I was looking for a job for six months longer because of these mistakes in my resume - I’m sharing secrets from HR. The most common mistakes when writing a resume

People say that it is customary to meet a person based on his clothes, but to see him off - according to his mind. So, the “clothing” of any applicant is his resume. It is the resume that can say about the applicant what he never thought to say about himself. It is not difficult for an experienced HR manager to identify some character traits, assess the degree of frankness and the level of competence, looking only at a resume.

What typical mistakes made when writing a resume do not leave the applicant a chance to be heard?

If only they accepted

At first glance, filling out a resume is very simple and “painless”. But let's go deeper.

Situation No. 1. Fill in the “Desired position” column.

It seems that it couldn’t be simpler - just indicate the position you want to occupy, and that’s it. It wasn't like that. Some applicants, trying to get at least some position, write down, for example, “head of sales department, HR manager, office manager.” Moreover, they list all this in one column and separated by commas. An even more curious example is when they simultaneously indicate “commercial director, IT specialist.” Of course, the HR manager responsible for interviews with applicants will have a completely logical doubt: does the respected applicant have any idea about the positions that he indicated.

Situation No. 2. Two resumes in different ways.

Some job seekers manage to send two completely different resumes to the same employer. So in one of the copies at the previous place of work, the applicant may turn out to be a sales manager, and in another - a 1C operator. Is it worth talking about the initial trust in such a would-be pretender? Of course, no one will want to offer such a candidate any vacancy.

Situation No. 3. Comical wording.

Comical wording is no less common in descriptions of previous jobs. Agree, the position “head of the plastering department” or “scientific supervisor” with the postscript “team leader” looks quite curious. After such masterpieces, the applicant may simply not be able to wait to be taken seriously.

Situation No. 4. Biased assessment.

The amount of salary that the applicant “dreams” of receiving, loudly declaring this in the appropriate column, can also become a stumbling block. It may be surprising to see a salary of 30,000 rubles stated in the resume of a “yellow mouth” specialist who has just left university and has no practical work skills, or a salary of 15,000 rubles stated in the resume of a TOP manager with a good track record. Here the question arises about the competence of the first and the low self-esteem of the second.

Chronological mistakes in resumes

The chronological sequence of events, in particular the dates of hire and departure from previous jobs, is very important.

Situation No. 5. Confusion in the track record.

Etiquette for filling out a resume requires that all jobs be indicated in reverse order, that is, starting with the last one. Unfortunately, some candidates do not take this point into account at all and are the first to indicate the place of work (the experience) that corresponds to the desired vacancy. Another option for incorrectly filling out a resume is a complete lack of dates. Of course, some people fill out their resumes this way purely out of ignorance. But often candidates whose track record is too modest or have no work experience at all do the same. And experienced personnel officers are well aware of such tricks.

Situation No. 6. A person without age.

An applicant who does not indicate his date of birth always looks very suspicious in the eyes of personnel officers. Of course, an experienced recruiter will compare the dates of study and work, approximately calculating the age, but he will still have doubts about the candidate’s honesty. In any case, if the resume is perfect in all other respects, the HR manager will personally clarify this sensitive issue with the applicant.

Situation No. 7. Lack of education.

If the resume does not indicate the dates of training, this also prompts the personnel officer to have certain thoughts, the most harmless of which is the applicant’s forgetfulness, which is also not good for the latter. Other assumptions: unfinished studies or academic leave. It is difficult to predict how the personnel officer will react in this case. It all depends on the level of the vacancy for which the applicant is applying.

Design and spelling

Situation No. 8. Letter to letter.

The chosen resume style also says something about its author. A large and ornate font indicates a fairly high self-esteem of the applicant, but here, too, the main thing is not to overdo it. But typos, punctuation and spelling errors “hurt the eye” and do no credit to the candidate. Words used in the wrong case also look quite unsightly. Take your time when filling out your resume, so as not to get into trouble.

Situation No. 9. Fun post.

Have you ever wondered how to correctly spell your email address? Helga.Ivanova@... or Taras_Petrov@... are quite adequate and decent options; sending an email to such addresses with an offer to discuss the vacancy of a department head or commercial director is completely unconscionable. Now let's look at another option. Your mail is written, for example, like this: Pirojocek@, Sladkaya_devochka@ or, what good, fashist@. Agree, sending a serious offer to such mailboxes is somehow strange!

