I haven’t been pregnant for a year, what should I do? I can't get pregnant, what should I do? Advice from obstetricians and gynecologists on how to do this quickly. Finally, the most interesting thing - grandma’s methods

101 reasons why I can't get pregnant4.76 /5 (95.24%) Votes: 21

Why can’t I get pregnant is the first question asked by women who have problems conceiving a baby. In the article “101 reasons why I can’t get pregnant,” we will look at what problems can hinder successful conception and pregnancy.

You want to get pregnant! You may have heard a thousand stories about women getting pregnant the first time or the second without any problems. How many stories can you hear about unplanned pregnancies? It seems that getting pregnant is so easy that you just need to have unprotected sex. You may be wondering why can't I get pregnant? After all, we have been trying for 3 months, maybe more.

We don't want to bore you, but let's talk about the chances of getting pregnant in any monthly cycle.

  • The chance of getting pregnant in the first month is 25%
  • Chances of getting pregnant after six months are 80%
  • Chances of getting pregnant within a year are 90%

All this is subject to: timely sexual intercourse every month. By timely we mean sexual intercourse on favorable days for conception.
Of course, 101 reasons is a bit of an exaggeration, but as you will see, there are many reasons.

What factors can reduce your fertility and your partner's fertility?

In other words, the reasons why you can't get pregnant?

1. Smoking

If you or your partner smoke, this will be a very strong barrier that will prevent you from getting pregnant. Women who smoke are 60% more likely than non-smokers to have trouble conceiving. Medical research show that the quality of eggs and sperm is greatly reduced due to smoking, and this directly reduces the birth rate. Smoking, in addition to negatively affecting your fertility, has a detrimental effect on your entire body. This should at least be an incentive to quit smoking in order to preserve your health and the health of loved ones who may breathe your smoke. If you smoke during pregnancy, there is a very high chance that your unborn baby will develop many complications. Moreover, if your partner smokes, it also has a detrimental effect on you, since you are passive smoker. Remember that in a cigarette and in cigarette smoke, contain about 2000 thousand chemicals, and none of them are healthy or nutritious for you or your unborn baby.

2. Use of drugs or alcohol

Of course, it is clear to everyone that drinking alcohol, and even more so using drugs, sharply reduces the chances of not only conceiving, but also of conceiving healthy child. Remember that if you are trying to get pregnant, you must say NO to any drugs, including alcohol.

The use of weed (marijuana) disrupts the formation of sex hormones, and the consequence of this may be a decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm, it is also possible erectile dysfunction in men and irregular periods in women. Alcohol in small quantities may not significantly affect fertility. But if you want to increase your chances of conceiving, you should give up alcohol, both men and women.

3 Caffeine consumption

Your morning begins with an invigorating cup of coffee. A few hours have passed, and you again drink a cup of strong coffee at work. For lunch, too, you can’t do without the aromatic taste of your favorite drink... Of course, we love coffee, this drink that stimulates our mind and body, invigorates, gives energy and strength. But we must take into account that along with these positive qualities, caffeine reduces your fertility before conception, and consuming large amounts of caffeine during pregnancy can lead to premature birth and even miscarriages. Therefore, if you are trying to get pregnant, you should reduce your caffeine intake, both before conception and during pregnancy. If you want to conceive, you should reduce your caffeine intake and drink no more than one NOT strong cup of coffee (max. 200 ml)

Don't forget that caffeine is not only found in coffee. It is also found in black and green tea, and in soft drinks (such as energy drinks). Caffeine is also found in chocolate, Coca-Cola, mate tea, and guarana. There are a huge number of sources of caffeine, and it can often be found in products where you don’t even suspect it. Therefore, you need to reduce your caffeine intake from all sources and be aware of where it may be found. Remember, it's best not to drink more than one cup of non-strong coffee per day, and also watch other foods you eat that may contain caffeine.

4. Unbalanced diet

In our modern times, we often do not get enough nutrients, all micro and macroelements, vitamins and minerals. A woman who is trying to get pregnant must approach the issue of diet and nutrition very responsibly. First of all, you should start using at least 3 months before your planned pregnancy. healthy food, the so-called “fertile nutrition”. These are fresh fruits and vegetables. It is worth increasing the consumption of plant proteins (found in soybeans, sprouted wheat grains, beans, roasted peanuts, lentils and other products). Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits than canned ones. Increase your intake of fiber-rich foods.

