an athletically built, stately dog, with which you just want to sculpt sculptures. Character is in no way inferior to appearance. Dobermans are obedient, loyal, affectionate and noble: they never offend the weak. Interestingly, the breed was created by a talented police officer, Friedrich Dobermann. For many years he sought to find a dog with ideal guard qualities, but always came across shortcomings. Disappointed, he decided to create the perfect guard himself - this is how the Doberman breed appeared. As a tribute to their creator, Dobermans serve responsibly in the police and army and at the same time remain affectionate pets for whom the owner’s word always comes first.