Photo 9x12

We should not forget that the photograph attached to your own resume must be an image one.

Situation No. 10. Down with unnecessary details!

When choosing a photo that you later plan to attach to your resume, take the trouble to make sure that there is nothing superfluous on it. Half of a “cut off” neighbor or part of a woman’s hand with a red explosive manicure resting peacefully on the shoulder of the person being photographed is not the best setting. Such a photograph does not at all look like an image photo. Photos with a strange background, for example, a bathroom door, wet laundry, or a group of people drinking beer and smoking a hookah, won’t work either. Group photos (like, guess where I am) should not be considered at all.

Situation No. 11. I'm cool, I'm mega cool!

Some applicants by the concept of “image photography” mean a photo in sunglasses or in a cool car, some - a photo with some branded item, for example, in an Adidas cap covering the half of the face. Particularly “sophisticated” applicants resort to computer programs and send photos, for example, of Dmitry Medvedev or Vladimir Putin. Believe me, such masterpieces produce a completely opposite impression than the candidate expects.

Situation No. 12. Light striptease.

Those who cannot win with their intellect, for some reason, rush to “charm” the employer with their physical forms. Of course, if the resume is written for a modeling agency or some show ballet, photographs with a bare torso (for men) or in a swimsuit (for women) may be quite appropriate. But if a candidate submits a resume for the position of “head of sales department” and sends a photo of himself in only swimming trunks or in a translucent suit, the question arises about its adequacy.

Patience and a little effort

Situation No. 13. Laziness or fear?

The practice of a “template” resume is very common, when the preparation of this document is entrusted to a specialist working according to a “knurled” scheme. The hackneyed design and hackneyed phrases immediately give this away. And here the question arises: why didn’t the candidate himself bother to personally work on his personal resume? If the applicant simply does not have a computer, then working in the “home office” mode is definitely not suitable for him. If the candidate was simply too lazy to find information on the Internet, analyze it and create his own resume, perhaps he is illiterate, does not have minimal computer knowledge, or is poorly able to analyze information and does not know how to structure it. If it is easiest for the applicant to pay for such work, because he does not have time for such trifles, will he have enough time for trifles of a work nature?

Drawing conclusions

We hope that those candidates who are striving to occupy any decent position have already realized that it is best to work a little and create a competent resume absolutely on their own. A potential employer will not only notice your work, but also appreciate it. For those who are ready to settle for a job as a general worker, knowledge of the intricacies of writing a resume is not at all necessary.

The very first stage of employment is writing a resume. A properly designed application form can significantly increase a candidate’s chances of being noticed and invited. And vice versa - even the coolest specialist who has an incorrectly formatted resume will most likely take longer to look for a job.

Below IQReview I have collected the most basic and relevant tips for those who are searching.

The most important nuances to remember:

    R The resume should be as succinct, concise and informative as possible.

    TO Each resume should be tailored to the profession and be individual.

Some numbers: on average, people who post job offers can view 100-300 resumes per day. Of course, if we are talking about searching for a CEO in a large company, then it is unlikely that several hundred resumes will be sent. But if you want to apply for some “simple” position, then along with your application form on the table (or rather, on the computer), the recruiter will have dozens more of the same offers.

Please also keep in mind that each professional resume must be filled out individually for a specific vacancy. If you are planning to get a job as a technical director, it is unlikely that anyone will be interested in your hobbies. If you are sending a resume, wanting to get a job as a children's animator, it is unlikely that you need to write in it that you studied at a vocational school to become a welder.Therefore, simply downloading the first resume file you come across from the Internet and entering your data there in the same fields is not suitable.

To summarize, thenEach type of specialty has its own tasks, which should be reflected first in the resume. The ratio is something like this:

    P related specialties - show how and how much money you earned in your previous jobs.

    Technical and “working” specialties - show experience and level of specialized knowledge.

    Marketing specialties - show implemented projects and their effectiveness.

    Managerial positions - show what tasks you performed, how many people you had under your command, how effectively you organized the work process.

Now let's look at what you should pay attention to to increase your chances of success.

Decor and formatting

Before you write anything in your resume file, you need to decide on the design and formatting of the text itself.

The modern rules (unspoken, but still common) are:

    Font: Arial or Calibri.