That is, in order for successful conception to occur, you need to have sexual intercourse. It is generally believed that sex 5 days before ovulation can lead to conception. But research in this area shows that the most favorable sex will be one to three days before ovulation. It must be remembered that sperm can live in a woman’s reproductive tract for about 5-6 days, and that they need time to “mature” in these woman’s tracts in order for one of them to be able to fertilize the egg. A process known as capacitation.

I lead a healthy lifestyle, I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, I eat proper food, I have regular periods, but why can't I get pregnant?

When you can't get pregnant but you're doing everything right, it's naturally very disappointing.

The first thing you should pay attention to is how long you have been trying to conceive. In 80% of couples, pregnancy occurs after 6 months, and in 90% of couples, successful fertilization occurs after 12 months. (This is taking into account having sex every month in ).

If you've been trying to conceive for less than six months or haven't had sex in the days leading up to ovulation, you don't have to worry too much. Just have sexual intercourse favorable days within six months!

If you have been trying to get pregnant for 6 to 12 months, but still have not been able to do so, let's look at the most likely reasons.

As mentioned above in this article, age plays an important role. The older you get, the lower your chances of conceiving. Let us repeat that with age, the quality of eggs decreases, and this may be one of the reasons why you cannot get pregnant.

Male infertility

Twenty to thirty percent of infertile couples are unable to conceive due to male infertility. Male infertility rarely has any symptoms that can be detected without a semen test.

Tubal obstruction, endometriosis or other diseases

Irregular menstruation accounts for 25-35% female infertility. The other half of women have problems getting pregnant due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes (fallopian tubes) of the uterus, endometriosis. You can have regular menstrual cycle, do not have any symptoms of the disease, but pregnancy may not occur.

Other diseases

Any other diseases such as dysfunction thyroid gland, polycystic ovary syndrome, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs can lead to infertility.

In 25-30% of couples, the cause of infertility may not be found. In this case, they speak of unexplained or idiopathic infertility. Those. After passing all the tests, carrying out all the tests, the cause of infertility could not be determined, they talk about unexplained infertility.

Bottom line: We should strive to ensure that the question of why I can’t get pregnant is asked as rarely as possible. Of course, first of all, we should try to lead a healthy lifestyle, observe at least minimum recommendations to maintain and improve our health, monitor our health and treat our sores during our illnesses, and not neglect them, as is our custom. We hope that the article was useful to you!

Why do you think some women fail to get pregnant? Share your opinion!

Mistake #1: Worrying too often

Most likely, you have at least one friend who, when she became pregnant, said: “It happened exactly at the moment when I stopped thinking about it.” It's annoying, frustrating and nerve-wracking, especially when all you want to do is have a baby. And it seems that nothing will work - but your friend is telling the truth. Stress can be one of the main reasons why you can't get pregnant: high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can negatively impact your fertility. A study by American scientists who observed 400 couples trying to get pregnant showed that women with high level alpha-amylase (a stress indicator) were 29% less likely to become pregnant than women with normal indicator. Experts say that constant stress reduces the production of hormones responsible for a stable cycle.

Relax and try to let go of the situation for a while. Learn to meditate, sign up for yoga. Some asanas promote blood flow to the pelvis, thus stimulating the production of necessary hormones. And this has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive. Stop planning your pregnancy so much and remind yourself every day that this is a miracle that actually happens very, very often.

Mistake #2: Doing too much/too little

If you're going to do this, do it right! Many couples believe that if they “save” sperm and don’t have sex for a week, their chances of conceiving will increase significantly. This is wrong. After about a week of abstinence, sperm motility decreases noticeably. For successful conception Doctors recommend having sex every day or every other day for a week leading up to and including the day of ovulation. Having sex more often can negatively affect the ability of sperm to fertilize, and if you do it less often, you may miss the window of conception. So, if your sex life is no longer as vibrant as it was at the beginning of the relationship, this is a good reason to diversify it. In addition, it has been proven that regular sex helps improve your cycle: your partner's body releases hormones that affect your reproductive system, so regular sex helps to produce more estrogen.

