How to get bigger lips without injections. How to enlarge lips without surgery? How to get rid of the effect of plump lips

Injections hyaluronic acid or other methods of lip correction - far from prerequisite if you want to enlarge your lips. You can resort to fairly simple (and most importantly - natural and safe) remedies that will give at least a temporary effect, but will not cause harm.

Mint or chili oil

It is a well-known fact that oil peppermint or pepper causes blood flow and slight swelling, which will create that same plump effect on the lips. Mint oil is cooling, but chili oil is, on the contrary, warming. But do not forget that you can literally use a drop, otherwise you will feel severe discomfort.

Lip pencil

A simple makeup life hack: tint your lips so that they are almost invisible, and then use a lip pencil to draw a contour, slightly beyond the natural one. Now apply lipstick or bright gloss. It doesn’t look too natural, but it may well be invisible if your natural lip contour is not too pronounced.


For a long time known fact that the play of light gives additional volume. In this case, you will need a solid highlighter. Apply it to the middle of your lips, followed by a translucent gloss. You will see, your lips will look very seductive.

Sugar scrub

Mix it up coconut oil with sugar and apply it on your lips. This scrub perfectly nourishes the skin through rubbing movements.


Toothpaste contains menthol, which acts similarly peppermint oil. And rubbing movements with a toothbrush (just don’t overdo it) will increase blood flow to the lips.

How to enlarge lips without injections and surgeries, so that the effect is noticeable and no different from a salon procedure. Which ones exist now? effective ways non-injection enlargement of female lips. These are typical questions of most women who, in their opinion, have been slightly deprived by nature.

Correct the misunderstanding naturally possible at home, and there are more than enough recipes for enlarging female lips. Let's get acquainted with the most popular of them.

Having a beautiful, plump mouth is not only a dream for young girls. Rarely a woman does not seek to improve their attractiveness using all sorts of methods: from regular lipstick to complex operations. The most desperate of ladies make unique sacrifices in order to noticeably enlarge their lips.

The easiest way to do this is visually using makeup. This is the most popular method for highlighting lips using lipstick, pencil or gloss. Correct Application These cosmetic products give volume, color to the lips and increase their appearance.

Lip makeup is just a decorative solution to the problem; if you wipe off the lipstick, the size and shape of the lips remain the same.

Women are interested in how they can really add volume to their lips, and in the way they would like. And preferably two at once, upper and lower, because the entire “little-lipped” attractiveness depends on the parameters and completeness of each and them as a whole.

Experts in the field female beauty a lot has been proposed interesting methods, allowing you to improve your sponges. Among them plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures and injections special drugs. Some female beauty enhancement procedures are quite complex, expensive and have side effects. For example, plastic surgery.

Lip make up enlarges lips only visually

Artificial helpers of nature

These include the following.

  • Plastic surgery
  1. Plastic surgery (cheiloplasty) allows you to change the contours of the lips and their position. The volume can be increased by adding silicone implants, providing lifelong results, but often being the cause dangerous complications. Successful plastic correction of the shape of the lips can make them visually larger, without the use of dermal fillers. Disadvantages: unnatural appearance, risk of damage facial nerve, infection and bleeding. Complications after surgery– allergic reactions to anesthetics.
  2. Lifting with biodegradable threads (gold or platinum), which subsequently form a natural fibrous frame. The result of such a mini-operation lasts up to three years. Disadvantage: in addition to high complexity and cost, there is a high risk of tissue detachment as a result of work facial muscles persons who are capable of literally“break” a thin thread that can come out from under the skin.

You can enlarge your lips without surgery using injections of special medications.

Natural ways

Let's describe them in more detail.