    Font size: 10 or 12. The font size in the text should not change. It is best to highlight headings through the editor's formatting, using the H3 format: it is not very large, but is noticeable in the text.

    Bold text: can be used, but only for key points or for subheadings, instead of H3 format.

    Line spacing is single.

    The file format is DOCX only. PDF is not suitable, since when checking resumes, some notes are often made. ODT – not displayed correctly everywhere. DOC is an obsolete format. TXT – does not allow you to format the text properly and add a photo.

    The file name is as specific and informative as possible so that the recruiter can easily navigate. A good example is “Resume-Dmitry-Stepanov-Secretary”.

    Using lists. If you list any points in the text, be sure to format them in lists using the editor’s formatting. You shouldn’t make them too long (in terms of the number of points); ideally, limit yourself to 5-10 points. Before listing, be sure to clearly indicate what exactly you will be listing.

Specifying contact details

To contact a candidate, a recruiter does not have to read through all sorts of numbers and addresses. The main thing in a resume is not only information content, but also capacity, so it is enough to limit yourself to literally 1 - main - telephone number and 1 email address. But a legal address is definitely not required: it is unlikely that an employer will come to your home to invite you to .

An important point about mail: be sure to pay attention to the name of your “box”. It often happens that a person uses an address that was registered under some stupid name many years ago. If your main email is like this, it’s better to create another email.

If the position you are applying for is related to IT, freelancing or media, you can additionally indicate Skype. If you indicate this in the interview, pay attention not only to the nickname, but also to the personal information and profile photo. For example, if you are submitting a resume for a teaching position at a school, and 7-8 years ago, when registering, you jokingly chose some funny nickname for your profile or put a photo of Chikatilo - this is unlikely to be an advantage when finding a job.

Resume and social network: is there a connection?

In addition to Skype, in some cases you can also provide a link to your social network profile. Abroad, HR managers actively practice this technique: they check candidates’ accounts on social networks. In our country, such an activity has not yet become generally accepted, but in companies where young or simply progressive people are involved in recruiting, this is a normal phenomenon. Therefore, to prevent the recruiter from looking for you on his own (it’s difficult to do this by first and last name), you can also include a link to your profile in your resume.

Of course, this is not true for all vacancies. For example, if you are applying for a “regular” position, such as a mechanic or - it is unlikely that anyone will need this. But if you are planning to get a job as a journalist, secretary or manager, your social network account will almost certainly be viewed.

By the way, for this reason it is recommendedWhen looking for a job, review your profile. If you subscribe to some “adult” public pages, or you have some funny, but not entirely decent photos (for example, drinking alcohol), keep in mind that this can become a serious disadvantage in the eyes of the recruiter. In Western practice, it has happened more than once that an applicant was denied a job precisely because of his social network account. Moreover, sometimes even a small number of friends can be the reason for refusal.

Experience and previous places of work: what to indicate and what to keep silent about?

Very often, applicants indicate previous jobs in their resumes. However, this is not always true, and it is easy to make a mistake that will only reduce your chances of getting a job.

It is considered normal if a person worked in each place for at least 2-3 years. If he changed his place of work more often, this may alert the recruiter. And he is unlikely to understand the reasons for such a change - most likely, he will simply close and delete your resume.

What to write in your resume

Therefore, if you changed jobs too often, it is better to either write those same 2-3 years instead of the truth, or combine several positions under one place of work. For example, if you worked as a mechanic in one company for 1 year, then worked as a driver in another, it is better to write that you worked in the first company as a driver for 1 year, and then as a mechanic for a year. It is unlikely that they will check this anyway.

It may also not always be helpful to list too many positions. Ideally, it is advisable to mention in your resume only those positions that are at least indirectly related to the job you want to get. For example, if you find a job as a programmer in an office, it is unlikely that anyone will be interested in your rich experience as a courier. Therefore, you can either remain silent about such information or not describe it in great detail.


For a modern employer, education is not the most important point: your real experience and knowledge are much more important. However, they still pay attention to him.

When indicating your education, it is not recommended to mention anything that is not related to the vacancy. For example, if you came to get a job as a director in a store, it is unlikely that information on your resume that you graduated from a vocational school with a degree in welding will be useful. In this case, it is better to limit yourself only to higher education, especially if you received it at a prestigious educational institution. If you have a specialized education, then it will be useful to indicate it exactly.

