My lips were pale and ugly until I found out about this product! Now you don’t even need to paint them - they look so attractive! Ugly lips What to do if you have ugly legs

Improving what nature has given us is an important and worthy task for every woman. Working on confidence and cultivating an angelic character is much easier if you like your reflection in the mirror.

But if a girl looks and thinks - I’m ugly, what should I do?! - then depression is just around the corner. We are trying our best to help you find attractiveness, so today we have prepared best tips about this theme.

What to do if you have ugly legs

Don't cry in front of the mirror, but change. Many figure flaws can be successfully hidden with clothes, and what’s more - even turned into advantages!

Let's start with the fact that flaunting the imperfections of your figure is bad form, so right now you should do an audit of your wardrobe and clean it of clothes and shoes that spoil your appearance.

Taboo for thin legs:

  • Boots and platform shoes;
  • Boots with wide tops;
  • Shoes and clothing in military style;
  • Black clothes;
  • Pants with vertical pinstripes.

Taboo for thick legs:

  • Knee high boots;
  • Stilettos;
  • Shoes without heels;
  • Knitten things;
  • Sweatshirts and cardigans without a belt;
  • Beige trousers and skirts.

In general, if you have a problem with your legs, you need to get rid of things that accentuate the bottom and muffle the top: shapeless blouses, sheath jackets, clothes without a waist. You may have to decisively abandon the mini, which poses the biggest problem for unattractive legs.

By the way, it is quite possible to give up a miniskirt in favor of long skirt with a cut. This is the best thing you can do if your knees are ugly and your legs are fat. A midi skirt sets the wrong proportions for a plump figure, but a well-fitting maxi with a classic slit at the back looks very impressive and hides everything that does not need to be shown.

Replenishing your wardrobe with super things

Got rid of it, put it aside? Great! Now we are planning to buy the right things that will not only hide unnecessary things, but also highlight the best in your figure. Here are just a few win-win wardrobe ideas that will begin your journey into the world of impeccable style.

Versatile shoes. Classic pumps or closed sandals with a stable 7 cm straight heel will visually smooth out absolutely any leg defect. Important nuance: Choose a round toe and a fashionable nude shade that magically corrects the length, width and shape of your legs.

Jockey boots. A perfectly fitting boot visually aligns, lengthens, and creates a beautiful silhouette. An important nuance: the boot should be without cuffs and cover the knees approximately to the middle, otherwise crooked legs will appear out of nowhere.

Vest. In the past, a sailor's uniform, and now - the most fashionable top, a vest suits everyone without exception, because it does not fall under any rule or prohibition. It makes skinny people look juicier, plumper ones look slimmer, smoothes out top-bottom asymmetry and simply stunningly transforms an everyday outfit. An important nuance: we are talking about a classic striped vest with a width of 11 mm.

Biker jacket. A girl in a short jacket with an asymmetrical cut always wins: any trousers, jeans, or skirt immediately become properly designed if you are wearing a cool biker jacket. The secret is to ensure that the jacket ends exactly at the waistline.

Fur collar. Natural beautiful fur, the color of which suits you, attracts attention to your hair and eyes, and looks soft and feminine. No one will even look at imperfect legs if you have amazing fur!

Keep stocking your closet with the right things, and your insecurities will disappear.

What to do if your armpits look ugly

Armpits lose their attractiveness for two reasons - dark skin in this area there are also fat deposits on the back and shoulders. If unwanted changes appear in this place of your body, eliminating them will not be easy, but it is quite possible.

There are several ways to lighten the skin of your armpits:

  • Switch to a deodorant and antiperspirant without parabens, fragrances, and with natural ingredients;
  • Once a week, exfoliate the skin of your armpits with a scrub, for example, made from salt and coffee;
  • Twice a week for a month, bleach your armpits with lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide;
  • Stop shaving your armpits and remove hair with wax or sugar paste.

To get rid of unsightly armpit wings, you need to increase the load on the muscles of your back and arms. It would be ideal to exercise on a rowing machine, swim in a pool, and at home exercise with an expander (band or spring, butterfly).