Mistake #3: Resorting to dubious methods

It would seem that the 21st century is just around the corner, but many women still continue to believe in the miraculous power of douching. It seems that everything is logical: with any infection, poor nutrition, availability bad habits The environment in the vagina becomes acidic. Sperm dies in such an environment and cannot fertilize the egg, which is why many people use a weak soda solution to make the environment alkaline and create favorable conditions for conception. But doctors are opposed to this method: soda kills not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial ones, thus disrupting the natural pH of the vagina. In addition, douching with soda can aggravate inflammatory processes and diseases such as erosion and damage to the cervix, which a woman often does not know about without visiting a gynecologist.

Mistake #4: Blaming yourself

When talking about infertility, we usually think that the problem is on the woman’s side. But in reality the responsibility lies with equally on both partners. Doctors say that in 40% of cases of infertility, the cause must be sought on the part of the man, in another 40% - on the part of the woman. The remaining 20% ​​is compatibility, a combination of both partners. But don't panic ahead of time. Remember that it takes 6 months to a year for a healthy couple to successfully conceive.

Mistake #5: Making mistakes in calculations

The most common mistake is incorrectly determining the day of ovulation. For most women it occurs mid-cycle, but it affects women with a 28-32 day cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation. Therefore, if you have a 24-day cycle, then ovulation will occur on the 10th day. If your cycle is noticeably longer, say 42 days, then it can be assumed that you are ovulating less frequently, not every cycle. In this case, and also if you have irregular cycle(in this case, ovulation can be either on the 6th day or on the 21st), or you don’t remember the last time you had your period, forget these rules. Here you cannot do without an ovulation test, with which you can easily find out when your window of conception is.

One more common mistake– counting the beginning of the cycle not from the first day of menstruation. The first day of your period is when you start bleeding. Not the day before, not the day after. For successful conception, the clock literally counts, which is why it is so important to know the exact day the cycle begins.

Mistake #6: Living according to a schedule

No matter how hard you try, pregnancy cannot be planned. As mentioned above, a healthy couple takes 6 months to a year to conceive. But many women need six months just to normalize their cycle after finishing taking it contraceptives. There will be no ovulation until the cycle becomes regular. Therefore, if after 6 months your cycle has not returned to normal or you are not sure that you are ovulating, you should visit a doctor.

Mistake #7: Rushing

No one knows why so many people are sarcastic about the statement that after sexual intercourse it is advisable to lie on your back with your buttocks slightly raised for about 20 minutes. Doctors unanimously claim that this method increases the possibility of conception by as much as 80%! Therefore, if you want to do a victory dance after what you think is a successful conception, refrain - at least for 20 minutes.

Mistake #8: Ignoring your “crazy” worries

Maybe you've always had irregular periods and are having difficulty conceiving because of this. Or perhaps you have diabetes and want to make sure everything is under control before you get pregnant. Consulting with a specialist does not mean being paranoid! There are situations in which you should not ignore your worries: here you are thinking not only about yourself, but also about your future child. If you have any questions or concerns, it is better to immediately find a specialist who will explain everything and tell you about the pitfalls that may come your way. This way, if you encounter difficulties when trying to get pregnant, you will already be prepared for them.

Mistake #9: Not giving up bad habits

A lot has already been said on this topic, but it would still be worth repeating: you need to give up bad habits at least a year before trying to get pregnant. Why do women continue to drink alcohol and smoke, knowing how detrimental this is to their ability to conceive? Doctors all over the world warn: the first trimester is the most important in the formation of a child’s body. There is no amount of alcohol that would be safe for him. But some expectant mothers, drinking alcohol early stages, do not yet know that they are pregnant. Therefore, if you are not protecting yourself, in relation to alcohol and cigarettes, act as if you were already pregnant - simply, do not use it or at least reduce it to a minimum.

Mistake #10: Forgetting about his health

What's bad for your fertility can also be bad for your partner's fertility. Cigarettes, alcohol, unbalanced diet - all this negatively affects the quality and quantity of sperm. Studies have also shown that smoking and alcohol abuse lead to sperm damage at the chromosomal level. Sperm is completely renewed in 3 months, so your partner should give up bad habits at least for this time. Make sure he gets enough nutrients, selenium, vitamins E and C - they are especially useful for men.

As for the influence of temperatures on a man’s ability to conceive, opinions differ. American society reproductive medicine claims that it is not particularly important for the functioning of the male genital organs. Some doctors, however, recommend against frequent hot baths, even if a man does not have problems with sperm quality.