It will also be useful to indicate various trainings, courses, and seminars that you additionally attended (of course, if this concerns the vacancy).

About the similarity between a resume and a landing page

X A good example when creating a resume can be a regular landing page ( landing page – a one-page website for selling some products, most often a single product).

Landing pages are informative. There is usually little text on them, but all of it is dedicated to the product as much as possible. On the landing pages you won’t find any water, introductions, or any overly in-depth descriptions stretching over several pages.All this can be useful for a potential buyer, but at the same time, an additional amount of information “blurs” the very essence, and can only distract the visitor from making a purchase.

The purpose of a landing page is the same as the purpose of a resume—to attract attention.(in our case - the attention of a recruiter or employer). With well decorated landing page you can get a conversion (the number of orders or purchases) that is several times higher than the conversion from a regular website or store.

Resume form

Your resume should be the same: short, to the point, and only the main facts.

Mention of exact achievements and results from past jobs

WITH A serious advantage in any resume can be information about the specific successes you achieved in your previous places of work. This can be formatted as follows:

    In 6 months, sales increased by 12 %, having developed and implemented a new method of displaying goods.

    Developed a system for promoting a new product, thanks to which sales profit for the first 3 months was 15% higher than predicted.

    Concluded an annual agreement with suppliers, which allowed 7% monthly reduction costs for the purchase and delivery of raw materials.As a result, the company saved 250 thousand rubles over the year.

    In 3 months, I created a logistics department of 20 people from scratch.

    Over the course of 3 years, he completed every project ahead of schedule.

Personal qualities

Nere However, applicants write some positive character traits in their resumes. However, very often these words are simply copied and pasted from other resumes in order to impress the employer.

In fact, a simple list that lists “communication skills, responsibility, punctuality” and so on is unlikely to be of interest to anyone. But if you supplement each point with specific examples from your experience, this can already become a clear advantage.

It might look like this:

    Ability to organize the work of a team: temporarily (for 4 months) acted as head of the department, during the work the plan was regularly implemented.

    Persuasion skills: concluded a contract with a client who had previously refused to work with 4 other suppliers.

    Desire for development: during my work, I completed 3 advanced training courses and attended 2 seminars in my free time.

    K reactivity: developed a promotion system that allowed3 months increase the number of orders by 14%.

    P professionalism and attentiveness: identified and eliminated a serious technical error in the program, which made it vulnerable.

In this case, it is not the quality itself that is important, but the example. Of course, all examples must be real. If your resume is of interest to the employer, then there is a high probability that at the interview you will be asked to talk about these examples in more detail, and then, after employment, they may remember this.

Clear structure and volume

Let’s be clear right away: the ideal length of a resume is 2 pages, less often - less, but not more. As we already wrote above, a recruiter can look through hundreds of profiles in a day. Naturally, he doesn’t read them down to each letter, but skims over them briefly, selecting the most basic information ( Practical skills and experience, length of service, last places of work and positions, achievements at previous places of work).

If there is too much text (even if it is correctly structured and formatted), it will be more difficult for him to find the information he needs, and it is possible that he will simply skip such a summary. The purpose of a resume is not to reveal all the data about you and your experience, but to “hook” the recruiter and potential employer. Everything that needs to be clarified will be asked of you at the interview, and in your resume it is enough to get by with brief information that covers only the most important things.

Example of a well-formatted resume

The structure of the text is the sequence of presentation of information. There is no strict generally accepted structure for a resume, but there are options that are perceived better than others:

    Last name and first name, next to which you can indicate the year of birth. On right in the corner - photo. The photo should ideally be a portrait photo, on a plain light background (like a passport).Its size should be small, approximately 250 x 250. The main thing is that the photograph does not shift the text and does not interfere with reading.

    Contacts (as mentioned above - 1 phone and 1 email address, you can add Skypeand a link to your social network account).

    Your goal (what position do you want to get) and key competencies: what you can do, what you haveskills, professional education, achievements.


    Work experience and previous positions held.

    If necessary, additional information (having a driver’s license, having your own transport, knowledge of foreign languages, knowledge of some computer programs, and so on). Naturally, this information should directly relate to the position for which you are applying: for example, if we are talking about employment as a driver, there is hardly any need to mention skills in working with office programs.

Basic mistakes: what not to do when filling out a resume?