  • Contour plastic
  1. Subcutaneous injection of biocompatible fillers (fillers), one of which is hyaluronic acid. They make up for the lack of volume and make the mouth larger. The effect lasts from 6 to 12 months. Such injections have side effects: the formation of seals and loss of sensitivity.
  2. Botox injections, used alone or in combination with hyaluronic acid fillers, can add plumpness to the lips. The introduction of Botox requires the knowledge and skill of a cosmetologist; has a number side effects, including speech impairment, the appearance of hematomas at the injection site, the spread of botulinum toxin to the nearby zygomatic muscles and severe allergies.
  3. Lipofilling: subcutaneous injection of a filler, which is a specially treated adipose tissue patients.

The effect of the procedure lasts up to a year

Non-injection lip augmentation involves the use of professional cosmetics, massage and special exercises, training the muscles of the mouth.

  • Use of professional natural cosmetics.

This includes various creams and balms based on hyaluronic acid and low molecular weight collagen. Using them, you can noticeably enlarge your lips in a short period of time.

  • Face building or special gymnastics

It includes a set of special exercises, the implementation of which allows you to increase your “lipped” parameters.

Some women various reasons are not ready for radical measures, and are looking for cheaper and safe way become beautiful. They are interested in enlargement without a scalpel or injections, which can be done at home.

Home salon

It is absolutely possible to enlarge your lips without injections at home. For this purpose, many safe procedures have been proposed that women successfully use. Home enlargement procedures.

  • Massage

Honey massage, which is recommended to be performed 1-2 times a day for 5-10 minutes. Massaging can be done with your finger or a toothbrush, which will significantly improve blood flow and make your lips brighter and fuller. After the massage, apply a nourishing balm to them.

  • Exercises

The lips have muscles, the condition of which determines their appearance. “Lip” gymnastics, consisting of simple home exercises, can increase the tone of the labial muscles.

  1. We pronounce the vowels in front of the mirror, carefully working with our lips; monitor the articulation and movement of the lips.
  2. We hold the pencil in our mouth and try to move it right/left, then forward/backward.
  3. Extend your mouth into a tube, squeeze it, and then push it forward strongly and try to make the largest possible “O” with your elongated lips, then squeeze them again and perform four repetitions. Then take a break and repeat “O” with obstacles three more times.
  4. Trains the labial muscles of whistling, whistling and snorting.
  5. Gently biting them with your teeth can slightly stretch the labial muscles and increase their tone.

There are a number of exercises to enlarge lips

  • Nourishing masks

Verified natural masks, which are easy to do at home.

Honey-lemon: 2 tsp. honey, 2-3 drops. lemon juice and ½ tsp. glycerin. Mix, add a little purified Vaseline and melt. Apply warm and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Contrast rubbing can enlarge your lips without injections. For this procedure you will need small ice cubes and warm water. Apply ice and water alternately, then lubricate well with nourishing balm.

  • Vacuum increase

You can visibly enlarge your mouth without injections at home vacuum procedures. For this purpose, you can use a special pump or massage silicone jars, which easily provide a small vacuum effect.

The negative pressure in the silicone pump causes blood flow to the lips and increased collagen synthesis, to which the lips owe their volume. There is an effect of fullness and brightness. Vacuum increase has a relatively quick but short-term effect. After a while, the swelling subsides and they gain regular form. To consolidate the result, vacuum massage is used periodically, but without excessive zeal, so as not to provoke bruises and cracks.

  • Smart cosmetics

Special cosmetics can make your mouth fuller and more attractive without injections. There are professional products, over a certain period of time, allowing you to make a woman’s smile plump. The natural components of such cosmetics can quickly give it volume and expressiveness.

Products for lip augmentation (review):

  1. LIP FILL (Oxygenbotanical, Canada) is a lip gel containing L-carnitine, oligopeptides and tetrahexydecyl ascorbate.
  2. LIP BOOSTER (Naturbis, Spain) – cosmetic product for volume. Ingredients: capsicum extract, sodium hyaluronate and vitamin E.
  3. LOVE LIPS (Anna Lotan, Israel) – cream.
  4. CREATIVE NATUR COSMETIC (Germany) – balm contains oligopeptides that fill the intercellular space and stimulate the synthesis of collagen protein.
  5. PERFECT POUT (Skyne Doctor, Australia). Lip gel with arginine and cinnamon oil.