There is a study that shows that the temperature of the scrotum increases if you hold a laptop on your lap for a long time. Another group of experts found that exposure to radiation from mobile phones may harm a man's fertility, especially if he keeps his phone in his pants pocket. However, no study has found a clear link specifically between heat exposure and male fertility.

A woman's ability to conceive and bear offspring—fertility—depends on many factors. Sometimes simple stress prevents you from getting pregnant, and it’s enough to go on vacation and relax to long-awaited pregnancy has arrived. Sometimes it is not possible to get pregnant, since the reasons are quite serious and the woman herself is not always aware of them. Inflammation of the pelvic organs and genitourinary system, infections, and hormonal imbalances may be the answer to the question of why you cannot get pregnant.

IN long absence Pregnancy is usually blamed on the woman, although in almost 30-40% of cases the cause lies in the male body.

Why you can’t get pregnant: reasons and factors that interfere with pregnancy:

  • Irregular or, on the contrary, too frequent, not allowing accumulation the right amount sperm, sexual intercourse;
  • Age of partners: in women, with age, the possibility of eggs for fertilization decreases and ovulation no longer occurs in every menstrual cycle; in men, the number and motility of sperm decreases;
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs of a woman and in genitourinary system in a man, infectious diseases, incl. sexually transmitted;
  • Complications from past infections: rubella or mumps suffered by a man worsens the quality of sperm; untreated diseases of the pelvic organs in women lead to obstruction of the fallopian or fallopian tubes;
  • Complications after injury or abortion;
  • Problems with ovulation in women and ejaculation in men;
  • Taking some medicines: analgesics, antibiotics, antidepressants and some other drugs negatively affect fertility;
  • Excessive or underweight women;
  • Bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs and even caffeine reduces the chances of getting pregnant and producing healthy offspring;
  • Weakened immunity and lack of vitamins;
  • Stress.

Having studied the reasons why you are not able to get pregnant right away, you can change your lifestyle by paying attention to proper nutrition, motor activity, taking vitamins. If necessary, you can consult a doctor and undergo examinations - this will increase your chances.

Ways to get pregnant if you can't:

  • Maintain regularly sex life: the optimal rhythm for conception is every other day;
  • Track ovulation and the most favorable days for conception (5 days before and 1 day after ovulation);
  • Stick to special diet, which must include vegetables, fruits, legumes, amino acids and vitamins
  • Eliminate stress and give up bad habits;
  • Pass a medical examination.

If pregnancy does not occur with regular sexual activity longer than a year, partners need to see a doctor. If you can’t get pregnant, tests will show the hormonal picture of the body, and an ultrasound will help assess the condition. reproductive system, identify or exclude polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and other diseases that may interfere with conception.

If you can't get pregnant naturally, methods can come to the rescue artificial insemination: IVF, ICSI, artificial insemination or even surrogacy.

If you can’t get pregnant for a long time, you need to visit a gynecologist who, based on examining the woman and prescribing tests and examinations, will determine the cause of infertility. The woman's partner should also see a doctor.

The doctor will answer the questions: why you can’t get pregnant, what to do, how to stimulate fertility and wait for the long-awaited pregnancy.

Consultation with a psychologist, individual or family, can help find psychological reasons, blocking pregnancy. Often it is the internal attitudes of partners, fears or unconscious anxiety that can provoke the appearance of physical problems that prevent the appearance of a new addition to the family.

I can’t get pregnant, what could be the reasons for this? Thousands of women ask this question every day. Of course, only an experienced doctor can make a diagnosis and explain why conception does not occur. And we'll just look possible reasons infertility - serious and not so serious.

Let's start with a reminder that ovulation in women does not occur every month. That is, even young, absolutely healthy woman Not every menstrual cycle can conceive. Even for 20-year-old women, 2-3 “infertile” months a year is the norm. With age, there are more and more such months. That is why doctors advise not to delay pregnancy too much; the further you go, the more problems with conception.

What should I do if I can’t get pregnant for several months? In the case of women under 30, just relax and wait. Older women should already consult a doctor, since finding out the cause of infertility, as well as its treatment, may take more time.