WITH There is a list of mistakes that can seriously harm your chances of getting a job.Let's summarize by collecting them in one place.

The most common include:

    Errors - grammatical, punctuation, stylistic.

    Incorrect text formatting (use of non-standard fonts, highlighting,handwritten lists and so on).

    Poor quality, too big or too small photo.Photos from a vacation with friends would also be inappropriate.

    Availability of confidential information from previous places of work.

    Indication of information about relatives (if this is not required in the vacancy).

    Too voluminous and detailed descriptions.

  1. Template phrases.
  2. Specifying unnecessary information(for example, about a previous job that is not related to the current vacancy, or information about a hobby).

    The presence in the text of “water”, introductory words, phrases, sentences that do not carry a semantic load.

    Specifying too many contacts.

    Colloquial expressions, jargon (even professional),anglicisms, as well astoo complex phrases and words, if more can be used insteadsimple expressions.

    The presence of incomprehensible and unexplained abbreviations.

Qualified workers are always especially valued in the labor market, even in a country experiencing a crisis. The problem is how to convey information about a potentially successful employee to the employer? How to interest the company's management with your skills, experience and merits? How to unobtrusively and profitably hint about a decent amount of payment? What plan should you follow when writing your resume? What rules are desirable to follow so that the recruiter cannot stop reading the resume and will certainly invite the person for an interview?

The main mistakes that applicants make when writing a resume

A resume is a detailed business card, which concisely and succinctly sets out information about previous places of work, positions, responsibilities that were assigned to the employee, and names his skills and achievements. However, a dry listing of the applicant’s merits may not interest every HR manager, so you need to know what should be included in the resume and how, and also try to avoid common mistakes.

    1. Abuse of terminology and highly specialized words. There are applicants who believe that a clutter of foreign words, terms and special expressions in the text of a resume will force the HR officer to immediately call the person. However, an employee of the HR department may be far from a narrow and specific field, and the applicant himself can sometimes get confused in the “smart” thoughts expressed in the resume. The text should be written in clear language, competently and logically, without including exotic phrases.
    1. Unfounded claims to a high position. Recruiters are skeptical about resumes sent by applicants who have worked in line positions for a long time and suddenly aspire to become a manager. Since these people do not have developed management skills, their resumes are rejected.
    1. Exorbitant requests. The company will not cooperate with a person who demands high wages, benefits and privileges, who has not yet proven what he really is. It is unreasonable to dictate to the employer what he should do when he has not yet been able to verify the professionalism and competence of the specialist.
    1. Missed opportunities. Brief information about yourself is welcome, but any statement must be supported by fact. For example, I am interested in martial arts - I have a black belt in karate.
    1. Invalid document title. There is no need to write the word “resume” at the top of the page. Since the document sent to the personnel officer is the employee’s business card, it should begin with the full name (full name). Afterwards, it is appropriate to place the photograph, indicate the date of birth, address, whether the person is married or not, the presence of children, information about the place of education and work.

    1. A scroll instead of a resume. The maximum amount of text is two pages; no recruiter will read more, because he needs to consider other candidates. A good resume is clear, concise, informative and honest.
  1. Massive attack. An unemployed person, fearing for his future, begins sending out his resume to almost everyone. However, it would be more correct to carefully study the proposed vacancy and terms of employment, ask yourself whether you really want to work in this company, and only then send your resume.

Video webinar “Typical mistakes in a resume”

How you present yourself and your level of qualifications is just as important as the qualification itself. Of course, you should not embellish your own merits in your resume, much less write lies.

Sometimes it's the little things that create your future and can mean the difference between success and failure.

By the nature of my work, I take part in the assessment and selection of applicants for vacant positions in our company. Unfortunately, many candidates are rejected when applying for a job simply because they write their resume incorrectly. These mistakes are typical for both men and women, but women have a harder time and this must be frankly admitted.

I will try to help you and describe the 10 most common mistakes when writing and submitting a resume. Please note that these are not recommendations from an outsider. I am one of those who have to read dozens of resumes a day, make decisions on them myself, and see how my colleagues in the HR department do the same. Therefore, I advise you to listen. I am sure that you will be able to draw the right conclusions and everything will work out for you in the future.