What to do with an ugly smile

Solving this problem will probably be the most expensive of our advice today. After all, the beauty of a smile depends 90% on the beauty of your teeth, and only a little on your facial expressions.

Gather your strength (and resources) and go to the dentist for an examination. Let the specialist outline with you the scope of work to improve the health of your teeth and gums.

The first thing to do is to fill and reconstruct anterior teeth, which are visible every time you open your mouth. At the same time, whiten your teeth with gentle home remedies - hydrogen peroxide, soda, pastes with a whitening effect. When all teeth have been treated, you can order from your dentist professional procedure bleaching.

If some teeth are missing, be sure to restore them, since gaps are not only visible in open mouth, but also cause the remaining teeth to float, and two or three missing teeth cause the cheek to recede, which also looks unsightly.

While your dentist is fixing your teeth, pay attention to your lips and facial muscles. They also affect the appearance of your smile. Lubricate your lips with honey daily to get rid of chapped, dry lips and make your lips fuller and brighter.

Do a couple of exercises in the evening for the muscles around your mouth - the stiffness and spasm of these muscles is what gives you a crooked, asymmetrical and strained smile. Spend at least 10 minutes on the exercises, and within two months your face will be illuminated by a soft and natural smile.

Don't forget makeup - little secrets can make your smile beautiful and refresh your face. To make your teeth look whiter, use lipstick in a cool shade - raspberry, fuchsia, pink.

Lipstick with pearlescent shine makes the smile visually dry and dull. Choose a dewy gloss or matte opaque lipstick. Never wear lipstick that doesn’t suit you; it’s better to show up without it at all than to add a few years to yourself with a decorative shade that’s not your shade.

And yet, what should I do if I’m ugly?

First of all, do not be discouraged, but take steps. Famous saying, which belongs to the great Coco Chanel, says: a woman looks the way she deserves. This means that beauty is daily work and is not given to lazy people. So you don’t follow the lead of self-justification, but rather get down to business!

For a long time, girls have sought to enlarge their lips: with the help of paint, lipstick, gloss, menthol (causes blood flow and slight swelling), eventually it came to injections. Plump lips- at any cost, men like it so much! Californian plastic surgeons even developed a formula perfect lips: the bottom should be 2 times (we're not kidding) more plump than the top. This is the standard that most people use. plastic surgeons in USA.

, an esthetician from London, together with his colleagues, conducted a large-scale investigation, the result of which was the ideal size and shape of lips, which, according to the vast majority of male respondents, look sexy, but not vulgar.

Participants in the study were asked to choose between two photographs of entire faces, which one looked more attractive and sexy, and separately between photographs of two different forms lips In addition, they were asked to note the advantages and disadvantages of each photograph. The third stage was the formation of an identikit: computer model lips that meets all aesthetic requirements.


And here it is, the result: the upper lip should be equal to the lower lip in fullness, and the ratio of the widest part lower lip to the width of the lips in the corners of the mouth is just 2 to 1.

Dr. Esho's research also showed that the cleavage upper lip or "Cupid's bow" plays important role in men's perception of such lips as sexy. A soft, not too pronounced hollow makes girls’ lips almost twice as attractive as a deep, pronounced one.

There are several options you can use to get rid of unwanted gel in your lips. The first is punctures with microscopic thin needles outside lips. This method cannot be called effective, connective tissue in the lips does not allow the gel to be extracted efficiently.

Then they resort to the second option - extracting the biopolymer gel through an incision with inside lips. This procedure is carried out under local anesthesia and is considered a full-fledged operation. There is little pleasant here: swelling, long rehabilitation period and other delights of postoperative life.

The same method is used to reduce the natural volume of the lips. You heard right: there are girls in the world who voluntarily want to part with their natural wealth. These include Ivanka Trump, Angelina Jolie and Jessica Alba.

Ivanka Trump

The daughter of the US President Ivanka, after coming of age, decided to bring her appearance to the ideal: rhinoplasty, removal of Bish's lumps, chin augmentation. After the last operation, in order for his face to look harmonious, Trump had to reduce the volume of his lower lip.