It is very important for both partners to be examined, and it is a myth that the woman is almost always to blame for the absence of children. A woman is usually examined by a gynecologist and endocrinologist, and a man by an andrologist. Regarding male factor infertility, then this may be to blame sedentary sperm, there are a small number of them. The root causes of these disorders are various chronic childhood diseases, as well as bad habits, lifestyle and... age. If treatment does not improve sperm quality, the couple may be offered the option of conceiving through IVF.

When a woman asks about the reasons why I can’t get pregnant, she receives many more possible answers.

1. Sperm are blocked by cervical mucus(popularly this is called “allergy to husband”). Normally, cervical mucus during ovulation, on the contrary, strongly favors sperm and protects them from the aggressive environment of the vagina. But in some cases, a woman develops antibodies to sperm, and this leads to the fact that even very motile sperm are blocked in the cervical mucus and die. Fortunately, it can be treated, the main thing is to make the diagnosis correctly. And the diagnosis is made based on the result of a postcoital test performed during ovulation. 4-6 hours after sexual intercourse without using contraception, a woman’s cervical mucus is taken for analysis, and if immobilized sperm are found in it, this confirms the diagnosis. Treatment consists of using barrier contraception for several months and prescribing immunosuppressive therapy. And if all this does not bring results, the couple may be recommended IVF or ICSI procedures.

2. Lack of ovulation. It can be almost complete. Ovulation may also be absent in very young women as a result of exposure to negative endocrine factors(brain tumors, trauma, hyperprolactinemia), thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome). In addition, ovulation can disappear with large excess weight or, conversely, with a lack, with excessive physical activity, severe stress. If, based on the results of tests and examinations, it turns out that there is no ovulation, ovulation can be stimulated with drugs.

3. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes. This pathology occurs due to a number of reasons. And the main one is inflammatory processes. Sexually transmitted infections (syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea), as well as inflammatory processes directly in fallopian tubes(salpingitis) and in the uterus (endometritis). Adhesions can be detected using diagnostic procedure- ultrasound hysterosalpingography. It is carried out immediately after the end of menstruation. Using a catheter, saline is injected into the uterine cavity. solution. If it easily penetrates the fallopian tubes, abdominal cavity- this indicates the patency of the pipes. If the tubes are not passable, the solution remains in the uterus, which means there are adhesions. Adhesions are usually removed laparoscopically.

4. Endometriosis. This disease develops rather slowly and rarely has obvious symptoms except... infertility. It occurs in every second woman suffering from endometriosis. With this disease, the tissue lining the uterine cavity begins to spread beyond its boundaries. With endometriosis, scars and cysts can form, which interfere with pregnancy. This disease is treated as surgically, and with the help of hormonal therapy.

5. Pathologies of the uterus. It is not uncommon for women who ovulate not to become pregnant. Fertilization of the egg occurs, but it cannot implant into the wall of the uterus. The obstacle may be benign or malignancy. Cysts, fibroids, fibromas, etc. interfere with implantation.

The listed main causes often do not occur singly, and in women suffering from infertility, several pathologies are found at once. And sometimes none of the above is found, and then the doctor diagnoses “infertility of unknown origin.”

Seeing a doctor in a timely manner will increase your chances of becoming a mother. Hurry up!

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The desire to have a child is very correct and organic for a family. But there are times when trying to get pregnant is in vain. This situation has an impact on psychological state both husband and wife. In this regard, the desire for pregnancy sometimes becomes an obsession for spouses or even a cause of disagreement in the family. Therefore, it is very important to determine the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant and act according to the result. Of course, factors causing infertility, will help determine, but let's try to highlight some of them.

According to experts, the likelihood of women becoming pregnant gradually decreases over the years. So, at the age of 20-25 years, 95% of the fair half of humanity manage to get pregnant, but in the period of 25-35 years, the number of those who manage to conceive a child decreases by 15%. After 35 years there is sharp drop indicator up to 60%. However, not all girls in their prime manage to get pregnant right away. Therefore, doctors do not recommend panicking too much. You should seek help only after two years if you are under thirty, after a year in the period from 30 to 35 years and in late age after six months of trying to conceive a child. In men, the “fertile” function may not be dulled until old age.

All actions to initiate pregnancy must, of course, be accompanied by the right attitude on positive result. This will create favorable climate for conception.