1Finding and using workarounds. After you have read the job advertisement, try to avoid asking clarifying questions to the potential employer. If the ad clearly states “send your resume by email,” you shouldn’t call and try to find out the fax number and ask something at the same time. In this day and age, few people will be nice to you if you can't use email. Believe me, this is how in the vast majority of cases your desire to communicate about yourself will be interpreted using workarounds.

However, duplicating a resume both by e-mail and by fax (just in case) is quite acceptable if both options are provided in the advertisement for the search for a specialist for a vacant position.

I know of some job search “gurus” who recommend finding out the phone number of a potential employer by any means in order to call in person and talk about a possible job. Unless your phone number is clearly and explicitly stated as a means of contacting potential applicants, don't do it. In most cases, the employee you call will not be able to say anything intelligible, because he may be busy at that time with other work (this is a common occurrence in small and medium-sized businesses) or he is simply inconvenient to speak at that moment. But a negative and prejudiced attitude towards you as an obsessive person will appear.

. If your resume contains any kind of errors or typos, you will be perceived as careless (at best) or uneducated (at worst). Read and reread everything you write. Even after carefully checking the text, return to it after a couple of hours or the next day. I guarantee almost 100% that you will find new errors, typos or inaccuracies there. It's a good idea to get help from someone else who can read your resume with fresh eyes.

Once again, please trust me - the email address you use is part of your profile and has a big impact on how the person reading your resume perceives you. Spend 5 minutes to create a box on a free service and give it a normal and serious name with a professional sound. To the address “irina_ivanova2011@…….” the attitude will be disproportionately more favorable than to the address “kotenok@………”.

. If you are faced with a choice between formatted, easy-to-read text on 2 pages and a resume on one side of the sheet, but with an 8 pixel font and 2 millimeter margins, then I will answer you - a 2-page text is preferable. Only in this case, make sure that the information you write is really important and is directly related to the position for which you are applying.

5An overly detailed listing of all the functions you performed at previous jobs. The HR employee reading your resume is absolutely not interested in knowing that, in addition to your main job, you were purchasing napkins and detergents or distributing parking spaces in front of your company’s windows. Unless these were your main responsibilities at your previous job, and now you are applying for a vacant position as a cleaner or parking manager. More is not always better. List only those items that are directly related to your future responsibilities.

6Overloading the resume text with complex technical terms. Write simply and do not try to create the impression of being “very smart” by using technical and jargon terms that are difficult to understand and read. Especially if you are applying for a position in a company where few people may understand these terms.

If you think that a cover letter does not make sense or in such a letter you only need to write the phrase: “Hello, I am interested in working in your company. Resume is attached,” you are losing a very valuable opportunity.

A well-written cover letter can, for example, tell you why you are looking for a new job or explain the reasons for your recent unemployment - “I was raising children, but I constantly maintained my qualification level, followed innovations in the field of my specialization, improved my skills...” . You can also highlight the experience you have gained in previous jobs, which will give “greater weight” not only to your right to fill the vacancy, but also to the salary requirements.

All this together will create the impression of you as an experienced and self-aware specialist. Don't forget that a cover letter is a chance to give potential employers additional and important information that will help your resume stand out from the rest.

. You are not required to include an extract from your university degree report in your CV. It is enough to indicate the educational institutions from which you graduated, the years of graduation and the qualifications awarded. But if you have not graduated from special or higher educational institutions, do not try to disguise this fact with vague formulations - “an experienced specialist in the field of .....”. HR departments are well aware of all the ways applicants try to hide their lack of education.

Also, there is no need to “invent” an education for yourself – “incomplete higher education”. Such education does not exist. If you did not graduate, simply write what topic your last completed coursework was on. All the subtleties, for example, why you do not have the appropriate qualifications (documented), but are applying for the position, can be indicated in the cover letter (see paragraph 7).

9Use forresume or cover letter custom fonts. Comic Sans MS and similar fonts that look like a second-grader's handwriting have very little compliance with the rules accepted in the business world. They are especially inappropriate when used in resumes and cover letters—documents designed to show your professionalism and seriousness. The same applies to the very popular “quirks” of late - creating backgrounds for email messages.

You may think that the “unique” look of your emails expresses your personality, but in reality, all this embellishment is perceived poorly and negatively affects your professional image.

Play it safe and stick to standard business fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica, or the more elegant Garamond or Verdana.