To be beautiful and improve your appearance, you don’t have to go to an expensive salon; many cosmetic procedures can be done at home.

Lip augmentation is a procedure that includes changing their shape and size, correcting asymmetry and corners, and removing wrinkles. Enlargement with injections is effective and long-lasting, but painful and has many side effects. Massage, cosmetic products, and folk methods will help enlarge your lips without injections. Non-invasive means are the safest and do not require large amounts of money.

Procedures injection augmentation lips are reduced to the use of hyaluronic acid.

Contraindications for the use of hyaluronic acid injections (fillers):

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • increased sensitivity to hyaluronic acid;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • the presence of scars and scars on the lips, a tendency to form them;
  • infections;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • herpes;
  • any disease in the acute stage.

Non-injection methods of augmentation

When choosing a clinic and a cosmetologist, you should be guided by reviews and work experience. The doctor must also conduct a preliminary consultation, determine the presence of contraindications and provide an original photo of the lips before and after the operation.

  • By tattooing you can achieve the effect of lip augmentation for up to 5 years. The essence of the procedure is to introduce a special coloring composition into the skin using a device with the finest microneedles.


Enlargement without injections can be achieved using a vacuum massager. The expected effect is 5-8 hours. It is enough to carry out the procedures twice a day for two weeks. The duration of one procedure is no more than 20 seconds.

Don't use a massager longer time, otherwise there may be side effects in the form of bruises.

A short-term result (5-10 minutes) can be achieved with a regular massage at home, aimed at stimulating blood supply, and, therefore, collagen production.

Type of massage Method of implementation
Scrub massage Use a store-bought scrub or make your own. To do this you need to mix 1 tsp. sugar with 1 tbsp. l. honey Massage in different directions for 5-10 minutes.
Massage with a toothbrush Take a soft one toothbrush, apply oil (olive, sunflower) to it and treat the sponges.
Contrast massage Take a toothbrush and dip it in cold clean water and treat your lips. Then dip it in hot water and soda and treat it.
Ice massage Prepare a decoction of chamomile herb and freeze into cubes. Wrap the cube in a cloth and massage your lips for 2 minutes.
Menthol massage Apply to cloth or napkin menthol oil and apply to the lips, massaging them lightly.

Please note: after all of the above types of massage, lips must be moistened with any balm purchased at the pharmacy.

Cosmetology procedures

Spa treatments in salons are aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the skin. The main stages of such procedures: exfoliation of dead skin (peeling), application of masks and oils, cryotherapy (rubbing with ice).

  • Scrubbing is a procedure of applying a scrub to improve blood supply and remove dead cells.
  • The electroporation method consists of introducing hyaluronic acid using physiotherapy. To do this, cleanse the facial skin, remove cosmetics, then apply a layer of hyaluronic acid and apply a device with current to the lips. high frequency, but low intensity. To consolidate the result, you need at least 12 procedures (first 2 procedures per week, and then maintain the effect once every 3 months).
  • Thermage is exposure to a device that emits radio waves. Old collagen tissues are destroyed and new ones are formed. It takes several sessions for the lips to increase in size.
  • Using creams based on hyaluronic acid. The effect of non-injection lip augmentation will be noticeable immediately, but will not last for a long period of time.

Folk remedies

  • Vaseline, sugar, honey, lemon juice(all in the amount of 1 tbsp.) mixed with 0.5 tsp. glycerin. Heat in a water bath for 5 minutes, cool and apply to sponges.
  • Apply ginger root paste.
  • Spices: cardamom, hot red pepper, chili pepper, mix with Vaseline and apply for 30 seconds.
  • Massage your lips with lemon zest.
  • Apply a mask of olive oil, honey and cinnamon.
  • Apply Vaseline at night.
  • Prepare a balm from shea butter, cocoa, jojoba. Add a few drops of vitamin E and lemon balm essential oil. Apply for 10-15 minutes.
  • Apply red pepper tincture (available at pharmacies) for 30 seconds.