Obviously, both the husband and the wife can be “to blame” for infertility. Among the “female” factors are gynecological, hormonal problems or both together, stress, hypertension. Problems with weight (both excess and lack of it) and bad habits (smoking, consumption, drug addiction) can also have a negative impact.

In men, these are hormonal or genetic reasons, a lack of active sperm or the presence of antibodies against their own sperm, poor cross-country ability vas deferens, surgical or traumatic effects on the genitals, the same bad habits.

It is also possible that a woman who has already given birth cannot become pregnant. This is extremely surprising for her, especially when her first pregnancy and childbirth passed without complications, and her health was normal. In this case, think about the fact that, despite the pleasant sensations, the appearance of a child in the family also caused difficulties and changed the usual rhythm of your life. Sleepless nights Spending time at your baby's crib, incessant care for him and fatigue have caused some stress in your body. Namely, as previously stated, it can cause infertility. At the same time, unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant further deepen depression and increase stress. After all, it happens that after trying in vain to conceive a baby, a couple comes to terms with the situation, decides to adopt a child, and suddenly the woman becomes pregnant. This is excellent proof of how important morale and calm state psyche.

To restore psychological balance, relieve tension and eliminate depression associated with the inability to get pregnant, consult a specialist, for example, a family psychologist.

But more are possible serious reasons infertility. To exclude or detect them, contact antenatal clinic. After the examination, it will become clear what is preventing you from becoming a mother. A series of tests will show the condition of the body and tell you what treatment you need.

Doctors recommend constantly monitoring your ovulation schedule, especially for older women. After all, conception most often occurs between two days before and after. For most, ovulation occurs on days 12-14 of the cycle, but it is possible a little earlier. You can determine it using tests or yourself. To do this, carefully monitor changes in mucous secretions.

Also monitor the regularity of your periods. Deviations from month to month may indicate that you are not ovulating. This can be easily fixed, so seek advice. Regular cycle- This important indicator normal operation ovaries and their productivity.

Keep a schedule as well. basal temperature. It will help you find out a lot about the possibility of conception, namely whether ovulation is occurring. If so, the graph will show an increase in temperature. It will also determine your progesterone level. In order for a woman to become pregnant, it is important that he is quite high. This is evidenced by increased level temperature after ovulation.

At your appointment, the doctor will ask you to undergo a series of examinations and tests. Don't be surprised if the doctor asks about your "female" background. Tell us about any surgeries, infectious diseases, or serious addiction to alcohol or drugs. Past pregnancies, how the process of fetal ripening and the birth itself are also important. Feel free to talk openly about your sex life - how often you have sex, how you do it. It is extremely important that the doctor receives a complete, and most importantly, truthful picture of you and your partner.

You will also be sent for tests to check if you have enough progesterone in your body, which is responsible for conception and pregnancy.

In addition, the examination includes a post-coital test. It is carried out 6-10 hours after sexual intercourse. Researched vaginal mucus in order to find out whether it contains antibodies that kill sperm.

If simple tests are not enough, you will have to undergo more thorough examination in the hospital.

Among the procedures that are necessary are a blood test for coagulation, examination of the thyroid gland (ultrasound and blood test, examination by an endocrinologist), and karyotype analysis. The latter will help determine possible deviations at the chromosomal level.

Pass immunological study to exclude individual incompatibility (the presence of antibodies in a woman to her husband’s sperm). It is also worth excluding adhesions in the fallopian tubes by passing.

It is recommended that a man see an andrologist and undergo a spermogram. It is this analysis that will help determine whether there are any disturbances in sperm motility, their quantity, and morphology. In addition, pathology is considered too large number spermatozoa (polyspermy).

If you have ruled out all factors interfering with conception, then seek advice from another doctor. Let him look at you with fresh eyes. But choose a specialist who has successfully proven himself in the field of gynecology.

If you and your husband serious problems not detected, which means your chances are huge. Practice natural methods family planning. This will bring you closer to achieving your goal. Monitor your diet and lead correct image life. Include foods with increased content zinc Get rid of bad habits. Also ask your partner not to wear tight underpants or overheat, as this reduces the number of active sperm.

Let lovemaking become regular not only in... It has been noticed that there is a direct correlation: increasing the amount of sex leads to an improvement in the quality of your partner’s sperm.

The main thing is not to lose hope! Less stress and more positivity!

Especially for- Maria Bilykovskaya