10Assigning an unclear name to the file with your resume. If a company saves resumes sent by applicants, HR employees will appreciate a file named “Ivanova_Irina_Nikolaevna.doc”, and not “resume.doc”, and even more so, not “readme.doc”. I don’t even want to mention files like “aaaaaaa.doc” and “12345.doc”.

No need to archive files. This creates additional difficulties, especially since it is not at all necessary that the company where you sent your resume uses the same set of archivers as on your home computer.

The person who opens your email is the first line of contact with the firm you contact, so try to make that person's life easier, no matter what their subsequent decision may be.


I will not undertake to say that the listed 10 mistakes are the “ten deadly sins,” but keep in mind when you characterize yourself, do not list among your personal qualities “increased attention to detail,” “the desire to understand everything thoroughly,” and “the ability to solve several problems.” tasks at the same time." These are hackneyed clichés. Of course, you pay attention to details, strive to thoroughly understand everything, and can do several things at once. Just leave these outdated and tired expressions, and instead focus on your real strengths, which will give you “shine”.

While you may not be the target of an act of “retaliation” from a recruiter for a non-standard font or a frivolous email address during your job search, it may happen that you become...

And if your qualifications are the same as another applicant’s, but your resume is full of typos, while hers is flawless, who do you think will be preferred?

By submitting a resume for a vacancy, every applicant expects to receive an invitation to an interview. But what if, instead of an invitation to an interview, you find an employer’s refusal in your mailbox?

To make your resume “fail-safe”, read the tips.

Be optimistic
It happens that when you find a vacancy on a recruiting portal, you immediately understand that this is exactly what you need, a real dream job. After sending your resume, you enthusiastically prepare for the interview - you study information about the company, think about what to wear to a meeting with a recruiter, etc., but suddenly you receive the answer: “Unfortunately, at the moment we are not ready to make you an offer...”

Of course, in such a situation, it’s no wonder to succumb to feelings - it’s a shame that you weren’t appreciated, it’s a shame that you weren’t invited... However, refrain from an overly emotional response to the recruiter. Writing response letters with curse words is useless and short-sighted - it is possible that you will have to deal with this HR manager again. Moreover, such behavior does not look good on a good specialist, which you undoubtedly are.

If your resume is rejected, don't give up. Firstly, this is not the only vacancy on the labor market, and secondly, it is possible that in the future this company will be happy to invite you for an interview. Take rejection for granted at this stage of life and tune in to the good things - a great job will definitely come your way!

Review your resume
To make this happen as quickly as possible, revise your resume. Look at it through the eyes of the employer whose vacancy interests you. Is it named correctly? Does yours meet the requirements? Are your key skills clearly described? Those that may be most valuable in the eyes of the company are yours - they need to be highlighted.

For example, you see that your competitive advantage may be good knowledge of a foreign language - reflect this to the maximum in your CV, focus on it. “Working with foreign partners, conducting negotiations in English” - such a description will make a greater impression on the recruiter than the stingy “English - I speak fluently.”

Check to see if your resume highlights your achievements. They need to be described as specifically as possible. For example, instead of the vague wording “Successful interaction with industry media,” write: “Over six months, the number of mentions of the company in the media has increased 3 times.” Instead of “Ensuring a high level of sales” - “Increasing the level of sales by two times, including concluding agreements with large corporate clients.”

Make sure all relevant information is included in your resume. So, having additional education can play a certain role, especially if we are talking about some new types of professional activity - for example, marketing using social networks.

Have you filled out the “Hobbies and Interests” section? Of course, this information is not the most significant when making a decision, but why not add a couple of points to yourself by telling yourself that you, for example, are the district champion in athletics? However, there is no need to come up with anything extra: deceiving the employer (including in such seemingly insignificant details) is the worst possible way to find employment.

Finally, be careful about checking the spelling and punctuation on your CV. Remember: a highly qualified specialist cannot afford to speak his native language poorly.

Direct mailing
When the basic version of your resume is ready, start sending it out. You should not send your CV to all vacancies in a row - it is better to replace the number of attempts with quality. Choose only those vacancies that are truly interesting to you. Tailor your resume to each vacancy.

Don't be lazy in writing cover letters that indicate your compliance with certain job requirements. There is no need to repeat the information contained in your resume - you just need to place the emphasis correctly to attract the attention of the employer.

If there is no answer, you can call the company and ask about the fate of your CV - the lack of feedback does not always mean a refusal.

Good luck in your job search!