Due to the presence of muscle tissue, it is possible to achieve lip enlargement without surgery through exercises:

  • Pronounce vowels, stretching them out.
  • Put it in your mouth more air and blow it out through your lips (the same force you apply when blowing out birthday cake candles).
  • Take a breath into your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Pronounce the letter "P".
  • Imagine that you have applied lipstick that needs to be smeared.
  • Make the sponges into tubes, trying to repeat the shapes.
  • Move your lips from side to side.

Makeup secrets

  • Do not wear lipstick that is too bright or too dark. It is better to choose shades of flesh color.
  • The color of the lip contour should be natural, matching the color of your skin or lipstick.
  • Darken the center and achieve a voluminous effect.
  • It is better to apply lipstick with a brush.
  • If you powder your lips after applying lipstick, this will give them additional volume.
  • Do not use pearlescent lipstick.
  • Glosses and lipsticks with a glossy effect and glitter will visually enlarge your lips.
  • If included cosmetic product If you eat chili pepper, ginger, menthol, this will make your lips swollen.
  • When applying makeup, use two shades of lipstick from the same spectrum.
  • The finishing touch is a transparent gloss in the middle of the upper and lower lips.

What effect and duration can you expect?

The action of needle-free methods is aimed at increasing blood flow to the lips. This creates a temporary enlargement effect (from a few minutes to 8 hours). Longer results can be achieved using thermage and electroporation methods.

Non-invasive methods rarely have side effects if you follow the directions. They occur when ointments and tinctures are applied for more than the specified time.

These side effects are not comparable to the effects after injections (bruising and swelling, soreness).

Contraindications to the use of non-surgical methods

  • Lips should be enlarged using available means, provided there are no allergies.
  • Electroporation is prohibited during breastfeeding and pregnancy, oncological diseases, blood diseases and violations of the integrity of the skin.
  • Seasonal restrictions. Thus, peeling cannot be done in the summer, due to the risk of skin pigmentation.

You should be wary of some dubious home enlargement methods. The pumping method can cause bruising. If you leave the red pepper tincture for a minute instead of the prescribed 30 seconds, you can achieve not the effect of plump sponges, but a burn.

Preference should be given traditional methods With natural ingredients, essential oils. This will not only help make your lips look bigger, but also increase their smoothness, moisturize, and get rid of flaking. Exercises and massage are completely harmless, the main thing is to do them systematically. Safe and effective increase can also be achieved by applying high-quality makeup. You don't have to have a lot of money to look attractive and have beautiful lips.

Looking at a man with thin lips, you inevitably think that either he is dissatisfied with something, or he is thinking about something and has no time for you. And what kind of girl would like it if, because of such injustice in appearance, those around you constantly think that you are an evil person, a beech, or generally a cunning, insidious person.

Another thing is girls with bow lips. Sometimes it seems - and not only seems - that as soon as the owner of lush lips slightly curls them in a “sour” grimace, those around them immediately begin to diligently influence the situation in order to return good mood capricious person.

This kind of quickness is especially observed among men who pay attention to pretty colleagues or just strangers who happen to be nearby. Try not to think about lip augmentation without surgery or with the help of a surgeon! Moreover, if, in addition to the scanty thickness, your lips have other shortcomings: a blurred contour, an ugly scar, or even a clearly visible pigment spot.

Is surgery dangerous?

Despite all the progress achieved, no matter what surgical intervention there is a risk of complications. , hyaluronic acid or another method is no exception.

Stories from our readers

Looked 10 years younger in one week! No Botox, no surgeries or expensive drugs. With each birthday it was more and more scary to realize how old I was, and even more terrible to look at myself in the mirror. The wrinkles became deeper and deeper, and the circles under the eyes became more noticeable. I was already thinking about resorting to injections, but, thank God, they dissuaded me. Believe it or not, in literally a week I got rid of almost all wrinkles and look 10 years younger, and all thanks to this article. Anyone who wants to get rid of wrinkles natural method at home - a must read!

Read the full article >>>

In addition to foreign substance rejection, there may be allergic reaction for painkillers. After all, you can’t do without them either during the operation itself or during rehabilitation period. Therefore, if you are dissatisfied with the size of your lips and want them to look fuller, first try to enlarge your lips without surgery.

It may be that the result will satisfy you even without seeking help. plastic surgeon. And for those who suffer from drug allergies, our advice will be the only one possible to apply.

Lip augmentation without injections using exercises

Permanent lip enlargement of about one to two percent can be achieved with systematic lip enhancement. You can do it either with your fingers or with your toothbrush - after brushing your teeth and rinsing off any remaining toothpaste. It is advisable to lubricate the surface of the skin first. olive oil(can be peeled sunflower) or .

Gently and without strong pressure, go over them with the fleecy part of the brush, not forgetting about the edges. After a short time, you will feel how the sponges have become hot, and their appearance has changed slightly. Such swelling will look absolutely natural and no one will think that your lips are actually somewhat thinner. This massage should be done no more than twice a week.

It turns out that if you grimace correctly, you can create payload for facial muscles, pump up the shape of the lips. To give lips more attractive looking You must first retire to avoid ridicule from loved ones and unnecessary questions. Possible with double benefit sit at the computer: correspond with friends or watch something interesting, and at the same time perform two simple exercises in turn.

The first of them: imagine that something has greatly disappointed you and you have pursed your lips offendedly, silently pronouncing the sound “u”. Fix them in this position, tense for five seconds, then relax.

Tighten again, relax again. After doing this five times, proceed to another exercise.

To do this, start artificially smiling. At the same time, tense your lips as much as possible, as if gluing them to your teeth.

Now it’s clear why it was necessary to retire or at least turn away from everyone present nearby? The algorithm and duration of the second exercise are the same as for the first.

After just a week or two of training, you will notice that the shape of your lips has become much more attractive.

Cosmetics for lip augmentation without injections

A number of cosmetics manufacturers offer everyone glosses and lipsticks containing many tiny sparkles. After applying this lipstick to your lips, their surface begins to shimmer, and they themselves look much more attractive and fuller.

Some companies offer liquid or thick plumper lipsticks with the addition of pepper, mint, and ginger extracts. When applied to the skin in moderation, the burning component causes increased blood circulation, which is why the lips are guaranteed to swell. Whether such products are worth attention is up to you to decide.

When purchasing it, read the list of components in the composition. Make sure active substance is not included in the list of plants and spices with which you are “not friends” due to the body’s immunity. First, try the effectiveness of purchasing a home by preparing a couple of allergy pills in advance. You never know how your body will react to a product to increase lip volume.

Vacuum lip augmentation

Who didn’t play around with a deodorant cap as a child, pressing it to their lips and inhaling deeply? The container was firmly sucked to the face exactly until the lips relaxed and air got inside. Vacuum lip enlargers work on the same principle. Fast, convenient, effective and painless. Because, unlike caps that dig into the skin with a thin edge so that a round mark remains on it for a long time, vacuum devices do not cause discomfort and do not leave marks on the skin.

Some of them are made in the form of the letter Y and consist of two parts: an internal fork and an external pump handle that provides a pressure difference ( shining example Lip plumper). Having applied the product to your lips, you need to pull the handle and hold it for a while, overcoming slight resistance. A couple of seconds after the procedure, the lips become more voluminous in appearance.

The second type of plumper device (products called FulLips) is similar to the lid already mentioned, but the edges are thicker and rounded. Thanks to this, when you extract air from the air applied to your lips, it does not penetrate the skin, does not injure it and does not create conditions for bruising.

The essence of the vacuum method is designed to temporarily increase lip volume (up to 4 hours), which, with proper makeup, will make your smile one and a half times brighter.

How to achieve lip augmentation without surgery or injections using cosmetics

Don't forget about the most common way to enlarge your lips without injections. Armed with foundation, a lip liner and your favorite lipstick, create your look as you please.

First, blur out the natural edges of your lips using a concealer. Then lightly blot the skin with a paper napkin, and then draw a more acceptable outline with a pencil. Just don't overdo it too much. Move no more than two millimeters away from the natural edge.

Do not give your lips, especially the area under the nose, shapes that are not typical for a human mouth. Then blend the surface of your lips with lipstick, trying not to go beyond the new boundaries. If you carefully apply makeup, no one will guess that your lush lips are the result of skillful use of cosmetics, and not a natural gift.

Of course, all these methods of lip augmentation without injections give only a short-term effect. They are powerless even if they want to significantly enlarge their lips to size, such as, for example, the singer Masha Rasputina, Svetlana Loboda and other show business stars. This level cannot be achieved without the help of a plastic surgeon. But if you have already decided to reach it, contact a good specialist with a license. Then you definitely won’t have to regret anything.

What doctors say about wrinkles

I have been practicing plastic surgery for many years. Many have passed through me famous personalities who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because... Science does not stand still; more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body are appearing, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or are unable to seek help plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most budget-friendly alternative.

The drug that I want to recommend is very cheap, easy to use, and most importantly, you will see its effect instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

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Video on the topic

Plump lips have been one of the indispensable criteria of female beauty for many years. And those who are naturally thin and inexpressive have no reason to be sad. Modern cosmetology offers to correct the defect without a complex and painful operation. Non-injection lip augmentation can be performed in different options, many of which give quick and pronounced results. Having considered each of the possibilities, any woman will choose the most suitable one.

Read in this article

Contour plastic

You can enlarge your lips without surgery contour plastic surgery. This method consists of influencing their outlines, which justifies its name. Injections are made along the contour of the lips, introducing a filler with hyaluronic acid. This component is already present in human tissues, but decreases quantitatively over time.

Its additional administration stimulates the production of collagen cells, allows you not only to smooth out age-related folds, but also to increase the volume of your lips. The procedure is done like this:

  1. free the face from cosmetics;
  2. apply the anesthetic for 15 minutes, then remove it;
  3. An enhancing gel is injected along the contour of the lips.

In general, the procedure takes 30 - 40 minutes. The result is noticeable immediately, but the final appearance of the lips takes a day. The owner will be able to observe the effect of the procedure in the mirror for up to a year. Then correction is required, as the gel with hyaluronic acid dissolves.

To learn about what contour plastic surgery is and how it is performed, watch this video:


Don't let a woman look like thin lips too strict, lipofilling will help remove age, asymmetry, and disproportion from the face. The procedure too involves the introduction of a filler, but it contains its own fat cells. They are taken from the areas of the hips, abdomen or knees and subjected to special processing. Then, according to a pre-marked pattern, the material is injected into the lips under local anesthesia.

Fat removal, cleaning and injection into lips.

There are also a more advanced method of lipofilling - microfatgrafting. Its difference lies in the method of collecting donor tissue. The result of microfat grafting is better, since the method ensures greater preservation of fat cells. But the rehabilitation period with it is a little longer, the manipulation itself is more complicated. As with simple lipofilling, swelling and bruising are possible.

Lip exercises

How to enlarge lips without injections and surgery is not difficult to understand if you know the composition of the tissues. They have muscle fibers, which can “pump up” with physical exercises:

  • Move your lips from side to side, protruding forward. Then do the same without pulling them out.
  • Pursing your lips into a tube and sticking them out again, draw figures in the air. First clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • Take air into your mouth and hold. Next you need to slowly release it through your lips extended forward.
  • Open your mouth slightly and try to stick your tongue out far, while tensing your muscles. Stay in this pose for a minute. Then close your mouth and relax your face.
  • Pronounce all vowel sounds clearly, with pronounced articulation.
  • Purse your lips tightly and hold for 5 seconds. Then smile without opening your teeth, and also remain in this position for some time.

Before classes, you need to rinse your mouth with warm and cold water, and smear your lips.

How to visually enlarge lips with massage?

It’s possible to get plump lips using different types massage. If you do it every night, the result will become obvious after a month. The increase ensures stimulation of blood circulation, and hence the maintenance of collagen production in this area.

Types of massage Methodology
With scrub The product is prepared from honey and soda, you can take sugar, water and vegetable oil or buy ready-made. It is applied to the lips, spreading over the surface with little effort. The session lasts 5 minutes
Toothbrush For massage, take a soft one. Apply honey or olive oil to the bristles and treat lips with light pressure for a few minutes.
Contrasting It also requires a toothbrush. First it is dipped in hot water with soda and massage lips. Then the liquid is changed to cold and clean
Ice Decoctions of mint or chamomile are frozen for it. A piece of ice is placed in a thin natural cloth and rubbed over the lips for a couple of minutes.
With your fingers The index and middle fingers are involved. Apply oil to the lips, moving from the corners to the middle, starting from the bottom. Massage them by kneading, rubbing and stroking

The volume of procedures will increase slightly. But with regular massage, you can maintain freshness and clarity of the lip contour for a long time and prevent the corners from drooping.

How to enlarge lips with makeup?

You can add volume to your lips quickly, painlessly and without high costs. Will help with this decorative cosmetics. A visual increase is made in several stages:

  1. Apply makeup base to lips;
  2. Use a pencil to outline the upper and lower border, slightly going beyond it;
  3. Gently blend the resulting line on the lips;
  4. Paint them with lipstick of the appropriate shade;
  5. Apply a drop of gloss, but not over the entire space of the lips, but in the center, making glare spots 1 - 1.5 cm wide.

To get from these tricks maximum result, lipstick should be chosen not dark, but fresh, bright shades.

Another way to add volume to your lips is to use transparent gloss and a pencil that matches their natural color. The first to draw a light line over upper lip. Use a pencil to draw a line under the bottom, shading it.

Lip enhancement creams

You can add volume using lip cream with hyaluronic acid. It expands blood vessels in this area, stimulates the formation of collagen fibers, refreshes the skin, and eliminates small folds. The result is immediate and noticeable, but unstable. You need to use this product several times a day. Then the effect will last longer, since the creams also provide good care behind the lips, which is important for maintaining volume.

The most famous brands:

  • "NaturaBisse"
  • "Klapp"
  • "Oxygen Botanicals"
  • "Anna Lotan"
  • "Helena Rubinstein"
  • "Skindoctors".

Folk remedies for lip augmentation

Women sought to add volume to their lips even before the advent of tall medical technologies. Therefore, many recipes are known that you should not be afraid to use:

  • Honey, lemon juice and Vaseline 1 tsp, 2 drops cinnamon oil. The mask is applied to the lips for 15 minutes.
  • Red pepper. It is finely chopped, added to water and frozen. Rub your lips with an ice cube for a couple of seconds. They will become bright and swollen for 2 - 3 hours.
  • Ginger. Its root is finely crushed and the paste is applied to the lips. In a few minutes they acquire fresh color and greater volume.
  • Peppermint. It should be finely chopped and then applied to the lips. Keep the mask on for 5-10 minutes, covering the top with gauze.
  • Cinnamon. The ground spice is mixed with olive oil and candied honey. The composition is coated with a soft toothbrush, which is used to massage the lips.
  • Lemon. To enlarge lips you need zest. Rub the surface with it for 2 - 3 minutes.

The effect of such home remedies may not last long. But, in addition to it, herbs, honey and oil provide care for the lips, that is, they will not allow them to fade prematurely and decrease in volume. After each product you need to use hygienic lipstick.

The abundance of opportunities for lip augmentation gives girls who are dissatisfied with their appearance a chance to achieve perfection, regardless of finances. And if you use massage and do exercises from your youth, it is possible that more radical measures won't be needed. But if you want to enlarge your lips with the help of a cosmetologist, you should choose the best specialist and a clinic.